Arcana (1972)

revisions by anthrapoid
Listen kids, can you tell me where building C is?
Please dears, do you know where flat 26 is?
This is building C, isn't it?
Can you tell me that, little girl?
What a drag...
Right, like this. Focus on this, close your eyes...
Don't fear the magnetic waves I'm giving off to you.
Can you feel them flowing inside yourselves?
You feel warm, right? They're working...
Feel how much they're soothing your nerves.
Let yourselves go, relax.
Don't resist if you want to get maximum benefit.
Feel free, talk at will...
Illnessess are always expelled from one's mouth.
Trust me, don't be impatient.
He will come and break the circle that keeps you tied.
Do not feel ashamed of those bad things upsetting you.
First comes the grub, then the butterfly.
He will touch you with his hands and
purifying all the waste that pollutes you.
He will clear all your sorrows and concerns.
You shall leave this place completely healed,
both in the body and in the soul.
You shall stand and walk, but beware!
He can come in at any time...
Be ready to receive him.
You won't see him- because blind eyes don't look outside,
but at what's inside...
but you'll feel him inside your bodies
as I did when I conceived him.
True blood of mine do I offer to heal all your woes.
My son.
Go away...
The hand...
I want her to come back, back...
No, not like that...
Away! Go away!
How dark- Where are you?
Everything must change, I cannot bear this any longer.
Now please, some rest...
Hurt me no more, a little peace please...
Scared! I'm so scared when he comes home drunk...
The children... at home... no...
His hands on the little girl... not her... no
I don't feel you any more!
Don't leave me- I'm so afraid, it's all so dark...
I just can't pay- not under these conditions.
I'm losing out- I'm never going to make it...
I'll take a train- yes, yes! A train!
I know so many funny tales... really so many...
...a train, yes. That's it.
The light! Here comes the light!
The eye!
oh mother, why? Why didn't you come? Help me mother...
Day, night... all the time by the window...
Why do I have to suffer?
You can be so sweet when you want...
I see you coming... and touching me...
I see that... here... like that...
Oh dear don't stop... dear...
Don't go away, don't... oh dear, oh dear, dear...
Make her come back.
Not without her! So all of a sudden she left...
but I'll wait for her- I wait all those evenings...
I've already forgiven her. Tell her!
She's coming! Shhh! Here she comes! Shhh! Shhh!
There is no one left... no one. I'm alone, alone...
Leave me alone. Leave me...
There's no time left.
One minute. It's enough for me. Just one minute.
I'm Marisa.
Me... me me me me. I'm Marisa.
Me, me, me, me!
To sleep... to leave... to come...
Come once again, please! One more time! I want to see you!
I'm waiting at the door for you! Can't you hear me calling?
Why don't you listen?
Come on! Wake up you all!
Wake up! It's over, all over!
Do you feel better now?
Don't you feel relieved?
Rouse yourselves! You're free!
Soon you'll go out and take some fresh air. Wake up.
Goodbye Madam.
See? That advert in the newspaper really did wonders.
I didn't expect so many customers.
but we must persist. Enlarge the business.
Then we'll keep just the very best...
...the most profitable among them.
But I dont like everybody.
Are you tired?
Have something to eat.
They mucked up again!
I know, I know. I'm cleaning.
It's disgusting!
Don't be silly.
It will be clean again in a moment.
Surely I'm not complaining about this.
Thinking that we should live off your poor dad's retirement...
What would be so wrong with doing that?
It's not much, dear son- too little money.
You just don't realize- there's food, bills,
bills, instalments to pay...
Buying all this stuff was definitely frivolous.
I want a gorgeous house!
And this house has been a once-in-a-lifetime bargain!
Come on, arrange those chairs in place.
There are more customers coming.
I've scheduled some private meetings now.
Important people! Good clients!
Some of them would need a good serious punishment, didn't you see?
I know, I know.
I don't like them, either.
Did they show some progress at least?
Did you see any promise?
Don't ask for too much. It's possible to help
at least some of them, but with patience.
Lots of patience.
They look pretty satisfied, anyway.
What really matters, is they must return. Just this.
- Good afternoon, I phoned this morning.
- Please come in, I've been waiting for you.
Give it to me, please.
Make yourself at home.
Excuse the disorder; We receive a lot of people.
Have a seat, please.
What curious hands you have!
Let's take a deeper look at them.
Let me see...
Your hands are very interesting.
You must be a rather tough one, it's incredible.
These hands must be inspected carefully...
Here, there is something...
I see a still point. Have you been seriously ill?
- Yes, as a small child I nearly died!
- I knew that.
but since then everything rushes.
Maybe too much, too much...
I see many episodes overlapped, each one affects another.
All together they form a tangle.
You stay in the middle, calm,
because you have control over them...
...and fortune cares for what you can't control.
See her spinning around and solving problems.
Your character is strong, assertive.
You always get what you want... matter if it takes a long struggle.
An important deal will end successfully
thanks to your perseverance.
A major monetary gain will result.
But don't be blind! There is a man loving you madly
and secretly suffering for you, in the shadow.
Who is this man? What's his name?
Just the first letter!
Not yet. It is hard to read.
Perhaps you'll need to come here once again.
Happiness can be just around the corner,
but you still have to grab it.
Defeat the adverse forces. Have confidence.
Please let me meet him. Help me fly away with him!
one, two, three... one, two, three.
The queen of spades is being held prisoner in the tower.
The Emperor watches her...
She can't meet the Jack of Swords.
Who the hell is the Emperor?
He's the man who holds the power. Money.
Then the queen of spades could be my wife!
And what about the jack of swords?
I didn't get that. Ours is a big family, we've two sons
and two daughters too, the last just a few months old.
Then there is grandma and my brother-in-law,
with a grown up son.
We own three household appliance stores
and we are in need of all working hands.
We enlarged our house and I care for everybody's needs.
I'm the man in charge.
But I can't watch everybody!
The last thing I'd wish would be something secret going on
in my own home, something hidden from me.
Mine has always been an honorable family.
Can't you be more explicit about this issue?
About my wife...
about her last-born son.
The cup, please.
How many people...
At the end of such a day I'm tired, yet happy.
- Here, have some more.
- Please no, I'm full.
Eat- Some more meat will be good for you!
Come on, have some more. You're such a paleface, my son!
You really gave that poor man the shits today
when you appeared with his coffee!
Even I was scared!
Careful, dont be so stealthy. Make some noise before appearing.
You frighten them way too much!
I came when you called me.
I have my own ways to call for help when I need it, right?
He was asking for too many details.
Some family entanglements I knew nothing about...
...lucky that you came at the right time!
It's easier with coffee.
He wanted to know everything about each card...
...but he's a good customer.
To think he owns three appliance stores!
With all the troubles he's into
he's going to return here pretty often.
He's such a drag...
Anyway, one's got to respect rich people.
Some of them pay without a second thought,
no matter the price.
They ask for nothing in particular;
Just to hear someone talk about them.
It makes them look pretty vacant.
How badly some of them get frightened...
During a 'magnetic' session,
there's always someone shitting themself.
Many of those coming today are doomed.
Doomed? What do you mean by that?
In the group this morning
there is one man who will die soon... a certain sense he is already dead.
And about that woman with the flower dress-
She will give birth to a deaf mute child
within six months.
That man which had the coffee is
ferociously hated by his own family.
Someone will bite his little child one day,
and the truth will finally be revealed.
How can you know these things?
Don't interfere with the lives of our clients.
I beg you, don't interfere!
I beg you, it can be HELL!
We've got to draw dad's retirement.
I'm busy now, with all this work.
I'll do that.
God it's late! I've still got to buy something to eat!
Today I cooked some real tasty boiled stew!
My family hates that! It's so difficult
finding some good meat, nowadays!
I also love cooking a good risotto!
Ah risotto, yes- that's tasty!
Here, what a scent huh?
Ah, good.
How on earth can you ignore that?
It's the most organic authentic one...
Damn, I can't recall the name but i remember the tune:
It goes, 'taa taaa taaa'...
Sure, now I remember!
What the hell is that god damn clerk doing?
Haste makes waste!
- Let me go! Leave me! I'm innocent!
- why are they taking him?
What was he guilt of?
He's a crook.
A fake disabled worker...
Yet his arm was missing for real!
What matters is how he lost it!
An arm may well be worth nothing!
Still he's maimed, poor soul!
Death to the government, long live anarchy!
- What's this good for, now?
- It applies, trust me.
Please, keep the queue.
I want to go home, my back hurts...
Listen. I told him he couldn't make it.
Be kind sonny, try for me.
I ripped them off!
I'm not disabled, it's a trick!
but what about you? who's the holder of your cheque?
My father.
No, he died five years ago.
Working at the subway.
So many fell victims of those damned pigs!
Where are you taking me? Get your hands off me!
Pigs! Sons of bitches! Cunts! Pigs!
Mom! My back!
My baaaack!
Yes, yes...
Gosh, you're filthy! Where did you get so dirty?
We've got to hurry. I'm filled with appointments.
Tell me, did father die in the gallery,
or did they bring him outside still alive?
They brought him out still alive.
He died as soon as he saw daylight.
And who carried him out?
His comrades.
He had a whole lot of friends, didn't he?
He always had many. Everyone liked him down in the gallery.
How did that go exactly?
I told you that a million times now.
He was run over by a train while fixing rails.
After a while you can't hear anything down there, they say.
Who knows, maybe he was abscent-minded
or concerned about something.
Poor soul- he deceived himself believing that
he could make it just by working!
But we were short of money all the time.
Maybe he was just concerned about money
when he was hit by the train...
Heavens, we were really poor...
worse than when we left our village for the city!
Come on, stand up.
But from now on we'll be in straits no more!
If things continue like this soon we can buy
a sumptuous flat in an affluent neighborhood!
but we need to gather more rich clients before that.
We already got some fat ones, but we need more of them.
All the rest are penniless rabble.
Get out now.
Mmm, you smell good now!
Come on, dry off or you'll catch a cold.
I'm going for your clean clothes.
Do you know if donkey teeth have power?
I'm clueless! In fact I know very little of the Arts.
My mother, on the other hand- your grandma,
she was a truly great witch!
She knew how to pay back people
with some eerie tricks, when she wished to.
Sure she knew how to make donkeys fly!
Or maybe those things happened just because of
our hot southern sun, country herbs, plants...
...some animals too, but who knows?
or maybe even because of whole genuine foods,
cheese, bread, milk... pure oil!
Damn, what time is it?
Get dressed, quick! It's our guests!
No, don't leave me alone!
Oh John, come back! John, come to me!
...back, come back!
You won't see him.
but He will come and touch you with his hands.
He will purify your waste...
...wipe away your fear and sorrow.
You won't be able to see him...
but you'll feel him in your body,
as I did when I conceived and generated him.
He's truly the blood of my blood,
...offered by me to heal all of your woes.
My son!
I can walk.
I feel tired, and the road...
...the road is way too long.
they're over...
I'm exhausted, exhausted.
I've no more strength left...
...I just can't stand this any longer.
What's going on?
I woke up. Can't sleep.
I'm frightened.
Come here. Here with me.
I was afraid as well, a moment ago...
because of you!
Why were you so mean to our guests today?
Because they're insincere. They disguise themselves.
...and one of them was an informer, for sure.
Don't talk such nonsense! You'll just scare clients away!
They will come back, trust me...
Move close to me, let's sleep. Let's sleep.
Good afternoon, please come in.
I've already been there once...
I remember that. Make yourself at home.
I'll take care of this.
Please come, come.
Won't you have a seat? Are you afraid?
Surely not, of course.
I'm simply a bit concerned...
You know, I'm seeking some resolution...
Not about me, to be honest...
I need to know if certain decisions will be made.
'cause you see, my life...
Sure sure dear girl, but don't tell me all.
Please show me your hands.
Rest your hands here.
Relax them.
It's the first time that you've had them read, right?
Yes, first time.
I knew that. They're untouched.
Each line... where a contact is,
there is a positive mark.
The mark is repeated.
I wouldn't worry, if I were in your place.
Everything will happen according to your wishes.
Your hands are very clear.
The only adverse forces are within yourself.
But this is not a bad thing,
it's a sign of inner depth.
The lines of head and heart are separated.
Thoughts are thorny. Your heart doesn't get near them.
Thorns keep your heart at a safe distance.
In the battle between mind and heart, heart wins.
Did you know that there's a man much in love with you?
But it is not a straightforward love...
...and it's all your fault. Didn't you realize this?
I'm engaged. I'm just about to marry.
If this is what you are concerned about,
I can assure you that this marriage
isn't facing any external obstacles.
More than this- you'll soon have a child.
I am sure of this.
There are still many things waiting to be discovered.
Let's query the tarot.
Queen of swords...
The Sun...
and here you have the Lovers.
You won't be without love.
I will be deep and profound love.
You'll have a child.
Here we can see confirmation. An angel.
The tarot have spoken.
Is it certain? Is there a way to be sure of this?
...that he will actually marry me?
Can I have something that will grant this?
Can't you give me that?
Yes it's possible, but it's a dangerous thing to try.
...won't be easy to do.
You're making a talisman, aren't you?
Yes, it's for a girl who's about to marry.
She will marry tomorrow- Lend me a hand.
But this is salt!
What did you expect?
And this is sawdust!
And there are dried peas too...
for that stupid girl. She wants it whatever the cost.
It's just useless rubbish!
Of course...
What do you want for dinner?
I'm not hungry.
It's you! can't you sleep?
Sleep with me.
What's wrong with you?
Hold still! don't move! don't move!
I want a REAL talisman! You know the secret!
You must tell me what it takes!
What are the ingredients?!
I don't know! I don't know!
Liar! You must've known in order to generated me!
How did you conceive me otherwise?
You have to tell me! Confess all of your secrets!
I know nothing... I know nothing!
Liar! You gave birth to me!
You know everything! Tell me the elements!
I want a powerful talisman !
I don't know! I don't know!!!
I swear this!
I can't reveal these things!
It would unleash Hell!
I want this! you must tell me!
Hey! You!
Hey! What are you doing here?
who's he?
- I don't know that one.
- Isn't he poor Tarantino's son? Looks just like him!
- Why would he come into this hell?
- That was him, trust me!
Call him, then.
- Tarantino!
- See? He didn't answer. Back to work!
There, that's all. The tarots have nothing more to tell.
Refrain from adding details not belonging to this matter.
Be content with my plain, simple words.
I'm willing to return your money if you wish.
But I'm afraid to fail- I'm scared.
I need assurance and you can give me that.
Give me what you promised, please!
Don't talk so loud!
Avoid being heard!
Take this then.You asked for it.
No, don't touch it!
Maybe you can still escape from this.
I didn't manufacture it myself...
I don't know what it can bring to you.
I'm scared to death too.
Remember, there are things in life that no one can control.
I warned you! Leave this home now, go away! Go!
Why did you come here again?
I urgently need your advice.
That's fine, come in. You know you're always welcome here.
Make yourself at home.
What do you need to know now?
Did you know that we fixed the date of our wedding?
Next month on the 15th.
We're about to buy our house and all the furniture.
I'm happy at last.
I want to know what will happen to me
during these days I longed for so much.
I want to know day by day.
We'll place the bar cabinet here,
the armchair here, and here the table.
It's a lovely villa!
What do you think about papering the walls darling?
Some fine wallpaper...
With stripes in gradients of soft colors.
Won't that be too expensive?
That would be lovely though.
A truly impressive house.
I filled out the list of guests...
Guess how many? About 35!
Our invitations went fairly well.
I believe we got a good bargain here.
It is a great flat, isn't it darling?
Let's get married right away. No more waiting.
I'm frightened.
Which company dispatched you here?
Everything all right?
Excuse me!
It's him! Catch him, he's the one! Catch him!
Catch him! Come on!
Where did you go?
I've been waiting for you all day long!
Strolling around here and there...
I had some fun!
Careful, go easy with that...
Something could happen to you.
There's nothing to worry about...
I am invisible.
stupid fool!
Together we're awesome... they are scared shitless!
- Let me guess: you're looking for building C flat 26, right?
- Yes, precisely.
You're going the wrong way.
You have to go down, cross the courtyard...
go upstairs to the fourth floor,
and then fall headlong! Fall! Fall! Fall!
What shall we do now?
Why not going hunting for...
Rheumatism is plaguing me again.
My back hurts all over.
Let me do that.
Pay attention- don't hurt me, got it?
Heavens, I'm exhausted- all those clients...
Of course.
I took good care of this...
I put signals everywhere.
- It hurts?
- No, go on.
- Like this?
- Yes.
Just go up.
know what? That little stupid girl is pregnant.
Really? How did you know?
She dropped in today crying like a fountain.
Not to mention how much she begged.
Did you accept?
What else could I do?
I took pity on her. She is so stupid.
Then we'll need to arrange everything...
and ask some people over!
Sure that you won't chicken out?
Won't back out at the last minute?
Lie down.
Silence please!
Someone's at the door.
Can't you hear? Answer it!
- Leave me alone! Out of my way! hands off!
- How old is she? She looks just like a child!
Would you announce me to the lady?
She's in the kitchen, she asked to be left alone.
It's an urgent delivery- what's she doing?
No one knows anything here,
we're all just waiting...
The bones...
The bladder, the liver, the veins...
The lungs, the diaphragm, the muscles...
The arteries, the right side, the left side...
the right eye, the throat, the kidneys, the thighs
The feet, the arms, the hands, the tongue,
the nerves, the ligaments, the brain...
The head, the neck, the shoulders,
the arms, the chest, the lungs
the tongue, the stomach, the liver,
the heart, the nerves...
May I take a look?