Arceus and the Jewel of Life (2009)

Dazzling and allinspiring.
The amazing creatures
that thrive on this planet.
In number virtualy too massive
to even begine to count,
hundreds, thousands
is a more likely total,
but numerous and varied to be sure.
People and Pokemon, competing together
against others in a Pokemon Battle
and hoping to one day
become champions.
Living together,
and reaching out to each other,
as friends and comrades.
Which brings us Ash Ketchum,
from Pallet Town, working with Pikachu,
to catch other Pokemon
and perfect the art of the battle.
Traveling far and wide
with good friends
while honing his
many battling skills.
And with every new pokemon
our heroes meet along there exciting journey
a new adventure await them.
But now ...
Amidst the fearsome distortions
of time and space
one unfortunate encounter
has plunged the planet into crises.
and given birth to a new hatred.
In the unmoving intertwined
strings of fate
tangled and inexplicable
and seeking an answer beyond time and space
even now there are those
who seek to find an answer.
It is time to return the Jewel of Life.
Well, take it.
What are you doing?
-I can not give you the Jewel of Life.
You have betrayed me
and are trying to destroy me!
The time has come!
Human beings must be brought
to justice!
Ashes journey to become
a Pokemon Master continues.
As along Pikachu and his friends,
Dawn and Brock,
he happily arrives in Michina Town.
A beautiful place
surrounded by nature.
All right, everyone!
Come on out!
You guys too!
-All right, and you!
You think your funny.
-They sure are.
Wow! This is our lucky day.
-Hold on!
See, those watermelons are ours!
They were cooling down by the stream.
What a shame.
-Tough brake.
Ok, then you can have
'em on one condition.
Beat us in a battle.
Yeah, well settle this
with a tag battle.
Ok, I guess that's only fair.
-Fair and square.
You really can't come to this town,
without seeing the ruins.
-Yeah, of a temple from thousands of years ago.
Hey, the guidebook talks
about them as well.
I wanna see 'em.
Your gonna love 'em.
There the best!
So, what do you say
we check the ruins out?
The ruins are way up there.
I can feel positive energy
flowing through this place.
Me too.
-It feels so great.
What's that?
-Quick, Pikachu, use Thunder Bolt!
A thunder creature
and creature master, let's hurry!
The Pokemon are running away.
-Something's happening.
Let's move!
Oh, no, Pikachu!
Now Dialga, come forth!
Dialga, please,
save these Pokemon for me!
The legendary Pokemon that rules time.
But how?
-And how did she talk to it?
Hey, Dialga ...
It's Giratina!
It's too dangerous!
Get away, quick!
Giratina is after Dialga still.
-Please, stop it, Giratina!
Yeah, come on,
Dialga saved Piplop and Pikachu for us!
Now, transcend the confines
of time and space.
-Giratina's rage.
It's just too strong.
Can't you feel I'm right here with you?
So you remembered us.
Giratina's rage, it's gone.
Now's the time.
Transcend the confines
of time and space.
You have misunderstood Dialga.
Please, don't battle.
It looks like Giratina
gets it now.
That's nice if it's true.
But, I should have seen it in its heart.
Should have seen in its heart?
You see, I have the power
to connect my heart
with the hearts of Pokemon.
With Pokemon?
-Then you can connect with Dialga?
Yes, and it surely lend me
some of its strenght.
Dialga has?
Hi, my name is Sheena.
And I'm a guardian of these ruins.
Same here, too.
My name's Kevin.
So were any of you injured?
-No, we're fine.
My name is Dawn.
-My name's Ash and this is my partner Pikachu.
Thanks for saving my buddy.
Long ago, there was a
thunder creature and its master
and they changed the fate of this town.
Yes, you see, it's part
of the legend of this town.
Wait a minute.
A thunder creature and its master?
You mean me and Pikachu.
I have a feeling our meeting
may have been fated.
So would you mind coming with us?
-I'll do whatever you want.
I mean, after all,
you daves Pikachu's life.
Sheena, I'm Brock.
Another fated person.
Why just a short moment ago
I took a fated tumble and
scraped my elbow.
Which then lead to the fated fact,
that you would kiss it
and make it better.
And also fate would have you
stroke me with that beautiful hand of yours.
Which is a miracle
that took away all of my pain.
All because of the ficuled finger of fate
and now we get to know each other
and build our feeling on the fated love
that I know is there inside.
Such a lovely silkin' hand ...
Wrong hand.
Look out!
Sheena, we got to go,
or we'll get caught in the water spout!
But, wait ...
It's Palkia!
The legendery Pokemon
that rules space.
Hey, look at that!
-Palkia saved Dialga! Cool.
transcend the confines
of time and space.
Hold on, ...
It means rise above
or go over.
You see, right now Sheena's connected
to the hearts of both of those Pokemon.
She's syncing with them.
Thank you, Palkia, Dialga.
There gone.
-They've returned to there own dimensions.
See that?
I don't believe it.
I don't get it.
-I don't know what to get.
We saw the time, space Pokemon.
And a woman who can
control them, as well.
Tapping into the heart
of Pokemon rocks,
but I think she's got
control issues, too.
I can do that.
You know what?
You're just creepin' me out.
Wait, what's this?
-No way.
You tunnin' on somethin'?
I sure am.
My good looks.
I can't believe we're
under the ruins.
What's that?
The time-space axis.
Time-space axis?
-Yes, that's right.
It indicated the condition
of every small change
in the time-space continua.
We use it to investigate those places,
where time and space
have been disrupted.
Time and space disruptions?
That's correct. We watched
the strange mutations at Alamos Town.
And when that hole in time and space
opened near the glacier,
we were there, too.
Here's our world,
which is in turn supported by this,
Giratina's Reverse World.
Here we have the dimension of Dialga.
Here, Palkia's dimension.
On top of that,
Arceus's dimension.
What's Arceus's dimension?
-I never heard of it.
Is it a Pokemon?
The legendery Pokemon,
said to have created its entire world.
Entire world?
-By a Pokemon.
It's also said to have created
these world, too.
A Pokemon that
creates entire worlds.
Well, isn't that special.
-I wouldn't wanna meet it in a dark alley.
There is an omen that predicts Arceus,
will soon awaken from its long slumber.
Long slumber?
Massive whirlpools of energy
are beginning to form around Arceus,
as it begins to awaken.
These whirlpools are distorting space
and brought Dialga and Palkia's dimensions,
which were designed to remain
eternally seperated,
into contact with each other.
So Dialga and Palkia,
who shouldn't ever have meet,
collided with one another
in Alamos Town.
While both of them thought
the other had tried to threatened its territory.
There battle also affected
the Reverse World,
which brought Giratina into
the conflict, as well.
But, Sheena, you already
resolved the conflict
between Dialga and Palkia, didnt you?
-Wait a minute, why didn't Giratina understand you?
When the Pokemon is overcome by rage,
she can't connect with it's heart.
You see, we've been using
the alter to pinpoint
the moment when Arceus will appear.
Why will it do that?
It holds a grudge against humanity.
Arceus remains intent
on bringing us all to justice.
-Yes, justice.
It's possible that Arceus will
destroy us entirely.
A Pokemon destroying
all people!
No way!
It can't be.
Have a look at this.
It's a legend of this place.
Look at that!
-It's Arceus!
When it appeared
that fragments from the stars
would destroy much of the Pokemon,
Arceus sacrificed itself
in order to fend off the danger.
So it stopped meteors?
-Awsome, what an incredible Pokemon.
Arceus had been carrying the
16 life plates around with it
that could be used to
counter all possible attacks.
But it lost the life plates
in a collision with meteors,
making his death
at near certainty.
Then Arceus was saved
by a man named Damos,
who returned the life plates
to its rightful owner.
Back then Mischina was
little more then a wasteland,
spreading out over the land.
But when Arceus saw this,
it was overcome with pitty.
So it removed the powers of
water, grass, ground and electricity
from the life plates
and on top of that, dragon.
It then combined then into one,
making the Jewel of Life.
The Jewel of Life.
Arceus trusted Damos
and bestowed upon him the Jewel of Life,
even though this meant putting it's
own life in grave danger.
Arceus's magnificent strenght
flowed out of the Jewel of Life,
turning that wasteland,
that was Michina, into a fertile paradise.
And then came the day,
when Damos was to return the Jewel.
The day when the moon
covered the sun.
A solar eclipse.
However, Damos broke his promis,
and instead of returnig the Jewel of Life,
he attacked Arceus.
But why?
-Well, Damos believed,
if he were to return the Jewel,
this area would go back
to being an uncultivated wasteland.
Feeling profoundly betrayed,
Arceus fell into a rage
and destroyed this shrine.
And then,
in order to heal itself
from his injuries,
Archeus began a long sleep.
I can see,
why Arceus was upset.
And Arceus went as far as
to give a part of itself
to try and help Damos.
So, in the end it was Damos,
that acted so terribly.
Damos is my ancestor.
And this ...
Is the Jewel of Life.
The mother load.
That's it.
That Jewel is what
I'm talkin' about.
The jewel of a jewel.
-First things first.
We need that.
-And what about Arceus?
We need that, too.
-The thrill of double prizes.
Catching munchkins means one thing,
we'll be legends too.
Return those to Arceus,
the Jewel of Life,
placate it's rage,
less destruction visit this land.
See, it is written.
It's a message to us
from our ancestors.
So then, that means,
they realise there mistake.
We must return the Jewel of Life to Arceus,
so that we may calm its wrath.
What's going on?
Arceus is coming!
The time has come.
Prepare for justice!
Arceus, please!
You've got to stop!
Who are you?
I am a descendant of Damos, you see,
and I know my ancestor
did a terrible thing to you.
Please, forgive us!
That's the Pokemon, right?
-Arceus, yes.
And I bet money, that hulk
aint to pleased.
This is the Jewel of Life.
Here, I humbly return it to you.
My family has been protecting it
so that one day
we might present it to you again.
Heads up, guys!
Grab it now!
James can,
since he's a guy.
I insist, ladies first.
-Meowth's first.
No, James!
You're saying
this is the Jewel of Life?!
The Jewel of Life is a part of me,
it can not and will not break!
We'r blasting off again!
A forgery.
But how?
I don't get it, Sheena.
What's going on?
I don't know.
I truly thought it was the real thing all along.
'K, so were's the real one?
I won't let humanity deceive any more!
Arceus, wait!
I swear, I had no idea
it was a counterfeit, please believe me!
Now, transcend the confines
of time and space.
Arceus's rage is to strong.
You shall be brought to justice!
Are you siding with the humans?!
Pakia's attacks aren't working.
-Arceus has to be using the life plates,
to defend against its opponents attacks.
Out of my way!
What do we do?
it's trying to tell me something?
Not even magical creatures shall be forgiven,
for siding with human beings.
Take this!
Come on, Arceus, stop this!
Oh, no, if this keeps up ...
Pikachu use Thunder Bolt!
Did it work?
Remember, that Arceus lost
several of its life plates,
including those that works defense
agains electric tipe attacks.
That's right!
Pikachu use Thunder Bolt again!
Out of my way!
You all shall be brought to justice!
Everyone, get away!
Giratina understands!
Palkia is destorting space
to stop Arceus now.
What's going on?
How is this happening?
It's night time.
Not exactly.
An eclipse.
-Yeah, but when ...
The ruins!
What's going on?
Dialga must've sent us into the past.
-To the past?
Back to the day of the
fated promis with Arceus.
It is time to return the Jewel of Life.
So, that means,
that must be Arceus in the past.
It sure looks looks that way.
Here is the Jewel of Life!
I will comune inside! Please, follow me.
Now, take it!
What are you doing?
What in the world?
-The time-space axis showed this.
Damos never returned the Jewel of Life.
Instead, he attacked Arceus.
Wow, that's Damos.
Can it be?
It's not!
It's counterfeit!
The real one is right here!
I could never give you
the real Jewel of Life!
You fool!
Michina will flourish forever more!
And never will it turn into a wasteland!
You have betrayed me
and are trying to destroy me!
They're falling!
It's to dangerous here!
-What shall we do?
Please, Dialga, send us
back furthur into the past!
Still breathing.
What is that?
The sun is shining again.
Looks like Dialga did
what you asked.
What is this?
-Master Marcus, strange people have appeared.
That man ...
Bronzon, use Hypnosis.
You people are clearly
not of this land.
Yes, we have come here
from the future.
-To stop you from battling with Arceus.
Such strange words you speak.
-We know everything,
that's gonna happen in the future.
Oh ..
-Please, believe me!
Well then, let us hear
what this woman has to say.
Have the children wait in the cell.
Take good care of them.
In here.
Tell us where we are, anyway!
What do we have here?
You see, this is the underground prison
and one of Master Marcus's
magical creatures
just used Hypnosis on all of you.
He means Pokemon.
-I see, that was Bronzon.
Where's Pikachu?
-And what happened to Piplup?
And Sheena?
There safe.
Sheena is speaking with Master Marcus right now.
-Yeah, remember?
I wonder, who Marcus is.
A backstabber.
It's true, you see.
Marcus was an undering of mine,
but he tricked me
and threw me in jail.
You must be ...
Wait, you saying you know me?
-Yes, of course!
But, you're not from here.
-I want to know,
why you won't return
the Jewel of Life to Arceus.
And why are you setting
a trap for Arceus, too?
I am doing nothing of the sort!
I have every intention of returning
the Jewel of Life to Arceus!
-You're a liar!
It's the truth!
That's why Marcus put me in jail!
To keep me from doing
that very thing.
May I say something?
That man is definitely
speaking the truth.
I absolutely know, for a fact,
that Damos was attempting to
return the Jewel of Life
back to Arceus.
What I'm completely uncertain about is,
whether or not that's the correct action,
for Damos, to take.
-So you're telling the truth.
Hey, the Hypnosis!
-Right, Bronzon used it!
So Marcus must have used Hypnosis
on Damos and manipulated him, as well.
Of course!
Hold on, what in the world
are you talking about!
We came here from the future,
you see.
The future?
Take a look at this.
Magical creature.
-In the future this is called a PokeBall.
'Course, you don't have these yet.
And back were we come from,
what you call magical creature,
we call Pokemon.
I understand it now.
You said, you all came here
from the future
and you were telling the truth.
Damos has no intention of returning
the Jewel of Life back to Arceus.
I'm certain of that.
-I see.
But then, if Arceus doesn't
get the Jewel of Life back,
terrible things will start to happen!
What kinda things?
Concerning you and Damos.
What are you saying?
-You have to trust me, please!
Quit dily daling.
No goofing off!
Don't come near me!
Stay back!
What do you want?
Hey, wait!
Ok, you guys.
I think we'll be able to chill out here.
Could it be?
Say, its a helmet from ancient times!
Wow, check this out!
We're talking ancient crown here!
Feast your eyes!
Doesn't this antiq tiara set off my modern look?
This place is teaming with treasure!
I love work,
when your using your head!
Palkia, please, hold on.
I beg you.
So you'r telling me,
I betray Arceus in the future?
That's it.
-That's what the legend says and...
The people of Michina saw
you as an evil man from then on.
As if I could ever betray Arceus!
who saved us all.
If this keeps up,
it's the end of the world.
It's Arceus!
The world has escaped destruction.
Arceus, please.
Transcend the confines
of time and space.
Are you the one who saved me?
Oh, no, no, Arceus.
It was you who saved us!
But then, terrible things had happened
to our beloved town Michina.
It struggled for its survival.
If it keeps up like this,
we won't survive the winter.
You want to revitalize this land.
Don't you?
How pitiful.
All right.
I shall lend you my strength.
These keep me alive.
There a part of my being.
The power of ground,
water and grass.
And combined with this,
the power of electricity,
they all melt together.
And with the power of dragon,
they increase.
Use this Jewel of Life
for the greater good.
To make the land rich and fertile.
The Jewel of Life.
-But ...
Without that Jewel my life is diminished.
Damos, I am trusting you.
Trusting you with my life.
Arceus, I thank you.
You have my word.
I will return it back to you.
Through the grace of the Jewel of Life,
the land blossomed and flourished.
Mr. Damos, it looks like
we'll be able to harvest this year, too.
That's right, we shall all work together.
Soon, I'll be able to return the Jewel of Life.
-I understand.
I will wait, until the time
the moon next covers the sun.
Thank you.
Until then I will continue revitalizing the land.
And so, the days past by.
And I constructed a shrine,
dedicated to Arceus.
To show my enormous and eternal gratitud.
And today the moon will cover the sun.
Then today is the day of the promise.
From what you know,
would you mind telling me,
what sorte of attacks Damos
might have used on Arceus.
He used several electric attacks
and then dropped a boulder on Arceus.
What about silver water?
I guess he didn't use it.
I believe you.
I shall stop Damos at once.
We must return the Jewel of Life to Arceus.
This is the Jewel of Life.
You shall return it to Arceus.
Let's go.
You shall change history.
Thanks you, sir.
How do we get out of this join?
And there's no trace of twerps.
Twerps smurfs.
I need a nap.
Enough already!
I must go.
I must return the Jewel of Life to Arceus.
But how are you going to get
yourself out of here?
I have friends as well.
Thanks so much.
-Thank goodness your safe, Piplop.
What a relief.
Oh, so they helped you out too, did they?
Damos, you can see
the hearts of Pokemon as well, right?
That's because he's Sheena's ancestor.
-Yeah, that's right.
Thanks you.
Children, from the future.
Hey, Damos!
It is time to return
the Jewel of Life.
My name is Sheena.
Here is the Jewel of Life.
Where is Damos?
-He isn't coming.
Did something happen to him?
-He was going to betray you.
It can't be.
-Yes, it's true, but I have the Jewel...
You have deceived me!
-That's not true!
Now, the silver water!
What's this?
Something's not right.
-Maybe, we're too late.
There's Sheena!
The Jewel of Life is right here.
But I'm not just gonna
give it back to you.
You ...
How could you do this?
Many thanks for telling me
all about the future, dear.
Because now,
history's about to change.
Stop it!
All of you!
Was that Damos, just now?
Ash, wait! -I'm gonna get the
Jewel of Life back from Marcus.
Are you hurt?
-Who are you?
I know this wasn't your fault.
You must be Sheena.
I did something foolish.
If only I had realised,
Marcus would betry me this way.
Use Hammer Arm!
Good work!
Now, Michina will forever flourish.
The end of desolation.
You give the Jewel of Life to Arceus
right now, or else!
It's too late for that!
It belongs to us now!
Quick Pikachu,
use Thunder Bolt!
Look out!
I'm certain that one day,
you all will thank me.
What for?
Because I am saving the future.
-Saving the future?
Arceus will perish here.
Which means there won't be a way
for Arceus to appear
in the future ever again.
I am changing history!
Why did you betray me?
All right, Pikachu,
use Volt Tackle!
Now, Piplop,
use Whirlpool!
Pikachu, Thunder Bolt,
let's go!
give me your hand.
Transcend the confines
of time and space.
Everyone ...
Arceus sacrificed its very life,
to save us,
and also to save out land.
Magical creatures live in the shrine?
-Can you guys help us?
All right!
Everyone, stop your attacks!
They stopped attacking!
Arceus, please,
look at me!
Heatran, Bronzon,
take care of this!
What the...
K, here it comes!
Way to go, Pikachu.
Hey, Ash.
Hey, guys!
I got the Jewel of Life.
Ash, great!
-Return it to Arceus, quickly!
Let's go, buddy.
I brought you the Jewel of Life.
So, please, take it!
What's going on?
-Oh, no!
What's happening to me?
Your disappearing.
With Arceus no more,
there is no reason for you
to have to come back here.
History has changed.
No, Arceus.
You can't die! You can't!
You can't leave this world hating us!
I won't let you!
The Jewel of Life,
please, take it.
We're back.
Your all fools.
We're alive!
Who are you?
I'm Ash and this
is my partner Pikachu.
Ash and Pikachu.
Are you the ones who saved my life?
-It wasn't just us.
Your alive.
Everybody here did it.
Arceus, please, forgive me.
I already sought in your heart.
It's all right.
This is the end.
I know it.
This place will once again
become a wasteland.
For us there is no future.
I have used up all of my strenght.
So for now, I must rest.
Farewell, Damos.
Ash, Pikachu
and you...
All of my beloved.
Dialga is calling.
Time to return to the future.
-But I wanted to speak more.
Me too.
-Yeah, me too. - Same here.
But it's not to be,
future children.
The future.
Are we back?
And Dialga.
Palkia, too.
-It's still angry.
But how?
No, Arceus, no!!!
Who are you?
I'm Ash and this
is my partner Pikachu.
History has been corrected.
Washed up, again.
Everything is back to normal.
-Thank goodness.
Wait a minute.
We returned the Jewel of Life in the past,
which means this place
should be totally desolate.
-This isn't my doing.
Your ancestors dedicated there entire lives
to cultivating and restoring this land.
This place was brought back to life,
by the efforts of people and Pokemon alike.
I understand.
-Sheena, we did it.
Bye bye!
-Thanks for everything!
look at this.
Is that ...
-It's us.
Damos must have left it,
knowing we would see it.
There's something writen here.
To all of my beautiful
future children,
who taught me how to believe.
I offer all of you now
my sincerest hopes
and wishes, that the future world
will become more and more beautiful.
And that is exactly kind of world,
you find yourselfs in.
Thank you, Damos.
This world of your's
is truly a magnificent place.
It is.
And now, with great joy,
I have finally come to understand,
that I am truly a part of it.
See you, Arceus!
Bye, Arceus!
-Thank you for everything!