Arctic Blast (2010)

Until now ...
Field Station in Hobart
Alex from North Star, entered.
May I speak to Jack?
- Jack, North Star on a line.
- Thanks.
- How's it going, Alex?
- Fine, but now you hear.
- I would like to see the eclipse.
- Not working.
The moon has covered the sun.
We are in the shade.
Strange. Eclipse looks like
a large, empty, black hole.
- By Jarrod head inside.
- Thank you, young nerd.
Are your parents not geniuses?
My mother is a forensic doctor,
and my father is a meteorologist.
I did not know
that your father studied meteors.
Why we find ourselves in him?
- What about the last ozone sector?
- It's thin. It has become weaker.
Thank you China for all the fossil
fuels, they close out.
I could cite many other countries.
When I come back, we open
the bottle of whiskey, I have saved.
We found a discrepancy.
Look up. Far up.
- How far?
- About 85 kilometers.
The temperature in mesosfren
dropped by 11 degrees.
- Is it the eclipse?
- Publish a thesis on it.
An article by
the disobedient atmospheric physicist.
- No, then I get only problems.
- To do always.
The I realized
when I was married.
- Alex and I prefer single life.
- Clear. I love being single.
Go back to your classroom.
Now the boring
eclipse over.
Are you taking it?
- Jack Tate's phone service.
- May I speak to Jack?
It's your wife.
- Emma ...
- How are you?
- Divorce lawyer! I forgot about it.
- You are 20 minutes delayed.
but there was something important.
- When can you be here?
- About 45 minutes.
We can take a cup of coffee.
We wait.
- You heard it well too.
- Yes. It grieves me, mate.
Check energiabsorberingen
and temperature decreased.
Yes, it's no problem.
We take care of us. You have much to do.
Keep weekends free.
- Are you sure? And all the data?
- We have backup.
- And we're coming back.
- Thanks. See you on Monday.
Good luck.
- If you want to talk to someone ...
- I get along. Thanks, Zoe.
Captain, let's sail to Hobart
and try to save a little of the weekend.
The temperature drops drastically.
What happens?
Up to the bridge!
Hobart, Australia
Another beautiful spring day in Hobart.
It is 22 degrees.
The sun will shine for a few days.
- Jack Tate.
- I've waited two days.
- Where is last week's report?
- It is coming.
We have some unusual data
which takes longer to analyze.
- How much longer?
- Very soon.
I would just remind you about:
the last time you exceeded the budget ...
- Walter, you disappear.
- Do not fall behind again, Jack.
You have one week.
Call you later ... Runs through ...
No coverage ...
He annoys me.
- I have tolerated it for 12 years.
- He is ICRO's best field researcher.
- Give him some slack.
- You're right.
Instead, Beijing is his
next job done in. .. Siberia.
Are you sure that you do not
can get together again?
- Completely safe.
- Completely safe?
You will not beat you down. We are
in my hometown. Naomi thrives here ...
- ... And you take a job in Beijing!
- I will not leave ICRO.
That's why
our marriage is not working.
We must talk about it, but not
in front of a blood-sucking parasite.
We talk constantly, but nothing happens.
I want a divorce.
Give me some time, I release it.
I drop the project in Beijing.
- I've heard that before.
- A little more time. Tell me yes ...
- Where are you going, my slut?
- To Franny. I go.
- We should talk, Naomi.
- If you forgot my birthday?
- I had planned a surprise.
- Yes, certainly. I must go.
- Give me a chance!
- I'm not a child.
I know what happens between you
and mother. I can not do anything!
- To prioritize the job first.
- It is not true.
You miss us
when working on a task.
We moved around the world
and you did not ask what we wanted.
You are right.
You are right. I've been selfish,
arrogant and stubborn.
- Yes, you.
- Can I make amends?
I apologize. I must go.
- Have you had a hard day?
- Yes, you could say.
We must postpone the meeting
until we get Jack Tate's report.
About a week or so.
Yes, I know.
I am also sad.
I give him a long leash.
Thank you. Goodbye.
I wish
that you were with.
Two of us and your friends on the cruise.
It would be a little cramped.
There is always room.
You have paid for the suite.
Think of it as compensation
for my business trips.
Stop barking! Stupid dog.
What the hell?
See right there.
- So we stand up!
- Oh god ...
- You are greeted early.
- I love my job.
And you sleep in the office ...
Has it been a tough weekend?
I had
to work with data report.
- And so I avoided Emma.
- I thought so.
Jack Tate's phone service.
It's Brent Durrant
from the ambulance service.
Hi, Brent. It's Jack.
- Jack.
- Brent.
- It grieves me.
- Tell me just what happened.
We have 15 dead
No survivors.
The engine was still there. The ship went
because without someone at the helm.
- What they died of?
- We do not know.
- There is extensive tissue damage.
- What tissue?
We know only
when they were autopsied.
Zoe and I
need to board the ship.
Alex may have left something
who can show what happened.
- Here is very humid.
- Careful. There are smooth.
What the hell happened?
It becomes problematic.
It is drenched.
- Hello?
- Walter, I'm at Northstar.
- Alex and the others are dead.
- What? Who's dead?
- What are you talking about?
- Alex and crew are killed.
- How did it happen?
- They have tissue damage.
The whole ship is filled
with condensation.
It makes no sense.
It is completely crazy.
- I know how it sounds.
- What we say to their relatives?
- Autopsy reports coming.
- Performs Emma autopsies?
- Yes.
- What about Alex's measurements?
- There is perhaps a trace.
- His hard drive may be damaged.
I get our people
to investigate.
- Call me when you know more.
- Yes.
They're all dead.
I spoke with Alex
three days ago.
Three days ago!
And now he's dead!
Let's get outta here.
- Is it ready?
- I think so.
Okay, let's see ...
It looks as if many files
has been destroyed.
The last files are not videolog,
but the weather satellite images.
What the hell happened out there?
- Did you see that?
- What was that?
The data is corrupted, but it looked like
a crack in the ozone layer.
It's too fragile. All data
be copied onto a new hard drive.
- What have you found?
- Can you come over here immediately?
- There is something you must see.
- I'm coming.
Copy the disk and compare
with weather satellites for the sector.
Buy a few pieces of chocolate for me.
- When have you checked your blood sugar?
- I'm fine. Buy chocolate.
I have information about a cold front
It is only 90 kilometers wide. I
never seen such a local cold front.
Look at isotermanalysen.
- Have you seen anything similar?
- No. Interesting.
Can we get the temperature
in the circumpolar current?
- What's the weather in the area?
- Weak easterly wind. Nothing unusual ...
- Should we give Barker message?
- No, it is not necessary.
It disappears enough for a couple hours
but watch it.
- Emma. What have you found?
- Thank you for coming.
This is one of the crew.
- How did they do?
- Iskrystaldannelse in the body.
It went so fast
they almost ruptured spontaneously.
I know it sounds crazy.
Check this out.
- What is it?
- Cells.
Can you see the crystallized
fractures around the edges?
Cells were frozen
at between -60 and -75 degrees.
- How quickly would people ...
- They could not manage to feel anything.
Do you have a death date?
It happened
during Friday afternoon.
- Just when I had spoken with Alex.
- Jack ...
I'm okay.
I have to take it. Zoe?
Weather Department has followed a cold front
for some hours.
The coordinates match
with North Star's position.
Make a simulation of our data.
Mesosfre, ozone, eclipse ...
And take the crack in the ozone layer,
then we see if there is a connection.
Cromwell ISLAND
Since we copied
the damaged hard drive -
- We found several discrepancies. We have a
simulation of what we think killed them.
Many are waiting for answers.
What have you, Jack?
Eclipse has apparently
influenced mesosfren.
It caused the temperature drop,
increasing the air density.
Ozone, which protects us
v mesosfren was too weak -
- Because of
anthropogenic pollution.
Atmospheric pressure is created
a crack in the ozone.
Warm air rises,
and cold air drops.
Mesosfreluften formed a funnel
through ozone into the Pacific.
We believe that a deadly
cold front was formed.
Northstar had no idea
what happened.
How cold is the air
from mesosfriske crack?
Minus 95 degrees. Probably warmer
when the air hits the ground surface.
We believe that it was cold enough
to flash-freeze a man and a ship.
But it is only a simulation,
a theory. Nothing has been proved.
Weather Institute took a cold front on
the place where the North Star was.
- It is moving towards our coast.
- The poles are not earth coldest place.
It is mesosfren around us.
Cold front is deadly.
- It's your opinion, Jack.
- It sounds convincing.
We should explore it here. There is
minus 90 degrees in mesosfren.
Can you confirm that the crack exist?
Can it be documented?
No, not yet. Many of the data
from the ship was destroyed by moisture.
- I need a second satellite ...
- We can not frighten the public.
Send all your data to us
and let us analyze them.
I gather a team
with John Duval and Christine Case.
We will keep you informed.
I will contact you.
Our stations
should monitor the cold front.
It can be found.
I ask the team to work late.
Now we are disobedient, Zoe.
- Disobedient? Is it something illegal?
- Somewhere in the gray area ...
- What should we do?
- We use a military satellite.
- We need a password.
- I have a backdoor into the system.
You are really naughty.
Half of my facts last year
originated from the hacked satellites.
We must do it quickly. I do not know
how long we have access.
- Where are you going?
- To rescue service.
We can not wait for Walter.
Brent must implement a plan.
- Marlene, came with!
- I can not with my parents.
- Act to take good notes.
- It does me.
This is far above my level.
A crack in the ozone layer
cold air from the stratosphere ...
- Mesosfren. Front killed everyone.
- There may be other explanations.
- A chemical leak? Carbon dioxide?
- It makes no sense.
- We do not have the answers.
- No. Only 15 corpses.
We have no facts about the autopsy
or cold front before tomorrow.
If it reaches Tasmania
people will die.
You have no proof!
Who reported
about the hurricane in Queensland?
- Dig. We found it within one hour.
- Before weather satellites found it.
I lose my job if I am sounding the alarm
without having the facts.
- What should I say?
- "A severe cold front is approaching."
- I can not.
- Cold front is found.
You're the new leader
by ambulance.
- Do we know anything about this?
- No. It is not a threat.
- You are as bad as my boss ...
- Give me more than a theory.
Theories do not turn people to death.
If the cold front moves
in on the coast, many will die.
According to weather forecast
it will be only ten degrees colder.
They are wrong.
I'll pick Naomi to school now.
Get your parents to meet us
by the laboratory. There are safer.
Are you so sure, Jack?
You know me.
I'm not responding.
When the gentlemen trades
it is too late.
- Where's Naomi?
- I have not seen her.
This is important.
Otherwise I would not ask.
- I will not become involved.
- Where is she?
She is driven to Ryan's Beach Head
along with Franny and Jarrod.
- I should perhaps be driven alone.
- So you would have math class.
- I just check the waves.
- Do it. We dress on.
- He will love the bikini.
- Has your mother seen it?
She would flip out!
It is Naomi's phone.
Leave a message.
- The waves could be better.
- Have you noticed anything different?
- Here is deserted.
- Yes. Great.
Do you set up a tent?
I want to surf.
According to the weather forecast when the cold front
Ryan's Beach Head first.
- How are you?
- An hour's drive away.
- You run right into it.
- Yes, but I have no choice.
- Sheep Naomi grounded now?
- In the rest of her life.
It is with Margaret and Harold.
Leave a message.
Mom and Dad? Call my mobile
when you hear my message. It is urgent.
- Do you miss me?
- You know that.
I wish you were here.
You would love it.
The buffet is fantastic.
Crab every night.
- And they have a fantastic casino.
- It sounds exciting.
Is everything okay?
You're not still in office?
Yes, unfortunately.
We have a right hurry.
We've had an accident at one of
our ships. It was very serious.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- I will not bore you with it.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
I love you.
I love you too.
Our stations have submitted data.
The team examines them.
- When is their analysis done?
- About two to three days.
I must have about 24 hours.
Give them the resources they need.
You may like to get more analysts.
I approve overtime.
- It's my dad again.
- Do not ...
I'm not taking it.
It is Naomi's phone. Add ...
I do not understand
they met with an attorney.
They might find back together.
That kind of happens all the time.
- I hope so.
- I go into the water. Going?
Will not you?
I dip the toe in the water.
Beautiful, Jarrod!
What is that?
Strange ...
It is almost at you.
When are you promoting?
- About five minutes. I reach it.
- Hurry!
How cool!
Can you see it? It's incredible!
I've never seen
something similar.
Oh no, that's my dad.
- We would come home tonight.
- Be quiet and listen.
Can you see the mist?
It's so cold that it kills us.
- What?
- We're going to the car now.
- Jarrod!
- Franny! Stay here!
- Jarrod!
- Jarrod!
- Mr. Tate?
- Come out of the water!
- What happens?
- Get up! The cold will kill you!
Come up, Jarrod! Hurry!
Running, Franny!
Hurry! Run!
Hold on!
- It's Brent.
- It has come to Ryan's Beach Head.
- What?
- Cold Front.
- We know that. We take precautions.
- It has just killed two people.
- What are you talking about?
- It is between -60 and -80 degrees.
Do you know how it affects people?
They died within a few seconds.
- On reaching the city.
- I Begin.
- I'm sorry for what happened.
- What is happening?
A crack in the ozone layer.
Ice cold air forms a cold front.
- It freezes everything to ice.
- Must we die?
- Should we do it, Dad?
- Not if it were up to me.
- Mom, Dad!
- Emma!
- What are you doing here?
- I've tried to call.
- Is everything okay?
- A cold front coming. We should run.
We do not run because of
a cold front. We have firewood and food.
It is not an ordinary cold front.
It is deadly.
Nonsense. The radiation from the screen
has made some barmy.
They would have said it on TV!
The kind they tell.
- They do not know. Jack knows it.
- Cold Fronts are not deadly.
We must trust him.
- Jack?
- Naomi is with me.
I have underestimated how fast
cold front is. Where are you?
With mom and dad.
See you at the lab.
- I can not get there.
- Can I achieve it?
- Yes, we are moving to the laboratory.
- How long does it take?
I do not know.
Get started in the heat.
Gather firewood
and warm clothes.
- See you soon, sweetie. Okay?
- Bye, Mom.
Shall we go to the lab?
Jack said,
that we should stay here.
Sir, it is Brent Durrant
from Tasmania ambulance.
- Barker.
- Cold Front at -60 degrees here.
- When will it happen?
- A short time ago.
Keep me informed.
Listen, everybody!
Cold front is reached.
We have extremely low temperatures.
We impose emergency -
- For severe weather
in Tasmania.
- Contact all TV and radio stations.
Warnings issued about a minute.
I would have calculated the times
for all locations and cities in Australia.
This can be a disaster.
We interrupt our broadcast
to send a warning.
An unexpected cold front has reached
Tasmania's south coast.
About two hours
when presenting to Hobart.
- You can expect freezing.
- Minus Grader? It's spring!
... Anywhere where there is
a stove or a fireplace.
Wear warm clothes.
Listen to ndradiostation 051 -
- To get regular news
on weather and traffic conditions.
It is a cold front,
not Armageddon! Pay!
Sorry. It is confirmed.
Cold Front framework Tasmania.
- It killed so the crew.
- It starts with a cold Freezing Fog.
- It envelops the surroundings.
- It's unbelievable.
We must stop meeting with John, Michael
and Christine and find a solution.
I would recommend that Jack participant.
He understands this stuff.
He makes it more complicated.
We have his data.
- Are you sure?
- Yes. Come on.
Thanks, John.
All data has been downloaded.
Military satellite was a goldmine.
I found ozonrevnen -
- And polls proving
mesosfren that creates cold front.
Transfer the information to the ICRO,
NOAA and rescue service.
- How are you?
- Alone. They went when they heard the news.
- It was not what I asked.
- I'm fine.
- Good, because we are soon ahead.
- Do not run a detour.
- Cold front is here in an hour.
- Turn up the thermostat.
The warmer the better.
There must be some jackets and blankets.
- You get we need.
- It does me.
- I'm afraid.
- Are you? I am too.
- Are you?
- Yes.
Damn it!
Insulin ...
Into the gym!
According to meteorological department is an extremely
cold air mass arrived at Hobart.
Shelters are open to people
without access to protection.
Cold front is surrounded
of a deadly Freezing Fog.
This is your captain. We start
approach towards Hobart.
It is the control tower.
We have dangerous weather conditions.
Would I repeat, Hobart?
- We have dangerous weather conditions.
- They do not work.
... Approaching. It is not known
how long the cold will last.
- It starts to get cold, Mom!
- I'm talking on the phone.
Mom, we need to drive to
to the gym.
I must hang up.
Mom, we gotta go!
Hurry, mom!
Oh no! Mom!
An airliner has crashed
in Hobart.
Authorities believe it is due
the dangerous Freezing Fog in Tasmania.
Parliament assembled
to discuss the crisis.
The military has been called
to participate in rescue work.
All military personnel
been summoned to their bases.
When we arrive,
we must be swift.
Hurry! Run!
- Zoe?
- Jack! Naomi! Well, I made it!
- Are we prepared?
- As good as possible.
Disappearing stream?
No. The generator adapts
decreasing temperature.
As long as it runs,
can we keep warm.
This is crazy!
Freezing Fog is minus 68 degrees.
- Tomorrow is the 20 degrees warmer.
- Lovely minus 48 degrees.
- It was not funny.
- It was not intended.
- Have you and Naomi right?
- Yes, we are in the laboratory.
- People die in Hobart.
- I know. Do not go out.
- It hits you soon.
- May I speak with her?
- It's me. I'm so scared.
- It all resolves itself.
- Naomi?
- Mom?
- Mom?
- Naomi?
Mobile mast is not working.
She is gone.
Let me in!
- There is someone out there.
- My goodness ...
- Help! Let me in!
- Close the door!
We put her
front of the fire.
You'll probably get along.
I can not feel ...
- Unable to brand ...
- You're shocked.
Where is my brother?
- Where is my brother?
- You were sadly alone.
He disappeared ... in the fog.
He is safe
reached safe with anyone.
My parents said
I had to look after him.
It resolves itself.
It resolves itself.
Where are my pills?
It's okay.
Here they are.
It's heart medication.
The shock could kill her.
It is not reasonable.
They should have warned us.
We switched us into
at Hobart's traffic camera system.
It is a pure ice age.
There is a video call to you, sir.
- Brent, what happens?
- We had no time.
- How are you?
- Closed holding 300 others.
It is fortunate that we have power.
- Have you provided shelter?
- Gymnastic halls and cultural centers.
But not everyone
equipped with generators.
- Death?
- It all goes so fast.
- Brent, how many are dead?
- I do not know. It's probably many.
- When does it end?
- Never.
Unless we can close
hole in the ozone layer.
Zoe, send crack
MPA signature to me.
Sending ...
Last Thursday metered Alex mesosfriske
discharges in the crack industry.
I check
the electromagnetic radiation.
Emissions can function
as ignition.
Jack here. The crack can be closed.
I need to ICRO's support.
We're working on it. You have to think
on your family's safety.
What will you do?
We close the crack with 300 weather balloons
with magnesium particles.
Planes will ignite the phosphor material
with missiles.
The explosions will ionize ozone
and closing crack.
It is a collaboration
between the U.S. and Australia.
It will not work. One must
work with nature, not against it.
All the best researchers
can not be wrong.
They are wrong. Believe me.
We must attack the problem from above.
Stimulate mesosfren,
so that nature creates ozone by lightning.
- Send your data.
- They have been given the green light.
- It's a mistake, Walter.
- I have to hang up.
- What do we do?
- Creates the simulation without ICRO.
- Walter is not exactly your fan.
- Many will die because of his ego.
The explosions ionize the air -
- Creates more ozone
and closes the crack.
I will lead America's efforts
with General Stratton.
One of your bases in Queensland
has shown many weather balloons.
- The cast.
- Make sure they work.
They must be sent up through your department.
I will soon have the information.
How are you, Zoe?
Good. Apart from
I have not slept in 24 hours.
- Jack!
- What is it?
I did a search based
on ozonrevnens data signature.
There are three additional ozone cracks.
What happened?
The first crack created motion
in the ozone layer and created several cracks.
It gets worse and worse.
The new cracks
creates more movement.
A severe cold front
have been formed over Tokyo.
- It can not be our crack.
- No. New ozone cracks have appeared.
One of Japan.
Three other confirmations.
Over Russia, England and China.
Damn it!
- I am worried about them.
- There is always hope.
Jack is smart.
One survives.
I know he is clever.
He is extremely good.
And idealistic, egocentric
and a red head.
But if anyone can save Naomi,
it's him.
Are there any?
Who do I talk with?
Drew Wilson.
Who do I talk with?
- Harold Stuart. Where are you?
- It sounds like a child.
Bar Harbor, Maine, USA.
Where are you? Switches.
I call from Hobart in Australia.
We have a problem.
Australia? There is ice cold.
People and animals die everywhere. Switches.
I know.
If you have a TV or a radio -
- Turn on the news
and let me listen. Switches.
- What happened? Smoke is the connection?
- I think not.
Weather crisis has gone global.
Parts of Europe and Asia were affected.
In the U.S., the authorities
declared martial law.
- Cold fronts can reach us soon.
- I must say it to mom.
Are you there? Your mother can wait.
This is important!
Pete? Are you there?
Pete, call Walter Winslaw!
How are you doing in Tokyo?
Thousands have died.
Walter Winslaw on line one.
Weather balloons are ready
in magnesium distribution.
- Where do you ship them?
- From a base station. Wind direction fits.
- So we are on track.
- Yes. But what about the other cracks?
ICRO cooperate
with twelve other countries.
Succeed, they do the same.
Thank the staff from me.
Sit down, everybody!
We are safe in the building. I promise.
Generators provides heat. We have
responsible for many human lives.
We are the last bastion of defense.
The launch takes place in an hour.
Now we are going.
We should have Jack.
- The chance is 85 percent.
- We have no reserve level.
There is a 15 percent risk
to fail.
- Jack has a reserve plan.
- How do you know?
- I sent our data to him.
- It will not do it Tammy!
Now we concentrate
on this task!
- Pete, latest news?
- Six new cold fronts.
but not our launch site.
Air Force BASE
In Queensland, Australia
James? What happens?
It is ongoing.
We have ten balloons back.
I want to know what happens
every ten minutes.
Bravo 203 and 207
is ready to facilitate.
Sir, we have found a cold front.
- 80 km from USS Adams.
- A new crack may have occurred.
We have never seen a cold front,
moving so fast.
It's a Freezing Fog.
- Temperature?
- Minus 68th
Call USS Adams. The aircraft must
in the air. When are they promoting?
In about 45 minutes. The balloons can
be an hour to reach the proper height.
James, with balloons now.
There was an emergency.
- Start 15-minute starting sequence.
- No, stop them now!
Up with all the units!
All balloon devices are underway.
The balloon flight conditions are optimal.
You have reached the polar front jet stream.
- News about Winslaws launch?
- No.
Governments know what happens
but not ordinary citizens.
How is it going
with the simulation?
Calculates a burst radius
from magnesium skyspredning.
Switch to ammonium nitrate.
More power, less weight.
There is bad weather coming.
Fire the catapult one and two.
Everyone on deck
must take cover.
- Jack here.
- They had to accelerate the launch.
Cold front hit the aircraft carrier.
The aircraft came off -
- But we lost touch
with USS Adams.
I fear
that the mission becomes a failure.
- Can we monitor the project?
- I'll send a link.
- The Military Channel.
- Thanks. I owe you one.
What else have friends?
- Balloon The status?
- They are promoting about two minutes.
Air Force announces that the balloons
is in the right position and height.
What is the situation,
Bravo Leader?
Armerer missiles.
Bravo Leader here.
We are up in maximum height.
Bravo 203,
Fire the missiles.
Understood. Fires missiles.
- The missiles are fired.
- Missiles on target.
The missiles are 25 km
from the target.
The missiles are 16 km
from the target.
Detach magnesium load
from balloons.
Magnesium load is spread in the area.
The missiles are detonated in 30 seconds.
Now works!
- I am worried mom
- I am too.
- You do not look worried.
- Why do you say that?
- You're not trying to contact her.
- We have to stay here.
- I have to solve a task.
- The world is cold, Dad.
- Mother is probably dead!
- How do not think.
Please know that I love you
higher than anything else.
We are doing this. You and I,
mother and the rest of the world.
How? It is hopeless.
The balloons made of magnesium
the crack.
It should generate enough ozone
to close the gap.
I think
to Winslaws plan works.
Magnesium should work.
The hole should close now.
- How's the crack?
- The latest information comes now.
The ozone level has risen
by 6.7 percent.
The hole was only
Walter Winslaw here. Detonation has
barely affected ozonrevnen.
The spread was perhaps
too far stretched.
It failed.
We still can not
contact USS Adams.
We will discuss the next steps soon.
Meanwhile ...
Maintain emergency response
and protect your population.
That was all.
Walter, damn!
- Now it's up to you.
- It looks like this.
What do you need?
with ammonium nitrate.
We let lynaktiviteten in mesosfren
igniting ammonium cloud.
This will trigger a chain reaction.
Nature heals itself.
- Is it the only?
- Yes.
When the hole is closed
the cold front will die.
It may be our last chance.
Koldfrontens effects
will soon become irreversible.
- You should have been there from the start.
- Forget it, Walter.
I am contacting Stratton and leaves
him fix it with rockets.
Find calculations
as soon as possible.
Good luck.
Now we
job done.
Are you sure? I spoke
with my wife two days ago.
Cruise ship may have changed the route.
Cold front hit it maybe not.
No, the ship was hit by Freezing Fog.
They sent a distress call.
- I understand.
- I am sorry, sir.
- Can we do anything for you?
- No, I ...
I get along.
- Thanks.
- Goodbye, sir.
- Are you all right, Zoe?
- Yes, I'm fine.
I feel just
a little uncomfortable.
Charging can plug the gap.
The calculation is almost done.
- What is wrong with her?
- She is diabetic.
- How is insulin?
- I ran out.
- Last injection ... Two days ago.
- Two days ago?
I did not think
we would be here so long.
- I can drive to town.
- What about the calculations?
The computer finishes the simulation.
We can not do more.
- Got to go.
- It's too cold.
It's only minus 45 degrees.
Engine starts, it goes.
But be careful!
She must not sleep, so she goes into a coma.
I come as fast as I can.
Stay here, Zoe!
- What is firing out, General?
- We are awaiting data on the payload.
We fired from the Vandenberg base in
California and coordinate with NATO.
Drink it here.
- Hello?
- Who is it?
- Naomi Tate.
- Jack's daughter?
Where's your father? He was in progress
with some important calculations.
- He retrieves Zoes insulin.
- I must have calculations.
Do you know where they are?
The computer was in progress
with simulation, as he drove.
- I believe that the simulation is finished.
- Can you send it to me?
- We should wait. He is coming soon.
- I need the calculations.
We can not wait.
There is sprung holes over the U.S..
If they reach over to the firing site,
it is too late.
- Dialed you recharge site in?
- Yes. I'm all files.
I think
information is being sent now.
No, no, no!
- You commit burglary ...
- Sorry. I'm missing medication.
You want to rob my store.
No, you must not hurt me.
I will not hurt you.
I just need insulin.
- A woman is dying.
- We're all dying.
The world is about to die.
Why does God let this happen?
God has not made it here.
We've done it.
We have polluted our atmosphere.
Zoe, get yourselves together.
Dad comes.
- He is a good man.
- Yes.
Good for your mom.
And against you.
Zoe! Stay with me, Zoe!
You have nice hair.
My daughter also has nice hair.
Her name is Naomi.
She is your age.
She is 16 years.
Soon the 30th ..
She is dead.
It upsets me.
A new hole.
Firing place is in jeopardy.
- Has there been contact with Jack?
- No.
What happens?
- Dad!
- What happened?
The generator stopped
Here are icy.
- Say that the simulation was completed.
- Yes.
I tried to send the information,
but the flow of smoke.
- Handles she?
- I hope so.
- Were they ready to fire rockets?
- He was nervous about the firing site.
I have to start the generator. Hello!
Stay with her. Turn on your computer
when power is restored.
The rockets are ready.
Where are the calculations?
- Firing The place will soon hit.
- Information is here over an hour.
We have almost 40 minutes. If we do not
calculations now, it's doomsday.
- You did it!
- Let's see if all data is there.
Good. We have not
lost data.
They will be sent.
Jack's calculations come now.
Give them to Stratton.
It'll do.
ICBM missiles are fired.
The flight parameters are normal.
Detonation about seven minutes.
Detonation about 24 seconds.
Initiate release Cable relief.
Eight, seven, six ...
... Five, four, three ...
... Two, one ...
- Detonation is confirmed.
- Does it work?
We shall know soon enough.
Military from the U.S. and Australia -
- Have detonated three rockets
over southern Australia.
If the mission is successful,
the hole will be closed.
The crack should close now.
Here are the latest figures.
The ozone level has risen
by 80 percent!
- 80 percent.
- We made it.
Detonation was a success.
The crack begins to close.
Good work, Jack.
We did it!
It grieves me,
that it happened with Elizabeth.
Yes ...
Today fired
several countries rockets -
- And closed other holes
in the ozone layer.
Reports are pouring in from all over
world. Cold fronts are stopped.
The threat of dangerous cold
seems to be gone.
Naomi, my darling!
Oh, darling!
It lasts maybe a little longer
before I can pull myself together.
- I have two weeks' notice.
- I can give you two weeks.
I can actually give you three.
Or four. Or ...
By Afshkh