Arctic Tale (2007)

Beyond the world of the humans...
... an ancestral and remote Kingdom exists.
For most of us,
it is about an icy moor.
However, for the beings
that they know how to face astounding colds...
... it has always been an earthly paradise.
To the I cover of this protective ice,
a small life is beginning.
He/she has lived for weeks
in the darkness.
Observing the circle of light
on their head.
What will there be further on?
The curiosity takes it
to lean out for the first time to the light.
In the north, "Nanu" could call herself.
"Small it dares polar."
Their eyes discover
the snowy mantel of the external world.
It is a majestic place
without paragon in the Earth.
A vast Kingdom in the summit of the world.
A Kingdom of ice.
There is another small one that explores the world
for the first time.
She sees a blue world of water freeze.
Seela is a tusk cachorra,
of hardly hours of life...
... but as the osita, also
he/she desires to discover the world that surrounds it.
As all the newly born ones,
they have a lot to learn.
They are small of rtico...
... and their lives rock themselves
to the rhythm of the ice that rocks them.
But their world is changing.
And they will confront unheard challenges
for those of their species.
Their adventures begin today's day.
Everything begins one spring
in this mountain covered with snow.
The mother of Nanu got tired
of the hardship of their cave.
Six months he/she passed without to eat neither to drink
in the den where it gave birth to their breedings.
In the darkness of the winter,
he/she gave light to twins,
Nanu and their brother.
Today makes 28oC under zero.
An implacable cold.
Perfect for the polar bear.
Nanu is not sure
of abandoning the den.
But if our mother is one you/he/she dares polar
and he/she calls us, we need to make him/her I marry.
Nanu is vivacious.
Their brother, a little shy.
She is always willing to play.
Hole in one!
They wait for them more difficult days.
Here the survival is so demanding...
... that Nanu and their brother will need
three years of basic training.
But to wake up is already enough
for one day.
The training of these polar bears
it begins tomorrow.
From the mountain of snow,
there is almost 50 km of frozen ocean...
... a hard surface of ice.
A little further on, he/she extends
the world where Seela was born.
A labyrinth of floes
that it serves like a sure nursery.
Here a mom tusk can lavish him/her
to their sprout all the necessary care.
Thanks to their sensitive mustaches, them
they learn their faces by heart.
It is this way.
Those nice hair are not
only a detail of coquetry.
But there is another face
that Seela should learn how to recognize.
That of another female
that he/she hoped to hear those first screams.
She will act as their aunt
and burning protector...
... until Seela has age
of being been worth by itself.
It is a three year-old commitment...
... that he/she begins now.
Him first that he/she should learn it is
to leave the water.
If Seela doesn't achieve it,
he/she will cool down too much and he/she will drown.
While the aunt watches over
that there are not predators...
... the mom of Seela, with patience,
it shows him/her how it is made.
The problem is...
... that to make tumbles is
much more amusing.
The mom can guide
to their daughter of 35 kg.
But Seela has to learn
to lift all their weight without help.
They will be three very long years
with this railway tie.
The aunt should be being sorry
of the commitment that assumed.
In the mountain of snow, the brother
of Nanu it delays the beginning of a trip...
It still is not able to overcome that hole.
The mother of Nanu is not able to
to wait more. It is hungry.
Their only hope of finding food
it is to venture to the frozen sea...
... their very old hunt land.
And they give this way beginning
to the nomadic life of the polar bear...
... abandoning their homeland...
... bound for unknown adventures.
Soon they are united
a trip partner.
The mother of Nanu detects
an alarming sign...
... prints of the only animal
of the icy Kingdom that he/she can threaten her.
A polar bear.
She knows that, given the opportunity,
he is able to attack their puppies.
But the bear is
more interested in another thing.
Their smell identified something in the wind,
to kilometers of distance.
A newly born tusk.
At first sight,
Seela seems an easy prey.
The aunt perceives the danger.
The bear Preposition,
and the aunt runs to intercept it.
The bear is imposing, yes,
but it weighs half of the aunt...
... and it is not skilled in the water.
Finally he/she retires, for the time being.
Seela will never know
the fortunate thing that it was.
The female tusk doesn't have
many breedings.
Therefore, Seela is valuable
it doesn't only stop their mother and their aunt...
... but for the whole flock.
And it is not a group anyone,
but an united family.
Really united.
They live one above the other one,
without any type of privacy.
Cousins, grandmothers, grandparents.
And what family he/she doesn't have
an uncle that fear gives?
At little distance, it leaves to the surface
a distant cousin of the tusk.
The rung seal uses several holes
to breathe in the field of ice.
They are their private portals
between the sea and the air.
The inconvenience is
that he/she never knows what ferocious predator...
... it can surprise her in the surface.
It is not intimidated before a gull...
... but the rung seal is
the favorite plate of the polar bear.
And it is exactly
what wants to hunt the mother of Nanu...
... continued by Nanu, their brother...
... and their fox friend.
The rung seal has
a great ally against it dares her: the ice.
She can enter in hidden caves
under the hard surface of the snow...
... and to request so that it not dares her the
Unfortunately for the seal...
... the mother of Nanu is able to penetrate
a meter of snow with their smell.
It is as playing to the hide-and-seek
with somebody that has vision of rays X.
Nanu soon will learn...
... that it is not so easy to find food
in the Kingdom of ice.
For each prey that catches,
they will be escaped 19.
But when we have babies
that to feed, we cannot surrender.
The first food in six months,
food for the mother...
... that he/she transforms into milk
for their puppies.
And in leftovers for the clever partner.
Contrary to the mother it dares,
the tusk doesn't usually hunt alone.
When one is hungry...
... the whole flock is hungry.
They are this way them.
This is the first hunt of Seela...
... and he/she will have resistance,
because he/she will be prolonged for three days.
They work as a team
in search of remembered landmarks.
One would think that an animal
as stout and skilled as a tusk...
... a ferocious being would hunt.
This is their battle field.
Which is the prey?
The clam.
Each tusk ingests
up to 4.000 clams for food.
To Seela it will take him/her years to dominate the art
of eating clams like his.
Olisquearlas with the mustaches...
... to open them with a snort
and to suck them the meat.
But first are to catch
to the unfortunate ones!
In the chaos, some neighbors escape.
Some, until they fly.
The flock never taking
all the clams.
And those that are,
they will repopulate the channel of clams...
... for when the flock returns,
in five years.
After a banquet of clams
that it lasts three days...
... the tendency of the flock to make
everything together extends to the digestion.
Somebody makes a noise to play...
... and a moment later...
For the end of the spring...
... the family of Nanu and others of the Kingdom
of ice they have also eaten a lot.
Their stomachs are full
thanks to the seal hunt.
In rtico, the times of abundance
they are celebration reason.
According to the ancestral rhythm of the North...
... the days of abundance
for Nanu and their family...
... they put an end to the arrival of the summer.
It is time of fast for the bears...
... whose hunt lands open up
in a warm brief season.
The sun shines the 24 hours,
it penetrates the dark waters...
... and he/she has a magic effect.
An explosion of life attracts to the North
to marine hungry beings.
... the summer it has reduced the fields
of ice during a short period.
But the cold returns with the autumn...
... the ice at once claims the coast
and then it grows slowly toward the sea.
Clever to put an end
to their summery fast...
Nanu and their family wait
that they reappear their hunt lands...
... on the frozen sea...
... while they practice
for the hunt of coming seal.
Their mom teaches them the technique.
And also something more.
It provokes Nanu, he/she attempts
to inculcate him/her spirit strength.
Resistance in the face of the adversity.
Nanu has the adapted character.
Concentration misses its brother.
Finally, a sign.
The darkest days they announce
the return of the winter...
... and, with him, that of a frozen sea
and solid that will allow them to hunt.
I joust on time.
Nanu and their family are hungry.
this year something has changed.
Hardness misses ice.
Mother dares she had never seen
a similar winter.
They will have to return and to await
to that the ice becomes denser.
And until then,
they will continue hungry.
The family of Seela also search
ice solid that can sustain them.
They lapse weeks.
That that the animals of the Kingdom of ice
they don't know...
... it is that their old style
of survival he/she will enter in crisis.
The sea, and the air on this,
they are warmer than in the past.
The ice struggles be formed again.
At the end, the ice returns here...
... but three months later.
Everything seems to return to the normality
in the Kingdom of ice.
But there has been very little snow
to build a paridera...
... so the puppy of rung seal
it is defenseless on the ice...
... to their worst enemy's full view.
It is also a challenge
for the mother of Nanu...
... that he/she specializes
in hunting hidden preys.
How it can surprise
to a seal that you see it come closer?
Their attack is a true failure.
Nanu reminds to its mom
how it is made.
"Yes, thank you for the explanation, daughter!"
Mother dares she knows
that the birds go to the food...
... so they follow the birds.
Here close there is food.
But the only way of arriving is
to pass before their owner's noses...
... a bear.
Hounded by the hunger,
they run a tremendous risk.
They escape, but they are hungrier.
And now he/she shows up a new danger.
An arctic tempest.
The storm winds blow
with an extraordinary fury...
... and they charge with force against the
coast, before protected by ice solid.
The flock goes into in the sea
to support the storm.
But in the sea they should fight
for not separating...
... with waves of 4,5 meters.
A strong wave separates Seela
of the other ones.
Their mother and their aunt look for it
with desperation...
... but she doesn't appear for any side.
In the earth,
the low temperature at 40oC under zero.
The wind reaches the 130 kms per hour.
The storm leaves its sequels.
The brother bear is weak.
For the first time in their life,
Nanu doesn't see it after her.
Their mother insists him/her that I/you/he/she continues.
He tries to obey...
... but the hunger left it without forces.
Nanu and their mother curl up
with him to share their heat.
But with running of the hours,
he weakens more and more.
And then he/she dies.
Nanu and their mother remain
to their side.
in some moment they should continue.
In the sea, the mom and the aunt
they continue looking for Seela.
Beyond their field of vision...
... she is dying.
Not he/she will be able to resist much more.
Their force goes disappearing...
... together with the hopes of the flock
of finding it.
But their mom and their aunt don't surrender.
They follow a strong current
that it takes them farther than before...
... and they are able this way to find
to who was lost forever.
A small one that knew how to survive...
... awaiting two o'clock mature
that they always arrive to their rescue.
Two springs pass
in the Kingdom of ice...
... and in both, it is heard
a strange music under the ice.
In their second year of life
and already with small eyeteeth,
Seela has begun to pay attention
to those strange sounds.
They are songs of tusk love,
taken place by young males...
... of such a complex structure
that it takes them years to perfect.
Until they deserve to be listened...
... the ladies have better things
that to make with their time.
Nanu has also grown.
He/she is two years old,
but it continues depending on their mother.
However, one morning
their mother stays distant.
The new situation forces its mother...
... to make something before the normal thing.
Nanu goes in its mother's look
something that had never seen.
Just by looking at it, he/she understands
that their life meetings has arrived to its end.
Mother dares she no longer can
to feed both.
In order to survive,
it should move away Nanu of their side.
This separation is the most difficult trance
that Nanu has happened.
But it is also difficult for their mother.
She cannot continue protecting
to their breeding...
... not even to know how he/she goes him/her.
Don't maybe see never it again.
This way, with hardly two years,
Nanu goes aboard in a solitary life.
Good, not so solitary.
Before that waited...
... the spring warmth
rtico wraps.
The hunt lands are flooded.
Here there are not seals.
For that reason,
Nanu leaves the ice that he/she knows behind...
... with the hope of finding
something that to eat.
What is.
The you plow you of pick width they are
a novelty for her.
They will only be bites for her...
... but given the circumstances,
it is worthwhile to prove them.
Nanu is about to discover...
... that these birds are very special.
It is an impossible mission for Nanu.
What bird class it furrows
the sea instead of the sky?
And then, something even stranger.
Creatures that he/she had never seen.
Nanu meets
with a flock of tusks...
... the unicorns of the sea.
Their sensitive ivory teeth,
of nervous multiple terminations...
... they allow them to analyze the air and the one
... to know the temperature and the climate.
As an arctic lost tribe,
the tusks wander for the sea...
... silent witnesses
of the change of the time.
The arctic ice had never been broken
so early and in such an abrupt way.
The hunt you impossible restitution.
Contrary to Nanu,
the fox doesn't know how to swim.
Before the melting of the ice,
he/she will have to say goodbye of their it dares.
Nanu faces its own crisis.
It had never been beached
in broken ice.
He/she had never been so hungry.
He/she had never lived situations
in those that the maternal teachings...
... they didn't help her at all.
Sea inside...
... the flock of tusks clings
to the few rafts of ice that are.
Such it is the packing,
that the spirits become warm.
Seela had never experienced
a bad year of ice.
The adults yes...
... although never one so hard.
A tusk incites to the collective decision
of abandoning the ice in setback.
They will have to look for a new home.
Not they can go to the coast
near the mountain of snow...
... because that is the habitation of the bears.
So they opt
for the open dangerous sea...
... in search of a distant island
that it covers them.
They will travel night and day
during one week, about 320 kms.
In the broken field of ice...
... the world of Nanu seems
to be being perturbed.
It should remain on the remains
of ice, where there is not food?
Or to follow the scent of the prey
toward the unknown sea?
This is the moment to show value.
But without a lot of hurry.
Impelled by a strong will
of survival, he/she takes a risk everything.
At the end, they arrive at a refuge in the one
... a rocky island.
The flock is exhausted.
But before resting...
... they should find where
to ascend to the surface.
Seela is very tired
and a meter cannot swim more.
But to leave the water is not anything easy.
To climb for the rock is even more arduous
that to crawl for a floe.
They will have to get up
about 900 kgs of fat...
... being only been worth of the force
of their fins.
Perhaps they should have eaten
less clams.
The flock would not maybe sleep
so placidly...
... if he/she knew who arrived at the island
before them.
The male bear.
And where there is a bear...
He is a fox of the place,
with summery camouflage.
In this rocky island,
he/she doesn't need to conform to with leftovers.
There are more arao pigeons
of those that he/she can eat.
Not they have escape.
And they are still very young to fly.
Caught between the bear and the wall...
... a dad arao indicates them
that they make something extraordinary.
The vote of trust inspires to jump
to the whole flock.
A breeding takes refuge in the sea.
Other, I joust on time,
on a solitary raft of ice.
Nanu has swimed during days...
... and it is so tired that almost he/she drowns.
This minuscule place of rest
it has saved him/her the life.
In the rocky island,
the summery sun generates a wave of heat.
The temperature overcomes
the freezing level.
The heat provokes
an infuriating itch...
... and when something chops us, we should
to scratch us, it doesn't care where neither how.
Seela feels also bothersome...
... and he/she wants to be liberated of their family,
although it is for a while.
The tusks are not prepared
to climb mountains...
... but she attempts it.
The aunt sees that Seela goes away
for their bill...
... and it leaves in their search...
... to all the speed
that it allows him/her their fat.
All of a sudden, Seela disappears.
The aunt the flame,
but he/she doesn't obtain answer.
The silence of Seela is very strange.
Their trip placed it
in a terrible situation.
It tripped and it was caught
in a narrow edge.
And somebody discovered it.
The polar bear approaches to attack...
... and Seela decides
for a desperate act.
Adolorida will be...
... but live.
Now he/she hurries to notice him/her
to the other ones.
The aunt is last o'clock in leaving the island.
The mother of Seela finds it...
... and the aunt meets with them.
The bear waits his opportunity.
Seela and their family retire
to another part of the rocky island.
Next to the gathered other flocks
here for the arctic ice in extinction.
The new situation has left
to many beached and vulnerable...
... and to other, desperate and
Nanu arrives at the beach of the island
... after a long week in the sea.
A whole day ago
that he/she smells preys in the wind.
But now that you see them...
... it is not so sure.
It is not about rung seals.
Nanu doesn't have experience
in attacking enormous tusks.
The mature ones triplicate it in weight and they are
armed of teeth like daggers.
Maybe discover a weak or small
that it can manage.
The hunger impels it to continue ahead,
in spite of their few possibilities.
But it is very young and very small...
... and they don't make it to him anything easy.
Their last opportunity
he/she seems to disappear.
Nanu has maybe traveled so much
only to die from hunger.
However, the old bear drifts
an attack from the sea...
... and it acts while the flock
it dozes unworried.
The bear advances in favor of the wind.
He/she comes closer without nobody notices it.
Seela escapes to the water behind its aunt,
but the bear catches it.
The aunt doesn't doubt it.
He/she returns to save the breeding.
Thanks to their anger,
Seela is able to escape to the sea.
In an act of loyalty,
the aunt makes the biggest sacrifice.
Seela awaits...
... but the aunt won't return.
As long as, Nanu weakens.
Without food,
he/she won't be able to resist much more.
He/she knows that the male is not
habituated to share...
... and that it could kill her with easiness.
But this is the moment to demonstrate
the temper that their mother inculcated him/her.
He/she refuses to renounce.
If it doesn't convince him of sharing
the food, she dies.
For that reason he/she doesn't leave...
... and it continues there...
... until he allows him/her to take
what needs.
An only death preserves
the life of many.
During the following four years,
Nanu and Seela return to these rocks...
... since the marine ice melts
more and more early.
The increase of the temperature
he/she has made this even more difficult world...
... altering the ancestral rhythm
of the stations...
... provoking the gradual breakup
of the Kingdom of ice...
... and this way transforming
to their legitimate masters...
... in refugees.
In the whole rtico...
... the animals should wait more and more
the return of the ice.
At the end...
... an old tusk of the flock perceives
the remote scent of marine ice and I fry.
It is hour of returning home.
Nanu also returns
to their Kingdom of native ice.
In the their eighth year-old spring...
... to return to the home implies
a new emotion.
During almost all their life,
it avoided the male bears.
Now it is attracted by one.
And he/she begins this way
an old communion as the time...
... but of vital importance
in a world that is disappearing.
Time later,
guided by the instinct and the memory,
Nanu climbs the mountain of snow.
For the first time from their childhood,
he/she makes a high one in their nomadic life
and it looks for the heat of a hidden den.
It disappears for the winter
under a mantel of ice and snow.
Meanwhile, the eyeteeth of Seela
they have grown a lot...
... and the boys have noticed it.
She knows what you/they seek.
But Seela doesn't want to lose the time
with any old male.
She has their demands...
... contrary to other females
that he/she knows.
Seela is reserved for somebody special.
When a male is,
let us say, motivated...
... it is able to sing
during 50 followed hours.
And one of these Romeos
he/she has intended to conquer Seela.
Something in the tone of their voice
finally it moves it.
In the mountain of snow
that he/she saw it be born...
Nanu makes a miracle of the north.
And this osita has a brother.
With the arrival of the spring,
Seela also makes miracles.
A new sprout, a new mother.
And a new aunt.
In this whole so special place...
... the small of rtico open up step
in the world...
... just as they have made it per millennia.
Their destinations signados are
... for the changing rhythms
of the ice that defines them...
... their lives are wrapped up
in the mantel of cold...
... that it converts them
in masters of this Kingdom.
What it will belong to their children
if this Kingdom disappears?
What will it be of ours?
In the last decades, the summery ice
of rtico he/she has decreased in 20%.
If this tendency is not reverted...
... the Sea rtico could stay
without ice for the summer of the 2040.
If we change this way of life...
... we help to save the lives
of many people and animals.
If we turn off the lights
every time that we come out of a room...
... all the animals of rtico
they will have a more brilliant future.
If we all replaced the bulbs
for fluorescent tubes...
... it would be as removing of the street
a million cars.
If our parents buy
a hybrid car...
... the polar bears will be able to move
If we wash the clothes with cold water,
we use 80% less energy...
... and that avoids him to warm the water
where the polar bears live.
If we lower the temperature a little
in our homes...
... we will achieve him not to ascend
where the tusks live.
Let us use less cars.
Let us take the bus.
When we don't have to go far,
we go on foot, in bicycle, patineta...
... or, if we are tusks, to I swim.
If we take less two minutes
in the shower...
... in one year we save enough it dilutes
to fill a pool.
If our parents buy
eat fresh, and not frozen...
... we save energy
and we save animals.
If we invent a way
of generating cheap and renewable energy...
... we save the world.
It would be wonderful.
Let us plant a tree.
Let us plant trees everywhere.
Let us plant many trees.
Let us plant millions of trees.
Ask to their teachers
on the global heating.
That makes in our homes
it affects that of them.
We have to change
our lifestyle.