Arjun: The Warrior Prince (2012)

Yuvraj (prince)!
It's time for bed
Come on...
It's time to sleep, Yuvraj
Come now, shut your eyes
my eyes are shut
But... my ears are open
A story?
Aren't you a little
too old for fairy tales?
Tell me a story about a warrior
No, no...
It's late, go to sleep
There must be someone...
someone like me...
brave, heroic...
Well, there was someone...
just like you...
Who was he?
his name was Arjun
Was he a soldier?
Or a warrior?
A warrior?
Well he thought he was one
What does that mean?
Who was he?
He was the son of Lord Indra
And he never interrupted
the telling of a story
Okay, no more questions
But I want the whole story
Don't leave anything out
The fights, the treks, the battles...
There was a vast kingdom
in Northern India
Ruled by the great King Pandu
One day, he gave up his throne
to his younger brother Dhritarashtra
and went to the live
in the forest as a hermit
There he was blessed
with five children
and they lived happily together
But one day...
Pandu passed away...
and his family had
to return to Hastinapur...
Acharya Drona...
Peace be with you
And with you Vidur
Cattle herders?
You here to herd cattle?
Herd cattle?
More like live with the cattle!
Just look at size of that bull!
Watch what you say, moron!
We're not herders
we're princes!
These are your cousins, Duryodhan.
They're here to live with you
If 100 Kauravas weren't enough
to handle, here's five more!
fetch bows for the new boys
Yudhishtir, what do you see?
I see ten mango trees, three
peepal trees and one cluster fig
There's a bird perched
on the third branch from the top...
That's enough!
I see only a bird...
...sitting there smelling fruit...
...while I'm dying of hunger!
Move aside...
Whoever you are. What do you see?
Me too.
Move aside, both of you!
I see an eye
Nothing else
Don't you see what your brothers see?
The bird, trees, branches, fruit...
Are you blind boy?
All I see is an eye
Well then...
Years passed
and the Kauravas and Pandavas grew up
As did their differences
The Kuru dynasty was splitting in two
at stake was the throne of Hastinapur
Hey, where did you get your donkey?
You're not ready
to play with the big boys, kid!
As ready as you are big guy!
What's this? A bull riding a horse?
This bull's going
to gore you Duryodhan!
Hey Bheem, see you later!
I told you I'd win!
You call this winning brother
Yudhishtir? I slowed down...
Oh come on!
Guruji, what do you have to say?
Oh let it go... hey!
Bheem's horses?
Duryodhan, where's Bheem?
How... how would I know?
I was ahead of him
Go, look for him
Bheem, what happened?
I have no idea...
All rise for King Dhritharashtra
Long live King Dhritharashtra!
Long live the King!
So many hurdles on
the way to the throne...
Uncle Shakuni!
Tell me something nephew...
Was Bheem plain lucky
or did you not try hard enough?
You dare doubt me?
Drona is the one with the doubts
I'm convinced.
Tell me something...
do you think my father
will make me king?
Of course!
But if the council
nominates Yudhishtir...
he won't be able to stand up to them.
I understand...
...come with me.
Where are we going?
We haven't brought
any food or drink...
We haven't crossed the border yet...
It's almost sundown, let's head back
Relax uncle,
meet some friends of mine...
Susharman! Susharman!
Hey look, what a plump catch!
Get him!
Susharman, this is Shakuni, my uncle.
Great! We'll rob your uncle!
All of Hastinapur dances to his tune.
There are no kings here uncle...
...only us, the Trigarthas
...and we bow to no one!
And you never will, Susharman
If you feed my uncle
a meal under the stars
Uncle, how would you like your meat?
Well done?
Or on the hoof?
Well done.
You have strange friends nephew.
They won't bow to me but...
they'll behead anyone I ask them to.
they might turn into more
than you can handle...
don't let them become
a reason to worry.
If you want to break the Pandavas...
...get rid of Arjun first
The wisdom of Yudhishtir,
the strength of Bheem...
...he has both...
He will be the greatest of them all.
Duryodhan was looking
for an opportunity to strike again...
He found it at a tournament
Drona had organized for his students.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
They call me Karna
I am an archer
This is a tournament
for Dronacharya's students
Did he not teach you that...
...weapons were for warfare...
...not for fun and games
Fight me
...and show everyone...
what you've learned.
Who are you?
And why are you
frightening my brother?
He's just a little boy...
...aren't you Arjun?
You're not ready for all of this...
Watch your mouth!
...and pick on
someone your own size!
Hold it, Bheem...
step forward
Drop your weapon Arjun!
Arjun, I order you
to lower your weapon!
Karna don't you know that...
...true battles are fought between
equals, you're picking on a child!
I'm not a child!
I'm a trained warrior!
I can take care of myself!
There's a difference between training
and being able to fight!
You have a lot to learn.
I won't allow this nonsense
to continue...
...please call the tournament off,
your Highness!
Dhritarashtra realized that
the enmity between the brothers...
...was out in the open
Dronacharya had averted
bloodshed this time...
My weapons and I are restless...
...haven't seen a battlefield in ages
It's better that way...
I fear war
Fear? When you're so close to it?
What are you trying to tell me?
The Kauravs and Pandavas
are headed for war...
Don't say that Pitama...
Your Highness,
both Yudhishtir and Duryodhan...
have equal right to the throne
and there's only one throne...
What alternative is there but war?
I won't let that happen...
I will the send the Pandavas away...
Where to, Dhritarashtra?
There's no place far enough
from the flames of jealousy
There is...
The palace of Varnavat.
That's nice of you Bheem...
taking food along for the family
You'd better not eye my food...
...I'll protect it no matter what!
It so nice
we'll be living together...
Where's Arjun?
I'm leaving, Guruji,
please give me your blessings
what I did the other day...
was for you and your safety
Consider it a teacher's love
for his student and forgive me...
Who am I to forgive you?
Just give me your blessings
My blessings will
always be with you...
...but how about
my gurudakshina (fee)?
How can I fight you?
Get up, fight!
Look at you...
You hold a weapon but can't use it
You're trained in warfare...
but you're terrified
You call yourself a warrior?
Arjun, you may not understand this
but a day will come...
when we will fight each other
Just promise me, that on that day...
you will fight me like a true warrior
That will be my gurudakshina.
Promise me this, Arjun
Go now... blessings are with you.
The Pandavas were
sent to Varnavat...
Dronacharya's words
continued to haunt Arjun
But the brothers were glad... be away from
the Kauravas' politics.
It's so beautiful here
Arjun! Catch!
Arjun, here...
throw it to me!
Give it to me...
Follow me...
Come on! Arjun!
We're lucky I found this passage
or we'd all be dead
Go on ahead, Arjun...
Duryodhan is behind all this...
...I should break his head in two!
And here you are,
with your head hanging low
Very impressive, Prince Yudhishtir!
Let me say it mother...
...because you cannot
stand up for what's yours...
...we're scurrying about like rats!
What should we do then?
We have no men, no weapons...
How do you propose we fight?
The jackals will feast tonight...
...dinner is served!
Arjun had never seen
bloodshed like this before...
...he realized now...
...that all the training,
all the weapons...
...meant nothing at all
I thought I was brave...
...but what Bheem did today...
I could never do...
...I was scared.
Scared? Of what?
Dronacharya was right...
I don't have what
it takes to be a warrior
I have a lot to learn
Time is the greatest teacher,
...and a time will come
when your bravery...
...will be displayed
for the world to see...
I believe in you.
This Brahmin outfit is ridiculous!
At least Duryodhan
won't recognize you
And why is that?
Because of this!
Friends, where are you headed?
Our lives are about
prayer and food...
...we're praying now,
and headed towards food!
Food? Where?
There's a huge archery
competition there... which the Princess of Panchal
will choose a husband
Don't tempt me anymore, sir,
Let's go!
You look like you truly enjoy food!
Come along then!
...please be on your way...
...and you, this way!
I could almost taste the food...
...and you led me away!
Let's go to Kampilya...
To eat?
Why not?
Aren't you hungry?
we should go to Kampilya...
What do you mean?
If we win the princess' hand...
the King of Panchal...
...his kingdom and his army...
...will be with us
and then we can challenge Duryodhan!
...but who'll win
the archery contest?
I will
Yes brother,
I will win the Swayamvar!
The bravest warriors...
...the greatest marksmen...
...the biggest wrestlers...
and the strongest kings...
Raise your weapons
and rattle your jewelry...
for the mighty prince Meghasandhi!
You know the rules
Use your arrow to shoot the goldfish
succeed and you win
the maiden's hand
Shame! Shame!
Is there no one brave enough?
Will the goldfish live on?
Will the beautiful
Draupadi's garland...
...dry and wither away?
Is there no archer
in this august assembly...
who can accept this challenge?
Anyone out there?
Any archer?
Anyone at all?
Will you just stand there
staring into each other's eyes?
The Pandavas are alive!
The Pandava family
has entered the royal court
Greetings, Your Highness!
I'm overjoyed to learn
that you are alive and well.
Come closer
Kunti, who is that with you?
My daughter in law, your highness
Daughter in law?
Come closer, my dear.
She is very beautiful, Kunti.
What is your name?
Krishna Draupadi,
daughter of the King of Panchal.
A princess?
The daughter of King Drupada...
Brave warrior,
general of a great army.
You've been a Princess thus far...
...but you will soon be
called Queen!
Council... is time for
the sons of Pandu... be given their birthright!
If anyone has a right
to the kingdom...
It is I, your son!
You are the King of Hastinapur,
and I am your son...
This is the truth,
and that is the law!
The rules also state that... one is allowed
to interrupt the King!
From now on the Throne
of Hastinapur...
...belongs to Prince Duryodhan,
Prince Yudhishtir will be...
the King of Khandavprastha!
May peace prevail
between both kingdoms!
Long live, Prince Duryodhan!
Long live, Prince Yudhishtir!
Long live, Prince Duryodhan!
I don't want charity!
This kingdom is mine!
And no part of it,
no matter how small...
belongs to those Pandavas!
The King's orders must be followed
I won't have it!
I won't give them an inch!
This is what they give us,
this swamp?!
Arjun, how are we going to live here?
Hey, don't go criticizing
the kingdom of King Yudhishtir!
Look how peacefully
it's citizens are living!
Snakes, scorpions,
crocodiles... owls!
If they're happy we can be too,
isn't that so King Yudhishtir?
Your Highness!
The frogs want an audience with you!
That's enough, Bheem!
Who is it?
Show yourself!
Come out! Don't be afraid!
We are your Kings!
Pardon us, your Highness...
How were we to know...
this place is crawling with bandits
We thought it was them.
Is there no one here
for your protection?
No your highness,
no soldiers, no army, no one!
We'll take care of it now...
There's word out...
...that bandits
may attack tonight... careful, Your Highness.
It's sundown your Highness...
...probably the cows coming home!
Those aren't cows, it's a horse...
Hold on...
...I know him
Yes Arjun, we have met before.
I am Krishna Vasudev
Duryodhan is behind all this...
him and his father!
We must take revenge!
Why settle for such
a small goal Bheem?
That's a small goal?
Birds and animals
fight for survival...
...but greatness lies
in the greater good.
What do you mean?
Hastinapur is headed for ruin...'s not just the king...
...the whole kingdom
is obsessed with greed.
And the problem doesn't
end with Hastinapur...'s the entire country.
Crime, terrorism, wars,
have taken over...
...and the innocent are suffering.
That is what you
have to deal with... have to instill peace
across the land.
You are right.
We are with you.
Good! Great!
We have to save our necks
before we can save the world!
We're surrounded by bandits!
Tell us, how will we win this battle?
With courage, with belief...
with determination!
But we're not safe here.
What if someone attacks?
That's what I want.
I don't understand.
What are you doing?
Aren't you scared?
We know nothing of the future... why be concerned
with what hasn't happened?
So much self-confidence?
Just do what you have to Arjun,
forget the consequences.
Focus on your task,
and the fear will take care of itself.
The emblem of Hastinapur?
Who are you?
I'm the Trigartha King.
Let him live
He'll be more useful to us
than he was to Duryodhan.
You were right...'s not just a city...
...but a great Kingdom
that we need to build...
we will built it over these ashes...
Lord Indra's home on Earth.
Who are you fighting son?
Yes, father.
Look at his moustache!
Of course... let's go...
...there's a war about to break out!
Wait... wait!
I know...
the story isn't over yet.
The Pandavas built a kingdom
just like they said...
Indraprastha, the city of gold.
It was time for
Yudhishtir's coronation...
...and Kings from all
over the land attended...
...including all the Kauravas.
So this is Indraprastha.
Long live King Yudhishtir!
May his reign be forever!
May his reign be prosperous!
According to tradition...
...all subjects
of the King will now...
...offer their respect.
Every member of the Kuru clan
is present here today...
...I confer the honour
of receiving salutations... the greatest of them all...
King Duryodhan!
He will accept the offerings
on my behalf
I promise to serve and...
...protect King Yudhishtir.
An insult...
A grave insult!
I promised Susharman...
...that he would bow to no King...
...and today he bowed.
Yudhishtir has insulted me.
Humiliated me!
Allow me to command your army and... how I lay
the Pandavas heads...
at your feet.
No, Karna
The time for war is over...
The Pandavas are too powerful
We don't stand a chance.
Actually, you do, nephew!
What if I told you...
...that Yudhishtir would
hand his kingdom over...
with his own hands...
wouldn't that be nice?
Here I am burning from the insult...
...and you're adding
fuel to the fire!
Not fuel my dear nephew...
...this is what I'm adding!
Shakuni had found a way
to destroy the Pandavas...
He knew that on Coronation Day... King could refuse a challenge.
So on Shakuni's advice...
Duryodhan challenged
Yudhishtir to a game of dice.
I'll play...
but I shall choose the dice.
Of course!
Uncle Shakuni will play on my behalf
I hope you don't mind?
After all, we're all family here!
Should I explain the
rules of the game, son?
I know them well...
You can withdraw from
the game only after 20 moves.
Let us begin.
This is my wager.
Are you serious?
I bet all my jewelry!
We win!
I bet all the gold in the treasury.
Me too.
We win!
My horse carriages. - Me too!
My elephants... My horses.
We win!
My Soldiers! My army!
We win!
Servants... Maids...
All my wealth and property. - Me too!
I... my Kingdom.
Think carefully...
...your Highness... are doing this
of your own free will.
If you wish, we can let
you retire from the game...
Isn't that so, Uncle?
Absolutely, nephew...
Today is his first day as King...'s the least we can do!
I bet my entire Kingdom!
Whatever you say!
Uncle, roll the dice!
We win!
No one questions
the rules of the game!
And the game isn't over yet!
Tell me, Your Highness... have no kingdom, no land... wealth and no belongings...
...what will you wager now?
I... bet my brother...
Arjun was silent
As one after another...
Nakul, Sahdev...
and finally...
Yudhishtir himself...
...were lost to Shakuni's plan.
Arjun was silent.
And he stayed silent... the last throw of the dice...
We win!
Move it!
Arjun, save me!
Arjun, save me!
Save me!
Save me!
Draupadi was dragged out
in front of the court.
Humiliated in public.
And Arjun...
stayed silent.
He stayed silent?!
He did nothing at all?
I would have cut off
Duryodhan's head.
It wasn't that simple
Yudhishtir was his King
How could he act against his command?
Was the command more important
than Draupadi's honour?!
That's what he couldn't understand.
Why don't you say
he wasn't really a warrior... he thought he was?
Go now...
...your father must be
looking for you.
Tell me one thing...
...who told you this story?
No one.
Come on Yuvraj...'s time to finish the story.
I don't want to listen anymore... much sorrow...
What did Arjun have left?
Nothing at all.
Why tell me such a story?
So you know what it really takes... be a warrior.
When Draupadi was dragged
in front of the court...
Dhritarashtra realized the situation
had gone out of hand...
He commanded the last
move be played again...
with banishment from
the Kingdom being the wager
Banishment for twelve years...
And one year in total exile.
If in the 13th year,
the Pandavas were seen anywhere...
the banishment would
continue for another 12 years.
We win!
The result was the same
Tell me something Nephew...
This land...
...this kingdom,
is now all yours...
What will you do with it?
Burn it to the ground
All of it.
You too?
Is this my fate?
First the Kauravas...
and now you?
Speak to me Arjun!
What can I say?
I'm ashamed.
Your shame won't wipe out... humiliation.
I'm more guilty in
this than Dushashan...
I did not protect you.
Don't say that, Arjun
I know what you're going through...
But we can't live 13 years
in silence...
How long will we
suffer our humiliation?
What can we do?
Promise me something
I have nothing left but my word...
Promise me...
...that you will
avenge my humiliation...
You will have one purpose...
...the annihilation of the Kauravas.
You will have one goal...
To completely destroy Duryodhan.
And you will live 13 years
waiting for that day.
Promise me this.
Arjun, let's go!
We have to leave now!
I'm not coming with you.
Why not?
I'm heading to the
Northern Mountains.
To Uttarkuru.
the home of the Gods?
Yes, brother...
...give me your blessings.
Go, Arjun...
...may you find what you seek.
Arjun travelled
to the land of the gods... prepare for war.
What have you done?
My boar! You killed my boar...
You killed my boar!
Forgive me...
I thought it was attacking me
And what if it did?
You would have lost your life,
that's all!
Who are you?
I am Arjun, son of Kunti
I'm here on a penance
A penance?! With a bow and arrow?!
You're going to regret this!
I won't spare you!
Drop your weapons!
Drop them now!
Who are you?
Don't you recognize me?
Who was this hunter?
A guardian of heaven?
Or a God himself...
...who was testing Arjun's will?
What was it?
Arjun's reward for his penance
The bow of the Gods
Lord Shiva came disguised
as a hunter to test Arjun
he told Arjun to believe in himself,
in the truth
When Arjun understood this...
the Gods were pleased
and they blessed him
So did Arjun return
and kill Duryodhan?
No. Don't you remember...
...after the 12 years
of banishment...
...they had to live
in exile for one year?
Of course!
So where did they go for their exile?
No one knows where they are.
What do you mean?
Are they are still in hiding?
Must be...
I wouldn't know.
I know where they are!
At the bottom of the ocean... the belly of a whale!
What whale?
A huge one!
When their exile is through...
they'll tear open it's stomach
and leap out!
Don't worry your little head
with such lofty matters!
It'll burst!
Now go to sleep...
...we'll finish the story tomorrow.
Who is it?
It's me... Bheem!
How many times have I told you
not to use my name?!
What should I call you then?
Or Sister?
You should've been a clown,
not a cook, Ballav!
Let's go!
I'm so pleased to meet you!
Brihannala, what's with him?
He used my name again
Ballav, how many times
must we remind you...
There's just one day to go...
tomorrow we can be ourselves again!
One silly mistake will have us
banished for another 12 years!
I get it, calm down
I'll be careful
Anyone hungry?
With food like this
I'd happily live 100 years in exile!
I heard something...
What brings you here?
I'm here to warn you
As the end of your exile draws closer
Duryodhan is getting more anxious...
and he's getting closer to you
How does he know where we are?
He has spies everywhere
looking for you
You must be very careful
So he was a spy?
He was...
...and there could be many more
He killed my companion
So that's where they're hiding!
Prepare the army!
We attack tonight!
As you command!
We've been attacked!
Kanka, what's happening?
It's the Trigarthas...
...stealing our cattle!
Uttar, go inside! Now!
Everybody head North!
After days of stirring food a chance
to use my weapons!
The Trigarthas have done
exactly as commanded!
The Virat army is headed north
So there's no one
to protect the city...
We'll attack from the west
Come sundown and Virat
will be in our hands...
...and the Pandavas... at our feet!
What do you think?
They'll sit there waiting?
They'll defend Virat first,
then bother about their exile
It won't be easy to defeat them
We don't need to defeat them!
All we have to do is find them!
The rules of the game
will take care of the rest!
The rules were unfair...
...and this war is unjust.
Do you think it would be fair...
...if I replaced you
as General right now?!
Towards Virat!
Sound the alarm!
The Kuru army is attacking
from the west!
How many men are still in the palace?
Three, Your Highness.
So there's no option
but to close the gates...
...and wait for the end.
Take those men
and guard the entrance!
Your Highness...
...I'm the youngest of the three!
I'll protect you!
I will guard the western entrance.
An unusual calm
An omen of a great war
The peace before the coming of death
Leave if you fear death!
Go sing hymns!
I will fight on my own
No matter who comes
through that door!
Great war!
Those two? A child...
a... lady?!
Such a massive army!
Of course it's massive,
it's from Hastinapur!
Turn back...
I... I... don't want to fight.
How can I fight them on my own?
You are not alone, Yuvraj
I'm here with you.
Then we'll die together!
Do what you have to Yuvraj...
...forget the consequences
Focus on your task,
and the fear will take care of itself.
That's what Krishna said to Arjun!
I'm not Arjun!
You are no less than Arjun.
That was just a story, Brihannala!
I'm not Arjun,
I'm the Prince of Virat...
...and I order you to turn back!
...that's the end of the war...
...we scared the child away!
Where are you taking me?
Take me to the palace!
Where have you brought me?
Climb that tree!
Don't waste time, climb!
These weapons?
How did you know they were here?
Who... are you?
Form the Chakravyuh!
Duryodhan, you will stay
in the middle of the Chakravyuh
The sound of a bow
and you think it's Arjun?!
And even if it is,
who should be scared, tell me?
Or you, with such a large army?
Back to your positions!
Back to your positions everyone!
You may be King of your kingdom
But I command this army!
And unfortunately
I have to protect you
Don't ever countermand my orders!
Form the Chakravyuh!
Prepare for battle!
It's Arjun!
He's out in the open!
Twelve years of
banishment once again!
Look up at the sky, Duryodhan...
Hold on tight!
Take him prisoner!
I want Arjun!
Raise your weapon Arjun
Remember your promise?
My Gurudakshina?
Of course, I do
I remember everything
But my war is with Duryodhan, not you
Let me pass...
You've learned nothing Arjun
Duryodhan is my King
It's my duty to protect him
Okay, I'll fight you
But you have the
right to strike first
Let's see what you've learnt
Finish him!
No one gets in the way!
He's down, he's down!
What are you doing, fool?
I fought this battle to protect Virat
not to destroy you
and the mission is over
Now go
far away from Virat
Just remember, our fight isn't over
Now tell your men to retreat