Armin (2007)

Zineta, it's me.
No, everything's fine.
I just wanna tell you that the
bus is running late. Dunno why.
We'll call you
when we get to Zagreb.
He's O. K., don't worry.
He's sitting here.
I forgot to tell you.
Give Safet his drill back.
We'll talk later.
I'll call you from Zagreb.
See ya.
Get your passports ready.
Where did you learn how to
drive, illiterate mother fucker!
Wait here...
I'm not gonna argue
with you, you idiot!
I'll let some air in.
Want some, mister?
No thanks, I am
taking antibiotics.
Business trip?
Yes, business.
Business is the
most important thing.
He is stopping.
What's up, man? Sounded
like something broke inside.
Sounded like
transmission belt.
Looks like they don't care.
Fuck it! There'll come another.
Another? I have to go to
Zagreb. My kid is waiting.
Yeah, and I've got all
the time in the world...
Can't you see that there is a
child here? Won't anyone stop?
Here we go. Armin!
Come on!
What you waiting for?
Hurry it up!
This is the fastest it can go?
To tell you the truth, yes.
Engine is a bit screwed up.
It's O. K, just asking.
Don't you worry. You'll
be there on time, trust Zlajo.
I'm asking because of the kid.
Is he sick or something?
No. We have to go to
a hotel. He plays the accordion.
The accordion! You don't say!
Listen, kid, what's your name?
Armin. - Aferim,
Armin, aferim!
Accordion is the thing!
All the rest of today's musics-
pure crap, if you'll pardon me.
You need to go to the
bathroom? I do. Be right back.
If somebody comes, tell
them we're here for the movie.
Just a moment.
The rooms. For the movie.
You should have come earlier.
I know, buddy. The bus was late.
Is that a problem? - I have to
make a phone call. - You do that.
We are both here in the hotel.
Mister, I have certain
rules, please...
I know that, I'm just saying
that the bus was late...
No problem, bro. Call away.
Did you talk to him?
Please, don't fuss.
Hello. - Hello.
Tahirovic. Ibrahim. He's Armin.
You are from Bosnia? - Yes.
Professor Silajdzic sent us.
- I'm Martina. - Say hello, son.
He's a bit tired. - You are
a bit late. - The bus was late.
Never mind. Here's the text.
Come down tomorrow at 10.
About the bus... It's not our
fault, really. - It's all right.
Let the kid read it. - He's
ready. Just tell him what to do.
See you.
He has never prepared for
anything like he has for this.
Don't just walk around.
Do you know how much they
charge for a room?
Do you know what this
room costs? - Wait a minute!
You want something?
- No, it's OK.
I'll buy you some souvenir you
can take with you...
I didn't come here to spend
Money'a not a problem.
Wanna go in alone?
Don't show your money in the
middle of the street.
You want something else?
OK, if you insist.
Damn, this is clean!
Like a hospital.
Had enough? Want another?
It comes with the salad
and everything. It's enough.
I'll take this to our room.
- Why you wanna do that?
I'm not hungry.
I'll buy one for you as well.
So what is it, son?
Action movie?
So what is it, then?
Something about Bosnia...
I know. But what's the story?
War again.
What about war?
Now you wanna read it?
- I want to see. - It's stupid.
Let me see. I'll explain it
to you if you don't understand.
It's stupid. - A foreign
movie can't be stupid.
Say those words naturally,
as if talking to me. Try it.
Now you gonna act?
I cannot act? Who gave
birth to whom here?
Father doesn't know
anything, right? Let's try it!
This is not how we talk at home.
People will laugh at me.
Something about me
disappearing like a ghost...
Well if it says so, disappear...
What ghost?
I don't know.
Armin. It's a foreign movie.
See how the Germans are
interested in Bosnia?
You just have to
sound convincing.
You know best, right?
No, but why would the others be
better than you?
You can play the accordion.
That's a big plus.
Ask if any of them can play.
Where's the problem?
It's easy. You sit with people,
talk a little, get them to like you.
Would the gentleman
like a drink?
Do you have whisky?
That black one.
Here you go. - Those people
there are working on the film?
Can you give them the same?
That will be three whiskeys.
It's all right.
From that gentleman over there.
Thank you!
No problem! Cheers!
No problem!
It's O. K. Sleep.
Where have you been? - I went
for a drink with the movie people.
Armin? - What?
Do you need to take your
medicine... - No need for that!
I'm just asking. Go to sleep.
Hi, Zineta. It's me, Ibro.
I can't talk louder.
Armin's asleep.
Everything's fine... yes...
I don't want to give him
anything. He's healthy.
If God's willing,
tomorrow we visit Aida...
We'll buy her some sweets
and flowers... Don't worry...
O.K. Zineta...
I can't talk any more.
I don't want to wake him up.
I'll talk to you
tomorrow. I'll call you.
Try this. Just like we make it.
There are some cold cuts,
but I don't now if it's chicken.
It's a buffet. You
can eat all you want.
Armin, son! They want to
photograph you.
That's what they said.
Hurry up, I'll take this. Go!
Turn around.
A bit more.
Think of something nice.
What do you like? - I don't know.
When I was your age,
I thought girls were nice.
What do you like?
What's your name?
- Armin.
Armin, my young man,
you can do better than that.
Don't be shy. - I'm not.
You ill? - Why would
I be? Everything's all right.
Listen... - O. K., I'll do it.
Is this all right? - It is.
So how was it?
- It was all right.
How did you look?
Good. They need those
to see what you look like.
I see. And now you are free
to go? - I guess. I don't know.
Will you be saying
that text about ghosts?
They didn't tell me. - No?
They told me to be
here tomorrow at 10.
They need to see the photos!
Must I explain everything?
Calm down.
We are not alone here.
Then we must be free to go.
- How do I know! - So we are.
Yes? - Aida?
Yes, can I help you?
It's me, Ibro. Zineta's Ibro.
I'm so sorry! - Here's Armin.
You didn't recognize him?
Come, son.
- Please, come in.
Armin's a big boy, right? - I would
never have recognized him.
Did you find it easily? - Yes, but
I didn't know the phone number.
I didn't want to just appear
at the door. - It's all right.
My landlord has the phone.
So if you need me...
You want me to show
you around the city?
It's out of the question. We don't
want to be a bother.
I meant to invite you to our hotel,
but it's better to visit you like this
You are here about the movie?
- The audition. - Yes, that.
That's why we're in Zagreb.
Armin likes that,
follows those things.
He's been doing it...
For how long, son?
I'm going to drama group
school. - And plays an accordion.
We bought it for him.
Things aren't all that good, but...
You know how it is in Bosnia.
Do you like it? - I do.
- Wanna practice? - I do.
So we bought it. He can
really play, let me tell you!
Plays all kinds of stuff.
I'm sorry, but we gotta go...
If you'd only told me you'll come. I
would have prepared something.
You know those Germans. If you're
not on time, it's a problem.
I said: Let's visit Aida,
even if it's just for half an hour.
Had you called, I would have...
- Next time, God willing.
Wait, at least take this.
What? No way!
For the kid. It's nothing.
We have prepared
for Zagreb. Don't worry.
Thanks a lot. See you.
- But this is sort of...
You want me to buy you
that Atlas? - I'm only looking.
I don't need it, really.
I was just looking.
I'll buy it while it's still open.
- You can buy it anywhere. Don't.
I'm gonna buy it!
- Don't buy that!
How much for the Atlas? - 30 kunas.
Can I take it myself? - Yes.
There. Was that a problem?
- I didn't say it was, but...
Thank you.
See how big China is.
How about that Aida?
She's a big girl.
I think she left home too early,
but she's doing fine, I reckon.
Did you see the new Panasonic?
If she wanted to go, let her.
- Yes, but I'm just saying...
I'm gonna buy something.
You want a sandwich? - No.
What are you doing? - Filling up
the bathtub. I want to take a bath.
It's filled up.
Are you nervous
about tomorrow? - No.
We are both nervous.
I brought you a sandwich.
Come out and eat it.
I'll do it later. - You know
that you mustn't lock yourself in.
I know, I know.
Excuse me. Can I sit here?
You are working on the movie?
The movie? Yes.
My son is also in it.
He has an audition
tomorrow. The movie. Germany.
You are working and he is working.
This is he. He is working tomorrow.
These are my children and my wife.
But she left me, that bitch.
She left me, what can I do?
Once a Turk, always a Turk, she
says. She doesn't have a clue.
Life is so strange.
In both our countries family
is the most important thing.
Damned family.
- Yes, yes.
You want us to meet in the dark,
mother. You have all lied, mother.
Talk to me!
Can we go back after this...
...not thinking.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
There's no other way. We live here.
That's all you can say after I have
searched for you all over Bosnia?
You want us to meet in the dark,
mother. You have all lied, mother.
That's all you can say after I have
searched for you all over Bosnia?
You want us to meet in the dark,
mother. And they all know.
Sit here, son.
Balog? - That is us!
Can we come in with him?
- There is no need.
Excuse me, will you be calling
us alphabetically? - We'll call you.
Is this alphabetically or...
That's all you can say after I have
searched for you all over Bosnia?
You want us to meet
in the dark, mother.
Just practicing.
You can fax it to me, yes.
Miss. - Just a minute.
You are Mr. Peric?
Yes. - I need your details.
- Here they are.
I don't have Matic either.
- Here we are. - Just a minute.
The kid has prepared well.
He's a bit nervous. If he could...
Just a minute.
Peric, Matic...
Krstulovic, Badurina
and Lorkovic can stay.
The rest of you are free
to go. Thank you for coming.
Peric, Matic, Krstulovic,
Badurina and Lorkovic...
Wait, what about my kid?
Just a minute.
Matic isn't here?
He's in a drama group
plays an accordion...
The director said that he looks
too old. It's not up to me.
Too old? - Maybe
something else comes up.
Such a long trip
and now nothing?
We'll call
if something comes up.
Let's get in.
It's less crowded.
Let him go last, please!
They're not even gonna call me?
They're not even gonna call me?
Don't get upset. They
wouldn't call you for nothing.
Do you know how much they're
paying for the room? 150 each.
wouldn't do it for nothin'.
They must give you a shot.
Otherwise it's not logical.
I don't care.
They could play some music.
What do you need music for?
For the atmosphere.
God, it's like a funeral!
Ask them to play some if you want.
What's the matter?
You like music too!
Armin! - What?
Nothing. Eat before it gets cold.
If you would only listen to
me. Don't look at me that way.
You don't' listen
to a word I say.
Nothing sticks. Look a
little livelier, for fuck's sake!
What is it? - Sorry to disturb you.
Can I ask you
something? - Yes?
I didn't tell you that my
son played an accordion.
I'm really glad, but
we don't have much time.
Please, listen
to him for 5 minutes.
He's been playing in school
for 7 years. He's really good.
We are really glad, but...
I heard him say that it's O. K.
I'll be back with Armin!
He's great, you'll see!
I'll be right back!
Excuse me!
Don't pack! They didn't know
that you play an accordion!
Concentrate! They
are waiting for you!
I'm gonna play now?
- Yes, now! Come!
Leave the jacket! Didn't I tell you
that you'll get your chance?
Who did you talk to?
- They are here. Must be.
What did you tell them?
- She told me to bring you.
The director wants to shoot
immediately. - What did I tell you?
He's ready. That's it?
Let him go there.
- Take your accordion.
Is it there?
- Yes, there.
You can sit here.
Will he be playing
original compositions?
He plays only originals.
Which one?
Give 'em some Halid.
Just a sec.
Go on, don't be shy.
Spring is here in all its gaiety
And I'm gripped by my old anxiety
I skulk around your street at night
In the shadows I hide from light
I see you walking fast
Towards me come at last
Everything is like before
Everything's like it used to
be, only nothing's the same
Autumn in me...
Autumn in me...
Start again.
Excuse me.
Armin, my son!
People want to hear you!
Don't just stand there! Bring
him some water! Stop shooting!
Drink up your juice.
I don't know what came over him.
I'm not looking for excuses...
Have you been to the doctor?
Let's go to our room.
- Wait 'til I explain.
If you only knew how well
he plays. 15 days ago... - Dad!
Forget about it.
Let's go to our room.
I just wanna say...
- No, you just go ahead.
You can stay one more day. Go
to the museum or the restaurant.
These are his photographs.
Thank you.
I'm going to pay for your room.
I just wanna say that
this happens rarely.
He's been playing an accordion for
If you would be so
kind as to listen to him.
We don't need the
director. - It's all right.
Can you listen to him...
Our son is not the only child
auditioning here...
Tomorrow he's supposed
to play and say the text.
Cool down, Zineta.
Enough of your lectures!
Shall we?
Why are you tearing up the text?
Feel free to take it.
It might make you famous.
Open the door!
That's only so they
can hear you talk.
Look at Aida. See how
she struggles in life.
Aida? What are you talking about?
Take a rest, son.
You have to be
prepared for everything.
Look how it is in Bosnia.
And people live nevertheless.
Let them live.
Rest a while.
I am going for a walk.
Can't I be alone in a room?
Let some fresh air in later.
Stuttgart is a good team.
We in Bosnia like
Bayern better, though.
Great country. You have helped
us a lot with the refugees and all.
My wife's sister lives
in Bielefeld. She's a nurse.
How about a beer?
Two beers, buddy!
I want to tell you about Armin... he's
upstairs watching television...
He's a good kid, but you know
how it is, growing pains...
He's just discovering himself...
He has prepared well.
Stage fright... You know all about it.
Fuck, you are a movie guy, right?
Film? I'm working on film.
Film is my one and only love!
Two more beers, buddy.
Wait. You know those people.
Give them this photograph.
He likes acting. Two more
beers, I said! Bring 'em!
You have to see. Listen...
Why don't you go fuck
yourself! You and your movie!
Give me a brandy.
Make it a double.
Let me ask you something.
How many children, out of
You don't know?
One, or none.
Give me a check.
Take this as well.
Buy yourself
a brandy or something.
I'm sorry, have you seen my father?
A man... Ordinary looking...
I have no idea...
There's this arrow.
To hell with you!
Armin, have you been smoking?
Who smoked? I didn't.
It doesn't matter.
Wanna smoke one with me?
I don't smoke, what's with you?
C'mon, smoke one with your dad.
Go on, light up.
You are angry
'cause I made you play.
No, I'm just sleepy.
- No, I know you are!
You can smoke, I tell you.
I don't want to.
That thing that you
have is nothing serious.
It's all in your head.
Mother and I talked
to some people.
There is a medicine in Sweden.
We'll buy it, whatever the cost.
When you are 18 it can
disappear without a trace.
I fell asleep in a chair.
I'll be right up.
Did mother call?
I can't eat.
I don't feel to good.
It's not good to eat before
a trip. Too bad, all this food...
Excuse me. - Yes?
- There's no smoking in here.
Sir, do you have a minute?
What now? - Can we go back? I
would like to ask you something.
We have a bus to catch.
Somebody will take you there,
don't worry. Won't be long.
Is everything
paid for? - Yes, it is.
We would like another
meeting with you and the kid.
What meeting?
Let's go in. I'll explain everything.
Will Mr. director be
there? - Yes, don't worry.
I'll cut to the chase.
I know you're in a hurry.
The director would
like to ask you something.
It's O. K., but we
have a bus to catch.
He would like to make a
documentary about Bosnia.
What kind? - It would be
a documentary about the war.
About the war?
He's interested in your case.
What case?
Your problems, I mean.
That would be the subject.
It would be very discreet and
you would profit in every way.
His condition is the
result of some war trauma?
Thanks, but I'm not interested.
That's our private problem.
Let's go. - Please, stay.
I didn't mean it like that.
It's O. K., I tell you.
- Could you stay awhile?
Wait for me outside, son.
Everything would be paid for.
Daily allowances included.
We have a contract here and we
would pay the first installment now.
Ask him again.
No, thanks. He's not a child anymore.
O. K., I won't insist.
Everything has been
fair and square so far.
Thank you very much.
And goodbye.
Have a safe trip!
Finish your cigarette. It's all right.
I didn't mean it.
They don't have a clue.
Did I play well?
Of course you did.
Hi, neighbor. What's up?
Nothing much. What's
up with you? - Nothing much.
We're back from Zagreb. - Well.
We went to an audition in Zagreb.
Business, you know.
Anyway, see ya.
That's good.
Shall we, dad?
- Let's go.