Armitage: Dual Matrix (2002)

Colonel Strings to HQ.
Colonel Strings to HQ.
Time is 05:21. Initiating
target penetration. Over.
Let's go!
Dreams come true!
From the red deserts
to the blue oceans!
Astro Technologies is making
your dreams come true!
We're advocating a project
to safely create oceans... using ice chunks
floating in orbit of Mars.
All we ask for
is your support...
...and then we really can
make dreams come true!
Antimatter reactor
has overloaded.
Levels have reached
critical zone!
Danger! All personnel,
evacuate at once!
For the sake of humanity, for the
sake of our righteous goal...
The Third Project...?
The reception of a distress
call from an antimatter plant...
...on an isolated island
in the Pacific...
...has resulted in the dispatch
of an army special forces unit.
According to our investigation,
robots at the plant have rebelled...
...resulting in the deaths of
many of the plant's staff.
While the situation
is now under control...
...we are currently waiting for a
comment from the robot's maker...
Good-bye, dear.
Were you waiting long?
Mr. Oldman!
Be sure her mother comes by to
help out at the bazaar tomorrow!
Uh... Right!
You think mommy will come?
I dunno. She's not too
good with stuff like that.
Mommy, we're home!
Where are you, "Mommy?"
...and the anti-robot movement
has now spread all over the world.
As a reaction, President Hemming
of the Earth Robotronics Union...
the leader in
the robot industry...
...has just made a statement.
Let's see that recording.
The problem occurs in Seconds,
manufactured only on Mars...
...which have a
fractal circuit installed.
These things aren't necessary
for robots anyway.
I hope the more frequent usage of
Earth-made Seconds equipped with...
Welcome home.
...human obedience circuits is reconsidered in light of this incident.
...human obedience circuits is reconsidered in light of this incident.
That was President Hemming of the ERU. In other news...
That was President Hemming of the ERU. In other news...
Check it out.
That was President Hemming of the ERU. In other news...
- Happy birthday, Yoko.
- Congratulations, Yoko.
A token of my
affection, Naomi.
Is today your birthday, too,
Mommy? Same as mine?
Yoko, those roses are my thanks for
this feast your mother made for us.
Oh, I get it.
Okay, then I'll give you
a thank-you present, too.
My birthday, huh...?
The Chicago police today announced the
submission of a bill to the Assembly... reduce the number of robot police
officers who have been deployed... work on simple
duties such as...
...dealing with parking violations
and cleaning up after accidents.
It's expected to pass
sometime this week.
All right, after this commercial,
we'll be back with a live interview... at Blue 5 Net studios with
Colonel Strings, the commander of...
...the 404th mobile troops which
raided that antimatter plant.
And now a Blue 5 Net
exclusive interview!
You were the first man on-site
during the raid, is that correct?
Yes, ma'am. The first one in
and the last one out.
Were the robots so dangerous
that you needed to use guns?
The only survivors were 8 of my men
and just 3 of the plant's personnel.
We tried our best.
Are you on the side of the humans?
Or are you on the side of the robots?
My own beliefs
guide my actions
Humans are humans
and robots are robots.
Human rights are reserved
for humans only, I'd say.
Thank you for your time.
That was Colonel Strings.
This vehicle is in
violation of traffic laws.
Further pursuit is--
Who are you, lady?
I have some business with the
colonel. He's in there, isn't he?
Right now, I'd say the colonel
is enjoying a nice drink!
What the...?!
A Second, enhanced for hand-
to-hand combat. Handmade...
You're not human, are you?
Who are you supposed to be?
The Tin Woodsman in a full-body cast?
I may get a bonus if I just...
...take your head back
with me, my little Dorothy.
Ow... Damn, that thing's strong!
I just need to have your head left,
or else I won't get any bonus.
I may have overdone it...
"Rank: sergeant."
"404th mobile troops,
reserve forces."
I knew it.
One of Strings's men.
They sure have
this planned out...
Yoko... This may take
longer than I expected.
So, you're still alive...
The lost Third...
The Angel of
Death and Life, eh?
Hm? Oh, hi, Kevin.
You're relieved. Anything
left for me to worry about?
- Not a damned thing.
- What's that?
Someone mailed in a threat.
Earth-lovers, most likely.
They apparently
don't like the fact...
...that we make high-compression
propellant here.
They say Martians should
live in the deserts...
...and stop wishing for oceans.
Well, have a nice shift.
All set... Good luck!
You aren't going to break through
the security here! Give up!
Oh, we'll head straight home
after we blow up this facility...
...and all the rocket fuel here!
C'mon! C'mon!
Is that all you've got?!
How are you? Hurt bad?
Nah, it's nothing serious.
Good to hear. Man, you did
a great job in there.
Outstanding, really.
Unfortunately, there are
some complications...
The police have just
issued a statement.
They stopped the vehicle
with the escaping terrorists...
...and arrested the last three.
It's just... The three of
them are all robots.
Robots?! But, what about
the ones I killed?
They were human.
But there was no way I
could tell in that situation!
I know, I know.
We'll have lawyers at
the press conference.
The only words you'll say
there are "No comment."
Got that? Everything'll
be fine, so don't worry.
And dress those bandages
up to make it look worse.
You're a hero who risked
his life in the line of duty.
A victim. Got that?!
Okay, come on!
Hi, Julian.
Hi, Armitage.
It's been a long time since
anyone's called me by that name.
You saw it, right?
Yeah. You mean about
the First Error, right?
- Tell me about it.
- It doesn't interest me.
- Why not?
- Because I'm a ghost.
I couldn't care less about
things in the mortal world.
Thanks, Julian.
Judging from the situation...
...Mr. Kevin Oldman merely
carried out his duty, that's all.
But the three human
terrorists are dead...
...while their three robot
accomplices are completely unharmed.
Is there a special reason
for that, Mr. Oldman?
I believe we explained
that already!
When you have
terrorists who are...
...ready to use a liquid
explosive bomb breaking in... you think
there's time to sort out...
...which are human and
which are robots?!
The question was for Kevin.
Please answer it, sir.
He's been through enough today!
Would you cut it out already?
Hold it! Just a moment!
Are you one of those
robot fetishists?
Do you subscribe to
"Deep Robo" magazine?
Do you use a robot maid?
Ever had sex with a robot?
Would you all stop it?!
Robots only do what
they're ordered to do!
The real criminals
are the humans!
...and Mr. Oldman has gained
an amazing amount of support... the vanguard of those
who believe in Robot Rights...
...and desire a new social order
which denies human supremacy.
Furthermore, the incident is
expected to have a large effect...
...on the upcoming Chicago Summit
between Earth and Mars in 2 weeks...
...which will address
the Robot Rights bill.
We have an analyst
here with an opinion.
Should robots be granted
the same rights as humans?
Most of Earth had been
against it and would say no...
...but the more liberal
Martians had favored it.
Because of that, the bill was
expected to go nowhere...
...but the aftermath
of the First Error...
...slightly moved Martian
public opinion against it.
However, this latest incident has
revitalized Robot Rights activities.
Well, our focus
now will be on... this all affects
the upcoming summit.
You really did it this time, Kevin.
Or should I say Ross Sylibus?
I'm sorry, all of the robot
doormen were let go.
Let me get that
bag for you.
Who are you?
You're Strings, right?
I came to ask why
you killed those robots.
I'm talking about all
those robots you killed.
Killed? Robots?
Don't you mean "destroyed?"
Does that include
the humans, too?
You probably know that 18% of
that plant's staffwas human.
You act as though you
were there yourself.
For the sake of humanity, for the
sake of our righteous goal...
You...! You're a robot?!
You're garbage!
Some sick monster
who gets off on killing!
You killed them all to hide the existence
of the Third Project, didn't you?!
Third? What are
you talking about?
Don't play dumb!
Hold it!
Hold it right there,
Naomi Armitage.
I can just see
tomorrow's headlines:
"Hero of the First Error suppression,
murdered by robot assassin."
Sorry to have exposed you
to such unpleasantness.
How do you
know my name?
Well, well, well!
Has life on the run dulled
your detective's intuition?
My name is Demitrio Mardini.
Executive Vice President
of Earth Robotronics.
And you're the daughter of the great
genius, Dr. Asakura, are you not?
I've so looked forward to
meeting you. This is an honor.
Welcome to Earth, my dear!
Now, shall we get
down to business?
I've brought him, sir.
It's been a long time,
Ross Sylibus.
Mr. Chairman...
I called you here for a reason.
I need a favor, Ross.
Y- Yes, sir...
Would you go
to Earth, please?
I want you to attend
the Chicago Summit.
As the representative
of me, Frederick Ohara...
...chairman of the Martian
Development Foundation.
You'll go, won't you?
Me, sir...?
To begin with,
the remarkable advancements... robot production techniques on
Mars have been driven by necessity.
The birth rate has been
dropping dramatically...
...since the fourth
generation of colonists.
And there's a labor shortage.
That, in turn, led to a need for
robots to be dependable partners.
If they're to be partners,
they need to be given rights...
...protected by law as good
citizens and good neighbors.
It's the only logical
outcome, isn't it?
But it's an outcome
I can't allow.
Demand for the Seconds
imported from Mars... slowing my company down.
And if the Robot Rights bill goes
through, things will get worse.
It could shake every union
to its foundations.
As a businessman,
I want to prevent that.
So, you're spinning
a new scenario.
You made up the First Error,
the robot uprising.
Not quite. The uprising
did actually happen.
If you made it all the
way to Earth like this... must know
about that already.
I don't just know
about it! I saw it!
I'm carrying the memories of a
Third who was built in that plant!
I see. It's fascinating how
you robots communicate...
Listen to me. You Thirds live
a very sad existence.
No one will acknowledge you exist,
and so you're doomed to be forgotten.
What I want is to give you all a
clear and specific purpose in life:
The creation of human beings!
A most honorable
purpose, is it not?
Oh, that's bullshit! Why do
you think the Thirds rebelled...
...when they were forced
into that research?!
Well, I can't believe it.
Your friends tried to escape
from the Garden of Eden.
Listen, this is a wonderful
operation I'm proposing.
From time immemorial, the most
difficult task has been...
...the creation of humans
you can manipulate freely.
Now you can do it.
You can make a cheap labor
force who will never complain.
Or produce soldiers
who aren't afraid of dying.
Creating people to simply love
would be nice, too, wouldn't it?
The ultimate product,
wouldn't you say?
You want to play God?
Not quite...
Perhaps just have the
power of one of His chosen.
And that's why you killed the
human staff members as well.
Yes, that's right.
So, won't you come with me?
To my Garden of Eden?
If you have that other Third's
memories, you must understand.
I need your power.
I need you...
The original Third.
Go to hell.
You disappoint me.
Grab her!
You seem to be in pain
all of a sudden.
So, how do you like
its jamming functions?
All right! Take her!
What's wrong?!
This date's over.
You're just not my type!
Did she get away?
Or is she dead?
She's a Third, after all...
Oh, I found a
real beauty here!
This isn't some consumer model you
can get off the assembly lines!
Skeletal frame says
"Made on Mars."
Well, let's ask this little
stranger who she is...
These are her
latest memories.
I doubt it misfired...
Oh, I see...
She took over its power systems
and then must have activated...
...the gun's safety and its
proximity fuse at the same time.
Well, that's how you use
telepresence abilities!
Quit poking around
in my memories!
Didn't mean any harm!
I'm Mouse, a repairman.
And you, my dear, are a mess.
Your main autonomous nerve lines and
vital parts are completely severed.
If you went to a dealer...
...they'd tell you to forget about
repairs and just buy a new body!
Unfortunately, I'm kinda
attached to this body.
Anyway, I need to move again.
Can you do that?
CAN I? I am a genius!
However, it'll cost you.
Payment to be made in
Earth dollars. And no IOUs!
We will soon be arriving
at the orbital station.
The following connecting shuttles
are scheduled to leave from there:
Chicago, flight 102,
departing at 13:00.
Daddy, it's just like
you said! It's so pretty!
Toronto, flight 618,
departing at 14:10.
Would you go
to Earth, please?
We've worked so hard on...
...the Robot Rights summit
and have gotten so far.
I naturally intended
to attend it myself...
...but in light of what happened
to you, I've changed my mind.
Earth is very nervous about...
...the rising drive for
Martian independence.
They're threatened
by the pressure for...
...the Zephyria terra
forming project.
And now they're
telling us to accept...
...40 million immigrants during
the fourth stage of development.
Their attitude is drastic.
The point is, Earth wants to
keep Mars as its colony.
Despite what it says,
we all need robots now.
Not just for Martian development,
but for humanity's future.
And the Rights bill is
necessary for that future.
I agree with you.
But, why me, sir?
Because you're the
man for the time.
The hero of Mars.
Oh, you may not have intended
to become that, but you are now.
I would like to use your
standing to full advantage... getting the Robot
Rights bill passed.
Ross... You can't keep
hiding forever.
This is also a good chance to
ensure Yoko's future, isn't it?
Let's say, if you scratch
my back, I'll scratch yours...
Thank you for choosing
All Martians Spacelines today.
What have you
got there, Yoko?
It's a secret!
I hope we see
Mommy soon...
And with 2 days to go until the
Chicago Summit on Robot Rights opens...
...All Martian Spacelines
flight 102 landed...
...with the Martian
representatives today.
Among them is this man,
currently the talk of the town.
Mr. Kevin Oldman.
So, he's still alive...
As a result of his comments...
...made after the terrorist attack on
Astro Technologies only days ago...
I see now...
...he's received overwhelming support from Robot Rights activists.
So, that's what's going on.
...he's received overwhelming support from Robot Rights activists.
Nice job!
Okay, I have a few
little things to do now.
Once I'm done,
we'll go look for Mommy.
Before the opening of today's
summit on Robot Rights...
...all of the major
robotronics companies'...
...sagging stock prices
are now taking off.
This is due to their announcement
that all robots will now be made...
...with a slave circuit installed
which will guarantee loyalty...
...and ensure that robots
will never harm humans.
Stockholders are also reacting
positively to the possibility...
...that the industry's healthy
economy might be restored...
...should the Robot Rights bill
fail to win passage.
Welcome, Mr. Oldman.
What's going on here?!
Where's my daughter?!
Please, cal m down.
As you can see, she's unharmed.
Why are you doing this?!
I want you to vote against
the Robot Rights bill.
The reason being...
If I call you this,
will you understand then...
... Ross Sylibus?
How did you...?!
You seem to
catch on fast.
If you vote against the bill...
...your pretty little daughter
will be returned unharmed.
If you don't do
as I ask, well...
It's all up to you, isn't it?
It's now time for the vote... the much-anticipated
Chicago Summit on Robot Rights.
Let's now go live
via relay to the summit.
We will begin
taking the vote.
All those in favor of
the new bill from Mars...
...the Robot Rights bill,
please stand up.
What's going on?
As expected, all the Martian
delegates are for the bill...
...while all of the Earth
delegates oppose it.
Once again the Martian
bill will not easily pass--
What's this?!
Mr. Oldman, one of the Martian
delegates, isn't standing in support!
If he doesn't stand,
the bill will be thrown out!
He's up! No, wait!
He's approaching the chairman.
Three votes for passage,
four against, one abstention.
The motion is denied!
Mr. Oldman has
abstained from the vote!
This is a completely
unexpected turn!
The bill has not passed!
He abstained...
Well, I'll let it go.
What am I missing?
Or are you telling me
the ability to conceive life... only in the
province of God...?
Hi there, Demitrio!
You want my data?
Hi there, Demitrio!
You want my data?
Then I'll transfer over
some sample data for you.
If you want the merchandise,
contact Mouse Robot Service.
Your password is...
An informant, eh?
All set.
Please feel free to deal with
Mouse Robot Service any time.
You now have the
last of the data...
Hold it.
Let me confirm this.
So, this is the last
of the data, you say?
This isn't all of it!
It is, I swear! What you
wanted is on that disc, too!
What I want is the data
on her ability to conceive!
Wh- What...?!
Tell me!
Where are you hiding it?!
I don't know about
any such data!
If it's in there,
it's somewhere out of my reach!
Anyway, I gave you
everything I have!
If you can't analyze it,
your system must be obsolete!
Don't play dumb!
I can't complete...
...the conception functions
with just this data!
That's impossible!
You should be able to clone her
exactly by copying the hardware...
Something must
be wrong, then...!
You don't have the vital piece?!
Some informant!
What the...?!
Just like her, aren't they?
But I'm still missing
that last, vital part.
Now then, give me
the remaining data.
I told you, I don't have it!
Don't you want to see robots
who can give birth to children?
Oh, get real!
He must have a
connector somewhere.
Rip the data out
of his memory bank.
All that leaves us
with is the daughter.
Dump this trash
in the bin, would you?
That son of a bitch!
I won't forget this!
I swear... He'll regret
messing with me...!
Hotel Royal Greenhill.
The Martian Development
Foundation representatives, please.
Well, they've
gone already...
Mr. Kevin Oldman, as well?
No, he isn't back yet, so he's still
registered as staying in this hotel.
Can I help you
with anything else?
No, never mind.
Thank you.
What's happened, Ross?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Where's my daughter?!
You promised me you'd return her!
Relax. As promised,
you'll be with your daughter again...
In Heaven.
You were planning this
from the start, weren't you?!
What the hell...?
Get out!
Who the hell are you?!
Police officer!
Well, formerly...
Why, you...!
These guys are nuts!
The day Yoko was born...
I was so happy. The happiest
I've ever been in my life.
But I was worried, too.
I was worried that, one day,
I might lose both you and Yoko.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I left
without telling you.
But I just had to
know the truth.
Because I'm a Third, too.
And now my precious little
Yoko is mixed up in all this.
Some mother I am...!
Stop trying to take on
every problem by yourself.
We can change our names
and forge new identities...
...but ifwe can't
escape our destiny...
...then we'll fight it.
For Yoko...
And for us as a family.
Yoko's waiting.
Let's go get her.
Thank you, Ross...
Your ID cannot be confirmed.
If you do not leave within 10 seconds,
you will be removed by force!
I'm here for my daughter.
Now move!
If you've harmed
my daughter, I'll kill you!
I'll keep that in mind.
Give me the company info of
this building! Search: Demitrio!
Ross! Do you hear me?!
Room 49, level 258!
It's some sort of lab,
but I think she's in there!
Naomi, I just contacted Mars!
I've had a shuttle readied for us
on an unused orbital elevator!
It takes off at 5:00 AM!
That gives us four hours!
Naomi, don't do
anything reckless.
They're after my secret.
I'm not gonna let them get
their hands on me so easily.
don't underestimate them.
I hear you.
What, him again?!
You wanna end up
like you did before?
You're a slow learner,
aren't you?
I'd prefer it if you wouldn't wreck
any more of my merchandise.
Shall we discuss this?
All I'll discuss is you
giving me my daughter back!
Sure you want to brush
me off so quickly?
You can't release her.
I have the access protected.
Is this it?
The door's locked!
Can you release it?
Impossible. It's protected, so my
telepresence won't work!
Ross, there's something else!
Listen to me! That room's a freezer!
Yoko's in danger!
I'll buy some time.
Ross, you'll have to handle it.
There, that's better.
I ran some tests on
your daughter's body.
I found no unusual
abilities in her.
How disappointing.
Just a normal child...
What did you do to Yoko?!
Did you hurt her?!
Hurt her? My dear,
I'm not a barbarian!
I just took some small
blood and tissue samples.
You can relax. I have
no use for a normal child.
I'm a lenient man.
I'm willing to forget the
considerable damage and rudeness... and your husband have
inflicted on my company.
However, that depends
on you telling me...
...what the secret
of the Thirds is.
The secret of your
ability to conceive life.
My secret?
You really want to know?
Shall I show it
to you right now?
You really will?
Closer, please.
A little more...
Yeah... Right there.
You apparently still don't
understand your position here.
I can set you
free if you wish.
Or I can shut your
loud mouth permanently... having your pretty
little head ripped off!
But, if you do that,
you'll lose the secret forever.
You foolish man.
Don't you know where the power
to create a child is in a woman?
Her heart! You don't just
make a child with your body!
The love she feels for someone!
The need to protect them!
The need to pass those
feelings on to the future... what makes a child!
You'll never understand that!
It's the software...
Is that it?
After her!
Who are you?!
Do you fakes think you
can beat the original?!
Mommy, I missed you!
Thank God you're okay...
Mommy, look!
Here! Your thank-you present
for my birthday party!
It's a bead ring!
I worked really hard on it!
I wanted to give it to
you as soon as I could.
I see. I'm sorry, hon.
What's wrong?
Th- This is just...!
What are they?
Naomi, hurry!
- Go without me.
- What?!
- I'll hold them off here!
God dammit!
That know-it-all bastard!
How could he
do that to me?!
Oh, great. Not again!
Let's see...
Well, let's give
it a try and see.
Looks like this elevator only
runs as high as this floor.
How do we
ride up from here?!
Daddy, this way!
This way! We can
go up through here!
Don't go running off!
But we can go up this way!
How do you know that?
I saw it downstairs!
Doesn't look like
it's coming down.
Someone's behind us.
What's wrong?
We're not there yet.
Yoko's in danger...
Please, I want you to release
my combat-mode limiter!
Don't you know what would
happen to your body...
...if you initiated your combat-
mode without the limiter?!
Your power level would be
mind-blowing, but still...
You'll exceed your internal
battery's output limits...
...and that Class-L heat radiator
system you have inside of you...
...wouldn't be able
to keep up with it!
That lovely skin
you're so proud of...
...would melt down
after only a minutes!
In the end, your body itself
will lose all control!
I'm aware of all that!
Please! There's no time!
Sheesh! Don't blame me
for what happens!
All clear?
The password to release your
limiter is "Heaven's Door."
Knock once, and it opens.
But if you push things too far,
you'll end up in Heaven for real!
Anyway, let's go!
Daddy! Daddy, this way!
R- Right!
Yoko, by any chance...
...did you memorize
the whole floor plan?
But how?
I just looked at it. Daddy,
give me a pen, please.
I never realized...
You're a real genius,
aren't you?
It's them again!
- No!
- Yoko!
Stay away...
Get on that one!
- Ross, hurry!
- Right! Yoko!
Man, this is getting
exciting, isn't it?
But the real show's
about to start.
And you, my dear Demitrio,
are the star!
I have one more
favor to ask.
What?! Another one?!
You copied my
memory data, didn't you?
There's something I'd
like you to do with it.
She's slick, I'll give her that.
Well, not like I'm one to talk...
Okay, then! Here we go!
We interrupt this program
for a special report.
MGN has successfully
secured extraordinary footage...
...of the robot uprising which has
become known as the First Error.
As this footage shows,
the energy plant was actually...
...a front for illegal
Third Project research.
These shocking scenes
capture the project's failure...
...and the attempt by the ERU,
fearing its disclosure... suppress the truth.
We've also received information
which deeply implicates...
How dare he...!
How dare that little rat...!
...ERU Executive VP
Demitrio Mardini in this affair.
What's wrong?
It's two against one!
Don't hold back
any longer!
Don't let any of them
off the Earth alive!
Yoko! Hang on tight!
C'mon, get on my back.
Hang on as tight
as you can...!
Almost there!
Daddy, we're almost there!
Welcome to the No. 6
Chicago Orbital Elevator...
...your gateway to space!
There's the shuttle!
C'mon, let's go!
Get back!
God dammit!
Get your hands...
Get your hands off Yoko!
- Mommy!
- Look out!
Heaven's... DOOR!
Talk about your simple programs!
"Pursue targets and kill them," huh?
This is my limit...!
Dammit... There's no way
I'll be beaten by you!
Mommy! Stop it, please!
You're hurt so bad...
You're going to die!
I broke your ring...
Sorry, hon...
Then... Then I'll make
a ton more for you!
Mommy, you're
squishing me! Mommy!
C'mon, let's go home.
You think you're
getting away?!
This vessel is unregistered!
Verify its license number!
Vessel confirmed.
Noncompliant license detected.
Security system, engaged. Do you
wish to clear it for takeoff?
Like hell!
Transfer weapons control to me!
That order requires a double-A
or higher security authorization.
This is Demitrio Mardini!
Password is...
Warning! Warning!
Departing unlicensed vessel
cannot be cleared to leave port!
If this warning is ignored,
use of force is authorized!
Now you'll see...
It's you!
Wh- Why did you
come back?
Ready to fire.
I told you before.
That if you harmed
my daughter, I'd kill you.
It can't be... Armitage...?!
Please initiate firing mode.
Please initiate firing mode.
See you.
It was announced today that
the government would proceed with...
...the realization of the
Zephyria terra forming project...
...which had been planned
a while ago but till now...
...had been on hold due to
many points of contention.
This project will involve
the dropping of ice chunks...
...floating in high orbit
around Mars onto its equator... order to form
an artificial ocean.
C'mon! C'mon!
Over here!
Whoa! I'm soaked!
Hey, what about Mommy?
- Mommy!
- Yeah, splash her!
Ooh, now you're
gonna get it!
Come on!
Okay... Now I've got you!
Jesus Christ.
Between picking you
up from that blast site...
...and fixing you up this much,
it's been a lot of trouble!
Are you awake now,
my honey?
Yes, my master!