Armored (2009)

Rise and shine, let's to go.
You're gonna miss the buss, get up.
Will you stop acting like dad.
We ain't got time for this. Get up, I'm gonna be late.
Lunch is in the kitchen
come on man!
thats what Im talking about M4, state of the art
Yeah boys
I wish somebody mess with us on the move
cut the shit Palmer
Youre devil
Real tide with one of them
I saved my life. yes
I guess you saved yours
What is up?
Check this baby out, way big Ha?
looks like your are compensating
What you are talking about? What you are talking about?
You Know what they say? Bigger the gun harder the uh... pistol
okay okay, good one, good one, good one
How do you come up with that shit?
Next monday, team 01357 will commence training on the new port 25x7 acts
Ladys and gentlemen
We are entering the modern age All new trucks will be equiped with gps
This is a mandatory training, and I will accept no excuses
[indistinct radio talking]
Whats going on?
I got a flagged van it circled us twice
I wish they would try something
oh, whats going on?
whats going on?
I dont know
I dont know she just cut out on me
check the engages
okay it doesn look good.
hey oh, oh oh, do you smell it?
Anybody smell it?
I smell it, is sugar
No, No, this aint good
eagle 12 to base
keep hitting! keep hitting!
eagle 12 to base
Good damn it, where are you?
eagle 12 to base
holly shit!
What is shit? What is shit?
we got you man
You should have seem the look on your face
Ive got something Id like to say
Hold on a second
You know when you old man asked me to
be a goodfather, it was a big moment of my life
He was a great, uh, mentored me
Maybe uh, my best friend
I dont know how much does he hum, expressed to you how, how deeply proud he was of you joing the services
And your mom would be proud of the way you steped up for your brother Jimmy, really proud
And Im proud of you too. So get the moment to to Ty
You passed your probation, starts tomorrow, we will go shit on security
They droped the power line on the truck
fried everybody inside
they were luck they went fast
you remember...oh man
he tried demolition charge to blow the door
but the fuel tanks ended up in flames
they were cooked alive
so the ever got jacked?
Once, with a couple of cars and five men ambush
how much did they get?
Not one dollar
the last car in the crew dropped all five
One guy
Our Ashcroft?
I got a even better one, back to october of 88
A crew making 4 million dollar cash transfer
stopped in a car accident, only it wasnt an accident, it was a set up
the guard guy of the truck, grabed him, put a shotgun in the back of his head
The crew just gave up the money and let the guard go
the guys just gave up the money
it was either that or sacrifice one of their brothers
the funny thing about it is, they still live with this hijacks
they didnt find that money either
See? not everybody is a hero, soldier boy.
So when will you tell us about all the kid you got rid of in Bagdad?
We would like to hear about that
Ill take a leak
You are out of line man
You should be proud of what you did over there
A lot of innocent people died out there
Al right all right but you just trying to protect the guys on your unit
Most guys would be proud of this
Anyone would have done the same thing
Thats what you think, Thats what you think
We are not going to let the bank take your house
I dont know...
Dont bullshit me Ty
You dont worry about it we are gonna think in something
Ty? say hi to Jimmy
Dont say you are worried!
what you doing? ha?
Your bedroom is one thing
this is the kitchen right?
everyday, everyday is something with you
how Jimmy, how did you get those?
Your are getting no money from me so where did you get it Jimmy?
You be better not be stealing it from the store, where did you get them?
oh man, Im not stealing from the store
OK, tell me something
School has a real nice supply
boy! at least you are going to school
look at you
mamma told us all those stories
there was an owl
it was an owl or two
come on!
A real owl?
A real owl
listen up
one more thing
As I was getting the collections together for Freds will Ive found these!
For a good time call 5555 0125
Youse sick babe
How did you know it was me? Did you call the number chief?
I cant believe you let your sister marry this pig
She always Bring him home straight
Maybe she got to think in sicken animals
All right all right Settle down,
Tomorrow begin the ccd .....
So if you cant be here on time,be early
And I expect each of you to pay extra special attention to detail
half of acts will be carrying 80c priority notes
Ive got a real priority note
all right keep your eyes open up there
hey, gotta a sec top?
what is it Hackett?
I was wonder if you could hum, throw a few more shifts on my way
Yeh..., I know, I know theres a problem
I just need some help, get rid of some bank, some real ugly letters
Im sorry kid, none to go around
all right, thanks top.
eagle 12 to control
we are code 5 in the room
cap 12, next radio check in in 15 minutes
eagle 12, copy
I think I know what happened with that money
The Avelyn Job
They never cought those guys because they dont exist
the crew 4 million
then they just made up that story about kid jack
How the money came to be in Jacks?
Its classic, ... pretty good hum?
the only thing is, they make one big mistake
how is that?
they didnt take enough
this is the bank.
They are trying to take the house
You Know? the more things change, the more stay the same
shh I dont know what that means
Your dad worked two jobs, barely made
And then
god bless....Someday your mother dies
and may leave you with a house with two mortgages, a pile of hospital bills
thats not what they wanted for you
they wanted you to get out of this place and have a life that they never had
And now look at you...
here you are in the same old shit
guys like your old man used to places like this
And you go off to Iraq to serve the country
and the army silver star
For what?
dont get me started
Now lets get something to eat
hey kid Id get you another one but they usually stop before
thanks Joe, get me another coke?
you got it
You really love it dont you
My father
used to take me ....When I was a kid
And every time we...
[radio voice]
Thanks Joe
You be safe
gonna be here forever
hey joe, whats up joe
two regulars, one with cheese
and hum,
get me another one to go
For Jimmy
how hes doing?
time has been crazy
its hard for him you know
and you
You Know?
I really appreciate everything you do man
Are you kidding me?
You do a lot
You are like family, you and jimmy
You will always be family to me
I was talking to philly MIke
the whole damn world bro
Have you talked to jimmy about the situation?
he knows the man wants the house, but hum,just need to figure it out
Goog dog Joe
Lets take a walk
theres something I need to talk to you about
Thanks joe
See you around
Tomorrow its the start of the new ccd cicle
only happens twice a year
Yeh Ive heard it this morning
cant be on time be early
the banks will be looking to a ....... reserves
which means we gonna be transporting something in the neighborhood of...
Damn,its a lot of money
Damn straight [sighs]
So, think about it!
We might get judged
As a matter of fact they do
We gonna take that money Ty
You, me, Baines, Quinn, Palmer and Dobbs
Its gonna be just like the evelyn job
Only we dont make the same mistake they did
We are going big
Come on!?
Did you think last week was a joke?
Iit was a test run
thats exactlly the way this robbery is gonna play out
... alibi, stash the money,we tell we got jacked
they plan to yank 42 million dollars?
No we plan to yank 42 million dollars, because I need you on this
Are you crazy
Its gonna work..
The cops are going to be all over it mike
Forget the cops, of course they gonna be all over in the beginning
But we got a rock solid alibi
And all we gotta do is to stick to it
The trucks? mike?
We gonna couch the trucks,its gonna be no evidence left
We gonna couch the trucks? are you listening to me ...I dont like it,
All right,
Its clean!
Its clean!
Come on man, theres no bad guys
Theres just us
Nobodys gonna get hurt
Think about it
Someone has to think about it, Im not doing it
Me and Jimmy,
We gonna be all right
Look, I understand, I know you are all worked up about this, I dont blame you
Its all last minute, I understand
I want you to go home sleep on it
If you want in
Be at the bus stop in the morning
I wont be there
Ty Wait,
Where are you walking?
Ill drive you
Need a fresh air
Ty come on
promise you will think about it
Come on man
I know I can trust you with this
Ty, this lady came to see you
Shes in child wellfare
So,Are you Mr Tyller Hackett?
Child wellfare, Ty
Wait, wait, Whats going on, Whats going on?
I kept tell her, we dont know damn wellfare, but she dont want to listen
And I tried to explain its not that kind of wellfare
Its child supervision services, whatever lady whatever
My brother got a job right? we dont need no wellfare
Jimmy shut up!
Come in
In the past ten months, during this little time he has actually appeared at school,
James has had, two suspensions, four arrests
All for...
Hes an artist
You want to tell me thats not art?
Okay, come on lady
hes a good kid
when I was his age I was out wiring cars
Your brothers school has no way to find out
Hes missed more days than hes attended this year
What is she talking about it jimmy?
I asked you a question boy
I was looking for a job so we can keep the house
You are losing your house Mr. Hackett
No, we are not losing the house
You must understand Mr. Hackett
If james dont have the proper...
Didnt know he was missing school
As a result the department of child wellfare is legally obligated to intervein in James behalf
To determinate if hes a candidate for state funded care
A foster care
A foster...foster care, there must be, there must be a mistake
Im Jimmys legal guardian
I take care of him
Okay! All right
Life has been tough
We lost both
Lost both our parents this year
I understand mr. Hackett
Why split this up, lady?
Hes my brother
You know what that means? hum? Im all hes got
Hes all I got
Nobody split us up
No one gets hurt right?
There no bad guys
Only good guys
Jimmy needs me
I cannot go to jail.
Do you hear me?
Dont wanna blood on my hands.
Promise nobody gets hurt.
Nobody gets hurt, thats a promise.
Hackett, hold up a minute.
It came in today.
Its official kid.
Now you got the intent to prove it.
I want you to know that is an honor have a decorated patrol on my crew.
I mean that.
Come on lets go roll out.
Proceed transport 3489.
Copy that.
All right.
All right gentlemen.
All right well done.
Lets roll out.
Its time to check in.
Eagle 12, control.
Go ahead 12
Code 5.
Situations normal
Copy 12.
Next checkin in 58 minutes.
Copy that, Eagle 12 out.
You see what I mean?
Smell it?
Yes, smell like a....
Smell like ours.
Hey Hey, Dobbs!
You want the cops spilling booze on you?
Put it away!
Put it away!
Okay, Okay, Okay,
All right, look.
We got 50 more minutes to stash this money and then get jacked.
Lets go! come on!
I got a job for you, lets go!
Come on Hackett
Thats it!
Put the money in the hole all right?
Keep moving!
Here it comes! Here it comes!
Keep it comming! Keep it comming!
Thats it !
This one is empty.
Last one, lets go!
Someone is here!
Easy grampa.
Mike! Mike!
Wait ! wait!
All right ! all right !
[Indistinct talking]
Are you out of your mind?
Mike No!
Come down! right now!
Oh Jesus Christ!
Come down! Come down!
Come on!
Let him go.
Ty, where are you going?
Ty, hes not gonna make it.
Ty, stop!
I had to do it.
I had no choice.
I do.
No you dont!
Come on Ty, open up!
Well figure this thing out.
You just shot that...You just killed that man.
He was going to die before he got into a hospital.
You dont know that!
Yes I do!
You dont know that!
Yes I do, and so do you.
Look, Ty he was gonna lend us in jail anyway, dont you understand?
Ty, open this door so We can figure his this out and get out ....
You just want me to go out there, ha?
Baines just tried to kill me!
Forget Baines, Ill deal with Baines, I promise you.
Your promisses mean no shit!
Look I admit, Baines screwed up, you are absolute right about that.
But I didnt wanna to us all go down for his mistake.
We got clean this up, if you keep up cool, this thing can still work.
Think about Jimmy.
He needs you.
Control, eagle 12 this is eagle...
come on, we can make this work.
open the door, open this door
Youve heard that Joe?
Heard what?
Get out off the truck, come on!
We are dead, man.
Its gonna be okay.
Keep it cool Dobbs, just stick to the plan bro.
Stick to the plan?
Shooting that guy was part of the plan Baines?
Stop Dobbs
Its right, maybe we should leave
And go where?
I dont know, you guys just seat here and wait for the cops, Im done, Im do...
You are not going anywhere
we fail to checkin with Ashcroft.
This whole area will be crowed with cops
What we gonna do?
We just forget about the money im my truck
Take 21 mil from Quiin truck and split up in 4 ways
Still a lot of money
A lot of money?
And then what?
Cats out of the bag now.
It changes everything.
What we gonna do mike?
Get the kid out of the truck.
Hit the Hinges.
Those hinges are tempered steel.
The pins arent.
you can drive the ..., the hinges will come undone
and then what?
And then...
The cops will arrive.
We tell them Ty died saving our lives.
Here died a hero.
All you have to do is open the door.
Come on!
I could protect you
lets go we got 36 minutes.
Request for 400,000 cto from WLA trust.
Over 12 and 17.
We will do in 30.
Come on Kids, give it to me.
Come on man, Lets go!
Come on, this is taking too long.
Do you have a better idea?
keep going.
Help me man.
I cant !
You should have stuck with us
Come on Dobbs
I was nervous
Just help me out man.
You got to help me out
No, no I dont.
soldier boy?
What you doing?
What it looks like Im doing?
Come on man, are you out of your mind?
he broke my tooth! You damn moron.
Could break your head.
You burn the truck, you burn the money, idiot.
Ill tell your sister you called me that.
Cops comming!!
He stopped
I can take care of him
Hes not here for us, Dont do anything stupid
I can get rid of him.
Im good guy, Im good guy.
Is everything okay?
What are you doing here?
Im a security guard.
Yeah, I also do some maintenance work as well.
Yeah, Is everything okay?
I thought I heard a siren.
Sirens? no sirens here, not to my knowledge.
Why they need security at a abadoned building for?
Stealing..., Just stripping the place clean, its really terrible.
I heard some banging too.
Can you tell me where is it from?
Well Ive got to chase them out of here
Everybody wants a piece of the pie.
So ah, it has been over an year, so
Sirens sounded like was coming from in there.
I just came from in there.
I didnt see anything either.. ah
I dont really like in there much, you know
I can show you around but you might wanna cover
How is that?
An old dog died...
the extension is so bad make them puke, they got these rats, the size of a big old fat cat.
Come on in, I show you the dog.
Ill take your word for it.
You sure?
Well, thanks for stopping by.
If I hear anything else...
Be sure Ill let you know.
Help me get him inside
We should never have trusted
What was I suppose to do?
What was I suppose to do?
Indistinc talking
He would come inside
Hang on!
All right!
Youre going into shock.
Okay! All right!
Okay, All right!
Just look at me! look at me! look at me!
Im gonna clean this up and stop the bleeding all right?
All right!
I got an idea
Keep pressure on the wound
Can you do that?
Can you hear me?
All right, call it
Officer down, officer down
We just stop the bleeding,
We can work this out
We are not dieing today.
You just hang in there.
How long does this backup comes?
I know, I know.
Keep pression on it, Keep pression on it
You got to breath
Come on Palmer.
You watch my hands.
Youre Home?
Is he still alive?
Hes not gonna live if we dont get out, soon
Easy to get in.
Its our only one way out of here
What is he doing?
Come on, we are done here!
this is not what we agreed to, mike.
Palmer, dont let him do anything to me man, please
I wont.
Okay, Right!
Im sorry
Im sorry
I cant do it
I cant do it
I just wanna go home
Wanna go home man
Just wanna to see my kid
Im sorry, Im sorry.
No one was supposed to get hurt.
Dont leave please.
What are you doing?
Palmer are you with us?
Lets go, lets get back to work
What are you doing?
I see them, they dont know what we got it, right?
Are you with me? are you with me?
Hurry up!
keep talking.
Talk to me, talk to me!
okay, Im gonna try to get a signal.
You just keep pression on that thing.
Ill be back.
You just stay put!
Come on!
Think I heard something
Palmer, go check it out.
Lets go.
We have an officer down, officer down!
I need help.
Whats your location?
Im at the steel, steel industry center.
State a name please.
Just can hear it please.
[radio voice]
Its done.
Its over!
You stupid kid
Just put the gun down,
Dont make, dont make it worse.
Just, just put the gun down.
Why couldnt you just go along?
Palmer listen to me, just...
Just put the gun down.
Look, um!
You dont wanna hurt anybody.
Shut up! shut your fucking mouth!
You know what?
You dont, You dont wanna do this.
You dont wanna do this.
Just put the gun down.
We both go home, we can both go home.
Shut up! shut up! shut the hell up!
You think God will forgive me?
They are comming, I got through! I got through!
Dont you touch him!
Get out of the truck!
I told you not to mess around.
Get out of the truck.
Youve got three seconds Ty,
Come on soldier boy.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Come on Jimmy, Move!!
Are you Okay?
Are you hurt?
Ill make sure cops know how to find us. Right? Ill be back.
Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy!
Ill be back.
All right?
Cop told what you did.
Lets talk of a reward.
Are we going home?