Army Wives: A Final Salute (2014)

Claudia Joy:
Look beside each soldier
and you will find the people
who fight with them...
The spouses, the sons,
the daughters, the families.
I married
a committed military man,
and I've loved
this military life.
And I'm proud to call myself
an army wife.
All right, sit down, everybody.
How does it feel to be reunited
with these people?
How are you, papas?
Davis: Seeing everyone again
was so amazing.
It's just so heartwarming to get
those hugs and to catch up.
As we all know, behind every
good soldier is their family.
It's so good to see everybody
because I recognize them
as true friends.
Brannagh: I actually realize,
like, this is a family.
[ Laughs ]
It was really, really special.
And we make it to the corner of,
like, Queen and Braun, and...
- Which is a half a block.
- Half a block.
- And Wendy said, "Whoo!"
- [ Laughter ]
Pressman: It's amazing to be
reunited with the group.
It's like a big family reunion.
- No!
- Oh, yeah.
You know, we just pick up
right where we left off.
Fuller: I mean, after spending
six or seven years
with any amount of people,
I mean, obviously there's love,
there's fighting,
there's laughing,
there's tears, there's...
It's everything.
- We make a good team.
- Yeah.
- We knew that already, didn't we?
- Well done.
We had such fun.
Behind the scenes, you know,
you'd have dinners together,
we'd have barbecues together,
we'd have movie night.
[ Cheering ]
It would have been a much less
pleasurable experience
if we didn't have people
who we actually cared about
and we loved, who we enjoyed
spending time with.
I know that Roland,
you, and me...
we're always gonna be together.
As actors, we're blessed often
just to be a part of anything.
But there's nothing like
a project that clearly has
a lot of meaning
to a lot of people.
These outstanding troops have
served their country honorably.
We're so proud of the show,
and we all share that.
I'm an army wife,
and I'm proud of it.
Me, too.
To get to see one another again,
it's very much like coming home.
There he is!
Hey, soldier.
I was just saying to Jeremy
that I never thought
we would be sitting here again,
like, all of us.
Pressman: - Ever again.
- Yeah. It's pretty amazing.
I just feel like,
for whatever reason,
we've never really
said goodbye.
When we came back to do
this reunion,
I was like, "See?
'Army Wives' never goes away.
- It never goes away."
- [ Laughter ]
This story has touched so many.
- I'm just glad we get a happy ending.
- Yeah.
Yeah, somebody's gonna have
a good night.
- Whoa.
- [ Laughter ]
Any time in life
when you really connect
and there's so many things
that can...
you know, stars align,
if you will. That kind of thing.
- Yeah.
- I really think it's just rare.
Delaney: And even seeing
each other today,
- it's like we picked up where we left off.
- Totally. Absolutely.
We all get together,
and it's like family.
When you're starting on
any new project,
you have no idea
how long it's gonna last.
- The fact that we all got along so well
like immediately... - Like right away.
And if that's why the show
went as long as it did.
And that's, like...
It's, like, unheard of now.
This was the first thing
I had ever done.
When someone said, "Oh,
you're shooting in Charleston,"
I was like, "Whatever."
[ Laughter ]
The fun part is that we were...
- a lot of us were on the
plane together. - Yeah.
- Right. - That's right.
- And you had a diet
because she was in a thong
in the pilot.
Oh, my God.
Mrs. Holden.
Mrs. Sherwood.
[ Laughter ] McNamara: And so,
the three of us go to dinner.
And Bridge and I are foodies.
We're drinking wine.
We're having shrimp and grits.
And she's having a little piece
of fish.
I think I had, like,
a little piece of fish
and, like, a grilled tomato.
I was like, "Thank you."
And you're like,
"Did you taste these grits?
- They're amazing." I was like...
- [ Laughter ]
Looks like I got here
just in time for the 8:00 show.
Davis: The pilot episode was
so amazing.
- It was an incredible script.
- Yeah.
Yeah, it was pretty edgy.
- And also, it was based
on Tanya's book. - Yeah.
And reading that book
before the pilot
and stepping into this,
we knew how much meaning
it could have.
Delaney: - Such a good book.
- Yeah.
I took it and read it
in a restaurant
and just bawling
in the restaurant.
Biank: I'm an army brat.
My dad served for 30 years
in the army.
And as a writer, I always wanted
to write a book
showing the human side
of military life.
Tanya Biank had written a very
enterprising piece of journalism
about what was happening
to soldiers and their families
when they were returning
from Afghanistan.
But in writing the book,
in order to make
that understandable
to a lay audience,
she had to go into
what it was like
to be married to the military
in the first place.
[ Sighs ]
The army wife perspective,
their experience
was really something that was
kind of an untapped
and unexplored viewpoints.
And to me, their voice deserved
to be heard.
Pamela: It doesn't matter
if your spouse wears
sergeant stripes
or colonel's eagle
because worrying
about your soldier at wartime
feels exactly the same.
My dream was to simply
get my book published.
When it was actually made
into a television show,
- it was pretty amazing.
- [ Laughs ]
Did you see this?
It's an invitation
to an afternoon tea.
I don't wear white gloves,
and I don't take tea.
I'm never gonna fit in here,
When I saw the pilot,
I was immediately struck
by how fresh it was.
I had never seen characters
like this before.
Here was a show
that was illuminating
not just the soldiers' lives
but their families' life,
their families' lives.
And that was striking to me.
Excuse me.
I never liked her.
She always acts like she's
better than the rest of us.
Did you know that gossip,
because it enhances our
understanding of human nature,
was once considered a virtue?
Enhances our understanding?
[ Scoffs ]
What are you, a shrink?
Claudia Joy: Pamela.
Here's a gal
I think you should meet.
This is Roxy Leblanc.
She and her husband have children
about the same age as yours.
So, talk it out.
Thank you.
Katherine Fugate was the one
who kind of labeled us
- the tribe.
- The tribe.
This core group that was so,
I thought, brilliantly
established on the pilot...
how all of these people
from different walks of life.
Delaney: 'Cause we all didn't
know each other in the beginning.
It's kind of like a village.
We came together like a village,
helping each other.
Yeah, yeah. But the pilot was
called "A tribe is born".
What is it?
I think it's the scones.
- [ Groans ]
- Okay. Your water broke, baby.
Yeah, do you think?
Brown: The privates' wives
and generals' wives
or colonels' wives at the time
wouldn't just come together.
But it was
a really cool premises,
- like, forced these people...
- Under the circumstances.
- communicate and
to work together. - Yeah.
Roxy: We need a ride.
I had a nice SUV.
I was able to accommodate
everybody. No, I'm just saying.
Did you keep that SUV?
I don't remember it in later episodes.
Oh, the Burton mobile is there
through the end.
- Yeah.
- Through the end. Don't forget.
I remember I screamed and got to
say almost a full swear word.
Oh, mother...
[ Horn blares ]
- That was crazy.
- Screaming in pain.
She's about to crown.
We are not gonna make it
to St. Luke's.
- The tribe was born in that car.
- Yes.
I can't have these babies
in the back seat of a car.
I am not 15
and working at a dairy queen.
Roxy: - Everybody out.
Claudia Joy: - Let's get her out. Come on.
That pilot was pretty smooth,
I mean, given the fact
that we have people
delivering babies on pool tables
and everything else.
[ Baby cries ]
- Do you guys remember that pool table?
- I do. - Oh, yeah.
Do you remember those rubber
little babies in all the goo?
That was good times.
You having a good time?
[ Chuckles ]
Let's just say childbirth
is as disgusting
as it is miraculous.
Vodka and a hammer.
- Vodka and a hammer.
- [ Laughs ]
Vodka and a hammer!
I need vodka and a hammer.
Got it.
Got it, got it.
Brannagh: This is why
you sign up to be an actress.
You sign up to be able to scream
at the top of your lungs.
[ Groans ]
[ Baby cries ]
Childbirth on camera,
a pool table, like, with
really extreme circumstances...
that's a given.
We were in debt.
I'm a surrogate.
Please don't tell anyone.
We all have our secrets.
Yes, we do.
Pressman: I feel like our
viewers really loved the tribe
despite everything that
every character went through,
we still came back and had
this, like, core tribe group,
which, I think, is so nice.
[ Chuckles ]
I just knew in my bones
that it was gonna be...
a great experience.
McNamara: You never know
if a show's gonna get picked up.
But we did know we were telling
really good stories.
When the show first aired,
I thought people were
going to watch it
for the entertainment value.
And then I started traveling
and meeting military spouses,
and they told me
what the show meant to them.
It was at that point
that I realized
"Army Wives" was more
than just a TV show
and it was more than
just entertainment.
"Army Wives" really taught me
how to be an army wife.
I believe that it reflected
our lifestyle very accurately
and addressed many of the issues
that are facing us.
There's not one episode
that I go through, practically,
without crying because it hits
home in one area or another.
Even though I'm a Marine wife,
I love my army sisters, too.
And I was so excited to have
this focus on our families.
I must have gone through
three episodes when I thought,
"You know, I need to have
my husband watch this with me
so he understands what
I'm going through, as well."
I got to have, like,
some sense of... comfort
knowing that somebody knew
what I was going through.
It's not an easy job.
And I'm just glad
that it's recognized as a job
because I don't just stay home
and... watch TV and, you know,
eat chocolates.
[ Voice breaking ]
It a lot of work.
I can't begin to imagine,
you know,
somebody being gone a year,
two years,
and being a single parent.
How do people do this
when one parent is gone?
How they deal with being
that single parent
and all those kids
is they're together.
- They truly are a tribe.
- Yeah. - Mm-hmm.
It's a real fear for soldiers,
being forgotten
by their children.
Well, then why are
they all gung-ho to leave
in the first place?
It's the military, sweetheart.
Army, unit, family
in that order.
My favorite character is Roxy.
We also got married
very quickly,
and I had to adapt just
as she did...
so quickly...
to the military life.
I love Roxy because
she's opinionated, she's strong,
she's sassy... she's like me.
[ Rock music plays ]
I remember I got the script
and I was like, "Wait."
You want me to read
for what part?"
I ain't in the mood for a game
of grab-ass, cowboy.
It was just, like, so entirely
different from me and who I was.
Roxy Leblanc was one of
the more original characters
that I had seen in a long time.
And it was a wonderful marriage
of actress and material.
- She got it.
Roxy: - I'd like an application.
What's a big hot hooter?
Roxy started out
as this little spitfire
from Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
1 ounce Tequila,
3/4 ounce amaretto.
Fill it up
with pineapple juice.
And she's got two kids
from two separate guys.
Don't forget
your cherry on top.
She is completely swept off
her feet
by this wide-eyed dreamer,
Trevor: I know I only met you
four days ago,
but I've decided I want you
to marry me.
And just like that,
she is brought into the world
of the military.
Trevor: This is it, baby.
This is our new home.
Fuller: Trevor was convinced
from the moment he met her
that that was his soulmate.
This was his girl,
and he was gonna do everything
he possibly could to, like, get
her and keep her in his life.
- This is more than we have
ever had, okay? - Yeah.
The first obvious challenge
was just adapting to army life
for her.
I'm the new girl around here,
and I was wondering if you could
tell me who I have to...
Who I have to get busy with
around here to see a doctor.
That's what Trevor
loved about her, too.
She was just kind of loud
and spunky
and just didn't know protocol,
and it didn't really matter
to her.
At ease.
Both of you.
I wasn't supposed to do that,
was I?
No, ma'am.
You want her to win,
and you know
she's gonna make mistakes,
but she's gonna make it,
and she's gonna do it with humor
and with guts
and with her own unique spin.
How did you do all of this?
Staple gun.
It was so much fun to play Roxy
with those little phrases.
Girl nearly stripped her clutch
when she saw me.
I'm so attracted to him,
I ovulate like a slot machine.
Don't pee on my leg
and tell me it's raining.
You just make them up as you do,
don't you?
They're pretty golden.
The dress code,
that was a big thing for Roxy.
They're gonna be talking about my
outfit for weeks, aren't they?
I would just look at the,
like, rack of clothes for Roxy
and I'd be like,
"Oh, my God, this girl!"
The patterns and the colors
and the midriff showing.
This is, like,
clothes for Barbie,
like Tuscaloosa, Alabama,
Roxy, where'd you get
that shirt?
My sponsor,
Harry's Wholesale Fish.
Ain't it a kick?
That's Roxy.
She was never trying to be
anything else,
and she was always true
to herself.
We got married at city hall.
We never had a chance to say
our vows.
Fuller: I don't think Trevor
batted an eye
when the person he fell in love
with had two kids.
It's like, doesn't matter.
"I'll adopt them immediately."
He really wanted a family,
to be a dad,
to show these kids tradition
and honor and principles.
So, be brave for me, okay?
Take care of your mom.
[ Sighs ]
Trevor and Roxy having
their own kids together,
the build-up was so big.
When this new baby comes,
there's gonna be just
so much more love in this house.
You mean like
when we got lucky?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
Like when we got lucky.
And then to have
the miscarriage,
I mean, heartbreaking doesn't
even begin to describe it.
Well, these things happen,
But it never happened to me.
The great resolution of that
is that Roxy and Trevor
did eventually have kids.
And not only did they have
their own child, they had twins.
Don't pick them up, please.
They're being good.
I wasn't gonna pick them up.
You weren't?
Okay, maybe I was.
[ Chuckles ]
I think collectively,
we got along really well.
We had a great crew and stuff.
But the weird thing was
our married couples had a unique
kind of vibe, each of them.
Whereas you guys were like
the real couple,
we were like
the brother/sister.
We would be, like, doing some,
like, super-touchy-feely scene
and they would yell "Cut,"
and it would be like, "Ow!
- Ow! Ow!"
- [ Laughter ]
We were always fighting.
I think we got very, very lucky
at the beginning, too.
- Mm-hmm.
- You know?
To just sort of look
at each other and go...
- This works.
- "I can do this."
- Yeah. This works.
- [ Chuckles ]
Brian used to always say,
"I'm having a great day.
I get to kiss
Kim Delaney today."
[ Laughs ]
Claudia Joy Holden,
after 17 years of marriage,
my heart still skips a beat
every time I look at you.
Michael James Holden,
after 17 years of marriage,
I can't believe that tired,
old line of yours still works.
I think what made Claudia Joy
so attractive
was that she was
a strong leader,
at the same time,
a devoted wife and mother.
And she showed how she could
handle all of those roles.
I know how hard this is getting
for all of you.
None of this is easy,
but we have to remain strong
for our troops.
I think she was a good woman,
you know, with her flaws,
but a good mother, good wife.
I would never marry a soldier.
Amanda, you don't choose
who you love.
It just happens.
Kim brought
a sense of competence,
of intelligence, of compassion.
- How do you do it?
- Do what?
Organize everything
and still manage to look
so damn beautiful?
- Michael.
- I mean it.
There's no way I could do my job
without you.
Michael and Claudia Joy
were so solid with each other.
It was just really wonderful.
I don't think I've ever fooled
around with a two-star general.
Have anyone in mind?
You'll do.
Claudia Joy is written as an
incredibly smart, savvy woman.
She knows
how to get things done.
She knows how to influence him
in a very good way.
They're saying Peter Belgrad
didn't die in the line of duty.
I just met his widow.
She's gonna lose
all her benefits
all because you,
Michael Holden, have decided
her husband doesn't deserve
a military funeral.
She was toe-to-toe with him,
If she didn't like something,
she called him on it.
Please, give his family
that closure.
I made a decision.
I will not go back on it.
And they withstand
those arguments, you know?
It always made them better.
You have to let me win
this one.
Delaney: I think it was like
a perfect marriage,
like people
that really love each other,
put up with each other,
and support each other
no matter what.
Woman: Our thoughts and prayers
go out to all those
who have loved ones lost
or injured in this tragedy.
What we know right now is
there are four deaths.
There were army dependents
there, as well.
Amanda's gone, isn't she?
[ Sobs ] Oh.
Delaney: The loss of a child,
that's devastating.
[ Sobbing ]
I'll tear up now
just remembering it.
It was very, very hard.
Claudia Joy: Why are we trying
to be strong?
At the end of the day,
what does strong get you?
I think a lot of families
have a heard time
surviving the death of a child.
And a lot of that, I think,
is because in their grief,
they turn inward
and away from each other.
And at the beginning
of season two, that started.
They said that
you had a panic attack.
I didn't have a panic attack,
- My daughter just died.
- Our daughter.
And I know that
because I was standing there.
[ Voice breaking ]
I stood there by her bed,
and I watched
our little girl die,
and there wasn't a damn thing
I could do about it!
[ Crying ] Stop it!
Stop fighting.
That could break up a marriage,
but they found a way through it
and they found a way back
to each other.
Feels good having people over.
It's not a cure, but it helps.
Melvoin: The challenge
with Claudia Joy throughout
was when you have a character
who's so competent
and so grounded is,
where do you find the conflict?
For example, the diabetes
came out of the idea
that how would
she deal with this
when she's so used to being
in control of herself,
and here's something
that she can't control.
[ Groans ]
When are you gonna tell people?
I'm not telling anyone.
I appreciate your concern,
but you're not my doctor.
No. I'm just your best friend,
and I'm a registered nurse.
And I'm telling you
that this is a mistake.
This is my problem, Denise.
I'll handle it my way.
Claudia Joy had a tough road...
Diabetes, kidney.
Doctor: You're in complete
kidney failure.
When you get
your strength back,
we'll go over the transplant
process in detail.
They were great, great things
for Kim to play,
and she played them superbly.
But, boy, she had
a lot thrown at her.
I adjusted to diabetes.
I'll adjust to this.
You amaze me.
You know that?
Go do your job.
It's always hard for people
to understand our lifestyle
and the waiting game
that we play.
And the show "Army Wives"
displays that perfectly.
There's a lot of unspoken rules
about being a military wife...
the protocol,
the things that you need to do,
the things you're expected to do
and expected not to do.
It was the only show
I've ever seen
that really showed
the military life.
They did it right.
It is an honor to witness
these brave warriors
reaffirming their commitment
to serve our country.
There was so much focus
on portraying the military
and the military spouses
We had a military advisor on set
making sure
that all of those details
were right.
Considering that there
was so many details
the first year
that we struggled with.
- Our jiffy pop popcorn hats.
- Those hats.
[ Laughter ] We heard
about that at Fort Bragg.
Melvoin: I think it's really
to try to get those details
in order to convey to those
people who are in the know
that we did our homework.
On behalf of all of us, for
the small mistakes that we made,
I ask the military people
who've seen it to forgive us.
But we were trying, you know?
And trying to serve
the bigger truth.
All the way.
All: Airborne, sir!
[ Applause ]
I worked with the writers
and the producers,
and I really saw my role
as making sure that the show had
an authentic feel to it.
Hut and hoo!
I got comments from
service personnel all the time
about how much they respected
that we respected their service
and the decorum
within the military.
Biank: It became the army show
in a lot of ways.
The army, as an institution,
by the end of the series
had embraced the show.
It's pretty amazing.
Roland: Excuse me.
Someone called about my wife?
Good to see you again.
She's back there.
I played Dr. Roland Burton.
He's a psychiatrist
who specializes
in post-traumatic stress.
What I did over there,
if you knew,
you wouldn't love me.
I don't care what you did.
I know who you are.
Melvoin: Roland was
a wonderful original character.
And I think sterling did
an amazing job.
From the beginning,
he made it plausible
that he could have this role
with these women
and not, in any way, feel
his masculinity threatened.
Okay, ladies.
Who wants to go first.
He brought to that group
a sense of being perhaps the big
brother everybody wanted.
- Thank you very much.
- No problem.
I like the way you drive.
I knew
we needed more guys here.
I am so impressed by Roland
and his lack of ego.
And his desire
to see his wife succeed
to be a woman of color
in a male-dominated world,
I think gives him
a tremendous amount of pride.
I particularly would like
to thank my husband,
Dr. Roland Burton.
He has sacrificed beyond measure
to help me reach this day.
He knew that when he married
his wife,
that he was going to be making
certain sacrifices for the army.
But I don't think
anybody ever knows
exactly what
they're signing up for.
I wake up in the middle
of the night sometimes,
and I reach for my rifle.
And I'm pissed.
I'm pissed off because
my beautiful husband
is there in my bed next to me
instead of my M4.
I don't know
how to change that.
She's come back with very strong
post-traumatic stress,
and they're not connecting
with one another at all.
I don't know what happened
to you over there,
but it's changed you.
And if you let it control you,
it's gonna destroy our marriage.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?!
She goes to get some help.
And in the midst of her
going to get this help,
temptation arrives.
He sees a beautiful young woman
who takes a great interest
in him.
[ Gasping ]
The audience reaction was,
they're so heartbroken.
There are women who would accost
me on the street and would say,
"How did you do that to Joan?!"
Joan: Let's just call this
what it is.
It's not a separation.
It's a divorce.
What I'm most proud of
is that they decided
collectively to work through
their marriage.
So, where are we in all this,
What do you want?
I want you.
Davis: Their marriage was not
an easy marriage.
And I think sometimes she had
a tough time transitioning
from being Joan the leader,
the colonel,
to Joan the wife.
This is gonna sound selfish,
but, Roland,
I'm on the fast track
right now,
and I don't want to lose
that momentum.
You act as if a baby will be
detriment to your career.
A baby is just someone else
on your team.
Roland loved the idea of being
at home with his family...
his daughter, Sara Elizabeth,
and then later, his son, David.
There was nothing
that made him happier
than to raise these children.
The first little girl
who played Sara Elizabeth,
her name was Asia.
wonderful little child,
and she could not stand
the sight of me.
The scene that we were shooting
where Joan went to feed
the baby,
the baby wouldn't take food
from Wendy.
The baby would not do anything
for Wendy.
[ Baby crying ] It's okay.
It really hurt my feelings.
[ Laughs ]
It was hard to work with her
knowing that this kid
isn't acting.
She really just hates my guts.
[ Laughs ]
What exactly did Dr. Lang say?
Did she advise you
not to get pregnant?
She said ultimately the choice
was mine.
Joan and Roland chose not
to have another child
because it would
possibly endanger her life.
So Roland said, "Let's not
risk it. Let's adopt."
Here we are.
Home at last.
Want to see your room?
Come on.
What I loved about the storyline
was that this kid
didn't automatically take
to the Burtons.
Good night, David.
He really questioned
if this was his forever home.
- People always give me back.
- Not anymore.
You're our son,
and we love you.
I love you.
I love that we told that story.
You want to play
Patty cake? Ready?
Patty cake, Patty cake,
Baker's man.
Brown: I had somebody tell me
once how rare it is to see
a professional black man
with a thriving career
who is the primary caretaker
of his children
and excels in that arena
of his life,
as well
as his professional career.
Can I go to my room now?
I don't know.
Can you?
May I go to my room now?
Yes, you may.
Charleston, South Carolina,
heaven on Earth.
I fell in love with Charleston
the moment we got there.
Serpico: The quality of life
is wonderful.
The people are very kind.
Charleston was one of several
locations that was considered.
It ended up being ideal
for a number of reasons.
There was the fact that within
20 minutes of our main stages,
you could have a selection
of terrain
ranging from the waterfront
to a rock quarry
that served as Afghanistan
or parts of Iraq, even.
And then there's just something
about Charleston.
The people are great,
the town is wonderful,
it has an atmosphere
that's unique,
and I think it made
everybody feel at home.
If this show shot
in Los Angeles...
We probably would not
have been so close.
You wrap,
everyone goes to their life,
their wives, their husbands.
Because we were in
Charleston, South Carolina...
- Deployed.
- Yeah, we were deployed.
And we were our support group.
We needed to be
that family unit.
We've got plenty of food...
some pulled pork, chicken,
corn on the cob.
Grab a plate, dude.
We'd have dinners together,
we'd have barbecues together,
we'd have movie night.
So it made everybody closer...
not just the cast.
The crew, the producers,
everybody joined in.
It was a big family.
And then, also,
in terms of the foodies,
some of the best eating
that you can ever do.
I told you. All the good food
comes from Charleston.
You're making a believer
out of me.
I'm just gonna admit it
on camera.
I was called at the end
of season one by Lifetime.
"Brian, we love your work,
really, just such good work.
Could you, um,
watch what you eat?"
- No!
- Oh, yeah.
Brown: My moms would even say,
"Oh, McNamara. How's he doing?"
"He's doing fine, mama.
He's doing great."
She was like,
"He's getting a little big."
[ Laughter ]
The food is rich.
Oh, I love you.
Love me or the steak?
There's room in my heart
for you both.
I think an overall storyline
that I really loved
was that of Frank and Denise.
She became a nurse
and a nurse practitioner,
and that's what I am.
My husband's
a stereotypical military man.
He's a lot like Frank.
He's a man's man.
I mean,
as hard as he was willing
to fight for his country,
he fought for his marriage.
And she, you know, did, too.
Thursday nights
and/or Sunday afternoons.
- Really?
- Always?
[ Chuckles ] It's just when
Frank tends to be in the mood.
[ Laughs ] Don't you just
throw him down and take him?
No! I don't.
[ Laughs ]
Melvoin: Denise was
a wonderful character.
And she had seeds
of almost what I would consider
a 1950s housewife to begin with.
She was submissive.
She was very happy
to be in the background.
Serpico: I think that's how she and
Frank wanted their lives to be.
They had patterned their lives
on an outdated kind of paradigm.
All right, now. You're the man
of the house while I'm gone.
Dad, I've been the man
of the house since I was 7.
Over the course of the series,
we see her evolve tremendously.
All my life, I have been
somebody's daughter,
somebody's wife,
somebody's mother.
And I'm pissed
that it's taken me this long
to realize
that there's a me here, too.
It was absolutely essential
that she make some changes
in her life
that reflected who she felt
she was.
Hey, guys.
Are you kidding me?
And Frank had to go along
for the ride or get left behind.
You still want me to be the girl
that you fell in love with,
the woman that you married, and...
God, I wish could be that
person for you, but I can't.
I miss her.
Sometimes I do, too.
I guess the transformation
first began
when she began to transform
herself physically.
Harder! Come on!
She started to change
what she was wearing.
And Frank was, "Well, uh...
- Yeah, that's nice."
- You look different.
- Different good?
- Yeah. Going out?
[ Chuckles ] I loved that one.
And then she began...
She went back to work.
She's in cardiac arrest.
Denise was a nurse.
- Clear.
Woman: - Clear.
And she need to define herself
as that,
not just as Frank's wife,
but as Denise,
the woman in her own right.
[ Monitor beeping ]
She's got a rhythm.
Frank was initially
very resistant
to her going back to work...
again, that '50s model.
"I'm the breadwinner.
My wife doesn't need to work."
Blah, blah, blah.
Almost didn't recognize you.
What are you talking about?
You... focused, vital.
Made me remember
why I fell in love with you.
Frank and Denise
most definitely grew over time.
There were, obviously,
some very important hurdles
that they had to cross together.
Early on, it was the tension
with Jeremy as a young teenager
who is struggling to establish
his own identity.
I'm not going to West Point.
We spent the last two long years
getting you in.
- I... I thought it's what you wanted.
- It's what dad wanted.
And then he eventually goes
and joins the service.
Well, I don't have to tell you
to make me proud
'cause you already do.
Thank you, sir.
Why do you still look
eight years old?
- I know what I'm doing.
- Okay.
In finding herself,
Denise makes some mistakes.
She gets involved
in some infidelity.
I've never been with anyone
but f...
Denise has violated
the most basic tenant
of being an army wife,
which is that you don't cheat
on your husband.
Serpico: That was really brutal
for Frank.
And I know it was for Denise,
as well.
All I need to know...
is it true?
It was a mistake,
and it's over,
and I regret it
more than you can know.
In that case, I don't see
any reason for you to stay here.
And while he was just
about to cut her loose,
he realized
that he just loved her so much.
And to love is to forgive.
And he had to find
that forgiveness in his heart
and move forward.
I don't want to let you go.
I love you.
I love you.
I don't know how we're gonna
make this work.
That's one of
the real seminal moments
in this kind of change in Frank
where he became much more
attuned to his wife
and much more attuned
to his emotional needs.
And he became
more emotionally intelligent.
What's that for?
Hand-eye coordination.
And where you planning on
putting this?
Over the crib.
Frank, I'm pregnant.
What a surprise.
When they told us that
that was gonna be happening,
I was like, "Really?"
Well, when Jeremy was born,
it was all just a blur,
you know?
At least, it was for me.
Well, this time's gonna be
And then you get
an opportunity to see Frank,
this, you know, this hardass
with this little girl
that just melts his heart.
Frank: And down comes daddy
in his parachute.
And the wind blows him
to the right,
and the wind blows him
to the left.
[ Baby coos ]
McNamara: Now, Serpico,
I can only imagine
when you found out
that Catherine Bell
was gonna be your wife.
You must have though, "Ugh,
couldn't I get, like,
a good-looking woman?"
- Exactly.
- [ Bell chuckles ]
Catherine and I really had
a wonderful dynamic
from the get-go, from day one.
All we had to do was to look
at each other and go to work.
It was a real pleasure.
I mean, it just such a pleasure
being on the show, period.
Fuller: I think Bridge
and Jeremy's couple
could have been probably
the most realistic.
- Yeah, I feel like that.
- I mean, I'm guessing.
But you guys, it was
the constant not knowing,
the pain of always leaving
at a moment's notice.
Somebody always,
at one point or another,
is backing up for the other
to shine, if you will.
Well, everybody's...
Every family in the military
is always backing up
for the military
because that is the number-one
player in the relationship.
The number-one player in the
family is the army comes first.
That should be part of
every marriage vow in the army.
"For richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health,"
- and "I'll make it up to you."
- [ Chuckles ]
[ Feedback ]
I just want to let you all know
that I made 50 grand
carrying those kids.
That's right.
I was a paid surrogate.
So, have at it.
I was really,
really stuck on Pamela
and "Army Wives" immediately.
Pamela's core
always stayed the same,
a very down-to-earth,
pretty honest person.
Our husbands are out there
risking their lives,
and I can't have an opinion?
This sucks.
Brigid just brings
a remarkable quality
of brashness, of earthiness.
Why are you talking
to the food?
She is a redhead, Irish woman.
And she plays that to the hilt.
Every time I open my mouth,
I put another dent in the image
of the perfect army wife.
A little bit cranky but strong,
like a good,
a deeply good person.
That never changed.
One of the things I was always
really, really concerned with
was things being real...
not having Barbie hair on,
you know, a working woman
with a bunch of kids.
I wore the same shoes, I think,
and the same earrings
and same purse
for, like, three years.
Where the, uh...?
Plasma TV?
I returned it.
Along with everything else.
And I paid my father back.
And you didn't think to ask me?
I thought about it,
and I did it anyway.
Pamela and Chase,
that relationship
depicted a real relationship
in life.
Almost literally a fight
to stay together.
They knew they had
a connectedness,
but they also both knew,
I think,
that "This stuff isn't easy.
I'm not gonna pretend it is."
You're not always awesome.
You're not always great."
Children: oh, beautiful
for spacious skies
Brannagh: We did
the Fourth of July episode,
and it was the first time
we showed Chase leaving Pamela
to deploy with Delta Force.
[ Cellphone vibrating ]
You know, missions come up
for Delta soldiers very quickly,
and the communication
between husband and wife
can just be cut off.
Brannagh: So, it was the first
time he leaves with no notice,
without her having any knowledge
of where he's going.
And you can imagine what
that does to a relationship.
Brannagh: Just the idea that
that could be your life
and that you could handle
When we talk to any family
in Special Ops,
they absolutely said
that it was as harsh
as you imagine that it is.
Mommy, I wish daddy were here.
Davidson: There's a certain
commitment that soldiers make.
Me, too.
But marrying a woman
who is so smart,
so driven, doesn't necessarily
even need Chase...
That made it really interesting.
[ Gunshots ]
Your turn.
She liked to remind me
just about every other episode
that she used to be a cop.
Reminds me of my cop days.
I was a cop over a decade ago.
I was a good cop.
I did have a whole life
before all of this.
[ Laughs ]
We laughed a lot about that
until she finally became a cop
[ Rock music plays ]
Boy: Whoa, mom.
You look like you're gonna go
Great. [ Chuckling ] Thanks.
It was always sort of
in the background
that Pamela would have to
go back to work,
you know,
find her own passion again.
And then it became just,
you know, two people pulling.
And when two people are pulling,
it's gonna break.
I need you around more, Chase.
I want you to... quit Delta.
That was always a struggle
between them.
I've loved you for as long
as I can remember, Pamela.
But I don't know
how to fix this.
I don't, either.
Ultimately, we stayed in touch
with each other,
and we stayed communicating
in a healthy way...
much healthier way
when we separated, I think.
Being apart,
I'm seeing things different now.
And I know that something's
missing in my life.
I think that was a huge part
of Chase's maturation
as a character.
I choose you.
How would you guys feel
if your mom and I
got back together?
- Oh, my gosh!
- [ Squeals ]
They both had to remember
that the reason they were there,
the reason they'd been fighting
all these years
is that the family unit
is more important to them
than that individual need.
That was a great arch
to be able to talk about
is that marriage
getting back together.
I just remember being up there
and seeing her
walk down the aisle.
It's a very powerful thing
to go through.
Best wedding ever.
My hardest to forget, anyway.
It was great.
It was special.
[ Cheers and applause ]
"Army Wives" was like
a friendship almost.
Even though
they were characters,
I could relate to them,
I could find that familiar face
wherever I lived.
I think they absolutely
got right the camaraderie
of the military spouses,
the army wives.
There's a sense that
you look out for one another.
The way that they took care
of each other, loved each other,
supported each other,
were there on the good days,
the bad days, the hard days.
And you can truly see, you know,
how they get each other.
If you needed help,
you knew that they were
the type of family
if you called them at 4:00 AM,
broke down on the side
of the road,
they'd be there in a heartbeat.
To us.
Thank God we found each other.
Yeah. Cheers.
[ Chuckles ]
I have gotten so much feedback
from, like, army wives saying,
"Your group is
my group of friends."
And they felt like
we were hanging out with them.
I came as soon as I could.
How's it going?
Well, we think the top part
of this one might work,
but we need something
less fitted on the bottom.
Brannagh: It didn't matter
if you were wealthy.
It didn't matter if you were
man, woman, black, white.
The bond of friendship
is created
from something
that is indescribable.
Pamela, take your clothes off.
What? I...
Moran, we can do this the easy way
or we can do this the hard way.
Pressman: Each one of us had
a very different personality
and a very different
with being an army wife.
And I think
that was important to show,
like, a broad spectrum
of personalities.
For the first time, Trevor and I
did not have sex last night.
What do y'all have
to say about that?
I'm impressed.
I'm jealous.
I'm speechless.
I'm not here.
Please leave a message.
- [ Laughter ]
- We all have different relationships,
the characters with each other.
- Definitely.
- All friends.
Some were closer,
but everybody is still on
the same page.
Oh, my God.
It was always
Roxy, Pamela, four kids,
and a dog.
- It was like...
- Hanging clothes on the...
I was just thinking the same thing,
hanging the clothes, doing the...
Brannagh: But we were always
very comfortable in it, though.
We just felt like a couple of poor
kids, like, in the background.
But we would just be like,
"Shut up!"
Katie, let go
of your brother's neck!
Come here!
Pressman: Whereas, like,
Claudia Joy and Denise are like,
"Um, can you...
can you quiet that down?"
Um, I was thinking
pet-it fours.
- Petit.
- Petit? Petit fours.
I read about them
in Country Living.
I thought we were talking
hot dogs and chips
and now we're at petit fours?
How did we get there?
There's a lot of humor to it,
There was a lot of, you know,
camaraderie between the girls.
Not how you play this game.
Roxy: Oh.
It is to reveal something
that no one would guess
about you.
Like have you named
your lady parts?
As in, only the best dine
on my fine China.
[ Laughter ]
Did you steal that
from somebody?
No, I had to teach my niece
how to treat herself nicely.
And I said, "That's China"
because it's precious
and it's fragile."
It's fine China.
[ Both laugh ]
Okay, well, mine used to be
A Day At The Beach.
What about you, Roxy?
- Uh, she's had so many names.
- Come on.
But now I'm going
with Rattlesnake Canyon.
[ Laughter ]
Brown: It was sort of like
Claudia Joy and Denise,
and then you have
Pamela and Roxy.
And Roland was just friend
to all.
[ Sighs ] Our husbands
are deploying
and now the only man
in our harem is leaving, too.
Roland was a man who had
a lot of really beautiful women
for friends.
So, that's pretty unique.
- You want to talk about it?
- About what?
Whatever it is that's made you dry
that same glass since I got here.
These women,
he would do anything for
because they did the same thing
for him.
Denise: We're not gonna
let this baby
have a moment's rest
while Joan's away.
She's got four more mamas now.
What I also really love about
our friendships
is that, like,
we all had these,
like, really big fights
and disagreements.
Like, there was a huge fight
- between Claudia Joy and Denise...
- Yes.
Over Jackie.
- What the hell, Claudia Joy?
- What?
Do you have to contradict
everything I say?
I'm sorry.
I thought you wanted my opinion.
I'm beginning to wonder.
We had a huge fight
when you thought that Roxy
was getting a little bit
too close with Whit. Remember?
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
He is just a friend.
Why can't you just
leave it alone?
Because he was just a friend the
last time you slept with him.
Shut up, Pamela.
Just shut up.
That's what friendships are.
We went through, like,
big, big things.
Roland: - Denise.
- Hey, Roland.
You didn't return my call.
When Roland has his affair,
the only person
that knew about it was Denise.
[ Sighs ] Oh, Roland.
It was a one-time thing.
Denise had judged you
quite harshly.
It's been all of us
and you and...
And now I'm just another man.
Denise had her problems with it,
but ultimately was able to say,
"You're my friend. I love you.
Whatever I can do
to support you, I'll do that."
Hey. What's going on?
What are you guys doing here?
We didn't know if you'd heard,
but there's a really stupid
rumor going around.
And then we all came to find out
that Denise had her affair,
as well.
It's true.
I said it's true. I'm late.
I can't talk right now.
And she was
sort of walking around posed
with the Scarlet A
on her chest.
I didn't know where else to go.
I can't talk right now.
Denise: It's over.
There's nothing left for me
I mean,
I'd probably act the same way.
No, you wouldn't.
You'd be there for them the same
way you were there for me.
And then he later
told the tribe...
I had an affair.
Denise never stopped
being my friend.
She never abandoned me.
That's what
he was trying to say.
Like, we've meant too much
to each other
to let that love go
without fighting for it.
Claudia Joy:
We love you, Denise.
We didn't do
a very good job showing it.
Yeah, we're pretty much idiots.
No. I'm the one who owes
the apology.
Brown: We can't just start
fracturing off from one another
- because somebody does something that
you don't like. - No, you stick by.
You fight and you make up
and you don't hold grudges
and you just, you know,
keep loving each other.
Claudia Joy, we're a match.
- Yes, we are.
- No.
No, what I mean is
that we are a medical match.
That was a really close
When you were diagnosed,
I got tested
to see if I could give you
one of my kidneys.
I can.
Please just say yes.
Our husbands were really close.
We had been together for years.
They'd go, you know, to the
gates of hell for each other.
What about the group hugs,
I mean,
it started in the pilot.
Pressman: We're like this.
We're ending the scene,
"Really? Okay."
- Another hug.
Brown: - I'm coming in.
Always drinking
and always hugging.
- But Sterling liked it.
- I don't mind.
- [ Chuckles ]
- Somebody had to do it.
I'm so blessed to have
you all in my life.
These are my people.
That's what we do... we hug.
Yeah, these are our people.
I'm very proud to be
a Marine wife.
I'm proud of my husband
for fighting for our country.
I'm proud of my children
for their sacrifice,
and we all just pull together.
They fight for their brothers,
they fight for their sisters,
they fight for us.
Not everyone's made out
for the military and, you know,
I just really respect my husband
and value what he does.
And I let him know it every day.
[ Voice breaking ]
It just makes me proud
to be able to stand beside him
and say that that's my husband,
that's my soldier,
and that's my hero.
[ Cheers and applause ]
I want to thank you, families
and friends, for your support.
Your presence here today
reminds us of what we fight for.
Soldiers of the 23rd, fall out.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Serpico: I think when the show
first started
that they might very well
have seen the husbands
or the soldiers as kind of
ancillary to the story.
While it is a show called
"Army Wives,"
we are the context
that their heroism shines in.
Whenever the army enlists
a soldier,
it signs up a family, as well.
And because of you,
we are the strongest
fighting force in the world.
McNamara: My oldest brother,
Christopher, is a retired Navy captain.
And this was me imitating
my brother Chris.
Nobody comes back
from a combat zone
the same person
they were before.
I don't have to tell you that.
- But some soldiers need more guidance
than others. - Understood, sir.
Your father was a soldier,
and you had a little more
of a connection with Frank.
Having grown up in the military
and having grown up the son
of a soldier,
I personally felt
a huge responsibility.
From the moment
I got the audition,
I'm looking at this
and I'm like, "Really?
God, I got this."
Sorry I let you down, sir.
No, you didn't let me down.
You let yourself down.
I just knew immediately that
I know this guy inside and out.
It wasn't just a uniform.
It wasn't just a job.
This was the epitome of once
a soldier, always a soldier.
You got a minute, sir?
What's on your mind?
General Holden
and Colonel Sherwood
were good friends
on a personal level.
And I would still call you sir.
Well, our intel is that
you're not much of a cook.
[ Chuckles ]
It's your wife's words, sir.
Not mine.
I call my dad. It's like, "Would
I ever just call him Michael?"
- [ Davis laughs ]
- "Mike or something?"
It's like, "Uh, no.
He still outranks you
so it's still sir."
Roger that, sir.
Three, two.
Contact east.
Small arms
developing the situation.
The first few seasons,
most of the action, the plot
took place at Fort Marshall.
[ Gunfire ]
What you saw in later seasons,
you saw more action
from places like Afghanistan.
Let's go.
We're moving.
The filmmaking of those scenes
is a kind of
guerilla filmmaking.
[ Explosion ]
They say "Go," and you
have to charge up that hill
and things are going off,
exploding all around you.
Let's move! Move, move, move!
[ Gunfire ]
Pretending to be a soldier
just feels like the artifice
is just too much, you know?
And those aren't real bullets,
and those aren't
real explosions, you know?
- Yeah.
- And that's... Right.
But at the end of the day,
that's how we honor them
because the more real
we make it,
the more their heroism
is in context.
[ Gunfire ] Incoming!
Biank: It was
an important element to add
because what those soldiers
experienced in a war zone,
they bring that back with them.
[ Cheers and applause ]
You know, I'm also really glad
that our show dealt with
a lot of the challenges
that soldiers deal with
when they come home, you know,
with the post-traumatic
stress disorder, TBI, addiction.
Did you take these?
- Leave me alone.
- How many did you take?
There was a time when Trevor
is going through
a drug addiction.
He was addicted to pain-killers
because he really wanted
to rehab his shoulder
as quick as possible
to get back to his men.
I feel ashamed.
Ashamed for getting wounded,
ashamed for not being
with my unit,
ashamed for getting hooked on
the pills.
It's hard.
It's a very real topic
that so many people
are struggling with
on a daily basis.
Can I ask you something?
How long before
everything feels normal again?
It never does.
Davis: I was excited to have
the opportunity
to really bring post-traumatic
stress disorder to the public.
Also, we dealt with TBI.
Traumatic Brain Injury...
Can you see me, baby?
I can see you.
Which is also a big challenge
for a lot of soldiers
returning from war.
The treatment for TBI
is rehabilitation,
re-training your brain,
Joan dealt with
these two conditions
and was able to sort of
overcome them fairly quickly.
But in real life,
they can be a lifelong struggle.
This is a magazine,
something that you... read.
There were certainly times
where we felt like
we were selling something short
because we had to shorten it.
I think that's good
for the audience to know.
You know, hopefully the issues
were dealt with
in an honest way.
Four weeks
off post-head shrinking
after your last tour
in Afghanistan?
You gonna go there?
Everybody knows
if General Holden
wasn't our guardian angel,
you'd have been drummed
out of the army by now.
And you had some challenges.
- Yeah.
- A woman in a man's world.
Even on our set,
it was sort of a man's world.
- Absolutely.
- Attention!
As you were.
I'm looking
for Prospect Kanessa Jones.
I felt a great deal
of responsibility
to do my absolutely best to
represent women in the military
and, more specifically,
women of color.
People always stand up for you
like that?
Oh, yeah.
I'm a lieutenant colonel.
I'm in charge
of 1,400 soldiers.
At ease.
I think men and women
struggle with deployments,
but being a mother
leaving her children...
Thank you.
We'll be ready, sir.
That was very, very difficult
and something
that she couldn't share.
[ Cries ]
an amazing deployment scene
when Joan leaves
her entire family.
And she has
a special conversation
with her son, David,
that really sort of epitomizes
what Joan is dealing with.
Don't worry about me.
Mom will be safe.
I want to give you something.
Don't forget me.
[ Sniffles ]
Of course not.
[ Chuckles ]
Although Joan often chose
the army,
it was at a very high cost
Serpico: Any career soldier is
gonna have that same experience,
that they have chosen the army
over their family
- on numerous occasions.
- Right.
And that's the contract
that they sign...
not just physically, but
that's the emotional contract
- that they sign with honor.
- Absolutely.
It's very interesting, then,
on flip side,
you have the Chase character.
He had to lose his family...
In order to understand that
that's exactly what... value them, in a way.
What is this?
That is my request
to transfer out of Delta.
Do you think Chase missed it?
I certainly do.
I do think Chase missed it.
But everybody has to
figure those things out
for their own family.
Right now...
I feel like the luckiest guy
on the face of the Earth.
People who don't know what
military families go through,
we told that story.
Welcome home.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you for your service.
I'm pretty proud that we told it
certainly as best as we could,
out of respect.
The funerals, especially
when Jeremy passed away...
You saw it all in slow motion
and, to be honest with you,
I think that's how
any of us would feel,
like time would just stop.
Unfortunately, I've had
to attend memorial services
for fallen Marines,
sailors, soldiers.
So that always really hits close
to home.
It was very emotional for me
as a fan.
Oh, my gosh. That was,
like, the most horrible thing.
But it was real, and that's
what I loved about the show.
Not everybody always survives.
We all know that.
- Is Molly asleep?
- Finally.
- Great.
- And you get some cake?
I will, yeah. Ooh.
I wonder what
that's gonna be like.
- What?
- Well, Tanya.
She's gonna be an army wife
and a soldier.
- If you ask me, it's hard
enough to just be one. - Yeah.
She's a smart girl.
She's find her way.
[ Chuckles ]
Claudia Joy.
Sorry to disturb, Mrs. Holden.
We were informed
that a Mrs. Denise Sherwood
is in attendance.
Is she present?
I'm Denise Sherwood.
- Mrs. Sherwood, why don't we step...
- Please tell me.
- Ma'am, I really think we should...
- Just tell me. Say it.
Ma'am, the Secretary
of the army
has asked me to express
his deep regret.
The loss of Jeremy...
I still can't help
but feel that personally.
The Secretary sends
his deepest sympathy
to you and your family
in this tragic loss.
[ Denise sobs ]
The casualty assistance officer
will contact you
within 24 hours.
Brown: I think that episode
in particular,
we all pretty much
universally recognize
as being sort of the pinnacle
of, like, what the show was.
We had to do it.
If we didn't lose one
of the soldiers on the show,
we'd be denying a big part
of their existence,
their reality
as military families.
Molly never even met him.
She'll never know
her big brother.
I kept that script from people
until the very last minute
'cause I wanted them to react
freshly to it, and they did.
I was staying with Drew
at the time.
And he said,
"Have you read the script?"
I said, "No, not yet." He said,
"You should check it out."
I read the script
and was just bawling.
And I came out, and he's like,
"Yeah, man. Yeah, I know."
He put fives boxes of tissues
in front of my spot
at the table read...
- Yeah.
- ...when we read that script.
Has that been confirmed? Over.
Roger that.
Airborne One, out.
[ Helicopter blades whirring ]
Just the way General Holden
walked up to Frank,
and he didn't have to say
- There was no dialogue was needed.
- Whew.
Well, just heard
the Bravo Company kicked
some serious ass today, sir.
Bravo took it to them.
But there were casualties,
Yeah, yeah.
I'm sorry.
It was an interesting dichotomy
to see how you needed to be
alone with it
and Denise, on the other side
of the world,
needed a group hug
and everyone to be there.
He's dead, Roland.
I know.
My little boy is dead.
[ Sobbing ]
Brannagh: That moment was
just such a sinking feeling.
Even to not have that
in my life,
but to think upon anybody's life
in the military
and think of that moment.
Them coming up was
just so deeply upsetting.
Pressman: There's this weird
thing when you're holding hands
that's like, "I really hope
that this is not for me."
- "But if it's you, I want to be there
for you." - You're there for them.
- Do you know what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.
And it kind of felt like
whatever this is,
- like, we're in it together.
- Yeah.
It was really powerful.
- Private Burnett.
Burnett: - Here, Sergeant.
- Private Lazarcheck.
- Here, sergeant.
Specialist Sherwood.
Specialist Jeremy Sherwood.
Specialist Jeremy T Sherwood.
We've done that ritual
a number of times on the series
of calling roll
after a soldier has passed.
And you call it three times,
just saying
their last name first
and then their rank and name
and then their rank
and full name.
Specialist Jeremy T Sherwood
was killed at Kandahar province,
Taking the moment...
and not just one moment,
but another moment
and another moment
to recognize his sacrifice
and know that he was the guy
on your right or your left
and he fought for you,
it's pretty great.
[ "Taps" plays ]
The funeral,
the military service,
this was something
the show had to get right.
Lord, hold us in our loss
and hear our prayers
for Jeremy Sherwood.
It was excellent,
the way they paid tribute
to this fallen soldier.
It was very, very well done.
In fact, I'm getting chills
just remembering that.
It was really well done.
They nailed it.
Melvoin: I think one of
the enduring themes of the show
is how the living
have to help people
get past the loss of loved ones.
To see how a family
and a family of friends
draws together in a time
of great loss and crisis.
bright morning stars
are rising
Serpico: If we were not
to have lost Jeremy,
it would have been disrespectful
to the sacrifices
that the armed forces,
both the soldiers
and their families, make.
day is a-breaking
in my soul
These families have to shoulder
this burden,
and we had to show that
on this show.
I love you.
oh, where
are our dear mothers?
It's just a tremendous source
of pride for me.
...up to heaven a-shouting
day is a-breaking
in my soul
Homecoming, I try to make it
as special as possible.
And it's months of preparation.
This homecoming was huge
because this is our longest
deployment was nine months.
So I ordered the dress,
and I added the gems to it.
And I just really wanted him
to know how much he meant to me
and that I spent a lot of time.
The look on his face,
it spoke volumes to me.
Homecoming is when
you really want to show them
how much you appreciate them
and just them know that they're
coming back to a loving home
and a happy spouse.
All right, babe.
This is what we've been
working on. You ready?
Let's have it.
[ Dance music plays ]
McNamara: When it was time to
have fun and lighten things up...
[ Laughs ]
We did that together, too,
because you need that.
The '40s episode was great.
It was so much fun.
We had a bunch of dance lessons,
all of us.
I'm ready to slay
on the dance floor.
Brian and I practiced a lot.
[ Laughs ]
Brian just reminded me
it was a challenge
until I stopped leading.
So, that was a fun episode.
[ Laughter ]
- Anybody want some more jasmine
tea, sandwiches, scones? - Yes.
I loved hanging out
with the tribe
- because Joan never got to do that.
- [ Laughter ]
We would do
these formal military events,
and Joan would be
in her dress blues.
The girls would have on
these gowns,
and I'd have a bun on, and
it would just drive me crazy.
- Yeah?
- Oh, yeah.
[ Chuckles ]
And episode that I wish
I had more to do with
was the golf episode.
- This is gonna be so much fun.
- Mm-hmm.
- That joint was so funny.
- That was my favorite.
Come on.
How bad can it be?
Oh, oh!
Roxy, Roxy!
Oh, no!
I got'em!
[ Tires screech, horn blares ]
- Sorry!
- I was crying.
Wow, that sandbox is
really hard to get out of.
Well, Claudia Joy's supposed to
be this expert golfer.
Brown: Oh, no.
And I remember...
So, now all you have to do
is read the line adjust.
I'm trying to,
like, hit the ball.
Hey. Shh!
And I'm taking three shots.
And Sally's supporting me.
She goes...
I'm like, "It's okay, Kim.
You got it."
Yes, CJ!
I said, "This is worse
than doing a love scene."
"I swear to God, this is worse
than doing a nude love scene."
What of my more fun moments
was singing the baby to sleep...
- Oh, God. Yeah.
- ...with the army song.
proud of all we have done
till the battle's won
and the army
goes drumming on
When you deal with a show
that has such heavy themes
or whatnot,
I think we did
everything that we could
to make it as easy-going
as possible.
I'm gonna try
something different
on this line reading.
Make a plan, break it down.
[ Smooches ]
I was always amazed
at how you could bring levity
to the set
and be a real clown
and an idiot.
- [ Laughter ]
- I really appreciate that.
I have a gift, and I'm not gonna
hide it under a bunch of pretenses.
McNamara's pretty much
the class clown.
Well, I'm doing my best, sir.
[ Sternly ] Why don't you learn
your lines?
He does things
to get on the gag reel,
whereas more professional people
organically allow it
to transpire.
This good for you, John?
John: Yeah, that's good.
[ Laughs ]
I had so many scenes with Brian.
And many of these scenes
were very serious.
[ Laughs ] I just farted.
I like to sort of stay in the
moment and stay sort of serious,
especially if
it's a serious scene,
and he would make that
very difficult.
Joan... I've always wanted
to kiss you.
[ Chuckles ]
We had a lot of
really wonderful, fun times.
Yeah, okay. Let's go.
[ Laughs ]
I'm gonna miss those times.
[ Chuckling ] It's really you.
Every guest star that came
was just fantastic.
And all of them, I think,
left Charleston going,
"It's kind of my favorite show
I've ever been on."
- Hi, mom.
- Oh, I should have told you I was coming.
Marsha Mason played my mom.
And Margaret, she was wonderful.
It's so wonderful to see you,
- Ooh!
- Barbara Eden.
I still got it.
[ Clicks tongue ]
Jill Biden came down.
One of the things I value most
about my role as Second Lady
is the opportunity to visit
with military families.
She was amazed
how many takes we had to do.
She's like, all ready with all of
her Secret Service around her.
Are you enjoying yourselves?
- We are, yes.
- Good.
General Casey and his wife.
- When the White House calls...
- You answer.
[ Chuckling ] Exactly.
- Harry Hamlin.
- More champagne.
He was fun.
Noted and appreciated.
[ Applause ] Thanks again to our
special guest, Tanya Biank.
Over the seasons,
I had some cameo appearances.
And then, in this last season,
I actually got to play myself.
Women with courage,
confidence, and character.
It was surreal
because I was doing something
that I would normally do
in my real life.
[ Rock music plays ]
Brooke Shields, who played
hot-shot Air Force pilot
Kat Young,
I asked her how did
she like wearing a flight suit.
And she said that she loved it.
It was her favorite outfit,
which was funny
'cause it's a uniform.
And the Air Force does not wear
flight suits that tight.
[ Chuckles ]
I got your attention, didn't I?
Look at this crowd.
This joint is jumping!
Pressman: The Hump Bar.
You must be from Tennessee
'cause you the only 10 I see.
Sweet. You can count.
Just don't breed.
With the peanut shells
on the ground and bar fights.
I'm not good enough for you,
but he is?
Why can't it ever happen
in the parking lot?
The Hump Bar was
this melting pot.
I am loving it that you guys
were here at The Hump,
especially a colonel's wife.
Even Denise and Claudia Joy
would, like, end up being there.
It is rather conduct unbecoming
of me, I know.
That was Roxy's hood.
The Hump Bar, I praise you,
I love you, I miss you,
and you will be in my heart
To The Hump.
- Can't keep a good bar down.
- Yeah.
There's a saying in the military
that we leave no man behind,
but the truth of the matter is,
is that our service members
do leave people behind
in order to follow
the call of duty.
And "Army Wives" told
that story.
It's awesome because
it's such an experience
to go different places
and not know your road map
and to meet
so many different people
and to develop great friendships
and stuff like that.
But it also is... it's really...
It's tough.
You try not to get close
to people
because they're gonna be gone.
But it's hard to do that
because you need them
to get through
what you're going through.
So, it's, you know,
you're constantly fighting
with yourself because
I'm not really good at goodbyes.
And it's been a lot of goodbyes.
[ Pool balls clacking ]
I've been thinking.
We've all been lucky
for a really long time.
What do you mean?
Well, this is the army.
You know, sooner or later,
everybody's gonna have to go
somewhere else.
Yeah, I try not to think about it.
[ Chuckles ]
Me, too.
I feel like we were always
saying goodbyes.
Come on, you guys.
What is this, a wake?
- Exactly.
- Roxy.
- You promised not to be depressing.
- I lied.
It was always very difficult
to understand
that motto of the army
that I feel like Claudia Joy
always said.
Well, we don't say goodbye
in the army, Pamela.
[ Both chuckle ]
We say "See you again."
See you again.
Pamela leaving was the first.
A Delta buddy of Chase's
runs a high-tech security firm
in San Jose.
- I said no at first, but now...
- California?
It was extremely hard,
personally, to say goodbye.
Don't say anything.
[ Sighs ] I love you.
[ Sniffles ]
I got to go.
As Pamela, as Brigid,
whatever... train wreck.
I was a train wreck.
What I loved was
that through that whole season,
we had, like, phone calls.
The idea was
that no matter where we were,
the characters and the friends
Delaney: - Yes.
- You know?
To be continued.
To be continued always.
We'll all stay in touch.
It won't be the same.
Melvoin: By the time Roxy leaves
the series,
she has gone through
a remarkable transformation.
She began
as a fish out of water,
knowing nothing about the army.
She became a fish out of water
again as an officer's wife.
What does my hemline have to do
with being an FRG leader?
- A lot, actually.
- [ Sighs ]
Things change when your husband
becomes an officer, Roxy.
I am so proud
of where Roxy went.
She never shied away from being
honest and true to herself.
My name is Roxy Leblanc,
and I am your new FRG leader.
What I loved was
she just helped lead people.
I think we saw that most
through Gloria.
Listen. The former owner of this
bar took a chance on me once.
Now I'm gonna do the same
for you.
You think I can do it?
- I know you can do it.
- [ Chuckles ]
My orders came in.
I've been assigned Second Ranger
Battalion at Fort Lewis.
We report to Tacoma in 30 days.
We can do that.
She's in
a really terrific place.
I think people can feel
that she's going off
to a really bright and happy
Four boys, one dog,
3,000 miles. You ready?
Yeah, but can we take
the long way out?
[ Doorbell rings ]
Claudia Joy...
she's gone.
Losing somebody as important
to the show as Claudia Joy
was a huge challenge for us.
There was still so much
she wanted to do.
She never had any regrets.
Don't even doubt that.
I still can't believe
she's gone.
Boy, was she the ground
that he stood on.
And the loss of her,
you know, rocked him.
[ Crying ] It's so strange
to be here without mom.
She's never gonna be here
[ Sobs ]
You are the people
who meant the most
to Claudia Joy.
She wrote this the night
before her kidney surgery,
just in case.
The memorial service
for Claudia Joy,
the emotion that was there...
"I'm not gonna say
don't be sad.
Just don't feel sad too long."
And that's a testament
to what terrific actors we had
and how well they knew
their characters
and how Claudia Joy's death
impacted each one of them.
It was one of the more magical
experiences of my acting career.
[ Crying ]
Goodbye, mom.
[ Sobs ]
Melvoin: Losing a character
like Claudia Joy
was a huge challenge,
but it gave us the opportunity
to work more
with General Holden,
with Brian's character, to see
how you deal with the loss
of somebody
who was your life's partner
and how do you pick up
the pieces after that,
which then led to the
introduction of Brooke Shields.
How are you settling in?
Charleston's been
extremely welcoming, sir.
In a way like Claudia Joy,
every bit his equal.
And that's what Michael needs
and looks for and admires.
Maybe next time,
you could let me know
before you jump a plane
to hell and gone.
Is that a professional request,
No, Colonel.
It isn't.
I thought the writers
handled it tastefully
and took as much time
as was allowed.
Neither of us was looking
for this.
And now that it's here,
we're gonna see
where it might lead.
With full respect
to Claudia Joy.
I like to think
Brooke's character and Michael
developed another
really beautiful relationship.
After the death of Claudia Joy,
Denise inherits the mantle
of Claudia Joy's leadership.
You tell me, Denise.
What would Claudia Joy do
in your shoes?
Claudia Joy would push
the envelope when necessary.
So, you see a woman really grow
in terms of her sense
of who she is,
where she stands in the world,
what she's capable of doing.
And by the end of the series,
she really is now the new leader
of the tribe.
And you see the younger women
that have come in to the show
looking up to her
in the same way,
going back seven years,
that those young women looked up
to Claudia Joy.
What's the matter?
I hate tea.
So why'd you take it?
When the Brigade Commander's
wife offers you tea,
you take the tea.
For a show to continue
on the air,
you have to introduce new faces.
In my father's army,
the ranks never mixed,
and that's how I always looked
at things.
But you bailed me out without
giving it a second thought.
All we saw was
an army wife in trouble.
That's right.
So, we had begun
to introduce characters...
Jackie, Kelli Williams'
character, and her husband,
and also Gloria.
Hey, honey.
Where's our beers?
Are you talking to me?
'Cause I could tell you
what you can do with your beers
if you don't take that meat hook
off me, honey.
We're very excited
about the choices that we made
and the new cast that came in.
But I think it's a testament
to how wonderful
the original cast was
that people were very reluctant
to see them go,
including me.
It's just us now, Roland.
Thank God we have
each other, right?
- Roland?
- I'm moving.
- What?
- Now, it's only temporary.
I've been asked to participate
in a clinical study
at Johns Hopkins.
My paper I wrote's been getting
a lot of attention.
That's fantastic.
Brown: I like to think now
that Joan has reached the level
in her career that she has,
and Roland has
this wonderful opportunity,
I think they're in
a great space.
There are so many people
I need to thank today.
Davis: The series ends
on Joan's retirement,
which, you know,
is really interesting
because Joan's entire life was
all about making it to General.
It is my fondest hope
as I leave this my
that love so much
that other women
will take up the standard
I leave behind today
and carry it
to even greater heights.
Melvoin: There's a great deal
of wishfulness and sadness
about saying goodbye
to some of these characters.
But I know, for me,
the characters live on.
[ Applause ]
I am the biggest, biggest
"Army Wives" fan ever.
I'm a super fan.
I always will be a fan.
I own all the seasons.
My husband got them for me
for Christmas.
No matter where I lived,
where I was stationed,
I could look forward
to sitting down
on the sofa on Sunday night,
turning it on,
and seeing those familiar faces
and those storylines
that I could relate to.
I was very,
very sad to see it end,
but I'm very grateful
for what I think it did
for the military families
and the spotlight
that it gave us.
I'm gonna miss the show.
I don't know what I would do
if it wasn't around.
I'm so sad it's going away.
[ Sniffles ]
Any time a show runs
for as long as ours did,
you're always gonna have
this sense of mourning
when it comes to an end
because week in and week out
for seven years,
you were experiencing
their stories in your home.
- Yeah. - Sure.
- I think it left a void
in a lot of our viewers,
and they took it so personally.
- Yeah.
- You know?
And we take it personally, too.
I think it's just one of those
things that you move on.
Life goes on.
It's like we stole
a couple years together
as a tribe, as a family.
I still can't believe
he's going.
I thought I'd be used to it
by now.
Well, we never get used to it.
We just get through it.
You will, too.
I know it's left kind of a hole
in our audience's heart,
and I am so appreciative
of that,
that they feel that strongly
about the show.
I just hope that
everybody knows, it really...
it means as much to us
as it does to them.
I think the series has served
as a cultural ambassador
for the US military
because it has shown
the human side of our soldiers.
And that's a side
that you don't always get to see
on the nightly news.
Serpico: I don't think
that can be understated,
the debt that we as a country, I
think, owe to our armed forces.
We ask them to do this for us.
And I think "Army Wives"
was a way of saying,
"We appreciate it, thank you."
[ Both laugh ]
Biank: The bedrock of the show
was love of family,
love of friends,
love of country.
And I think really
that's what resonated so much
with our audience.
[ Crying ]
It all went by so fast.
[ Crying ]
Serpico: It was not something
that happens often,
that you have something
that really means something
to a lot of people,
that they can attach
their hearts to
and feel like they're a part of.
[ Voice breaking ]
Thanks for...
being part of the journey.
Feels like we've been through
so many lifetimes together,
doesn't it?
Yes, it does.
It's amazing, huh?
Moving around the world,
seeing fascinating places.
God, all the adventures.
[ Sniffles ]
Making wonderful friends.
[ Sniffles ]
I love being an army wife.
this is the hardest part
Don't know if I can do this.
after we've come so far
Delaney: I don't think any of us
wanted it to end,
but things change, you know?
On army posts, you know,
you get moved to another one.
I won't let this go
How are we gonna get through
Same way we always do...
I feel like it was such
an important show,
that it meant so much
to so many people.
Thank you.
I'm very proud of that.
could be the start
of something
Even though
the show's off the air,
the enduring message
that I think the show conveyed
could stay with people, and
that is that friendship and love
can overcome virtually
any difficulty
and it's important
to hang on to your hopes.
That's the great thing
about stories is that,
you know, you can continue
to take them with you.
I'll never say goodbye
Thank you all
for sharing your lives with me.
For being a light in the dark.
For taking me as I am.
For having my back.
For making this place a home.
We are very grateful
for your support
and your love and your
encouragement of what we did.
Come back to me.
I won't let this go
This has been
such an amazing experience,
and I'm so grateful
to have had it,
and I wouldn't have changed
anything for the world.
it might feel like it's over
Claudia Joy: - What's on your mind, soldier?
- Same as everyone else.
Just wondering
what the future holds.
I suppose we can all imagine
in our own way
what these characters
are doing now...
those words don't feel right
- it might feel like it's over
McNamara: - ...and hope they're happy
- and hope they're safe.
- but this is not the end
I'll see you down range,
Colonel Burton.
this is not the end
To us.
- To us. - To us.
- To us. - To us.
this is not the end
[ Up-tempo music playing ]
[ Music continues ]