Arrival (2016)

I used to think
this was the beginning
of your story.
Memory is a strange thing.
It doesn't work
like I thought it did.
We are so bound by time,
by its order.
Okay. Come back to me.
Come back to me.
Come back to me.
Stick 'em up!
Are you the sheriff
in this here town?
These are my tickle guns,
and I'm gonna getcha!
You want me to chase you?
You better run!
I remember
moments in the middle.
I love you.
I hate you!
And this was the end.
Come back to me.
You come back to me.
But now I'm not so sure
I believe in beginnings
and endings.
There are days that define
your story beyond your life.
Like the day they arrived.
Good morning.
Where is everyone?
Okay. Well,
let's get started.
Today we are talking
about Portuguese
and why it sounds
so different
from the other
romance languages.
The story of Portuguese begins
in the kingdom of galicia...
Sorry. the middle ages,
where language was seen
as an expression of art.
Any news
you want to share?
Dr. banks, can you turn
the TV to a news channel?
...but police have
already set up a blockade
here around the area.
As you can see,
we've got just about
as close as we can,
but unfortunately,
Montana right now
is on complete lockdown.
The object apparently
touched down 40 minutes ago,
just north of i-94.
We're waiting to hear
if this is perhaps
an experimental vessel or...
Hold on, it...
I'm learning that more objects
like this have landed in
as many as
eight other locations
around the world.
Yes, can we?
This is from
a site in hokkaido.
This is worldwide.
It is happening right now.
Okay. Um...
I'm sorry.
Class is dismissed.
You are an idiot!
You drove right into me!
You just ruined my car!
For now, we're simply
asking for cooperation
while authorities
assess the object.
you're saying it's not ours?
Do you even know
if it's from earth?
We're still collecting
We're coordinating
with other countries.
We're not the only ones to
have one of these
in our backyard.
If this is some sort
of peaceful first contact,
why send 12?
Why not just one?
Yeah, I know.
I saw that, too.
Uh-huh. I don't know, mom.
I'm watching the same
news coverage you are.
Well, mom, please don't
bother with that channel.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
Those people are idiots.
Yeah, well,
do I sound nervous?
Okay. Exactly. So...
Um, me? Yeah, um,
you know me.
I'm about the same.
Mom, I'm fine.
Okay, I'll call you later.
And around eight
hours after landing,
there are still no signs
of what might be called
"first contact."
Now, the objects measure
at least 1,500 feet tall...
Two are reported to have
penetrated Russian airspace.
One in Siberia, and the other
off the coast of the black...
...above the ocean.
So far, there are
12 unidentified objects
spread across the globe.
There is no obvious logic
to their locations
and no evidence that
the ships are even occu...
...entertain the idea that
if it is a kind of vessel,
it may be unmanned.
we have a protocol for scenarios like this.
After Tuesday's
extraordinary events,
the president this morning has
declared a state of emergency,
with as many as
5,000 national guard
being deployed to
the state of Montana alone.
Borders are closed and
flights have been grounded,
stranding millions
of travelers.
Panic buying of gas,
water and food
continues to escalate,
and federal authorities
have temporarily lifted
all caps on overtime
for law enforcement.
The atf has put a temporary
ban on new gun licenses,
forcing many
independent suppliers of
hunting equipment and firearms
to close their doors
to the public.
Forty-eight hours later
and no further development...
Two days...
...from the site of
the 12 ufos.
...and already,
the public expects us
to know the answers.
I'm colonel g.T. Weber.
We never formally met,
but two years ago, you did
some Farsi translations
for army intelligence.
You made quick work
of those insurgent videos.
You made quick work
of those insurgents.
You are on the top of
everyone's list
when it comes
to translations.
And you have another
two years in your ssbi,
so you still have
top-secret clearance.
That's why I'm in your
office and not at Berkeley.
I have something I need you
to translate for me.
Why are you here?
Can you...
Can you understand us?
Where did you come from?
Now you heard it.
What do you make of it?
Is that...
How many?
How many what?
Um, how many, um, speaking?
Assume they were not
speaking at the same time.
Are you sure?
Did they have mouths...
How would you approach
translating this?
Do you hear any words?
I don't...
I don't know.
So what can you tell me?
I can tell you that
it's impossible
to translate
from an audio file.
I would need to be there,
to interact with them.
You didn't need that
with the Farsi translations.
I didn't need it because
i already knew the language,
but this...
This is... ah...
I know what you're doing.
Tell me what I'm doing.
I'm not taking you
to Montana.
It's all I can do to keep it
from turning into a tourist site
for everybody who
has a ts clearance.
I'm just telling you
what it would take
to do this job.
This is not
a negotiation.
If I leave here,
your chance is gone.
Good day.
You mentioned Berkeley.
Are you going to
ask danvers next?
Before you commit to him,
ask him the sanskrit word
for war and its translation.
An agreement on sharing
scientific discoveries
looks closer tonight,
as Russia and China join talks
at the united nations.
Meanwhile, financial markets
across the world are in crisis
as the dow Jones
industrial average fell
over 2,000 points...
He says it means
"an argument."
What do you say
it means?
A desire for more cows.
Pack your bags.
All right.
Give me 20 minutes?
Takeoff in ten.
Dr. banks.
Right this way, please.
Contact and
ready to approach...
Excuse me, Dr. banks,
let me make sure you're properly secured.
You okay?
Sorry, I couldn't hear
what you were saying.
"Language is the foundation
of civilization.
"It is the glue that
holds a people together.
"It is the first weapon
drawn in a conflict."
this is Ian Donnelly.
Louise banks,
Ian Donnelly.
That's quite a greeting.
Yeah, well, you wrote it.
It's the kind of thing
you write as a preface.
Dazzle them with the basics.
Yeah, it's great.
Even if it's wrong.
It's wrong?
Well, the cornerstone of
civilization isn't language,
it's science.
Ian is a theoretical
physicist from los Alamos.
You'll be reporting to me,
but you'll be working with him
when you're in the shell.
That's what
they're calling the ufo.
Priority one:
What do they want and where are they from?
And beyond that,
how did they get here?
Are they capable of
faster-than-light travel?
I've prepared a list of
questions to go over,
starting with a series of
binary sequences...
How about
we just talk to them
before we start throwing
math problems at them?
This is why
you're both here.
I'll bring
the coffee.
Coffee with some aliens.
I want you to take
these two to Dr. kettler.
Yes, sir.
Follow the captain
to medical.
It should take
just a few minutes,
and then
we'll get started.
We'll take care of your bag.
I'll take your cell phones.
Cell phones!
Follow me.
Put these on. You're gonna
wear them at all times.
Sir, they're here.
Louise banks?
Ian Donnelly?
When was the last time
either of you have eaten?
Last night.
Last time you did
something stressful?
Does now count?
Just saying...
Uh, who was being carted off
in the medevac?
Not everyone is able to
process experiences like this.
I'm gonna get
some blood from you
and give you
an immunization dose
that covers a battery
of bacterial threats.
Could you sign these, please?
And roll up your sleeves.
Either of you
Currently taking any medications?
The booster is
a kick to your system,
so you may experience
some side effects,
nausea, dizziness,
a ringing in your ears,
like you have tinnitus.
They wouldn't go,
either way.
You see
what's happening to him?
How does this even work?
The readings do not change,
but I don't know,
it's like we're insects
on a piece of paper,
and they're easing us
out of the house.
At exactly 112 minutes
and 19 seconds,
gravity starts to shift
and slides us out of the room.
Have you found a scientific
explanation for it?
is it for them?
Uh, no.
We think it's for us.
Air doesn't seem to circulate
inside the chamber,
so after about two hours,
we run out of oxygen.
It doesn't take 18 hours to
pump fresh air into a room.
Excuse me?
If their atmosphere is
different from earth,
it would certainly take hours
to rebalance their O2 content
and pressure for us
every time
they open their door.
So, they could suffocate us
if they wanted.
This is agent halpern
with the CIA.
Let me get you two
to your stations.
Yes, sir.
Remember, we need answers
as soon as possible.
What do they want?
Where are they from?
Why are they here?
This is the priority.
Everyone, this is
Dr. Ian Donnelly.
He'll be running
this team here.
Have they responded
to anything?
Shapes, patterns,
numbers, fibonacci?
We can't tell
what they're saying
when they respond
to "hello," so...
Don't get ahead of yourself.
What have you figured out?
We're just getting started.
Good morning!
This is Dr. Louise banks.
She'll be heading your team.
It's a pleasure
meeting you.
Dr. banks is taking over the
mission from Dr. Walker.
That's a 15-minute warning.
You scuba-dive before?
What kind of radiation
exposure are we walking into?
Nominal. These are
just for safety.
So, is there any physical
contact with the, um...
Am I the only one having
trouble saying "aliens"?
There's a wall.
Like, a glass wall.
You can't
get to them.
So, what do
they look like?
You'll see soon enough.
Hurry up.
The suits are clumsy at first,
but you get used to them.
I'll open a second vehicle.
We'll be there
in a few minutes.
Make sure you hold on
to something.
Copy, condor. We will observe,
but not initiate. Over.
Watch your step.
We'll keep
Alpha channel open. Over.
Alpha, be advised.
Humidity increased since yesterday.
Every 18 hours,
the door opens up
at the bottom.
That's where we go in.
Zero movement.
Alpha detail, clear to proceed. Over.
Copy, condor.
Beginning our ascent now.
Ten feet.
Five feet.
Two, one...
Alpha clear to enter
Moving into position.
Thirty feet from target.
Suit telemetry now full strength,
despite unknown interference.
Three, two, one.
Oxygen level: 20.3%.
No known contaminates. Over.
Radio signals are decreasing.
90%, 85%...
Yeah, that just happened.
All right,
let's move!
Time is wasting.
You ready? You ready?
Let's do it!
Condor, I'm proceeding first
with captain marks, over.
Gravity nominal
in the antechamber. Over!
It's all good, sir.
You can proceed.
Stand by!
Okay, bring it up.
Vitals are low.
Radio signal strength
stable at 75%. Over.
You okay?
Dr. banks?
You can do this. Come on.
I don't know. I... I think...
Grab her.
are you all right?
Dr. Donnelly, you good?
Dr. Donnelly,
are you all right?
Please respond. Over.
Holy fuck!
We're gonna
go down there,
and you're gonna
start your job.
Everybody, move out!
Alpha detail is in position.
Team is in position.
We're on the move.
Condor, Alpha's now
in the nave.
Setting up equipment
and telemetry. Over.
So, what happens now?
They arrive.
Dr. banks?
Dr. banks?
You can start. airlock.
Do not stop until you have
passed the airlock door.
Do not attempt to
remove Hazmat suits
without assistance
from authorized personnel.
Repeat: Hazmat suits
without assistance
from authorized personnel.
Wait. Just a minute.
Just a minute.
- All right.
- Step on out, please.
Now hold that.
Am I fired?
You're better
than the last guy.
That doesn't
make me feel any better.
You both have till 02:00 hours
to figure something out.
Okay. What happens then?
You go back in.
Violence continues to spread
across the us today in
the wake of the 12 landings.
The president has declared
a mandatory
dusk-to-dawn curfew
after the crackdown
by the national guard failed
to prevent a third night of
looting across the country.
In north Dakota,
144 members of
the Saint Lawrence
pentecostal cult
are feared dead after they set
their compound ablaze.
Their website claims
the arrival of the aliens
set in motion
a prophesy that...
Uh, we're up in 15.
You got any new intel?
Yeah, we've been playing back
some of their sounds.
Where does that get you?
Well, they play audio
back at us,
from an unseen source.
Audio of what?
Uh, it's bits of conversation
from the room.
Random clips of dialogue.
Really, we have nothing.
T- minus 14 minutes
to shell access.
T- minus 14 minutes
to shell access.
T- minus 9 minutes
to shell access.
T- minus 9 minutes
to shell access.
What's that for?
A visual aid.
I'm never gonna be able to speak their words,
if they are talking,
but they might have some
sort of written language
or basis for
visual communication.
Let's get started.
I'm human. What are you?
Oh my god!
Are you getting this?
Yes, sir!
It's uploading back to base camp.
that's incredible.
Okay, slow down now.
Slow down.
I don't wanna take away
from your success in there,
but Dr. banks,
is this really the right approach?
Trying to teach them
how to speak and read?
That's gotta take longer.
You're wrong. It's faster.
Everything you do in there,
i have to explain to a room full of men
whose first
and last question is...
"How can this
be used against us?"
So you're gonna have to
give me more than that.
What is that?
In 1770,
captain James cook's ship
ran aground
off the coast of Australia,
and he led a party
into the country,
and they met
the aboriginal people.
One of the sailors
pointed at
the animals
that hop around
and put their babies
in their pouch,
and he asked
what they were,
and the aborigine said,
And the point is?
It wasn't till later
that they learned that
"kangaroo" means
"i don't understand." So,
I need this so that we don't
misinterpret things in there.
Otherwise, this is gonna
take 10 times as long.
I can sell that
for now.
But I need you to submit
your vocabulary words
before the next session.
And remember what happened
to the aborigines.
A more advanced race
nearly wiped them out.
It's a good story.
It's not true.
But it proves my point.
We think
we were able to reproduce
some prime number
sequences back at them.
So that's something.
Well, congratulations.
You're a parrot.
It's a lot more than that,
you cheeky bastard,
don't you see?
They can't seem to
follow our algebra,
but complex behaviors,
that clicks.
Well that doesn't make
any sense at all, does it?
Problem is,
not everyone shares our policy
of being open
with the aliens.
Have you met
general shang?
The call sign for him
is big domino.
Whatever shang does,
at least four other nations
will follow.
Louise? We have to
gain ground today.
You have a vocabulary list
for me?
I do.
You're gonna teach them
your name and Ian's?
Yes, so that
we can learn
their names
if they have names,
and then introduce
pronouns later.
These are all
grade-school words:
Eat, walk.
Help me understand.
Okay. Um...
Oh, no, no, no!
Not the top!
Okay, this is where
you wanna get to, right?
That is the question.
So, first, we need to
make sure that
they understand
what a question is.
Okay, the nature of
a request for information
along with a response.
Then, we need to clarify
the difference between
a specific "you"
and a collective "you,"
because we don't wanna know
why Joe alien is here,
we want to know
why they all landed.
And purpose requires
an understanding of intent.
We need to find out:
Do they make
conscious choices?
Or is their motivation
so instinctive
that they don't understand
a "why" question at all?
And... and biggest of all,
we need to have enough
vocabulary with them
that we understand
their answer.
I get it.
Stick to your list.
don't add anything to it.
...are at 2.97.
Oxygen level: 21.4%. Over.
Condor, Alpha's now
in the nave.
Setting up equipment
and telemetry. Over.
Let's get started.
Louise. Louise.
I am Louise.
What is that?
Is that a new symbol?
I can't tell.
I don't know. I think it's
the symbol for human again.
It just has a little
curl on the end,
maybe to indicate
a question.
I don't know.
I don't know, Louise.
I think
they're getting confused.
Dr. banks,
perhaps we should
move on to the next word.
Dr. banks!
It's okay.
What's going on?
Hey! What are you doing?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you insane?
They need to see me.
She's taking off
her Hazmat suit.
Is it okay?
risking contamination.
They need to see me.
Dr. banks...
Dr. banks.
She's walking
towards the screen.
Should we abort?
Recourse noted.
Stand by for further orders.
Go back to your stations.
Now that's
a proper introduction. Hey.
I am Louise.
Ian, do you want to
introduce yourself?
Uh, yeah.
Screw it!
Everybody dies, right?
Sir, Donnelly is
taking off his Hazmat suit.
Permission to abort?
Continue the session.
Who are you?
I think those
are their names.
They have names.
So, what are
we gonna call them?
I don't know.
I was thinking
abbott and costello.
Yeah, I like it.
I like it.
Team 1, exit your vehicle
and proceed directly ahead
to the decontamination tent.
Leave your respirator on until
you reach the equipment room.
I know. Shhh!
Team 2, exit your vehicles
and continue to
the decontamination tent.
Leave your respirators on
and do not hesitate
until you have reached
the equipment room.
How do you feel?
Well, I guess
i don't need to tell you
you're putting yourself
at risk.
There's no signs of
radiation poisoning yet.
We'll see how
your blood tests look.
For now, I'm gonna
give you another boost.
No radiation.
Nothing else
we can detect either,
but I'd give them a strong
cocktail, regardless.
It's the first time we've
made significant progress.
All right.
We'll take the risk.
Okay, honey...
What is going on there?
Just tell me!
You don't need
to worry, okay?
How can I not worry?
Just calm down.
Just calm down.
Becky asked me if the monsters
are going to kill daddy!
it's not gonna happen.
Just stay safe.
You don't need to worry.
Please! I'm so scared!
All junior xenolinguistics
and science personnel
must observe
general curfew
unless expressly authorized
for extended work hours
by unit cos.
Curfew in effect
as of 2200 hours.
Notice to all late workers,
fire watchers and night staff.
Effective immediately,
midnight rations will be served all night.
Here are some of
the many things
we don't know about heptapods.
Greek. Hepta, "seven."
Pod, "foot."
Seven feet. Heptapod.
Who are they?
Trying to answer this
in any meaningful way
is hampered by the fact that,
outside being able to see them
and hear them,
the heptapods leave
absolutely no footprint.
The chemical composition of
their spaceship is unknown.
The shell emits no waste,
no gas, no radiation.
Assuming that the shells
communicate with each other,
they do so without detection.
The air between the shells
is untroubled
by Sonic emission
or light wave.
Are they scientists?
Or tourists?
If they're scientists,
they don't seem to ask
a lot of questions.
Why did they park
where they did?
The world's most decorated
experts can't crack that one.
The most plausible theory is
that they chose
places on earth
with the lowest incidence
of lightning strikes.
But there are exceptions.
The next most
plausible theory is that
sheena Easton had a hit song
at each of these sites
in 1980.
So, we just don't know.
How do they communicate?
Here, Louise is
putting us all to shame.
The first breakthrough was
to discover that
there's no correlation
between what a heptapod says
and what a heptapod writes.
Unlike all written
human languages,
their writing
is semasiographic.
It conveys meaning.
It doesn't represent sound.
Perhaps they view
our form of writing
as a wasted opportunity,
passing up a second
communications channel.
We have our friends
in Pakistan to thank
for their study of
how heptapods write,
because unlike speech,
a logogram is free of time.
Like their ship
or their bodies,
their written language
has no forward
or backward direction.
Linguists call this
non-linear orthography,
which raises the question,
"is this how they think?"
Imagine you wanted to write
a sentence using two hands,
starting from either side.
You would have to know
each word you wanted to use,
as well as how much space
they would occupy.
A heptapod can write
a complex sentence
in two seconds, effortlessly.
It's taken us a month
to make the simplest reply.
Next, expanding vocabulary.
Louise thinks it could
easily take another month
to be ready for that.
Oh, hey.
Weber's looking for you.
Yeah, well, why do you think
I'm hiding out here?
Come on up!
Nice out here, huh?
Yeah, it's a nice view.
Away from the noise.
You know, I was just
thinking about you.
You approach language
like a mathematician.
You know that, right?
I will take that
as a compliment.
Yeah, well, it is.
As I watch you steer us around
these communication traps
that I didn't
even know existed,
it's like, "what?"
I guess that's why I'm single.
Trust me, you can
understand communication
and still end up single.
I feel like everything
that happens in there
comes down to the two of us.
Yeah, that's a good thing
though, right?
You and I?
Have you seen the jokers
that we're working with?
Thank god I've got you!
the first photograph
of the aliens goes viral.
Biological contamination
is a major risk factor
at the Montana site.
So say environmental
pressure groups.
800,000 march on Washington
to protest the government's
handling of the crisis.
All this,
and more special coverage.
First contact with whoever it
is that is inside that thing,
and who's running the show?
The government.
That's right, folks,
the same government
who ruined our healthcare
and bankrupted our military.
Look at these people!
Most of them
don't even have guns!
We could be facing
a full-scale invasion.
Our president's
willing to sit back
and let them waltz in
and take our country.
We are falling asleep
at the wheel, people!
You know what I'm talking
about. I know you do.
What if the smartest thing
we could do right now
would be to give them
a show of force?
I'm talking about
a shot across the bow.
What do you think?
Caller no. 1,
you're on the air.
What do you think?
What's this word?
That's, like, um...
The earth is a planet.
Want to see my project
for miss garriott's class?
Yeah, little nose.
We had to make up
our own TV show.
If we had one.
And who are
those two people?
That's you and dad.
The show is called
"mommy and daddy
talk to animals."
Well, it's lovely.
You know it's okay to be sad
that your dad and I...
I know. I'm not.
'Cause we both
love you very much.
I know. It's just a cartoon.
It's not real.
You all right?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm not sure it's something
i can... I can explain.
When was your last
checkup with Dr. kettler?
I'm okay.
I'm gonna get some air.
I'm okay.
All right.
I'm fine. Yep.
How you feeling?
I need some sleep,
but I'm fine.
You know, I was doing
some reading, um,
about this idea
that if you immerse yourself
into a foreign language,
then you can actually
rewire your brain.
The sapir-whorf hypothesis.
The theory that, uh...
It... it's the theory
that, uh,
the language
you speak determines
how you think and...
Yeah. It affects
how you see everything.
It was, uh...
I'm curious...
Are you dreaming
in their language?
I may have had a few dreams,
but I don't...
I don't think that that
makes me unfit to do this job.
Did you sleep?
A little.
Do you know
It is shifting.
The voice
you're about to hear
belongs to
a Chinese military chief...
General shang.
Pull it up!
We got a satellite feed here
of who he's talking to,
if you want to look.
Wait, go back.
He's saying that
each of the 12
is offering
advanced technology.
Go back again.
And play.
"Our science team is attempting
to decode the sets."
"Sets." I don't know
what that means.
Something about advantage,
suits, honor and,
uh, flowers.
I don't...
I don't know. That's all.
I don't know
what it means either.
An hour ago,
China mobilized forces.
And now, Russia's
following suit.
Shang's about to
start something.
Following suit. Suits.
Suits, honor, flowers...
Colonel, those are
all tile sets in mah-jongg.
God, are they...
Are they using a game to
converse with their heptapods?
Maybe. Why?
Well, let's say that i taught
them chess instead of English.
Every conversation
would be a game.
Every idea expressed through
opposition, victory, defeat.
You see the problem?
If all I ever gave
you was a hammer...
Everything's a nail.
We need to ask
the big question.
Ready or not.
Yeah, I know,
but between there and there.
Well, it's
time to go.
Heptapods' purpose.
Heptapod purpose earth.
What is your purpose?
Do we only have costello?
Okay. There you are.
What does it say?
Offer weapon.
You saw what they wrote!
Using a word
they don't fully understand.
Could be a request.
A warning.
Enough! Louise?
We don't know
if they understand
the difference between
a weapon and a tool.
Our language, like
our culture, is messy,
and sometimes,
one can be both.
And it's quite possible
that they're asking us
to offer them something,
not the other way around.
It's like the first
part of a trade.
So, how do we clarify
their intentions
beyond those two words?
Well, I go back in.
Right away, we go back in
and we clear this up.
It's more complicated
than that.
How is it more complicated
than that?
the secretary of defense
is on the line for you.
We need to sit
on this information
till we know what it means,
so we aren't sharing it
with our enemies.
We must consider the idea
that our visitors are prodding
us to fight among ourselves
until only one
faction prevails.
There's no evidence of that.
Sure there is.
Just grab a history book.
The British with India,
the Germans with Rwanda.
They even got
a name for it in Hungary.
Yeah. We're a world
with no single leader.
It's impossible to
deal with just one of us.
And with the word
"weapon" now...
Halpern. Yes, sir!
No confirmation yet.
Standing by.
What did they say?
China and Russia
are off the grid.
They aren't speaking
to anyone.
Whatever they learned in their
last session has them spooked.
Yes, sir!
We have orders
to do the same.
These are our allies!
You can't shut us down!
Put us on radio silence.
Do it.
We received a message
from the hept... damn it!
We need to be
talking to each other!
You want to talk to them?
Find out what this means.
Base-camp talk
is now offline.
All interpreters and
international liaisons,
stand down and
report to unit coordinators.
We've never
re-entered a session before.
Louise, trust me, okay?
We've got time.
We've just gotta
step on it, all right?
"Use weapon."
This is the alien message
said to have provoked
the Chinese government
to withdraw
their scientists from
the international
mission today.
In a statement,
general shang said,
"China no longer trusts
the aliens
"who want to divide us.
"Humanity must be protected."
China has asked for immediate
talks at the un.
this is condor, over.
Alpha-one-niner, this is condor, come in.
Captain marks, condor
not receiving transmission.
Squelch twice
if you hear line.
Captain marks,
all escort units
are ordered to
cease all activity.
No, no, no. Dr. banks,
you can't go in there.
I just need to
ask one question.
Dr. banks!
The session is finished.
You can't... you can't go
back in. It's dangerous.
Look, we just need
five minutes. Don't sweat it.
Marks, let them go.
Hey, abbott!
So, what are we calling
this? Session 37?
Uh, no, 36, part 2.
Why are
they on their own?
We've been attempting
to hail captain marks.
The escort units
are not responding, sir.
Why not? Send security.
"Offer weapon,
question mark."
Are you offering us
apparatus, method?
Yeah, see,
this is a different word.
This... this segment,
it's a lot busier.
Give technology
What's he doing?
Captain, on your ten.
Security detail inbound, sir.
T- minus 4 minutes remaining.
We need to see this through.
Okay, this is it.
Lock and load.
We just need to
hold them off until it's done.
Copy that.
Warning shots and suppressive fire only.
Load up
and get to cover.
Stay frosty and
we can avoid casualties.
Abbott wants me to
write on the barrier.
Can you
even do that?
I don't know.
I can't do it
with both hands.
What is that?
Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy.
You suffered a concussion.
Just lay back.
How do you feel?
How is Ian?
Same as you. He's okay.
Who, um...
Who did this?
Ah, some soldiers.
They've been watching
too much TV.
What is that?
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
The site's no longer secure.
We're standing by to evacuate.
Where's Ian?
Weber came and got him
maybe 10 minutes ago.
He wouldn't leave until
he knew you were okay.
Your whole tent
is on the clock
to figure out whatever it is
you were given up there.
This is all of it?
The feed wasn't interrupted
by the explosion?
Not as far as I can see.
You see something?
Oh, I don't know yet.
I'm gonna need my team to get
together with Louise's team.
I need everybody
working on this.
We cannot leave.
Glad to see
you're awake.
We need to go back in and
explain this wasn't our fault.
We can't go back inside.
We have to.
What happened in there
was an attack.
We can hope for the best,
but I have orders to
prepare for retaliation.
We may have to evacuate.
No, that's the wrong move.
As long as they stay,
we have to stay.
Well, they're not leaving.
Why does this feel worse?
China is
on the offensive.
They're positioning
the military
to blow the alien vessel
right out of the sky.
And if this happens,
we can't sit around
waiting for retaliation.
So, get prepared.
The air force and infantry
are standing by.
Yes, sir.
Tonight, China becomes
the first world power
to declare war
against the aliens.
Following the failure of
diplomatic efforts
at the united nations,
China has confirmed that its
language experts have tonight
delivered an ultimatum
at the Shanghai site.
In a televised statement,
general shang, chairman of
the people's liberation army,
said the aliens have 24 hours
to leave Chinese territory
or face destruction.
And he urged
all other world leaders
to unite with China
and take a similar stance.
With a huge buildup of forces
at their landing sites,
Pakistan, Russia and Sudan
are thought to be
following China's lead.
It can't be random.
It's going
to take us years.
What's this term here?
Hmm? Sweetie...
Uh, what's this term
for that thing,
like a...
Like a technical term,
where we make a deal,
and we both
get something out of it.
A compromise.
Like, it's a competition.
But both sides end up happy.
Like a win-win.
More science-y than that.
If you want science,
call your father.
Thank you.
It's okay.
I'm up.
What time is it?
It's time you opened that
bottle you've been hiding.
You cracked something,
didn't you?
Yeah. Come here.
Take a look
at this section.
It seems to be
talking about time.
Their symbol for time
is everywhere.
So what is this?
A formula for
faster-than-light travel?
Who can tell?
There are too many gaps.
Nothing's complete.
Then it dawned on me.
Come here.
Right here.
Stop focusing on the ones.
Look at the zeroes.
How much of
this is data?
How much of it
is negative space?
So, I measured it.
0.0833 recurring.
Perhaps you'd
like that as a fraction.
One of twelve.
What they're saying right here
is that this is one of 12.
"We are part
of a larger whole."
Or we're one of 12
contestants for the prize.
Why do I have
to talk to him?
We're all working together.
We need to talk to
the other sites,
help them with what they've
gotten from the heptapods.
We're blacked out.
China just threatened
to destroy their shell.
We're on our own.
But this says that all of
the pieces fit together.
And I'm telling you
that no one else cares.
Two hours ago,
we pulled this audio off
a secure channel in Russia.
Someone on the science team
there was broadcasting wide.
In their final session,
the aliens said,
"there is no time.
Many become one."
I fear we have
all been given weapons.
If anyone is receiving this,
Well, I mean,
there are a lot of ways
you can interpret
what he said.
I don't need an interpreter
to know what this means.
Russia just executed
one of their own experts
to keep their secret.
"Many become one" could
just be their way of saying
"some assembly required."
Why hand it out to us
in pieces?
Why not just
give it all over?
What better way to force us
to work together for once?
Even if I did believe you,
how in the world are you gonna
get anybody else to play along
and give up their data?
We offer ours
in return.
A trade?
It's a non-zero-sum
Non-zero-sum game.
That's it. Yeah.
Nine of
the landing sites have gone
total comms blackout.
Only way to reach them is
to physically drive there
and yell at the border guards,
which we're doing,
but it won't be
fast enough.
There must be a way to
get the message to them.
To our allies, maybe,
but it's too little too late.
What we need is to get
all the other nations online
before one starts global war.
And there's no way
for us to reach them.
Okay, hold on a second.
There is!
It's right above us.
That's problematic
for us right now.
The Pentagon's convinced
our shell will retaliate.
My guess is they'll order us
to evacuate within the hour.
they're not our enemy.
They've made no act of
aggression towards us.
Maybe this is
their way of being aggressive.
That's not
the question.
What is the question?
How do we get you
back in that room
when it's half a mile
straight up?
I think
our work here is done.
It's in the hands
of our superiors now.
What the hell
is she doing?
Oh, my god! Oh, god, no!
Where's abbott?
I'm sorry.
We're sorry.
I need you to...
I need you to send a message
to the other sites.
I don't...
I don't understand.
What is your purpose here?
How can you
know the future?
I don't...
I don't understand.
Who is this child?
The show is called
"mommy and daddy
talk to animals."
Wait! No! Wait!
- Dr. banks!
- Louise!
Are you all right?
You all right?
Yeah. I'm all right.
What happened?
I'm trying to figure it out.
This is too big.
Doesn't matter now.
We have orders to evacuate.
Russia and Sudan
are following China.
I don't understand.
Help me, mama.
Sorry, honey.
What day is it?
Do you know, baby?
Are you gonna leave me
like daddy did?
Oh, Hannah, honey,
your daddy didn't leave you.
You're gonna
see him this weekend.
He doesn't look at me
the same way anymore.
It's my fault.
I told him something that
he wasn't ready to hear.
Believe it or not,
I know something
that's going to happen.
I can't explain how I know.
I just do.
And when I told your daddy,
he got really mad.
And he said I made
the wrong choice.
What's going to happen?
It has to do with
a really rare disease.
And it's unstoppable.
Kind of like you are,
with your swimming
and your poetry
and all the other
amazing things
that you share
with the world.
I'm unstoppable?
I got you.
Louise? Louise?
I just realized why
my husband left me.
My husband left me.
You were married?
Come on!
Let's get out of here.
Why's my name
Get those people
back, please.
Well, your name
is very special,
because it is
a palindrome.
It reads the same forward
and backward.
All right, guys,
give me a hand here.
Yes, sir.
That goes in the bag.
Ready to go!
Evacuation underway.
We're done here!
We're taking this with us.
I can read it.
I know what it is.
It's not a weapon.
It's a gift.
The weapon is
their language.
They gave it to us.
Do you know what that means?
So we can learn heptapod.
If we survive.
If you learn it,
when you really learn it,
you begin to perceive time
the way that they do,
so you can see
what's to come.
But time, it isn't
the same for them.
It's non-linear.
Look, we did our best,
but it wasn't enough.
The captain
will load you up.
You're lifting off
in 5 minutes.
Ian, Louise, it was
an honor to work with you.
Good luck.
Hey, colonel...
I'm gonna find out
where we're going.
Wake up, mommy!
Dr. banks...
A pleasure.
General shang,
the pleasure is mine, really.
Your president said
he was honored to host me
at the celebration...
...but I confess,
the only reason why I'm here
is to meet you in person.
Me? Well, I'm flattered.
Thank you.
18 months ago,
you did something remarkable,
something not even
my superior has done.
And what's that?
You changed my mind.
You're the reason
for this unification,
all because you reached out
to me at my private number.
Your private number?
General, I... I don't know
your private number.
Now you know.
I do not claim to know
how your mind works,
but I believe it was important
for you to see that.
I called you, didn't I?
Yes, you did.
All right,
let's shut down the system.
Sir? There's a sat line
here dialing China.
Here? What do
you mean "here"?
Come on, come on!
Whose phone is it?
It's your phone, sir.
Search base camp now.
Find out
who's using that phone.
And hold on to
those coordinates.
Yes, sir.
Come on... what do I say?
What do I say?
Come on.
I will never forget
what you said.
You told me
my wife's dying words.
We found the source
of the phone call.
It's in the clean room.
We're waiting for instructions.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Changing someone's mind.
Can you buy me 20 seconds?
We don't have time for this.
No, trust me.
Buy me 20 seconds.
Do you trust me?
Okay. Yeah.
Dr. banks, drop the phone
now or we shoot!
Drop it!
I'm sorry!
You are committing
an act of treason!
Drop it!
It's done. I'm done.
...blackout from
all 12 landing sites
continues this evening.
Hold on,
we are just hearing...
I'm being told we're
going to cut this report
to tell you
breaking news...
...China has called an
emergency press conference...
General shang,
commander in chief of
the people's liberation army,
has announced in
an emergency press conference
that China is standing down.
...all intelligence
they've received
will be shared immediately
with the other landing sites.
Scientists from
around the world
are sifting through
received from
the uk, Japan,
Sierra Leone
and Venezuela.
...the information
they have acquired
from both of
their landing sites...
Also confirming it to be
one of the 12 pieces
of this puzzle that is
being slowly put together.
So, Hannah,
this is where
your story begins.
The day they departed.
You all right?
Despite knowing the journey
and where it leads,
I embrace it.
And I welcome
every moment of it.
Ooh! Ah! Ooh!
H- a-n-n-a-h.
Now backward. H...
You ready, baby?
Don't worry. See you.
You okay?
Are you ready?
Oh, guess what? Star stuff!
If you could see your whole
life from start to finish,
would you change things?
Maybe I'd say
what I feel more often.
I... I don't know.
You know, I've had my head
tilted up to the stars
for as long as
i can remember.
You know what
surprised me the most?
It wasn't meeting them.
It was meeting you.
I forgot how good it felt
to be held by you.
You wanna make a baby?
Yes. Yeah.