Arshinagar (2015)

Dance! Song! Comedy! Tragedy!
Come one! Come all!
They prefer the idiot box to puppets!
What's the play about?
Not a play, good sirs! This is a talel
A fairy tale, see?
Fairy tale?
How boring!
Is it a love story then?
Yes! Yes! Love, murder, fights..
It's all there!
You'll get your money's worth!
No ordinary tale this!
A foreign one!
Written by Lord Shakespeare himself!
Sex? - No! No! Not sex!
People look only for sex these days!
I'm talking about Shakespeare Sahib!
Great writer!
A tale written by him!
Well 'sex is there too'
in small doses
Watch and find out!
Take your places now.
The tale is about to start!
Come, good sirs..
...let's take you to our fairytale land -
This then, is Arshinagar.
Now don't ask where it is!
It could be anywhere in the world!
'What's in a name?
A rose by any other name
would smell as sweet, right?
The fragrance of Mirrorsville
slum too, remains the same.
The fragrance of Mirrorsville slum
too, remains the same always!
Open drains!
Garbage spilling over!
Have to cover your nose and walk!
But what of that?
All eyes are on Mirrorsville
slum right now
A new yover is coming up, you see.
So all developers
have dreams of...
...razing the slum &
building here then.
And truly, Mirrorsville is a land of dreams!
Each person has a land of mirrors
inside his head!
Ever seen your selves
reected there, good sirs?
You will.
You surely will some day.
Meanwhile, let me introduce you
to the protagonists of this tale'
This is...
Rawnojoy Mitter.
The only son of
the Miners of Mirrorsville.
This is not a test of skill!
It's child's play!
So what do you want instead?
To blow off each child's head?
A sharp shooter...
...but not interested in guns!
This young man's only interest is music!
The heroine -
Zulekha Khan
Beloved daughter
of the Khans of Mirrorsville
But, Good Lord!
What is she up to, this child
from a conservative Muslim home?
And this woman with her... her nurse Fatema
Been looking after her since childhood.
Some looking after, this!
But wait!
There are more players here
2 kings!
Here is King no 1
Name? Bishwanath Mitter
Occupation? Real estate.
Plus...underhand dealings in drugs
Fortune favours the bold!
Sabir Khan
Owner of Khan Constructions Ltd.
King no 2!
Reputed Muslim family.
But his goons too, are involved
in underhand drug deals
Above all, Sabir Khan is the
prime enemy of Bishu Mitten
Both have their sights
fixed on Mirrorsville slum.
Both wish to tear down the slum
& build highrises
At present, the slum-dwellers
are fed up of their constant fights!
Come, listen for yourselves -
Hey Manik! Another round of cha!
Gang wars will start
in about an hour!
Really, it's getting too much!
It's a theatre, not hutments as such.
From morning to night
we have drama!
Careful now!
That's a sharp new blade!
Brawling all morning,
can one keep one's head?
What is it today? - Who can say!
Godforsaken fellows.. stepping on each other's toes!
They'll drive us out from here,
God knows!
Both demand cuts!
What the hell, I say!
Just paid off one;
the other turns up today!
This simply can't go on!
They'll soon be dead and gone!
Knife one another & be done!
Like an the shindy yesterday...
...almost at death's door Sunny lay!
You see that Tayeb Bro?
See how they bully the poor?
Where is it? Who?
Who else but those louts
Sunny & Pappu!
Let's go check it out!
What's going on here?
Ah! You here too?
You & that cheat there
make a fine pair!
Shut up you piece of shit!
It's me who's in for it!
80 bucks lost before any sale!
You cheat on weight at
every turn of scale!
Short of cash? I'll be damned!
Now scram!
We have to taste the fruit
before we buy!
I took just one bite.
Awful stuff! So why'
'80 bucks? You bloody cheat!
What precious ower are you,
my sweet?
Go quietly about your business
If not'
If not 'what?
Who asked you to pitch in, you smut?
- Enough!
Now quiet, everyone!
What do you think you're up to,
son of a gun?
Pick any poor man
and slit his throat for fun?
Come on Tayeb,
don't lose your cool so fast!
Mess with me, buddy'
you breathe your last!
You make my blood boil,
you pieces of slime!
From before our fathers' time
you've run us down...
...without reason or rhyme!
Yet you are mere Mitters,
while we are Khans sublime!
We're descendants of
Bahadur Shah The Great!
Ah! Now we've got it straight!
Not Shahrukh, nor Salman,
& yet he is a Khan!
Your dad was a refugee,
surname Akhtar!
Half crazy, bleary eyed, a Unani doctor.
How come you suddenly turned Khan?
Who's your real father now?
Are you your Uncle's son?
I swear to God,
your life is over & done!
If life is done, it's done
Be it knife we face, or gun
Come up if you dare
In a trice we'll slice you bare
In a trice we'll end your run!
At night in Mirrorsville
prowl hunters out to kill
No one knows when day will
dawn on Mirrorsvillel
Mirrorsvillel Mirrorsvillel
At night in Mirrorsville
all roads the mist will fill
Who knows when light will break
on Mirrorsville?
Mirrorsvillel Mirrorsvillel
If life is done, it's done
Be it knife we face, or gun
Come up if you dare
In a trice we'll slice you bare
In a trice we'll end your run!
Mirrorsvillel Mirrorsvillel
Mirrorsvillel Mirrorsvillel
Ah! Here at last on the scene!
What do you mean?
When we came,
just 4 years old was Tabbu
You brought him up
He thinks of you as 'Abbu'
He's like your son.
Hotheaded? Perhaps yes..
'But fought for you
& landed in a mess.
If you don't bail him out tomorrow'
You should have told us long ago
a nephew's a far cry!
Why, a sister, if a widow...
is not welcome any more!
What're you saying Sister!
You know well...
...Tabbu's hot temper
is impossible to quell!
I've tried to reason with him in vain!
Grandma, you explain
Look Sabir,
who else is there for a woman...
...but father, husband or brother?
Tell me then'
...if Julie were in trouble,
God forbid...
...could you rest until
you came to her aid?
Shh my child, shh!
You're responsible for him,
his guardian!
Go find a way
to get him out of prison!
Easy for the old woman to say!
But, the person needed for that'
'is a most dangerous one!
'Is a most dangerous one!
Not King, nor Knave... Ace!
Tayeb will surely kill me one day!
My image is tattered,
my reputation at stake!
Lost his father early.
Now a spoilt brat!
Can't control his temper,
that's what.
Sabir Saab, must loving care
make a monkey of a lad?
Then what's the use of culture,
tell me that?
But Tayeb isn't really a bad sort
At this age their heads
just get too hot!
Isn't the Police Commissioner
your friend'?
That fellow Tayeb knifed,
is he on the mend?
Not come to yet.
It was deep, the wound!
'What's his name again?
Think they call him Sunny'
Tayeb needs a lesson,
I know that better than any'
I'll teach him good & proper'
First pray to Allah Miya...
...that Sunny survives!
If not, I greatly fear...
...that Tayeb will be
charged with murder
And your image tarnished further!
True, I could ask the Commissioner if I'
But hide any facts, &you deal with
RTI (Right to Information)!
I understand sir.
'With Elections ahead' mis-step,
& you're as good as dead!
These are mere tries anyhow.
Okay, I'll take your leave now.
Oh! Do call us if you need anything...
'before the Elections we mean!
Come now, Sabir Saab
your business is mine too!
Let me see what I can do'
Friendship is above any law after all!
Hey you!
Give the Commissioner a call.
If it hadn't been for Grandma, I'd prefer
for Tayeb to stay in the stir.
A real taste of prison..
'Would soon make him see reason!
But Tayeb has his uses too.
By the way, Manmohan still won't sell
Even doubling our price didn't jell.
Says the house holds
memories of his mother!
But sell he must, or we're in lather!
Oh go on, Mirza Saab'.!
If the price is right,
anyone will sell!
Not always for money! Well'
'guess you'll know
when you're as old as me
So think of some other strategy!
Surely Manmohan
has some weak spot?
Send someone to find out what!
Who would you say?
Okay! Okay!
Send Tayeb if there's no other way.
Inside my heart a highway
There you race your jeep
I dare you to stop
when you reach my parched lips
Inside my heart a highway
There you race your jeep
I dare you to stop
when you reach my parched lips
Water, fire, earth or sky -
nothing do I fear
Place your hand in mine
& see where we go from here
My reckless heart is ready to dare
All for your love...
No! No! It's all wrong!
Saala! Same old crossline,
same chords all along!
Shit! No new words
no tune with any grit!
Need a great punchline now!
Where's our writer anyhow?
Ah! The gifted one! Wow!
Look Montey, if you come
leave that stuff behind
Those bloody reefers
have you in a bind!
An minus dope? No hope!
You don't touch the stuff
so your punchline has no punch!
This club is for music,
not for getting high!
Stuck for a punchline? Wait...
I love you...
I love you...
jaan qubool!
(on my life I swear)
My reckless heart is ready to dare
Baby I love you, on my life I swear
Baby I love you, on my life I swear
Jaan qubool!
What's up then?
That is free again!
All of them are f...ers,
who has any class?
Who do you mean?
Tayeb. Bloody ass!
How? The jail
isn't owned by his father!
In a way it is rather!
Saala! Wait till I catch the!
Listen, cut it out!
Just don'! open your mouth!
Sunny almost died then!
Don't you stir up trouble again!
You're the one
who caused it all, bugger!
Insulted his uncle, father, mother'
& here's Rawna, playing it so cool!
Strumming your guitar!
Drop it, fool!
Wait till you get home &
hear your ass split!
I hate my dads job & you know it
What d'you have for brains,
you twit?
You're his heir!
You'll get it all, you slob!
As they say in English,
'This is not my job!'
You know the business
you take it on.
For Rawna...
it's just guitar and song.
You're bang on there,
Biloo my dear!
Our Romeo here faces
misery, I fear
The Boss is hopping
mad at him I hear!
And you?
Jamming here for 2 days at!
Your dad's on uncle's payroll -
ever think of that?
Hey, don't take his father's name
in vain!
Let him, saala, let him.
It's no pain.
Boss says we're in a spot!
27 crates of pot
will be ofoaded soon at the port
If we don't corner
them in time..
...they'll be whisked off by
Tayeb, that slime!
For Mirrorsville slum
to turn to Mirrorsville Tower...
...we must move in fast.
Before the Khans grab power!
Rawna, you must be part of this task!
You know I won't. Why ask?
But where will the slum-dwellers go?
Oh dear...
It's always been so.
Can't we avoid all this, Bro?
Such a super marksman!
Yet he chooses guitar over gun!
Aw f... off & be done!
Ya Allah!
How long has this been brewing?
Nearly a month now...
or so she's saying.
Oh great!
She says & you listen?
Some mother you are!
How did she have the guts?
You let her go too far!
Why, her sisters never did
any such thing!
Granny dear...
...the times are changing!
Besides, both live in America now.
Who knows what they're up to anyhow?
Spoil her then!
She always was your pet!
No one will marry her I'll bet!
High-bred Muslim girl,
marked for life!
May Allah forgive!
At least it's just a tattoo.
Not as bad as rings!
Know where they wear those things?
Want to know where else?
Listen carefully'
Shame! Shame! Chhi!
See how tongues wag after this!
Other boys come home at night at least.
And where might our
Young Lord be?
Out on an all-night spree!
Got stuck somewhere may be'
Stuck meaning wham?
Phone off. God knows where he's an!
It's all your fault!
Spoil him some more!
Better stop that dance class of yours!
If only you'd give him some time..
So now the fault is mine?
Haven't I begged you to
stop your business?
Drugs, protection money & the rest?
Madhu, you know very well I can't!
It's a one-way street!
Besides, it's all in a snarl.
Ah, there you are, your Lordship!
Thought suddenly of home?
Parents are just pests.
Who cares if they're alive or dead?
Friends guitar, shows!
Stuck in the same class 4 years in a row!
Can't show our faces in public,
you shame us so!
Stop it. He's just come home'
No, I won't! I've had enough!
Let him...
...learn the ropes,
or I'll throw him out on a limb!
This huge business, who is it for?
You tell your clever son
a genius for sure!
OK I'm off.
Put this away with care
25 K in there
"Will you marry me?'
So jaan...
...all ready for the party?
Just ordered the sweets.
Some costumes - two or three -
' aren't ready yet.
Everything else is done.
What about your guest list?
Left out no one?
Left out...?
But there is one special guest...
...and for you, I have a request -
This evening from Dubai,
comes Fame:
Plan a special menu
for him please!
I dream of marrying him to
our Zuleika'
Dream all you like..
...but it's all in the
hands of Allah!
After Julie's wedding,
we'll go for Haj, we two...
'Will your daughter agree?
Must consider that too!
Hear that Julie?
You're to be wedded soon!
What! Hitch me to that
grey-haired buffoon?
Think I'll marry him? No way!
My brain is still working,
eyesight's still okay!
You heard your Dad!
Parvez is the chosen one '
Oh lump it Fami!
Wait and watch the fun!
Abbu & his old-world notion!
Marry off the daughter & go on Haj!
As though it's a magic potion!
But his daughter's dreams
are ready to take wing
She'll y away one day
and stop at nothing
Fly where she's unshackled,
& countless dreams concur
Where her Prince Charming
is waiting for her.
Visit the Khan house
to see your princess?
Rawna thinks he's Spiderman,
no less!
Rawna fears nothing
on land or sea or mall.
An all-girl play!
It's sure to be a ball!
Pretty little missies
dancing in a row!
Just have to take photos
of the Khan Mahal show!
Never seen a girl before?
Stop being such a lech!
For this you'll dare the lion's den?
That's a bit of a stretch!
Sunny's neck still has marks
you know!
Don'! you even plan to go!
No case, no hitch!
Where the girls are,
Rawna too must go!
Let's see who can stop him,
which ordinance, or law!
If that happens Uncle,
I swear I'll go berserk!
Tayeb! 'What's up?
Finished all your work?
All done The Eid party
will proceed as planned...
...but if they come too,
well l'll be damned!
'Who're you talking about?
That Mitter boy! The lout!
He'll bend but not break,
he's that stubborn!
You're so generous
you invite everyone!
But must we have them too,
those bloody hooligans?
I'm telling you straight,
if they dare cross the gate'
'you won't do a thing!
Must you rise to every bait?
Got arrested the other day
for knifing that guy at the fair!
I had to plead
with the Commissioner!
Cause any more trouble,
God help you!
I'm telling you, today
no trouble will you brew!
Najma, listen dear -
Zulekha turns a deaf ear
to all I say.
You tell her - no male role
or moustache for her today!
Parvez wants to see her
directly after the play.
They say all the girls will be
dressed up as men?
So Rawna, what's the point
of your going then?
Rawna's eyes can clearly tell
a girl from a guy
To enter the lion's den
you must bid your fears goodbye!
Well then, Parvez?
What news of business?
By Allah's blessings
and your good will...
...the going has been great.
But it's made me grayer still!
Time's on your side now -
a racehorse unstoppable!
Now If Zuleikha is
willing & tractable'
I'll finalize the wedding before I go...
She likes you, I know.
And yet...
...she's still so young!
Be prepared to adjust...
No problem Sir.
I was wondering...
...if there's any good land
here for the taking
Come on quick!
Uncle wants you there
So now I have to pour dye
on that greybeard's hair!
You go ahead Bro.
I... I'll come in a minute or so.
Please Aunty! Quick!
Let's hide & play a trick!
I'll hide behind
the curtain over there
Please Aunty,
you're not to tell anyone I'm here!
Abbu's chosen Parvez, It's clear...
0 Ma! 'What's this! A crook!
Don't scream! Don't scream!
If they find me,
they'll change the way I look!
Wh-who are you? Where from?
I'm Ronojoy. Bishu Mitter's son
Ya Allah! Mitter!
Shhh! Shhh! Shhh!
Not so loud!
If they find us, it'll be a clincher!
And who may you be?
Sabir Khan's daughter.
Zulekha Julie
You live in Mirrorsville too?
A Parhosi (neighbour)"!
Parhosi? You mean neighbour?
Oh God! They're here!!!
Julie! What's going on, pray?
15 minutes in the toilet?
Come out I say!
Oh dear!
Oh my God! Such a tummy ache!
And liquid potty! Uff!
He'll kill us both! Shh!
No acting today for me!
Please Tabbu Bhai, ask them to
replace me with'
Excuse me!
Bless you!
Julie baby, open the door!
I've brought you medicine'
Don't need it Ammijaan,
I have it here with me.
I feel, I feel l can hold him
but he eludes my embrace
I feel, I feel I can hold him
but he eludes my embrace
0 he lives so near my place'
There's a Mirrorland beside my home
A neighbour lives near me...
...whom never with my eyes I see
If this neighbour should
ever touch me.. hellish woes would forever ee
So Shiraj & Lalan live side by side
Yet a million miles apart!
A neighbour lives near me...
'Whom never with my eyes... I see
There's a Mirrorland beside my home
A neighbour lives near me'
'Whom never with my eyes do I see'
So? Who did you get to see?
Which bud captured your heart?
Rose or jasmine?
Neither rose nor jasmine,
oh gosh!
On her upper lip,
alight moustache'
What? A moustachioed miss!
You risked 3 lives for this?
We nearly got pickled!
Oooh! How it tickled!
Tickled? Oh gee!
Did you, or did she?
All three bastards are
here in the garden!
They mustn't escape!
Set the dogs on them!
What now, my friend?
Run before they start a mayhem!
Run! This way! This way!
Slowly! Slowly!
Biloo? Montey?
Where the f...k are they?
God keep you
Good night
Take the dogs away. Go!
Where the hell has Rawna gone?
Gone on ahead for sure
Run on, run on!
Wait! We're not done!
Too much light here saala!
Keep aiming, come on!
Good shot, saala!
There's a Mirrorland beside my home
A neighbour lives near me'
'Whom never with my eyes... I see
'Whom never with my eyes... I see
Raw no'
If ever we meet, what joy!
But who knows how
far away you are'
Here! Right here!
Julie! 'What's wrong with you?
His voice still rings in your ear?
Not wrong, here I am.
Go on, sing again for me!
You climbed up that pipe?
Are you crazy?
Listen! I want to see you again!
So do I, but when?
Where? - Where?
Give me your number!
I'll call you tonight'
Give me your hand, let me write'
First time?
What do you mean...? could you tell?
Rawna knows all this quite well!
Eesh! Very smart!
You'll get a smack for sure!
Let me show you how...
Once more'
Your lips were closed
the first time!
Now you're learning just fine!
OK, OK! That's enough!
Now you'd better go!
But how will you get out?
By now the gates are closed!
Don't worry.
...these walls are easy to scale.
Hurry up! It's really late!
I'll text you tonight without fail.
Julie bibi! Your Ammi wants you.
Coming F am!
Bye Rawno. Please be careful!
Julie! Your mother is waiting!
Shhh! Fati! Go inside
I said I'm coming!
Take care, Rawno.
Text me first thing!
Can't sleep tonight!
All your fault Khan!
All your fault Mitter!
My slumber too, is gone!
What morons we are!
We missed our chance!
Curse these hands of mine!
Should've guessed before.
3 grown men in burkhas
come to wine & dine!
Don't talk like a jerk!
Could've been guests too!
Right! Pull off burkhas at random
get beaten black and blue!
Not beaten then but now!
Cool it Tayeb bro!
A knife is outdated.
Time you got a gun!
He who shoots from a distance
is a coward's son!
Come Tungsten, come & fight!
It's a real turn on!
Sharp at 8 o'clock
ofoading starts at the dock
My informer tells me Tayeb's lot
will be present at the spot... corner all the stock.
We're ready to resist,
we'll ay their butts!
They'll forget their fathers' names
if they mess with us!
Sunny, you will take the lead
MW, Pappu - cover'.!
The rest create a shindy...
...they come close, they suffer!
All pepped up I see,
but keep your senses keen.
Not just a few broken bones
I'll sweep Khan's business clean!
And Santosh..
...get Montey into the grind.
And look at that son of mine!
Posing like a lover divine!
Faffing all day
with ganja and guitar!
If only he'd take after his father!
Did you hear that, boy?
Any more to say?
Still a milksop baby?
Do I run after you all day?
When will you start working?
Once your father's dead and gone?
I'm ashamed you are my son!
There you go again!
Enough! Say no more!
For this operation,
you must be first to score!
What if the police come Boss?
Any idea how much moolah
to the police we toss?
That policeman is my pet boy,
the OC or whatever...
I'll strip him of his uniform
if he tries to get too clever!
Need any more briefing?
Everyone clear?
Good! Now get out of here!
Hey you!
You must be there on the day
No more sponging on Dad
& spending time in play!
Get down to business,
start learning hands on.
You heard me?
Now be gone
Please Manik, half a cup!
I'm so thirsty'
Want it for free?
You know how it is bro!
All pockets are empty!
May you be showered with blessing
- Saala!
This priest will break our faith,
someone do something!
This daily dose of holy water
& mantra chanting'
'drowns our Muslim call to prayer
every single evening!
Just morning and evening!
Not five times a day!
Blaring on loudspeakers
so Allah can hear you pray!
Mangal, you'll get it today,
this is too much for me!
Now I'm going to mix
some poison in your tea!
Swearing matches every day!
Go somewhere else, I say.
Yet you can't do without
each other anyway!
Ah! There you are Salim Sahib!
Fighting again? Really you two!
But this slum would be
insipid without you!
Welcome Salim Sahib,
how about some chai?
Has Manik ever made
any chai that's worthwhile?
See Salim Sahib, what I get
for giving things free?
Forget it Manik,
this time the total bill's on me.
Not at all.
I'll make you a special one.
Well okay.
As soon as school starts
I'll do a practice run.
Babur, Humayun, Shahjahan'
No silly!
Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jehangir...
...then Shahjahan!
What did I say then?
They'll break our shacks
& build a mall!
The black money men!
Saala! Black money men!
Black money men!
Saala! Black money men!
We, the poor, will lose our homes
On the streets we'll have to roam
We, the poor, will lose our homes
On the streets we'll have to roam
The rascals will be happy only then!
Black money men!
Saala! Black money men!
Black money men!
Saala! Black money men!..
No point in swearing,
think what you can do
Thinking won't help you!
The schoolhouse owner's happy
his rent was too low.
He's made big money
selling off, I know!
But if they pay good money...
...we may as well go.
Where will you go?
Just where will you go?
To heaven or to hell?
Do you even know?
What do we have but Mirrorsville slum
to call our own?
Swear at them all you can!
'Will your luck turn even then?
We swear at them all we can!
Will our luck turn even then?
Only Allah knows what luck
we'll have, and when!
Black money men!
Saala! Black money men!
Black money men!
Saala! Black money men!...
Just hang on to your land,
take my advice.
When the yover comes up,
you can name your price!
Why not go to the cops,
hear what they say?
Only money talks!
Only money walks!
They only matter,
who can enter malls & pay
Our rice is full of gravel,
the system here is rotten!
And it's all because of
those black money men!
Saala! Black money men!
Black money men!
Saala! Black money men!...
We who work from
house to house...
...where do we go from here?
Julie's mother said,
I happened to overhear'
'how dirty our slum is!
Filth everywhere!
If Mirrorsville goes..
...she'll have cut off
her own nose!
Where else will they get...
...such a cheap labour source?
Dammit! It's no use!
I'll get out of here!
Settle somewhere far away,
become a puppeteer.
Say what you will...
...not an inch will we give!
Even if they kill!
Trample on our pride,
& we'll cut off your feet!
It's our right to live!
That's all we need!
We'll not be kicked around!
We will stand our ground!
Try to take our land,
we'll fight you to the end
You black money men!
Saala! Black money men!
Where? When? I can hardly wait!
Tomorrow evening,
5 o'clock straight
Aha! So Miss Julie
has found a lover too!
Hey Julie! May we know who?
Wrong, you guys!
It's Aunty!
Showering texts on me!
Just got a new
mobile phone you see'
Now listen! What're you
doing this evening?
If you're free, come to the
Sporting Club ing?
What's on at Sporting Club?
Oh! Silver Jubilee!
Rawno's singing!
Thanks for reminding me!
It starts around 8.30,
but we'll reach early, what?
On the dot!
My God Rawno' He's so hot!
Rawno"? Who's he'?
Bishwanath Mitter's son.
What a looker, gee!
Superb singer,
a little Bollywoody'
You won't understand, honey!
You're into classical
Miss Goody-Goody!
Nonsense! If it's good,
one can hear anything.
I'll go too & check out
how your precious Rawno sings!
Inside my heart a highway
There you race your jeep
I dare you to stop
when you reach my parched lips
Hey, inside my heart a highway
There you race your jeep
I dare you to stop
when you reach my parched lips
Water, fire, earth or sky
nothing do I fear
Place your hand in mine
& see where we go from there
My reckless heart
is ready to dare
Baby I love you,
on my life I swear
Oh my God!
You know each other! Really?
No! Never! Crazy?
He waved at you just now!
Since when'?
Nonsense! Can't be me
Someone behind us then!
The world builds barricades
to block out my heart
All because of you
I've broken them apart
The world builds barricades
to block out my heart
All because of you
I've broken them apart
I ignore all anger
I forget all fear
I'm lying on a pyre,
place your head on my heart here
My eyes heed no warning
I'll pay for it, no fear
Baby I love you,
on my life I swear
'Whatever my heart
will not accept...
...I will not be forced to do.
But I'll walk through fire...
...just to be with you.
Whiplashes cannot stop me
Despite my wounds I smile
All this because
my love for you...
...makes it all worthwhile
Nobody must know about us,
not a thing!
Okay, they won't.
5 tomorrow evening!
Fate's decree is indelible
Yet overwrite it, 0 my Master
No, no.
Your F-Sharp wasn't quite'
TV'! again.
Get the note right!
Hey! Prince of love!
Should you smoke so much?
By the time Julie comes out...
...the smoke will
blacken your lungs!
You can only love if you live!
A dead man has nothing to give!
Now don't chuck that, you!
Me Fatema I'm the one who...
...brought up Julie
since she was a mite!
15 years, Mister...
...morning, noon & night, I've
been Julie Bibi's shadow.
So tell me sir...
...just passing time,
or do you really love her?
There's Julie!
I'll wait right here,
come back quickly!
You know Papa,
Uncle picked me up from school
You know Papa,
Uncle picked me up from school
We had ice - cream'& chocolates'
Oh, it was so cool!
Then he took me for a ride
on his motorbike'
I was ying through the air!
Please Papa, buy a bike!
Much cooler than a car!
How very irregular!
The school let her go
with a complete stranger?
Why stranger?
Uncle came from your office
I recognized the pass!
The school pass!
That's right.
Your driver had it, you can ask.
What! You must sack him today!
That would be
a big mistake, Ma'am!
...go ask someone
to bring some water for me
A very loyal employee!
Just wouldn't hand over the pass!
In the end'
I recommend
you call an ambulance.
I left him bleeding profusely!
- What!
Who the hell are you?
Sit down, Gupta-ji.
Why so angry?
What does all this mean?
That is not clear!
Oh yes!
On the sale deed for this house...
...just a signature
Right here'
Khan Constructions!
But I've already...
'what's his name?
Mirza' - Right, Mirza!
I've told him
this house is not for sale!
You see, this house for me..
...holds memories of your mother!
Such a pity!
But maintaining this old place
is a problem surely?
But think it through by all means'
I am in no hurry.
Ah, Miss Anushka's here too!
Remember the knife
I promised I'd show you?
No Anushka! No!
Come inside, to your room!
Why? I'm going to see
Uncle's knife, that's all'
Want to see what it can do?
Even though it's so small'
My song last evening..what did you think?
Great! Terrific!
But you don't really like
that kind of music?
Not true!
Jaan qubool is so romantic!
You understand romance?
You're still so very young!
You're a great looker...
...but your voice is like birdsong!
I'm a good deal older
than you miss!
...if two minds are in tune,
what can be amiss?
Um 'l mean.
'You go to music school too.
The word is classical,
not classic!
Yes'! do sing a bit
Beautiful voice!
That day I loved it!
Currently, I'm learning qawwali
'What's that?
About bawaali (streetfight)
I'm canny
You're so funny!
OK, OK! I get the drift!
So sing a qawwali
There's no one around.
The shrine is empty. won't like it maybe'
What do you think of me?
Don't appreciate serious stuff?
An ass?
Did I say that?
Zuleikha Khan... the past half hour
you haven't said a thing!
After taking so much trouble,
coming out so far'
'all you do is
twist your 'dupatta' (scarf)?
Fate's decree is indelible
Yet overwrite it, 0 my Master
Where, oh where,
should I search for you?
Where, oh where,
should I search for you?
Appear as my love, 0 Master!
All my sorrows and joys
I shall accept from you
This world of cares
I shall surrender to you
You are my Lord, dearest
You are the star of my eye
Sufis dance
with arms opened wide' they travel to Allah in their mind.
N ow, for the refrain.
Come, join the song'
Come along'
You are my Lord, dearest
You are the star of my eye
You are my Lord, dearest
You are the Star of my eye
By its light let me take refuge..
...In the throb of your heart till I die
Fate's decree is indelible,
overwrite it, 0 my Master
My Master, 0 my Master!
Give me relief, relief'
Give me relief, relief'
'With passionate love fill me!
Fill me with desire abundant...
...more abundant than the sea!
Give me relief, relief,
'With passionate love fill me
Fill me with desire abundant...
...more abundant than the sea!
Were it to happen so...
...that all scenes
with your magic glow
May this world dwell
within my heart...
'where every part is you!
Just heard they've beaten
up a guy from the slum
He's in the hospital, poor bum!
These are their scare tactics... clear Mirrorsville slum
And we?
We just sit & watch?
Let the Miners wield the stick?
Don't worry so much Sabir
We Khans have our own technique!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Moving around openly, these kids!
What if someone were to see?
Tayeb bhai?
Here in this room? You...?
Who'who's this one?
Bishu Mitter's son!!!
Fate's decree...indelible... Master
Tell you something Rawno?
Get out of here.
This business, all this fighting
it's not for you my dear.
Get out of here!
Remember Uncle Bunty?
Lives in Mumbai...?
He's very fond of you.
Shall I ask him to try?
Make music your career...
...come home sometimes to me.
After you make good...
...get married... someone you love truly.
Don't listen to what
others say...
...or you'll live to
rue the day!
You have only one life
Live it your own way!
Tell me Aunt...
...Christians & Hindus can marry.
So can Hindu and Sikh
But if it's Hindu-Muslim
the marriage won't stick?
Get such ideas out of your head!
In our faith it's forbidden.
It's forbidden today... it was forbidden then
'Then' meaning? When?
A few years before my
marriage maybe'
I had a friend called Madhu..
...from a Hindu family.
Probably quite a bit
younger than me.
Daadijaan's brother's house in Lucknow...?
We went there in winter you know'
This friend of mine lived next door.
Your Abbujaan'
'was crazy about her!
She too, was undone!
It's an old story...
...but look at the turn of life -
Madhu lives here now... Bishu Mitter's wife!
Keep it loose, see...?
Let go, or he'll cut free!
Cut him down! Yippee!
'Will you marry me?
I will.
What about your Abbu & Ammi?
Tomorrow, I'll tell
my father clearly'
'you're the only
one I'll ever marry
My father cannot bear
to see his daughter in despair
She must always be
happy & carefree!
What makes her happy then?
Only when 'yours truly'
is in her ken?
And then?
Sent all my shirts
to the laundry at one go?
Was it essential to do so?
Not a single good one left!
What am I to wear?
Go find me something,
I'm going out in half an hour!
So you needed her right now?
I see!
How nicely she was oiling my hair!
You ruined it with your yelling, you bear!
You're the only one to go out?
Not me?
So? I'll take over
the oiling now'
Stop it! What d'you know of
oil massages anyhow!
Really? So who does?
Rawno, your lover boy?
'Who-who's Rawno?
Wh-who's Rawno?
Stop acting coy!
I know what you're up to,
each & every ploy!
What you do, where you meet...
I know everything!
Bunking college
& having a great ing!
What are you thinking?
When you'll meet & tell?
Keep one thing in mind
he's a Hindu! Infidel!
More important than that
he's a Mitter!
They're our sworn enemies!
It would be a slur'
But no way will I
marry that Parvez!
I would rather die!
I'm telling you straight.
So whose wife will you be,
my pretty one?
No one's at all. She'll live alone,
will Zuleika Khan.
That's for the best.
Remain in this house'
...right here until you die
I'll look after you always'
Stay here, under my eye
Your dad and my mom?
It's got to be a joke!
Your mom and my aunt
were friends!
That's how it broke!
And then?
They dreamed many dreams
the two of them!
The families may have met
to talk things over'
Must have gone pretty far!
If the girl embraces Islam,
I have no problem.
But can she?
It would still be a
problem for me!
A girl who can forswear
her own religious vows' can she be true to
her love & her spouse?
I tell you straight,
if a kafir enters here'
She won't, never fear!
I'd much rather get out of here!
If they wish me to convert, I shall
Why just religion, for you I'll give up all
But what?
I'm thinking of my father.
Such a strict Hindu!
He'll be devastated if I eschew'
I don't want that either, Madhu'
What're you trying to say?
We'll have to elope somewhere -
far, far away!
But where?
Mumbai. My Uncle Bunty
has lived there for years
We'll live with them at first
till I start my career
I'll be a famous playback singer
in no time you'll see!
It won't always be like this
on top of the world we'll be!
'Will you elope with me, Khan?
I will Rawno,
You are my jaan (life)
You will do no such thing!
If you still do...
...I swear on your dead mother,
I'll hound out you two!
And with my own hands
I'll kill you.
He won't escape either'
And after I've killed you both,
I'll kill myself too.
Listen Khan..
...suppose we stay as
paying guests somewhere?
Or may a cramped shanty
As long as we're together,
I really don't care.
But wait!
'Will you find work in Mumbai?
You're not a graduate yet!
Hang graduation!
Remember that Club night?
Rawna's magic?
How that one song took ight?
If nothing else,
I'll join a band.
They do well there, I believe
I could get Montey over, and'
'he'd be lyricist, lead singer me,
Chiku with his drums' that's three'
Great! What about me?
I'd be out? All of you in?
Why out?
You too will sing!
No worries, mate!
Fusion is in!
Hmm Where will we live there?
a little room somewhere'
'a little room I see'
'a little room I see'
Cheaply, but together; we'd
make it quite pretty
We can live in a low-rent room,
a cramped little shanty
Take showers in time-bound water,
perfectly dandy!
Together though!
Now we wake up early'
'share eggs & toast quite fairly
There we wake up early,
share eggs &toast quite fairly
Go & watch Shahrukh Khan
at a morning show
Don't giggle! Wait and see'
We'll turn Mumbai into
Switzerland, with ease!
A little room I see'
So so do re mi mi!
We'll make it so pretty!
I can cook a little,
will you say 'third rate'?
If lunch consists of noodles
and dinner is omelette? - Super!
My mouth is watering already!
For power cuts at dinner
we'll have candles ready
The Arabian Sea
is calling me'
Let's start packing now!
The two of us will hit it off
somewhere, somehow'
We'll cut down on costs'
But our mood will be regal!
We'll shop in the evening
after a full-day's rehearsal
Two hearts... overowing... a cramped little shanty'
Oh no! Not a shanty any more!
A little room I see'
So so do re mi mi
We'll make it so pretty
We'll play it musically
A little room I see'
A little room I see'
So so do re mi!mi
It'll be oh so pretty!
A little room I see'
It'll be oh so pretty!
I'd closed off!
And I was dreaming'
'that my Reshmabai International
Puppet Theatre...
...had become very famous
We were getting calls
from all over!
And along with that...!
But all these are
just daydreams!
D reams...
How sweet they are, these dreams..
...aren't they?
But dreams are all they are'
Reality is playing
complex games elsewhere!
Come, let's take a look!
It's a game of percentage, bro...
It's a game of percentage, bro...
...a game of percentage!
It's played the world over...
...played from age to age
It's all being done for betterment...
...from housing to mall
What're you ready to pay?
Everyone's ready to sell!
All the moral outrage..
...goes right to hell!
At the hint of a cut, they whisper...
...what's my percentage?
Elections are ahead
The party has an image
Social activists...
...are hovering off-stage!
Once they come on stage...
...they will tell a different tale!
Each will have a placard...
...saying I AM UP FOR SALE!
The world is up for sale, bro...
...the world is up for sale!
Let Arshi Tower or Arshi Mall...
...come up when they will
Slum dwellers are expendable!
They can go to hell!
Let them go to hell, saala..
...let them go to hell!
You know all the rules here
Money's the leverage
So why all this hide & seek?
What's the cut you'll take?
Name your percentage!
Here, take a sip.
90 per cup
How much do you charge?
2 rupees
2 rupees?
Is your quality inferior?
From far and wide people come here!
Your pancakes and jalebis
are so hot!
Yet tea's only 2 rupees?
Surely not!
That chai will sell for
25 rupees or more..
...once you set up at a Mall Store.
Ethnic food! Ethnic look!
Manik's Tea Shop!
You'll be right on top!
Yes or no?
Think it over, there's no hurry
Here, keep my card.
Just a phone call, no need to worry.
The school teacher said
Raju is the best
Be it annual exams
or a class test
But what can we do
to help him get ahead?
He helps you with your
tea-shop instead!
Just stop to consider'
'how much money we'll get
if we accept their offer!
You can afford an assistant...
Raju can go to an
English medium school!
Surely you can do this for your son!
Ruin his life? Don't be a fool!
What is there to think
about so much?
I'm not the only one!
Have to consider the others too!
When have the others
thought of you?
If they got such an offer...
...wouldn't they grab it too?
Feel like studying
in an English medium school?
Hey kafir! Arshinagar is going!
What d'you plan on doing?
If Arshinagar goes...
...your temple's no use!
No more ringing of that bell!
Who says so, tell?
Good Lord!!
'What's in your head?
Cow dung or grass?
The slum will be razed
to build highrises!
Everyone is moving out
Want to live?
Better move your ass!
Let them move'
- 'What're you out to prove?
Found some other temple?
The Minister is coming
Ask him, take a gamble!
No time like now
'Luck by Chance' (Bollywood film),
No need to ask.
The temple's not going anywhere!
Just hear him!
Is he dreaming by day?
Wait! Wait!
Temple not moving? How pray?
They've settled my way.
Who's they?
Murli or what's his name?
Came here yesterday.
He said, when the new housing
comes up here'
'they'll build a new temple
in the centre.
All very fancy, with a brand new altar.
I'll remain the priest.
We'll soon seal the matter.
Now let's see'
Blessings shower on you'
- Hey! Hey! Hey!
Who the hell are you?
Murli 'from the Mitter company?
But if there's a temple,
why not a masjid too?
Don't overdo the Hindu act
& be too canny!
Right! Well said!
Masjid plus temple they must pledge!
Take a count right now!
Who's in the majority?
Don't we all know!
Want to build a masjid?
Go to Pakistan!
Here Hindus are majority,
got it woman?
You guys each have four wives!
Never-ending itch!
No plans to leave here,
no plans to switch!
Why should we leave, you dog?
Does India belong to your father!
Hey Mangan
Just out of hospital!
Take it no further!
Another word, I'll break your leg
& leave you as you were!
What's going on'?
Everyone stop!
Hands down! Hands down!
Minister-ji is here..
you're behaving like this?
We look after this slum here,
we know what it is
Yes a little water shortage,
Yes, a little amiss'
See that Satyasharan?
Men can be such morons!
Someone says something...
...bang! It starts a riot!
The CM's view is quite correct
...and you'll clear the ambit!
Whose annihilation?
What compensation?
'Will the market decide?
Can their loss be recompensed?
Their hunger satisfied?
Calm down, brothers!
Give it a break.
Calm down, calm down!
Peace, for god's sake!
Peace, Peace, Peace...
Om, may there be peace in heaven
May there be peace in the sky
'in water
'in the plants
'in the trees
'to the Gods in their
various worlds
'in Brahman
May there be peace in all
May there be peace indeed
within peace'
'giving me the peace,
which grows within me
What's this Biloo?
What happened? Where?
How did you get here?
It was the Khan gang...
Tayeb & his men
Threw a pile of bricks on him!
Could've died right then!
And Tayeb, that b...tard!
I'll teach him such a lesson,
bloody coward!
It was an accident, Montey'
Tayeb is hurt too'
Hurt? Rubbish!
Just a scratch or two!
And now, to Ratanpur
he plans to go... car, on dirt roads,
sixty miles or so!
What can I do?
What can I do?
Vora, that scoundrel'
'has sold the same plot
to them as well!
Now if we dawdle...
...Tayeb will win the land battle!
He'll reach Ratanpur by sunrise
Uncle's away. Letting the land go'
...tell me, is it wise?
Well then, I'm coming too.
Think Tayeb's a fool?
If he get's a chance, he'll finish you!
Stubborn mule!
If Tayeb is hot-headed...'re a stove that's overheated!
Can anyone control you but me?
That's it then, I'm also in the team.
Why're you making a fuss?
You think you're helping?
You'll just make it worse!
Aha! Who have we here?
Mr. Lover boy! I see!
Given up romancing for work?
Oh gee!
Great! What a thrill!
Waited along time'
Now I'll punch my fill!
Tayeb, please!
I'm not here to fight you'
Is that true?
So that's your game here?
From playboy to pukka saint... does that square?
How long can you keep it up?
Listen brother'
You dare call me brother?
Say that once more'
'and I'll make you a corpse,
you f'ing son of a whore!
Rawna saala! 'What're you doing?
Go on, give it back!
Cool it Tayeb!
Enough of the attack!
Hey Tayeb!
Lay Off!
Rawna's not part of this face-off!
But of course!
But of course!
Except, from the best of our clan'
'he lures away girls when he can!
Here, Mitter's son...
...come & face the action!
Lay a hand, I'll chop it off'
You hear?
You hear?
Make sure you listen!
Move Rawna,
I'll settle his hash'
No, Montey! No! Don't be rash!
No, Rawna! I'll have to thrash...
Peace, Peace, Peace...
What is it Montey?
Are you badly hurt?
Hey man, are you cut?
Oh it's nothing'
...a scratch, just a scratch'
I'll take you to the hospital at once..
Courage man, the hurt cannot be much!
Too late Rawna!
Didn't listen, got me in a mess?
...Mitters & Khans!
A plague on both your houses!
With just one scratch...
...Montey rests his case
No one interfere!
This is between him and me!
Come, Rawna, come!
Who's tougher?
You or me?
Peace, Peace, Peace...
Peace, Peace, Peace...
Om, may there be peace in heaven
May there be peace in the sky
'in water
'in the plants
'in the trees
'in the Gods in their
various worlds
'in Brahman
May there be peace in all
May there be peace indeed
within peace'
'giving me the peace,
which grows within me
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace'
Here she is!
Here she is, the witch!
Carrying on with her cousin's slayer!
Not an ounce of shame, the bitch!
Ask her!
Go on, ask her!
Is all this true, Zulekha?
Not true?
Her diary's filled with that
murderer's name right through!
Not once, but again and again!
'With photographs too, for shame!
...Parvez is going back
to Dubai in ten days.
Arrange a small dinner
this week please.
Julie will be wedded
to Parvez for life
He'll take her back with him
as his wife
Please 'no!
Julie, no arguments any more!
Marrying a Hindu?
Where is the question?
Even if he's ready
to change his religion
Don't forget he's killed
a kinsman of yours!
He'll be rotting in jail
for the rest of his years.
Time for prayers now...
...we'll discuss all this later.
Grandma.. we will pray with you
In this room, right here.
I have a singing class now'
Salim sa'ab is waiting.
Please may I 90'?
Step out of this house?
Don't even try!
You'll marry in 10 days
& go straight to Dubai.
Uncle is taking
the next ight from Delhi
After that...? Let's see
Not true!
It's not true!
My son's not a killer, I know
This eye for an eye business...
...has gone on too long!
...this blind hatred has to stop!
Sunny said there was many a witness..
...who'll testify you killed
in self-defence?
Stay in hiding for some time..
...where no one can find you.
Know of any place you could go to?
Wh-what did you say?
Know of a safe place...
...where you can stay?
I don't know'
...maybe 'Mumbai'
I have an uncle there'
...maybe I could try'
But 'but Julie'?
Julie will go with you
I give you my word!
I know right now you're
feeling beleaguered
Fati will take you to
Khan House tonight.
But remember... must come back by first light!
Sunny will then whisk you off.
To a bungalow'
'deep inside the forest.
I will let you know'
...where and when
Julie will meet you.
I'll tell you too'
'which route to take for Bombay.
What's up?
Stopping me of all people?
New here, you PUP?
Who's that with you?
Don't know her?
She's your Granny!
The Queen of Tuscany!
For God's sake, it's
'Tall Marrium,' the masseuse!
She also cleans
fingernails and toes
Hey Marriam! Hold open
your box under his nose!
I don't believe it!
I won't believe it! No!
Tell me, did you really kill
Tabbu bhaai?
No! No!
Say no more!
I won't believe it
even if you swore!
Julie bibi!
Julie, my pet...
Go back to sleep Rawno.
It's not morning yet
Julie bibi, listen!
Hurry! Hurry!
Ask him to come out!
Sunny's waiting at Salim Sa'ab's house...
Bye Rawno
In two days we meet again'
...& off to Mumbai we go!
I can barely wait till then!
Don't pack too much, Khan!
Where's the space'?
I know, I know, my 'jaan'!
I'll take very little.
My song book here'
And' - My guitar!
Plus some money!
We'll need that too, you know!
I have some savings here.
I'll bring it along for sure'
okay Khan, bye!
It won't be long now!
Wait! Don't go! Listen!
What made me think...
...I'll never see you again?
No, no!
Mustn't call you back' Go now!
Don't end up marrying
that Parvez somehow!
Ya Allah!
I would rather die!
Never say that again!
For now, goodbye'
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
There isn't any time!
Bye Raw no'
I love you, my jam
Love you too, Khan
After this, the game took a turn...
...that no one could have imagined
in their wildest dreams!
Trumped by the Ace!
Ya Allah!
Water! Water!
Wait, wait, Commissioner Sir.
Keep aside your law books
take a breather!
Religious sentiments hurt!
That's not a joke!
In such cases,
anger provokes folk.
Forces? No, no, not yet.
Give it another 24 hours to abate'
Don't send your forces until I call.
Well, will that be all?
All you say is 'l' & 'Me'!
Who is this 'l', tell me?
Tell me, who is 'Me'?
The One deep within, you
never cared to see
The 'l' deep within,
you forgot to see..
All you say is 'Me!'
Who is this 'Me?'
Tell me, who is He?
The One deep within
you don't care to see
The One deep within
you forgot to see
Now down to business!
There is no time to waste
Come at dawn tomorrow... Urmapur crossing straight...
By 5? Don't be late!
Fatima & Zulekha
will start out late tonight
Pappu will take them
there by first light
From there,
the highway is quite near
A truck will be
waiting for you there
You have to get going by six at any rate!
Don't worry...
...all instructions have been given
They'll take you to Mumbai straight.
I'm no sadhu... guru, nor mentor
No Haji
No Maulvi
No hermit either
Neither man, nor woman
Temple, mosque, or pilgrimage
none of these can'
'draw -Me.
No, none of these can draw 'Me'
The 'l' deep within,
you never cared to see
Begum Saheba!
Save us Begum Saheba!
Riots everywhere!
Please give us shelter!
Where else can I go
with this grandchild of mine?
Ya Allah!
What need for this killing & arson?
They've all gone insane..
...killing each other at sight!
Those we've known all our lives..
...have turned strangers overnight!
Very well, until things calm down,
you may stay
Go, close the door - right away!
Look at me!
Do you love that
murderous kafir, truly?
The One deep within
you never cared to see
The 'l' deep within,
you forgot to see..
Well then, go to him...your cursed infidel!
Fatema will take you to him
as soon as she is able
But there's no returning home
This is your last night, clear?
Fati, bring a dupatta (scarf) here!
Avery dangerous thing, this love!
Your Abbu suffered silently...
...all his life, poor dove!
You, at least,
mustn't let your life'
Didn't she wear a moustache
on the day of that party?
No ties have I...
...with where I abide
My link with the body... do I describe?
It's like the birds upon the tree..
Yes, it's like the birds...
...upon the tree
They sit there, yet are free
Like the birds, I'm always free
The One deep within
you never cared to see
The 'l' deep within,
you forgot to see
Look Parvez..
...let's keep it
low key at present.
When you two come back again...
...we'll have a huge banquet
We'll call everyone then
What news of Julie's visa?
We'll get it tomorrow I hear.
Great! So all is good.
One minute'
Yes Deendayal-ji?
The other side of the crossing?
'What's the Commissioner doing?
Not sending forces? Why?
Religious sentiment!
I know Deendayal's style!
Okay, thank you Deendayal-ji'
God be with you then
Now, all will go according to plan!
The riot is on!
Fire all about!
By the time it dies down...
...the slum will be wiped out!
Let the ames rise higher'
...douse the ashes, not the fire!
From the ruins of Arshi slum,
let Arshi Mall appear!
So be it
A Sorcerer has set up
His stage devices
In His workshop
we don various guises
When we drop them
at the end of the show...
...where do we go, tell me?
0, where do we go, tell me?
The One deep within
you never cared to see
The 'l' deep within,
you forgot to see
That's a Hindu, wait!
Where are you off to, so late?
Who's in the back seat?
- This lady's very sick.
That one is her son.
I know it's risky...
...but I couldn't let them down.
Won't take much longer
Just beyond the level crossing
there's a doctor's chamber.
Okay, drive on then
Better be careful though!
They're waiting at every crossing
letting no one go!
It's always Me'Me'
Me, Me 'Me, Me, Me, Me'
All you say is 'l' & 'Me!'
Who is this 'l', tell me?
Tell me, who is 'Me'?
Mission accomplished, Mr Mitter!
Arshi Tower can now be built.
What could be better?
All according to plan?
A perfect job done!
By the time the police arrive...
...nothing but ashes will remain!
Who is this 'l', tell me?
The One deep within
you never cared to see
The 'l' deep within,
you forgot to see..
Fati, you'd better go!
If anyone sees us
they'll finish us, you know!
Don't worry, I'll be fine
Rawno will soon be here
I'll call you dear,
once we're settled there.
So, I'll go now, shall I?
Take care, my Fati'
God be with you 'Bye!
What's the hurry, Julie?
There is time still'
I've stayed with you
for so many years'
a few more minutes can'! kill?
Any minute now,
the 5:15 will be coming
Once the gate comes down,
you'll have trouble crossing
Yes Biloo, bro?
All OK
At the level crossing
Rawna should be here soon
Don't you be worrying!
Julie will be here any moment.
Nearly 5! Don't delay!
Go find her quickly
& bring her right away.
Allah hoo Akbar!
Saala! Kafir!
You people set our homes on fire!
We'll finish you one by one!
Allah hoo Akbar!
...this is it, then?
Ha: Hat Mahadev'.!
Give this to her then'
What is this now?
Where did it come from?