Arthur et la guerre des deux mondes (Arthur 3 and the War of Two Worlds) (2010)

"Remember ..."
"Arthur was a little boy who wanted to
save his grandparents' home."
"He asked the two-millimetre tall Minimoys,
who lived at the bottom of his garden,..."
" help him find the mysterious
treasure held by the diabolical Maltazard..."
"...and his son Darcos."
-Hey, hero, let's go!
"Princess Selenia and her little brother Betameche..."
"...joined our
dauntless adventure."
"After many brave exploits and close shaves,
they thwarted Maltazard's plan."
-Father, get me!
"And at last, they recovered the treasure."
-Bravo, my boy.
"Ten Months later, Arthur received a S.O.S"
"He made it back to the Minimoys
as fast as he could."
"With his friend Max and
his flying ladybug..."
"Arthur went to the rescue."
"After freeing Betameche
from the army of Unicorns..."
"...he finally reached
the Minimoy village."
"Only to discover that the call for help, was a trap
set for him by the loathsome, Malthazard."
"Maltazard was determined to take Arthur's place
on the return trip out of the Minimoy's world..."
"...into the human world."
"Now in, bigger and stronger than ever.
How can Arthur, Betameche and Selenia stop him?!"
"At last, you're going to find out."
The Liberators
They're so excitable today.
Strange, Spring's long gone.
Hey, what's going on?!
What? That's awful!
Hey, Beautiful, we'll finish this off later!
I have to warn the king!
Come on, taxi!
Did you just knock? -Yes, with my head!
-Geez, why can't you use your hand, like everybody else?
There's no time to explain,
I need to see the King!
Arthur, this can't be a good omen.
Do something to help, will you?.
- I'll try.
Still going, hah?
- Yes.
Don't you think you should try to come up with a plan first
before charging off to a new adventure?
We have to catch Evil M's
before he can do any harm. That's the plan!
Evil M is probably seven foot tall by now!
We are two millimeters tall.
Seven feet, two millimeters...
What is the difference?
You don't measure soldiers' bravery
in inches.
You are right, it's measured by the number of people
who turn up at his funeral.
Selenia, you have no idea what seven foot is.
The power of this sword will be useless.
He'll use it to pick his teeth!
-Maybe he will. Maybe I fail,..
...but I'm a princess of royal blood
and I will defend
my kingdom 'till my last breath!
Awesome! Great speeches!
Meantime, the sword is a still in the stone.
Beta, tell me ... -Yes?
It's been a long time since I beat you up,
hasn't it?
Cut it out!
The best plan is definitely not to beat
each other up! - So, what's the best plan,
Mr. Smarty pants!
We have to take a minute and think.
Calmly, ok.
M is very tall and we are very small,
but he's a stranger in a world
that I know very well.
And he will not take long to
raise an army and invade my country.
Now he's so big he can travel faster and farther.
-Now I think that leaves us with only one option!
We have to grow too!
-Bravo, Arthur, the perfect solution!
Maybe you can tell us how you plan
on growing us?
Maybe gobble down a ton selenijske soup
to make a quick gain of... millimeter!
No, but there has to be a solution.
He's right! Is written
in the big book. Page 712...
...where there is no solution, there's no problem.
-Well, little brother, guess what?
There is a problem, and the solution
cannot be found in any book.
In a book! Of course! You're so right!
The solution is not in a book?
It's between two books!
Listen to me! In Archibald's study,
I saw a vial between two books.
It contained an elixir that makes you go
from Minimoy size to human size!
So, we are not human enough for you!
-No, that's not what I ... Selenia, please!
This is not a time to pick fights!
Adventure is waiting for us!
By the Great Forest! I'll never
get used to that.
Simon, your badge!
Your badge should be 4 fingers
over your left pocket, and no place else.
Sorry, Chief.
Thanks for the tip.
Martin, that was fast.
-"You holler, we are here." That's our motto.
-Yes I know.
And who's that? my new partner.
Just out of school.
I try to teach him the rudiments of the job.
You know, the 'do's' and 'don't's', the 'in's' and 'out's', the 'how's' and...
... and 'how not to's'!
-Just one month and he's already crawling.
He's a promising recruit.
Chief, I lost my badge!
-Find it!!
You know it's my son-in-law that insisted
on calling you. I wouldn't disturb you
for anything so minor.
Hello, Martin. -Mrs. Rose, my pleasure.
-You must be dying of thirst from this heat...
I'll make you some nice, fresh lemonade.
-That will be great, thank you.
What exactly happened?
-Oh, it was nothing, a little too much sun on his head.
When the temperature rises,
the heat makes you see things.
Well, let me talk to him.
Well, then, sir. What...
exactly did we see today?
I saw the devil!
-The devil?
What did this devil look like?
Er... about ten feet tall, with a big hat
and... wings on his back.
Interesting. Skin color? White, black, yellow?
With blue tints.
-Any distinguishing features?
Big nose without nostrils.
And holes all over the rest of his body. One
tiny arm, kind of withered,
..compared with the other, which was enormous
with this kind of pincers...
...he used to pick me up and threw me down!
I was so scared I called for my mother!
Hello, Martin.
-Ma'am? -Oh, one more thing!
I think he likes marshmallows.
I think I have all I need.
I'm going to write up my report,
and we will be in touch.
Archibald, I don't want to alarm you...
...but, the situation might be worse than you think
-Don't worry about it.
I know him ever since he was this high.
I know how to talk with him.
Talking is fine, but in this situation, you may
consider isolating him.
Definitely! Before we can isolate him,
we have to capture him.
We will break the spell and he'll shrink
back to its 3mm height.
All it will soon will be back to
normal. Thank you for stopping by.
Chief ...
...I still can't find my badge.
First thing first,
let's get out of this mad house!
This is so typical of humans!
Just throwing things away without a word of warning!
What is this thing? - It's a Police badge. My parents must have
called the police when they saw I disappeared.
When I disappear
invite my people over to celebrate!
Are you sure that this is the best
way to enter my world?
Watch out! -Yuck, looks like a sward.
-Maybe mud. -Not quite!
Where do they come from? -Three days of rain,
it went up with a mud face
of every bug within a ten-mile radius.
Looking at a million of anything!
-Or anybody.
Look, I think Selenia is right about us as a team.
We'll just end up getting in each other's way?
Hey, I will let you two go ahead.
Good idea, huh?
I have a better one.
Hop on. We'll slide right over them.
All aboard the Bug-Express!
How do you steer this thing? -You don't!
You just lean to one side or the other.
Sure, but which side? -Right?
What about braking?
-You just wait for the slugs to flatten out .
Ohhh! They are huge this year!
You gotta wonder whether that new factory
is spewing out some wierd stuff!
Hey Chief, in the heat the road
looks like it's warped.
It's like in the desert, a mirage.
Pretty soon, you'll be seeing palm trees.
You're right, I do see a palm tree right there
in the middle of the road! -It's an optical illusion.
It's really that water tower
about a mile down there.
Well, it's a heck of an illusion,
it looks like it's moving.
Just wait a couple of seconds
and your palm tree will completely disappear.
Chief, that's not a plam tree!
-The devil!
You know him?
Evil M has vanished.
-What do you mean 'vanished'?
We searched every inch of the forest.
There's no trace of him.
Couldn't have flown away.
His wings haven't been working for ages.
He will come back. We'll hide
and wait for him. -Hide?
All 8 feet of him? You don't really think
that nobody is going to noti ...
What pipe is right one? -This one is from my room
which is right next to Archibald's study.
We have to climb all the way up.
-Don't worry, we gonna take a bubble?
We would like to take a trip.
Did anybody ever teach you to say 'hello'
when you wake someone up?
'Hello', we would like to take a trip.
-I know it's for a trip!
What other reasons would anyone wake me up?
For my' pleasant' mood and my 'sparkling' conversation?!
Right! At least know where
you're going.
Ya! that pipe there with the red lever.
Alright! Stay seated, avoid sharp objects
and loud noises.
Got it?! -Ok.
-Flight time is about 5 minutes.
Thank you for using our company
and we hope to see you again... a million years.
-Not exactly great sales strategy.
Listen here! If I chose this backwater outpost,
it wasn't to do business... was to be left alone, not to be
woken up every 5 minutes ...
Somebody made a trip before us?
-Yes, only a few days ago.
Some poor slober was weeping like a willow.
-What did he look like?
Eh... pretty big guy, nasty
arms, nice eyes, but a real blockhead...
-That's the one!
No, please! Open up!
-Have a nice trip!
-Open up! We want to get out!
Well, here we go. You talk about bad luck
and it comes running
-Beta, don't be so superstitious.
Do you think we're going stay
like this for a long time?
Yeah, until someone in this dump
gets the great idea to turn on the water.
Douglas, see who's on the list
today. I need 4 volunteers!
What happened?
-We saw ...a mirage.
And palm trees. -So what?
-Well, it wasn't a mirage.
It wasn't a palm tree.
-What was it then?
It was the devil.
On top of that, I lost my badge.
Good morning, Mrs.. Springler.
-Good morning, Mrs.. Herman.
How are you doing today?
-Very well indeed.
Now what can I do for you today?
-I need a new tablecloth.
-Oh, please come in!
Let me show you what we've got.
Looking cloth or linen?
Oh, I have got just the thing!
Look, this just came in from France?
Yes, Isn't it beautiful?
Good day, Mrs. Springler.
DR Stich
If it's a client I will give them
a 50% discount.
I am sorry, I was expecting
someone else.
How... how can I help you?
I saw your ad.
Nice work.
Oh, thanks you... er.
How can I help you?
-I want my old face back again.
What did you look like before?
I was young, good looking,
a proud and wilful warrior.
Determined to conquer
both lands and hearts.
Now, look at me! I am nothing
but a ghost of my former self.
I have to say you're not exactly...
...easy on the eyes!
Eh, but how did it happen?
I have seen some horrible cases in my day,
but nothing compared to this.
I mean in terms of decomposition.
-Who poisoned you? -A woman!
Oh... women can be terrifyingly
merciless sometimes.
Yes, evil especially?
Look, the best thing for you to do
is go home.
Take a few magazines, cut out everything
you like, nose, mouth, ears ...
Then, come back with your clippings
and I'll see what I can do, okay?
I know exactly what I want.
I will cancel all my appontments
and see you right now! Just show me what
you want and I'll do it!
I don't want to be called evil M anymore!
I want to be called M,
'The Magician'!
Doesn't anyone in your family ever wash?
-Of course, usually the first
into the bathroom is my father.
For a quick shave.
After that, when we're at home,
my mother generally takes a bath.
As for grandma,
she likes to water the flowers!
Why is the faucet always
so hard to turn?
And if mother doesn't really assist us...
grandma will.
Because by this time she is usually in the kitchen
peeling and washing vegetables for lunch.
Hello, Mrs. Springler,
I'm so sorry to bother you.
I was wondering if by any chance that
you see my Arthur somewhere in your fields.
And if grandma doesn't get us out of here,
grandpa certainly will.
So, what you're saying is...
we should get moving ages ago?
-In theory...
Yes! -I knew it... fate! We've just pissed
the Goddess of the forest, now she's getting even.
Stop complaining, Betameche,
could be worse.
Oh, There is worse than being trapped in
bubble in a rotten pipe full of water?
With a bit of luck, the current
will keep him away.
This time you won't escape me!
Selenia, what do we do?
-Absolutely nothing.
Look, he's spinning his bubble around
the water. Gradually, he'll drift away.
Ya, ya!
-Let's cheer him on!
Go, go Darcos! -Come on,
Darcos! Just go!
Run faster! Run!
Good boy, Darcos.
Try to do better next time!
Is he allowed to do that?
Selenia, what do we do?
We pray that someone in this
house needs water!
If praying doesn't work,
then what shall we do?
Then we wait for bells to begin
for the final battle!
Can I help you?
-Yes, indeed.
I'm terribly sorry to trouble you
so early in the morning.
- That's not a problem.
Are you lost? -Well, yes in a way.
Actually, this is my land a long time ago.
So long ago, in fact, I hardly recognize it.
-I see, you lived here as a boy...'ve come back for old time sake?
These vast pastures with
the playground reminds you...
It must have seemed less vast,
now that you've grown so tall? -Yes, indeed.
Much smaller.
Come in, please. It's already hot outside,
you'll feel much better in the shade.
Yes, I do prefer shady places.
Come in, please.
Please take a sit.
I will bring you a glass of chilled lemonade.
-Don't go to any trouble on my account.
A glass of water will be fine.
-Lemonade is a family tradition.
Our grandson loves it.
-Your Grandson? Oh, I adore children.
Where is he?
He's eh.. he's in his room.
Give me your hand.
This is your bedroom? No, this is just
the bathroom where I get washed every morning.
I'd rather stay dirty.
-You generally do anyway, Beta.
Every morning is a battle to get you
under the droplet.
-That's not true!
I'm not afraid of a drop of water!
Hey, Arthur! Are we going to walk for long?
Oh, my gosh, these cars! Look at this one!
-No. -This is one is great! -No!
I love this one! -No!
-What about this one, huh?
-No, I have got about a dozen of that.
But this one is my favorite.
-What so special about it?
It goes fast!
Hey, you know where you're going?
Now we left the bathroom.
To your left, my desk, to your right, the bed
...and straight ahead, Grand Central Station.
Last stop, everybody out!
Got any more surprises like that
up your sleeve?
Actually, there's one more.
-Better tell me about it now. I hate surprises!
Right, ok. I have a friend called Alfred.
He's a dog.
What is a dog? -It's like a gamos,
but much, much bigger.
Do not worry, he wouldn't
hurt a fly.
Go on Alfred! Scram!
Leave her alone! Move!
Arthur, you're not going to kill the
poor animal, are you? -No, silly.
Just give him something to chase!
Sir, won't be a minute.
The Ice cubes won't come out of the tray.
Hmmm... funny! -Indeed.
Why did you invite that stranger into the house?
-I don't know. The 'voice' probably.
Seem to recognize it, but his face...
- Not a face you can easily forget.
I must be losing my memory with age.
I just can't put a face to that voice.
Dad, Why doesn't the faucet open
when I'm using it? -Because you're turning it
the wrong way, honey? Remember...
Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey.
Put your hands around this pitcher.
-Oh... much better!
Rose, we have a guest in the living room.
Will do me a favor and bring in
the lemonade. I'll get the glass.
Honey, our guest looks a little strange.
Try not to stare.
Oh, you can count on me, Dad. Remember
every Saturday I work as volunteer at the hospital.
That's good.
A nice refreshing lemonade?
Rose? -What was that
horrible scream?
Oh, nothing, it's just my mother.
Honey, honey, it's me!
I'm here! Say something!
I will get a cold cloth.
Is it serious, doctor?
I think she will survive.
Darling, darling,
wake up, we love you!
Come back to us, come back to us!
If the princess would kindly step aboard.
Stand clear off the track,
the train is about to depart.
I love the train? -Isn't it
a great way to travel?
-It's a little bit old-fashion.
but at least we have the time
to admire the view.
Ku-ku, again!
Now that hurts!
-Let's get out of here?
Let me deal with this.
-Yes, let's make a deal!
Help me! -Careful! move to your right!
Hasta la vista, baby!
Hey, Darcose, let's make peace.
No, Arthur!
Be careful!
Arthur, watch out!
Beta, do something!
Well done! Arthur, come on!
Don't move, stay here.
Artur, we do not have the time for this.
-Yes! I mean no!
Let me deal with this!
Be careful!
"Twinkle, twinkle little fish,
I will have you in my..." -Stop!
Selenia! -Arthur!
-... I'll eat you whole! -No!
Guys, we really don't have time for this.
Let's split up!
Darcos, you should turn around.
-Ya, ya, I know that trick!
Darcos there's a tunnel!
-Really? -Trust me.
Another piece! You have to be careful
of glass. They're everywhere.
I made you some coffee.
Lemonade would have been more refreshing,
but ... That's all we've got.
I'll put it over here, on the mantle.
-You are most kind.
May I use the bathroom? -Yes, of course.
It's just past the stairs on the right.
Thank you.
Are you OK? -I am fine, I'm fine!!
-Nothing is broken?
There's nothing left to break!
-Wait, don't move.
There's a shard of glass in your skin.
This must be getting in your way.
Let me remove it.
The devil!
-At your service!
I know that I have heard that voice
somewhere before!
Am I a master of disguise, or what?
You have me fooled. Compared
to others I've seen ...
Amateur! Grab him!
Ah... now where were we?
You're destroying everything in your
path, as usual! -Eh, that's right.
That little "dust-up" has created a certain amount of chaos.
Please forgive me, Daisy.
How did you know my name?
In another life I had
the privilege of watching you cook?
I must admit, I was very impressed. I can't
judge the quality of the meals you'd prepared...
...because my tongue is
completely insensitive.
But the determination and dedication
you'd employed on certain dishes...
...was a source of wonder to me.
That famous chocolate pie come to mind... started over a hundred times until
you wished yours were perfect.
You have been spying on me?
-No, I was just a simple admirer.
Observing you from my
three-millimetre high vantage point.
But things have changed.
I've grown!
Alright, Beta,you stay here
and cover us.
If anything happens, whistle, ok!
-No problemo!
Oh, you know how to whistle now?
-Of course!
Just one whistle will do.
"You know how to whistle now?"
Follow me.
Arth ... ur!
Se ... Lenia! Phoo... phooo...
Come on, Selenia!
-I'm coming, I'm coming!
No, too big!
No, too loud!
Too complicated!
This way!
Thank God, it's still here.
We are safe!
Ah, so this is your den.
Your palace. -My God!
It's just like you. Old and dusty
and full of things that have no use.
Daddy, Daddy, it's me!
-On the contrary!...
All these objects are very useful,
my dear Maltazard. -Oh, yeah? -Yes!
The book, for example, is very useful
for feeding your souls.
If you have one.
Daddy, that's me, Daddy!
..can you hear some kind of noise?
Like a tiny voice.
Hurry, Arthur, they're coming!
-I'm doing the best I can, Selenia!
Oh, no!
After this you came, right?
Promise you will? Now
leave this house.
How can I be sure you're not playing
a trick on me?
Have I ever gone back on my word?
-No, you haven't.
So, try keeping yours for once.
Oh no, it's a catastrophe!
You scared me? -Would you have
preferred me to whistle to warn you?
-Very funny.
It's not my fault. With emotion,
I couldn't whistle anymore.
Of course you wouldn't know anything
about emotions. -Thoughts? You think you little boys
have monopoly of emotions?
No, it's for anybody who has a heart! -If I didn't
have a heart, I would have drowned long ago!
And I would have been bigger,
I would have shut your mouth long time ago!
And if Maltazard drink of the content from the vial,
he'll crush us all. Don't you get it?
It's Darcos. We have to get him out of there.
-So that he can massacre us even sooner? -No!
So that he can help us find his father.
Come on, help me.
It's too heavy.
What the heck is it?
Tolstoyesky. Forget it,
it's too heavy. -Wait!
Let me try something.
My friends!
Oops! -Beta! -Sorry!
Sorry about that, Darcos.
Thank you my friends, thank you.
-No problem.
Selenia ...
I know you hate me
and you have every reason to.
My whole life I have tried
to massacre your people.
Now you go and save me.
My whole life I've gone after my father,
and now he abandoned me... again.
Darcos, I think he just didn't see you.
We're tiny you know? -Ya, ya we know!
What's the difference? Big or small,
he never loved me.
You know, it's not always
been easy for me with my dad.
I always feel like he never understands me.
But I think he loves me.
Maybe not how I liked him to, but in
his own way, I'm sure he does.
Arthur? My God, where is my son?
-Don't worry, I'll take care of him!
Now that you've got what you want?
I'm gonna ask you to leave this house.
- I will!
On one condition.
-Now, that's a surprise.
In a few days I would have gathered
enough slaves to build a magnificent palace.
Every Sunday I want Daisy to bring
me one of her famous chocolate pies.
I thought you have no sense of taste.
And all your senses are rotten. -True.
But I still have my imagination.
Well? -I'll do it.
I will be outside your palace every
Sunday with a chocolate pie. I give you my word.
I can't wait for Sunday!
We have to catch up with them before
he disappears again. -Why does he
always want to be bigger...
...when he's already a hundred times
bigger than a nutball field?
-He didn't take the vial for his own use.
It must be to build an army!
How do we fight them when they grow that big?
-I have no idea!
For now, let's try to keep him
in our sight.
Arthur, you know how to fly these things?
-No, but it can't be any more complicated than
flying a ladybug.
Wait, wait friends!
I want to go with you! I know my father,
I could be very useful to you.
I'm afraid you'll take us over the weight limit.
-Don't leave me here, I don't want to be alone!
I'll curl up real small. -Darcos, wait here for us.
I give you my word, we'll come back for you.
My word of honor as a Princess.
Oh, all right!
No, I don't want to wait here for you!
I want to fight too! I am a warrior!
It can't be more complicated
than driving a mosquito.
I bet that's the last we see of him.
-I hope!
But where is Arthur?
He heading for the forest? -What?
-All we have to do now is follow.
Ah! It just know when to stop. No?
Ah... my brave and proud warriors!
I am here, as promised!
I knew I could count
on you, my loyal soldiers!
The time has come for us
to take revenge!
Place your trust in me
and I'll repay that trust!
Hey, What's he saying?
-Nothing special! The usual "blah, blah,
thank you for coming...
...I am proud of you ... "
-I am proud of you!
But that's enough talk! It's time for
action! Let's get this party started!
Selenia, can you just explain your plan to me?
-There's one person who can produce a similar potion.
Powerful enough to break the spell and
bring you back to original size. -That's wonderful...
...but where does this person live?
-On the other side of the forest.
Alright! so, let's find some transportation.
-Duh... what do you think I'm doing?
Selenia, the only thing you'll attract
with a couple of petals is...
A Bee?
Excuse me.
-Oh, no. -O yes!
Beta, we are not going to fly on a bee.
-Not comfortable enough for you, sir? -It is not that!
You'll see. It's more fun than an airplane!
-It's just that ... I am allergic... bee stings.
-Arthur, hurry! Jump!
Come on, Jump!
-Oh, boy!
Let's see. We have augured
another big one! You can take these as well.
This should be good
right on it!
Thank you, miss. The ambulance will be here
about twenty minutes.
Have I been asleep long?
Let get some fresh air.
Oh, not that!
I think we've been spotted!
-About time too!
Ok, let's go.
My humble respect, Your Majesty.
-Save your breath, she doesn't understand.
Beta, go get the interpreter.
-On the way, boss.
Betameche, what's got into you
waking people up like that?
-We need you to translate.
Oh, I asked for a quiet job, not while I'm
constantly being pestered! -Ya, ya.
Really? You've lots of visitors?
-Nope, you are the first. I hope the last.
Just translate what I have to say and we'll
be out of here before you know it? -It's a deal.
I'm Selenia of Metrodoy, 16th of the
name, and I bow down before your majesty.
She thanks you and asks by what right you
entered the palace without invitations.
The evil M has escaped!
If we do not stop him,
our world will become his.
Our life will become a nightmare.
We must join forces...
...and stop him before it is too late!
-Ya! Well said!
The Queen asks what are you going to bring to the
party of 500 bees armed with poison stingers?
She has a point, you know. Just one sting
and we're dead.
The Queen asks what your tragedy is?
-My tragedy? What tragedy?
Oh, your strategy? My mistake. The Queen
has slightly expiate anybody pointing it out.
Our strategy is simple.
We have here our best knight!
His name is Arthur. He knows
the human world because it is his own!
Step back.
What did he say?
-The young bee says she recognizes Arthur.
He saved her life one day after she was caught in a trap.
The young Prince eased her legs out of the trap one by one.
Blew unto her 'till she can breathe again
and then fly away!
Thank you, thank you.
It was the least I could do.
The Queen asks how she can
reward the young hero.
By giving him the elixir of life!
What's going on? -Know that the elixir of life is
made in the fall, if he makes it now,
then they won't have any for winter.
The people must decide.
She agrees!
We are saved!
We are doomed! I'm telling you there're
thousands of them and much bigger than last year.
Francis, right now
I have a maniac on the loose.
Bugs are not high on the priority list
of things to do. So, go home!
-What now?
I think you should see this.
Oh, my God!
-I told you!
Call for reinforcements!
Hey there. Didn't we say noon?
Noon... right on the dot!
Actually, we sent for a doctor or an ambulance.
-Pardon me? Are we too late?
The boy was being stung?
-No, Why would you think he's been stung?
I called them so there's
no chance of getting stung.
Come on, guys, get the
ladder out! -Alright, Chief!
Every animal has a role to play
in the chain of life.
Like spokes on a bicycle wheel.
Take one out and you can find yourself
flat on your face.
-Archibald, Arthur is allergic to bees!
One little sting could be fatal.
I know haven't been the world's best father...
But all of this has opened my eyes.
I love my son.
From now on, I'm taking personal
Responsibility? The hive is toast!
Captain, this way. It's bit of a march
to the forest, so chup, chup!
Let's go, let's go!
-This way!
Will she be much longer?
-No, look, the drop's starting to appear!
-She did it!
What was that?
-That is not a good sign!
Alright, let's do this carefully.
Don't you think we should look for Arthur
before we take care of these poor little insects?
No, no, no. Let me remind you that if these 'poor'
little insects attack Arthur, he won't survive!
I know, but we don't even
know where he is.
Oh no, it's my father! He's coming with the firefighters!
-Wow! That's cool!
What is a firefighter? Usually, they put out
fire, but today I think they're going to start one.
Why would they want to burn the hive?
This is the bees' home as much as theirs.
My father must be doing it to protect me.
-To protect you, he's happy to terminate the whole family?
I know it's not right,
but he is worried about me.
I'm allergic to bee sting.
Just one sting could kill me.
So, he thought ... -Hold on!,
You mean you're surrounded by hundreds of bees...
...when a single sting might have killed you?
-We didn't have much choice.
Wow! That's what I call a hero!
That's what I call an 'idiot'!
A selfish idiot! What would become
of me if I lost now?
I suppose that's your way of
saying you care about me.
-Of course I care about you!
I don't want to finish this adventure
on my own, ok!
Now hurry up and warn your parents
not to massacre us all!
I'll go tell the Queen, "Arthur" is allergic
to her entire family.
Wait, I have an idea! We could
all call out together, "Dad!"
No, no, they won't hear us over
the noise of the bees.
-Yeah, you're right.
They can't hear us,
but maybe they'll see us.
The equipment is brand new,
never been used before.
Well, I'm delighted to attend the
grand premiere.
-Here, Chief.
Everything secured?!
-Yes, Sir!!
You OK, Chief?
-Yeah... you holding on good?!
Not to worry, not to worry.
They're highly trained professionals.
I think I'll help out.
Let me lend a hand!
Thanks, sir.
-He has climbed a ladder before. hasn't he?
No! -You're there yet, Chief?!
You guys holding on?
-We got it!
Hurry up, hurry up!
Your glasses, mom,
your glasses!
Oh, yes!
Arthur? Arthure, where are you?
-Rose, calm down!
Arthur, Where are you?
Oh, no!
It worked!
Honey, I'm here, wake up!
Arthur is here!
-Honey, calm down!
He's right here, I'm telling you!
-Ok, ok... where?
In the bee hive! -Yes, right, of course,
in the the bee hive. -Yes!
The bees told me!
-Did they? You speak bee now!
No, no I can't speak it!
But I can read it!
Honey, what are you talking about?
-Armand, I don't know how or why...
But I assure you that our son is in that hive
you're about to destroy!
Do something before
you make a tragic mistake!
You understand me?!
-Yeah, I understand!
Second attempt!
Captain? -Yes?
-Perhaps your failure on the first attempt... a sign! A sign we should let nature
take its course! After all, nature is like...
a big wheel, isn't it! You take one spoke out
and the whole thing can come crashing down!
I'm not here to interfere with
the order of the universe...
...simply to fulfil a mission
I was given!
Do you read me? -Yes!
-Captain Bowery?
-Here Chief, it's for you.
Captain Bowery here, Commander.
-Abandon the operation and get back to town!
Affirmative, commander.
Unit we're withdrawing!
Yes, sir!
What about the bees, sir?
-We will be back later.
Don't worry, don't come back.
-Thank you.
Captain, captain what happened?
Nothing! We had to go away
before we can take care of the hive.
They need reinforcement in town.
Selenia are you sure you don't
want to come with me? Nobody is as good with
the sword as you are.
My father is getting old. Somebody has to
take care of our kingdom.
And I promised Darcos
that I wouldn't abandon him.
-Oh, yeah, that's true.
Each to his own world, is that it?
-Yes, but our two worlds need each other.
They are inseparable.
-Just like us?
Like us.
Now go on, beat it!
So, what does it taste like, huh?
-Honey. -Is that all?
Take care of yourself, Arthur.
The battle you will be facing will be a hard one.
The hardest thing will be to wait
ten months to see you again, Selenia!
I'll count every minute that we are apart.
-And I'll count every second.
Arthur, are you okay?
Crazy how good looking he is as a Minimoy,
and how ugly he is as a human.
I think it wouldn't be a good idea if
talk to people about your visions.
What visions?
-Ah, what visions? I don't know!
Arthur living in a hive, surrounded by
bees that can read and write.
A giant ant.
With blue spots I suppose?
-No. It has got a pink one on his head.
I'll make you some chamomile tea.
That will soothe your nerves.
Have we met?
Go away
I didn't mean to do that.
I'm sorry.
That was very clumsy of me.
There! Now we're even.
No hard feelings.
Something tells me
it's right under my nose.
Hello, Darcos.
Oh, no!
Don't worry, I'm not
going to hurt you.
I just want to know
where Arthur is. Is he ok?
Now speak up a bit,
I can't hear you now.
He is OK!
Sorry, I can't hear a thing
you're saying? Don't move!
Move closer.
Can you hear me?!
-Yes, I can hear you.
It's me, Darcos!
-I know it's you! -Archie?
What's happening? -Eh... nothing, I was just scanning
the radio for news about Arthur.
Let me know if you hear anything?
-You will be the first to know.
Darcos, We're running out of time.
You have to tell me all you know.
Wonderful! Wonderful!
You were lucky. I had a client with a
car just like this but he got hit from behind.
So, I stole a couple of pieces.
Wonderful! -It's for you!
-Just ..
Do you take cheques? -Sure, cheques, credit cards,
cash. You name it, I'll take it.
Of course!
This can't be more complicated
than driving a beetle.
Oh, I know that sound anywhere.
Music to my ears. -It's a magnificent motor.
Check out the vibrato, like a Mozart
symphony. -Yes, it's a real pleasure to drive.
My thought exactly!
Hey, buddy!
Arthur, son! You're safe and sound!
Archibald, let me help. I know my father.
I know his strengths and weaknesses.
Help me into your world and together
we'll take him down! -Ah, don't worry.
Arthur is probably on his tail
and I'll be there to lend a hand.
Archie, with every beat my father probably
has already raised a human-sized army...
...and is ready to invade the world. Do you
want us to think a boy and his grandfather
are enough to stop him?
You're probably right.
But if I bring you into our world,
what proof do I have that you won't side
with your father again?
And help him terrorize us?
I did not want to terrorize anyone.
I just wanted to be normal.
To do normal things,
have a normal life.
All I wanted to do is hang out with my friends.
You know, go to the park, play ball.
Archie, I have to convince my father
for his sake and for mine.
The chaos and destructions are self-defeating.
You can't cure pain with more pain.
You, you kept all the bottles hidden?
-I know your dad.
From animals,
From animals to plants...
For plants to Minimoy.
From Minimoja to. .. Bingo!
You sure this is the right one?
-Only one way to find out.
Oh, oh, looks like Darcos
is in a tight squeeze.
And I have a feeling that
Archibald is making a mistake!
Big mistake!
Show time!
My God!
-Never seen anything like this?
What are they?! -They're giant mosquitoes!
-Giant mosquitoes!
I've never seen anything like it.
Douglas? -Yes, Chief? -You're from New York...
think...what creatures are they?
They are not from New York, Sir!
Careful the boy!
Get out of there!
It's going to blow!
Take cover!
Let's get out of here!
Go ahead, tell me, I want
to know how things work here.
Who is corrupt?
Who can be trusted?
Above all, who
controls the reins of business?
That's me. I'm the mayor
this wonderful town.
Population 1,500.
You know, we're not really
about business.
Our comfort and security
are what matter most.
Well ... that's about to change.
Chief look out!
It's going to explode!
Go! Go!
I love your hair.
-Really? Thanks.
Honey, is everything okay?
-I am fine! -Glad to hear it!
-Come with me!
Coming Archie! Bye!
I will let you drive.
I forgot my glasses.
You think you'll be ok? -It can't be
more complicated than flying a mosquito, Archie.
Let's go!
Tell me when you see the vial
that turns Minimoy into Hercules.
This is the one we want.
Baby, fill her up!
Oh, oh don't die on me now!
-This is the insurance company...
...that only opens once a week.
Although I think it could be a little busier now.
And this is the new restaurant
that has just opened.
M for Maltazard?
-Yes, of course!
My goodness!
Oh, no!
Get him!
Here, let's go!
Put it back!
Chief, the hole is too small. We will
never make it through! -He's right, Chief!
-Go around you idiots!
-At your service!
Grab him!
Oh, God, if you want to help me,
it's NOW!
Grab him!
You are doing just fine. -Thanks.
-Try not to be so tense. Just relax.
That's much better!
Archie ... Archie ...
From now on, if you don't mind,
I will run the show.
Grab him!
I hope we're not too late.
-We'll find out in five minutes! Hurry!
Mine, what a sorry sight.
Darcos, we have to do something.
Yeah, ok. How about
we kill 'em all.
I'm thinking of something a little less
radical. -Oh, Yeah, ok, I'm sorry.
Thank you, thank you.
Now that our message has been
fully understood, it's pay-back time!
This traitor will be the first
to pay!
His punishment
must be exemplary.
Proportionate to his insolence!
Without compassion and without pity!
Release him!
Release him "immediately"!
Come on, let me go.
You heard him! -Listen to your Master...
...if you don't want him to crush you
into dust like you did this city!
Arthur! -Grandpa! -My boy,
I'm so happy to see you again!
You arrived just at
the right time.
Ah, Darcos, how painful it is to be
overwhelmed by both sadness and joy.
The joy of seeing you again alive and
well after so long.
And there is the pain. For what is worse,
than to be misunderstood by his own child.
The child that you abandoned!
Oh, no, Darcos...
...have never abandoned you.
I looked everywhere for you.
Under every rock, every shattered
building in our ruin of a kingdom!
The shame that I carried was I
left my son a tragedy to inherit...
...instead of a triumph. My son should
have grandeur and power?
I worked constantly to rebuild
our empire.
In a secret hope that we will
be reunited one day!
And being able to hand it over to you!
To... to me? -I know that you have
suffered greatly but one cuts an
empire out of stone.
Not the wood of a weeping willow.
Your suffering in the past
is your strength in the future.
-Of course! Look!
My valiant warriors, allow me to
introduce to you he who, better than I, will...
...lead you to victory. He has youth,
He has strength. A modern leader for the modern world!
Please, give a triumphant welcome
to your new supreme commander!
Poor fool!
I don't get it. Who is the master?
The one before or the one who just fell?
Just keep your mouth shut
if you want to get paid.
Oh, no! You think Maltazard
did all this? -It's his style.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
-Ah... my friends...
I must confess, you were
worthy opponents...
...but the hour of your defeat has come!
That's life.
Arthur, the knives at my shins.
Take them now.
-I dreamed of a whole deeper wonderful...
Arthur, you know what you're doing? -Yes.
-... but you're brave. Your tenace...
...deserves respect and encourage a more
sober approach and so, you'll die without pain.
Great news.
-I will even show you my heartfelt admiration
by according you a last wish.
Which of you wishes to die first?
I prefer to save the best for last.
-Bring me that one!
Beta, hurry! Quick!
Do you have anything to say, young Arthur,
before we go our separate ways?
I shall be seeing you in the depths of hell.
-Be my guest!
Faster, Beta! Go!
Ready to fire!
And fire!
What's happening to me? I'm shrinking, Archie!
What's going on?
You're not much joy. You'll just
have to forget your dreams of greatness.
Go back to where you belong!
-No! I don't want to be small again!
Archibald, I beg you!
Men, come to me!
Wow, our liberator.
Maltazard, don't go! You will be crushed!
-Death is no concern to me! I am a soldier!
Go, go back, stay!
I will take care of this! Go!
Take cover, sir!
Maltazard, stop!
You'll never capture me!
I'm the Evil M!
Lord of necropolis!
Emperor of the seven Kingdoms?
Welcome to your new home!
Good. Good job.
Connolly, round up the wounded.
Organize first aid!
Grandfather, Darcos?
Darcose, are you alright?
I have seen better days.
You can't stay here,
follow me. -Oh yeah, ok.
Come on.
Close the door.
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!
Come on! -Sorry... oops!
Calm down!
You have to lie low for a while,
while I convince them that you're
really a good guy.
Do you really think that?
-Of course.
You were wonderful!
And I'm really proud to count you
as my friend.
Ouch!!! -Oops, Sorry! I did not
mean to hurt you!
Are you okay? I'm sorry!
-It's OK.
Put this cape on.
You're not exactly easy on the eyes.
Maybe you should put a mask on.
I'll find you a helmet.
This one!
Wow, so cool!
Keep quiet.
I'll be right back.
Is anyone there?
Sorry to bother you, sir
but I'm with the Press.
I'd like to ask you
a few questions. May I?
Some town people claimed that they
saw the devil in the middle of the town square.
And suddenly he started to shrink and
until he just vanished. Can you confirm this?
Do you mind if I film this?
It's a perfect shot!
Terrific! Did you know him?
Yes, my father!
Arthur? -Daddy!
I'll go on and look.
-My son?
You're safe and sound!
I'm so happy!
I really hate myself for being
so tough on you.
I never listen to you.
I never pay any attention to you!
But it won't happen again, I promise.
-It's okay! -No, no I promise!
I'll try to prove that I'm worthy.
...of a son like you.
I am so happy
to see you, Dad.
This warms the old man's heart.
Thank you.
Isn't it wonderful to see a
family reunited at last? -Ah, Yes.
Soon, we will be
reunited with ours.
See you soon, my PRINCE.
What a story!
I can't believe it!
Arthur, look at that!
It cost me a fortune to have it repair,
and now I just have to start over!
I suppose you think that cars
grow on trees! -Armand...
...It is just a car! -Just a car?!
This is a Dodge V8! -It's nothing but a pile of junk!
It's my car!
A toast!
-A toast!
Could you pass my badge?
Thank you very much. Sorry, Chief.
-And now, dear friends...
Daisy's famous
chocolate pie.
I'll cut it!
Darling, don't! -I think It is probably wise
to leave it to your husband. -Archie!
Let Rose cut the cake.
She's not clumsier than anybody else.
She just needs our
encouragement and support.
Isn't that what this adventure
been about, really?
About trust and helping
each other.
Rosie, you cut the pie!
Thanks, Mom. -Darling, that knife
is very sharp. -Daddy, sit down.
Last piece is for you mom.
Well done, Mom.
-Excuse me, just a moment.
I gave you my word I'll bring you
a chocolate pie every Sunday.
It's Sunday. Here it is.
Hi, kids.
It's me, Darcos!