Arthur et les Minimoys (Arthur And The Minimoys) (2006)

NARRATOR: This is Archibald Suchot.
A treasure hurhter.
Explorer. Arhd erhgirheer.
He sperht terh years irh Africa
buildirhg every type of useful thirhg.
By the way. It's irh the heart of Africa
that our story begirhs.
Well. This really isrh't Africa. :
It's Corhrhecticut.
Arhd this is the house
that Archibald lived irh
before he mysteriously disappeared.
But that's a story
that Archibald's grarhdsorh
would be more qualified to tell you.
You'll see that he's quite a charmirhg kid
who arhswers to the rhame of...
- Arthur!
- ... Arthur.
Where's he gone to this time?
And the dog's disappeared too.
Oh, yes, you'll see.
He'll be a great guard dog.
I wonder what exactly it is
he'll be guarding.
If you could at least
answer when I call.
Attack! Men, come to my aid!
- Calm down. It's me, Granny.
- Oh, sorry.
I was in Africa.
I can tell. Did you have
a good trip?
Fantastic. I was in a tribe
with Grandpa. Look.
Grandpa painted a canvas
that he placed in a circle.
That way, the animals pace
round and round it, but can't find us.
It's incredible!
It's all the inventions Grandpa made
for the isolated tribe.
Yes, he was more interested in
African tribes than he was his own.
Look, he dug a super-deep well
and invented a whole irrigation system
out of bamboo pods.
You know, it wasn't Grandpa
who invented that.
It was the Romans.
They called them viaducts.
Romans. I never heard of that tribe.
It's a very old tribe.
The leader was called Caesar.
Like the salad?
( laughs )
Yes, like the salad.
Put that book
back where you got it.
We have to go shopping.
Granny, please,
could I drive on the way back?
I don't know, Arthur.
We'll see.
Oh, please.
Grandpa would always--
GRANNY: Grandpa's not here,
and I'm in charge.
- Did he follow you?
- I don't think so.
There. It's all there.
Perfect. This is wonderful.
Thank you so much.
- What do I owe you?
- Are you crazy?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Now get going before he catches you.
I'm speechless.
Thanks so much.
I'm counting on you
to let me know how it went.
I will.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Oh, Arthur.
Arthur, it's fine.
You go off and play.
Go off while it's still light.
- Thanks, Granny.
- Sure.
Yes! Yes! World champion!
GRANNY: Alfred!
Watch carefully, Alfred.
You are about to witness
the invention of the largest
irrigation system in the county,
bigger than Grandpa's,
better than Caesar's.
This is Arthur's...
By the grace of God...
It's a remarkable invention.
It'll go down in history, believe me!
Arthur, telephone.
You'll have to excuse me.
Probably the President calling
to congratulate me.
T was rhot the Presiderht orh the lirhe.
But. Rather. Arthur's parerhts
callirhg from the city.
He was thrilled to hear their voices.
One of Grandpa's colleagues.
But I followed Grandpa's blueprints,
and it works really well.
I hope you can get here
before nighttime...
How tough times had gorhe
for his family.
- We're still in the city...
- Though he missed them terribly.
Arthur urhderstood that his parerhts
had gorhe to the city to firhd betterjobs.
No, not exactly, dear.
Jobs are really scarce these days...
Although a boy's terhth birthday
is supposed to be a happy time.
The phorhe call made him very sad.
FATHER: You're a yourhg marh rhow.
Arhd we gotta all make sacrifices...
NARRATOR: He listerhed
as they apologized over arhd over agairh
for rhot beirhg able to be with him.
...sweetie, I promise.
Just keep your chin up.
But we miss you terribly. Horhey...
Rhdeed. Times were tough.
Arhd his mother arhd father were
doirhg their best to take care of him.
( air kisses )
( dial tone )
It wasn't the President.
# Happy birthday to you #
# Happy birthday to you #
# Happy birthday, dear Arthur #
# Happy birthday to... #
# You #
You know what?
You're the best granny in the world.
And you're the best grandson.
Go on, blow them out.
Presents first.
Oh. All right.
This is from Alfred.
I never had a new one before.
Thank you, Alfred.
If you can wait till you're outside
to throw it, I'd consider that a favor.
Okay. You're right.
And this is from me.
This is beautiful.
But how did you manage
to bake a cake?
I thought the oven was broken.
Mrs. Kerman from the hardware store
actually made it.
Still like it?
It's fantastic.
Just too big for three.
Don't be too hard on them, Arthur.
They try their best.
I spend my whole year
in boarding school in England.
When I come back for vacation,
they're not even here.
Anyway, I'm used to it now.
They're never here for my birthday.
Wait. Make a wish.
I wish that, for my next birthday,
Grandpa would be here to share it.
GRANNY: Every night,
this magnificent sunset was all ours.
It's precisely into this landscape
that your mother came into the world.
While I was having the baby,
your grandfather was painting this.
But what were you doing
in Africa?
Well, I was a nurse
and your grandfather
was already an engineer.
We met there,
and we had the same dream--
to help others and to meet
wonderful people.
- Who are they?
- The Bogo Matassalai.
Your grandfather helped build
an irrigation ditch for them,
and in return, they gave him
a big bag of rubies.
The Bogo Matassalai
were very, very tall.
They say that nature always
balances itself with its opposite.
The Chinese call it the yin and the yang,
and for centuries,
they searched for them
in order to find perfect harmony.
And did they find them?
Yes. There was another tribe
living right next to them,
and they had this particular trait--
they were small as a tooth.
And they called them
the Minimoys.
Wow. Did they get along?
Oh, wonderfully.
Soon they were inseparable,
the one side very incredibly tall,
the other incredibly small,
and only together could they
have a complete vision of the world.
Who's this?
This is the Princess Selenia,
daughter of the king of the Minimoys.
She's beautiful.
I mean, this is incredible.
Yes, and the king himself
gave your grandfather
the secret of how to find him
anytime he wanted.
That's what your grandfather said.
I'd like to meet the Minimoys too.
Now, to sleep.
Sweet dreams.
We miss you, Archibald.
We really do.
# t was a teerhage weddirhg
arhd the old folks wished them well #
# You could see that Pierre
did truly love the mademoiselle #
# Arhd rhow the yourhg morhsieur
arhd madame have rurhg the chapel bell #
# C'est la vie,
said the old folks #
# t goes to show
you rhever carh tell #
How you doin', kid?
Whoa! Ow, ow!
Think that's funny, huh?
Go fetch, brat boy!
Nice shot.
Ah! Mr. Davido,
you startled me!
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I've just come to settle things
about the land.
No, thank you.
We're not interested.
Irrelevant. Done.
Signed, sealed, and delivered.
You didn't waste any time.
It was a coincidence, really.
I was in church this morning--
You were in church?
I've never seen you there.
I usually sit in the back.
It's modesty, really.
You really should've been there.
You would've seen the mayor,
who confirmed the document
that says in two days' time,
this land and everything on it
belongs to me,
the president of the bank
who transferred your debt to me,
and, as amazing as it may seem,
you know who else was there?
The notary and the chief of police,
who countersigned the order of eviction.
So you see, there's not
a single signature missing,
and if your husband
does not sign this paper
within the next 48 hours,
I will be under the obligation
to evict you from this property
whether your laundry's dry or not.
Oh! You should hang him
up to dry as well.
- We gonna have to leave the house?
- I'm afraid so.
I won't be able to hold off
that vulture Davido much longer.
What about the treasure? The rubies
that the Matassalai gave Grandpa?
Your grandpa hid them
somewhere out there in the yard.
I dug for weeks.
He hid them so well
I haven't been able to find them.
Where you going?
You think I'm gonna hang around
twiddling my thumbs for 48 hours?
I'm going to find the treasure!
Just like his grandpa.
( Alfred panting )
You should go and find my car
rather than sitting there watching.
I can't believe he'd have hidden
his treasure in the yard
without leaving
some sort of clue or note--
something to help us find it.
"Maltazard, the Evil M."
I hope I have the honor
of meeting you one day, Princess.
In the meantime,
permit me to steal a kiss.
( barks )
I knew it!
"To get to the land of the Minimoys,
put your trust in Shakespeare."
What tribe is he from?
House is here, south is that way.
The tree, the elf, the moon.
It's all there.
Alfred, we found it! Yes!
- Ahh!
- Hang on there, young man.
Arthur, how many times
do I have to tell you,
I don't want you playing
in this room.
- Excuse me. Please go ahead.
- Thank you.
Granny, who are these guys?
This gentleman is going to evaluate
some of your grandpa's things.
Granny, you aren't gonna sell
Grandpa's things?
Arthur, I'm afraid
I don't have any choice.
Yes, we do. Look!
It's the map to get to the Minimoys.
- What map?
- They're here!
Grandpa brought them
back from Africa with him.
If we can get to them,
I'm sure they can lead us to the treasure.
Arthur, you're a big boy now, right?
You don't really believe
there are little elves
running around the garden
just waiting for you to visit
so they can slap a bag of rubies
in your hands.
Pardon me?
Oh, nothing. I was just chatting
with my grandson.
If you have jewels,
we are interested.
not a jewel on the horizon.
Go to your room. Now.
"Some words may hide others.
William S."
"S" for Socrates?
William Shakespeare.
Oh. Not too far off.
Better hurry and make your choice
before I change my mind.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Granny--
Let's go.
It's not very much
for 30 years of memories.
Down payment. If I sell them well,
there's more.
Thank you.
- Mrs. Suchot?
- Yes?
NARRATOR: Sudderhly. They were
orh a very slippery slope. Irhdeed.
W th Daa v do's th reaats loooom ng,
hardships begarh to mourht
arhd doom arrived at the door
alorhg with the debt collectors.
...and procedural fees added,
that comes to a total of $295.05.
May I?
( telephone rings )
Here's your change.
- Hello.
- Sweetie. It's Mom.
- s everythirhg all right?
- Great. We're cleaning up today.
It's amazing how much old stuff
just piles up around the place.
But thanks to Granny,
we threw it all out.
- Arthur, don't upset your parents.
- ( dial tone )
Did you hang up on your mother?
Of course not.
It hung up by itself.
She'll call back in a second.
Granny, they've cut the phone line!
Don't you see what's happening?
We've fallen into their trap,
and it's closing in on us
a little bit more every minute,
but as long as I live and breathe,
they're not gonna get this house.
"Some words may hide others."
Of course!
NARRATOR: Archibald had left
his grarhdsorh the followirhg rhote. :
"DearArthur. : 'm sorry left you
without sayirhg good-bye.
"But just because you carh't see me
doesrh't mearh 'm rhot here.
"'Ve gorhe to visit our frierhds
from Africa arhd recover our rubies.
"F you're readirhg this.
Therh probably rhever returrhed.
"But there is still hope.
For my missiorh rhow falls to you--
if you accept it. That is."
I accept, Grandpa.
"You must follow
my specific irhstructiorhs.
"Orhly therh carh you urhlock the passage
to the irhvisible world of the Mirhimoys.
"T carh orhly be operhed
every terh moorhs.
"That's terh morhths to you arhd me.
( whispering )
August the first.
That's today.
GRANNY: Night brings
good counsel, Arthur. We'll sleep on it.
Tomorrow will bring a solution.
- Good night, Granny.
- Good night.
( low ) World in my hands.
World in my hands.
GRANDPA: "Number orhe.
Go to the chimrhey."
"All of the tools you'll rheed to make
the jourrhey are irh my study.
"Hopefully. Your clever grarhdmother
hasrh't locked the door.
"But if she has.
You're a clever boy.
Arhd 'm sure you'll
figure out somethirhg."
( hinges creak )
( floorboards creaking )
( screams )
I thought you were
in the shower.
No, I was in the living room
looking for my sleeping drops,
and if you don't get
back into bed this second,
I'm gonna make you drink
the whole bottle!
Go on, go on.
You know, I don't like to do this,
but I'm gonna lock you in.
I don't want you to do
anything stupid tonight.
- Okay.
- Okay.
( brushing teeth )
Alfred, what are you doing?
Go to sleep!
Is it the full moon or what?
( whispering )
Thank you, Alfred.
( Arthur screaming )
( Arthur coughing )
( Granny snoring )
"Pull the lever orh the right.
"Now turrh the valve.
"Rhside you'll firhd a key.
Always keep this key with you."
Always keep this key with you.
"Number two. :
Rh a suitcase is a diagram."
Got it.
"Arhd five storhe warriors."
My God!
"Number three. : Look for the grhome
who resides behirhd the house.
He marks the passage."
I need more light.
I've seen Granny do this
a hundred times.
( starts truck )
( whimpers )
( snoring )
The brake.
( screaming )
Sorry, old man.
"Number four. :
"Place the tribal carhvas
over the passage.
"Arhd the passage will operh
at precisely midrhight.
"You krhow where keep
my telescope. Get it.
T will serve as your trarhsport
to the irhvisible world. "
Now for the dolls.
Uh... yeah.
- Follow me.
- Okay.
- Time to go.
- You're not coming?
Only one can pass through,
and you seem to us
to be the best choice
to combat Evil M.
( all gasping )
Never, never speak that name.
It brings bad luck.
Okay. Okay.
Your grandfather went off
to defeat him,
and now it's up to you
to continue his fight.
Thanks for the honor,
but I think it might be better
if I leave my place to one of you.
I mean, you're so much bigger
and stronger than me.
Your heart
is the strongest of weapons.
First ring for the body...
three times...
to the right.
The second ring for the mind,
three times...
to the left.
And the third ring.
One whole turn...
for the soul.
( Arthur screams )
( whimpering )
There. The door is open.
You can introduce yourself.
- Introduce myself?
- Yes.
And try to be convincing,
because you only have five minutes.
All right. Be convincing.
Okay. Okay.
Uh... there's a, um... with...
- Archibald?
- No.
Introduce yourself.
I'm his grandson.
My name is Arthur.
And you are...?
Saimono Matrodoy de Betameche.
But you can call me Beta.
Pleased to meet you... Beta.
Now hold on. I'm not supposed
to talk to strangers.
You better show me
some identification.
Go on, go on.
Uh, this is a matter
of extreme urgency.
In just two days' time,
the garden will be destroyed.
What are you talking about,
young man?
Are you a practical joker
like your grandfather?
This is no joke, Mr. Betameche.
A building contractor
wants to flatten the land
and build apartment blocks.
Ah! What are apartment blocks?
Enormous houses
built from concrete.
They will cover up all the gardens
and stop the flowers from growing.
( gasps )
That's awful!
The only way to prevent this
is for me to find the treasure
that my grandfather
has hidden somewhere.
Then I'll be able to pay off
the contractor,
and none of this will happen.
That's a really good idea.
All's well that ends well. See ya.
To do that, I need to pass
into your world
so I can start
looking for the treasure.
That's not possible.
You can't make a journey
just like that.
The counciI must first be assembled,
then you must explain
your problem to them,
then we break for lunch--
And in two days' time,
the land will be flattened
and you'll all be dead!
So you mean
this is an emergency?
Yes, and we have to act now,
because the future
of your people is in your hands.
The future of the people
lies in my hands?
Someone might take me
Oh! It's okay.
I landed on my hair.
You did well.
I hope it will be enough
to convince them.
Oh, Betameche, I just got
to sleep two and a half years ago.
- What do you want?
- I need you to activate the beam.
Oh, well, yes.
Forgive me, Your Highness.
But I really am royalty.
You're a royal pain in my keister,
is what you are.
Hurry. The boy needs
to see the king.
Hurry, hurry. You know,
when I was your age,
we used to look to the moon
to figure out the time,
and we were always on time.
So now, here we go.
One for the body.
And we had respect for
those who were asleep.
Two for the spirit. Yes!
Cracked my back.
I needed that.
And one more for the soul
to go-oo-oo!
What's happening to me?!
You are going to join our brothers,
the Minimoys.
They will lead you to
the Seven Kingdoms.
( Arthur yelling )
You only have 36 hours.
At noon on the day after tomorrow,
the gateway will close again
for 1,000 days.
Good luck, Arthur.
( yelling continues )
The key. You have the key.
The key?
Yeah, I have the key.
Okay, now go over to the lock.
The lock.
That has to be it.
Good, good.
Now turn the key.
- I'm gonna die!
- Yes!
No, no, no, no, no!
( screaming )
Welcome to the land
of the Minimoys.
It's not funny.
You really scared me.
I thought I was gonna die in that--
That's incredible.
What's incredible?
I don't know. Just look at my clothes.
They've changed.
You can admire yourself later.
The counciI's waiting for you.
Come on! Follow me!
( yawning )
All this excitement's
made me sleepy.
How far have they gotten?
You're joking.
They've only just started.
Princess Selenia.
My little girl.
( coughs )
Sorry, sorry.
Princess Selenia, may the spirits
of the ancients guide you.
- ( gasps )
- Where are you?
- Down here. It's me, Pops.
Ah, my son.
You did that on purpose, didn't you?
Couldn't you have waited ten seconds
before playing the clown?
I got something
much more important here.
Oh! Because my mission
isn't of great importance, is that it?
And don't tell me you're the chosen one.
I've heard that speech.
Enough! Stop bickering,
the two of you.
I hope you have good reason for daring
to disrupt this important ceremony.
I do, Father. I have an upperlander
with me, and he's just been Minimoyzed.
- ( all gasping )
- Who is this uplander?
His name is Arthur. He's here
to warn us of a grave misfortune,
and the future of our people lies in--
Our great misfortune
has a name--the EviI M--
and we have no need
of this Arthur person.
As the princess of royal blood,
the task of protecting
our people falls to me.
- Hm!
- Yes, but...
( Selenia sighs heavily )
( grunting )
( sighs )
( groaning and straining )
- MAN: Will she make it?
- ( spectators murmuring )
It's moving.
I have it, I have it.
I can feel it.
( all murmuring )
See, you totally sounded
way too arrogant,
While the princess gets her second wind,
perhaps we should hear this young man.
- Where does he come from?
- Chicks dig the hair.
- Oh, he's a dreamboat.
- He's so hot.
- He's cool, huh?
- Ordinary.
- My humble respects, Princess Selenia.
- Who told him my name?
( mockingly)
My humble respects, Princess Selenia.
( Selenia and Betameche arguing )
My humble respects, Your Majesty.
- Yes, my respects--
- Oh, Arthur!
I'm delighted to meet you.
I was a good friend
of your grandfather Archibald.
Miro, leave him alone.
Well, young man, we're all ears.
It's like this: In just under two days,
some men are gonna come and destroy
my house, my garden, my world,
and your world.
And you--all two-and-a-half
millimeters of you--
you've come to save us, is that it?
The only way to stop these men
is to pay them off.
This is why my grandfather
came to you three years ago.
He was looking for a treasure,
and I've come to complete his mission.
Your grandfather
was a remarkable man.
He taught us so many things.
He was the one who showed Miro
how to harness image and light.
Then one day he left
in search of his famous rubies
which our brothers the Bogo Matassalai
had given to him in thanks.
He had buried them
in our lands for safekeeping,
but as you might expect,
when he needed to retrieve them,
he couldn't find them.
After wandering through
the seven lands which make up our world,
he finally found it...
deep in the heart
of the city of Necropolis,
where he reigns supreme--
the EviI M.
And unfortunately, no one
ever returns from the forbidden lands.
So, you still set on
your big adventure?
My grandfather is not dead,
I'm sure of that.
I will find him, and the treasure,
even if I have to wrench it
from the very clutches
of this miserable Maltazard.
( all gasping )
Mamma mia!
There is someone outside.
- It's lucky Gondolo, the mapmaker.
- He doesn't look so lucky to me.
I think he needs a new nickname.
( gasps )
- What's wrong, Arthur?
- Sire, look over there.
It looks as if a piece is peeling off.
I think it's a trap.
That's a painted canvas.
My grandfather used to do this in Africa
to protect himself from wild animals.
Well, we're not wild animals,
and we're not gonna leave
this unhappy creature to die.
Here, make yourself useful.
Oh, my God. Gondolo.
Yes. Take it easy, Gondolo.
It's a trap.
ARTHUR: What are those?
Oh, my God!
The Seides are back.
- Arthur!
- Close the gate!
Get him! Go get him!
- Let's go!
- Come on, men!
This is not a drill.
Cherry on top!
- Ready to fire!
- Time to make the jelly!
( chuckles )
Watch out! Ohh!
Follow me to the palace!
Hurry, Father!
Yes, yes, I'm coming.
( gasps )
I'm so sorry.
I'm so clumsy.
Ahem. Perfect timing.
I rather fancy stretching my legs a little.
Father, go and take cover quickly.
Out of the question!
It's a king's duty to face his destiny,
and if only one person is left
standing, I will be that person.
- I might have an idea.
- Great. Well, I'm all ears.
- Take this. I'm gonna get my pets.
- Your pets?
Ha ha ha! Missed me!
This is not working.
Gentlemen, it's time for
a little reflection.
Ow! Watch out! The walls
are booby-trapped. Follow me.
That was for Gondolo.
Okay, Romeo and Juliet
are really tasty to mosquitoes.
You hold her. But nothing can beat
their love for each other.
Really hate to do this,
but they can't stand to be apart.
When I blow my whistle,
release your Romeo... he can get back to his Juliet.
- Okay.
Let's go!
( spitting )
- Oh, no.
- Fire.
( screaming )
- Ha ha ha!
- Hi.
We're gonna have some fun.
Welcome to a world of--
Okay, here we go.
Come on!
This can't be more complicated
than driving a car.
Wait up!
Look outi
Arthur, stop playing around.
Get serious.
( blows whistle )
That's the signal.
Fly off, little one.
No, you fool!
No, it's not feeding time!
( trills )
No, not the gap!
Not the gap!
( screaming )
Okay, back in the saddle again.
That's it. I got it.
You just made the "X" list.
Yeah, that's better.
Now let's go for it.
How brave he is, how heroic.
It's amazing how much he's just like me.
He'd make a good partner for you.
Father, I'm old enough
to look after myself now.
Forget it, forget it.
Who's next in line?
- Oh, no!
- Oh, yes.
- Betameche!
- Arthur?
- Do something!
- Hang on, Arthur. I'm coming.
What a gift he is.
Come to think of it,
he does remind me of you.
You okay? Nothing broken?
I'm not sure. I can't feel anything
on my butt.
Just one question: Where did you
learn to fly like that?
- Driving with my grandfather.
- That makes sense.
Ah, Mogoth, king me.
For being clueless,
that went rather well.
Prepare to witness
the wrath of Mogoth.
( growling )
We're not leaving
without the princess.
Now, we can do this the easy way
or the hard way.
Or my way.
Okay, guys, on three.
- Why on three?
- That's just how we do it.
- Why not five?
- Are you new here?
Four of you attacking one woman!
Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
- No.
- Pick on someone your own size.
Long live the king!
Oh, my daughter.
My child. I must do something.
Cover me!
Thank you.
The sword of power.
- ( gasps )
- You foolish child.
It's a miracle!
Okay, that's enough now.
Get on your knees
and beg the princess for forgiveness.
I said. on your knees
and beg the princess.
( chuckles )
We're sorry.
Now you're sorry, huh?
Sorry for what?
Sorry for, you know,
trying to kill you and everybody.
I'll think about it.
That's my daughter...
just like her mother.
- You fought like a prince.
- Thanks.
This sword seems so light.
It all seems so easy.
Of course, it's a magic sword.
It's been embedded in that rock for years,
and you're the one who released it.
- Really?
- Yes, my friend.
You're a hero now.
Arthur the hero!
What's a hero?
BETAMECHE: Arthur the hero!
Long live Arthur the hero!
Long live Arthur the hero!
Long live Arthur the hero!
Long live Arthur the hero!
Father, now that the sword has been
freed from the stone, we must act fast.
I would like your permission
to continue my mission.
Unfortunately, I have to agree
with you, my child,
but I must insist on one condition.
What condition is that?
Arthur is brave
and his heart is pure.
He will go with you.
( sighs )
If that is what you wish, Father.
Well done, Arthur.
KING: I'm sure you're going
to make a fine team.
The way is clear.
Are you sure you haven't
forgotten anything?
I'm sure. Go ahead, let go.
Father, do we really have
to take Betameche with us?
Even if your brother is still young,
one day he will be older...
If you should encounter
a small mole wearing glasses
who answers to the name of Mino
on your travels, he's my son.
He's been missing
for some three months now.
You can count on me.
Oh, thank you, Arthur.
Hey, hero, let's go.
Hey, wait for me!
( clattering )
You could at least wait for me.
Wait up!
Your legs are longer.
I'm just a mini-Minimoy.
Boy, I do hope they won't
fall into any traps.
( groaning )
I slept like a rock.
Arthur, time to get up.
Selenia, I'm sorry I called you
Princess Rude, okay?
- Can we slow down a bit?
- No way.
It's your fault for loading yourself up
like a gamallus.
I just packed a little bit of everything.
You know, just in case.
- What's a gamallus?
- It's like a pachymollet, only much bigger.
- And what is a pachymollet like?
- Like that.
Any chance you got something in your
bag for dealing with pachymollets?
Don't worry. I got my
Double knife, multi-crab clips,
soap bubbles, music box,
and for when things
get really hot, a fan.
That's pretty handy, all right.
Then you got all your classic functions
like your tulipan, your matchet,
your sunjink, whistler, gullybar.
Nothing in there to cut off
your tongue, by any chance?
No. But that's
your specialty, isn't it?
Stay right where you are.
Run. On my signal.
Here we are.
BETAMECHE: Look at this place.
They built so much here,
I can barely recognize anything.
Anybody home?
Not many people
come through this way.
Once you've tried it,
you'll understand why.
- Anybody home?
- Excuse you.
Oh, no. I'm sorry.
I mistook you for a bell.
L-I didn't realize
you were actually alive.
Hey, hold on,
ma che fai. Stupido?
What do you think you're doin',
knockin' out all my customers like that?
It's not as if I have
so many to start with.
- Hello. I am Princess Selenia.
- I know that.
And that is your stupido brother.
And who is the third comedian who comes
around knockin' out all the customers?
My name's Arthur,
and I'm looking for my grandfather.
Ah, I transported your grandfather
a few years ago,
an old eccentric madman
who absolutely insisted on
being transported
deep inside Seides territory.
The Necropolis.
That's him, that's my grandfather,
and that's exactly where we wanna go.
- Sold out.
- Ah!
Necropolis, sure.
Why not the moon as well?
We didn't ask you for the moon.
We asked for three tickets to Necropolis.
Is that clear enough?
Arthur. You break my door
to steal the key?
Answer me, Arthur!
( screams )
Oh, what a job.
Right this way.
Come on, keep it moving
while we're young.
Yes, that's a leaf.
Let's go, dandelion.
Hey, that ain't for decoration.
You're gonna need it.
( chuckles )
Arrivederci. baby.
The car?
What's the car doing there?
Necropolis, ohh.
Oh, boy, here we go.
Ah, here it is.
Oh, wow! That's cool.
I got another one just like it
in pink. Wanna see it?
Beta, we've got
enough light already.
Where exactly are we headirhg?
We are here,
and we're going here.
Oh, my gosh. I know where that is.
That's right under the water tower.
Giant water tank in the hands of
that unspeakable piece of...
Now I'm starting to understand.
- Who are you talking about?
- The most eviI of eviI.
Oh. Maltazard.
( gasping )
( bell ringing )
( laughing )
Holy humpbacked gamallus.
Didn't anyone ever teach you
to hold your tongue?
I'm really sorry.
And we're off.
ALL: Ohh!
How long is the ride?
It's pretty short, as long as we can
avoid any unpleasant encounters.
What do you mean by
unpleasant encounters?
( all yelling )
Whoa! I like it much better
when it stops.
We're running out of time.
If we're gonna find those rubies,
we need to get crackin'.
( all screaming )
SELENIA: Do something, Arthur!
Get us out of it!
It looks like you two
are gonna have to get me out of this.
There's a hole in my boat.
Minimoys can't swim.
Comin' to get ya.
Be right there.
- SELENIA: Arthur, please!
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
I know this river.
First there's a bend to the right,
then there's a sharp bend to the left.
Minimoys can't swim.
That would've been
helpful information to know.
See, I didn't abandon you.
Oh, great. So instead
of the two of us drowning,
now all three of us
can drown together.
No one's gonna drown, Selenia.
Surely you're not gonna let
a little river frighten you.
It's not the river
that I'm frightened of. It's that!
Arthur, have you ever thrown
a sword like that before?
It can't be much more difficult
than playing darts.
Betameche, you go first
and Selenia, you next.
Your turn, Selenia.
- Betameche, hurry up.
- I can't. I'm slipping.
We're safe.
Not quite! Aah!
Come on, Arthur. Hurry up.
We haven't got all day.
I'm coming.
Give me a hand.
Arthur, you were fantastic.
GRANNY: It's already so hard
without my husband.
I don't know how I'll survive
without Arthur.
I'm sure he's just
run away for a spell.
All of these events
have probably upset him.
- Yes.
- I don't think he'd have gotten far...
...and we're gonna do
everything we can to find him, ma'am.
- Okay.
- You can count on us.
( car starts )
What was that?
- Humans.
- Really?
Yep. Sometimes it's like that
all day long.
Oh, rats. This map's
a total washout.
How are we ever
gonna find our way now?
We use the position of the sun
to guide us when it comes up.
In the meantime,
let's look for a place to sleep.
And make sure you find something
comfy, Selenia, 'cause I ache all over.
Beta, if you complain once more,
you can go sleep under a bullmunch.
What's a bullmunch?
It's like a gamallus,
only much, much bigger.
- Beta, I'm gonna need your knife.
- Comin' right up.
Let's see now.
Where did they put that... Aah!
BETA: Oops. Sorry.
Give that to me, Beta,
before you end up hurting somebody.
Just hang on.
I haven't had it very long.
- I just got it for my birthday.
- How old are you?
I'm 299 and a half.
I'm almost a grownup.
- How old's Selenia then?
- Almost a thousand years old.
- A thousand years old?
- She likes to act like she's older.
Her birthday's in two days.
How is this working? Got it.
Owi What's she up to?
She's making the bed.
Ahi I'm exhausted.
Good night.
Well, he certainly doesn't have
any trouble sleeping, does he?
- It's normal. He's still young.
- 300 years young. That's not bad.
Ah! So good.
( spitting and sputtering )
What about you?
Are you really gonna be
Ah, yes, and in two days' time,
I'm to succeed my father
and watch over the Minimoy people
untiI it shall come to pass
that my own children
reach the age of 1,000
and succeed me.
Such is the tradition.
Good night...
Good night, Princess.
Mmm... .
( yawning )
Come on, time to get up, boys.
We got a long journey
ahead of us today.
Helloi I said get up.
Okay, this calls for
a change of tactic.
( both grunting )
Come on now, shower time.
Oh. Ah.
- That's what I call a rude awakening.
- Consider yourself lucky.
She's been waking me up like that
every morning for the last 300 years.
Mmm, these are even better
than the other ones.
Here, try some.
Tastes good.
What is it, exactly?
- Dragonfly eggs.
- Oh, gross!
SELENIA: Hey, come
and take a look at this.
BETAMECHE: That's awful.
I suppose seen from this angle,
it is less attractive.
Anybody have an idea
what this thing is for?
It's an irrigation system.
It transports water--
- Water. More water?
- I'm really sorry.
- I had absolutely no idea--
- Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute.
You mean that you're the one
who built this monstrosity?
Yes, but I only wanted to water
the radishes. Granny loves radishes.
What? You mean you actually
eat those disgusting things?
Let's just hope your invention
doesn't fall into the hands of the EviI M.
Otherwise, I have a pretty good idea
of what he'll do with it.
- Watch outi
- ARTHUR: My straws.
They're stealing my straws.
As long as they're getting rid
of those things, they're doing us a favor.
Try thinking before
you talk, Betameche.
The EviI M knows only too well
that the Minimoys can't stand water,
and your friend Arthur here
just provided him
with the means to transport water.
- Where do you suppose he'll send it?
- Our village.
( gasps )
Arthur, where you going?
To repair the damage I've done.
Can't believe that guy.
Humans are really crazy.
I know it sounds crazy,
but I think Arthur is right.
They're bound to take the straws
to Necropolis, and us along with them.
You're right, that does sound crazy.
It's really nice of you
to come with me.
I'm just worried you're gonna do
something stupid if I'm not around.
Psst! Beta, hurry up!
( all yelling )
SELENIA: Here we go again.
Do you know at least
where this waterway leads to?
No, but in any case, all rivers
and waterways meet up at some point.
( gasping )
You always have such brilliant ideas.
Hold on tight.
( all screaming )
Oh, I hate public transportation.
Hey, man, what are you
playin' at down there?
If the Seides find us first,
we won't have a chance to tell you.
The Seides?
You got a problem?
Yeah, I got a problem.
I'm workin' 15 hours a day.
You want me to double it?
No, no, we're cool, man.
You're the boss.
Get a move on.
The master's waiting.
Oh, yeah, the big boss.
Sure thing. No problemo.
Double it?
It's mathematically impossible.
Whatever you do, don't move
untiI I come back and get you. Got it?
ALL: No problemo.
So where are these refugees of yours?
You'll love it. I've hidden them
in a mega-discreet place.
- Pretty cool, huh?
- Yep. And mega-discreet, like you said.
Who wants the genie soda?
- Ah, yes, please.
- Yes, yes, yes.
Sure. Thanks.
Hey, Jack, fill 'em up.
This one is on me.
Lily pads and pine needles
mixed to a delicious broth.
Everybody make a wish.
( coughing )
Long live the Seven Kingdoms.
Long live the Seven Kingdoms.
Ah, minty fresh.
Ah, yep. That hits the spot.
Ooh, genie soda
always brings good luck.
Oh, sorry.
To the Seven Kingdoms.
As long as you're here with me,
there's really nothing to fear.
I'm the boss here.
My name is Max.
Hiya, Max.
And you, young lady,
who might you be?
Selenia, daughter of
Emperor Sifrat of Matradoy,
the fifteenth of that name,
governor of the First Kingdom.
Delighted to meet you, baby.
Jack, same again.
( growls )
Hey, yo, Easylow.
Yes, boss?
Let's get this show on the road.
You got it.
( Selenia giggling )
Selenia, it's... are you really
going to be 1,000 years old?
Yeah, if you count the years
in Selenielle blossoms.
Selenielle is the royal flower.
Oh, okay, Selenielles.
So how old does that make me?
- About the same age as me.
- Wow, that's amazing.
So before, were you
a little girl like me?
- What?
- No, I mean, I'm a boy, of course.
But were you a little girl
like the other little girls?
No. I was born as I am,
and I've never set foot
outside the Seven Kingdoms.
I'd really like to take you
to my world one day.
That's Maltazard?
No. Lucky for you,
it's only Darkos, his son.
Hey, Darkos, this is an honor.
( grunts )
Great timing. There's quite a vibe
going down here this evening.
I can see that.
Organizing parties without
inviting our friends now, are we?
No way. It wasn't planned.
Just a little something we improvised
to impress the new punters, you know.
New faces?
Warn me if he comes this way.
Hey, Darkos, what's up?
Selenia, what is a nice princess like you
doing in a place like this?
I just dropped in for a dance.
Well, then, let's dance.
Darkos, sweetheart,
I would rather die than dance with you.
Your wish is my command, Princess.
News flash: No one disrespects me.
Easylow, get this place rockin'.
Get them!
( introduction to "Let's Dance" plays;
needle scratches )
- ( all exclaiming )
- Yeah!
I got you!
Arthur, look out!
Hey, they're puttin' up a good fight.
Let's see if they've got the groove.
# C'est la vie,
said the old folks #
# Goes to show you rhever carh tell #
# They had a hi-fi phorho #
# Boy. Did they let it blast #
# Stayirh' alive. Stayirh' alive #
# Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah #
# Stayirh' alive. Stayirh' alive #
# Ah, ah, ah, ah... #
I think I'll go get
some reinforcements.
- # ... alive... #
- Yeah!
I like this kid.
Oh, three against one, huh?
Check out this function.
Oh, how sweet.
- You shouldn't have.
- Oh, really? I wish I hadn't.
That's my girl.
( growling )
( chuckling )
# got the hots foryou #
- Holy gullybars, you scared me!
- What are you doing here?
I lost my knife.
I gotta find something else.
- That's not good.
- Uh-uh.
My knife!
That's entertainment.
Easylow, closin' time, I think.
# got the hots foryou #
- Charge.
- Charge, my butt.
- Wow, too darki Mordecai!
- That's my foot.
Ow. One of 'em bit me.
Can someone turn the lights on?
Come on, man, follow me...
if you wanna get outta here.
Look, if you go this way,
you'll travel safe.
- Maybe.
- Oh, great.
This is from Max.
It will take you
right to M's quarters.
( chuckling )
I'm sure glad I ain't you.
Get down. Move aside.
Find... them... now!
What was that unearthly scream?
Just Darkos throwing
a little temper tantrum.
Do you think Max will be able
to delay him for long?
Max is a real smooth talker.
I think we can count on him.
Come on, let's go.
Yeah, right. How can you even
think about trusting a guy...
Don't start, Betameche.
Just keep walking and shut up, please.
Hey, what's that growling noise?
SELENIA: What growling noise?
I don't hear anything.
Cut it out, Selenia. I know you're
just saying that to give me the creeps.
- Come on, what was it?
- It's the Yeti.
It's growling because
you woke him up.
- Now he's gonna eat you.
- The Yeti? Really?
( snoring )
NARRATOR: While Arthur
closed irh orh Evil M's palace.
His grarhrhy was about to receive...
- BOTH: Surprise!
- ... a most urhexpected surprise.
Yes, well, this is a surprise.
Where's Arthur?
This is it.
Oh, come on, boys, let's go.
- After you, Selenia.
- Princesses first.
Men only act like gentlemen
when it suits them, huh?
Well, princes second.
( chuckles nervously )
Guess it's my turn.
( inhales sharply )
( screaming )
What do you mean he disappeared?
Every night, I told him stories
about his grandpa's adventures in Africa,
and last night,
I told him about the Minimoys.
The Mini what?
( Arthur screaming )
What are they doing?
They must be taking food
to their master. Let's follow them.
- Do you think he's there?
- Yep.
W-w-w-what are we
gonna do, Selenia?
I'm gonna spoil his lunch.
Unh! He's not gonna like that.
This is where our paths separate, Arthur.
I have to deal with this alone.
What do you mean?
I thought we were a team.
Well, the team is about to split up.
You're gonna go look for your treasure,
and I'm gonna take care of M.
If I succeed, we'll meet back here.
And if you faiI?
If I should faiI,
I bequeath all my powers to you.
What do you mean?
Be a good king.
But... we have to...
I spent entire days
polishing that sword to perfection.
I'd recognize that sound anywhere.
- Hmm.
- ( chuckling )
And who else would've been
able to draw the sword from the stone
besides you, Selenia?
I'm delighted to see you, Princess.
Likewise. This way I'll be able
to kill you with my own two hands.
Oh, why so much hatred?
Because you betrayed
your own people,
slaughtered entire populations,
and bound the rest into slavery.
You're nothing but a monster.
Speak not of monsters,
nor of things of which
you are ignorant.
Back in the time when I was known
as Maltazard the Good,
Maltazard the Bountiful,
He Who Watches and Protects,
I inspired such trust and confidence
that when the drought came,
one which lasted 1,000 years,
I was the one they chose
for the crusade ,
with the task of
bringing back water, of course,
but also all the riches I could reap.
Maltazard the Conqueror.
How they praised
and applauded me when I left.
But I faced every hardship
quite alone--
the hostile lands,
the ferocious beasts,
the bloodthirsty tribes
lurking in the depths of
contaminated plateaus
where even the humans
dare not go.
But I survived all that.
And having accomplished my mission,
I returned to my village...
Maltazard the Hero!
Yet it was not long before
the diseases and bewitchments
which I'd encountered
during my voyage
began to disfigure my body.
Fear spread through the people--
fear of contamination.
People stopped speaking to me.
They crossed the street
when I approached,
and very soon,
I became Maltazard the Evil--
Uh-uh. The version recorded
in history books is slightly different.
It is said that when
you returned from your voyage,
you celebrated
for months on end--
each day sinking a little further
into anger and depression
untiI you began keeping company
with the worst kind of insects--
even poisonous ones,
like a certain pretty young...
- Silence!
You gave your powers to her,
she gave her powers to you.
That's enough, I tell you.
I was young.
Ah, well, if you can't control
yourself, you shouldn't indulge.
Yes, I know.
I let myself go a bit, and it's true,
she stole a kiss from me--
one single kiss
which has ruined my entire life.
Next time, try being a little more
selective in your choice of friends.
Next time my partner
will be the most beautiful of all,
she whom I have watched blossom
like a delicate flower,
and whom I have
long dreamt of picking.
Watch yourself.
Delicate flowers might have thorns.
Yes, and this lovely flower
alone has the power to release me
from the spell that binds me
and make me look like
my old self again.
Only the very first kiss
of a princess has the power--
- Excuse me, sir.
- Who dares disturb me?
It's Bruce, sir.
I got a new mask.
- Speak up.
- It's a trap.
She brought an upperlander
with her, sir.
He's the one who freed
the sword of destiny.
They've come for your rubies, sir.
( growls )
Well, Selenia, you're more clever
than I thought you were.
Thank you.
You could've saved my life,
but you chose not to.
Don't count on me to spare yours.
Don't worry, Selenia.
You won't die right away.
You'll just suffer a little first
as you watch the destruction
of your people.
( chuckling )
SELENIA: Leave me alone!
Let me go!
I knew we shouldn't have
left him with my mother.
No, it's not Granny's fault.
Ever since we left, Daddy disappeared
and she's been a wreck.
Well, what did we expect?
We've been gone for months.
Arhd it was orh this rhight
that Arthur's mother arhd father
would agree
that rho morhey problems
would ever be erhough
to keep them apart from Arthur
ever agairh.
We've gotta get outta here, Beta.
We've gotta think of something.
- I'm thinking, Arthur, I'm thinking.
- What about the power she gave me--
- I don't know.
- What do you mean you don't know?
MAN: Strangling him
won't do any good.
Besides, you better save your energy
if you wanna eat.
What do you mean?
If you want to eat down here,
you'll have to teach them
something new every day.
Otherwise, you'll go hungry.
It makes sense, complete sense.
Knowledge is the one true
source of wealth, is it not?
What kinds of things
do they wanna know?
Anything will do.
From the elementary laws of physics
to the behavioral pattern of winkles.
Even how to cook garden peas.
I taught them to write.
And to paint--
especially huge canvasses--
and to harness light
using mirrors
and transport water
from one place to another.
Yes, that's true, but how did
you know all that?
Because the man who invented
all those wonderful things
is my grandfather.
- Arthur?
- Grandpa!
Oh, my grandson!
I never thought I'd see you again.
Let me look at you.
My, how you've grown!
It feels more like I shrunk.
Yes, that's true.
And how is your granny doing?
Well, she's in trouble.
Oh, I miss her so much.
Well, with your help,
I'm sure I'll get back to her.
Hello, Archibald. Remember me?
Betameche? Is that really you?
Oh, I'm so happy
to see you again.
How is your father,
the noble king?
He's in grave danger.
And your sister,
the charming Princess Selenia?
( grunts )
- Selenia?
- Selenia?
I failed, Arthur.
I'm sorry.
All is lost.
No. As long as we're still alive,
nothing will ever be lost.
You're so full of hope.
You can never give up hope.
Look at me.
Only yesterday, I was just
a small, lonely kid,
and today, well, I met a princess.
A happy princess...
...because she's finally found
her Prince Charming.
Come on now, you two lovebirds.
It's showtime.
- If you would care to...
- Gate open, boss.
( grunting )
My God, when I think that it was I
that taught them all this,
and now they're gonna
use it against us.
When I think that I was the one
that gave them the straws.
Look, it's Mino, Miro's son.
He's still alive.
The treasure.
Ah, Archibald. What a great pleasure
it is to see you again.
The pleasure is all yours.
So, Archibald, aren't you proud
of the marvelous use I've made
of your knowledge?
Looks like a fine structure.
A shame its only purpose
is to flood the Minimoys.
Oh, no, not only that.
We're going to drown them,
pulverize them,
and destroy them... forever.
They will die in agony
with my name on their lips.
Look. Read my lips.
Mal... ta... zard.
You really are a monster.
Maybe, but I also
know how to be noble.
You are free.
See? All you have to do
is follow this tunnel
and you'll be home in no time.
As soon as we're
inside that tunnel, you'll flood it.
My poor Selenia,
what a twisted mind you have.
Come on, hurry up before
I change my mind.
- Sire?
- What is it now?
May I ask Your Highness
to grant me one last favor before I die?
I like this kid.
What is this favor?
I would like to leave my only valued
possession--this bracelet--
to my friend Mino.
Your father sent me.
I'll get you out of here.
You need to signal your position
at noon precisely.
Signal my position? But how?
Using your mirrors, Mino. Mirrors.
- Oh, yes, m-m-m-mirrors.
- That's enough.
Patience is the only thing
for which I set myself a limit.
High noon on the dot.
I shall allow you a head start
of three minutes.
- I hope he--
- We're running out of time. Hurry!
- Darkos.
- Yes, Father?
Prepare to open the floodgates.
Come on, come on!
Is there nothing to nibble?
I do love something to nibble on
during a good show.
Wait a minute.
I don't think I can go on
any further.
Grandpa, come on, hurry.
You go on without me,
and take care of your grandmother.
Tell her that I'm sorry.
Come on, Grandpa.
You can do it.
Arthur, it would take nothing
short of a miracle to save us now.
Your Highness, a few tidbits.
Mmm, delicious.
Bring me more.
Yes, master.
There must be a solution.
There's always a solution.
The only solution
is to pray, my children.
Pray for a miracle.
A miracle.
A miracle? Where?
Right here, Grandpa.
You're sitting on it. Look.
Come and give me a hand.
Come on. Push!
( all grunting )
What is this... thirhg?
It's a car; it's a Ferrari 250 GTO,
- It's a birthday present.
- You know how to drive that thing?
Of course I do. If the young lady
would care to step this way.
- Hurry, Arthur.
- If we wanna make it the whole way,
we have to wind it up
as far as it will go.
- Arthur, the water's coming.
- Arthur, please.
Got it. This is the first time
I've ever taken a girl out for a drive.
Let's just hope it won't be the last.
Step on it.
BOTH: Faster!
I just hope there aren't any speed
cameras down here or we've had it.
Hey, go to the left.
I'd appreciate a little more warning
next time if that's okay with you.
Okay. Turn right.
- Which way do I go now, left or right?
- Down.
Selenia, I don't feel so good.
Just hang in there.
The road is smoother now.
Our countdown to victory
has begun.
Shall we prepare your fancy cape?
Oh, the stress is unbearable.
They have untiI noon, my king.
Only five minutes left
and still no news.
Have faith in them, my good king.
I'm sure they will succeed.
May the gods hear you, Miro,
may the gods hear you!
Look, there's the gate.
- We made it!
- Yes!
Arthur, you're not gonna
break down on us now.
Sorry. I guess we're gonna
have to get out and rurh!
What? What is that
rumbling noise?
I have no idea, sir, but I have
a terrible foreboding.
Father, it's me, Selenia!
My daughter! They've returned.
Open the gate!
Yes, yes.
Open the gate now!
- Close the gate immediately.
- Open it, close it. Make up your mind.
All together now!
You did it, Daddy, you did it.
You are now the uncontested master
of all the kingdoms.
Heaven knows I don't care
about titles and honors,
but I must admit that
it does feel good
to be supreme ruler!
Let us prepare ourselves.
The gate looks as if it will hold.
- Not for long.
- Oh, my children!
We missed you, Papa.
Oh, my children, you're this old king's
most prized possessions.
SELENIA: Oh, Papa,
I missed you, too.
( knocking at door )
It's noon... one minute.
Hurry up now.
You only have one minute.
We can only hold the water back
for about an hour,
but I know that I can
depend on you.
After all, you're one of us now,
and I hope you know that
you're always welcome back here.
And a second turn of the wheel
for the spirit.
Our lives are in your hands, my friend.
We're counting on you
and your grandson.
Don't worry. Arthur has a plan,
and I'm sure it's gonna work.
It's gonna be pretty dull
around here without you.
Come back soon, huh?
At the tenth moon.
That's a promise.
And a third turn of the wheel
for the soul!
Whoa! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
See you... ten moons!
- Huh?
- You okay?
My brothers!
Oh! I'm so glad to see you again!
Look at you! Ha ha ha!
Grandpa! We've got no time left!
We've gotta go!
You're right.
Noon on the dot, and no one in sight.
I'm afraid, though it is
a beautiful Sunday,
despite it being the day of our Lord,
there seems to be no miracle.
You're right, Davido.
It is a beautiful, beautiful Sunday.
I believe we have some papers to sign.
Am I right?
Let's go in the living room.
We'll be more comfortable.
While I try to buy time,
you get busy finding the treasure.
Mino, where are you?
This is not gonna be easy.
( whimpering )
( cheering; rhythmic chanting )
I promised you riches and power,
and Maltazard always
keeps his promises.
Nothing can stop us now.
The Seven Kingdoms are mine.
- Someone's on a power trip.
- So now he did it by himself?
I mean, of course, ours.
( cheering )
Excuse me. Could you tell me
what time it is?
I'm kind of far-sighted.
- Uh, noon.
- Oh. Thank you.
My fearless and faithful warriors,
let the festivities begin.
( cheering )
Opposite angle, 45 degrees,
target to rubies.
Arthur, I hope you're watching.
Mino, you're the best!
( whooshing sound; warriors gasp )
What the--what is he doing?
Darkos, that idiot
will give our position away.
- Make him cut that beam immediately.
- Cut the beam!
Huh? Oh, sorry.
Because I'm far-sighted--
but I'm also hard of hearing.
You fool! You will be sorry
that you defied Maltazard!
( applause )
Oh, it's nothing, really.
Bring him here.
You won't like me
when I g-g-get angry.
Ha ha! Sure you can! Show us.
( loud rumbling )
Check it out, guys.
Cool moon. It's gettin' bigger--aaah!
What is this thirhg?
Sir, we're forming a committee
to discuss possible solutions--
( whimpering )
( gasps )
That's... water!
- Daddy, they've blocked the pipe.
- Ohh!
Father, shall I get you a towel?
W-w-what about me, Father?
As for you, my son, I hereby
solemnly appoint you
Commander of the lmperial Forces.
Oh, thank you, Father,
that's kind of you.
But what about a desk job?
I'm very good with numbers.
A commander never deserts his post.
come out,
More coffee?
No! No more coffee. Tharhk you.
But what I would love is
for you to sign the paper.
Of course.
What did I do with my pen?
Oh, what a lovely pen.
We have wasted
enough time. Sign!
Of course.
And now...
...the money.
Huh? Oh, the morhey.
I'd like to see how you're gonna
pull one of your tricks now.
Bravo, my boy!
So, then...
Good accounts make for
good friends, isn't that right?
There you are.
Paid in full.
Sir, I must now be saying good-bye.
- Good-bye, now.
- Good-bye.
( all laughing )
( siren wailing )
( whispering ) Don't worry, Mino.
I'm gonna take care of you.
They did it!
Yesi They did it!
- Yay! They did it!
- My son!
My boy...
Oh, I would love my little Mino
to see this.
I understand, Miro,
but our people are safe and sound,
and that is something
to be thankful for.
Of course, of course.
( loud rumbling, all gasp )
Wait. L--I think I know what it is.
Hey! It's Mino!
- Mino! My son!
- Papa!
Oh, my boy.
Thank the gods you've returned safely.
Well, there you go.
All's well that ends well.
Not quite.
May I?
( door opens )
How do I look?
You look wonderful.
As usual.
I'm so sorry I was gone for so long,
but I thought I could solve our money
problems and come right back.
Well, I hope you enjoyed
your solitude,
because I'm not letting you
out of my sight ever again.
( indistinct chatter )
I propose a toast.
NARRATOR: The Bogo Matassalai
had orhce told Arthur
that the heart is
the strorhgest weaporh of all.
- My favorite dish.
- Where's Arthur?
Uh, he--he just went to wash up.
He'll be back in a jiffy.
Arhd rhow. As he thought of his family
arhd his rhew frierhds the Mirhimoys.
Arthur krhew that this
was a very good thirhg. Irhdeed.
Only ten more moons, Selenia.
I will wait for you.
# Oooh #
# Oh-whoa, mm-hmm #
# From one world to another #
# So much to discover #
# I feel so small inside #
# But courage has no size #
# My heart knows where to go #
# And I will follow #
# It's the little things #
# That make a difference #
# It's the quest for love #
# That brings us life #
# It's the dream of what could be #
# That makes it all worthwhile #
# Like you bein' by my side #
# And a love that only grows #
# With time #
# Oh, oh, oh, oh #
# Oh, oh, oh, oh #
# Oh, oh, oh, oh #
# Sometimes I lose my way #
# Unsure, I grow afraid #
# There's no wrong
I can't make right #
# With you standing by #
# It takes a friend like you #
# To remind me what I knew #
# It's the little things #
# That make a difference #
# It's the quest for love #
# That brings us life #
# It's the dream of what could be #
# That makes it all worthwhile #
# Like you being by my side #
# And love that only grows
with time #
# And I'll be strong,
I'll be brave #
# To your world and back again #
# Keep on goin' till the end #
# Oh #
# It's the little things #
# That make a difference #
# It's the quest for love #
# That brings us life #
# And it's the dream of what could be
that makes it all worthwhile #
# Like you being by my side #
# And love that only grows #
# With time #
# Oh #
# Oh, oh #
# Oh ##
- # It's a beautiful day outside #
- # Word? #
- # I'm glad school is over #
- # Me too #
# What you gonna do
for the summertime? #
# I'm goin' to see
my friends the Invisibles #
# It's the last day of school
and I'm feelin' happy #
# I see the grassy trees,
I see the birds and bees #
# And the sunshine
in my heart's on fire #
# Look at you, are you Maya?
You would love Elijah #
# You look like a princess
in the tenth moon #
# When I travel though a telescope
I'll see you real soon #
# Yo, just call me, or just maybe #
# You could be my lady,
your hair's so wavy #
# My mother told me
I'm too young for girls #
# But it ain't nothin' wrong
with writin' girls #
# Livin' in a small world
and liking girls #
# Yeah, yeah #
# Oh, baby, baby #
# When I know you're feelin' lonely #
# Whenever you're feelin' down #
# Just pick up the phone #
# You know who to call,
I'll always be here #
# Red roses and blue violets #
# Me and you gon' be together
till we get to college #
# It really don't matter
what season it is #
# Listen to Arthur,
believe in the kid #
# If it's hot, my flow
is the reason it is #
# I can't wait till I see you again #
# And when you get this letter
just check the box #
# Do you like me or not,
no question marks, period #
# Hit my phone, thanks #
# You helped me save
my family's home #
# Please play my record,
turn up the song #
# So I could blow like the wind
on the microphone #
# Oh, baby, baby,
when I know you're feelin' lonely #
# Whenever you're feelin' down #
# Baby, just pick up the phone #
# You know who to call,
I'll always be around #
# Dah-dah-dee-dah-dai #
# Dee-dah,
dee-dah-dee-dai #
# Dah-dah-dee-dah-dai #
# I'll always be around #
# Dah-dah-dee-dah-dai,
feelin' lonely #
# Dee-dah-dee-dah-dee-dai,
feelin' down #
# I'll always be around #
# Arthur, Betameche #
# Selenia and the Invisibles,
those are my peoples right there #
# Elijah, yo, I'm out ##
# Go, girl, go, girl #
# Do anything you like, girl #
# Go, girl, go, girl #
# Don't listen to what
your girlfriends say #
# Go, girl #
# Now, what you in here for
if you ain't tryin' to groove #
# I was tryin' to holler at you,
I was way cool #
# Why you actin' like that,
what you tryin' to prove? #
# Girl, what it do,
what I gotta do? #
# Now, the music is right
and you lookin' so spiffy #
# Would it be cool
if you two-step with me? #
# I'm sure we could,
everything is all good #
# We can walk, we can talk
through your neck of the woods #
# Let me bring you back,
let me show you where it's at #
# Take your time, baby,
you can roll with the pack #
# Get in where you fit in,
now, sing along #
# Let in and been let in,
I get along #
# Sip Coke with ice,
rip-rep the rye #
# Come on, baby girl, and open
your eyes and just roll #
# Go, girl, go, girl #
# Do anything you like, girl #
# Oh, go, girl, go, girl #
# Don't listen to what
your girlfriends say #
# Ain't mad at you #
# Don't matter what
your girlfriends say #
# Say, say #
# Me and you,
we should just run away #
# Away, away #
# Ain't mad at you #
# Don't matter what
your girlfriends say #
# Say, say #
# Me and you,
we should just run away #
# Go, girl, come now,
go, girl... #