Aruitemo aruitemo (Still Walking) (2008)

Radishes are genius.
How about potatoes?
With potatoes
it's up to the cook.
Radishes you can simmer or grill.
They're even delicious raw.
You don't grill radishes.
Sure you do.
If you simmer and then grill them,
they lose their tartness.
Then you mix them with carrots
and saut with sesame oil.
Sesame oil, right.
Better write it down.
You'll forget.
No need.
I'll never cook it.
My husband grew up on fast food.
He'll eat anything.
Then why'd you ask?
I thought you might
want to talk, Mom.
In that case, move your hands,
not your mouth.
It's nearly lunchtime.
Can you go buy
some low-fat milk at the store?
He can at least buy milk.
He doesn't want the neighbors
to see him with a shopping bag.
Even at his age,
he wants to be called "Doctor."
I can't believe it.
You spoil him too much, Mom.
Good morning.
Don't you wish the weather
would cool down, Doctor?
It's supposed to be
another scorcher today.
When it's this hot,
I can hardly stand to drink water.
Cold noodles are all I can eat.
That's not good.
You should eat some eel
for your health.
I have a feeling my time
could be up any day now.
When it is, I want you
to be there for my death.
In that case,
I've got to outlive you.
See you.
Please enjoy your walk.
Written and Directed by
Let's take the last train home.
If we leave at 8:00 p.m.,
we can make it.
I told them we'd spend the night.
Brought a change of clothes too.
Can't you make up
an emergency PTA meeting?
You're always blaming
someone else.
There's nothing
to talk about with them.
Dad still thinks
I'm a huge baseball fan.
You like baseball, Ryo?
I used to, long, long ago.
I want you to know,
I'm the one who's really nervous,
though I doubt you notice.
I know, I know.
They say he even moved
near the racetrack.
It's a sickness, then.
As they get older,
their bodies can't keep up
with women and drink,
but not so with gambling.
It's the worst vice.
How awful.
You still have sparrows out here.
They show up because
your father feeds them rice.
We only have crows.
On garbage pickup days,
they're waiting like this.
Peel off all the skin.
Oh, there's some left.
You're such a pretty girl.
Show off your forehead.
When's Ryo coming?
On the phone he said by noon.
Is the "Unsmiling Prince"
coming too?
- Yes, they're spending the night.
- What a surprise.
But you know...
he didn't have to go
for a used model.
That sounds so cruel.
it's better to marry
a divorce than a widow.
At least a divorce
chose to leave her husband.
You sound so scary
sometimes, Mom.
I'm just stating the obvious.
It's because you pushed him
so hard to get married.
Maybe, but he could have
had his pick.
Ryo wasn't as popular
as his older brother.
That's not true.
At his graduation,
all his buttons were torn off.
He probably got beat up.
That's not true.
All his lower classmates
wanted them.
He said there was
a long line of girls.
Parental pride can be blinding.
Better watch out myself.
It's only been three years...
since her first one died.
Isn't it four years?
- In any case, it's too soon.
- You think?
She's just cold.
I'm not so sure.
I am.
You've never worked
outside the house, Mom.
You don't know how hard it is
to be a single mom.
There you go, making fun
of me for "not working."
I'm not making fun of you.
Besides, after we put you
through college,
you only worked three years.
Four. It was four years.
Please bring it up
with your sister.
About moving.
Shouldn't you discuss things with her?
Like about your father.
I'm sure she's got it figured out.
I'm not planning on moving back.
Although it'd be great
if they looked after them.
That's not likely.
You're the eldest son.
What's that?
Cola and ginger ale.
Drink them separately.
They have free refills.
Don't act so poor.
how's school?
your mother told me yesterday
about the rabbit.
Why did you laugh when it died?
- It was funny.
- What was?
Rena started saying we should
write letters to the rabbit.
What's wrong with writing letters?
Letters no one will read?
Your ice tea is
so delicious, Grandma.
They're just supermarket teabags.
I used to steep my own, but -
I see.
It must be the water, then.
It's just tap water.
You'll drink anything.
As long as you like it,
it doesn't matter.
What did you eat last night?
- Sushi!
- Hey!
I told you we're having
sushi for lunch.
Just the sushi that goes around.
Thirty-six plates!
A new record!
Some record.
The pudding went around too.
There's pudding
that goes around?
Melon too!
I ordered some sushi just in case,
but if you just had that yesterday -
It's fine. I haven't had any.
- We can eat sushi every day.
- Every day.
Ever since the son took over
at Matsu Sushi, the fish isn't as good.
- Is that so?
- All done.
But they wrap their sea urchin
in cucumber, not seaweed.
I like that.
Does sea urchin come with sushi deluxe?
That's what I ordered.
Maybe I'll call them.
Oh, don't bother.
Only one.
Don't spoil your appetite.
Oh, let them.
That's what I bought them for.
You're lucky
you don't get scolded
at Grandma's house.
- I love Grandma's house!
- Too bad.
Without the "house"
you would've gotten another one.
- Red bean too.
- That's for Grandma.
Oh, sorry.
You don't like red bean, do you?
Couldn't you stop
calling him Ryo?
If only for today.
To help your mother out.
But Ryo is just Ryo.
You know better.
You do it on purpose.
Tonami doesn't answer.
Publishers are probably
closed on Saturdays.
Call him back Monday.
Don't say anything to them
about my job.
If we make it through today,
we won't see them for a while.
They're your parents.
Don't be so defensive.
That's exactly why.
I refuse to say I'm between jobs.
Not to him.
Oh no.
You get so defensive
about your father.
Come on, carry one.
That's "I'm home," right?
Nice to see you.
Welcome. Isn't it hot?
What good manners you have.
You left this behind.
I'm so sorry. He's always leaving
something behind. Thanks.
The station area's changed.
I got lost, drenched in sweat.
You're Rip Van Winkle,
because you never visit.
That narrow bookstore's gone.
The owner got sick
and was hospitalized.
There was no one left
to look after the store.
We'll chill this
in the bathtub, and -
You said you liked
cream puffs, Mother.
Thank you so much.
The first one goes on his altar.
Your flower arrangement's beautiful.
Which school, Mother?
Oh, I'm self-taught.
Mom just fakes it.
When I took lessons,
it was completely different.
As long as they're pretty,
it doesn't matter.
Been a while.
You have a nice tan.
No time to go anywhere.
I make do at the local park.
He walks around in his swimsuit.
Can you believe it?
You've grown more, Satsuki.
Another half inch
over the summer.
You'll outgrow me soon.
You eat enough.
Mutsu, are you still fencing?
He quit after we bought him
all the equipment.
It's too hot, and it stinks.
Oh, here's Grandpa.
It's nice to see you again.
Oh, you're here.
He knew.
I'm so sorry.
He's so unfriendly.
Don't worry.
My father's just like him.
When Junpei
first brought his wife here,
he ran and hid
in his examination room.
I'm sorry.
Can you sleep okay?
I wake up sometimes.
Poor thing.
I'm sorry his teeth grinding
wakes you up.
On his high school trip,
Ryota made so much noise
grinding his teeth,
they made him sleep
in a separate room.
The poor thing.
A separate room.
That wasn't me.
That was Junpei.
If you use your thumb joint,
they fall right off.
You're so good.
This always
used to be my chore.
They wound up building it
as it was designed.
That's terrible.
They promised
to make it triangular
to let the sun in.
But it's square.
And they're still in court over it.
Oh dear.
Don't mix it up like that.
You have to cut into it.
How many years
did you watch me do this?
All done.
So pretty.
Brings back memories.
Strange, right?
Everybody does it.
No, they don't, do they?
I only know grilled or boiled corn.
- Did your grandmother teach you?
- I wonder who it was.
Your own invention?
I bet - just like her flowers.
He'll be here any minute.
His eyesight's shot,
but not his nose.
He couldn't wait for supper.
He'd hear the corn popping
and eat them
as fast as I cooked them.
My brother loved them.
- You like corn, don't you, Atsushi?
- So-so.
I'm so-so about corn too.
You'll eat a lot.
They're best hot. Go ahead.
With a drop of soy sauce.
So sweet!
Before we moved here,
our neighbors had a cornfield.
Sneaking in one night -
- You stole corn?
- Dad did.
Statute of limitation's up.
That was 30 years ago.
The next day was corn tempura.
Right as I was frying them,
there was a "hello."
The farmer came over
to give us corn,
saying they had a bumper crop.
Just then it started popping
in the kitchen, like just now.
She tells the same story
every time she makes tempura.
I sure felt awful about that.
So Junpei chimes in,
"Mother, we didn't have
to go buy that corn
at the market."
He could be so smart that way.
He could.
Just like that other time.
At the bank?
He was a lifesaver.
This is going to be my room.
I'll get a blue bed.
What about me?
There's no room for you.
You're not moving here with us.
You can have that room, then.
Oh good.
There's a ghost at night.
Forget it.
I'm getting the piano too.
I want the piano too.
- You can't play.
- I'll learn.
You'll never play.
You even quit fencing.
Leave fencing out of this.
Say, how did you feel
when your daddy died?
I don't know.
I was little.
Did you cry?
I don't remember.
If it were me, I'd cry.
I know. What do you call
Uncle Ryota?
The normal way...
They should leave this downstairs.
Why'd they haul it up?
Are they starting to lose it?
They don't use this stuff.
They're probably lonely.
- For what?
- You know.
Have they said anything?
About my wife.
Not really.
It's heavy.
Do they disapprove
that it's a second marriage?
I don't think so.
She's terrific. She's wasted on you.
Watch out.
You need to watch your step.
It's too low.
It's not too low.
You're too big.
Did we eat the same food?
Ouch, ouch.
No, no, his memory's shot.
He can't remember the orders.
He served toro sushi to the same
customer over and over again.
That sounds good.
Let's all go.
Please spare me.
We'll have to fold.
You've always been a joker.
I'm serious.
I'm not joking.
How old is your father?
Seventy-two, I think.
Hey, same as Dad.
The doctor looks much younger.
He looks vigorous.
- You call that vigorous?
Happily retired, right?
I'm jealous.
He wanted to keep working.
But his eyes...
he got cataracts.
No, the other disease.
But they also built
a big hospital nearby.
It was time for him to quit.
At least he salvaged his pride.
The sushi's here.
- Here's 20,000 yen.
- Thank you.
Your change is 3,000
and two million yen!
Hey, give us a discount.
Look how much we ordered.
Give me a break! I didn't tell
my wife about the sea urchin.
Here they are.
It's heavy.
Don't eat the sea urchin.
Hey, is that you, Satsuki?
You're so tall.
I grew half an inch
this summer.
I quit fencing.
- Nobody cares about your fencing club.
- I almost forgot.
My wife sent
this funeral offering.
Oh, you don't need to.
We don't say prayers anymore.
No, my wife was
behind Junpei in junior high.
She gave him chocolates
for Valentine's Day.
In that case, thank you.
Why didn't you tell us
about this first?
I would never give you
a hard time about a discount.
Sorry, it just slipped my mind.
Getting yelled at
for making a funeral offering -
Why not come in
and light some incense?
I'm not dressed for it.
I've got to get back.
No telling what Dad's up to.
Thanks for your business.
He's all grown up.
He used to be a bad kid.
You never know
how he might have turned out.
I'm done.
You're full?
No more sushi?
Be careful, Satsuki.
- Cheater!
- Shouldn't I cut it?
They want to break it open.
You don't want to join them?
No, thank you.
You sure?
That handrail by the bath -
Yes, Dad fell last year.
I heard.
He got such a big bruise
on his behind.
Oh no.
Because you left
the soap on the floor.
I did not.
Here we go again.
He's always blaming someone else.
Hey kids, if you hit it with those,
there'll be nothing left.
You'll smash it.
The tiles are falling off
in the bath too.
They just peel off
when they age.
I'll fix those later.
You don't have to.
You're a guest, Nobuo-san.
You're happier
doing things, right?
I'm like a tuna.
I have to keep moving or die.
I wish it would motivate him
more at work.
That machine...
he took it upstairs for me.
- The Rodeo Boy.
- Happy to help.
Hurry, Daddy.
Excuse me.
Say, Ryota...
now that you have a family,
how about an RV?
I'll give you a good discount.
Living in Tokyo,
we don't need a car.
I always dreamed that my sons
would take me shopping
in their cars.
Children don't necessarily grow up
the way you want them to.
They certainly don't...
Do they...
I'll take you shopping in a car.
As often as you want. Which one?
Just you wait. Just wait.
This white one?
You've got nerve.
You don't even have a license.
- Seconds?
- I'm full.
You can eat more.
You're still young.
But we can't have him
getting any bigger.
How old do you think I am?
Are your teeth all right?
You don't see a dentist, do you?
I'm too busy with work.
You've got bad teeth, like me.
Better watch out.
Open up wide.
Cut it out.
Not in front of the boy.
Is it a work call?
Yeah, well...
I got a rush job
from the Setagaya Museum.
- An oil painting?
- Yeah, something like that.
I saw an article in the newspaper
about painting restorers.
It said "Painting Doctors."
Which paper?
I can't remember.
I'll send you a copy.
You say that, but you've
never once sent me one.
Well, I'm hardly
as important as a doctor.
It's not so much medical care
as it is "anti-aging."
How lovely.
Can you help me?
What's that "anti" something?
I think you're past it, Mom.
You're so youthful,
you don't need it.
I'm not so sure I could help.
So I'm the only one left out?
My line of work is finally
getting the spotlight.
There are more students
studying it at my alma mater.
But when it comes time for jobs,
it's competitive.
You always
had such nimble fingers.
- You can really drink!
- I take after my mother.
Yukie-san could drink too.
You could match her.
My brother's wife.
I wonder where she's living.
The address on her New Year's
card hadn't changed: Tokorozawa.
Wonder how she is.
If they'd had children,
we could invite her.
Now that she's remarried,
she can't really visit.
In some ways it was good
they hadn't had children yet.
A widowed single mom's
harder to marry off.
Luckily a wonderful man
wanted me.
No, no, we're lucky
you took him.
That's not for you to say.
Yukari-san, would you like to see
Ryota's childhood pictures?
Yes, please.
You'd show her
even if she didn't.
I want to get some
of the pictures of me in college.
Atsushi, you too.
Did it break?
Did you break it open?
Not yet!
Not yet.
We'll leave the two doctors
to discuss things.
What about -
What happened with repairing
the Takamatsu-zuka murals?
Restoration, not repair.
There was a long dispute
about whether to preserve
the tomb as is or to conserve
that national treasure, that mural,
Asuka Beauty,
that they made into a stamp.
Ultimately, the Ministry of Culture
ruled to dismantle it,
in a rare upset
for local cultural preservation.
It'll take at least 10 years to -
That's a precious plant!
Don't do that!
Are you making a living?
Enough to support
a widowed single mom.
Hit it!
There's a crack!
- Wow.
- It broke open.
It's hard to believe, but they
used to go to concerts together.
Classical music.
Dad's so impatient,
he'd walk fast and get way ahead.
We were always racing
to catch up with him.
Look, Mom.
You're in Hibiya Park.
You look like you're in love.
Back when
I didn't know anything.
This is just the three kids in this yard.
This is Ryota.
- Let's see.
- Was he Atsushi's age?
I think about fifth or sixth grade.
The crape myrtle's still small.
We planted that
right after we moved here.
The flowers were a brighter red
than they are now.
You think?
This is when
we all went clam digging.
This is Junpei.
This is Ryota.
Say, he looks like he's crying.
Whenever he heard,
"Look at the camera and smile,"
he would just
freeze up like this -
But he's really lightened up
since back then.
- Is that true?
- We owe it to you.
Not at all.
Oh look, an essay.
From when Ryo was in grade school.
"When I grow up,
I'm going to be a doctor
like my father.
My brother will be a surgeon.
I'll be an internist."
Did you know this?
No, never.
I was sure he always
wanted to be a painter.
"My father always wears
his white lab coat.
When a patient calls,
even at night, he takes his bag -"
Don't read that.
Who cares?
Why are you so embarrassed?
You don't need
to keep this stuff around.
He can be exactly like Dad.
He just takes things seriously.
He can't compromise
the way Junpei could.
If one of them had taken over
their father's clinic,
things might have been different.
- Let's have some watermelon.
- Good idea.
Put these away.
Everybody line up now.
Okay, okay, picture, picture.
Come here.
- Look, Mom.
- What? It's so dirty.
- A chocolate stain.
- It'll stand out.
- Wear it inside out.
- No.
Please cover it up then.
It looks so dirty.
please stand to the side.
Where are you going, Mom?
Sorry, we're all here now.
It's not a funeral.
That's bad luck.
It's fine. Besides,
we're all here because of him.
I know, but -
You're not in it, Grandpa.
Grandpa, please step in
to the left.
Just a little more.
Did he go to the bathroom?
- We can add his memorial photo later.
- He's not dead yet.
Smile, everyone.
You too, Ryo.
And he's laughing.
- We're off!
- Watch for cars!
Is it hot?
Knock, knock.
Do you have to do that now?
Why don't you come
talk with us?
About what?
It doesn't matter.
Like about preserving tombs,
or whatever.
Ryo was worried.
About what?
How you feel about his wife.
It's his life.
Let him do what he wants.
You're so cold.
You weren't like that with Junpei.
Of course not.
He was my heir.
Ryo left the family.
It was my hard work
that built this house.
Why do you call it
"Grandma's house"?
He's so petty!
Oh, there's a trick to that.
If you go like this,
and then at the right spot -
Then to hold it in place,
you do this.
Says he doesn't want any.
Says tempura's
all he wants to talk about.
Just leave him be.
He'll come back when he's hungry,
just like your crows.
They only come
on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He's still a kid,
even at his age.
Oh no.
Guess even tunas take naps.
He just finds
the tatami floor relaxing.
Yeah, our house
doesn't have any tatami.
You should get some.
Our house isn't built that way.
Which is why when we move here,
we'll build a tatami room.
When are you moving?
Hopefully before Mutsu goes
to junior high school.
It's not definite yet.
But I showed you the blueprints.
Don't catch cold.
Like they say, when you age,
it's best to live with your daughter.
Depends on the daughter.
An ashtray...
We'll live together
but keep separate kitchens.
Of course we're happy to eat
whatever you cook.
All I'll do is look after you.
I might as well be a maid.
The body of Hagiwara Mikio,
a 53 year-old employee from Yokohama,
was discovered today on the beach...
Oh no.
It's supposed to be autumn.
The night before,
he had made a rare visit alone
and stayed over.
That day,
he was shining his shoes.
Suddenly he said,
"I'm going to the beach."
By the time I said,
"Be careful" -
We're home.
- Where were you?
- A secret.
- You're sweaty.
- Here.
- You didn't pick it.
- No.
Only his beautifully polished shoes
were left behind.
I'll never forget
the sight of his shoes.
Have ice tea, not ice cream.
If only I'd said
something to him sooner.
- Here we go again.
- Oh let me, at least today.
If only it were just today.
He didn't have to save him.
It wasn't even his own child.
Maybe I'll fix us a snack.
No, we've had plenty.
Well, you're all here.
After you pat it round,
use your thumb to make a belly button.
Here's another one.
What's that?
- Poop.
- Whose poop?
- Daddy's.
- Daddy's?
Poop? I used to make those
when I was a kid.
You should use our phone.
That Vietnamese place
was good, right?
I'm stepping outside.
Is it work?
Yes, probably.
He's so busy.
Does he come home late?
He's had a lot of overtime.
He's still in his 40s.
He'll be fine.
Whose oil painting?
- A van Gogh?
- I doubt it's a van Gogh.
How much does he get
for restoring one painting?
It's a lot of work.
How much did you say?
I'm asking her how much.
Here's your reward
for helping Grandma.
Thank you.
- Mutsu.
- Thank you.
We love Grandma's house.
Where's Atsushi?
Not to worry.
It's not a big deal.
Listen, by the way...
do you know anyone
at Shinbido Publishers?
Yeah, I figured not.
Oh hello.
Let's all get together
for dinner soon.
You don't have
to invite Mishima.
Don't touch the medicine.
Come here.
- Here.
- Grandma already -
This is from your Grandpa.
Have a seat.
What do you want to be
when you grow up?
What? A soccer player?
A piano tuner.
A tuner? Why?
Just spit it out. Here.
Because I like
my music teacher.
A woman?
The idea that a man be swayed
by some woman in his career choice...
Show me your fingers.
You seem nimble.
My father got sick
when I was a kid too,
so I decided to become a doctor.
Did he get better?
Your father.
He died
before I became a doctor.
Being a doctor is good.
It's a worthwhile job.
You go play.
Please don't give him
any ideas.
I won't let him be a doctor.
It's not like I can afford
to wait another 20 years.
I can't help that.
I wasn't talking to you.
I know that.
Taking a little break.
Sure, you should rest.
You must be tired
keeping Dad and Mom company.
About that phone call -
turns out they don't need me.
Oh, the Setagaya Museum?
You just made all that up.
I didn't really have a choice.
- So it's a Chagall.
- What is?
- The oil painting you're restoring.
- A Chagall?
What are you going to do
with all these?
I'm storing them
for when I need them.
When are you ever
going to need
this many paper bags?
And the refrigerator's stuffed,
as always.
I feel safe when it's full.
Refrigerators aren't
to make you feel safe.
They're to keep things cold.
does Dad play Pachinko?
It's you?
What do you care
if I play Pachinko?
There are other things,
like haiku and yoga.
I feel so relieved when I hear
that Pachinko sound.
Sure, Mom.
You've earned the right to spend
on whatever you please.
what about this house?
What about it?
Well, you know,
if you don't want us,
we don't want
to force ourselves on you.
I haven't said we don't want you.
It's just that -
It's just what?
I think your father won't like it.
You only bring up Dad
when it's convenient.
If we knock down
the examining room
and make separate residences,
we can both be independent.
I didn't know we made those sweets
from rice flour, did you?
Of course not.
It's getting cooler.
Let's go visit his grave.
What about you?
I'm fine.
I went recently.
In that case, I'll join you instead.
It'll be a nice walk.
- I'd better wear a hat.
- Sure, why not?
Why does she get so excited?
It's just visiting a grave.
I wonder who left these flowers.
His widow?
If she came this far, she'd visit.
Guess you're right.
Maybe it was Yoshio.
He'd never do
anything so thoughtful.
- Tossing them?
- Ours won't fit.
I'll light incense.
It was so hot all day.
The water must feel good.
There's nothing more unbearable...
than praying
at your child's grave.
I never did anything
to deserve this.
What do you want, Mom?
Her husband's perfectly nice...
but I'm too old to live
with a stranger.
And the kids sure make
a lot of noise.
So you don't want them to.
if they move back,
it makes it harder for you to.
Me? I can't move back.
I mean, after your father dies.
After he dies...
You know I can't take
my brother's place.
Of course I know that.
In that case...
Are you two
going to have children?
Where'd that come from?
You should think it over.
It's harder to divorce
with children.
What are you talking about?
Isn't the line normally,
"I can't wait for grandkids"?
Your family isn't normal.
These days we're not abnormal.
You used to catch butterflies
in Karuizawa
with your father.
You remember?
I don't.
Let's go visit
your father's grave too.
Oh, it's not "whatever."
Look, a yellow butterfly.
They say butterflies
that survive the winter
come back yellow
the following year.
Sounds made-up to me.
- That's what I heard.
- From whom?
I can't remember.
Ever since I heard that,
whenever I see yellow butterflies,
it just breaks my heart.
Climbing this hill
gets harder every year.
In a car,
you'd be up here in a flash.
It's better for you to walk.
You're right.
It's good exercise.
So you're graduating
from college?
Yes. Thanks for asking.
Have you found work?
I wanted a job in the media,
but I got turned down everywhere.
And that drama school?
Sorry, I quit that two years ago.
Oh, I see.
What a shame.
That's what you said
to him last year.
I did?
I'm helping out at a small ad agency.
Maybe I'll get a job there.
That's perfectly fine, right?
When I say ads,
I mean more like supermarket flyers.
- Did you take their exam?
- Nothing formal like that.
I figure I'll keep
helping out there for now.
Well, in any case, nothing's more
important than your health.
Well, my health is my only asset.
Um, seriously...
if Junpei-san
hadn't saved me back then,
I wouldn't be here now.
I just feel so sorry
and so grateful.
Thank you so much.
I'll live my life
for Junpei-san too.
Well, I should be going...
Oh, sorry.
Your legs okay?
- They're numb from the tatami.
- There's a step there.
I'm sorry.
I can walk now.
You're just 25.
You can be anything you want.
No, I can see my life
won't go anywhere.
Come again next year.
Promise, okay?
We'll be waiting.
I will.
Well, if you'll excuse me...
Take care.
He got even fatter.
He must weigh over 220 pounds.
All that fat across his back.
He had two of the desserts
he brought for us.
- And three glasses of ice tea.
- No wonder he's fat.
Look, his sweat!
Here too! Disgusting!
He even used the wrong
conjugation thanking us
for Junpei saving his life.
We should've given him
the Rodeo Boy.
You're right.
Go chase him down at the bus stop.
Not me.
that useless piece of trash.
Why'd my son have to save him?
There were plenty of others.
Please don't call him "useless"
and "trash" in front of the kids.
"A job in the media."
So pretentious.
He wasn't being pretentious.
The truth is he's barely
got part-time work.
What's wrong with that?
He's still young.
His body just keeps growing.
There's no point
in him being alive.
You heard him apologizing.
Apologizing for being alive.
Just like that novelist -
who was it?
No, like that comedian
who keeps apologizing.
We're not talking
about novelists or comedians.
Stop comparing
his life to others'.
One of his socks was black.
He's doing the best he can.
Things don't always work out
the way you want.
How can you sit
in judgment, Dad,
calling him
"useless" and "trash"?
Don't laugh!
What happened?
Wipe it up with this.
You don't need to yell.
What are you so defensive about?
This has nothing to do with you!
Is being a doctor so important?
Advertising is a fine profession.
Who knows how Junpei would have
turned out if he were still alive.
We're only human.
I heard "useless trash"
and thought
you were talking about me.
I was scared to come out.
Thank God you were
talking about Yoshio.
If only he'd lose a little weight.
He looks like that former
sumo wrestler - who was it?
No, he's the one from Hawaii
who's in those commercials.
I mean the one with the face
like a mid-belly, like this.
What's a mid-belly?
I think it's time to go.
Our driver's awake now.
- Going home so soon?
- Yes, we are.
Get ready!
Nobody asked him
to live Junpei's life!
Ryota, buy an RV.
We'd better put those desserts
in the refrigerator.
Atsushi, can you bring
those desserts here?
Can you find a spot
for them somewhere?
There's no room.
Oh dear, in there.
- From Grandma?
- Three thousand yen.
Three thousand yen.
Grandma seemed to be
enjoying herself.
Of course she was.
The best thing for her
is to be with her family.
Did we earn some points with her?
I don't know.
She won't come out and agree to it.
She wants to preserve her son's room.
I can understand how she feels.
He's got it good.
We've got our hands full
taking care of the living.
You'd prefer she look out
for her living daughter?
Of course.
My brother's ghost isn't going
to look after them in their old age.
Don't worry.
It's not that expensive.
It's light.
It doesn't matter what it costs.
It's not like I'm going
to buy more than one.
Does Mother have
her own cell phone?
It's right there.
When she makes calls,
she goes and uses our home phone.
The fool doesn't trust phones
without cords.
Says to keep this here.
What's so funny?
Nothing at all.
They should have stayed
for supper too.
Oh no.
I couldn't stand to have
their whole gang
hanging around all night.
Sushi for lunch and eel for dinner.
I'm impressed.
I shouldn't have fried
so much tempura. What a waste.
Maybe I'll take
some tempura home.
Leftover tempura isn't any good.
It loses its crunch.
I'm glad we got the deluxe.
Anything less and they only
give you instant soup.
Can you eat this?
Sure you can.
You don't have to.
Grandpa'll eat it for you.
Grandma'll give you
some eel instead.
- You're so lucky.
- I can't eat all this rice. Here.
Don't dump your rice
on top of my eel, Mom.
Inside your stomach
it's all the same.
She's never had
a delicate bone
in her body.
What do you mean, delicate?
You're hardly one to talk.
I take her to concerts,
and she always falls asleep, snoring.
When was that, dear?
There are so many records
in the room next door.
I used to be quite a collector
in my youth.
Now it's just decoration.
He hardly listens to them.
They just take up space.
I associate physicians
with classical music.
He was just the doctor
at a local clinic.
But in an emergency, it's good
to have a doctor in the house.
Not necessarily.
He was so busy,
he couldn't be here
when his own son was dying.
I couldn't help it. I had a rash
of food-poisoning patients.
Eat this.
You don't have a clue
how important work is to a man.
I've never worked,
not even once.
Not that he works anymore.
What other music
do you listen to?
Well, jazz.
It's outdated, but Miles Davis.
I can tolerate
up to about the Beatles.
But this recent rap crap -
you can't call that music.
You're right.
At karaoke,
apparently he sings
Japanese ballads.
I read it on Shimazu-san's
New Year's card.
"I look forward to hearing you
sing 'Pleiades' again."
Don't read people's mail.
It was a New Year's card.
I couldn't help it.
If you don't like it, have your
friends seal them in envelopes.
Japanese ballads, huh?
"Pleiades" is not a ballad.
It's classier than that.
Don't you two have
a special romantic song?
Nothing like that.
- Yes, there's a record.
- What is it?
It's a cherished pop song.
Want to hear it?
Last year...
she got tricked into buying
"Favorite Pop Songs" by mail order.
A 30-album set.
Who knows what it cost.
I saw it in my room.
She's never listened to it -
I wasn't tricked.
How insulting.
I'm not senile.
What song?
- Play it on the stereo.
- Now?
- Isn't the needle rusted?
- It plays fine.
How does this work again?
What kind of song is it?
How should I know?
It's got nothing to do with me.
It has everything
to do with you.
Mom, this song -
The city lights
are so pretty, aren't they
Blue light Yokohama
I'm so happy alone with you
When is this song from?
About 1970.
Right before Expo '70.
I remember
you sang it sometimes.
Still walking, on and on
But I only sway
like a little boat
I sway gently
In your arms
Only our footsteps follow us
Blue light Yokohama
Your gentle kiss...
I'll leave your fresh clothes here.
With your towel.
When did you buy that?
The record?
About the time... at Itabashi.
I carried Ryota, strapped to my back,
all the way to that woman's apartment.
I could hear your voice
singing from her room.
Still walking, on and on
I didn't want to interrupt you,
so I went straight home.
The next day, I bought it
at the Canary Records by the station.
Please leave your washcloth
hanging out to dry.
Remember how Mom said,
"It plays fine"?
You know she plays it
when she's alone.
Kind of gives you the creeps.
That's not true.
What's strange about that?
Everybody has a song
they listen to on the sly.
- You think?
- Of course.
So you have one too?
Which one? Tell me.
It's a secret.
Women are so scary.
People are scary.
Everyone is.
I bet there's a baseball game on.
Want to watch?
We put a dish on the roof.
You can watch extra channels.
Not really.
There's not much to watch
on TV these days.
There's nothing funny,
but they laugh so loud.
That laughter isn't real, is it?
So they say.
What's that?
You treated us to a real feast today.
Why don't you treat yourself?
My, an allowance
from my own son.
How wonderful.
You're always treating us.
In that case, thank you.
What shall I buy?
What was
that sumo wrestler's name?
Still on your mind?
Solving these things
keeps your mind active.
- Waka-no-hana?
- Not him.
- Kita-no-fuji?
- He was really handsome.
No, he was more loveable.
isn't it time
we let Yoshio off the hook?
Let's stop inviting him.
I feel sorry for him.
It seems painful
for him to see us.
That's why we invite him.
Can't have him forgetting
after just a dozen years.
It was his fault Junpei died.
But Yoshio didn't -
It makes no difference.
Not to a parent.
Not having someone to hate
makes it all the worse for me.
So once a year
I make him feel awful too.
Will the gods punish me for that?
So I'll invite him next year
and the year after.
That's what you keep
inviting him here for?
You're cruel.
I'm not cruel.
I think it's normal.
Everyone keeps
using that word.
When you get to be a parent,
you'll find out.
- I am a parent.
- A real parent.
What's that mean?
Take your bath.
Your father's done.
And take the prince with you.
The prince?
You should.
We have a nice big bath.
We usually take separate baths.
On a day like today,
he should let his son bathe first.
He just spaces out all day.
There's no need
to bathe every day.
It's a waste
of precious hot water.
What is it, Mother?
Let Atsushi bathe first,
with Ryota.
Usually we don't.
I'll leave your pajamas out.
I brought a T-shirt.
Wear them.
I bought them for you.
A discount shop, I bet.
Let's see.
- I'll show you.
- Let's see.
- You like this color.
- Oh no.
Atsushi, let's take a bath.
Wait till I finish this part.
The bathtub's really narrow.
I don't think we'll both fit.
What about my T-shirt?
You've got
your mother's pajamas, right?
I don't need to wear those.
You should.
She took the trouble
to buy them for you.
Are you mad?
She's like this when I visit.
She just wants to look after me.
- It's not about that.
- What, then?
If she's going to buy pajamas,
she could buy a set for Atsushi too.
She treated him all day long
like a guest, not family.
You're projecting.
She just didn't get around to it.
She had three toothbrushes
set out.
Hand me my T-shirt.
Yukari-san, come.
Use this.
Job not going well?
It's fine. Why?
Forget it, then.
Don't worry about me.
Things have changed.
Can't you...
call your mom once in a while?
Let her hear your voice.
When I do,
all she ever does is complain.
Be patient and hear her out.
That's not my job.
Can't the two of you work things out
without dragging me into it?
But that line about the corn -
I said it, not Junpei.
Oh yeah?
What difference does it make?
Ryo, it's too hot to get in.
I'll be right there.
Not that it matters anymore.
Do you have a splinter?
If you can pinch a mole like this,
you'll be rich.
See this?
Grandma told me,
so I always tried hard to pinch it.
Not that it did much good.
Why did you want
to be a doctor, Ryo?
It was long ago.
Long, long ago.
Is it this one?
Oh, here it is.
I'll give you this too.
Oh no, Mother.
It's too expensive.
Oh no, it's not expensive,
but it's a fine kimono.
My daughter wants everything,
but once she gets it,
she ignores it.
I gave her a beautiful kimono,
but she's never worn it once.
I wonder if she's sold it
on the "Inter-something"
for cold, hard cash.
- I doubt that.
- I wouldn't put it past her.
You get dimples
when you laugh.
It's so sweet.
What's the point
of dimples at my age?
That's not true.
A woman should be charming
at any age.
I'm jealous.
Don't be.
Are you all right?
You're flushed.
Because I drank a little tonight.
Oh, when I was young,
they said, "A woman should
never empty a glass of beer."
You young folks are lucky.
These days,
I rarely drink when I'm out.
So you drink at home?
It must be boring.
My son doesn't drink.
Well, these days
Ryota often drinks
beer at home.
Oh really?
Just a little.
Says it helps him sleep.
I didn't know.
Better dry your hair.
You'll catch cold.
I weigh less than before.
What are you two
going to do about a baby?
We'll probably take some time
to think about it.
Guess you're right.
But if you're going to have one,
you shouldn't wait.
You're right.
You have to think
about Atsushi too.
You'd hate to have things
get awkward with a new baby.
Maybe it's best that you don't.
What a shame.
I wonder if this sash will match.
Maybe it's too plain.
This looks normal... right?
It just flew in.
You followed us home
from his grave, right?
Keep it closed.
It might be Junpei.
Hey, Mom...
Hurry, get it outside.
Cut it out.
You're pathetic.
- Calm down.
- But -
See, it is Junpei.
Gently now, gently.
It's a butterfly.
Just a butterfly.
Just a butterfly.
I'm letting it go.
On my grandma's
a butterfly flew in at night.
You should take your bath, Mom.
I guess I will.
Yokoyama residence.
Oh, I see.
Please wait a minute.
The lady across the way
feels sick.
I'll take it.
Her heart again?
She's supposed
to be taking her digitalis.
Call an ambulance, then.
I can't.
I'd like to, but -
I'm sorry
I can't be of more help.
- Slowly now.
- It'll sway a little.
We'll stop here
and turn around.
What's her pulse?
Please get back.
Let's open up
and load her in.
You don't understand. I'm -
You'll be fine.
Excuse me. Get back.
Time to go to bed.
Don't walk around
in those pathetic pajamas.
He said he'd fix the tiles,
but he ate his fill,
took a nap, and went home.
He's always like that.
All talk and no action.
Grandma was acting
strange earlier.
It just seemed that way to her.
Even though he's gone?
Even when they die...
people don't really go away.
Your father's here.
Right inside you.
Half of you is made
of your father.
Half of you is from me.
What about Ryo, then?
Ryo will become
a part of you too.
Slowly but surely.
Slowly but surely?
Slowly but surely what?
What do you say?
Do you want to let Ryo in?
Hey, let me in.
How will he get in?
Through your mouth?
What through the mouth?
Through your belly button?
Belly button?
My belly button,
slowly but surely?
I became one
of the relay runners
in the fall track meet.
I saw a yellow butterfly today.
Just like the one I caught
with you in Karuizawa, Dad.
When I grow up...
I want to be a piano tuner
just like you, Dad.
If that's impossible,
I'd like to be a doctor.
I'm off.
Please look after him, Father.
Off you go.
Sorry there's leftover fish.
Be careful.
Don't go in the water.
- The beach?
- Yeah, let's go.
- Don't fall.
- I'm fine.
What about
the Bay Stars baseball team?
These days...
I follow the Marinos.
You, into soccer?
I catch games
at the Yokohama stadium.
Uh... who with?
Oh, who cares?
We should go, with the kid.
We should.
One of these days.
That ship ran aground.
Go see a dentist.
- One of these days.
- Don't keep putting it off.
A single cavity
can ruin your teeth.
It's too late
if you have to pull them.
Okay, okay, okay.
And take your weekends off.
You're getting older.
Yesterday you said
I was still young.
Here it is.
I'm sure I still had
something left to say.
Come visit again soon.
Please teach me
that sauted radish recipe.
I'd be happy to.
That's all right.
- Shaking hands?
- Oh, who cares?
- Bye, Father.
- See you.
You've got good manners.
Well, we'll be seeing you.
They'll be back for New Year's.
We can pass on New Year's now.
Once a year is plenty.
Can't have them treating us too much.
Next time we won't spend the night.
I told you so.
We should've left
yesterday before dinner.
I ate too much.
I put on two pounds.
Seven more stops.
I just remembered
the name of that sumo wrestler.
It's Kurohime-yama.
It's always like that.
I'm always a little late.
Don't do that stuff.
Don't do what?
Shaking their hands.
They'll get the wrong idea.
If a handshake gives them
the wrong idea,
I'm perfectly happy to do it.
Oh, I remember.
- What?
- The name of that sumo wrestler.
- Who?
- Doesn't matter.
Who is it?
It doesn't matter anyway.
We never brought up
that sumo wrestler again.
Three years later, Dad died.
I never did get
to a soccer match with him.
Mom bickered with Dad
until the day he died,
but she died soon after him.
I never did give her
a ride in a car.
It's so hot.
The water must feel good.
Look, Mommy.
Very pretty.
Put them in here.
Let's pray, then.
Look - ants.
Watch your step now.
Look, a butterfly.
They say
yellow butterflies like that
are white ones that survive the winter
and come back yellow the next year.
Who told you?
I wonder who...
Executive Producers:
Development Producer
Produced by
Cinematography by
Production Design by
Lighting by
Sound by
Music by
Produced by:
Production Company
Written, Directed, and Edited by
Production Committee