Arul (2004)

'Chiyaan' VIKRAM in
lntroducing Kollam Thulasi
Vinu Chakravarthi,
Sarath Babu, Saranraj
Brinda, Kalyan, Dinesh
Hey, who is that?
Where are you going?
Didn't you borrow money
for your daughter's marriage?
If you can't repay,
go and work as a pimp
You are trying to outwit us
Don't talk bad,
I'll somehow repay before next month..
- Every month you repeat the same story
- Repay by tomorrow
Else we will be with the
women folk at your house
Arul, Rowdy Gurusamy's
men have entered the mill
They have ill treated
Manickam and have assaulted him
-Open the Gate
-He has asked me to close -Who?
Tresspassing into a
peaceful work area is wrong
Assaulting a guy,
in front of 1 000 men is a greater mistake
Above all talking bad to a man who is..
..old enough to be your
dad is all the more wrong
Why do you talk like a big....?(CENSORED)
God does not like atrocities
Arul does not like dirty talks
Is Arul a big....?(CENSORED)
- Look at me and repeat it
- Are you a big....?
- Look at my eyes and say that
- Are you a big....?
If you lay your hands on workers
I will chop your hands off
How much you have to pay?
Out of Rs 50000,
I have repaid, 38000, balance is 1 2000
For him Rs 1 2000 is a debt
For rest of us
it is one day's expenditure
For his sake I contribute Rs 50
Om Sakthi,
Goddess Kamatchi bless us
He must be
the only guy in the whole world
Sleeping to the
invocation for wake up of Almighty
That invocation is over
now 'Kanda shashti kavasam' is played
You blow and melt gold
He watches attentively and spins yarn
Although we blow and melt
we are our own masters
Even after marriage
these boys obey me
They are gems,
but he alone is a scrap
- He has become rusty
- For us all 4 children are alike
If you plead for him,
Even at this age, I may drive you out
Uncle, Grandma asked,
whether you need..
..'ldli' or 'Dosa' for breakfast?
- Tell her 'ldli'
Uncle, mom asked whether you need
coconut sauce or tomato sauce
- 'Tomato sauce'
- Bloody tomato sauce!.
What dress are you going to wear?
I will iron it for you
It is kept on the chair
You hear the wake up
invocation and sleep
Your dad is shouting at me
What can I do?
This 'margazhi' season, I got used to it
Now I can't sleep
without hearing devotional songs
Not only that, this will
help me not to hear dad's shouts
Mom I will be at Sanker's house
when lunch is ready sent word
- What gravy you want?
-Fish gravy -yes
Go with the fish net
to the pond to catch fishes
Only on holidays he has lunch at home
What is wrong in
cooking his favorite dish?
Senthil, has Thangam opened his shop?
No, he has gone to
Peelamedu for ear boring
Oh Casanova,
Don't pinch my heart
Slowly, with your eyes
don't measure me..
-Who are you?
-That doesn't matter, you dance
Stop it, this is my house,
who are you?
- Is it house no 1 3? -Yes
- Are you Paramasivam? -Yes
- Wanted someone 'for ear boring'?
- Yes
- I am the guy -ls it so?
- Tell me for whom I should do
- For my girl
- Is it her?
What is this?
Her nose and ears has already been bored
Why do you want to do again?
That is all old style
do you know the latest style?
-What is it?
- That is at the navel
Bondage between the mother
and the child is the umbilical cord
Why are you
such a mean minded dad?
-Did I ever say I am the dad
-You said she is your girl
- Did I say I am her father?
- What do you mean?
Today it is Karnataka,
tomorrow it is Andhra
- Day after?
- Kerala
Then it should be
done for you and not her
- Here
Don't lock me
in your soul with my anklet
Oh Casanova!
-Subbu send 2 fags
- will send it
You have breakfast at your house
but want coffee of ours?
Yes, because your filter coffee is superb
-But seems it is not prepared by you
-Might be by her dad
Mind your business
Shouldn't smoke in public places
If the legs are out,
it is public place
If it is in, it is private
Raddish, drumstick, beans
Ladies finger,
snake gourd,....
What Ponni,
You were not to be seen?
It's nothing, Arul
I had a marriage proposal
Did you like the groom?
When we gave snacks
They asked for liquour
What happened then?
My dad smacked
and they ran away
That is why
I am asking you to marry me
But you don't listen at all
Don't kid with me
I am not going to get married
I may love someone
Don't spoil your life
with love affairs
-I won't be taken for a ride
-Listen to me
At the foothills of Maruthamalai
Arul has incarnated
Through Oppanakkara street..
..Dream beauty goes
Ponni's mind is ruined..
..By the love in her eyes
Oh pappad of Ukkadam, spinned top
Ask for grace from Arul
Oh Peelamedu chariot
The drum adorned with a dot
Love is a boredom
Oh Avinashi Madam
don't breach my word
Looking at eyes and colour
Don't believe it as Love
Don't do Ponni,
this love is troublesome
This Arul's words
will come true, listen Ponni
Don't do Ponni,
this love is troublesome
This Arul's words
will come true, listen Ponni
Oh pappad of Ukkadam,
spinned top
Ask for grace from Arul
Oh Peelamedu chariot
The drum adorned with a dot
Love is a boredom
Even if you smile a little
He will cook up
stories to heights of lighthouse
Even if glance at them
He will concoct
stories about roses blooming
Will call you dear and darling
Talk about marriage
He will run away
Will call you dear and darling
Talk about marriage
He will run away
It is pulling
If you peel off, it is nothing
Love is like an onion
Oh pappad of Ukkadam, spinned top
Ask for grace from Arul
Oh Peelamedu chariot
The drum adorned with a dot
Love is a boredom
Because she is excited
She is asking for the garland
A garland
After 5 comes 6
And from cotton comes yarn
Oh lady, likewise,
desires come from heart
Among rivers it is 'Siruvani'
If 'achi' it refers to Pollachi
But love refers to lies, listen
Don 't love a stranger
Don 't trust an unclaimed land
Don't love a stranger
Don't trust an unclaimed land
Ponni madam, love is like hot water
Marry the boy suggested by parents
Oh pappad of Ukkadam, spinned top
-Ask for grace from Arul
-Ask him
Oh Peelamedu chariot
The drum adorned with a dot
-Love is a boredom
-It is a bore
-Oh Avinashi Madam
don't breach my word - Tell her
Looking at eyes and colour
-Don't believe it as Love
- Yes my dear
Don't do Ponni,
this love is troublesome
This Arul's words
will come true, listen Ponni
Don't do Ponni,
this love is troublesome
This Arul's words
will come true, listen Ponni
You are riding at high speed
Why do you drive like a......... (CENSORED)
Will you not stop instantly?
come here
-Arul, please don't
-Hold the kerchief
-Listen to me, he is a cop
-Leave me
Arul has invoked the grace
What did you say?
Why did you go and stop there?
Why do you stare at me?
God does not like atrocities
Arul does not like dirty talks
If you don't like what will you do?
Look at me and repeat it
You......? (CENSORED)
Look at my eyes and say that
You.....? (CENSORED)
Are you assaulting a cop?
Note down the number
At the village we used to steal
chicken by hurling wet gunny bags
Your face tells me
you are a chicken thief
You may not last for even 3 minutes
The vehicle has stopped
please push the vehicle
Go away, whom are you asking to...
Only the song is loud, push with vigor
Thanks a lot
Thanking us!
Look here
How arrogant you are?
Were you sitting in
the car and asking us to push?
Will your legs sprain
if you alight from car?
Ask these two
to push the vehicle and start it
Atleast let their flab come down
Do they have any sense?
Those two sit like water melon
-Hello sir
-Who is that?
I am lame
So I sat in the car
while you were pushing it
If I am at fault, forgive us
I have done a mistake
I didn't know your leg has a deformity
It is alright
I am a ruffian, Short tempered
some times talk like this
You were with me
You could have informed
-You may go
-Yes sir
Don't mistake me, careful
Come here
Poor girl
Many thanks to you
Poor girl
Sister, why did you
deceive them that you are lame?
Wanted to avenge them,
for they scolded us
I think he lives in this area
You will be trapped
People normally brush their teeth
That guy is brushing his hand
Perhaps he is brushing his dentures
Look there
A beautiful woman
like lyengar's bakery's bun
Come let us see
Customers are coming in car to our shop
Welcome, What do you want?
Three packets of 'Murukku'
One packet of 'Kamarkattu'
Does this look like a snack bar to you?
Is this not a petty shop?
Look behind
Kamatchi Silver Sales
Will you open only on Friday?
OK, note down the list
and 1/4 kilo ear rings
Look, this contains Acid
If I splashed it on your face
It will be a bloodbath
Who are you
and what do you want?
We have moved to the opposite house
I am Kanmani
And she is Neelaveni
I am Thankam
Will roar like a lion
But will look ugly
They deliberately
pick up quarrel on arrival
Mani, does it take
so much time for shopping?
I told you not to call me
with the masculine name Mani
You have pierced
my nose also at an young age
If you don't like it
Remove the nose screw
But how can I close the hole?
Close it with calcium
If you call me Mani again
I won't mind you are my mom
-I will punch you
-Will you?
Invite neighbours for
tomorrow's house warming
That we can do
tomorrow morning
Mom, we have moved
from Tiruppur to Kovai
Have you written
to your husband in Rangoon?
Yes I have
Infact, mom and we are alike
We are studying
through correspondence
Mom loves dad through correspondence
Came to get a
recommendation letter from the MLA
For how many persons he can give?
He has borrowed
He has come to repay the amount
Sir, here is the amount
Am I your nail to
scratch whenever it itches you?
If you borrow from me
You can repay only after an year
Until then pay the interest
Borrowed it for 1 0%% rate
If I pay interest for a year
how can I return the principal?
Didn't you get the money
by mortgaging your house?
Sell it and go
Owner of Ganapathy theatre
How is your business?
Saturday and Sunday
it runs house full
Rest of the week, it is very less
What do you mean by very less?
You could as well play a VCD at home
Why do you run a theatre for that?
-I need that place
That is our family property
So what, are you going to be buried there?
We are going to demolish it
and build a shopping complex
That's what I have planned too
Assess a rate and get it
Party men are waiting for you
One brother is the MLA
and the other is the party leader
Both of them have planned
to buy half of Coimbatore
Gandhipuram Krishnamurthy
Kinattukadavu Ramachandran,
they have come together
Please wait
Just a moment
You may go now
Iyer, what are you looking at?
It's Government's egg
It can break stone grinder
and lyer's head too
No one to dare you
Your savageries are too high
All you have come together
As if you are
the guardians of mother Tamil
Please be seated
Block level, Taluk,
executive council member
General council member,
district secretary
Even Chenniappan is there
Then, what is the matter?
You are going to the assembly tomorrow
So they have all come to meet you
Who are they?
These are the ones
who complained to the Collector
If you give it to me
It will reach the assembly
If you give it elsewhere
It will reach my pocket
What is your problem?
There is no water supply in our area
Keep it right in front of the house
What is this?
why are you keeping
the water tank in front of my house?
You complain to the collector?
Face the consequences
The roads are in
poor condition in our area
Why do you place
the tar barrels at my door?
Didn't you ask for roads?
Next month will get stone pebbles....
Will the stork eat the fish?
Or will the fish eat the stork?
Man will eat both....
-What do you want now?
-I want Arul now
Why does the Satan riding the cycle
ask for the cockroach riding the bike?
I must get Arul now
To get grace go to the temple
Or do a fire walk
-I will walk upon you
-Should not talk like that
I will talk like that only
Won't you respect your brother?
You call yourself a brother
Who said you are my brother?
Look at his ugly face
They have named a tin as 'Gold'....
Sir, are there no female members here?
-Yes coming
What do you want?
We have moved to your opposite house
We are doing house warming today
All of you must come
I may not be able to come
why don't you go and attend?
Mom said a senior
like you should conduct the Pooja
OK we will come
Why do you look through a lens?
Because the stone is too small
If use bigger stones
you may not require lens
Only ladies have come?
What about the male members?
He is a merchant at Rangoon
He will come once
in three years only
Bye, visit frequently
Quick, If you delay like this
you will be late for school
-Look there
- How did he come here?
Why are you standing here?
This is my house
We are the new tenants
-ls that so?
-OK, you may go
Careful, leg, gently
Mom,you have gone there
without giving me breakfast
That girl insisted that
I must attend the house warming
Poor girl, she is one legged, bye!
One legged?
What is he saying?
-She had both the legs, right?
What do you think about yourself?
Will you give us the
amount demanded by us or not?
Do you know who we are?
If you donate funds for us
you are saved, otherwise...
Let us see how
you run this factory
You are talking over phone
as we are screaming from here?
Creating mischief?
will tear you apart
Boss, did you call me?
-Greetings Sir
If I die suddenly
It will be because of them
What are you saying?
Are they deliberately creating mischief....
I am slightly tense
will be back in a minute...
I will be back in a minute
Sir, white and
white man, I am calling you
Wait for a minute
I didn't see your faces inside
Now I have seen clearly,
you may go
Just a moment
Just listen to what I have to say
If anything happen to our boss
We will tear you apart
We are the ruling party
Do you know
what will happen, if you oppose us?
You ask for votes, We cast votes
There are 5000 members in our union
Along with family members
it's more than 20,000 votes
We could make an empty guy an MLA
and make an MLA empty also
You can not spin your yarn here
We are already spinning a lot
Leave the place
This husk has gold
Quick, they might come
They have come....
What are you doing here?
Can't you see
we are scooping the husk?
Was it you behind
stealing the husk so far?
Whom do you call a thief?
Why should I steal
from my own house?
Don't I have rights to scoop
even the husk in this house?
What have you done for me?
We have given you a silver shop
What silver store?
You have looted all gold
and named me gold
You have given me
this useless silver shop
Are you trying to cheat me?
Don't talk as you like
In addition we have given
The ear piercing section too
What a big section that is..
The total fee for
piercing is Rs. 500 only
Out of the 500 you take 450
and giving me only 50
-What are you up to?
Don't want your kinship
Partition the assets now
Asset? What Asset?
We have got 80 acres land in Pollachi
Keep 40 acres for you
and give me 40 acres, I will go
and for you alone 40 acres?
Your dad has fathered 4 children in haste
My dad has patiently fathered only me
And that too a lion cub
Don't abuse our dad
How can you talk bad about our father?...
He is talking too much...
For scooping handful of husk
all of you have turned against me
All this is because of my dad's brother
I have prepared a wedge for you
Leave me, I am going
Let it go if it goes...
That flour mill guy gazes at us
Should pluck his eyes
Why do you stare?
Mani doesn't like red colour
Can I go nude for that?
I have heard dogs
can see in black & white only
Is this dog an exception?
Sister, come
If you make noise I will break your head
Who are they?
They are guests to our area
Why do you chase them?
I can understand
That poor girl wore a red color dress
You should not have
chased a one legged girl
One legged?
Were you not running?
Running? No, I am one legged?
How can I run?
Let me think about it
Oh no, it seems you have come running
Holding my sister I was leaping
You might not have
noticed the leg because of the skirt
You are right, you may go
She is one legged
You are deceiving him as one legged....
The truth will come out one day
He is going to make you one legged
-Be careful
-Let us see
Can't find a place in
Ukkadam to start the party office?
Half of the city has
already been acquired by us
Whose building is that?
Belongs to Dr. Nallamuthu
How is his background?
Will anyone represent?
A very frail man,very average background
If it is a cinema theatre
can be vacated easily
But to vacate an operation theatre
We have to throw out the patients
Even outskirts will do for us...
Have not they vacated yet?
We have cut down
water supply and electricity
It seems they won't vacate
unless we cut down their necks
Anyway we have got
- That rogue has just left
- Whose property is this?
If it is closed then it must be ours
It is apt for party office
Facing east and with
direct sun light, we will reach heights
After Tirupathi abode
only this place has 3 perfect corners
Oh my goodness
How atrocious?
Why are you breaking the lock?
- lyer, is this your house?
- This is Anantharaman's house
Since he is in Delhi,
he has asked me to take care
Iyer's house seems
more perfect than this
Will vacate in 2 weeks
after starting the office
Make the foundation strong
Make a call to the leader
-Long live
Opposite party Chathappan has come
to join us with 30 MLAs
Very glad
-Long live
Come Chathappa
Hereafter you are my captain
Long live Leader Sethupathy
and brother Chathappan
From today I'll be an ordinary worker
and work for your party
Don't say 'my' party & 'your' party
Hereafter it is 'our' party
With dynamic persons like you..
..Why Tamilnadu, I can
grab power, even in Delhi
Were you not abusing me on every stage?
How much trust Eswara Pandian had on you?
You have betrayed your leader
How can I be certain that
you won't join another party?
This is the punishment
for joining our party
- If you defect from us, I'll kill you
- I'll be your slave till the end
The press is waiting outside
Wash your face & pose for photo, go
- Your brother is calling
- Brother - Tell Gajapathy
- I have seen a place for party office
in Ukkadam - I am so happy
- You must inaugurate it
- I will
Ruling party men have encroached
your house for their party office
I am in a fix, don't now what to do?
- I will talk in person
while I come to Coimbatore - OK
- Shall I do?
- It is on the line
- It is on the line, look there
- No you are out
See there
- You jump and play
- Get lost - Shall we play later?
I will beat you
- Look there
- My goodness
What are you looking
through lens at the opposite house?
Do you know
how good she plays the limp game?
Poor girl,
she is one legged and can limp only
-One legged? -Yeah
- Whom are you referring?
With two eyes I saw her
playing with two legs!
- I too saw
- What happened to your family?
Your brothers rage
if I talk about your dad
- You call a normal girl one legged
- One leg only
They have started
Let us go and see
Whatever we see
doesn't belong to our eyes!
Doesn't belong to our eyes!
Since you have
become a pupil of my eyes...
You can't be
separated from the eyes...
And you can't be separated from me
Oh God!
Neelaveni, why did you stop?
Dance until the pestle break
Dance until the mortar rolls
Dance until the house get crumbled
Shut up your mouth
-It's really one leg
-I'll tell if it is one leg or two legs
What for?...
Catch her
Don't leave
Like that
- Don't leave her till evening
- The right verdict - Get lost
You sinners
Will you prosper
Your father's niece Malathi..
Can we propose her for our Arul?
I have already asked them
Said they will accept
a self employed goldsmith only
You may attend the marriage
tomorrow morning at doctor's house
I am going out of station and
you have come like Goddess Lakshmi
- Where are they going?
- They are going to Calicut to buy gold
-All of them are going?
-Because they carry a huge sum
Come inside
We had water scarcity at Tiruppur
We had to wander with pots daily
Is that so?
- Welcome Doctor
- Greetings
With wedding scheduled for tomorrow
you have come here now
- Is sir there?
- No he has gone outstation
What is the matter?
The wedding chain was there
until the pooja time
Thereafter it was missing
It must have been
taken by some relatives
We don't want to
create a scene by checking them
We can go ahead with the marriage
using the tamarind coated thread
But missing of the chain
would be considered a bad omen
The chain was made by sir
Before dawn we want a similar one
I can understand your plight
But all the members
have gone out of station
Arul has come,
let us ask him to make it
Greetings doctor, why at this hour?
-Come here
-What mom? Why all of you are worried?
You must immediately
make a wedding chain
Mom you know everything... I can't
Don't be adamant
make the wedding chain
-Mom, I can't, you know I won't do it
- Don't shout, they are here
- It's very urgent,
Will you do it or not? - I can't
Will you not obey your mom?
-They have come out of trust in us
-Leave my hands, I am going
Wedding is scheduled for tomorrow, do it
-I can't
- Do it for your mother's sake
- I can't and that is final
- If you can't, don't meet me hereafter
- Mom
- Don't give me reasons
- Why do you ask me....?
- You don't do it, right? - OK
- We will collect it in the early morning
- OK - Thanks a lot
Does he know to make a wedding chain?
Wedding chain? He knows all jobs
Capable of earning thousands a day
Working at a mill for Rs. 4500 per month
- Adamant
- Why mom?
He doesn't like dirty talks
Are the chains for
Palakkad Ganga jewellery ready?
- Yes
- Parcel it and give it to him
-Be careful while going
-Yes dad
How will it be lost?
If someone can steal 2
will he leave the remaining 8
-I don't know dad
-Have you sold it & frittered the money?
Don't lie that you don't know about it
-What can I say, if I don't know
-You are capable of stealing & lying
To whom have you given the money?
Please don't talk dirty
What self esteem
is there for a thief like you?
I am a thief and my hands are not clean
I don't want to do this goldsmith's job
Hereafter I won't touch this gold
I stole the chain
Had some problems at her house
Father will not give assistance so easily
You sinner
He was blamed unnecessarily
- You inform dad first
- No, wait mom
If I am insulted
that will be limited to me
If he is insulted then his
whole family will be humiliated
Leave it like that
Don't let anyone else know about it
After that incident
he has touched gold only today
My son lives like
a guest at his own house
He gives his monthly salary to me
Otherwise he comes home
for food and sleeping only
Stay on
- Mom!
- What?
What was the length they wanted? 7 or 8?
I did not ask them
Mani, come here
Sit down
You got 10 fingers
Why only one finger is sweet?
The finger that
touched you is sweet to me
All other fingers are starving
Oh bee of the bamboo forest
The crab that jerks my brain
Am I the feast to contain
the starvation of your 1 0 fingers
Oh Bandit darling
The girl who commit light murders
Will I leave if you keep away?
I am obliged to hide my arrogant beauty
It's your ability to pluck
with out unveiling the screen
It's cruel to hide the beauty
You got 1 0 fingers
Why only one finger is sweet?
The finger that
touched you is sweet to me
All other fingers are starving
Oh man who pinches my mind
Do you know Cupid's lingo?
With the eyes
that could penetrate the dress
Stroking upto the soul
All that are to be done with fingers..
..are done with your sight
By age you are so young
But you are broad-minded than your age
You got 1 0 fingers
Why only one finger is sweet?
The finger that
touched you is sweet to me
All other fingers are starving
My shyness is missing
Was it you who stole it?
So far I lived in solitude like mercury..
.. which won't allow anything to stick
Like a silent shadow
you fell into my mind
Will go much deeper inside
and will take
the treasure from your heart
- You got 1 0 fingers
- I got 1 0 fingers
-Only one finger is..
-.. Sweet but why?
The finger that
touched you is sweet to me
All other fingers are starving
Oh bee of the bamboo forest
The crab that jerks my brain
Am I the feast to contain
the starvation of your 1 0 fingers
Oh Bandit darling
The girl who commit light murders
Will I leave if you keep away?
You are obliged to
hide your arrogant beauty
Plucking without
unveiling the screen is my ability
Hiding the beauty is cruelty
Don't twist our hips
Go straight
What a nice scene in the early morning
Eyes would remain intact
if I could see it daily
- I will give you one slap
-I will give two on your cheeks
- Will you, I am leaving
- Hold it
- Kanmani
- Mom is calling me, I will go
I was holding
the cycle for you to learn
-Who will teach me then?
-Am I not here?
-Yes I am
- Do you know how to ride a cycle?
- Are you asking me?
I will give you
a list of things I can ride
Bike, Car, Lorry, Bus,
Train, Aeroplane, Helicopter...
- Do you know to ride a cycle?
- Why are you so doubtful?
Trusting you,
if I ride and suppose if you..
..push me on someone and run away?
I won't go to jail after
pushing you over someone, listen to me
- You ride and show me first
- Move away, see now
From that day to this day
The sky has not changed
Man has changed
Has mounted on the cycle...
Go singing like this
Oh God!
- Oh God!
- Dirty pig
Were you trying to cheat me?
Festival at coniamman temple
Give donation
You don't look like people from temple
To prove that
should we have a bell in hand?
- Give us the money
- Why do you drop 50 Rs? Drop 500 Rs
I can afford 50 rupees only
Aren't you making ornaments
by mixing copper in it?
If you Pay 500 Rs
we will pour porridge at temple
Else we will pour
milk for your last rites
- Son!!
- Come out, we will smack you
Then you'll spend 500 to 1 000Rs as
making charges to the hospital
Looks like he is the stingiest of all
Come out you miser dog
What is this,
they use abusive language?
-Brother -What?
- They have abused dad
-Singanallur men
It is those people
In the name of God, you beg...
On top of it, do you behave rudely too?
-Apologize now
Forgive us sir
Go, If seen in this area...
Will you not mend yourself?
When will you change your attitude?
Please be quiet
This dog has bitten
those street dogs for they barked
Why do you shout?
Instead of letting
the hooligans have their way
He has dragged them here
and fought with them
Please keep quiet
Mom, he must be crazy
He fought them because they scolded him
He drags in all the troubles
that goes through the road
Why do you do all these atrocities?
I want to live honorably in this street
See, even after all this,
he is quiet and rock like
Come on good sardine is available
We are vegetarians,
we don't eat fish and meat
Don't mistake me
I have seen children
who don't respect parents
Even when his dad
admonished him like anything
Your son kept quite
Only your son can behave that way
Your son is like a diamond
It can be used as
a cutting tool and also as a decoration
Please ask him
not to scold Arul in public
It occurred to me...
I keep telling,
don't you have brain at all?
Don't talk too much I will tear you apart
I have got four brothers
They won't leave you easily
Did you brush your teeth this morning?
Why do you start so early?...
Are my four brothers
there as pallbearers?
Was I not pampered
as the only girl child?
He has smacked very badly
What can I do now?
You prepare wedding chain in gold for all
Did you prepare my wedding chain in clay?
I shuttle between Tiruppur and Kovai
and don't know when it will snap?
Won't someone pay and send the auto?
See, your sister
Mom, Even here she talks like this
Who knows how badly she talked there?
Alright, you take her there
Your brother-in-law
won't listen to others
Arul kumara
My voice would have reached the ears of..
Lord Muruga in Maruthamalai
Hasn't it reached your ears yet?
Shut up your mouth
My husband has become mad
Is he a human being?
At the drop of a hat, he smacks me
He fears no one other than you
You must tell him
Whoever it may be, tear into two
Tear apart to two
in one strike, that is our style
Why do you buy meals from outside?
Is your wife not at home?
I don't want food
if I have to forego my esteem
Seems sister in law has come
Where will she.....?
Hold it
Do you want to leave your sister at home?
Here is the key
It was not intentional
You know about your sister
She has got
a mouth bigger than this factory
I slightly patted over
her mouth and that's all
I will go home at 5'o'clock
Look at his face
I won't touch her again
Come home I will teach you
You were talking like a tiger
Cooled down like a wet mouse
when you saw your brother-in-law
Then what to do
- At the age of 1 2 he made a plot
to revenge me - How was it?
One day I scolded his sister
Keeping that in mind
He made his cousin
run across and on the pretext
of striking him hit me with a stone
Still that scar remains
If you use filthy words
can never escape from him
Very brilliant,
he will rock Kovai one day
Why is she here?
Near the Biriyani shop?
Here is the parcel
Said she is a vegetarian
and is now buying biriyani?
Go away
It is nothing
What is she carrying in the bag?
Could be vegetable
Why does the dog sniff,
if it is vegetable?
It must be meat
They are pure vegetarians
I have bought the milk cakes
Come upstairs with the water bottle
OK Sister
Did you hear? It is milk cake
Idiot, is milk cake
available at the biriyani shop?
I got the leg
One leg for you and one for me
Don't shout
In case mom watches us
we may have to enact a weeping
Eat silently
See they are smashing chicken thighs
I told you, did you believe me?
It's our house,
how could you come upstairs?
I will shout
Let your mom come over here
Let her know about
the chicken biriyani secrets
Will you eat only the leg piece?
Is this biriyani called milk cake?
When you can make idli,a rice meal
and make the beer as butter milk
Shouldn't they make
biriyani as milk cake?
I am asking you
From when did you start this?
When studying at 12th standard
My friends fooled me
by giving chicken as yam
I liked the taste
and continuing since then
Got a story for every mischief
Two packets a day
If a packet costs 40 Rs
If a person who draws 4500 Rs salary..
..marries you how could he afford it?
This should be a matter
of concern for her fiance
Why does he bother about it?
I am not eating it daily
Once in a week, 4 times a month
It costs only 320 Rs
Is spending 320 Rs a month
for wife an extravagance?
Give the salary to me
I will show how to run the family
Besides I don't eat on Saturdays
and am fasting
Fasting on Saturdays
and on Sundays you eat like a glutton...
will it not affect your health?
As if you are married and begot children
You two talk about
income and expenditures?
What is this talk while eating?
Get out
Peoples' party's State executive meeting
welcomes all participants
-Long live
Leader, I am 55 years old
Can I change my career now?
Helped the party grow by pasting posters
and hosting flags
But has the party helped me to grow?
Talk about the party problems only
This too is a party problem
You are the party leader
and you stay at Chennai
Besides your brother is the MLA of Kovai
He is the district secretary too
Call from the leader
If you grab all
the portfolios then where do we go?
That's why we have
given various honorifics
Iike Lightning warrior,
Thunderbolt, downpour
Keep those honorifics
with you and give us positions
Throw your brother
from district secretary's post
Else people will talk about
our party as one run by
money lenders and sundry arbitrators...
The party will vanish
from your own constituency too
When will that fellow come?
Usually he comes by car
He must get down
at least thrice to urinate
We must finish him
on his way to Kovai from Erode
Come, my leg piece
Mani, come here
Come Mani
Do you want leg piece?
That too from Anganna's shop
You tell lies too
If you are angry,
it is the temple bell (kovil mani)
You are going to draw
the design on floor (kola mani)
Hello agnate
You are ringing the bell with bell (mani)
Single bell for
the neck of buffalo (otha mani)
Twin bells for
the neck of mother-in-law(rettai mani)
For the concubine
give pearl (muthu mani)...
If you fall flat it is
the apple of throat (chanku mani)
For kids it is anklet (kolusu mani)
If bell rings in jail it is food time
- Great actor Sivaji ganesan acted in
- Alayamani
I will take leave of you Thankamani
Iittle cuckoo, you walk like a peacock
Where is my pair?
Why do you sing
as, my darling
Will you sing all songs?
-Which song you want?
- In film Guna, Kamalahasan
-sings a song from a cave
-Sing that song
-See now
Darling, your lover
writes this letter with love
Darling are you OK, here I am OK
Stop it
Poetry flows as I peep you
As I try to write it, words struggle
As I look at you, poetry downpours
What you are yelling Mani?
Will you sing songs with the words Mani?
Will you sing?
What is the matter?
Kanmani is in marriageable age
We have to accumulate
jewels for her marriage
Her dad has sent 30,000 Rs from Rangoon
Please make a coin necklace
in 8 sovereign gold
Sure, we can make it perfectly
First time you are making jewels
why do you do in 8 sovereigns?
Better do it in 1 1 sovereigns of gold
Add 3 sovereigns extra and make it
when you have said, it is done
- Look there
- What is this?
Why do you stay looking at?
Keep quiet
Lift him
Why do we invite trouble?
In broad day light
they have beaten and dragged him away
Do you want me to keep quiet?
-So, will you dare an MLA?
-ls MLA a special creature?
He is the MLA in this constituency
for the last 1 2 years
Has he done anything good?
Atleast one voter should question him
If all of you hide in front of him
he will behave only like this
He brutally assaults
all those who question him
To vacate us he has instigated
Hindu -Muslim communal riots
But no one did fall a prey to his designs
This annoyed him and he has
stopped water and electricity supplies
The entire lot is against the MLA
and are waiting for
a chance to exhibit their anger
They will subdue only if opposed
If you want water,
take it from the adjacent house
If you want electricity
take it from the opposite house
Inspector Ramanathan is coming
-To hell with your greetings
Leader is expected in
Security measures must be foolproof
Pollachi Road, Vincent Road
and Town hall Road
All these roads must be blocked
Pollachi Road and Vincent Road are OK
It's hard to block the Town hall road
It's very crowded and can not be blocked
Won't you obey me?
I am sorry sir, public may
create problems over this...
Get out if you don't obey me
Get out
Ask him to get out from here
Don't stay before me, get out
What do you think of me?
I am an MLA
Wait,l have been waiting for you
Kanmani has correspondence exam today
Bharathiar university is on your enroute
Please drop her there
Come on
She doesn't know the bus routes properly
might even get lost
Don't fall on the way,
I can't answer your mom then
Don't forget to pick me up
while you return home
Can I keep my hand on your shoulder?
I have an esteem in this area
Don't damage it
No grips to hold, then how can I sit?
There are no speed breakers on the way
Also I am not going to drive fast
-Sit 2 inches away
Are you in love with someone?
If you do silly talking
I will demand fare
more than the meter reading
I am loving a guy
Hey bell, if someone gets you
biriyani, you will go with him
-Are you in love?
-Start, it's getting late
These days it's hard to
distinguish good and bad
Can't find
who drinks alcohol and uses drugs
Can't find who is a terrorist
Don't get trapped, tell me who he is?
I will find out whether he is good or bad
-He is from which area?
-Ukkadam -Where in Ukkadam?
-Sannathi street
-That's our street!
Is it that corner house Pandi
or neighbor Kannan?
Or is it that
fat ugly fellow with french beard?
-No, it's the opposite house
-Opposite house?
-That's our house!Oh that must be Thankam
Has he trapped you
by showing silver anklet?
It's neither gold nor brass
Who will love that black man?
Then, I am there in the opposite house
-ls that me?
I love you
I won't come behind if buy me a biriyani
Make me an ornamental belt
I will come after you
You have fallen in love!
You have fallen in love!
I will make an ornamental belt
for you, will you come?
Will you give me some place to stick on?
I will make an ornamental belt
for you, will you come?
Will you give me some place to stick on?
Why do I need an ornamental belt?
Don't you have two hands
to put around my waist?
Darling with beautiful nose and eyes
The best bet for kisses
Shall I measure your chest
and give a pearl necklace?
One in great heights,
and beau with lucky moles...
While you measure
the chest, touch a little
Oh silver pot, golden chain
turn to this 'chiyaan' side
If given a chance, will come & strike
This is Coimbatore mischief
I will make an ornamental belt
for you, will you come?
Will you give me some place to stick on?
Why do I need an ornamental belt?
Don't you have two hands
to put around my waist?
Melting pure gold, placing a star stone
I will get you
an ornament for your forehead
Will you be after me?
Ornament for forehead is not necessary
Blue stone too is not necessary
Will you sport
the 'kumkum' dot on my forehead?
Shall I bore your sharp nose
for pearl nose screws, will you come?
Your pearl nose screw won't work out
Will you come to rub nose to nose?
I will give you the golden ear stud
Will you come with your bod?
Whisper the auspicious date
in the ear that wears the stud
I will make an ornamental belt
for you, will you come?
Will you give me some place to stick on?
Why do I need an ornamental belt?
Don't you have two hands
to put around my waist?
I will make silver toe rings
and golden anklets....
will you come with me?
To come along with you,
no need for anklets
Will you touch my toe
with your toe like a crab?
Hey lady, I will give bangles
for your hands, will you come?
Don't want bangles, will come now
will you give your right hand?
I will give you a golden chain,
will you give a little bit?
If you will give the sacred thread
I will peel of myself for you
I will make an ornamental belt
for you, will you come?
Don 't you have two hands
to put around my waist?
Darling with beautiful nose and eyes
The best bet for kisses
Shall I measure your chest
and give a pearl necklace?
One in great heights,
and beau with lucky moles...
While you measure
the chest, touch a little
Oh silver pot, golden chain
turn to this 'chiyaan' side
If given a chance,
will come and strike
Let us not do that mischief here
I don't like love and such affairs
I have not moved
with you with such intentions
I considered you as a friend
Don't talk to me hereafter
Wait a minute
I can understand, if you don't like me
But why do you ask me
not to talk with you?
Have I behaved so badly with you?
No, if you had that in mind once
it may not be alright
Why not?
You considered me as a friend
You remain as a friend
I will continue to love you
If you feel like loving me,
you can change yourself
In case if I feel like become a friend
I will change myself
But, I will never change
They drive as if
this street is a high way
Ruling party men will do only like that
Their car procession
will become a funeral procession
Hi Arul, come Arul
Why they have pasted the poster here?
They are opening the party office
from morning it is a nuisance
It was whitewashed
for next week's marriage
See how dirty it looks
Keep quiet or it may cause trouble
Why do you do that?
Let the cattle eat it
Lighting arrangements are over
From where do we take power connection?
I will connect it from lyer's house
Hello, who are you?
You enter he house just like that
Where is the main board?
Why do you ask?
For power should l
insert it in your...........?(CENSORED)
Why do you talk like that?
You have assaulted my men
Wait, I will show you
-They have beaten me
When I went to connect power
They have beaten me
We did not do anything wrong
They have come and beaten us
Those are the guys
Connect the other end
of the wire to the bunk shop
Our government gives you the power supply
Will it affect
if we take little power?
Are you giving electric shock?
Who is Arul?
That's me
-Get into the vehicle
-What for?
Sitting on the wall, do you eve tease?
Don't talk unnecessarily
We have received a complaint
Who gave?
Should I explain it
all on the road? Come, get in
Get down
Why do you bring me here?
For us police, court,
advocate, judge are all our MLA
You may take me to
the police station for inquiry
With whom do you talk about rules?
You debris eating dog
-Look at me and repeat it
-You debris eating dog
Look at my eyes and say that
-You debris eating dog
Brother please don't
Be a police don't be a vandal
Leader is coming for
opening the party office
This guy belongs to that area
Let us handle him
once the leader's visit is over
I will kill you
Come,let us go
Why did you bring here
without taking him to station?
Sir, the MLA...
Is the MLA giving you salary?
This uniform has a dignity
-Long live
-Long live
What is this bandage?
Had a fall
Shouldn't you be careful?
-That is Singanallur Rajavelu
-How are you Rajavelu?
I am fine
He remembers my name too!
I am not asking you not to meet friends
Why do you sit
on the wall and invite trouble?
Please don't get
perturbed unnecessarily, bye
I want to talk with you
Please don't sit
on the compound wall again
Will you not listen to your friend?
When you were caught by police
I couldn't sleep throughout night
I felt like crying
I cried, don't know, why?
I was more concerned about your safety
I said I will try to become a friend
But I could not..
seems it may not be possible
- Will you change instead?
- Go home
-When you grow up what will you study?
-I'll study for prime minister
Gajapathy, you are trying to
bring under control Coimbatore
But your daughter is trying for lndia
Uncle, if sister was alive now
This house would have been
blessed with two more kids
No,These children are there
to take care of the last stages
For me, my brother is everything...
We have negotiated
the price for Ganapathy theatre
The intelligence
you show in buying property..
-..must be there in
keeping the accounts too - OK
- Leader
- Long live
- Tell me where is he?
- Anthony street...
Dear, Wait for a moment
Give it
You may go now
Start the vehicle
Coming 28th is an auspicious day
The ceremony at
our temple too is on that day
- We have informed all our relatives
- What is the function?
Our family deity is in Chethumadai
There is an annual festival
It will be very special for 2 days
All of you must come without fail
- Come - Brother, going to buy
clothes for marriage, you also come
We are buying dress for you too
You come and select it yourself
You go, we will come by bike
Find out where he is
Where is he?
Sir, why are you doing like this?
What do you want?
Why do they break everything?
How dare he touches our men?
- Are you so gutsy?
- He is not here
How many children have you begotten?
Don't hit him
He doesn't know anything
Prepare the bier with green plantain tree
I will send your son's corpse
-Where are those boys?
- Gone to Maharaja textiles to buy dresses
Is it a marriage at your friend's home?
-How is your dad?
-He is fine
That one is better than the blue
Greetings Sir
Please be seated
A minor problem, have come to clear that
Why the MLA is
sitting in the opposite shop?
The MLA is sitting in your shop
What is the matter?
- Has a boy named Arul, come there?
- Yes, son of Balan goldsmith
They are waiting to
beat him up when he comes out
- Please go upstairs
- No, we have made our purchase
No, all of you go upstairs
wait for 1 0 minutes, listen, go
Take them upstairs
and provide them seats
- Hello, is it Balan goldsmith?
- Yes
MLA has come to assault your son
If you come now, we can pacify him
Even if they beat him to death
Please don't inform me
-Brother, you start immediately
- You asked us to go upstairs
Now you want us to leave immediately
What is the problem?
MLA is waiting outside to beat you
I called and asked your dad to come
What did he say?
Tell me
He said no need to inform him,
even if you die
Senthil, What happened?
The MLA and his men came
and damaged the workshop
They have beaten our dad too
Did they beat dad?
-Arul don't go
-Leave me -Listen
Whatever happens,
none of you should come out, go
- Let us not
- Go in, do what I say
-I will..
-Brother, you just sit here
How dare you touch the MLA?
Have you beaten my dad?
How dare you touch my dad?
How unfairly they have beaten you up?
B-1 Police Station
MLA Gajapathy came to beat me
I have hit him back
So I surrender
The MLA is already dead
- Who hit him?
- Someone called Arul Kumaran
MLA's party men and
the press are anxiously waiting.. know his condition
What can we tell them?
- I will tell them
- Sir what happened?
Your husband is alright
All of you need not worry
I will give you
all details after one hour
Doctor, why did you lie to them?
He is very bad
The guy who has hit him, Arul is good
If the cause of death is revealed
Arul's life will be spoilt by litigations
So, we must create an atmosphere
for two days that he is alive
All of you must co-operate for that
-As a professional...?
-lt is not a betrayal
It is wrong to say someone alive as dead
Nothing wrong in saying
the dead as alive to save a good man
Connect the ventilator immediately
It may look as if he is breathing
Start lV fluid drips
Connect the ECG of
some other patient to the monitor
Find out his blood group
and hang a bottle
-What is the case?
-Sir, he has beaten the MLA
- Why did you beat?
- He hit me, I hit him back
So you have hit him
for self defense, is that so?
-Under what section he is booked?
-Under 307, attempt to murder
The beaten MLA is still alive
He has beaten for self defense
File it as
grievous hurt under section 324
Leader, MLA beaten up on the road badly
No one should touch him in this condition
Don't cry
Nothing will happen to my brother
Did you see your brother, how is he?
No problem for my brother
He is fine
Your MLA will be back soon
Don't worry
-Where is he?
-He is in the police station
Leader, he is the one
How dare you touch my brother?
I will kill you here itself
- Open the door
- No sir, keep quiet
- It will be a problem if I let him out
- Won't you listen to me
Please be patient
The Press and TV personnel are there outside
They will exaggerate and defame us
Please be patient
You have tilted my brother
who stood like a mountain
You are staying alive
only because he is alive now
If anything happens to him
I will burn you inside the prison...
You went inside to meet him
What did he say?
You met the one who hit your brother
What happened?
That boy expressed his regret
Don't blow this
out of proportion, leave it
Isn't he your son?
Won't you try to release him?
You can meet him at least to console
Mom, why all of you are silent?
No one from this house will go to see him
Because they are all good
Only he is bad
He is bad
I can't undertake this case
Please leave me
- If you decide to help him.....
- First you go away from here
- Sister, this is Senthil speaking
- What is the matter?
Brother is caught in a police case
That is why brother in law..
Oh God! He has gone to
attend a meeting in Villupuram
He will be back in the morning
I will bring him as soon as he comes
- Senthil, What happened?
- He is not in station
All advocates refuse to come
They are afraid
They will take you
to jail tomorrow morning
In a fix, called Thiruppathy uncle,
he is not in station
Why did you inform him?
We didn't inform
-Kanmani & Senthil informed them
-Fortunately nothing happened to MLA
-Else it could have been a big problem
-MLA died -What are you saying?
When I dragged his body itself,
his pulse stopped
God is helping me in some form
Nothing will happen to me
You may go
Tirupathi, don't worry
- I will arrange for bail through
our company's advocate - OK
Balakrishnan, I am Ramasamy speaking
Must go to
Coimbatore immediately, come soon
Doctor, what are you
going to write in the report?
In their caste do they bury or cremate?
They will cremate
Mourning for Gajapathy
Come let's go
- Greetings
- Come Tirupathi
I saw the FlR
filed under section 324, grevious hurt
With 50000 Rs & 2 ration cards
we can easily bail him out by evening
-Arrange for money first
-Thankam, I have only 1 0000 Rs
Go home and get 40000 Rs
Whose money it is?
Am I working as
a gold smith in Coimbatore..
..or printing counterfeit currencies?
Let him stay behind bars for 1 year
Let us see if he reforms
Are you all dumb?
Can't you tell him to give money?
He is also your brother
What harm has he done to you?
Please take it
Why do you..?
It is alright, please take it
Have it
On condition the accused
Arul Kumaran must report to the..
..concerned police station
& sign registers, I release him on bail
- Uncle
- Yeah
Our advocate has fired
the plaintiff's advocate like anything
- Dr.Viswanathan only helped us..
- Get an auto
Why an auto?
Our vehicle is there
Your job is over
I will take care of the rest, you go
Why do you send home now?
Are you concerned about my family?
Please listen to me
I know you can counter
But whom have you beaten this time?
-Brother of the one who holds
the reign of this state -You are right
The proverb 'with uncle's help
you can climb hill' is right, come on
Come dear
How did you stay for
I am not worried about
No one came to
see me at least for one day
That makes me sad
what wrong I have done?
If I haven't hit him,
he would have killed me
- Then would you all been happy?
- Don't talk like that son
Dad did not give money to bail me out
Mom, I have given my salary
You could have given from that
Did I eat for the entire amount?
You will never overrule your hubby
There is no place in this house
for those who have gone to the jail
Ask him to go out
Is this a family?
You have some defect in your tongue
But for your dad
the entire body is defective
If one does not help
his son in distress, is he a dad?
- Tell that to him
- Those who have driven their wife..
..out of home is talking about morals
There is nothing wrong in
a hubby beating his wife
But the hubby should guard her
when a third person tries to beat her
Neither your dad
nor these stoopers will understand
Don't look down and blow all the time
At times look up also, you will know
whether the crow is excreting
or the vulture drops the snake
None of you have concern even to
the extent of girl in opposite house
Whenever I quarrel with him
I used to tell him, I have 4 brothers..
..and they will let you go scot free
If I trust you all,
I will be on the streets
For my kids, there is only one
maternal uncle and that is Arul only
-Ask your hubby to leave for Tiruppur
-Of course we are leaving
Don't think we are
going to stay here and dine
Go and bring the kids
come brother-in-law
He has come from jail
He should not land in problems again
All his bad days should be over
he should have a holy shower
Without doing this,
all of you are firing him, you sit down
My son will stay here only
He will not go anywhere
Come, we are waiting for you only
For an ordinary ear boring ceremony
You have sent a car for me
You are great subbiah
For whom I should do?
-lt is for my mother
-For your mother?
-What is her age?
-70 -70?
She wanted to do at
a very young age, but couldn't do it
- Now we want to do it
-You want to fulfill your mom's desire..
..even when she is 70 years old
You are not an ordinary son
Great son of a mother
Son who doesn't disobey mother
Son who has saved the mother
- Just a minute,
let me also dance my part -Be quick
Come before the auspicious time is over
Yes, yes, come quick
-What is this?
-She is my mother
For whom did you ask to do nose boring?
- For my mother only
- Did you bring me to do for a corpse?
- Are you calling my mother a corpse?
- What else can I say?
Are you calling it a corpse?
Come do it
-Arul has come out on bail
-Even before my brother's rites are over..
How did he come out on bail?
Court has said
he has not died due to the hits
-What are you saying?
-ln the doctor certificate...
What is written in doctor certificate?
Because he used to drink heavily,
liver failure has caused the death
Oh God!
He doesn't drink because of that
he didn't auction any wine shop
Some mistake has happened
Hey, who is the doctor
who made that report? Bring him
Where is your chief doctor?
But for you,l would have been
tormented by litigation
- My life would have been spoiled
- Someone will help good people
I might be one among them, that is all
Ruling party men came
searching for you here
Now they might be
on their way to your home
- Be alert doctor
- OK
Immediately lodge a complaint
with police that Sethupathy's men..
..have damaged your property
and has made an attempt on your life
I will deal with the rest
Bring stones and sticks
Break everything
Arul what is all this?
Oh God, dear
What is all this?
It is all broken
Commissioner, what does that
inspector think about himself?
Knowing pretty well, they are my men
He has arrested them
Ask him to release them immediately
FlR is filed, public has also seen
He is not an ordinary man and is
equivalent to a sub collector in rank
He is the Government hospital dean
This government is mine, don't you know?
I will produce him in
court tomorrow and bail him out
Please don't interfere in that
doctor's matter, it'll become a big issue
Send any number of persons
Tomorrow morning
I should get the news that Arul is dead
Should we go for
their family deity function?
He didn't agree to your proposal
He has come from jail now
You only think
about him always, leave him
- I will leave, this world
- Sister
That world (Heaven) is not for
those without GRACE
For those with no money, this world....
I will not come to the temple
My esteem has been damaged here
In my native place, in front of
relatives, should I get disgraced?
The court has acquitted him
then why does he shout like this?
I will not come to a place
where he is present
I don't know what sin we committed
My son is suffering like this
By not worshipping the family deity
Should we invite God's wrath again?
Don't know what will happen
First quit this place & reach there safely
- You have begot a fantastic uncle
- Was it me?
Uncle, he is not coming,
Let us go, come
Get in, load it carefully
Careful, child
Wait, let everyone get in
They stand like the yarn loaded on a loom
Shall we weave them?
Go & tell your leader 1 000 men are
coming with wedges for him
We will come and screw those wedges
Get back with your life intact
- Sethupathy
- Down down
Are you surprised to hear shouts
against you in your own den?
God will not tolerate atrocities for long
Yesterday you have sent 1 0 persons
Today you have sent 1 00 persons
Tomorrow you send 1 000 persons
In the same constituency..
..I can make 1 lakh people assemble here
Do you want to see that?
You can do that only in this place
I have 1 000 people in each place
They are hired hands
All these people have
sacrificed one day's wages
Look here I have no
enemity with your brother
He came to hit me
I have hit him back
That is all over
Leave at this
Politics, property,
happiness, government, power
It is all nothing
before my brother for me
You have killed him
I will not leave you
The agony I suffered
must be felt by you daily
I want to see you lit the
funeral pyre for each member of your family
Have you heard this?
Heard the echo for one shout of Arul?
If he does it again, all of us will
enter your house and tear apart
We have not come for fighting
Only for peace
So control yourself and go in
Go in
He said something about the family
He might say, don't take it seriously
No you get back immediately
Play a good tune fit for dancing
come on play it
His family and entire kinship has
assembled at the temple festival
Send Muthumari and finish him off
Come, are you coming only now?
Are you fine?
Heard you got into some problem
And you have hit some one
Enough,even if you talk more
he will hit you
Come, let us go and worship God
How are you?
who are you?
Muthu's brother in law
Muthu's brother in law?
Nothing will happen
But we must be alert
You said, you won't come to the temple
-But you have come
- What If I come?
No, you said, you will not come
what if I said?
No uncle
What do you mean by no,uncle?
-what uncle?
-Why, this to me?
-What do you mean by why this to me?
-No uncle
-what, no uncle?
-What gosh?
-what Aha?
I will smack you
-Worship God
-What do you mean by worship God?
Smart guy, has become alert
Was this girl not named so long?
They name her only now
This is a tradition followed by us
For newly married,before the family deity
She will be named again, same name only
After marriage,
you will also be named like this
Why did he come here?
Has he come to defame me?
Ask him to go out
He said, he will not come
But he has come,
but how can we send him out?
Will he not keep quiet?
If you put stone mortar in his mouth
he will keep quiet
But he will not
keep quiet, when he sees Arul
Is it soup?
How about the cooking?
May I know who you are?
I am Muthu's brother in law
I will take care, ok
What he is doing beneath the palmyra tree
Tell this black chap what are you doing?
We are selling palmyra sap
would you like to have?
Does it include lime
It does not
Then it is toddy,
give him a mug, let him drink
We have to get back to temple, don't drink
If drinking is defilement
Bathing is the cure for it
Not only that your dad
scolded you in front of all
-You might bear it
But we can't bear it -Then die
Pour some more
Even if he calls me an
oilcake I don't mind
Is there a dad who
doesn't admonish the children?
Even if he calls me a clod
I don't mind
After all my dad called me so, so what?
Even if dad's club criticizes, never mind
You can react like U.N.
Kinship is always testing
Your dad would have been
kicked by his dad
If it is said to me,
looking at my eyes
If it is not my dad
I will thrash him
Even if he calls me an
oilcake I don't mind
Is there a dad who
doesn't admonish the children?
Even if he calls me a clod
I don't mind
After all my dad called me so, so what?
July-August wind
will make even the grinding stone fly
If your dad becomes nutty
his eyes will feel darkness
The cow will kick the calf
Even if it pains the calf
cries only as 'Ma'
If you are ill treated
it pains me
Even 5 bottles have not
given me any stupor
If the rails are not
in place, the train will derail
If dad is not respected
entire life will become slippery
If it is said to me, looking at my eyes
If it is not my dad
I will thrash him
Even if he calls me an
oilcake I don 't mind
Is there a dad who
doesn 't admonish the children?
Even if he calls me a clod
I don't mind
After all my dad called me so, so what?
The best toddy is
the toddy from a single tree
Fathers are always like that
Leave it buddy
The best bow is that of Arjun
The best word is that of dad
The biggest tyre is that of the lorry
The biggest snob is that of your dad
What is between me and dad
is our private affair
Whoever talk ill of this
will find their teeth flying
If it is said to me, looking at my eyes
If it is not my dad
I will thrash him
Even if he calls me a clod
I don't mind
After all my dad called me so, so what?
Even if dad's club criticizes, never mind
You can react like U.N.
Kinship is always testing
Your dad would have been
kicked by his dad
If it is said to me, looking at my eyes
If it is not my dad
I will thrash him
What were you doing?
I was just checking the salt level
The 'pooja' is not yet over
why do you taste it before that?
Some guy said he is a relative
He has tasted the sambar
What were you doing then?
What can I do?
He said he is Muthu's brother in law
I thought he is your relative
We thought he is your cook
What has happened?
A guy with towel was around here
He has tasted the food and polluted it
He claims, he is Muth's brother in law
Muthu has no brother in law
Call uncle
Might have done some mischief
Must catch him and
inquire to know details
Search every where
You all go this side, search
We are going towards bus stand
Did anyone with a towel
come here? Looks like a cook
He just boarded the bus
-Should have caught him
-Why should I catch him?
Look at his explanation
Don't waste time by talking
Quickly intercept the bus
Go fast
Wait, It is said,
should not move when hit by a crow
Get me a mug of water
Seems the crow is in agony
Must have consumed something
Seems it has consumed rice
Can't hear the drum beats
then 'pooja' is over
Would have offered first food to the crow
-You are right
-Oh god...
-He has brought water
Don't eat the food
Some one has poisoned the food
Some party fellow might have done it
Don't eat
Why do you torment me like this?
To kill you,
they would have killed 500 people?
Who asked you to come here?
I don't know what sin I have committed?
All sins have come in your form
My honour and prestige has gone
All because of him
What are you talking?
Any other dad would have been proud
If his son saves 500 lives
But you are admonishing him
put the entire blame on him
He has beaten the MLA,
because he has hit you
I have seen dad's who feel for..
..their ward even if he is a thief
But I am seeing a dad here
who hates his son
who is like by all
Stop you young girl
His siblings are quiet
You talk loudly as if you
have shared his bed
Don't cry
Kanmani, don't cry
Not sharing bed
But going to share life with me
To kill our family,
he has targeted the whole village
Will he keep quiet?
Before he strikes us
We must strike him
Then only he will have a fear over us
Don't worry
I can bring the entire Tiruppur to coimbatore
Break the boards first
Break everything
If you hide, will we leave you?
Arul has entered
the party office and is assaulting all
What are you doing there?
In the name of party
have you not swindled public money?
No one should be inside
Drive them all out
Thanks Arul
You have got back my house for me
This is the house document.
Give back when I return from Delhi
People's party office
has been encroached by you
I have received complaints to this effect
We know, who has send you
And why you have come
See this, the agreement
we have signed with the house owner
Stop it
He is asking us to vacate the shop
And is atrociously attacking us
If you extract money
in the name of exorbitant interest
I will kick you,
your leader and party men in the streets
Go away
In today's circumstances,
running the mill is very difficult
Sethupathy's men demanded
party funds, election funds
And has troubled us a lot
Because we didn't give money
They have instigated
Workmen to go on strike
against the management
They forced us to pay unwanted taxes
Today Arul is opposing sethupathy
We must rally behind him
Must provide him money and support
Look, the party office colour has changed
Take her inside
What is all this?
Though the marriage was not done formally
We should honour the traditional routines
Sit down
Though my daughter has
gone for an independent house
Her in law's place is this only
When my son married
your daughter on that day
I was worried that you would block it
on the grounds,
that he has been imprisoned
If I were to do that
I should do that for my hubby also
Kanmani's dad is in Rangoon jail
Two years ago, in a business scuffle
He attacked him and was jailed
Now my brother is
looking after that business
Next year he will be released from jail
Till date, even my daughters
don't know about this
Who has not done wrongs?
Circumstances make them do so
Auntie come,
Are you fine? - I am fine
We have a tradition
to name the new daughter in law
at our family temple
What is it?
Before God, you would be named again
when can we go?
That is for those
who marry at a different place
I have married her at our temple
That can be done later
-Not that
- Dear.. Iisten to me
Aunty wants us
to do some naming at temple
Why do you refuse?
Don't you know what it is?
I don't know
I will smack you
you were asking about it to sister in law
How do you know that?
I eavesdropped
Naughty guy
You have married me twice
Do you know?
-One is an yellow thread
And the other one a white thread
Do you still keep it with you?
So far nothing good has happened
in our constituency
After his death,
now it is a good time for us
People need not get
loans for exorbitant interest
and forego their property
against the loan,hereafter
We should follow whatever Arul says
If Arul is contesting against Sethupathy
It is good for Jeeva nagar people
If Arul has a problem
All of us should join together
You should
have weeded him out when he was a plant
Now he has
grown like a tree and is opposing you
Ukkadam and
Jeeva nagar people support him
Show him what will happen
If he opposes one in office
Stop electricity, water,
ration & everything
Let them not have water for bathing
drinking and even in toilets
Let it stink
He thinks, this will solve the problem
What is this?
whether is night or daytime, there is no power
EB people say,
if you oppose ruling party men
You will have to bear the consequences
Water has stopped, what to do?
Grandma, is there no water here also?
No water at all
Sit down
What is the matter?
There is no water
and electricity in our area
And we are suffering a lot
This is all because of Sethupathy
You only have the courage
and boldness to oppose them
You can bring light to us
Yes I will take care
Give water
Are you not ashamed to say
nothing can be done
At the opportune time
set fire to the Jeeva nagar huts
If you do like this
no one will vote for us
We can cast those votes
All of you come quick
They have set fire to huts
Save my child
My house is on fire
save my child
Fortunately she came out and saw him
Otherwise entire huts
would have been burnt
That people's party men has set ablaze
He has killed my child
Party leader Sethupathy
is coming to console
Stop there, if you step forward
I will cut off your legs
You have killed the child
Have you come now to console?
After setting fire,
have you come to console?
Just because they support me,
you have burnt their house
If all of them unite,
do you know what will happen?
Did I set fire?
what basis you say this?
There is an eyewitness, to the incident
They have seen your man setting fire
You have named
your party as People's Party
What have you done for the people?
Because you are in power and in office
you are behaving like this
You have killed my child
You will be doomed
Have you seen this child?
Take it from me
If your party men contest here
I will kill him, whoever he may be
I swear on this dead child, go away
I could have shot him
the other day when he has hit me
But my dependent invalid,
Another sister who refuses to get married
When elder sister is yet to be married
have tied down me
I am tolerating their atrocities
If they are alive,
no one can live peacefully
You are doing what I could not do
I am very happy about it
Whatever help you need I will do
What is it you are thinking so seriously?
Nothing, 5000Rs is missing
-5000 missing, when?
-Yesterday night
You claim you are
a union leader for 5000 people
Can't you keep 5000Rs safely?
Don't you have common sense?
Have you found out who has taken it?
I have found out
Then kick him and get the money
He is a relative, so I am hesitant
Don't look for all this,
when he is doing this
Thrash him
so you want me to hit him
When you have said it,
why should I hesitate?
I have taken it
why didn't you say this earlier?
I was trying get away, but couldn't do it
What have you done with that money?
I have purchased silver for Rs 5000
I landed in a small problem
What is that?
How did you get this?
My brother in law has send it from Singapore
I will give 50,000 Rs
worth silver for Rs 5000
I don't want this
will get trapped in police case, go
Are you worried about that?
I will give in writing that I have sold it
You give in writing
that you have purchased it
That is right, you give in writing
Have this
Do you keep it ready?
All shop keepers ask for it
Do they ask for it?
All shopkeepers are brilliant people
Sign it
Get Rs 5000
Hold it
Bring it
Ah! this is a brick
- Useless fellow
- Why this? - For being a fool
If you have spent
Rs 5000 usefully I can understand
But you have purchased
a brick for Rs 5000
Are you trying to assault me?
stay there
stay there, you fool
He is dead
I used to walk through streets with fear
Never knew when a
decayed egg or acid filled egg will be thrown at
Now I come very peacefully
All this is because of your son
Like 'soorasamharam' by Lord Muruga
He has thrashed the MLA
You should be very proud as Arul's father
-How are you?
What do I lack?
Your son looks after me very well
How are you uncle?
You are just 4 streets away
Can't you come to our house once?
Seems uncle is still angry with us
I will come later
Today I saw uncle
The one in Rangoon?, has he come?
I saw your parents at the temple
Say Father in law
Yes I should thank him really
Had he not admonished you
will you have dragged me
married me and brought me here?
Even now you have married me,
because he scolded you
Have you ever said to me 'l love you '?
If I don't love you,
will I get biriyani for you?
Biriyani? I don't eat biriyani
Then have you forgotten those leg pieces?
That was before marriage,
now I have changed
-Eat for my sake
- I can't
I am telling you, come on eat
God does not like atrocities
Arul does not like dirty talks
Kanmani doesn't like if you boss over
What will you do?
Look at me and say that
What will you do?
Look at my eyes and say that?
What will you do?
Sudaamani, you are blowing hot
Don't rage, you have become red
Sudaamani, you are blowing hot
Don't rage, you have become red
You are threatening me like a rogue
Injuring my cheeks with your moushtache
I will get you chicken Biriyani, come
Don't eat like a glutton and sleep
Don't yearn for it
after dawn, you will have it
Give your concurrence with fondness
On a white horse I will come majestically
Coimbatore girl, I will run away with you
Even if you beg, I will not let you go
Why do you behave arrogantly?
Why do you unnecessarily wag?
I will not lose the hide and seek game
Even if you beg I will not give myself
If I kiss you like ants
Sweet sugarcane what will you do?
You are showing all your skills
and trying to gauge me
Shall I come near
shall I come near you?
- Shall I contain you?
- Gosh!
Sudaamani, you are blowing hot
Don't rage, you have become red
You are threatening me like a rogue
Injuring my cheeks with your moustache
You are a hot betel leaf
Oh my dear!
Oh my dear!
Has your desire not subsided?
Has your moustache not drooped?
Male hands are always naughty
If a girl is near
males will try to fondle her
You are stirring my age
You are churning my mind
Women always talk more
when they see males, talk innuendo's
If housewife become adamant
what will you do?
Even if you do mistake
will fondle you and enjoy
If you are not alert,
will bite your ear
You are a ruffian and are trying to steal
If I request you go overboard
when I become tough you request
Sudaamani, you are blowing hot
Don't rage..
Sudaamani, you are blowing hot
Don't rage, you have become red
You are threatening me like a rogue
Injuring my cheeks with your moustache
I will get you chicken Biriyani, come
Don't eat like a glutton and sleep
Don't yearn for it
after dawn, you will have it
Give your concurrence with fondness
By-election in Kovai west constituency
Official announcement
by Election Commission
We have assembled here
to decide the candidate
For the ensuing by-election
Why did you laugh?
I thought about the scapegoat and laughed
Can Arul compete with
ruling party candidate?
He has killed
the party leader's brother in the streets
and is still going strong
what you couldn't do then
will you do now?
If all of you keep quiet
what does it mean?
This is my family's constituency
Block secretary, you have
fractured your hands for party's sake
It is your cherished wish
to become an MLA
You can contest
Do you mean me?
More than me KM can
get more community votes here
If he contests, would defenitley win
I don't have any such desires
I will remain as a party worker
Even the last party worker
must participate in governance
That is my desire
KM you are the candidate
This is an order by your party chief
I propose his candidature
I second his candidature
Which party people?
When election is announced, they will
become busy, Look how fast they walk
Stop, why do you go
in a procession inside the office?
- Who are you all?
- We belong to opposition party
-Which means?
-We will sit opposite & block proceedings
- Where are you going now?
- To get support
-After getting support?
-Will become MLA
We could not get that support
that is why we are waiting here
For your face, who will give support
all of you go out
-Why should we go out?
-Those who have rushed in will rush out
Shouldn't you give him way?
Go away
Like assembly,
why do you strip your dhoti?
In politics, it will happen everywhere
So what?
Will your big moustache frighten me?
Don't think I will be scared
Stingy fellows
Once they come out,
take them away, else I'll kill you
If you can extend your support
to us in the ensuing election
We will meet your expectations
and do good to the people
I am not a politician
and I don't know politics
But I know one thing for sure
For 1 2 years Sethupathy's brother
As MLA has spoiled this constituency
We will surely do good
Believe us
If they contest the election
I will kill them
Your party men can contest
But after winning the election..
If you do wrongs,
I will kill him also
I am not opposing politics
I am opposing bad politicians only
If people have trust on you,
you will definitely win, bye
-What is the matter?
-Greetings, commissioner wants to meet you
Inform I am coming
-Sit down
-No thanks
Did you threaten
people's party Krishnamurthy?
I am an ordinary person
Why should I threaten him?
- I have not even seen him
- So you have surely not threatened him
- No sir
- OK you may go
Sir, so far I talked officially
I want to talk with you unofficially
Will you switch off the tape recorder?
Are you wondering,
how I know that you are recording?
I know the strengths of officials
and the weaknesses of politicians
Sir, tell me honestly
were you not unhappy over the atrocities..
..committed by Sethupathy and Gajapathy
Have you not felt,
they should be put behind bars even once?
Even if you want, you can't do it
Because you are a government official
I am just fulfilling
your helpless emotions
It might be wrong
in the eyes of your department
But deep in your heart,
you will feel what I do is right
I don't want your support
but be a silent spectator, that will do
Take it from me
From Sethupathy's party
who ever contests, I will kill
Ask that Krishnamurthy to come
Arul says he has never threatened you
file your nomination boldly
Rest we will take care
which one, my death?
Will commissioner be with you for 24 hrs?
Do you sleep hugging him?
Even then, if the ceiling fan
falls on your head, what will you do?
-lt will surely fall
-He is again threatening me
You are alright,
you have no cardiac problems
I also know that
But if I go out, I will be killed
I will lie here for 10 days
Say I have a cardiac attack
This was a ruse done by me
Is he showing me the same trick?
No point in
trusting you guys, who fear death
- Call up Palayamkottai Kasilingam
- Yes leader
I will make him the candidate
who can oppose him?
Line is busy, seems his phone is engaged
-Have you seen him? Follow him
-I am trailing him -Tell me the location
He has crossed the twin bridge
I'll also join,
I've crossed the twin bridge
Chellapandian is going
near the traffic island
-Where is he going?
-He is going to the right - Go fast
-He is crossing the road
-I have come close
He is the guy, hit him
-Poor fellow, untimely demise
Pay the fine and come -OK
Kasi, I am sethupathy here
-Tell me leader
-lmmediately come to Coimbatore - OK
Why are you standing in hot sun dear?
I was waiting for you only
Were you waiting for me?
What is the matter?
My ear stud has fallen in the tank
Will you take it out for me?
Is your stud in this tank?
For your sake, I will jump
into the sea also, just see
I will not come without the stud
Is it stinking too much?
this is our house septic tank
Is it a septic tank?
It is ok, after all it is our tank
What a stink is this?
This is a trade secret
- Just like we sieve the gold sand
I can get your stud - Take it
Thank God! This is the last bucket
this must be seived thoroughly
Has the tank been cleaned?
Many thanks
Yet to get your ear stud,
why do you thank me now?
-You have already taken it
-Which one?
- The sludge
- What about stud? - Here it is
Don't be upset,
the drain was blocked for the last 1 0 days
..the corporation guys asked for Rs 50
So I told you I have lost my ear stud
But you are really fast
You have cleaned it
Good boy!
She has made me clean this sludge
Come, what do you want?
Want to check the voter's list
Give us your ration card
We are newly married,
we don't have a card for us
-Come after 1 0 minutes,
I'll get card from my in-law's place -OK
- Brother
- What?
- Get ration card from
our house and his house - Yes madam
-Your name?
- Kanmani - It is there
Your husband's name?
Arul Kumaran
Baladhandayuthapani, Sornammal,
Thirukumaran, Velkumaran, Senthil
-Before that Arul Kumaran will be there
- It is not there
Check again
I have checked, check for yourself
Mom, am I not your son?
Did you not give me birth?
Is that man my dad?
My name is not there in ration card
How come it is missing?
Who gave names? Am I so unwanted?
Atleast girls can have
husband's name in initials after marriage
But males, have to use
dad's name in initials, no other go
He may say I am not his son
But for me, till my death he is my dad
Otherwise it will be a stigma on you
I don't want to defame you
Go, all of you
Have you heard him?
No one can give troubles to
one's son more than this?
For some of his wrongs,
in my anger I didn't give his name
I have even said my son is dead
But have I ever said he is not my son?
The jewels were not stolen by Arul
It was done by him
Arul also knows about this
But till date he has not
talked a word about it..
..and has safeguarded his esteem
Safeguarding it
- Greetings leader
- Come Kasi
I was roaming with weapons
You have now called me to politics
-Bless you
- Bring that, all of them call me bad
But you have displayed
huge hoardings for me
You come victoriously
I can get you a ministerial berth
After the public meeting,
file nomination tomorrow
Leave it to me
I'll show my prowess in the public meeting
This is not an introductory meeting
This must be Arul's doom
- Change the route and finish him off
- Arul has come to meet you
Ask him to come,
check him thoroughly before you let him
Why so many mobile phones?
Are you running a brothel?
All guys are caught with mobile phones
Sit down
Heard you would
kill me if I contest elections
How many you have killed so far?
Do you know about me?
You are a big rowdy
and is eking out a living with a sickle
You have a roaring profession
why do you interfere in this?
Are you counselling me?
I am not counseling
telling you to run away wisely
-What are you saying?
-You might be a big thug in Tirunelveli
But as for as
Coimbatore is concerned, I know
I know which is 'one way',
which is a no parking area..
.. and number of speed breakers
and signals, do you know?
I can drive blind folded
and reach the target, can you?
- I am from Tambiraparani river banks
- I am from Siruvani river banks
You have grown with sickle
But I have grown amidst bomb blasts
If I kick you on the run
do you know to get back to your place?
Do you know..........(CENSORED)
God does not like atrocities
I don't like abuses -What will you do?
Look at me and repeat it
Look at my eyes and say that
Put it down
Put the phone down
Put it down
Hey you!
Do you know how many more are there?
Get back to your place
If you conduct a public meeting
Do that and see what happens........
What is this?
He has blasted bombs and is going
I am not scared of these toy bombs
Arrange for the meeting
I am garlanding leader Kasilingam
I am prepared to toil
for you day in and day out
Whatever may be the hurdles
I will return victoriously
Kasilingam is
a jasmine nurtured at Nellai
He is a water lily blossomed in the night
He has come here hopping
He will win the elections.......
- You have defied me and
conducting the meeting - Who are you?
Just see,
now there will be a power failure
-Where are you?
-See now, your hoarding will be blasted
Now it is the turn
for your leader's hoarding
Where are you?
-Leave that
The dias won't be there now-Escape if possible
Get down & run
Start the vehicle
Are you running away scared?
Who is scared?
Right now I'll bring 5 lorry loads of men
and see to it that you are finished
Before you bring the lorry...
..see whether a lorry is in front of you?
Is there a lorry behind you?
If the lorry in front stops and
the lorry behind rams into your car
Do you know what will happen?
- Where are you?
Just turn behind
You will hit men with your car
But I will hit car with lorries
Shall l?
Driver stop the car
Arul leave me, I know only
about daggers and sickle
I don't know about bombs
I will go
Ok, I will let you live
Start the vehicle quickly
That guy got admitted in hospital
Then people went
raving about Palayamkottai Kasilingam
But he has also
run away fearing your brother
- Are you not scared?
- No I am not
But your eyes doesn't reveal
the courage of your lips
I am daily praying God for his well being
Nothing will happen to him
My husband is with him
He will take care
-I want to know either of the two
- What is that two?
- Will you marry me or not?
When did I say I will marry you?
Then is your dance,
songs and talks with me a farce?
- You can take it that way
- Sir..
If you don't marry
I will marry her and make her my wife
Don't worry, I have
I will transfer that to your name
Why did you marry that beggar in haste?
I am loving you dearly
- Really
- Yes
- Then swear on my head
- Not true
Dont feel for it
If we give 1 0 Rs she will give it back
Have this 1 0Rs and give me the chain back
Is the sacred thread so cheap to you?
For each lady that is the protection
I am a Tamilnadu beggar
Come and live with me
All of you come
what happened?
He is trying to decieve me
after marrying me
After marrying,is he deceiving?
Are beggares so mean to you?
Don't leave him, lift him
When you beg along
with your wife, come to our house
I will give you 4 idli's extra
Kasilingam has fled without giving information
CM is on the line
You brought a rowdy from Palayamkottai
He has run away
This has spoiled the party's image
I am the party chief,mind it
Lot of them question us in party meetings
I don't know what to do?
Seems there will be inner party squabbles
Today is the last day for filing nomination
What have you decided?
In my own soil,
despite being the ruling party
Couldn't find a candidate to contest
I am going to contest
I will contest
You said you will not contest the electons
Why do you contest now?
circumstancial compulsions
Because Arul has popular support
It is said you couldn't do anything
You go away
Go all of you
Your partyman's refusal has not made you wise
Are you going to contest?
File the nomination and see the fun
I will kill you on the spot
Are you going to kill me?
At 4'O'clock I am going to
file the nomination
Before that his family members
count must come down
Push him into the car
Take him to the same place
where they have killed my brother
Senthil,my son
what has happened to you?
Oh my son, Senthil
Who did this?
Why did they kill my son?
Oh God!
Oh God!
Rowdies strike frequently
Politicians wait for the right time to strike
I am a politician
you must cry
People must die in your house
That is your destiny
Those with brothers
need not fear any force
With uncle's support
you can climb any mountain
You will not have that uncle also
Why do you cry?
Don't weep dear, Get him 2 baloons
Uncle where are you?
I am in the exhibition
Who are all with you?
Your sister and children
None of our men are with you?
Why,is there any problem?
They have killed senthil
How did it happen?
Go fast
What happened?
why are you running?
Have attacked a man
Attacked?, Oh God
Move away
-Keep quiet
Start the vehicle
Don't leave them
If you leave them, even these
children will not survive
It is nothing
Do you know one thing?
If you lose your partner,everything is lost
You would have understood the next target
You be here
Move away
Where is Kanmani?
she has gone to her mother's house
Body has not yet come from the hospital
Kanmani, my life is gone
My life has become like this
Children have become orphans
What will I do?
Don't weep
I only killed your husband
I didn't intend to kill him
But he died
Do you know for his death, you only cry
But the entire village is happy
No one has found fault with me, why?
Do you know, he has made
how many women widows?
Don't worry about the dead
and spoil the life of your children
I am arresting you
for injuring Sethupathy's men
Beloved Arul - Release him
Beloved Arul - Release him
Arul kumar'supporters
indulge in agitations
as cited by police,
to avoid deterioration of Law and order
I remand him to custody
At Salem central jail for 1 5 days
-Long live
-Long live
-Long live
-Long live
-Long live
Stop the vehicle
-Long live
Why this much crowd
Leader himself is contesting the elections
He will have a sweeping victory
Move away
-Long live
Move away, move
Greetings collector
Greetings, come be seated
-Long live
-Long live
-Long live
Normally they shout
only when they see him
Now they shout even after he has gone in
What are you doing outside?
One guy is on a chopping spree inside
What are you saying sir?
What is happening there?
Break open
What were you doing out?
Ramanathan where are you?
I am proceeding to Salem Jail
where is Arul?
He is with me sir
Dont tell lies
He has killed the peoples party leader here
How can he come there when he is with me?
Give the phone to him
As per lPC I need not give he phone to an accused
If you want you can meet him in person
At Avinashi road our van is waiting
We will go in that
We have to prove Arul was not
in the van to make him the accused
Inform Avinashi check post
Ok sir
Ask highways patrol to follow the van
Ok sir
Inspector is on the line
Arul where are you?
We have crossed Karumathampatti
Highway police is following me
Before I reach Avinashi checkpost join me
Check post is how far?
Between police and you?
I will somehow reach there
Who has parked like this?
Where is Arul?
-Tell me - He is in the vehicle
do you want to talk to him?