Arundhati (2009)

Oh God! You're so excited!
You keep quiet!
Is it any ordinary matter?
Who don't you guys come out?
Come... come I say...
- Why are you shouting?
What's the matter sir?
You seem to very happy!
I'm feeling choked unable
to tell you the good news.
Where's Chandramma, who'll be
very happy to hear this good news?
What's it, my little one?
- That is...
Stop it son... stop...
Is my dear one fine in Hyderabad?
Can't you judge how fine she
would be looking at me?
You tell me,
after my mother Jejamma's marriage,
what's the biggest auspicious function
you'd be happy you see
That is...?
- Auspicious function!
What's it, son?
- Your most eagerly awaited auspicious function.
Is my dear one's marriage fixed?
- Yes.
Back then, it was your marriage,
now this junior madam's marriage.
Where are you going?
- Wait, I'll come back in a minute.
Your marriage...
my vow...
Sir, isn't she your maid servant?
Why is she calling you informally?
We never treated her like a maid.
She's the oldest married woman
for my earlier and this generation.
other... Jejamma's marriage invitation.
I must see this marriage also.
The bride is your granddaughter,
why are you calling her with respect?
After the death of my mother Jejamma,
my family didn't have any girl child
for 3 generations,
so after she was born
I named her after my mother,
so I respect her like
I respect my mother.
Read the auspicious fixed time, little one.
with star Mrigaseera,
- Mrigaseera!
in the auspicious time of Mithuna,
- Mithuna... same time!
early morning at 6:14 am!
Your mother is born again
as your grand daughter.
That's she, this marriage is also
fixed at the same time like hers.
Arundhati is marrying at the
same auspicious time Jejamma married.
Welcome to Gadwal!
What's this heavy downpour?
It started as soon as we entered the outskirts.
Drive carefully!
Sir's family, Chandramma and others will
be waiting for this marriage agreement.
Isn't it our luck to this agreement?
Yes, our madam Arundhati...
Are you fine?
- What happened?
That's what I too can't understand.
What had really happened?
Can't see anything!
There's a palatial bungalow!
Come, let's call home.
Where are you going?
Go back I say.
Our car met with an accident,
we want to make a phone call.
This is not real.
What about the building we can see?
Go back.
- We need to call urgently, come.
Why is he stopping us?
I think he's a mad man.
Come... come in...
Our car met with...
- I know everything.
This is all yours, please come in.
This looks like some royal palace...
- Yes!
Where is she?
This is kingdom of Gadwal!
It's my son's!
Leaving my son alone here,
is Arundhati marrying there?
I'll not let it happen!
Dear... I'm here!
Upstairs... please come dear...
Dear... I'm inside this...
Inside that?
What's happening here, Susheeela?
This is... this is my... grave!
- It's grave, dear!
Grave? How do I get you out of it?
Break it open, dear!
- How did you get into it?
Is it necessary to you?
It's totally dark inside.
I'm unable to breathe,
please break it open, hubby!
Please break it open, dear...
Break it open... I say!
Break open this grave!
Break it open I say!
Break open this grave!
Break it open!
Break it!
- Break it...
Release him from that grave!
Release my son from it.
- Break it open!
Release free my son from her spell.
Release free my son from her spell.
Hey Arundhati! How long do I've
to undergo this punishment?
I'm burning with revenge inside
this grave for 80 years now.
Your end!
Are you going to marry Arundhati?
You left me to decay in a grave,
I'll not leave you, Bommali!
I'll come... I'll come definitely...
and take revenge on you.
Man dying with revenge
will become a ghost.
It'll not leave this world
till it avenges.
It'll wait for generations
to seek revenge.
Greetings Prasad.
- Greetings Raju.
You've arranged very grandly your
daughter's marriage henna ceremony.
My only daughter,
I can't believe she's grown up to marry.
This is nothing, he'll stun Hyderabad
with the grandeur of marriage.
She's apple of your eye.
Brother, priest says it's time
for the function to start. - Is it?
Yes, dear.
It's time for the function,
where is Arundhati?
They are getting her ready upstairs.
Dear Arundhati!
You are the moon...
Your smile is the moonbeam...
You're groomed elaborately
after taking bath in clouds...
Shining bright with pearl flourish...
The moment festivities began...
This home has become
celestial Brindhavan...
Your cheeks are blooming
like blushing flowers...
Shall we the eagerness of
the wild heart in anticipation?
She was with us till now
to come out in open today...
We were waiting for years
to see this day of festivities...
Grew up amongst us
in the cradle of love...
She grew up fondly with loving care...
She's living Goddess of wealth...
Where ever she goes.
prosperity follows her...
The man who'll marry you is coming...
What a beauty!
Dance with me. O my love...
You were born for me only...
I promise to look after you
like my own eyes...
They say she's golden hearted...
you're lucky to have her...
She'll walk with you all along.
even in dream she'll not leave you...
Look at the beauty.
whose dreams have come true...
These festivities around me...
It's a boon of my life...
It'll become a part of my heart
and keep beating...
I'll never forget it all my life
these moments of happiness...
O Bommali!
The bud has blossomed
into a flower!
You've grown into a woman
to quench my urge.
Squeezing you little by little
I want to suck you up.
I'll bring you to Gadwal.
Fast... get ready fast,
we must be in Hyderabad by 4 pm.
Nothing is ready.
Arundhati loves my mother
Jejamma's jewels.
Very lucky jewels,
I must take them with me.
I got it.
Here! Still looking great!
Why did sir scream loudly?
- Don't know what happened? Let's go!
Is it?
- Yes, today morning...
You don't worry grandma,
we are coming there now.
No dear, priest told you not
to cross the outskirts,
we'll go and bring them.
I'm worried about grandpa's health,
I can't follow customs now.
Welcome to Gadwal!
Welcome to Gadwal!
I made you to enter Gadwal,
I'll not let you go out from here.
Are you little kid to run and jump?
No, neither I ran nor jumped.
- Did anyone pushed you then?
I did feel like that.
But there wasn't anyone near me.
Why do you want to live here?
Come with us to Hyderabad immediately.
We too said that but he never listens.
Why are you interfering?
- Why are you interfering?
- What no?
- What then?
I've to take care of our lands, our kingdom,
our people who depend on us, right?
Didn't I tell you must be
fine to look after them?
- But then?
- I don't take no. Leave immediately.
I'll come.
- Didn't I say to leave immediately?
Then get going.
- Yes I'm going.
How old my little one may grow,
he's still a child for his mother Jejamma?
How are you Chadramma?
- I'm fine, madam.
You've come first time to your
kingdom after fixing marriage.
Seek Jejamma's blessings.
- As you say Chandramma.
Jejamma... Jejamma...
our Jejamma...
First girl child in the family
should always have my name.
Believe that I've taken birth again.
Madam, you've kept the promise
of coming back to this kingdom.
Jejamma is not anywhere else,
she's always with us.
Yes, she's always with us.
Come, Susheela is in the fort..
Susheela is in the fort...
unable to breathe...
We must get her out of it.
- Tie him in the back yard.
She's scared,
we must get her out.
Leave me... Susheela is in the fort,
she's inside a grave.
I must get her out.
- How did Ramana become like this?
Car met with an accident near our fort
while bringing your marriage invitation.
He's calling Susheela,
what happened to his wife?
Don't know what had happened to her?
Haven't you given him
any medical treatment?
There's a fakir here to treat such
disturbed and possessed patients.
I'm sending Ramana to him today.
Greetings Anwar bhai!
- Greetings.
Greetings fakir bhai!
- Greetings.
Come on children... take sweets...
you too take dear...
Fakir bhai, you're a Muslim,
why are you distributing sweets
near temple instead of a Durgah?
Gods may be different but the hunger
they created is same to everyone.
One can give food to anyone anywhere
where you find a hungry man.
Ramanamma, you too have,
eat happily, good business of coconuts.
Fakir sahib, my child had
a bad dream last night,
and since then hasn't passed urine.
Won't he if you leave him alone
to sleep with your husband?
Yes sir.
- Wait and see.
Pass urine child... pass urine...
My child passed urine.
Ghost left with urine, go away!
Allah will protect you,
Lord Hanuman will protect you.
Leave me... leave me I say...
leave me...
I'll rip out your skin, you demon!
Shut up! Who are you?
I'm her lover,
she refused to marry me,
that's why I committed suicide
by taking pesticide.
Is there love story for ghosts also?
Love, Allah! Come... come inside...
go... go inside... go...
No... I can't bear it any more... no...
That's the line of protection of Allah,
evil can't cross that line.
This is holy temple for all but
prison to ghosts like you.
Shut up! Go... go into it... go...
Go into that jar!
He looks like a mad man.
- No, he's a great man!
Enemy of the mankind!
Karim, bury this jar in the
burial ground tonight. - Yes sir.
Sundaramma, take your daughter.
- Okay sir.
Apply kohl and make her drink
holy water mixed with sacred ash.
What's this, leave me?
- Stop... stop... - Sir sent him.
Don't laugh, Susheela is in the fort,
they brought me her instead of going there.
I'll also come with you.
- You come with me.
Let's go after warding of evil
and offering prayers.
No need of all that, I must go
and break open the grave.
You coward!
- Stop it!
What are you doing?
Our junior madam.
Is it treatment to beat black and blue?
Man must get rid of possessed
ghosts to live peacefully.
The stick must be tight to
make the ghost leave him,
do you think I beat others for fun?
Do you still believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in God?
- I believe, so what?
Then, you must believe there are ghosts.
Then, show me a ghost.
Is it paining?
- Yes sir.
He said it's paining, show me his pain.
Show me the air!
Show me your life!
What is not seen isn't unreal
and what is seen isn't always real.
Does your holy Koran says it?
Even holy Geeta too says it.
If your holy thread is real,
then amulet I give is also real,
if the coconut you break is true,
then the lemon I tie is also real,
If this is real before God,
then this is real for ghosts.
Stop it!
Why are you beating a mentally
unstable man black and blue?
He's in very danger.
- Only if he's here.
Madam, he's not in danger but you!
There's a danger lurking around you.
Trying to make me believe you?
But I'm telling you the truth.
- You can't cheat me.
Go away... go away immediately
from this place.
If he's so insisting,
I think he has a reason.
You keep quiet.
- No madam.
You keep quiet Chandramma.
Let's take him.
Thinking about you,
waiting for you,
a soul here is yearning for you.
Come quickly and relieve me
from this sorrow of separation.
How? I'm not in Hyderabad, right?
- I'm also in Gadwal.
Do you know what's the time now?
Midnight 12, unable to reach
your house in this darkness,
there's an old fort on the outskirts,
I'm waiting there for you.
You stay there, I'll come in 10 minutes.
Where are you going madam?
I'm going out and
will be back in 10 minutes.
Why did you come here, madam?
Please go away, madam.
Rahul is inside.
- There are no humans inside.
Don't go, madam.
- That's my Rahul's whistle. - Madam!
Where are you Rahul?
Where is he?
May I sing...
the song of sorrow...
Come dear!
Come upstairs!
He's in upstairs,
he's waiting for you only.
Come dear... come...
Arundhati, here!
I've been waiting for long time
for you in this room.
When I hear your voice, memories of
all that you've done is coming back.
I'm unable to tolerate
seeing you so near.
Come... come nearer to me.
Every passing moment
is making me go mad.
Come... come...
if you don't then you'll die!
You can't harm me!
Arundhati, I'll kill you.
You can never come out of that grave.
I'll come out.
- I'll not let you come out.
I'll chase you... chase you...
I'll offer your life as sacrifice.
I'll come to show you hell.
Hey Bommali! I'll not leave you!
Leave my hand.
- What are you doing, madam?
Didn't I tell you to leave this town?
Why did you come to this place?
That demon called you here to kill you.
What that nonsense you're saying?
Rahul is inside.
- No, there's no one inside.
He's there inside.
- No!
Nobody's in there!
No... no... nobody.
I came here after getting a phone call.
Call him on phone and
know where he is.
How long should I've to wait for you?
This man here is creating nuisance here.
Where are you now?
- I'm in Vijayawada now.
The phone call you got is real,
you answering that call is real,
but it's not real that Rahul is here.
What you see with your eyes is
not always real, madam,
there's an evil empire of ghosts
and demons in the air around us.
You can see it in
the light of almighty Allah!
Understood it?
Have you understood everything?
Hey Bommali! I'll not leave you!
I'll come for you.
Go away from this town.
Go away!
Please go away, madam.
There are no humans inside.
Who is he?
My elder brother Veerendra Varma.
He died 30 years ago.
People say he's seen
sometimes near that fort.
It's their imagination.
How can they see him?
Where are you now?
- I'm in Vijayawada now.
Go away!
- Hey Bommali! I'll not leave you!
What's it madam?
I want all the details about our fort.
Please, tell me Chandramma.
Why are you asking about it?
No, madam.
Please don't think about it.
What's the story behind that fort?
It's not a story, it's a bad dream.
A bad dream you never
want to think about again.
Please tell me about it.
You're asking the story about yourself.
Your own story!
That's not a fort,
it's Gadwal kingdom.
Epitome of valour and pride.
With smiles of children,
affection and love,
our kingdom was filled
with happiness and festivities.
Your great, great grandfather
Raja Chinnavenkata Rangarauyudu was king
He had 2 daughters,
Queen died when they were children.
Elder daughter was Bhargavi,
she was beautiful and very innocent,
she never went against father's word.
Younger daughter was Arundhati,
a ferocious tigress of the empire,
Nobody could challenge her
in sword fighting or in archery.
She was born with leadership qualities.
The valour and confidence in her eyes,
and the courage,
she appeared like Gadwal's
presiding deity Goddess Jejamma.
That's why everyone
called her as Jejamma.
Like in every story
there will be a villain,
this story too has a villain.
Hey Bommali!
- Leave me...
He was a sex maniac!
Never left any woman he liked.
He used to chase like them
like a pack of hungry jackals.
He was King's nephew Pasupathi.
Leave me... leave me...
He used to kill anyone opposing him.
He was a man in appearance
but a beast in character.
King's biggest mistake was to
get Bhargavi married to him.
His scheming mother Jalajamma
was behind all this.
King's sister.
She cheated King by saying that
their horoscopes matched perfectly,
and got her son married to
his elder daughter Bhargavi.
What's this, hubby?
Is it good on your part to bring
these cheap women to home?
If they are cheap women,
then you too are cheap.
Come... come Bommali...
- Leave me.
This is quite common in royal families,
why are you making it an issue?
Go away!
That innocent girl's life got ruined
by the duo of mother and son.
One fine day, they went further down.
Arundhati was learning a special dance
from a Varanasi danseuse,
She was blind.
Look Arundhati, today I'm going
to teach you a new dance.
Royal women,
especially future queens like you,
must learn this dance.
Like in archery,
aiming target listening to sound,
this is known as Dance of sound.
You make the sound,
watch how I respond with
echoes my dance moves.
Okay madam.
Even if it's a heart beat,
I'll hit the bulls eye.
Junior madam, King is calling you.
Okay, you go, I'll come.
He came like a hungry beast
fully drunk with desires.
Fresh smell!
I shudder even today when I think
of what he did that day.
I'll come to take you,
I'll do what I came here for.
Come Arundhati!
I'm going to teach you the
dance of Pranava Bhairava.
If you do this dance before an
enemy in an helpless situation,
you can save yourself.
Who is it? Arundhati?
Why don't you answer me?
Who is it?
Who is it?
You came here to teach dance of valour.
I came to you to learn
the dance of love.
Leave me!
Come here!
Arundhati, madam Kanchana is not well,
she left just now
promising to come tomorrow.
You're very lucky, Bommali.
You're dying while enjoying sex.
You fulfilled my sex desire
even as you die.
You're banished from this kingdom.
You came here after bringing
bad name to your In-laws.
Nobody can tolerate if you son
ruins the honour of this royal family.
Be careful!
You mustn't forgive a man
who did this grievous crime.
Father, banish them from
here immediately.
I'm not tolerating him
because he's my son-in-law,
your sister's life is in his hands.
If she's not married to him,
my one order is enough
for my subjects to lynch him.
Come, do we look like mad?
Why are your people angry
on me and my mother?
Do they think we are useless?
I'll kill you.
No son! Listen to me.
- Leave my hand.
Leave it, don't rush.
She must be alive till you become
the heir to this kingdom.
Only then you can
next king as son-in-law.
That's why I got her married to you.
If she dies, we'll not have
any place in this royal family.
They will hunt us down to death,
remember that.
your sister's life is in his hands.
If she dies, we'll not have
any place in this royal family.
If she's not married to him,
my one order is enough
for my subjects to lynch him.
If she dies, we'll not have
any place in this royal family.
my one order is enough
for my subjects to lynch him.
...we'll not have any place
in this royal family.
Madam Bhargavi!
My dear Bhargavi!
There's no beauty or fun
in the home with a dead body.
How long will you keep the body
of one who committed suicide?
Throw it away!
This is your end!
Leave my son... don't beat my son.
Leave him... don't kill him...
leave him...
Throw her away!
Leave him... leave him...
don't beat him!
His gory death must scare any man
even to think of other woman.
Not only him but
even after his death,
even dogs must hate
to see his body.
Tie this womanizer to
his own wild horse.
This is your end!
You must meet a dusty end!
Drag him away!
That day Arundhati not only chased out
a cruel man
but his lawlessness,
His arrogance! His violence!
Ever since then people considered
Arundhati as Goddess Jejamma.
Called her as Jejamma!
She grew up and
was darling of everyone.
she became a saviour Goddess.
You're the light of hope
in the tunnel of the darkness...
You're Goddess Kali with the sword...
Your ferocious look is enough
to make enemy's sword to shiver...
When you paint.
it's a mirror image of your heart...
You're Goddess Annapurna
who feeds everyone...
You're mother earth in
looking after her children...
When you say it's a holy hymn...
When you do something.
it's an irrevocable law...
You're patient like mother earth...
You're an epitome of justice...
This is my kingdom. be careful!
Jejamma... our mother... O Jejamma...
Jejamma's words were edicts
to her subjects.
People lived happily under her rule.
But Pasupathi didn't die
as people thought.
His vengeance on Arundhati
kept him alive.
Some people passing that way
saved his life.
They were Agoras!
They lived with dead souls,
ghosts and demons.
They were sorcerers and
offered prayers with dead bodies.
They took lives using evil souls.
This is your end!
He studied art of Tantric from Agoras
to take revenge on Arundhati.
He took lives using tantricism
by cruel methods of witchcraft.
He offered prayers with dead bodies.
He drank human blood.
Doing many such inhuman
and disgusting things,
at last he achieved many evil powers.
He's not a human any more.
He's a tantric with many
evil souls dwelling in his body.
He entered Gadwal again to
take revenge on Arundhati.
Bad luck, Arundhati got married
on that day's morning,
Entire Gadwal was celebrating the event.
Kill him!
even dogs must hate
to see his body.
Who are you? Alms are given outside
not inside. Go and stand outside.
Who am I?
Close all the 8 directions!
Who am I?
Who am I?
Leader of Agoras!
No madam, that evil man is
endowed with great power.
Nobody can go against him,
no weapon can kill him.
It's very dangerous
to challenge him now.
His tongue commands death!
His hands take lives.
It's very dangerous to face him now.
Never take a back step with
cowardice on facing danger.
Even if it's death, face it!
Arundhati, I'll not leave you,
I'll not leave anyone in your family.
I'll decimate everyone.
With whom you got me beaten up,
come out into open I say!
Why did you come out, dear?
What a stunning beauty!
The bud has blossomed!
I came here to shred you into pieces.
But I'll not kill you.
I've been living for 7 years
without touching a woman,
I didn't expect meeting
such a ravishing beauty.
A woman considers chastity
more than her life, right?
So I'll malign your honour first,
then I'll take your life,
bury you in the middle of your home,
and offer your soul to my evil God.
O debauch!
Waves of echoes...
Beat of deadly percussion...
My inner soul...
Waves of revenge are lashing
and dancing with vengeance...
I don't want song. Bommali!
May I sing the song of sorrow...
May I perform dance of death...
When darkness is enveloping
from all sides...
In the raging fires of
slavery and harems...
Inauspicious time has set in...
Ill fortune followed it...
Death is chasing...
Life span is diminishing...
This agony will end with my death only...
The agony isn't yours. it's mine.
You made my life miserable
by tying me to my horse.
Right now as you watch
I'll make her life go the dogs.
The real game begins at upstairs only.
Anyway you've fixed time
for the honeymoon.
happiness will be mine.
opportunity is mine.
losing honour is yours.
Lord Brahma himself can't
change the fate he writes...
If you deviate from the righteous path.
God will punish you...
You can never challenge and win
against your fate. you better know it...
Demon Ravana died for
desiring Goddess Seetha...
Evil desires never get fulfilled...
Playing with honour of women
is danger to you...
As a woman I'm singing...
your end of life...
Evil will perish... 8 hands of
Goddess Durga will cut you to size...
As a woman's rage turns
into a raging wild fire...
Raging fires of the womanhood
is seeking a sacrifice...
Your ghastly death...
Ghastly death to me? No way!
Death fears me!
It'll run away!
I'll offer your life to it.
O Bommali! Make your anklets clang in
rhyme with the music of my shells.
That day when I enjoyed sex
with your dance teacher,
getting angry you kicked me.
Today I must enjoy you with
every cell in my body.
Bommali! Come on dance!
These clothes will become daggers!
Cut the tongue of a tantric
who recites evil hymns.
Tie his hands!
Strangle his neck!
Only then you can confine him.
No... no madam... don't rush!
Don't kill him.
If you kill him, he'll become
a powerful evil soul.
You mean...?
He's now with an unfulfilled
desire of taking revenge on you.
According to our scriptures,
anyone who dies with unfulfilled
desires will not leave this world.
It'll take revenge.
If an evil Agoras like him dies,
he'll become a mighty evil power.
But if I spare him,
he'll let anyone to live.
You're right madam,
but there's no solution to his problem.
If so then I'll not kill him,
I'll bury him alive right now here.
I'll imprison him so that even
his soul will not come out of it.
I'll use every Godly power
on earth to make his grave.
I'll ensure that his soul never
comes out of that grave
But if anyone breaks open his grave,
his evil soul will bring only destruction.
It will destroy you and your kingdom.
It mustn't happen at any cost.
Nobody will enter this fort
after burying him in his grave.
Dig his grave!
That evil man shivered in fear
hearing madam's decision.
Bringing stones from
different holy places,
Jejamma started building
an impregnable grave.
The evil beast was crying
ferociously in his grave.
The fort shuddered for his loud cries.
You must die going through
hell with nerves getting cut.
She got ready powerful amulets.
She got them nailed to the walls
and made it air tight.
She invited every Vedic scholar
in the kingdom.
She arranged Chandi and
Rudra sacrifices.
That evil soul's cries got buried
in the holy chants of hymns.
Lord Shiva's tridents which
protect the world,
Jejamma got them fixed around his
grave so that he'll never come out.
At that moment she appeared like
Goddess Kali who came to save us.
After that we never entered the fort.
That fort too got dilapidated
along with that grave.
That brought an end to his atrocities.
I'll not leave you.
No, it didn't end.
Really, Jejamma did a great thing.
Yes, but burying him alive that
day disturbed her life.
After that...?
- After that...?...
After that... there's so much
to say about her...
we are getting late,
you go to sleep now.
Go, don't think about it.
Sleep peacefully.
What happened after 48 days, Chandramma?
That is... that is...
Jejamma and I only know it.
Tell me, I must know it.
I need to know it.
Heard a cry from that fort,
it was his outcry!
I'm your brother-in-law Pasupathi.
I'm hungry.
Thirsty, I'm dying with thirst.
Release me, break open this grave.
I'm dying...
Come... do you know this?
Do you know I died 3 days ago?
You're talking to my soul!
I died a painful agonizing
death because of you.
My body has decayed,
it's stinking with worms.
I'll not leave you...
not leave you...
I'll not let anyone in
your family to live.
But a woman!
I'll make you cry aloud plunging
you into deep pain of sorrow.
I'll have you like a dog.
I'll cut you like a goat.
I'll not leave you, Bommali!
- He's right there! Still...
Release me.
- I'm coming.
He mustn't come out at any cost.
I'll come this night,
this moment for you.
Break me free!
Come... come...
- Hit with power!
He must remain in the grave forever.
Break yourself free.
He mustn't come out at any cost.
I'll come, I'll definitely come.
Pull it... pull it with all your strength.
Pull it...
Pull it... pull it... pull it...
Susheela, I'm coming!
- Come!
Susheela, I'm coming!
- Come!
Susheela, I'm coming!
- Come and free me.
Don't come, go away!
Don't come, go away!
Go away!
Allah the great!
I've come... I'll break open the grave.
I'll free you out.
Goddess Jejamma, everyone say
I'm your reincarnation.
But I'm not as brave as you.
You're a great woman to
bury such an evil man.
But why is he still in that grave?
- I've come.
Come to me...
By chance if he comes out,
can I face him bravely like you?
No, I'm not Jejamma!
He can't come out.
Hit... break it open!
He can't come out of the grave.
He can't come out.
Break it open!
Hit... hit... hit hard...
Son... freedom to my son...
My son is getting freed.
Freedom... freedom...
My son is getting freed.
Will you stay back there only?
When are you coming back?
Are you hearing me or not?
I came to know many new things
about my family. - What is it?
It seems many years ago
there lived a sadist in my family,
Everyone fear him.
But he fears Jejamma.
It seems Jejamma punished him
severely for his atrocities.
I hate even to think about him.
He is...
- Pasupathi, master of Agoras.
Rahul, I'll call you later.
- But Aru...
You made a grave mistake.
It was your grave mistake
of burying me alive.
Not 10 or 20 years, I was decaying
in that grave for 80 years.
I was raging with revenge.
After years I've come out!
I've come out.
Same fragrance!
From this moment
no more smile in your life.
You'll worry to live,
and wish to die but can't.
You'll not know what's happening
... death!
What's it madam?
Did you enter my room a little while ago?
No madam, I brought your milk,
may I add sugar?
No need. You can go now.
- Okay madam.
No, this is not true.
He's... not here!
My neck... it's my dream...
... dream...
He's not here!
He is...
What happened?
Nothing, when are we going to Hyderabad?
Tomorrow evening.
- No, we are leaving by morning.
What happened?
Don't ask me anything.
We must leave before tomorrow's dawn.
He's here only,
what should I do now?
Madam, he's not in danger but you!
There's a danger lurking around you.
I must meet Anwar at any cost now.
He's not here.
- No there?
He went to Banganapalli yesterday.
When will he come back.
- Don't know madam.
I must meet him immediately.
No madam, it'll take 4 hours by car,
short cut will take 30 minutes only.
I'll go immediately.
- Go, don't delay.
I'll come fast, immediately.
You mustn't get help from anyone.
I'll not let it happen, don't try.
This earth and air is hell to you.
Go... go away from Gadwal!
Oh God! It's madam!
Train is approaching.
Madam, start the car!
Oh! I don't find anything near!
Bommali! I didn't bring you here
to let you go back.
Don't ever try to leave Gadwal again.
I'll not leave you...
you're confused, right?
Don't you feel the noose is tightening?
Don't get scared,
I'll not let you die so easily.
I'll not let you die, Bommali!
Madam, get ready quickly.
- Asking me where, Manga?
We must go to madam's marriage, right?
- Marriage?
Go, marriage is cancelled.
We are ready to leave.
You too come down quickly.
You mustn't go, only they must go.
You must send them.
You mustn't tell them anything.
You wait outside, I'll bring her.
- Come.
They will also meet the same end,
ask them to leave.
We are ready to leave...
why are you looking sick?
- Shall we leave then?
You go now.
What about you?
I'll stay back here for 2 days
and come later.
I'll come leisurely.
Your marriage day is fast approaching,
how can you stay here?
I want to take rest for 2 days.
- How can you stay here alone? Come.
Can't I stay here for 2 days?
- Why not?- Then...?
I don't like to leave her alone here.
I don't need to explain anyone,
I'm staying back here.
You may all go.
- No..?
If anyone objects now,
it's like killing me. - Oh no!
No need to swear for silly things.
Relatives will not let her
stay peacefully there.
She'll come leisurely.
- I forgot about it.
You stay here and take rest.
You'll come, right?
Let's go Chandramma.
What's the matter, dear?
You look different from yesterday.
Don't think too much about
that dilapidated fort.
Don't think too much, dear.
She'll stay here and come later,
let's go now.
What's you too, old man?
- I'm the oldest and ordering you.
No father...
- What no?
Asking too many questions,
can't she stay here alone for few days?
- Come...
- Come...
May I stay back?
No... no... I'll also go with them,
all I want is your happiness only.
Let's go.
- We are. Come.
Come fast, we'll be waiting for you.
- Take care dear.
Take care dear.
- Come fast. - Bye aunt.
Come fast.
- Come fast, we'll be waiting for you.
Kill me... kill me.
I'll not kill!
If I want to kill you, would've done it
the moment I came out of the grave.
I want to enjoy wildly your beauty
and your pride, Bommali.
Hey Satan!
Hey I'll not leave...
Don't worry dear.
Leave me...
- I'll not leave... not leave...
Why is he angry on me?
Why this torture?
- Revenge dear, revenge.
He was buried alive, right?
That's why!
I didn't do it, Jejamma did it.
Aren't you Jejamma?
- Me?
Aren't you our Arundhati madam?
Don't talk rubbish, Chandramm.
Don't confuse me, I'm not Jejamma.
No... no...
If you're not Jejamma,
why is he seeking revenge on you?
Because you are Jejamma!
- No, it's false!
If Jejamma had thought
about destroying him,
then she must've known the way,
you're reincarnation of Jejamma,
please tell us how?
I'm not Jejamma,
why don't you listen to me?
What's these fake tales around me?
Is it not true the
destruction around you?- True.
Is it false that he challenged
to ruin your life?- True.
Is it false that he came
out of grave to torment you?
True... it's true.
Then it's true that you're Jejamma!
I believe you're reincarnated Jejamma,
I swear on Allah.
That is not true.
- Yes it is.
No... no...
- This is true... true...
Watch out!
You've kept your promise Jejamma...
You've come back...
Look Chandramma!
Isn't she Jejamma?
- Jejamma!
This sword style is Jejamma's,
who else's?
Yes, the same royal demeanor.
I feel like seeing madam,
I feel like seeing Jejamma.
Think... go back to past and think.
Forget the present.
Go into the darkness of nature
that defines life and death.
Provoke Jejamma in you.
Go into the past and think.
Go... think...
I feel like seeing myself.
Find a lead... think...
I feel like he's saying something.
Think... think... think... think...
This is a self portrait by Jejamma.
If you read this,
it means he has come out.
I don't know if you know this
or not but I know.
That I'm reading this.
This is a diary I wrote to
remember what had happened.
Once when he dies and
becomes an evil soul,
as he promised to torture me,
he did exactly like that.
I'll not leave you.
A strange disease spread
from the grave.
Your subjects will get affected
by contagious diseases.
Even air got polluted.
His curse afflicted my people
and ruined their happiness.
My prosperous kingdom
turned into a hell with his curse.
Not a drop of water to drink also.
I asked him, I made a plea,
fearing him nobody dared
to step into Gadwal.
The disease turned men to
go mad and kill each other.
I couldn't take it any more,
I couldn't tolerate it.
I left Gadwal thinking of
finding a way to finish him.
I went to many places.
I met many great Yogis and Tantrics.
I read many epics and scriptures.
I met many scholars and saints.
Nobody could find a solution
to my problem.
Like a ray of hope in the darkness,
a Yogi gave me the address
of a hill tribe herbal doctor.
It's in thick forest area on
the western side of Gadwal.
I'll not leave you...
His evil soul will not rest till he
avenges by killing you and your family.
It'll keep chasing you.
Likewise nobody can
change the rule of nature.
If you're born, death is inevitable.
There's an end to his soul.
Is there an end to it? How?
Tell me... tell me...
Even Lord Rama needed a weapon
to kill demon Ravana.
Like that you too need a weapon.
Where can I get that weapon? Where?
I'll get it at any cost.
Tell me... where can I get it?
Where's that weapon?
Your death!
Yes, your death!
- My death?
That weapon must come out
from your death.
I didn't get you.
Gods created a powerful weapon
using a great Saint's back bone,
that weapon is Lord Indra's
'Diamond Weapon'.
A weapon to wipe out evil.
Like that this weapon too
will destroy him.
How can I kill him with a weapon
made from my death?
Death is for body only not for soul.
You'll take birth again to kill him.
Yes, you'll take birth again.
You'll take birth in the same family.
She's indeed Jejamma!
He needs a human body to
torment you after coming out.
Then, you must kill him.
Remember it, there's only
one chance to finish him.
I'll not let go this only chance.
I'll become the weapon
that will destroy him.
Then, get ready to sacrifice your life.
Come back after giving up
all your bonds.
I'm going on a pilgrimage,
I may or may not come back.
- Madam!
Name the first girl child
in the family after me.
Trust that I've come back as her.
You must respect her
like you respect me.
There is an end to his atrocities.
That' why I'm going.
There is an end.
There is...
Give me a painful death I can't bear.
The pain I experience must
lit fire of revenge in his evil soul.
What a great sacrifice you chose...
With raging fire in heart...
Sacrifice of the highest order...
You tied hell of death to your sari end...
Even death shed tears
seeing you, O Jejamma...
Pain of death is happiness to me.
The happiness of finishing him.
The blood flowing out
is praising you...
A weapon to kill me?
Where is that weapon?
I let you to read till now
to keep you alive.
With the hope of killing me,
you must franticly search for
that weapon and get tired.
I must have you after you
get vexed and tired.
That's my wish.
Today is no moon day,
a total dark night,
For me it's first night.
This night is mine!
Tonight at this time,
your people,
those who help you,
your family,
all would die.
you will come to me on your own
and ask me to have you.
Bommali, you will lose honour
tonight at the time I mentioned.
You'll lose yourself,
your people would die,
Run... run for your weapon.
Run till you reach my bed.
Hey rogue! Almighty is watching
you from up there!
Allah will stop your game.
Satan, God will never let evil win!
Madam Jejamma, I know the
hill tribe written in that.
If we go there we can get
information about the weapon.
We must bring it before midnight
or else we'll lose everything. Come.
No Chandramma.
It's not safe for you to come with us.
You stay here only.
Not here, that Satan will kill her,
stay in my place,
Allah will protect you.
Come madam... come.
I'll not leave you!
Get that car.
- Okay sir.
Hi! How are you, sir?
Is it?
How are you now?
- Who are you?
Who are you?
- Is it necessary?
If you listen carefully what I say,
your Bommali's life and honour will be safe.
- What?
Come to Gadwal!
Would you like to see
your Bommali die like this?
What should I do now?
- Come to Gadwal!
Your husband is coming to
Gadwal to die in my hands.
Allah! That Satan will not spare him.
How? What to do now?
Come... come... come...
What happened?
Don't cry...
your husband hasn't died yet.
Get down, it's Gadwal!
How to go to Gadwal?
- That auto will take you.
- Do you know little fort here?
I'll take you.
Protect him... save his life.
It's my duty to take anyone
to little or big fort.
It'll be good if anyone saves him.
Why did he come here?
What am I to do now?
You go and sit in that last vehicle.
I'll come back after sending someone.
Will you save him, old Bommali?
- Yes.
You'll save him only if you're alive.
- Pasupathi!
Stop... stop...
Where to?
- Come.
Come... come...
- Where?- Come, I'll tell you later.
We must go to the Fakir's house.
- Please listen to me.
I'll not leave you, Bommali!
This is Allah's protection!
He mustn't come out.
Come... come... tie this amulet.
- Wait... who is he?
What is this?
- Let me tie it.
What is happening here?
- Tie it.
What is happening?
What is going on?
Let me tie it.
Who is he?
He mustn't come out!
Open the door... open the door!
What can I do?
What happened?
- Why did you all come here?
What happened?
- Go away from here.
What happened?
Protection... he mustn't come out.
Please listen to me.
Madam... the old lady in your home...
- What happened to her?
She's dead!
Everyone will die!
He killed her!
What happened?
- He killed her.
What's this?
- Listen to me and go away...
Go away!
Go away!
Must find the weapon before midnight.
Madam Arundhati.
She's the one.
Baba, madam Arundhati...
- Reincarnated after so many years.
I'm coming, Satan!
This one!
This one!
Satan, you're end is nearing.
Remember this!
This weapon which was made
from Jejamma's bones,
It must get soaked in
blood with vengeance.
Only then the weapon will get
power to finish an evil soul.
Or else it'll get destroyed
by that evil soul.
You're finished, Satan.
Would I die?
All directions turned void...
Light turned into darkness...
No more any wishes...
Just breathing to live...
Your entire family will perish.
you will come to me on your own
and ask me to have you.
My first night with you,
this night is mine.
This is truth, the day he comes
out will be no moon day.
Sky will cry like Partridge!
Foxes will yelp!
Bats will crackle!
At that time, he'll definitely
come to rape you.
Queen is here!
New sari, take it.
Don't harm my people.
You need a Queen's chamber, right?
Quick! I can't hold once I smell female!
Allah the great!
I'll come!
I'm decaying with sexual urge.
Come... come...
Go fast... fast...
Remember, he must get
into a human body.
Only then he should be killed.
- You're finished!
Fulfill the unfulfilled desire.
Hey Satan!
Here's the weapon!
Kill the Satan.
Is it real or am I hallucinating?
The weapon must get soaked
with her vengeful blood.
Blood... the weapon must
soak with your blood.
Blood... blood...
It must soak with her blood.
Satan, you will die!
Jejamma will kill you.
I swear on Almighty Allah!
Jejamma will kill you.
Where will you go now?
You've no other choice.
Your evil desire will not get fulfilled!
I'll not let you to touch my shadow also.
I'll not let you.
I'll not let you spoil my virginity.
The weapon must soak with
her vengeful blood.
Then the weapon will get power
to destroy the evil soul.