Arven (The Inheritance) (2003)

- Good afternoon, Mr. Borch Moller.
- Thank you.
- Had a nice day?
- Yes.
Anders Ullberg has cancelled
the meeting. He's sick.
But he'll be in Denmark on Tuesday
and can meet you then.
- Then I might as well go home.
- There's a flight at 6:45 PM.
- Should I book a seat for you?
- Yes.
I'll have the chauffeur
pick you up at 5:30.
- I put the shirts on the bed.
- Thanks.
It's Borch Moller.
Would you call my wife and tell her
I won't be home until tomorrow?
I'm going to stay for another night.
Stockholm, 5 Years Earlier
An I were your very
very sweet Rosalind?
- I would kiss you before I spoke.
- Nay, you were better speak first.
And when you were graveled
for lack of matter -
- you might take occasion to kiss.
Very good orators,
when they are out, they will spit -
- and for lovers, lacking
... God warn us! Matter -
- the cleanest shift is to kiss.
How if the kiss be denied?
When she puts you to entreaty,
and there begins new matter.
Hi, Christoffer!
She was great tonight.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thanks for a great evening.
- Are you here, Christoffer?
- Sorry.
Thanks for a great evening.
It was fabulous.
Do you know what?
I've been offered an annual contract.
Two leads and two minor roles.
The first will be "Romeo and Juliet".
- That's fantastic. Congratulations!
- I'll play Juliet on the main stage!
- See you, Linda.
- Bye.
She said no four times.
I can't believe I kept trying.
Thanks for everything.
Good night!
It was just bad timing.
It's got to be right.
But he did propose finally,
in the forest.
In the forest?
We were on our way to
your mother's summerhouse.
- Then I thought, I'll do it now.
- And you said yes?
- Alfred, when will you get married?
- Never.
- Never?
- Never.
You can close now.
But you're seeing someone now,
aren't you?
I have to talk to Stan
about tomorrow's menu.
- More wine?
- No, thanks.
This one's big.
- What... Hi, Dad.
- Aksel...
- What are you doing here?
- I had a meeting in Finland.
And then I thought
I'd stop by to see my son.
- Hi, Maria.
- Hi, Aksel. How nice.
- How long have you sat here?
- Half an hour. I've read the paper.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
Like the apartment?
It's perfect. Two minutes to
the theater and the restaurant.
What did you give him?
The Morgon?
- Isn't that a little heavy at 10 AM?
- Ignore him.
When he lived at home he drank
Coca-Cola for breakfast.
Is the restaurant doing well?
We're doing half a million
in turnover...
- Great!
...A month.
- He's opening a new one.
- We found a space by the canal.
We'll open one for a younger crowd.
You know Christoffer and
I worked together, right?
Yes, I heard about it.
It was a catastrophe.
I was thrown out of the family firm.
You left of your own free will.
It was funny. Just wait until
you get a son of your own.
That's the dream.
Thanks, Dad.
How long are you staying?
- I've got to go back today.
- No. You've got to stay.
You've got to come and
eat at the restaurant.
- We can go see Maria.
- Yes.
- You can't leave yet. Stop.
- I'm off tomorrow.
- Mother is expecting me.
- Want me to call her?
- She'll be fine without you.
- Thanks.
This sort of thing
needs to be planned.
That's right.
Now it's been planned.
Be nice to your Dad.
Thank you for coming.
When things are planned,
they're planned. Right?
- Give my regards to Maria.
- I will. Take care.
But I can't really...
If I did love you
in my master's flame...
... In your denial I would find
no sense. I would not understand it.
- What would you do?
- Make a willow cabin at your gate.
And call upon my soul
within the house.
Do you have to wave your arms
around all the time?
But I'm getting into the role.
And make all the babbling gossip
of the air cry out Olivia!
And make all the babbling gossip
of the air cry out Olivia!
Okay, "what is my parentage?"
Let it ring.
Christoffer speaking.
Yes, of course.
What is it?
My father has hung himself.
Copenhagen, Vestre Chapel
You'll have to come home now.
You'll have to come home
to Denmark.
There was a clear agreement then.
I don't want to get into it.
It's absolutely necessary
that you come home.
You have to be able to see
it's absolutely necessary.
We'll do it.
Of course.
Of course.
I've called a board meeting for 12:30.
- Ulrik, could that wait?
- I'll call in half an hour. Bye.
Sweetheart, we're going
to see Granddad together.
When Daddy's done talking,
we'll go inside, okay?
You know he's in there, right?
They've dressed him up really nicely.
And Grandma's there too, okay?
I've turned it off.
Come sit with me.
- Didn't Maria come?
- She's coming later.
There, there.
Sit down.
Oh, Mother!
Annelise, the employees
will assemble at 12:00.
Then they'll know before
we send out the press release.
Christoffer will tell the employees.
I've agreed with Christoffer that
he'll do it as Aksel and my son.
Don't you think it would be
better if I did it?
Let's just do it the way Mother says.
Come on.
Now we'll go say goodbye
to Granddad.
Borch Moller Steel
The bank told me they won't
finance operations any longer.
I've had a meeting with them -
- and it appears Aksel hid a large
deficit over a long period.
- Did you know that?
- Yes. I knew.
If we're going to survive -
- we're going to have to fire
at least a hundred workers.
And we have to merge
within the next two years.
We've had an offer from
Lyon Steel in France.
And you'll have to do the merger.
You're the only one that can do it.
- Dad wanted Ulrik to be the director.
- Ulrik's no good, he lacks the talent.
Father always wanted you to
take over the firm.
Your choice to leave the firm 4 years
ago was your choice, never ours.
We don't have much time. You have to
inform the employees in half an hour.
You're unhappy now
because your father is dead.
We'll talk about it at home,
but we can't decide here.
We have to. I have to tell
- and they need to know
who's taking over.
The situation changed. I have to
help my family. Can't you see?
No, I can't see.
I love you and I want to help you.
But this is wrong. I won't do it.
You said you lost 30 pounds when
you worked here and nearly died.
This isn't what you want to do,
I know.
I know you.
We've talked about it and I...
We've decided that it's not going
to work. I can't do this.
We'll just have to deal with it.
Damn, it's Christoffer!
- Hi, Jens.
- Damn, it's been a long time.
It's so good to see you.
- Hello, Jens Monsted.
- Maria.
- My wife.
- What brings you down here?
Dad's dead.
That's impossible.
I saw him on Friday.
- We were over in the warehouse.
- He died yesterday.
You better get over to the shed.
It is with deep sorrow that,
on behalf of my family -
- I have to tell you that
my father died yesterday.
My mother, Annelise, now owns
the controlling stake in the firm -
- and at an extraordinary board
meeting this afternoon -
- she will inform the board -
- I will take over as director, in
accordance with the family's wishes.
I would like to underline that
the change in leadership -
- will not have any consequences
for the firm's employees.
I will pick up where
my father left off.
Finally, I'd ask we all show
my father the respect -
- of remembering him with
a moment of silence.
- You can't do this. It's too much.
- Ulrik, do we have to discuss it now?
Will you fail the family
like last time?
- I'm staying.
- You're staying?
I've worked here for 15 years.
I was to take charge after Aksel.
I've been a part of this family.
I was told nothing about this.
Nils, why didn't you tell me?
The decision was taken
with Annelise.
Why wasn't I told? Why did I have to
feel like an idiot out there?
We worked together, Nils. We spent
You must stop shouting
and accept it.
I was supposed to take over
after Aksel.
I didn't ask for it.
Aksel asked me to.
I never wanted this.
Why didn't anyone ask me?
I know you thought you were taking
over, but Christoffer's home now.
I hope you'll be loyal and support us.
We need all our strength.
Ulrik, does it matter
who gets the title?
Or else say so now.
I think I'd like to go home.
What are you thinking?
I'm staying in Stockholm.
I can't move here.
- Maria, I've got no choice, do I?
- We'll see each other at weekends.
Maria, this is about 900 people's
lives, not just the two of us.
- Some have been here for 40 years.
- You think I'll let you ruin our life?
There are two of us, understand?
How could you do the opposite
of what we decided?
Wesselsminde, Copenhagen
Do you want anything to eat?
No thanks,
Nils and I ordered in.
Thank you for coming home,
That's okay.
It will all work out.
We'll figure it out.
I was thinking you should move
into the house, you and Maria.
I don't want to live here any more.
I'll find something else.
Well, I'm going to bed.
I'm really sorry.
Please call if there's anything.
If you need any help,
please call.
I was so sorry
when I heard.
If there's anything I can do
for the firm, just call.
Holger Andersen, Director,
Danske Bank.
My condolences,
your father was a very nice man.
I think we've got a meeting
on Monday.
We do.
I'm moving down here with you.
One of us has to give in.
And you won't.
For two years.
Two years, and not a day more,
I promise.
We'll keep the apartment
in Stockholm.
Yes, of course.
What about the theater?
I've already called to say
I won't sign the full-year contract.
But in 6 months, I'm going up to play
"Romeo and Juliet".
I love you so very, very much.
Two Months Later
The painters really weren't sure.
That's the right color, right?
The sofas have come.
I had them put here.
Where did you find it?
Thank you.
How long have you had
these Sunday dinners?
Father and I started it when
Benedikte and Christoffer left home.
It was as though we never saw
each other any more.
They just stopped by,
emptied the fridge and left.
There had to be a system.
And you can always lure people in
with good food, right Christoffer?
We meet on the first Sunday
of the month, if we can.
- Good idea.
- Yes, it is.
- Do you like your new house?
- I like it very much.
You eat shrimp too at your
crayfish feasts, right?
- Crayfish?
- Crawfish boils.
Yes, we have both
crawfish and shrimp.
- What are crawfish?
- Crayfish.
- Oh, they're crayfish.
- Help me.
- They've got...
- What do I know?
- They have these big crayfish feasts.
- Crayfish feasts?
You wear a little hat and drink lots
of snaps, lots of snaps.
- The important part is the snaps.
- The akvavit.
Nils, sit down.
Care for a glass of wine?
Yes, please.
What did they say?
It's not so good.
The bank doesn't believe in you,
They don't think you've got
enough experience.
That can't be true. How rude.
Was it Holger himself?
You'll get four weeks
to present a plan -
- and then they'll base their
decision about the firm on that.
Four weeks, that's completely
absurd. I need four months.
They won't give us more,
- Who do you have working for you?
- Dragsted and Holmgrd.
Can you call them at once
and inform them of this?
Welcome to Sunday dinner.
It's always like this.
Thou art thyself though,
not a Montague?
What's Montague?
Romeo, doff thy name and for that
name which is no part of thee
Take all myself
You surprised me.
Do you have to get
through all of that?
There are 10 departments,
each with their own structure -
- connecting links, and
accounting methods.
The only thing they had in common
was the cafeteria and my dad.
- Can't anyone can help you?
- Sure.
- What are you doing?
- I'm rehearsing.
- Do you want me to help?
- Do you have time?
- Yes.
- You don't have to.
- I'm the best Romeo there is.
- You are.
- Not many people know it though.
- I just hope I'm the best Juliet too.
There's a rumor you've taken
money out of the firm -
- and opened a private
account overseas.
That you want to use the four weeks
to strip the firm's cash.
- That's ridiculous.
- Yes, of course it is.
- Has the bank heard the rumor?
- I don't know.
Who starts things like this?
Hard to tell. It could be competitors.
It could be gossip.
But there is, of course,
another possibility.
The bank would make Ulrik
the director if you went.
He wouldn't dare.
The risk is too great.
- Find out where the rumor started.
- Yes.
- How lovely, hello.
- Welcome.
- Let's hope the weather holds.
- Let's hope it does.
Annika, this is Maria,
Christoffer's wife.
- Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
- How is your mother?
- I don't know. You never do.
It was so nice of her to invite me.
I'll just go say hi, okay?
- See you later.
- Bye.
Oh, there you are!
- Who's she?
- Annika? An old friend of the family.
She just left her husband, a real jerk.
They lived in New York.
New tie?
I'd like to dedicate this year's hunt
to my father -
- and raise a toast to his memory.
Today we'll be shooting what the
laws allow, except running game.
We'll do four beats before lunch
and three this afternoon.
The lunch is very important
because my wife arranged it.
So it's important to praise her
and praise her a lot -
- or else she won't do it next year.
Remember, load safely and
no shots under 45 degrees.
Good luck.
It's Ulrik.
Holger had also heard the rumors -
- and had several unofficial meetings
with Ulrik, who confirmed the rumors.
Now Holger intends to make
Ulrik the new director -
- at the next board meeting.
Did you hear me?
Come on, Christoffer.
He can't stay any longer.
He has no loyalty to the family.
What he's done is unforgivable.
We can't trust him.
He must go before the bank makes
him director at the board meeting.
- What about Benedikte?
- I'll talk to her.
How many people does the bank
think we need to fire?
- 170.
- The real number is 120-130, max.
We can keep it to just the North
Section and transportation.
If Holger and the bank think
we need to fire 170-
- then we'll fire 200.
It's important to send
a clear signal, Christoffer.
We're here to say that you're fired,
effective immediately.
I'd like you to leave
the office right away.
- Does Annelise know about this?
- Yes, she does.
- But you can't do this.
- We can. We have.
Do you know what you're doing?
I'm firing you and I want you to pack
your things and leave the office.
Can I take the computer with me?
- No.
- I can't?
You have to sign before you leave.
Sign that?
- What the hell are you doing?
- What's happened?
I'm almost 60.
I've worked for this firm for 38 years.
- I've driven you round this factory...
- Jens, what's happened?
I've been fired.
What would your father think?
You not supposed to be fired.
It's a mistake.
There's no mistake
in the letter I've got.
Jens, believe me, it's mistake.
I'll take care of this. Trust me.
I promise I'll fix this.
Trust me.
It's a mistake.
It's a mistake. I'm sorry.
A mistake?
You don't make that sort of mistake!
The man was hired
before you were born.
- The car is waiting downstairs.
- Tell it to wait!
- Listen, I'm really sorry, but...
- Get out. You're fired. Leave.
Christoffer, you can't fire him.
That's not how it works.
I don't care. Re-hire Jens Monsted
and apologize to him immediately.
But we can't.
If we start re-hiring people you just
fired, it would be admitting a mistake.
It would be a bad signal to send
given our situation.
He's worked here for 38 years.
He babysat me when I was a kid.
I'll make sure he gets taken care of
according to the rules -
- but we can't start playing favorites.
We have to stick to the rules or else
they'll all want special treatment.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to Stockholm tomorrow.
Of course.
For four months.
Yes, but you were supposed to
have left on Saturday.
It was changed a week ago. We spoke
about it as late as this morning.
Yes, damn it.
I don't want to argue any more
on the last night we've got together.
I'm sorry.
What's the matter?
I can tell something happened.
But you won't talk.
- Tell me.
- But you don't have to.
- I want to know.
- I don't want to mix the two things.
Then I get completely isolated.
I don't understand a thing.
I don't want to talk about
work at home.
Work is out there,
and our life is here.
Sometimes I wonder
who's the idiot here.
I just want to help you.
Don't you understand that?
I understand that.
What the hell are you thinking?
Have you lost your mind?
Maria, I'll take care of this.
- What's happening?
- Benedikte, listen.
I'm your sister!
Why didn't you say anything?
- Benedikte, take it easy.
- Do you know what you've done?
You got Mother in on it.
What the hell are you doing?
You're ruining my life,
do you know that?
What's happened?
Christoffer fired Ulrik.
And after only 2 months.
Ulrik's worked there for 15 years.
- Do you know what he did?
- He said you had a disagreement...
Disagreements? He spread false
rumors about me and the firm.
He held secret meetings with Holger
behind the family's back.
He was about to ruin the whole firm.
That's not true.
Ulrik wouldn't do that.
But he did.
Ask Nils. Ask Mother.
It's not true, Christoffer!
- He did!
- You're ruining the whole family!
He did the unforgivable. You're not
disloyal to your own family.
- You need to give him his job back.
- That's idiotic! I can't do that!
- Then I never want to see you again.
- Shut up, Benedikte! What can I do?
Good. Tell Mother I never want
to see her again either.
- Stop it, Benedikte! Damn it!
- Benedikte, don't go!
Benedikte, don't go.
Why didn't you say anything to me?
What's going on?
I don't understand a thing.
- Speak to me. Say something.
- What do you want to talk about?
I want to talk about
what's happening in your life.
- I want to help you.
- Good, then stay out of it.
I mean it. Stay out of this.
It's got nothing to do with us.
Your sister just left and
said she's never coming back.
I'm completely rebuilding the firm.
I need space. Please respect that.
I respect you.
I give you all the space you need.
I don't say a word even
though you're never home.
I go to your mother's boring dinners
and listen to their gossip.
- All I can do is not enough.
- You're just doing this for me?
- Yes, I am.
- Then go back to Stockholm.
I can leave for Stockholm right now.
I've got a life waiting for me there.
And you can live
your damned life here.
We've got nothing
in common any more.
I don't recognize you any more.
Don't look at me like that.
You've got to talk to me.
Don't keep me outside.
I can handle anything,
as long as you tell me.
- Are you sure I shouldn't drive you?
- You don't need to.
Say hi to everyone up there.
Welcome to Borch Moller Steel.
I hope the first meeting between
our two firms will be a success.
Me too, me too.
May I present Mr. Ringhoff,
our Chief Financial Officer.
Mr. Andersen,
Director at the Danske Bank.
The entire process is automated -
- and we can produce steel
in thickness from 16 to 70 mm.
- Thank you, Allan.
- Cheers.
- I think everything will work out.
- Are they ready to merge?
We're figuring out who sends what
where and what is...
Benedikte and Ulrik
are here with Annika.
Benedikte and Ulrik?
Benedikte, your mother and
Christoffer just walked in.
They're over there.
Well, I guess they are.
- Ulrik, I don't think I can manage.
- No.
I think we'll have to leave.
- Isn't it silly?
- Is there another exit than that one?
Here comes Allan.
Here are your menus.
Allow me to present today's set menu.
Today we also have
a three-course set menu.
Stockholm, Restaurant Frippes
Hi, Christoffer, welcome home.
- We don't see you much.
- You seem to get by.
Where have you been?
- Just arrive?
- I couldn't get a cab.
You need something to drink.
- Cheers.
- Can we go home?
You just got here.
I've got to catch the 7 O'clock flight
tomorrow morning.
Come on, Christoffer.
Just a couple of hours.
Put your bag up there.
Stop being so grumpy.
Have you slept with that guy Alfred?
- Why do you ask?
- Tell me. Have you?
Stop it.
Come on.
I saw you kissing him
when I arrived.
Back off.
He's my best friend.
- You're lying.
- Stop it.
- Why can't you look me in the eye?
- I can look you in the eye.
Then look me in the eye and
say you haven't slept with him.
I haven't slept with Alfred.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what made me think
you had slept with him.
I love you.
I love you so much.
I'm sorry.
Damn it,
I can't lie to you.
It was just once...
but it meant nothing.
Damn it!
It was a mistake.
It was so stupid.
I was drunk and
he helped me home.
I missed you.
You've got to forgive me.
Can you ever forgive me?
You can't leave!
You can't leave, Christoffer!
You can't leave damn it!
Don't leave!
I won't go away
ever again.
I don't care about my work
as long as we're together.
Try the new chardonnay.
I think it's good.
Hi, Annika.
What a surprise.
I met your Mother this morning
and she invited me.
- Just like the old days.
- Would you like a glass?
- Where is Maria?
- In Stockholm.
Romeo and Juliet
premiere's in a week.
- Then she'll come back?
- I hope so.
She shouldn't have gone.
She's an actress, it's her job.
- I just think she could have waited.
- How long has she been gone?
Nine weeks.
- Annika, you'll sit there.
- Yes.
- Here.
- Thank you.
This won't work.
It won't?
I was so crazy about you.
Why did you leave me?
- I wasn't in love with you.
- No, you weren't, you ass.
We could have had a good life
together, don't you think?
I have a good life.
Well congratulations then.
He is so tiny and sweet.
Could you take the bag?
He looks like his mother,
doesn't he?
Now you've seen the whole house.
Look at him yawn.
He needs to sleep.
He needs to see his godfather.
See that's Nils.
And that's Holger.
They do need to be shown off.
He's lovely.
- He looks like his father.
- He does.
He's our joy.
That's how the family is.
- Hi, friend.
- Hi.
- Here.
- Thank you very much.
- Did Benedikte come?
- No.
- She stayed out in the car.
- I think she wants to talk to you.
Try to get her to come in.
He's completely fantastic.
He's so sweet.
He looks like Dad.
Ulrik doesn't know I'm here.
He's doing nothing.
He just sits there staring into space.
I'll talk to Olesen.
They may have something for him.
No, he needs to come back
to the firm. It's his life.
I know there were problems, but...
Benedikte, I can't.
I can't.
"Can't" or "won't"?
Stop that. I can't.
The man was disloyal.
It wasn't just my decision.
This is so difficult for me.
But I'm begging you,
would you please re-hire Ulrik?
You're as cold as ice.
You're just as cold as ice.
- Benedikte.
- Leave, get out of the car.
- I can't. Don't be silly.
- Get out.
Leave now, Christoffer!
- I've missed you.
- Me too.
What did she want?
You better go out to your mother.
She's waiting for you in the car.
- Will I see you soon, Grandma?
- You will.
Bye, Marie-Louise.
Say hi to your mom.
- Thanks for the flowers.
- You're welcome.
- See you.
- Bye, Grandma.
She wants me to re-hire Ulrik.
Hasn't he been punished enough?
Why can't you try to
be different from them?
Don't pester me.
I know it's been a difficult transition.
But there's no point in regrets.
I can't manage.
Don't talk about your emotions.
Yes, you can.
It's on the verge of success.
It will be different after the merger.
We can't do anything else.
What we're doing is right.
I'm losing Maria.
I am.
I'm losing her.
Are you sure
you don't want to come inside?
I'm going home.
Southern France, Lyon Steel
We would like to announce the
merger before the end of the year.
We've booked a table for 9 PM.
Philip, I think
I'd prefer to return home tonight.
As you know, I've just had a son.
I'd like to be with my family.
- And you, Nils?
- I think it's best I return with you.
Then goodbye.
- Christoffer, do you have a minute?
- Yes.
I'll go down and
order a taxi.
There's something I have to tell you,
I had hoped this could wait, but
I need to tell you right away.
There won't be room for Nils
in our new organization.
I know that he means a lot to you -
- but he lacks the skills
for the European market.
And he's too old.
I know.
I know it.
But I'd prefer to wait until
the merger is official.
- Then I'll tell him myself.
- Of course.
- Are you coming out to the plant?
- No, I'm going home.
Hi, Mother, it's Christoffer.
Are Maria and Aksel at your house?
Yes, we came home a day early.
So you don't know where she is?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Are you back already?
- Where have you been?
I'll just put him down.
- Why didn't you answer your phone?
- It's broken.
I was at my mother's,
at her summerhouse.
- You were due this afternoon.
- What were you doing at the theater?
I went by to show them Aksel.
- Was Alfred there?
- It's got nothing to do with him.
This isn't about Alfred.
It's about you, Christoffer.
What do you mean?
I asked where you were.
What do you want? For me to wait,
like a monkey in this prison?
I never said that.
I never asked for that.
What kind of garbage is that?
I'm trying to rescue the firm
and it's so close to failing.
Maybe I'm doing it
for your sake as well.
- So it's my fault you're never home?
- I'm not saying that.
I'm just asking where you were.
What's going on? Right?
- I told you.
- You haven't told me, damn it!
- You're never here.
- Because I'm working!
I know that.
It's sick how much you work.
- For your sake too, right?
- For my sake?
You're lying to yourself.
We haven't made love in months.
Because you can't any more.
Can't you admit it?
You're so cold,
so sad and cold.
I hate this life and everything you've
done to us. Do you know that?
You lack nothing.
What about that car?
Stop it! I can live just as well
without all of this shit.
Christoffer is upstairs.
I'll check you in.
We land at 11:30.
If the plane isn't delayed,
we'll be at the plant by 1:30.
Yes, I look forward to it.
We're looking forward to
dinner tomorrow night.
Good bye.
It's a great piece of work. This merger
will be noticed all over Europe.
I brought a couple of glasses
so we could celebrate.
We need to be at the gate
in five minutes.
Yes, it will have to wait
until we get back.
Well, then good luck.
We're coming.
We'll just take care of
the last details in France -
- and then we'll take two weeks off,
all by ourselves.
I've just seen a picture of the house.
It looks fantastic.
- I've organized a crib.
- Great.
Come, Mira.
Villa Les Oliviers,
the South of France
Welcome to "Les Oliviers".
Have you had a nice trip?
Yes, thank you.
It's perfect.
- I ordered a baby crib.
- It's in the children's room.
I'll leave the key on the table.
I live in the annex.
If you need anything, call me.
Enjoy your vacation.
A toast to our two firms,
which today became one.
I've done the math.
This makes us one of Europe's
In three years, we'll be the biggest.
America is buying less steel in Europe.
I think they'll erect a tariff
embargo within the next year -
- so it will be impossible to export
our steel to America.
Europe's steelmakers
will go to war with each other.
If we're not the biggest,
we'll never survive.
The goal is to be Europe's biggest
steelmaker in three years.
I'm looking forward to
the collaboration.
I think we've got
a bright future together.
- Let us toast Bovar Steel.
- Europe's largest.
I'm sorry, but
I've got a terrible headache.
- I think I need to go and lie down.
- You can't go, darling.
I'm sorry.
It's been very nice to meet you.
Stay where you are.
Then we won't wake up Aksel.
Good night.
Get home safely.
Thank you,
it was a lovely evening.
It's been a good day.
Drive safe.
I'm leaving now.
I know the merger's
been a nightmare.
You said two years,
Have you forgotten?
I promise it will be different now,
I promise.
I've booked the tickets.
Aksel and I are flying home today.
I won't do it any more.
You'll have to continue alone.
Maria, you know
I can't live without you.
You can't do this, I want you to stay.
I don't want you to go.
I know.
What are you doing!?
Stop it!
Can't you hear me?
Stop! No!
Are you sick?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
I don't want your money!
Are you crazy?
I don't want it!
I'm sorry.
Leave me alone!
I'm paying to be here!
I'm paying to be left in peace.
Christoffer, get up.
You can't lie there.
Christoffer, get up.
- She left.
- I know.
Forget her, Christoffer.
She was wrong from the start.
If only I had said it,
this never would have happened.
Maria never had
the talent or the will.
If only I'd said it,
this never would have happened.
You've got the talent.
You were born
to take this responsibility.
Benedikte is weak like her father.
You're like me.
You're just like me.
- Hi, Christoffer.
- Hi.
Ulrik, I want to be completely
honest with you.
If it weren't for Benedikte,
I never would have re-hired you.
What you did to the firm and
the family was unforgivable.
But Benedikte has chosen
to be loyal to you and I respect that.
I'm hiring you as the human
resources manager.
Your office will be up here, even
though position doesn't warrant it.
Thank you very much.
You won't regret.
I promise.
- You won't.
- Good. That was all.
Thank you.
- Good evening.
- Hi, Ulrik.
- Take off your coat.
- Thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It's nice to see you again.
I'd like to welcome you to dinner,
here at Wesselsminde.
As it's the first time,
I hope we can live up to tradition -
- so we can host it
every second time.
and welcome.
- Cheers, Grandma.
- Cheers, darling.
I'll let the chef present
what we're having tonight.
Good evening.
We'll start with a lobster salad with
mango, ginger, and peanut oil.
The main course is snipe foie gras
with truffles -
- served on a compote of Jerusalem
artichokes, chestnuts and mushrooms.
The dessert will be a
Baba au Calvados.
Should I come to the
press conference in Paris?
The merger with Lyon will be
the end of our collaboration.
The firm is stabilized and
the clean up is over.
I've enjoyed our collaboration,
but I'm afraid that's that. I'm sorry.
- But is it wise?
- Lyon has a man with the same skills.
I've agreed with them
that he'll be in charge.
You will of course get whatever
separation package you want.
What the hell do you want me to do?
Enjoy life.
- Get home safe.
- We'll drive home with you.
- It went well.
- Yes.
- Adam was a great idea.
- Yes.
Want a glass of wine
in the office?
- Yes, I would.
- Okay.
I've called you here to share
some good news with you -
- before the rest of the world hears it.
Borch Moller Steel and Lyon Steel
have merged -
- under the name Bovar Steel.
"Bo" for Borch Moller and
"Var" for Varmiere -
- the French family that
founded Lyon Steel.
The new organization means we will
be able to create 29 positions -
- and re-hire some
of the former employees.
I'd also need to announce
that Nils Ringhoff -
- has chosen to leave after
Stockholm, 2 Years Later
You look good.
I'm doing good too.
We're doing fine.
You're welcome to visit us
if you want to.
We still live in the old apartment.
If you want to spend the night...
I'm going home tomorrow, but we
could eat tonight, if you'd like.
I can't.
I've got a performance.
You could come and see it.
We could go home to
my place afterwards.
I'd like that very much.
I've got to go now.
My babysitter is coming.
- And I've got to shop.
- But I'll see you tonight, right?
Come at 7:30. I'll make sure
there's a ticket waiting for you.
Pass me the spray.
- He's coming to the performance.
- Who?
- Christoffer.
- Christoffer?
- Are you back together?
- No.
I just met him on the street.
I was so happy to see him.
- Girls, you're on in ten minutes.
- Be right there.
- You're on now.
- I can't. Not tonight.
Yes, you can.
- Come on, you're on now.
- You can.
Come on.