Arya (2004)

Love is...
a four letter epic poem...
a sea of 2 drops of tears...
Every living being
searches for love
Every living being
waits for love
It has no reason
for it's birth.
No one knows when
and how it starts.
It's a journey to eternity.
Where's Geethanjali?
I'm searching you...
I'm waiting for you...
To see you once,
I'm ready to die
a million deaths.
I wish may you get the girl
you are waiting for.
...from a girl
Wow! This is golden sunrise!
I'm ready to die for that girl.
You both back off, first I'll
give my life for her.
First me! - No, me first!
This is not a joke.
I'm serious now.
If you really love her,
no need to die for her.
Get her anklets.
Again same dream?
Same Kanyakumari incident?
Forget it. Don't get tensed thinking
about it again and again.
You're feeling unnecessarily for
a man who died for an anklet.
Did you ask him to die?
Life with you is very difficult.
Any little incident you
take it to your heart.
Watching T.V. till late night,
come on get up.
You heard, didn't you?
Get up quickly & get ready.
I'm going.
Don't think too much
and get confused, okay?
Geetha, come quickly.
First class is by Veerappan.
He's not a teacher,
but a dinosaur.
Who's that girl?
Name is Geetha.
Very strict girl.
Every member in our gang
has tried her.
She didn't fall for anyone.
Mother promise.
You too will fail.
You may also fail....
Have books fallen down?
Yes brother! - Are they collecting
each other's books?
You are right brother!
- Are they saying sorry to each other?
You are right again, brother!
They are going away.
No, they'll turn back to see each
other after few
You're right again!
How could you guess it?
I've seen plenty of such
foolish love stories.
He dashed against her today.
Tomorrow, he'll beat anyone
passing comments on her.
After that, he'll ask her to
come to a restaurant
And then a day after that
he'll threaten to die.- Why?
To force her to say,
I love you.
That girl will say it in a
confusion over his threat.
Another love story begins...'s once again same routine...
I'm bored seeing such boring
repetitive love stories.
You are correct.
Brother...- Why there's
an audio break?
Get up and see it
yourself, brother.
Why did she gave a disgusting look?
This is also routine...
Who are you little girl?
You look gorgeous.
You cool down boy.
He didn't know she was your friend.
Forgive him brother.
I'll take care of him.
You wait man.
Why are you getting tensed up?
Do you know who he is?
He's M.P. Avataram's son.
His word is a rule in this college.
If it is broken, people disappear.
Shut up.
Why did you beat him?
Why are you bothered if he
passes comments on me?
Look, I know why you
are doing all this?
Don't play such cheap
tricks on me.
You dashed against
me yesterday.
Today, you beat him for
passing comments on me.
You'll invite me to a
restaurant today evening.
You are coming to
Coffee Day today evening.
Why didn't you come yesterday?
I'm asking you.
Why should I come?
I love you.
If you don't say I love you
in 24 hours,
I'll jump down from
the college rooftop.
Will he jump down really?
I don't know. He is a mad guy.
He may jump.
I know him very well.
Already you are feeling for a man
who died for your anklet.
If this man too jumps down
to his death, you can't live peacefully.
Listen to me. It's just words...
tell him, I love you.
Let's take other things later.
Do you want me to say? - Yes.
Is this all love?
Isn't there anything else?
It'll be good if some
one picks up.
Uncle, please help us.
Pull him up.
Hail boisterous youth!
Hail singing and jet speed youth!
Let anything happen,
let's do what we like to do.
Even bitter will taste good
if you get used to it.
Whether it's right or wrong.
Let's do it.
Let's take the first step.
Experience will make one wiser.
If happiness is with you
the world is with you.
Let's sing...
for enthusiasm!
Let's live...
...for love!
Drive away darkness and
defeat with a smile.
Hail the patience!
Celebrations must hit like a
typhoon and flood our lives.
Hail the vigor!
Let's run...till we succeed!
There's no going back after
sighting the target.
Your word must break silence
and stop a war!
Hail the mastery!
Turn your foe into a friend
with your love.
Hail the victory!
Let's become one
sharing the love.
You are a king if
you've a loving heart.
You are going to join
a new college. Be careful.
Call us on phone if you
face any problem. down!
...come down.
Our man is living his role.
Tell him.
Tell him, I love you.
Tell him...he may jump.
- Come on tell him.
Say it quickly...
- Say, I love you.
Say it loudly.
I've found some one.
I've found a girl.
A chocolate and three stones
A friend I don't know.
What's your name?
Where shall we meet again?
I got it.
This time also I'm sure to
win the track events.
It seems you are going
to Delhi. - Yes.
Sorry, I'm getting late
to the practical class.
Or else I would've come to
see you off at airport.
I'm leaving to airport
in 10 minutes.
Come to the airport with luggage.
A party so early?
Useless fellow!
Do you know him?
That too he's saying in front of me.
Stop man...I'll kill you.
Dares to say he loves you in front of me...
Tell me, who is he?
- Boys...come here.
What happened?
That guy just said 'l love you'
to Geetha & left.
I want his details.
We'll find out. Get going, you're
getting late to your flight.
I want immediately.
You leave now.
- I'll take go.
Who is he? New Student?
How dare he says I love you to...
This flower has been blessed by
the touch of my lover's hand.
Anyone of these 3 stones
falling into that cup... love will be a success.
Oh no! This game is cancelled.
Let's play it again.
Did he express his love
in Ajay's presence?
Yes, do you know how
tensed I was?
May be he doesn't know about you.
- No, he did it purposely.
Why don't you introduce
him to me?
I'm getting bored with life
without a boy friend.
How does he look?
Is he handsome?
What handsome?
If I see him again...
I'm fine.
Playing fun with me?
The man with me
yesterday was Ajay...
I know. You love him
and I love you.
Are you doing this
knowing everything?
If you love some one,
should I stop loving you?
How can it be love if I give up
so easily? Isn't it?
Why should you love me?
What's that question?
Love is life.
A foolish man threatened to jump
and you said I love you.
What other thing do I need to
fall in love with you?
What do you want from me?
You don't need to love me.
Just feel my love. That's it.
I hate extroverts like you.
Why hasn't he come yet?
My love is a grand success.
Take chocolates
Do you know what did
Geetha say to me?
Did she say, I love you?
Yes, Geetha said, 'l hate you'.
Distributing chocolates for
saying, I hate you?
Boy, tell him.
Do you know the meaning
of 'l hate you'?
She said she dislikes you.
Something is better
than nothing, isn't it?
Love or hatred is in heart.
That means, I'm in Geetha's
heart, isn't it?
I'm getting to understand
him clearly now.
That's what we are also
not able to understand.
To my dearest Geethanjali
...3 dots!
...yesterday you took
a flower from me...
I'm in blue ink and
from red ink Arya.
Geetha is serious,
so we too are serious.
So tomorrow we're warning Arya
To my dearest Geethanjali,
...3 dots!
Yesterday you took
a flower from me.
Today you are making me
write a love letter! Full stop.
It's question mark about
what's in store for the future?
Just feel my love...
that's all...Underline.
Don't bother about friends'
comments in brackets.
Bye in blue ink,
from Arya in red ink.
Are you itching for trouble?
- No.
Will you give a love letter
on seeing a girl? - Yes.
What? Are you in love
with Geetha?
But you don't want
Geetha to love you?
That's it, Shanthi.
Give and take is business.
If I insist Geetha should
love me as I love her...
...will become business.
How can it be love?
Well said!
If your love for her is true...
Love is truth; so asking about
true love is wrong question.
You love her, that's okay.
Can't you keep it within your heart?
Why are you expressing it openly?
Caught on wrong foot.
Come again.
If you love her, why can't you
keep it to yourself?
Why are you expressing it?
No dear, if it's very
little I can hide it.
How can I hide so much love?
My love for her is so vast
that I can't hide it.
I'm an extrovert.
Suppose if you laugh...
- If I laugh?
You look terrible.
Ajay already loves her.
Why do you want to love her again?
Do you like Taj Mahal?
- I like.
You? - I too like.
That girl likes it,
so you stop hiking it.
Stop! Did you ever fall
in love with anyone?
You are unqualified to put questions.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Dear girls! Stop asking
questions and start loving.
You'll never get any doubts.
Come girls, let's go.
He has given a letter to Shanthi.
- Love letter?
To my dearest hating Shanthi.
I hate you.
I started hating you ever since
I saw you first.
I can live happily without you.
From, yours ever hating Arya.
Note: Please don't come
to HUDA Park tomorrow.
Any feelings?
Did you feel my love?
Didn't feel?
What's your problem?
Come on tell me.
I just want to know
if you'd felt my love or not.
Didn't feel anything?
- No.
Not even a little?
Didn't feel anything?
Don't you've any responsibility
towards your lover?
Is one-sided love
so cheap to you? are...
- Am I handsome? are disturbing
me very much.
When I think about you....
- Did you think about me?
I get irritated.
Are you mad? What feel...?
You reacted when I said cockroach.
Why can't you react a little
for my love?
I've only one feeling
for you...hatred.
I hate you.
You love to hate me, don't you?
- I love.
Then, why do you say it
with a frowning face?
Can't you say it with a smile?
I'm fine.
Your face shows you've
hated me today also.
Okay, come let's go
and have a coffee.
You can hate me over
a coffee also.
Please don't disturb her,
she's hating me.
You carry on please. smiled now.
- No, I didn't.
No, accept you smiled now.
You smiled and I saw it.
Okay, I smiled. So what?
That means you've started
feeling my love.
What are you saying?
Don't you've any sense?
It was my mistake to come
with you for a coffee.
Why are you confused?
You don't love me. You hate me, okay?
Why can't you be sincere in that?
Why are you smiling at me?
Okay, give him Rs.50.
He'll go away.
Why am I putting up with you?
There are so many girls
in this college.
Why should you love only
me and not others?
Yes, why am I in love with
you and not others?
Let me ask them.
Why am I in love with her & not you?
Any defect in you?
Why am I in love with
her & not you?
Any defect in you?
- Mad man.
Why am I in love with her
and not you?
Any defect in you?
Sorry! I asked all the girls here
and there's no response.
You've to feel my love.
If you really feel my love,
I'll come in your dream.
Feel my love with anger...
or with hatred...
...or feel my love like
a curse, my love.
Feel my love like a burden...
or far away... love, feel it as a crime.
Feel my love silently...
or as mean...
Feel my love as void
or something as or not.
Feel my love tearing all the
love letters I sent you.
Feel my love throwing the
flowers I sent you.
Feel my love booing the
love poems I recite.
Feel my love if you are
disgusted with my mischief.
Saying you don't like
my presence.
...claiming you never
think about me,
...that you hate me and
thoughts about me are bitter.
...thinking you'll never become
life partner...feel my love.
Feel my love turning your
eyes red with anger.
Feel my love abusing me wildly.
Feel my love wiping me
away like dust.
Feel my love in the foot marks
left behind while leaving you.
If legs get tired and
burden on hands increases.
If eyes feel sleepy and
lips stop uttering words.
Above all this if you've a heart,
feel my love.
He's going over the board. - Yes.
Tell him.
- He's over doing everything.
Entire college is behind him.
Even girls are supporting him.
He's chasing Geetha.
She too is...
No brother, he can make any girl
fall in love with him.
He's extremely talented.
He never beats us, but breaks
everything surrounding him.
He'll kill us psychologically.
You must do something
or else you'll lose Geetha.
Where's Arya?
- I don't know.
Where's Arya?!
I saw you on my entry and
after a long time now.
Didn't I say he's powerful?
What man?
It seems you love Geetha.
Don't you want to live?
Do you know who am l?
Let's fight...Iet's fight
it out definitely.
But, tell me one thing.
Do you love Geetha?
He loves her. That's why,
we've come to stop you.
Does Geetha love you?
- Hey, tell him.
Are you mad?
She said she loves him from roof top.
Didn't you hear it?
Then, it's all over.
Why are you all leaving?
Why are you over doing things?
- Me?
Don't unnecessarily incite me.
If you want to continue
in this college,
Don't talk or see Geetha.
Got it?
Why are you getting
tensed if I love her?
My love for her is
my personal thing
Are you afraid she
might fall for me?
Is your love so weak?
Don't you've confidence
in your love?
Tell me if you don't have,
I'll drop out.
He has full confidence
in his love.
Look, if it is really love
between you both,
can't separate you.
If she falls for my love,
then, yours is not love.
Calling love, what isn't really
love is meaningless.
He's confusing me.
- Well said, didn't he?
What's this carrying bats?
To beat me?
If you beat me once also,
it means you don't have
confidence in your love.
If you say no, I'll drop out.
Why are you always saying
about dropping out?
You must continue.
Hey, you stop man!
He's confident about his love.
If you are really confident...
...accept with a smile whatever I do.
- He'll do it.
Why are you afraid of him?
What's his range?
He's the king of this college.
His word is a promise.
Brother, come let's go.
Why are you getting angry?
I'm here.
Going to Library?
- Yes, so what?
Tell Geetha, I'll meet
her in the evening.
He'll tell...come
brother, let's go.
I'm telling you once again,
he has confidence in his love.
Go...go...I'll take care of him.
Tell me mother.
- How are you dear?
Just light fever, that's all.
- Did you consult a doctor?
I'm under treatment, mother.
Take medicines properly.
- Okay?
Can't you come home?
- No, exams are nearing.
Aren't we here?
We'll take care of her, aunt.
Take care of her.
- Okay...bye.
Is it to develop or shed?
Like it man.
All right
It seems Geetha is having fever,
her friend called up.
I'll go to her hostel.
Going to hostel?
I'll also come along with you.
It's 2 days since
I've seen Geetha.
It seems Geetha is not
feeling well.
Come, let's go and inquire
about her welfare.
Don't you've confidence?
Brother, don't give in,
be confident.
I was thinking how to reach her.
Thank god, you gave me a lift.
Why did you stop here?
To buy fruits?
Is it necessary now?
Won't Geetha love you if
you don't take fruits?
Okay, you've got your
own problems.
Boy, pack 2 dozens of apples.
- No need.
Geetha, your lovers have come.
Okay, let's play again.
Are you fine Geetha?
Has your fever come down?
Did you take medicine properly?
Any way take 2 or 3
days of complete rest.
Don't worry about
missing classes.
I'll take down notes for you.
Why are you still standing?
Come and sit.
Am I talking too much?
Good...very good!
Great lovers!
Walked in empty handed.
She's not feeling well.
Don't you've common sense
to bring fruits for her?
I've brought Shanthi.
Will you cheat me?
- Cheated you?
Bringing or not bringing
is your personal affair
Will you stop if I say?
Do I've to tell you all this?
Come on girls...Ieave them alone.
You both talk to each other.
Ajay talk to Geetha.
Girls, let's go out and play.
Where are you coming?
Take the fruits make juice
and serve it to Geetha.
It all happened because of you.
You went out with
him and had coffee.
If you'd stopped him then, situation
wouldn't have come to this.
He came along with me now.
If I warn, he asks if l
don't have confidence.
I'm going mad.
Why don't you try to
understand me?
Why are you friendly with him?
I'm getting fooled in front
of my friends too.
It'll be difficult if this continues.
This shouldn't repeat again.
Don't let it happen again
and embarrass me.
This time I'm serious.
Anyone of 3 stones falling into it.
My love will succeed.
or else no!
One minute! - What?
One suggestion! - What?
Any way it's not
falling into it.
If you say love will succeed
if you fail to put into it.
This is good idea!
It's difficult boss.
Every time the opposite happens.
Your love will never succeed.
You know one thing. - What?
I never believe such things.
I'll believe if it falls.
Oh Gods!
We are not able to meet
because of Arya.
You are also avoiding me
saying you've classes.
That's why, I called you
to the park.
No one will disturb us here.
Correct boss! No one will
disturb us here.
Come on take this.
Why are you disturbing us?
- Me?
Isn't this disturbance?
Nobody can disturb
love or lovers.
If they are disturbed
then it's not love at all.
Love is a penance.
a penance by 2 people.
Lovers must forget
their surroundings.
They must forget this world.
You both still don't
know to love.
Please come nearer.
Look into each other's eyes.
World is slowly disappearing
from your eyes.
You can't hear or see anything.
You are not hearing that
flight's noise also.
Now you are looking into each other.
For present, you both
are not here.
Why did they go away?
When Ajay is not here,
I'm the boss.
Why are you leading?
She's mine.
Can't you see properly?
Bloody idiot.
Get lost.
If you say yes,
I'll fall for you easily.
I want a girl friend...
Be careful.
I want a girl friend.
Please arrange one like
this for me too.
What happened?
He's here only.
He'll eat my brain.
Why do you look at him
like an enemy?
He's not such a bad guy.
He's little extrovert. That's it.
He can be friendly with you and
create problems, can't he?
There are many who behave
negatively for love.
He wants to be friendly with you.
What's wrong in it?
I'm meeting you after
a long time.
Didn't I say, I'll meet you
with my girl friend only?
How is she?
Why are you going away?
That guy is here only.- Who?
That Arya.
Oh! That one side lover, Arya!
Are you afraid of him?
Come with me.
He's a disturbance.
We must disturb others.
Never allow others to disturb us.
Do one thing,
you go & disturb him.
What are you looking at?
I wasn't here all these days.
Now that I'm here,
no one can disturb you.
You go ahead.
I'll take care of him.
You're saying hello to me!
Did I disturb you?
- Disturbing me? No way.
We must always be
like this only.
You brought Geetha here for me.
Oh! I forgot to wish you...
They'll disturb here.
Let's do one thing.
Let's run away from here.
Let's love each other
doing nothing else.
Do you know,
we have come together.
Have a seat.
- Don't know.
Ajay, come here for a minute.
You sit next to her always.
I'll sit once.
What happened?
Geetha, sit down.
On this happy occasion, ice creams
for everyone from me.
Me too strawberry!
Then, chocolate for me too!
Vanilla? You love
chocolate, don't you?
I've changed my opinion.
- Just like this.
You can change your opinion
about me, can't you?
Okay, let him feel happy,
anyway he's a love failure.
Did I give him a nasty punch?
- Yes.
You don't get tensed up.
Catch any one of
these two fingers.
I like your frankness.
You must catch it.
My love will be a success.
What great success?
Your love is born failure.
You love a girl who
loves another man.
How can your love be successful?
- Why not?
They can split up, can't they?
Yes, so many lovers have split.
This is Valentine's day.
Look, how many couples
are celebrating here.
There's no guarantee they'll be
here next year with same lover.
For example, you came with
Rani last year.
Now, you've came with
Rosy, haven't you?
It's a lie.
Don't believe him.
Where did he come from
to spoil my love?
Ajay, beware of him.
You supported him.
He's trying to split us.
What's this?
Do you want them to split?
Don't you've confidence in your lover?
I've great confidence
in my love.
Lovers will never split.
But those who are infatuated
will split.
May be they don't love
each other.
May be it's just infatuation.
Geetha would've told I love you to
any fool jumping from the roof.
That's why, I said I didn't
want to speak to him.
Talking to him is... know I'm mad
about you.
I can do anything for you.
Come and watch.
What's destined to happen will
happen at any cost.
wake up...Iisten to me.
Where there's a will
there are plenty of ways.
Love is a sweet melody
striking your heart.
Nobody can say when and how
love will spell it's magic.
Dance and celebrate.
If you fall in love, your heart
becomes mischievous.
Oh my love realize!
There's no greater power
on earth than love.
Why do you ignore my
hand of friendship?
with your presence...
you've created a sensation
in my heart.
whether you agree or disagree,
you are in my heart.
That's true, my dear.
In hot sun or
a heavy downpour...
I'm always with you, my dear.
Today is my Geethanjali's birthday.
All of you please
wish her, from Arya
What are you waiting for?
Cut the cake quickly.
Taste may also change,
cut it quickly.
Your next birthday may come
before you cut this cake.
Will you cut or shall l?
Come on, cut.
Geetha, cut the cake.
What man? Was Geetha's birthday
celebrated grandly?
Geetha is coming.
Cool down brother.
What happened?
Why didn't you come to
my birthday celebration?
I was waiting for you,
you know that?
Why didn't you come?
Did your celebration
stop without me?
People you love were there.
Love? Oh you mean Arya?
Do you know what was his gift?
What's this he has
given you a shock?
He presented your photo to
trap your girl friend.
He's no ordinary man.
You didn't expect this, did you?
If he really wanted us to split.
Why would he give this gift?
You've mistaken Arya.
He wants to be friendly with us.
That's all.
What boss? How is my gift?
Is it good? Nothing...
She'll feel happy for your photo,
so, I gave your photo.
I'll give my photo if she'll be
happy with my photo.
It's not about your
photo or mine.
Our lover must be happy.
That's all!
Well said, didn't he?
- I'll kill you.
Why do you smoke cigarettes?
You'll spoil your health.
My lover loves you.
Don't spoil your health by
smoking cigarettes.
Do exercise and
take fruit juices.
I love Geetha and
Geetha loves you.
So, I too love you.
We can't handle him.
Your dad is the right man.
We must get that
tender this year too.
No other person must bid for it.
Ensure two of our people guard
the tender box. Got it?
If anyone tries to
bid for the tender,
Ask Subbu to kill him
What's the meeting going on here?
What happened?
You want money? - No.
Any problem in college?
What's it boy?
- Yes uncle.
Subbu, they need your help... them.
Take care of tender also.
Geetha, Ajay wants you
to come immediately.
Geetha hugged me.
She also kissed me...Arya.
Arya really weaved a magic to
make Geetha fall in love.
He's Arya.
Anyway Geetha has great foresight!
If she has 2, one will be
there if she misses one.
Brother, you said it's
a routine love tale.
But there's a lot of variety
Correct! This is shuttle cock love.
- What's that?
A cock and 2 rackets.
- Double game?
Why are you passing comments?
Don't you want to live?
Get lost guys. was the first touch?
Was it thrilling?
Just because of you...
Today, I've become a
characterless girl in this college.
You've a put my life
on notice board.
Everyone is looking at
me like a prostitute.
You are a maniac!
You want to achieve me
at any cost.
That's why you are
behaving like this
But it is impossible.
I don't know what had
happened till now.
But, I'm telling you now.
I'll love only Ajay.
I'll marry only Ajay.
I'll prove ours is true love.
I don't have any problems.
You are my biggest problem.
I'll be happy if
you're not there.
I'm your problem, am I not?
You'll be happy without
me, won't you?
I'll never show up my face
again in your life.
Looks like a mad man...
- Yes...may be love mad.
May be.
This hospital is curing
my love's sweet hurt.
So, I hate this hospital, Arya.
What happened last night
in discotheque?
If you kiss any girl as you find,
will she keep quiet?
She's my lover.
That's why, did she
push you down?
What are you blabbering?
I'll kill you.
You've to hold many people's
shirt like this.
Not only me, no one here feels
you are Geetha's lover.
What he said is true?
Every one is college is suspecting
me because of Arya.
They feel I'm forcing
Geetha to love me.
And she doesn't behave
like my lover.
But she must.
Entire college must
believe she loves me.
We must do something
to make them believe.
I know what is to be done.
Boys! Plan a tour.
When that thing happens,
she'll fall into the line.
That's it! She'll be your lover
if that thing happens.
Ensure Geetha comes to this tour.
I'll manage other things.
Brother...Geetha is coming.
It seems you pushed down
Ajay last night in disco.
Can he misbehave
with me like that?
What's wrong if I kiss you?
Are you my lover?
Do you really love me?
I know you don't love me,
you are just acting love.
Why are you accusing me?
- What else can I do?
If you both fight like this,
Arya's words will come true.
Bunty is watching eagerly to
see you both split up.
Bloody pig face!
Moreover a style too.
Yes, I too don't like
you both fighting.
That's why we've planned a tour.
Let's all go on a tour.
For bringing together
estranged lovers,
and to make lovers
come much closer,
So, Ajay and Geetha are coming.
Must are coming.
What's this tour?
Tour means a tour. No lecturers.
Just lovers only.
I'll not come.
Didn't I say she
doesn't believe me?
Your girl friend is coming, isn't it?
They'll come, because they believe you.
Forget it.
Ajay, coach is calling you.
Come quickly.
Coach is calling you.
Tell the coach that I'm not
participating in race.
Geetha, you're spoiling his future.
Don't you like Ajay
winning the race?
Do you know what he'll
miss with this game?
He has become like
this because of you.
He's going away...
Please call him back.
Geetha, please call him back.
Why don't you
participate in race?
Why don't you come to the tour?
You want me to come
to the tour?
Okay, win the race.
I'll come.
You are sure to win the race.
We are going on tour from here.
Everything is ready, isn't it?
Sit down.
Tour is cancelled.
I'm not worried for
beating me up.
If you plan such lousy
tours which Geetha hates.
I've to make such an entry.
You said you'll never
show up again in life.
Why did you come back?
Generally...I never keep up
my promises.
Did you meet Geetha or not?
- No.
I don't want to disturb
Geetha any more.
Geetha mustn't face any
problem because of me.
Will you stop loving
Geetha then?
There won't be any
walk over in love.
One-side love?
One-side lover must
never feel sad.
There isn't a royal love than
one-side love in this world.
We are loving them.
That means we are
giving our love to them
We are donors and
they are receivers.
Ours is upper hand and
theirs is lower hand.
Oh my brother! Listen to me.
One-side is always better.
If you listen to my advice,
No one will ever become
forlorn lover Majnu.
Observe the words.
I love you.
There's no meaning of
you love me in that.
Take the one-way road
and march ahead.
No one will stop you.
Love her one-side freely.
You'll never ask her
to love in return.
It's better than anxiety
ridden tragic love,
One side love is better as
there's no chance to fail.
If Devadas knew about this,
Would he have taken to liquor?
Let there be any number of
shattering beauties.
There's nothing to lose or
nothing wrong...try all of them.
Better than asking
one girl's love.
Love every beauty
you see and enjoy.
If you fail to get your lover,
life will be in jeopardy.
If she agrees it's a
life time commitment.
That's okay, but what's the gain
in one side love for us?
I'll tell you that too.
You needn't dress expensively
to dazzle girls.
You needn't take loans
to give her gifts.
No need to talk
rubbish on cell phones.
No need to take her
around on your bikes.
No need to use two straws
in one soft drink.
No need of 2 tickets
for a movie.
Boss, you're a success.
Your love is success.
You've achieved in
your aim boss!
The stone fell into the cup.
I'm so happy and
why are you so sad?
I never thought about it when I tried.
- Didn't think?
You should think something.
When it fell into the cup,
you didn't think anything.
What sorry?
Think of it a 100 times
and be ready.
Let's match it with the wish
whenever it falls.
This is fine.
Isn't there anyone to ask if beer
falls on great sprinter Arya?
Did you feel?
Did anyone of you feel?
Why no one is feeling?
At least you feel for it.
Will your love succeed if
a stone falls into this cup?
Though you may win
any number of races.
You can't win Geetha.
Geetha still hates you.
Why are you silent?
Say something.
You generally blabber something.
No, I don't want to disturb
you both any more.
No, I'll get disturbed if
you don't disturb us.
Don't change your
character for me.
You must talk.
How many times Geetha
told you she loves you?
Just once!
Do you know how many times
she said she hates me?
These many times!
She hates me more
than she loves you.
That means her feeling towards
me is stronger than on you.
Well said, didn't he?
Geetha may forget you in life,
she'll never forget me.
Got it?
He's fooling me every time.
We must do something to him.
Let him do anything.
Geetha is on your side, isn't she?
No, his love is sincere.
I fear Geetha might fall for him
.- Shut up.
If it happens, we can't stand it
Already you've become useless
losing out in race.
If you lose out in love too!
Entire college will
spit on your face
You are the king of this college.
I may've anything but for him
Geetha is world & everything.
If I hit him in that weak point.
It means, I've won.
He mustn't get Geetha
at any cost.
If situation forces I'll marry
Geetha and deny her to him.
Yes, I'll do it.
Be firm on this.
Day after tomorrow there
a function in your house
You introduce Geetha
to your father.
And tell him you love her
and wish to marry her.
You must get married in
college farewell party.
Looks like your father
is in good mood.
Go and tell him about Geetha.
Oh Mr. Reddy, greetings.
- Greetings.
Looks like a grand party.
Hey, take care of Mr. Reddy.
Sir, please carry on. - Okay.
Will he defeat us as he
had joined our party?
Go and tell him.
- I'll talk to him.
You don't worry.
Politics is changing things
in quick succession.
You and Geetha love
each other, don't you?
Do you want to marry?
Why are you feeling shy?
Brother, we need a
party to celebrate.
I'm happy and pleased
for accepting my invitation.
I wish to make an announcement
on this occasion.
My son Ajay is going to marry.
The bride is none other than...
Miss Lalasa!
Come Mr. Minister!
We are kinsmen hereafter.
I'm an ordinary
school teacher.
I don't want anything other than
my daughter's studies & future.
I'm not saying you've done
wrong by falling in love.
I believe you.
I've full confidence that
you'll take right decision.
But, if anything happens to you
by your own decision.
I don't have strength
to bear it.
Have it.
I don't like it, dad.
I too don't like to
lose this proposal.
She's a man-eater and
you're forcing me to marry her.
You've gone crazy
in Geetha's love.
What's so great in that girl?
Forget about Geetha, dad,
I don't like that girl.
If I marry her, my college friends
will call me as 'ldiot' Ajay.
If this marriage
gets cancelled.
People of entire state will
call me an idiot.
What's this?
Get me quickly medicine.
You know I never change
once I decide.
This marriage will
go on as scheduled.
Subbu...what's her name?
Take care of her.
Have it...- What's this?
Ajay's marriage
is fixed elsewhere
What's the hurdle now?
Your line is clear.
Come, let's go and
talk to Geetha.
Don't say anything.
- You come with us.
What's this dirty get up?
Come on change.
Get him ready.
Leave me...Ieave me.
I may fall down.
I'll not come despite
your pleas.
Don't put the latch from inside.
- Why?
We are putting the
latch from outside.
Hey open it. Open the door.
Stay inside.
You are useless there.
We'll talk to her on your behalf.
Hey no... please listen to me.
What'll you say?
You talk all non-sense.
What was the result?
Not a millimeter moved
in your love tale
He's shouting from bathroom.
Where are you taking this?
- Gift to aunty.
Go...- Go.
Don't feel sad for
Ajay getting engaged.
You've our uncle.
He'll take good care of you.
Do you know what
our uncle does?
He buys ice creams and
chocolates for us.
He does our homework too, I swear.
Do you know how much
our uncle loves you?
Once...- Hey stop!
This is good time for you.
Just say yes and it's
marriage with our uncle.
and later engagement
Something has happened here.
Everything is broken here.
What happened?
Ajay's father's
henchmen came here.
They gave a warning & left.
What has brought you here?
Have you come to see
how I look in defeat?
Have you seen?
Everything is going according
to your wish.
I'm defeated.
Are you happy now?
I'll not let you get defeated
with me around here.
You want Ajay.
That's all, isn't it?
No, please save me.
My life will get ruined.
You all know she's
a big prostitute.
Marrying her? No way.
Why do I need such
cowardice useless friends?
Hello, Mr. Reddy,
are you doing fine?
Send a car to the guesthouse.
Lover means I've to give
whatever she asks.
Geetha wants your son.
I've come to take him.
I'm busy now, let's discuss
it later. Go.
Sir is busy. Call later.
You are a kid.
You don't know about me.
Don't disturb the function.
Leave from here.
Didn't uncle tell you not to
disturb the function?
Can't you understand?
You carry on with your function.
I'll just take Ajay with me.
Where's Ajay?
- Upstairs...up.
Geetha told me to bring you.
Geetha is waiting for
you in hostel.
Geetha will feel sad if you
don't come with me.
I know you hate
to come with me.
And you hate to take
my help also.
Just say, I'll not come.
I'll go away.
And tell the same
thing to Geetha.
Look, we've got only 5 minutes.
They may come for
us any moment.
Decide before they come here.
What's this?
Do you know what you are doing?
I want her to be mine.
But at the same time I want to
fulfill her wish too.
What's this?
Remove your hand.
Great girl! Do you want me
to look bad before Geetha?
Got beaten up by a woman.
Useless eunuch.
My son should be
here for the marriage.
Bring my son killing
the other two.
Naidu's girl! Let me
shower flowers on you.
You can't boy.
My father is powerful.
Who is your father?
Isn't he my father-in-law?
Who is the red monkey?
Isn't she your mother?
Who is your mother girl?
Isn't she my mother-in-law?
Who is that little girl?
Isn't she your younger sister?
Who is your younger sister?
Isn't she my sister-in-law?
Who is that wearing
jean wearing boy?
Isn't he your brother?
Hey pull over the jeep.
Are they following us?
No, if we run before
they come chasing us.
They can't catch us.
Moreover we are
sprinting champions
It'll be a practice for us also.
How's my idea?
Don't you ever change?
Don't you ever change
your character?
Are you happy if
we are tensed up?
Why are you torturing
us like this?
Tomato rice!
Why can't you give this to
Geetha, she might be hungry?
How do I look like to you?
Geetha is dying in hunger there,
Are you smoking cigarette
here leisurely?
Are you really her lover?
Don't over act. Go.
You'll not give it
to her, won't you?
Give it to me.
- No, I'll not.
Give me.
I don't want.
You didn't eat anything
since morning.
Did he send it with you after
I refused to take from him?
Is she refusing you also?
Your seat is confirmed in toilet.
Go & sit there.
Can I sit here, sir?
- No.
They all are sitting.
- They never took my permission.
How is my punch?
Never disturb me, train
will go in reverse.
Go and sit.
There should be punch
when you say something.
People will recognize you only if
there's a punch in it.
Did you recognize me?
- No.
Then, okay.
He never punched?
Why is he laughing?
Why are you laughing?
- No work.
You've a ticket.
Yes. - Give me.
Go and search it.
You've got plenty of work.
Punch should be so powerful.
I've come...I've come.
Don't know why you become dull if I'm
not seen for few minutes.
Take it.
What's your name?
It's same here also.
There's no punch.
There should be punch
in whatever you do.
Do you've a ticket?
Yes. - Show me.
Sir, I don't have.
- Why did you lie?
Thinking that you'll believe me
But, I didn't believe
you, did l?
How is my punch?
- Good!
There should be minimum
punch when you travel.
It's no problem if
you're without ticket.
Okay, it's sultry here.
Switch on the fan once.
Not just once, I'll switch on
twice for you
Never test me,
train will go reverse.
I'll take lives for punch.
Take out your tickets.
Why are you asking me a ticket?
Didn't you recognize me?
Just now I had asked if you'd
recognized me?- It was me.
Punching this, Great Punch
Falaknuma himself
I'll teach him a lesson.
What's your name?
What do you do?
- I love.
Again a punch?
Who is that girl?
- My lover.
Who is this boy?
- That girl's lover.
Reverse. tea! tea!
Boss, they are here.
- Again a drama?
Can't you come in?
'A' is Amalapuram.
'Aha' is Ahapuram.
'E' is lchchapuram.
Andhra people will
pull you with a whistle
'U' is Ungapuram.
If you say 'Ooh' they'll
swing along with you.
'H' mean highs & lows.
If it is auctioned, young men
will swarm over it.
My upper cloth started slipping
often after reaching Palakollu.
Will the tendency change
even if you go to Yanam?
Will French violin playing stop?
Oh my god! He's killing me
with his looks.
Oh my god! He's pulling
baiting me with air breeze.
Young crowd gathered
desiring me in Gajuwaka.
But called me an untouchable
Wearing a sari without folds,
your secrets are showing up.
Don't pull me into
slush on seeing it.
Before coming to Rajamundry
when I was a young maiden,
touch and enjoy in the dark
confines of Chitrangi's palace.
Hey, change the beat.
Great shot!
Handsome man from Allu's family
Because my lover in the
twilight of dusk.
It seems you're
Queen of Renigunta.
And Queen of Bitragunta
You stop the train
by signaling.
Desire is tingling in the well.
Scorpion of passion
has stung me.
I'm a girl.
My writ runs large
in my native place.
Did you try if your love
will succeed or not?
No, I tried if your love
will succeed or not.
But, I suspect your love.
It's between us...
Are you really here for Geetha?
Or you're here because
you don't like Lalasa?
What are you blabbering
/- Leave my shirt.
You may fall down.
Come on hit me...hit me.
We can't go further with him.
He's not coming with us.
No...enough of your
help till now.
It's between us,
we'll manage it ourselves.
Go away.
Either he stays or me,
decide yourself.
Your father told me to
bring back only you.
She's mine.
Subbu, leave her.
Leave her I say.
Boss, why are you brandishing
knife on Ajay?
If you try to stop me,
I'll kill your father too. Go.
Where's Ajay?
- He's missing.
Why are you dull?
Are you thinking
Ajay has left you?
He didn't go away.
Just like that.
He left a message for you.
Geetha is facing all the
problems because of me.
I've to solve it myself.
I've confidence I can do it.
He has left a message to
come back in a week.
I'll read it for you.
To my dearest Geetha.
Forgive me for leaving
without intimation.
Did you see how
bad he's feeling?
She's having high temperature.
Why did you do like this?
How could you do it?
Do you've to sting just
you've stingers?
She's a good girl,
that's why you're still alive.
If she had patted
you would've died, fool.
I brought her here as
she's in neck deep problems.
Don't you've commonsense
to take care of guests?
Hey, Ajay is 1000 times
better than you
She's a very good girl
She'll tell you also 'l love you'
if you threaten to die.
Do you know why I'm
telling you all this?
How proud you are?
When such a great man
is talking to you
Will you walk away
without caring me?
I'll kill you.
That's...just now a
ant bite you...
Where's the ant?
Hey, where did
you go away?
If you bite again...
I'm hearing a song of love...
in your smiles.
Love! Is it your disturbance?
I'm seeing a new dance...
in your anklets.
Love! Is it your sound?
I want this to continue
for a long time.
Don't ever disturb
this sweet dream?
Love! If you stay with me
for a long time,
If you are with me
every dream is true.
...every word is truth.
It's sweet music in heart
when you are with me.
If you're with me,
every step is beautiful.
Every minute is heaven if
you're with me.
If you're with me
it's happiness all my life.
When silence sings,
Won't my life come
alive dancing?
Won't wild forest flowers take
to the path of love?
Won't void show you the path?
Won't heaven come
into your fist?
Won't happiness break barriers
and run wild?
Love! Your presence
is my lifeline.
Love! Your companionship is my
kingdom of imagination.
Love! If you stay in
my heart for long time,
If you are with me, every
desire will be fulfilled
If you're with me,
gentle breeze will be fragrant.
Won't hot sun become cool evenings
if you're with me?
If you're with me,
every word is Veda.
If you are with me every
word uttered is a song.
If you're with me, my world
will be filled with smile.
Standing where I was,
I've touched the sky.
New facets of change
in my girl friend,
has developed wings
to my imagination.
Am I drowning myself in the
river of happiness?
When the sea of happiness in her
is drowning me,
rainbow is overlapping me.
The colors are
because of you only.
This cool jasmine filled moonlit
nights are because of you only.
Love shall I take it
as permanent.
If you're with me,
no anxiety will come to me.
If you are with me,
light will never fade away.
If you're with me, even words
will become songs.
If you're with me,
there's no defeat for me.
If you're with me,
I'll never get displeased.
If you're with me, any
difficulty is pleasure to me.
You've changed. - What?
You never got angry
on me all this day.
I've not changed.
Accept it.
You have changed.
No, I've not changed.
Okay, you've not changed.
Shall we do one thing?
- What?
For fun let's change our characters.
- You mean?
You'll become Arya and
I'll become Geetha.
It's good. - Is it good?
Let's start it.
I hate you.
I like you very much.
If you like keep
it in your heart.
Why are you saying it openly?
I've so much love that
I can't hide it in my heart.
Am I not telling you?
I hate you.
Won't you ever change?
Can't you understand if I say?
Are you mad?
Why do you torture
me like this?
I've only one feeling for you.
He's just a simpleton.
He's an orphan.
That doesn't mean
he's helpless destitute.
His mother left him
with all comforts.
That's why he always says, my mother
left a treasure of love for me.
I must share it
with this world.
Mad boy!
He knows only to give.
He doesn't know to receive.
That's why I was worried
about his future
But, with that Goddess's
grace you've come here.
Now, I'm peaceful.
What did God say to you?
Did he tell about
Ajay's arrival?
He said he'll be
back in a week...
You wrote that letter, didn't you?
Cat's out of the bag
I'm asking you.
I'm dead.
She'll abuse me wildly.
You wrote that letter and lied
Ajay had written it, didn't you?
Why do you love me so much?
You always wanted me
to feel your love.
I'm feeling your love
every moment of my life.
I'm not able to bear
so much of love.
It's all your fault.
Why didn't I meet you earlier?
Why shouldn't I love you?
I don't know what is love.
I was proud that any girl
will fall for me.
I wanted Geetha to deny
you the opportunity.
But, I've understood
what is love now.
That too from you.
You were ready to do
anything for us.
That's why, I wanted to do
something for her.
I fought with my dad and
made him agree to our marriage.
I gave you a lot of trouble.
My son is my life.
I can't deny him anything.
But, that day he had told.
Forget about Geetha.
He said he didn't
like that girl.
But didn't say Geetha is my life
and can't live without her.
Arya, I like you.
He had left his lover
with you for a week.
That means he believes
you more than himself
To tell you the truth,
you must preside over
this marriage.
Shall we go, dear?
Thank god, the problem is solved.
Are you happy now Geetha?
Everything is going
your way, isn't it?
Poor thing might have
got scared.
Dear, do you want
your mother?
I'll take you to her in a minute.
Here is your mother,
take him...go.
Give it to me, I'll take it.
You? Take this and keep it there.
What are you looking at?
Come on take it.
Coming. minute.
I'll give it to him sir.
Uncle, phone for you from Mr. Raju.
He's on line.
Why don't you take something?
Come here.
Won't you've soft drinks also?
- No problem.
Okay, have it.
Have it...don't feel shy to have
in our Ajay's marriage.
You're great Arya!
I wasted to marry my lover
Sathyavathi immediately.
But I was waiting for you.
I've an urgent call,
I'll be back in a minute.
Why are you going slow?
Move fast.
Hey Shanthi?
Why are you here?
Geetha is inside.
Go & get her ready.
Cry man! At least
now you cry man.
I want to see you crying.
I want to see a drop of tear
at least once in your eye.
You're crying from inside.
You're not realizing it.
No need to show happiness
on face when heart is crying.
I want to talk with you.
My love is taking
it's last few breaths.
Why don't you think about me
for a second at least now?
Till now, I thought love was
only for giving.
But now for the first time
I feel like asking.
Tell me the truth.
In all these day you know me.
Didn't you ever feel at least
once to love me?
Not even a little bit
of love for me.
He's different from others.
You think that I can take
anything very easily don't you?
But, I'm also a human.
To tell you the truth.
I can't live without you, Geetha.
You believed me.
Tell me the truth, you
believed me, didn't you?
Hey Dolly!
Geetha believed it as true.
Look at her face.
She has taken it seriously.
I'm waiting for you.
To see you once,
I'm ready to die a
million deaths.
Aunt, your anklets fell into
sea in Kanyakumari, isn't it?
Malathi, Geetha hasn't
come down yet.
It's getting late for the
marriage, please bring her.
You come with me.
Take the rice grains to bless.
I want Arya.
Shall we change our characters?
You are Geetha and I'm Arya.
You and your smile is enough.
I can't remember anyone else
till it is with me.
You and your friendship
is enough.
Oh dear! Shall I take this
life as a blessing?
You're my heart beat.
You're my dream.
You're the tune of my song.
You're my love story.
You're my happiness.