As Above, So Below (2014)

I've just crossed the Iranian border
en route to the Habala region
where they've
ordered the destruction
of a network of caves
by sundown tonight.
I believe that these
caves might contain
a critical missing
piece of our history.
If I'm found dead,
please know that I entered this
country of my own free will,
fully knowing that the
punishment for trespassing here
is burial up to
your neck in sand
and having a rock wall
pushed on top of you.
But they would have
to catch me first.
Hurry. Come.
Thank you.
If they catch you, it would
be very bad for you.
Yes, I know, Reza.
We will be quick.
Here it is.
Here, use the ladder.
- We haven't got much time.
- I know, I know.
They have already
cleared the area.
I know, Reza.
Just follow me. Follow.
Come on.
Watch your step here. It's fine.
Go, just go.
Yes. Come on.
Turn off the light.
Turn off the light!
Come on. Right this way.
We need to leave.
We are too late.
No, they are not blowing the
caves up until sundown.
We still have a few minutes.
We're not leaving.
Hurry, hurry!
Come on.
My God!
It's even more beautiful
than in the picture.
We must hurry, please.
There's more.
What are you doing?
They're going to
blow it up anyway.
I can't think straight
with this thing on my head.
They will
hear you. Stop!
I just need one minute.
My God.
My God.
Do you know what this is?
I don't know.
My God.
It's the Rose Key.
Please hurry.
I'll be quick.
Scarlett, stop it.
Come on.
I have to scan these markings.
I'm not leaving.
We must leave.
Now! I can hear them.
My father searched his
entire life for this.
I can't leave now.
I have to get this.
I'm sorry, Scarlett.
I have a family!
I know. It's okay.
Be careful.
I won't be long.
Be careful!
Come on.
Come on, Scarlett.
Okay. Okay.
Shit! God!
Reza! Reza!
Reza! Reza!
Over here! Scarlett!
Come over!
Come on.
Are you okay, dear?
Are you okay?
Come on.
Give me your hand.
I got it! I got it!
You remind me so
much of your father.
But, Scarlett,
you must be more careful.
His quest was a path to madness.
My father wasn't crazy.
Everyone who hunts for
Flamel's stone is crazy.
They all wind up dead.
- Do I look in the camera?
- Yeah. Thank you.
That's weird.
So, you can start
by introducing yourself.
My name is Scarlett Marlowe
and I'm a professor at
University College, London.
I have a Ph.D. in urban archeology,
a master's in chemistry
and another Ph.D.
in symbology.
I'm also fluent in four spoken
languages and two dead ones.
And I am a black belt in
Krav Maga, so watch out.
That's a lot of degrees
for someone your age.
Yeah. My father insisted. We
had a very studious household.
Excuse me. One second.
Merci beaucoup.
Thank you.
You really need to learn French.
Yeah, I do need to learn French.
Your father.
What did he teach you about
the philosopher's stone?
Everything. That it's
an elusive substance
that could turn
base metals into gold
and can provide
the key to eternal life.
Sort of crude representation,
but basically
the creation of the stone
was the goal of alchemy
which was an early
form of science
which studied transformation
in all its forms.
And my father was
actually the world's
preeminent historian in alchemy.
So, your father, there
was a lot of speculation
that he was mentally unstable.
Is there any truth to that?
Why? Because
he killed himself?
Six hundred years ago
the greatest of the
alchemists, Nicolas Flamel
lived here,
in this house in Paris.
He was widely believed
to have succeeded
in developing
the philosopher's stone
which would have given him all
the wealth he could dream of
as well as eternal life.
When grave robbers,
hoping to get
their hands on
the philosopher's stone
tried to dig his body up
out of the cemetery
that used to
surround this area here
they found his casket empty,
as well as his wife's.
Okay. So this is
Nicolas Flamel's tombstone
which he designed
and carved himself.
And my father
believed that the clues
to the location of
the philosopher's stone
were encoded somehow
in these arcane symbols.
But their meaning has
remained a mystery until
I discovered
the fabled Rose Key.
It's a kind of Rosetta stone
used for translating alchemical
symbols into Aramaic
which, unfortunately,
I don't speak.
But luckily, I know
a guy who does.
What are you doing?
I just have to open
this door quietly.
Please don't.
I can't believe you just did that.
We just broke into a church!
What does this guy do
all the way up here?
He likes to...
...break into places,
like this
and fix things.
That's a hell of a hobby.
George? Hello?
I saw your bag, George.
I know you're here.
Hi. How are you?
Whatever it is, I want
nothing to do with it.
I didn't even say anything.
I'll save you the time. No.
Who's this guy?
Who are you?
I'm Benji.
He's making a documentary about
my search for the stone.
Of course.
Do yourself a favor. Stay
far away from this one.
I just need to
ask you one favor.
Yeah. Just one favor.
Benji, did she mention to you,
the last time we were together
I literally wound up
in a Turkish prison?
George, it was not a prison.
It was more of a jail.
Jail, in Turkey.
George, I'm sorry.
I couldn't let the lead go dead.
God forbid.
Well, chase your lead.
See how far that gets you.
I got a clock to fix.
I found the Rose Key, George.
You did?
It was in Iran, wasn't it?
I knew it.
And I need your help
translating the Aramaic.
Wait a minute.
Did you go to Iran?
It doesn't matter who went there, George.
You did, didn't you?
By yourself?
Doesn't matter who went.
You're a lunatic.
She... You're...
You're a crazy lunatic.
So, you fixed it.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah!
Go, go, go. Come on.
Are you okay, Benji?
Yeah, I'm good.
It's about to get really loud.
Coming? You coming?
Yeah, yeah. I'm good.
Look at them.
Hearing their church bells ring
for the first time in 284 years.
I'll help you translate.
But that's it.
She's pretty.
Yeah, she's really pretty.
She's got great legs, too.
She said we can have
10 minutes. That's it.
How do you know her?
Professional circles.
Star is ammonia.
Okay, great. Star is ammonia.
Is this making any sense?
Just keep going.
Just keep them going.
Sword is lime?
Sword is lime.
Okay. And what about
the key?
No key.
There's no key?
Why is there no key?
He's carrying the key on his back.
So, if he's carrying
the key on his back,
does that mean that
the key is on his back?
It's on the back of the tombstone.
Scarlett. No.
I need to have
a look behind here.
Scarlett, no!
Come on!
I need you to help me.
Okay! Shit!
Be careful. Let me... I
need to see the back.
Okay. I can't...
Watch your foot.
We're gonna have to put it
down because I can't see.
There's nothing there.
I can see that.
Ammonia sulfonate,
distilled, with lime.
It's the mix of a couple of
basic cleaning products.
Help me out here, man.
What are you doing?
Okay. You don't want
to breathe this in.
This is not gonna end well.
It's on the back.
They will never see it.
My God.
And I need some matches.
Matches? No. No.
We're not burning that.
Benji, give me your matches.
Scarlett, this is a museum! Are
you out of your... Shut up!
My God!
This is not okay!
Okay, that's pretty cool.
That's not "go to jail" cool.
But that's really cool.
Get your camera.
"Winged vulture leads the way
with brightest
light in darkest day."
"Underneath the heaven's reign
what is lost
shall be regained."
"Halfway twixt the darkest gate
and this tablet laid
atop a paird fate."
So, "Underneath
the heaven's reign,
what is lost
shall be regained."
"What is lost
shall be regained."
So that is,
underneath the night sky
or in the open?
Or on the tablet. There's a
night sky right on the tablet.
Yes, good. Okay.
So, darkest gate.
Hell. Hell. Darkest gate,
the gates of Hell.
The gates of Hell.
The gates of Hell.
Okay, but that
doesn't give us anything.
I mean, that's halfway between
this grave and the gates of Hell.
No, wait. I have
my dad's notebook.
My God. Okay.
So this marks what
they believe to be
the distance between
Heaven and Earth and Hell.
If alchemists believed that the
number of the Devil was 741
then it makes sense that they would
think that Hell was 741 feet
beneath the surface of the Earth, right?
So halfway twixt...
So, 370.5 feet beneath
Flamel's tombstone
is where we'll find the stone!
Wait. Hold on, guys.
How are we
supposed to get 370
feet into the Earth?
The catacombs. Right?
The what?
Okay, we're in Paris, so
there are over 200 miles of tunnels
right underneath our feet.
That are holding the remains
of six million corpses.
Six million corpses?
That's where I would put it!
Right. Of course
you would.
Flamel's grave was here.
With the catacomb map,
would make it roughly...
There. Shit.
Wait. Are you sure?
What is it? What happened?
Catacombs don't go
under Flamel's grave.
But if we burrowed
through this wall here...
No, you can't.
In this tunnel...
The walls are solid limestone.
There's no way you can burrow in.
Plus, they've all
been reinforced
since pieces of
the city fell into the...
Well then...
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
In 1774,
about a hundred feet
of Avenue Denfert-Rochereau
was literally swallowed up
into the ground by the city.
A couple of years later,
the same thing happened...
Barrire d'Enfer, right there.
Followed by a third collapse.
Rue des Innocents.
Why would the street
collapse if there's nothing
but solid ground underneath it?
That's a good question, Benji.
So there's a hidden chamber?
It would appear so.
We have to get down there.
You have to get down there.
I don't go underground.
By the end of the 1700s,
residents from all over
Paris began to complain
about the horrible smell of the
bodies in the overcrowded cemetery.
Something had to be done.
Benji, get this.
"Stop. This is
the empire of the dead."
Wait, check out the patterns
and crosses that they made.
It's beautiful.
Six million bodies,
almost three times
the population of Paris
are housed in these quarries.
Making it, by far, the
largest crypt in the world.
Seriously, Scarlett,
this is creeping me out.
Get this.
"At the sound of the trumpet,
the dead will rise."
Benji, here.
Cimetire des Innocents.
These remains are from the same
cemetery as the Flamel graves.
Which means that...
Yeah, we basically need to go
about half a mile
through this wall.
We need to find a way into the
off-limits area of the catacombs.
Go to the club
called Le Showcase.
Ask for Papillon.
He'll bring you.
Come back into the group.
Please. Come on.
Are you sure this is where
we're supposed to go?
Yeah, I think it's...
I think it's just down here.
What's his name again?
Yes, what do you want?
I need to get into the catacombs
and someone told me
that you could take me.
No, sorry. Do I look
like a tour guide to you?
Do I look like a tourist?
Okay, why would I want
to bring you down there?
Because we have
found a secret tunnel
in the catacombs that no
one else knows about.
No. I know that place. We would
have found it if it was there.
No, you wouldn't have.
Yes, we would.
No, you wouldn't have,
because it was designed,
years and years ago,
to be invisible.
Unless you knew it was there,
you would never find it.
Why would that be?
Because I believe it's
filled with treasure.
You know what I mean?
Treasure, yeah, I know what you mean.
It's a joke.
I mean, is she serious?
I'm 100% serious.
If it's true,
me and my friends, can we
take half of the treasure?
You can have all
of the treasure.
It's not what I'm looking for.
Half is fine.
So you'll take us?
Yes, I said okay.
Try this.
No, I'm sorry, I'm not going.
No, he's coming.
He's coming.
I'm not coming.
George, come on, please.
I need your help.
You can text me
whatever you find
down there.
I'm gonna be around...
No. You can't.
No cell phones down there.
The ground is too dense.
We are so close.
I know.
You know there's
something there.
Guys, meet my team.
This is Zed, our climber.
And this is Souxie, the banshee.
Hi. a va?
Souxie, the banshee.
Then we go near la plage.
And then it's a bit tricky.
There's water to here.
And we're prepared for that?
We have enough equipment?
Yeah, we got everything.
Zed, right? How
do you know Papillon?
I grew up with him.
He's my friend, you know.
Do you know how he got
the scar on his hand?
Don't talk about that to him.
Souxie, what are the dangers that
we're facing when we go down there?
If you run out of batteries,
with no flashlight,
you will die.
If you run out of water,
if you get hurt.
And there are also
dangers like police and bats,
rats, claustrophobia,
drowning, bugs.
De Niro? You want to see De Niro?
Yes, yes.
Don't do it.
No. He's bad.
Let me do De Niro.
Fuck, man. Fuck.
Just like that!
You're up.
Hey, yo, hey, yo...
Listen to that.
No. And it's over.
Do it like that.
Three seconds. You suck.
Guys, when we leave the van,
we need to be quick, okay?
Because if the police catch us
with all that stuff, we're fucked.
- Okay?
- Okay.
I'll walk you guys
down there but then I'm out.
- Quick, quick.
- Go, go, go.
Okay, Souxie.
Okay, make it quick, make it quick.
Okay, wait.
Can we keep going?
Okay. Now, we should
put our headlamps on.
Let's go.
Can you check if mine is on?
Where's yours?
I'm not coming with you guys.
I told you a bunch of times.
I'm leaving you
guys in a second.
Just give it a minute.
Here we are.
This is it.
That's the hole
that you're going into?
That's it?
It's not a joke.
Let's do it.
All right. Look,
before we go down there,
I have installed pin-cams on
some of your headlamps. Hold on.
Camera B, good, check.
All right.
All right, camera C, check.
Let's go.
What's this?
Good luck.
Scarlett, I'm not... I shouldn't
have even come this far.
Please, I need you with me.
I'm not. I'm sorry.
Are you sure you're not gonna
regret this? Good luck.
Listen, I don't know what you do
but you make up
your mind now. Okay?
He's coming, he's coming.
I'm not going.
George! Come on!
Watch your head,
watch your head!
Quickly! Fucking Christ!
Are you out of your mind?
Smoke bomb, look out!
Go! Go! Go!
Watch out!
Go back! Go, go, go!
You okay?
Let us make sure it's clear, okay?
Zed, Souxie.
You stay! You stay!
I have a headlamp
for you. Come here.
Let me just...
Scarlett, I got it!
I got it!
I gotta turn it on.
Hold on.
All right.
Camera D, good, check.
Thank you. You really
don't like caves, do you?
Is this working?
Okay. Thank you, Benji.
What did I say?
His little brother drowned in
a cave when they were young.
You didn't know.
It's fine.
All right.
are you all right?
I will be.
You never returned
my calls after Turkey.
I know.
I just wanted to say
that I'm really sorry
for leaving you there.
I know.
I'm really glad
that you're here.
I don't care. I'm not
here for you, Scarlett.
I agreed to be your
translator, that's it.
I know. I didn't wanna
come down here.
But here I am.
I'm sorry.
The police
will never catch Papillon.
Okay, let's go.
I'm coming.
I'm coming.
That's me,
the classic "Pap."
We go through here.
Follow me, Benji.
I probably should
have worn boots.
I offered you some.
It gets higher up here.
You'll be fine.
How deep do you think we are?
It's okay?
So where are we?
I make us there.
You good?
You got something for your
camera to go in water?
Yeah. I'm all set.
Yeah, he's got a splash bag.
It's going to get deeper.
Rue Bezout.
And there's a really cool room
in the other side, but...
But you have to swim through it.
We're not going to go.
Not this time.
Maybe another time.
Okay. This is the end.
You good?
This place is crazy.
That's hot candles.
There's people in here.
Come on.
There is always some
weird peoples down here.
You're not kidding.
We go through here.
And I suggest you pull
your hands up like this
so these bones don't cut.
No, no. We're not
going through there.
Yes, it's the only way.
Fuck that, man. I'm not
climbing over bones.
That's a great
tour guide you got.
What did you say?
If you need a tour guide,
you get a tour guide who say,
"Look over here,
look over there"
and everything.
But that's not me.
If you want to find your hidden
treasure, that's the way.
Wait. Papillon, look. That
isn't actually the right way.
This one here. This is a
much more direct route.
Sometimes the wrong
direction is better. No.
Nobody uses this corridor.
Why not?
It's a bad place.
What do you mean, it's a bad place?
Is it dangerous or...
Bad like, people who go in
this tunnel don't come out.
We're talking about some kind
of urban legend or something.
This could save us
hours upon hours.
You think because you see
something in a book, you know it?
Just look at the map, here.
Okay, this? This is
not the catacombs.
This will not tell you anything.
Tell me, which ones
are filled with water?
Which ones have collapsed?
Which ones are evil?
You don't need to be yelling.
You don't know!
We had a friend named La Taupe.
In English, "la taupe"
c'est "the mole."
He lived down here for years.
He knew every corridor of every
system, except this one.
He knew there was something
horrible down there.
But eventually, he had
to see what it was.
He went inside and nobody
has seen him since.
So if you want to take this way,
go ahead.
Not with me.
Or me.
It's the best way.
These people have
been here before.
We haven't.
If that rock is down here, then
it's been down here for 600 years.
I think it can wait
a couple more hours.
These are human bones!
I know.
Benji, nobody wants to do this.
And you're cool with this?
I'm sorry, Benji, I really am.
Let's go. Let's just go.
Okay, look at Zed.
And use, like him,
all your legs and arms
because there is rats under...
Are you fucking serious, man?
No, no, no...
First bones, now rats?
What the fuck is
wrong with you, man?
I'm just fucking kidding!
That's fucked up,
man! Asshole.
I'm right behind you.
It's actually not too bad.
Let's do this.
Give me that.
Mind your feet.
Just keep it
slow and steady, yeah?
Watch your head.
Are you all right?
No, no.
I think I'm stuck.
I can't see you.
Piece of shit bag.
You okay, buddy?
Okay. Fuck.
Just move your shoulder down.
No, no, no.
I'm stuck.
Just move back, Benji.
I'm stuck. Fuck!
Just calm down.
It's okay.
No, no.
I can't breathe.
No, it's okay.
Benji, you can.
Look, you should go.
Just keep going, please!
Fuck. Fuck!
You have to move back!
No, just go, God damn it!
Move back a bit, please.
God! Why are
they singing?
Why are they
singing this fucking song?
Just tell them to
shut the fuck up!
You're gonna have to
calm down, okay, Benji?
Fuck! Fuck!
Benji, just calm down, okay?
Just breathe with me, please.
It's okay.
Scarlett, you gotta
get out of the way.
Just get out of the way. Just
get out of the fucking way!
You are gonna have to move
back a tiny bit, please.
I can't move back.
Just go forward!
Just a tiny bit.
Go forward!
You have to flatten out the bones.
Benji, calm down.
Fuck! Shit!
I think something bit me.
Something bit me! Fuck!
Benji, just breathe!
Benji, just listen to my voice.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Just breathe, please.
You need to calm down.
You are hyperventilating, okay?
You will be all right. We
just need to take it slowly.
Now, breathe with me.
Just breathe with me, okay?
Fuck! Fuck!
Just line up the bones.
You will be all right.
Just keep coming.
Just move them out of the way.
Good, good, good.
Well done. Keep coming.
And now move forward.
Just inch yourself forward.
Well done.
There we go, keep coming. Shit!
Keep going.
What was that?
Fuck. I think
it's gonna collapse!
Grab the fucking camera!
Grab it!
Just grab the fucking camera!
Hurry! Keep coming!
Is he okay?
It's collapsed.
That was so fucking close.
My God.
Wait. Tell me we
didn't just go in a circle.
This isn't here.
This is the same tunnel, no?
This isn't here.
Believe me. No, no, no.
Look, I thought you said you
knew where we were going!
Wait. Listen to me.
Hey, hey, hey,
Benji! Stop it!
Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Benji, I'm sorry!
Calm down! But listen to me.
This doesn't go here.
Okay, calm down.
This is the tunnel.
There is no turns.
There is no turns.
This is straight.
I don't understand.
What the hell do we do now?
This is all right.
We shouldn't go this way.
Let's go, grab your shit.
We shouldn't go in there!
There's no other option.
Are you all right, Benji? Let me help.
Let me help.
What the hell is this?
Great. Very funny. So you
have never been here before.
I've never been here, okay?
What the hell is this, then?
People just tag
your name on the wall?
I swear I've never been here.
I didn't do this, okay?
Who did it, then?
I don't know. I don't know.
For goodness' sake.
You better not be
fucking with us.
Did you hear that?
Is that a phone?
Are there phones down here?
The phone company used to run
lines through here, but they...
Run lines through here?
They must have left some.
Fifty years ago,
they took everything.
This is wrong.
Scarlett! Scarlett!
Barrire d'Enfer. This is the
spot I was talking about.
This is where the buildings
collapsed into the ground.
Hundreds of people
fell to their death right here.
And when they sent
people to fix it,
50 more disappeared.
How the hell did they
get a piano down here?
Maybe it fell when one
of the houses collapsed.
You gotta be kidding.
When I was a kid, we had a piano
that looked exactly like this.
Danny and I used to play it all the time.
We only knew one song.
My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean.
You remember that song?
We could never finish it because
the A4 key was fucked up.
This is a trip.
What's going on?
I told you.
We shouldn't be here.
We should keep going.
Guys, no.
We should keep moving.
Fuck that. I'm going.
It's coming from down here.
Wait, wait!
Hold up, Scarlett!
Why won't you
talk to me, Scarlett?
Scarlett, hang up.
Who is this?
Hang up the phone, Scarlett.
Tell me.
Why won't you talk to me?
Who is this?
- Scarlett...
- You shouldn't be here.
Who is that?
La Taupe, c'est toi?
You shouldn't be here, Souxie.
La Taupe?
None of you should be here.
La Taupe.
That's La Taupe?
I thought you were dead.
You never even
came to look for me.
La Taupe...
La Taupe.
You're okay?
Where? Wait.
He doesn't know
where we're going.
You are looking to get out.
Yes. Yes.
Benji, wait for them.
- Let him go first.
- How did he get up there so fast?
Is that the guy
that you were saying...
two years ago? Yes.
Jesus, Jesus.
- Okay.
- Is that bad? Is that bad?
It looks bad.
We shouldn't stay very long.
That is bad.
Quickly, guys.
Wait. Where did he go?
Come on.
Are you okay?
Go, just go!
Let's go! Let's go!
La Taupe! Wait!
La Taupe?
Everybody's here?
Where is he?
How can he see down here?
The only way out is down.
Careful, Benji.
Silent, silent.
It looks deep.
This is a bad idea.
This space that we're
looking for, the hidden chamber...
Didn't you notice that
it was perfectly wedged
between the east system and the
south system of the catacombs?
So it's got to connect them.
Yeah. Exactly.
If we find the chamber, then that's
the way out. We'll find a way out.
Are you sure?
I think. I'm sure.
What if there's no chamber?
There is.
It's down there.
George, it's another 20 meters.
Are you at the bottom?
Okay. I'll be down
in a second.
Benji? You good?
Benji, you can start now.
All right, good.
Fucking harness.
You okay, Benji, up there?
Come on, George, keep coming.
Hold on. I'm stuck. Shit!
Benji, watch out!
Fuck! Shit!
Fuck! My hands!
Benji, what happened?
I don't know!
Benji, are you okay? My hands.
No. My God.
The clip broke.
What? How?
I don't know!
I got you. I got you.
Fresh bandages in
one of the packs.
Just let me know if you
want me to change them.
All right, let's go.
Yeah. We're going,
we're good.
All good?
Sort of.
His hands are still bleeding.
Sol bandaged them up.
Is he getting any...
Are you all right?
I can't hear...
You all right?
You okay?
Are you okay?
What was that?
The question is
not what was that,
but who was that.
What the fuck
does he mean by that?
What did he say?
Papillon, how long have
you known this guy?
He's different now.
Should we be following him?
I don't know.
There seems to be a right turn.
There is a door!
Come here, come here. A door!
Thank God!
Watch your head, Benji.
Come on.
Shit! It's a dead end!
You said this is the way.
I thought it was the way, too.
Everyone calm down!
Calm down.
We can't go back.
Yeah. What?
Come here.
My God!
"Winged vulture
leads your way..."
"With brightest
light in darkest day."
Leads your way.
So this is...
Leads your way.
Watch out. Watch out.
There's something here!
Is that a scarab?
Is that a scarab?
Egyptians, pyramids.
Pharaohs. Pharaohs.
Didn't pharaohs have a strange
way of hiding the tombs?
Yes! Yes!
A Ptolemaic hinge!
I have never seen...
Could this be...
One second,
can you just explain?
What are you talking about?
What's a Ptolemaic?
Ptolemaic hinge. Basically,
they form a kind of riddle.
It's a sort of
ancient Egyptian padlock.
So you have to take
the exact right stone
from the exact
right place, or...
Or what?
Or what?
Or the ceiling will collapse
on you and kill you.
Are you kidding?
You have to be shitting me!
It's fine. It's okay.
"Underneath heaven's reign."
What does it say on the tomb?
Underneath heaven's reign.
Underneath heaven's reign.
Celestial spheres. The celestial spheres!
Eight planets, right?
Wait, wait, wait.
But the last two
weren't discovered yet.
Okay, so 6 planets.
6 planets.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Wait, wait, wait.
Scarlett. Scarlett!
Yes. What?
Don't touch anything.
Was this built before
or after Copernicus?
So, they still believed everything
revolved around the Earth.
Which means the Earth
didn't count as a planet.
Right. But the Moon did.
And so did the Sun.
So, 7 planets, right?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
Be sure.
That's my count.
Stand way the fuck back.
Watch out!
It's moving!
Shit! Okay.
Be careful!
It's fucking heavy!
Okay, it's moving!
Watch out!
Okay. Okay!
- Careful!
- Shit!
My God!
You okay?
What is that?
What is that?
My God!
George, this is
the first time someone
has shined
a light in this tunnel
for over 500 years.
It's the fucking way out.
The treasure.
The treasure!
Someone give me a boost.
Be careful.
Scarlett, please be careful!
It's fine.
Yeah. I'm good.
What do you see?
My God!
My God!
George, you have to see this!
My God!
What is this place?
He's dead.
He's dead,
but how is he not rotting?
I have no idea.
George, look at this.
What is that?
It's the motto of alchemy.
Visit the interior
parts of the Earth,
by rectification thou shalt
find the hidden stone.
The hidden stone.
Is he dead?
For 700 years.
My God!
It's creepy.
Wait. Visit the interior
parts of the Earth.
He's telling us to go deeper.
I think it means we're here. No.
This has got to be the
interior parts of the Earth.
No, there has got to be more.
"Winged vulture leads your way,
with brightest
light in darkest day."
Brightest light in darkest day.
Everyone turn
off your headlamps.
Nah, fuck that.
Benji, it will be okay. There
is a dead man right there.
It will be okay.
Holy shit.
- Look!
- Yeah.
Where's this light coming
from if that's a wall?
Benji, turn your camera light on.
Scarlett, what are you doing?
I reckon we can
get through there.
Scarlett, what are you doing?
There's a loose stone.
Can you see anything down there?
What is it? ZED: Is something in there?
I'm going.
What? Scarlett, no!
My God.
Get out of the way.
You're going?
Give me my bag.
Is this it?
It's real.
It's real.
Holy shit!
Let's not celebrate
until we're out of here.
Scarlett, how are
these torches still lit?
The philosopher's stone can
fuel a lamp for eternity.
Where is it?
Where's the stone?
"Brightest light in darkest day."
Think about it.
Brightest light.
The Sun.
In ancient Egypt, they
said that the Earth god
and the sky goddess
were madly in love.
But when they had their
first child, the Sun,
he became so jealous of their
affections that he pushed them apart
so that they were
only able to touch
by the palms of their hands
and the soles of their feet.
Every morning, the sky
goddess gave birth
to the Sun,
and every evening
she would swallow him back up.
That's it!
My God.
It looks so ordinary.
What better place to hide the
most valuable stone ever known
than next to riches
you could never miss?
Wait. It's a trap.
Stop! It's a trap!
Stop! It's a trap! Wait!
Is everyone okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
I am, yes.
I'm good!
Let me see.
Get those rocks! Get her!
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Are you okay?
Okay, get her.
Sit. Are you hurt?
La Taupe?
Where's La Taupe?
La Taupe!
La Taupe!
La Taupe!
La Taupe!
Help me dig!
I don't think
that's a good idea.
He can't breathe!
Don't disturb the rocks!
George, they might
collapse on us!
We can't move the rocks.
We can't.
There's no use.
There's no use.
No use, Papillon?
I need the first-aid kit.
I have to clean it.
No, don't touch it!
The packs are buried.
What do you mean they're buried?
They're buried!
Do we have anything?
Sorry, I'm sorry.
Where's our water?
Our food?
Do we have any batteries?
For the lights?
Yeah, we should start
conserving the lights.
What do I do?
Just keep it up, so
that it stops bleeding.
Okay. It's all right. It's okay.
This might sting.
Just a sting.
It's okay. It's okay.
Holy shit!
It really worked.
How did you do that?
It's the stone.
You okay?
It will be okay.
They'd never build something
like this without a back door,
in case it collapsed, right?
Never. There's
gotta be something else.
Look around.
Everybody look around.
What are we looking for?
I don't know.
Is there anything?
Some bones.
What is that?
Is that something?
Yes. Yes. Yes. George!
What is it?
It's the Porta Alchemica.
This is the door to the mystical!
Wait. This is a door?
That's a door?
No, not exactly. It works
in conjunction with this.
This is
"As above, so below."
That phrase is believed
to be the key to all magic.
It means that
what is within me
is outside of me.
As it is on Earth,
so it is in heaven.
As I am, so are my cells,
so are my atoms, so is God.
as I believe the world
to be, so it is.
I'm not following.
As above, so below.
So if they carved
a door on the ceiling...
There has got to be a
door on the floor, too.
Yeah. Someone hand me a rock.
All right.
Wait. We are in the
bottom of the catacombs.
There's nothing
below us, Scarlett.
If this is the floor then where
is all that water going?
There's a way out.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Guys, there's a passage
down here.
Come down. It's okay.
Watch out, Benji.
Can you read that?
What does it say?
"Abandon all hope,
ye who enter here."
According to mythology,
that's the inscription
over the gates of Hell.
I'm not going in there.
I thought you didn't
believe in any of this.
I don't.
"And they shall be made
to crawl on their bellies
to enter
the kingdom of darkness."
Yeah, that occurred to me, too.
It's exactly the same.
No. No, it's not.
It's not exactly the same.
the wrong way around.
This is upside down.
Wait. No!
What the fuck?
What happened to the entrance?
Are we dead?
We're not dead.
We should just keep moving.
We have to find a way out.
Come on.
Shit. Okay.
I go.
Is everybody out?
I don't have a light.
Do you have a light?
I can't find my light, either.
Do you see that?
Get the camera.
Be careful. Careful!
What is that?
La Taupe?
La Taupe!
Are you okay?
La Taupe?
What the fuck?
Souxie, stay back!
Stay back!
Benji. Careful.
The fuck is wrong with him?
What's wrong with him?
It's okay.
- It's me.
- No, no, don't.
- Okay? Hey.
- Souxie, be careful.
La Taupe.
Souxie, don't.
His eyes.
Souxie, no!
Get a light on La Taupe!
Benji! He's over here!
Where is he?
Hold her head.
Where is he?
Where the fuck did he go?
The stone!
Bring her back, please!
It won't work. Fix her!
It will fix her!
Please try!
Try it! Please!
I'm trying. I'm sorry.
Fix her. Fix her.
It can't bring back the dead.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Is she dead?
I'm so sorry, man.
I'm so sorry.
We have to keep moving.
George, you follow me. Yeah.
I'm right behind you.
Are you okay?
Everything is like the mirror image
of what we have already done,
but somehow,
we keep going deeper.
How much deeper?
Another 100 meters.
Putting us
1,000 feet down.
Did you hear that?
Is that Benji?
No, I don't think so.
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, you?
All right. Good.
Is somebody there?
Benji! Benji!
Benji! Benji.
Benji! My God.
Get him over!
Get him over! Get him over!
Is he alive?
No, no, no!
My God.
We should keep moving.
We should keep moving.
- Come on.
- Let's go!
We need light.
We gotta go.
Come on! Let's go!
Let's go!
Scarlett, we gotta go.
My God!
Let's go.
My God!
George, help me.
George, help me.
- Danny! Danny!
- George?
Wait. Move the bones!
Move the bones! Danny!
That's my brother down there!
Get off the bones!
Get off the bones!
Danny! Danny!
Move the bones!
Get out of the way!
I said, get the fuck
out of the way!
Danny! Danny!
It's not real.
George! It's not real!
We have to go.
why would he be here?
I don't know.
What is happening to us?
No. It wasn't my fault.
It wasn't my fault!
Help me! Help me!
Get his leg!
No! No!
We have to go
back to get Papillon!
No. Absolutely not.
Come on!
What is that?
What was that?
What did you hear?
George, let's go back.
Let's go back.
No, Zed.
Keep with us.
We can't.
We can't go back.
We have to keep going.
Come on. Come on.
Okay. Go.
Go, go, go.
What the fuck was that?
Scarlett, Scarlett.
Whatever happens,
the week in Turkey was the
greatest week of my life.
Mine, too.
We gotta go.
We gotta go.
Are you with me?
Yeah, man.
Wait. Wait.
Shit. Shit.
He's getting up.
Go, go, go!
Get back. Get back.
Hang on!
Shit! Go, go, go!
Hold on!
He's losing blood!
Zed, put your hand here!
Just keep it down!
Zed! Put your hand there.
Yeah, yeah.
It's okay.
Hold on. Okay?
Not yet. Hold on.
Okay. Okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
Hold on. Hold on.
My God!
My God! Okay.
It's not working.
It's not working.
I don't know!
It's not working!
My God.
"Visit the interior
parts of the Earth,
by rectification thou shalt
find the hidden stone."
"By rectification thou shalt
find the hidden stone."
Hidden stone.
George, the hidden stone.
This isn't the right stone.
I have to rectify
the taking of it.
Only by putting it back
will I find the real stone.
I'm going back.
No, you can't!
I have to go back.
By the time we get him out
of here he'll be dead!
Please! Wait!
Stay with him.
I'll be back.
Just keep him safe.
I'm coming back!
Hold on! Hold on!
I'm coming back!
You can do this.
You can do this.
"By rectification thou shalt
find the hidden stone."
Okay. I rectified.
Where's the hidden stone?
George. George,
do you hear me? George?
Shut up. Come on.
Come on, come on.
As above
so below.
As I believe the world
to be, so it is.
Hold on, George.
I'm sorry
that I didn't pick up
the phone that night.
I didn't know you
were in that much pain.
Where are you?
Scarlett! Here!
Did you find the stone? Yes!
How did you do that?
Come here.
Scarlett, Scarlett.
Go, go.
Give me your hand.
Zed! Zed!
Dead end!
Watch out!
Shit, my lamp! Shit!
We will never be
able to climb down that.
We have to jump.
We have to rectify ourselves
and jump.
Scarlett, you're crazy.
We will die.
No. George, listen.
Why do you keep seeing
your brother down here?
What is it about his
death that torments you?
George. George. It's
not gonna work.
Why is he haunting you?
When Danny got his leg pinned
I promised him I'd
be back with help.
But I got lost along the way.
My brother drowned
waiting for me to save him.
It's okay.
I have a child I've never seen.
I know it's mine, but I deny it.
It's okay.
Give me your hand.
Scarlett, it's not gonna work.
I can't.
I won't go without you.
I won't.
We go on three.
On three.
Save the light.
We are trapped?
Fuck! No! Fuck!
Zed! Zed!
We'll die!
We'll die!
Hey! Down.
Put the light down.
Help me get the rocks.
It's a manhole. Find a grip.
Find a grip.
Can you get your
fingers in the sides?
Just try! Try!
I'm trying!
I can't.
Scarlett, what did you just do?
Pushed it down.
Okay. Okay.
One, two, three.
My God.
We're gonna
push it straight down.
Down and to the side. Okay.
One, two, three.
Good, good, good.
Get it over here.
Holy shit!
We gotta get out.
Get the camera out.
People say that
I'm some kind of treasure hunter.
It's not what I'm after.
I'm not doing this
for financial gain.
I'm a student. Of
history, of alchemy.
It would be
of great historical value.
So you simply want the truth.
Yeah, I want the truth.
The only way out is down.