As I Open My Eyes (2015)

Shall we go?
What's up?
Nothing, I'm bored...
Shall we go?
Take care.
I'd better go...
Stay a bit longer.
Where were you?
I was going to the police!
What time is this? Why didn't you call?
Where were you?
Mom, I'm sorry...
Look, it wasn't my fault.
The car broke down.
The tire had to be changed.
Shut up.
I'm going to bed.
Tomorrow's your A-level results.
I swear I didn't mean to...
Didn't mean to? You could've called!
- No battery...
- You didn't reply!
Battery? You get a taxi home!
Who... What were you doing?
- Please, Mom...
- No! Leave me alone!
Why are you doing this to me?
Stop! I won't listen to you anymore!
I'm studying... architecture!
And you?
Cool! A banker and an architect!
I make the plans and you... pay up!
About me?
My hair?
Blonde... with green eyes.
Wake up!
I called for the results.
You passed with distinction!
Yes! Well done! Get up!
They'll all be here soon.
- First gig tomorrow...
- Will we get beer?
Yes, four on the house.
I'll have Farah's three!
This is her first beer!
A round of applause!
From now on it's for real.
Thanks for the gig.
I'll be singing!
What do you sing?
I don't sing.
I breathe,
I'm born,
I live!
During the day, I suffocate, I sob...
When night falls... at dusk,
I come here, I meet my friend
and I start to come down,
the noose loosens and my voice is freed,
from deep inside.
You know in another life, in another time,
I was a bird!
I used to sing.
I've been watching you for a while.
Only watching.
Not for... No!
Just watching.
- All right, Jghal?
- Yeah...
She sings too.
Get the lute.
Get the lute!
He's a good bloke, that guy.
Let's get the party going!
When I see this world of closed doors
In inebriation, I close my eyes
And every time a girl appears to me
Sometimes she seems to be the same
But then she is another
In my mind her image is moving
An eye in blossom and another wilting
Blue skies
Turn green in the light
Blacks, hazels, in anger,
shining, smiling
As I open my eyes,
I see those deprived
Of work, of food and a life
outside their neighborhood
Despised, aggrieved,
up to their eyes in problems
They breathe
through the soles of their feet
As I open my eyes,
I see those retreating to exile
Crossing the ocean's immensity
on a pilgrimage to death
With the country's troubles
people lose their minds
Looking for new troubles,
different from those they know
As I open my eyes,
I see people who are extinguished
Trapped in their sweat,
their tears are salty
Their blood has been stolen
and their dreams have faded
On their heads
Castles are being built
You are beautiful!
Have some roast meat. It's good.
You must miss home cooking.
Hayet cooks me meals each week.
You have to heat them up.
Why are you staying in Gafsa?
Ask for a transfer to Tunis
to be near your wife and daughter.
- I forgot the harissa!
- It's okay, I'll get it.
- This is delicious.
- Bon apptit.
Hayet, get him some bread.
He has bread, Mom.
Have some yourself then.
Mahmoud, your daughter needs you.
Studying medicine is very hard.
Is this why you had us come to Gabs?
You know what she wants to do.
Not with those marks.
You did what you wanted.
That's different!
And why is that?
Thank God, he sent you Mahmoud.
Still no request for a transfer?
My position hasn't changed.
And if you join the Party?
Everyone is joining.
I'm not everyone.
We were young and idealists.
We've grown up. That's enough.
Anyway, things are not good in Gafsa.
There's tension.
Do you want me back home?
Farah needs her dad.
I miss you too.
Was that your bed?
I hope I'll have your dreams.
I'll remind you of them.
Night, guys...
- What?
- Good night!
You're drunk. I'll come too.
Even if you pay me, I'm not going home.
I wish you a pleasant evening.
Have a good night.
Someone's there.
- No.
- I heard a noise.
It must be a cat.
- Come on.
- A cat!
Can I sleep at yours?
I have to go home.
My mom told the cleaning lady to watch me.
As promised, a present...
I wonder what it is...
- Before drinking you have to...
- Cheers!
You know that!
It's revolting.
- Share one?
- No.
To each her cigarette.
You got a lighter?
"The husband's fires,
embraced and blazing."
Bohrne, of course.
- Bohrne's the best.
- Go on. Tell me all.
If you only knew...
Did he touch you?
- Are you ashamed?
- Why?
Did he touch you all over?
Articulate. Have you lost your tongue?
His name's Khalouda.
Khalouda? Khaled.
- That's his nickname...
- A nickname, already? Wow.
I told him my name's Senda.
Why? Ahlem's a pretty name.
I'm not telling him my name's Ahlem.
Senda makes you think of
a blonde with green eyes.
Are you drunk?
Who is this?
Farah. Your mom's back.
You smell of beer. Get up.
You're back early. You okay?
I forgot something.
Are you all right?
How are Grandma Hamida and Dad?
Your grandma was moaning
because you weren't there.
Your dad misses you.
What are you doing today?
Rehearsing all day then I'll come home
and change for the gig.
Can you pick me up?
Can't I come tonight?
We already talked about that.
You wouldn't like it.
But I want to meet your friends later.
Go and get ready then.
And don't forget...
we have to hand in
your form for university tomorrow.
It's ready. It's on my desk. Take it.
From boredom, nothing survives
Sober or inebriated
Your head explodes from torpidity
Neither remedy nor incense
have any effect
Wherever you go
you're up against the wall
You find yourself
turning, turning, turning
From boredom, nothing survives
sober or inebriated
You're overflowing with bad luck
Every night, every day
And should you rejoice
the sky falls in on you
You get up, flee
and you're turning, turning
Keep going.
Take it from the top.
Ska, focus.
Bohrne, why take it from the top?
We need the end.
The end's not sorted.
Why do the whole thing?
There's an issue, find a solution.
What do you want me to change?
- That's your job.
- Really.
You're the singer. Adapt.
He can't change for you.
I've already tried and I can't.
The part's wrong.
Bohrne has to change it.
But the gig's tonight.
You want to play it tonight?
No, man, we'll carry on doing covers.
Are you crazy? All this work to do covers.
Farah's right.
We need a week to finish it.
We'll never do it.
Farah, that's enough.
What now? What did I say wrong?
Aren't you afraid of anything?
I'm afraid of Ins.
- We said not at rehearsals.
- No one's here.
Make up your mind.
No one must know,
not in front of the others.
- And I want a kiss.
- And you want a kiss?
You don't know what you want.
See? You're fearless.
Come over here.
We were supposed to practice
with the kids' clubs this summer.
Exactly. We're just keeping the kids.
The rest is too much energy, movement...
The kids don't have cigarettes.
It's Ramadan soon. Where will we go?
I've been told the bands have to go.
I'm just following the rules.
Shit, the same problems all the time.
Go and do the bedroom.
I prefer not to talk here.
I'm not sure I should
have come personally.
In these cases,
someone goes to talk to the parents.
Farah is hanging out with people
known to the police.
If she carries on like them,
she'll be in trouble.
You mean the people in her band?
Don't you have anything better to do?
- You don't know them.
- I know my daughter.
So you know, she was drunk in town
yesterday. In a men's bar.
She sang as well.
A song about our country.
Hayet, you need
to look out for your daughter...
She reminds me of you at her age.
What I'm telling you...
is for her own good.
You should have sent someone else.
Now leave my house.
See this gentleman out.
What's the matter, Hayet?
- Farah went out yesterday?
- I don't know.
You're lying.
She was asleep. I wanted to see Khalouda.
Stop lying. Khalouda.
Leave this house. You no longer work here.
- Go on.
- Please.
Leave. Good-bye.
Here she is...
Can you ask her?
Ins, from school.
Bohrne, her brother, the songwriter.
Ali, the manager.
Ska, drums. Sami, the bass player.
Get in.
Can we drop Ali off near our house?
We're not going home. Get in.
What's the matter?
Mom, what is it?
So you drink and sing in bars now?
- Where were you yesterday?
- Did Ahlem say that?
Ahlem's fired and that band is over.
Over? Meaning?
- Over.
- But the gig's tonight.
Forget that.
- What do you mean?
- You're not going! Now stop!
Don't do this to me.
They're counting on me. I have to go.
To shame me again?
Everything's bad and forbidden
and shames you!
I'm sick of this. You're driving me nuts.
Don't talk to me like that!
I'm going.
It's your problem if you don't like it.
- My problem?
- Yep.
Mom, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm sick of your dealings.
Let's both of us finish with all that.
Please, Mom.
- Promise you won't go.
- Okay. Stop.
Okay, I promise. Please, stop.
- Swear?
- I swear.
Farah, what are you doing?
Where are you going?
- I'm going home.
- Where? Come on.
The gig's hardly started.
I'm going home.
I have to go home.
- Why?
- I've got worries.
We all have worries.
Why else would we play music?
No, I can't.
But you're not a wimp.
I'm sorry.
Okay. Go home.
But forget the band.
And forget me.
That has nothing to do with it.
My country
Oh, my country
Land of dust
Your gates are closed
and bring misfortune
Turn up
Turn up the volume
My country, land of dust
Your gates are closed
and bring misfortune
The starving are eating insults
Your dogs' teeth are made of gold
But the gums of the poor are toothless
Turn up the volume
The thirsty beg to the good lord
they'll be exiled if destiny so wishes
Thank you, that was Joujma.
Mom, don't be mad. Nothing happened to me.
Forgive me.
Please, talk to me.
Do what you want.
Don't speak to me anymore.
Don't come near me.
If you need anything, ask your dad.
Consider me dead.
- All right?
- What do you mean all right?
It's Ramadan. We're fasting with no money.
- Your telephone's switched off.
- No.
There's been no bonus.
The bonus will be paid before Eid.
Hey, ass-licker, shut up.
Shut up. Let me talk to him.
You'll get your bonus before Eid.
Go home.
Go, go.
Get back to work.
You sold out.
If you're on your way home,
bon apptit for the last time,
for this year's Ramadan.
Tonight is the night of doubt.
The authorities will announce
according to the moon
if tomorrow is Eid...
I missed you.
Listen, everyone.
I've got some great news.
Farah's gotten into medical school.
A doctor in the family at last.
Here's the perfect gift.
You want me to feel guilty
because I'm in Gafsa?
Medical school is serious.
What's musicology?
I missed you.
What are you doing?
Checking you out.
Stop it.
Hey, stop.
What? I've never seen a guy naked before.
I'm shy.
Why are you so far away? Come here.
Can I come and live at yours?
I'd like to see you every morning...
I can't take any more of her.
We'll end up killing each other.
Like the bird of the night
I endured tests for toxicology
In a trance, they said
This bird bears no fruit
Out of the community
Heading straight for madness
He will never
Be clean
Like the bird of the night
I lit the fuse
You'll blind yourself they said
Do you think so? I answered
Perhaps it's a blessing
To see
Without hearing
Like the bird of the night
Generation after generation
I dream of a spark
Which reddens the sky
Of a day
Which no one has ever seen
Like the bird of the night
The tears of my heart are flowing
I've seen a world destroyed
And deadly situations
And so many hearts
Hearts that have been extinguished
Like the bird of the night
Fleeing the inevitable
Their guns are loaded
Their dogs are enraged
We wonder
What they want to unleash
Ska was great. And Farah too.
Thanks to my effects.
I want you just like that on stage.
The same energy.
You gotta make people cry.
I was nearly crying myself.
Go for it even more.
Even more.
But we're dropping "My Country."
- Really?
- Why?
It works great on stage.
Too much of a hassle.
What's the problem?
It went down okay once,
but it won't a second time.
But people loved it.
Bohrne, you know what I mean.
Ska, check the door.
It's all right.
Are we censoring ourselves?
Censoring ourselves
rather than being stupid.
Ali knows his job.
We should listen to him.
Nothing's happened. Why change?
It makes no sense.
- Cool it, Farah.
- It's ass-licking.
But why? No.
You say nothing's happened.
You've been away a month. It's our music.
Why are you on my back?
Is Farah your boss or what?
No one's my boss.
Our music is about our country's problems
and we're trying to convey a message.
We agree on that.
We don't agree.
So we just stay stuck in this garage?
For how long?
So what's the point of our music?
"Our country's problems."
I know you're militants,
you're great and strong.
But you know very well how hard it is
to get gigs and advances.
People are starting to know our music.
It's gonna make problems for venue owners.
And for us,
it will be the end of everything.
Hang on, just a minute.
Who could that be? Don't move.
She slept over at a girlfriend's.
I'll get back to you.
At least say sorry.
- What?
- Say sorry.
Who do you think you are?
You're in the way.
It's our fault.
I can't go on living with Mom.
I've got to find a place to live.
- You're not moving.
- I can't go on.
We're not discussing it. Do you hear?
Listen to me.
I'll talk to her about the band.
You'll study medicine for a year.
What do you mean?
You know I can't force myself.
You know that.
Yes, but musicology
won't get you anywhere in this country.
Try for a year. After that you'll see.
But I'll hear no more
about you moving out.
Are you listening? I'm talking to you.
Okay, but tell Mom
I decide what I do and when.
- Okay.
- Sure?
Come and dance.
Stop it. Everyone's looking at you.
Are you jealous or what?
Here, I wrote this. It's new, read it.
Okay, later. Come and dance.
Please, they're staring at you.
Oh, Bohrne, who cares? You know me.
What do you mean?
What are you insinuating?
If you want to say something, say it.
I don't like allusions.
You do what you like. I'll do what I like.
- Is that a threat?
- Don't come back crying to me.
Hey, cool it.
- It's just for fun.
- I'm with someone.
- Aren't you a feminist?
- A feminist?
I'm a feminist and you're a jerk.
I'll smack you in the face.
- Leave me alone.
- You hitting a girl?
If she wasn't a girl I would.
We saw. Calm down.
He's drunk.
Get off me!
"Hello, swallow.
With your wild hair
and resounding opinions,
outrageous laugh,
your radical audacity..."
They lie even more than Ahlem.
I miss her so much.
What's funny?
I didn't do it for you.
Term's begun.
What's new?
Just problems with my family.
I spent Ramadan with them. It was hell.
My brother took my money...
Wasn't that so he could buy cows?
Leila Ben Ali has a hand in everything.
She gets milk for nothing.
So now it's chickens.
That's how it goes...
How's Khalouda?
I lied to him, I said I was in Egypt.
I told you she's a liar.
Me, a liar?
No, it's me.
Oh, God, no, you're my super boss.
How's Bohrne?
We had a fight...
Over something stupid.
If you're not going
to ask me to marry you,
erase my number...
You know my address.
If that doesn't get some action.
He needs a shake to get him moving.
Where is she?
She's gone out.
Where did she go?
She's with the band...
- Are they playing somewhere?
- I think so.
And she and Bohrne had a fight?
I don't think so.
You don't know, you don't think so,
you're not sure...
This wasn't the deal.
Bohrne, wait...
Can I talk to you?
I'm sorry.
Leave me alone.
Forgive me, I was drunk,
I was a drag, I miss you...
You shouldn't drink then.
I don't like being humiliated.
You're right. Please, forgive me.
- It's all over.
- What do you mean?
- We go our separate ways.
- Nothing's over.
- That's it, Farah.
- No.
As I open my eyes,
I see those retreating to exile
Crossing the ocean's immensity
on a pilgrimage to death
With the country's troubles,
people lose their minds
Looking for new troubles
different from those they know
As I open my eyes,
I see people who are extinguished
Trapped in their sweat,
their tears are salty
Their blood has been stolen
and their dreams have faded
On their heads, castles are being built
Hello, swallow.
With your wild hair
and resounding opinions,
outrageous laugh,
your radical audacity...
How are you?
You, who are so gentle and indifferent,
who evades accusations.
Yet if I pull the thread, I find your hair
linking me to ten million people.
Their crime?
Loving you despite themselves.
I'm neither thief nor criminal,
nor even a smoker of joints.
But I am addicted.
I have ambition, I admit,
and I'll pay dearly.
Too bad, I'm obstinate.
The wind will not divert me.
Standing before me in your green dress,
you run through my blood, red vein.
Shameless, I kiss you,
touching this hair which lures me
suffocated by a sob.
For I am a miscreant, I believe in you.
To kiss you is to pray for your eyes.
I believe in a love,
not from books or the skies,
a street love, bright red
in the dark of the night.
It takes you, fails you, flows in you,
washing away till the end
trash cans and their cats,
cop stations and their dogs,
wrapped in paper
to be sold for nothing on the market.
And the boss will sing:
Oh, my Leila,
the people are complaining
And he escapes
by jumping over the palace wall.
And we will celebrate
from Carthage to Medina.
I stretch out on your lap taking the oud.
They'll be you, Leila and me her fool.
And we plunge into dignity.
But dignity from where?
You're the problem,
the solution, freedom and condemnation.
The poetical necessity for a song.
So say hello to swallow.
Tell me how to flee from you to you.
I love you, but I won't wait for you.
I'm sick of always having to be careful.
You're young, Farah.
I'm not young.
You're very young.
I don't smoke that.
Just a drag...
I'll try it.
It'll clear your head.
Another drag.
Come here.
Sorry, Ali...
I adore you. You're like a brother.
And there's Bohrne.
Bohrne's not holding back.
You know I love him.
I'm afraid for you. I can't go on.
I'm tired.
Please, stop.
Everyone's scared for nothing.
Not for nothing.
There are cops following you...
Is that your latest story?
Leave it. I'll study medicine,
so leave me alone.
- Shall we play?
- No.
Come on.
We haven't seen Bohrne for 2 days.
He's always late.
We need to talk.
What is it?
A few worries...
Do you like it?
What are you doing here?
What's going on?
Calm down... Hang on...
I got beaten up all night, thanks to him.
Happy now? Did you get to sing?
What's going on?
I saw what you've been filming.
They beat me up as I watched your videos.
This bastard's a cop.
They were stolen.
And the camera filming
on the table was stolen too?
- Stolen?
- Stolen.
What a liar.
Why do you say that? I can explain...
I thought you were my mate.
They're setting us against each other.
You betrayed us.
You traded our friendship.
Get out of here.
Take your shit and get out.
Okay, you're a hero?
You're all rich kids.
One call, it's over. You got out, huh?
They fucked me over.
A hero and you're moaning?
Aren't you a hero?
Get out of here.
Get out.
Okay. Keep cool.
Farah, I want to talk to you.
- Here.
- No, keep it.
I don't want to lose you.
Why did you do that?
Farah, I'm protecting you.
Let go of me.
- Cool.
- Let me go. Don't touch me.
Let me pass. Let go.
It's not normal
that nothing's happened to you up to now.
I can't be the only one protecting you.
What are you doing here?
I've come to sing.
- The gig's canceled.
- Why?
I don't know. We're not doing it.
Look after the gear.
Can you bring the car?
Is everything out?
I'm on it.
I need to talk to you.
Come with me.
Go home. We've got enough problems
and it's going to get worse.
Go home and be careful on the way.
- Stop there.
- I'm playing.
- The venue's closed.
- Why?
Health and Safety.
So the gig's canceled?
You think that's funny? Now go home.
Hey. Take your saucepans and get lost.
Off you go.
- Tozeur?
- No.
- Sousse, Monastir?
- No.
- Mahdia?
- No, Gafsa.
Where do we go for Gafsa?
This way.
Where are you going?
- Do you have a seat left?
- Yes.
I'm going to buy water.
Hurry up, he's leaving.
- How much is it?
- 19 dinars 300.
Please, look after her?
Don't worry.
She's young.
- Is someone meeting her?
- Her father.
You just need to drop her.
I'll call her.
- She's got a phone?
- Yes, I'm calling her.
Do you have any space?
Wait, I'll reimburse her.
Just a minute.
It's the last seat. I have to leave.
Her cell's switched off.
It's the last seat.
May God protect you.
This way, sir.
Did you see my daughter?
- You haven't seen her?
- Who?
My daughter, she's wearing...
a denim jacket...
"Didn't come home." What's her name?
Farah Kallel.
Farah Kallel, 18.
I'll check the hospitals.
Come back tomorrow morning.
- Can't you check now?
- No, sorry.
I finish in an hour.
So, look now.
What do you mean, so?
It's late. Time to go.
Good-bye, madam.
Wait a bit. I'll call you.
Wait, I'll call you.
Go ahead.
If you have any news, let us know.
As you can see, there's no news.
Let me see your superior.
There's no need. Come back tomorrow.
Let's hope for good news.
I see your boss
or I make a scandal about the money.
- What?
- Yes.
Trust my experience.
All's well. She'll be home soon.
I can't tell you more.
I know someone.
He's high up
at the Ministry of the Interior.
I'll call him.
Go ahead. Maybe he'll help you.
You're welcome, madam. May God help you.
Come back when you wish.
Hayet, any news?
No. And you?
Mahmoud called, he wants you to call him.
No trace of her.
Not in the hospitals.
I have a bad feeling.
Are you okay?
I've lost Farah...
She just disappeared.
One minute she was there,
and then she was gone.
Don't worry. We must act to protect her.
Protect her from who?
The cops have obviously got her.
Which cops?
It can't be anyone else.
It'll be okay.
People listen to us,
they follow us on Facebook.
We're going to make a fuss.
This mustn't be hushed up.
It'll be okay... It will.
If you know a lawyer,
you should contact him.
Farah's a strong person. You know her.
My daughter.
- Where is she?
- Hayet.
- Where's my daughter?
- Come inside.
I warned you.
Don't worry.
- They'll calm her and let her go.
- Calm her?
Be careful. Don't call on my cell again.
Calm her...
What's he doing here?
I called him.
Get out.
What's this about?
He's my only contact.
That lousy crook?
He can help us.
Him, help us?
I'm talking to you.
I hate him more than you.
You shouldn't have.
I didn't think you'd remember this place.
Our place.
How could I forget it?
You don't need to do that...
They'll transfer her here tomorrow.
Go and don't leave without her.
Thank you.
Can you start again from the beginning?
That text you recited,
where did it come from?
Who wrote it?
Who writes your songs?
Open your fucking mouth!
Who's Bohrne?
Where does he come from?
How did you meet him?
We're on your side.
We're worried about you.
Sit up straight.
Your Bohrne's saying stuff about you
he shouldn't.
Have a listen for yourself.
I am patient.
Tell me how else I'd find a girl
who likes to get naughty.
She wants it. Why wouldn't I teach her?
If that requires words of love...
Why else would I be so patient?
She loves hiding places...
The more dangerous it is,
the more she likes it.
See how he talks about you?
- Keep still.
- Please. Don't touch me.
What about me?
Let me do something nice for you.
Leave me alone.
Please, don't.
Can't I do something nice for you?
Please, don't touch me.
Can't I do what I want?
Put your hands down.
Shut up when I'm talking to you!
Seems you like danger.
Guadida, show her some danger?
Sure thing.
You can scream as much as you like.
Scream. Go on, scream!
Yell as much as you like.
No one can hear you.
And sing as much as you like...
till tomorrow morning.
Would you like to sing a song for us?
Listen, Farah...
Put your hands down!
He said put them down.
Look at me.
- Look at me!
- Please...
Do you smoke, Farah?
You're a liar too!
Your blood tests are positive.
Wanna go down for a year?
You'll get a year.
In prison.
It's good training for danger.
You do like danger?
Prison's one big danger party.
Sit up straight.
You want to carry on singing?
Do you?
What do you say?
Open your mouth.
Do you want to go on singing?
Huh? I didn't hear.
Open it! Still want to sing?
Look, Farah.
Not this one. I like this one...
You like this one.
You often wear this one.
What about this one?
You need a bit of color.
Wear this one.
Come on. Get up.
You can't go on like this. Up you get.
You smell awful.
My sweetheart,
talk to me.
What did they do to you?
What did they do?
I don't recognize you.
What is it?
We could press charges.
What did they do to you?
Nothing we can press charges for...
I'm here.
I thought I'd never get out of there.
You are out.
You're home.
Try to forget.
How can you accept that?
I didn't.
What can I do?
I got used to it.
When I was little,
I was like you. Passionate.
I felt I had wings.
And the man I loved...
What happened to him?
I lost my youth with him.
I loved him and he loved me.
We were beautiful.
Then he followed the path they'd decided.
It led him nowhere.
So what did you do?
I had you.
You, who stops at nothing.
I want to talk to you.
Why? What's the matter?
What did they do to you?
Why are you hitting me?
I'm talking to you.
Tell me...
Tell me what's up.
Look at me.
Don't go, Farah. I love you.
You don't love me.
I love you.
And the band, Farah?
What band?
Are you serious?
Work called.
I'll have to go back.
I don't want to leave you.
I've asked for a transfer to Tunis.
It will take a while...
You signed up for the Party?
When I see this world
Of closed doors
I'm inebriated
I close my eyes
And every time a girl appears to me
Sometimes I think it's her
The same one.
In the end, is it her?
It is another.