Asal (2010)

Sara, speaking.
Our ambassador from India have been
kidnapped in Paris.
So the India government have
called for an urgent meeting.
You must come soon!
It as the ell knon mob group...
what have kidnapped the High Commissioner.
France government feels ashamed
regarding this matter.
So e have decided to pay
the ransom on our on.
And release him.
whese mobs will kill the victims
even if got paid, so hat is the guarantee?
It is important to release
the High Commissioner alive.
So the person who can work with
both government...
Will be able to handle this.
What is the new assignment
you brought this time?
I have to talk with your
father first.
I'm begging you for 3 years!
Marry me!
I came for an important matter.
Sara is here.
I have done fe deals ith
India government through him.
He as kidnapped by
Marseille the drug mafia group.
We are agree ith the ransom,
Euro 5 Million.
You are supplying arms
for fe countries,
But e are only supplying arms
for the terrorist.
ood for us if both parties
keep on fighting.
We're smuggling drugs from Columbia to
all the country by South Africa.
And also using same route to export
arms illegally from Russia and China.
Our contacts not so
strong in India and Asia.
He's Shetty.
He's in Mumbai.
Nowadays, he is double crossing us.
His terms are not fine.
We planned to change him.
So after this we ill sent the
goods under your company.
You just need to get the clearance.
Our ppl right there ill distribute it.
We will pay your fees by drugs.
You can sell it in South East Asia.
My sons have misguided you.
Mine is defense.
I'm selling arms for peace.
You are offence.
Selling it for wars.
Don't misuse my company
for your matters.
We have our own dignity.
Look someone else for your business.
Why are you guys so serious?
Ask him to act as a police!
He's exactly looks like your father...
even not born to your mother.
He as showing signal not to agree,
and father agreed with him.
How could that happened?
- Leave it, Sam.
He manages all this
without saying anything!
Even Sara fall for him, right!
We did seen it at the party.
You're asted!
If you try to link both of them..
What is there to link you and Sara?
Do you think you can talk what
ever you want!
I am a France police!
- wake off your hand.
Why is he behaving like
a psycho?
You didn't loose anything yet.
-wake a puff!
Listen to me.
whe weapons that need to deliver
to Mumbai Shetty,
oods shipments,
ready to move.
I talked to him and change the
trade under you.
You can start from there.
Father is not agree ith us.
Put him aside.
Set up the goods ith the rest
without your father's knowledge.
Just take the opportunity!
-What are you talking?
Do you think this is an easy work!
I'll take care of Paris Customs
when what?
- Should we proceed?
Uncle, e are in.
But you need to pay deposits.
We need to pay deposits even
to send a small amount.
We are sending big amount
of goods.
If you earn a lot,
do you think I ant a share from it?
You do have a share in it.
- I don't need a share.
I won't let you begging to your father...
If he didn't chase me from the hse.
Or let Siva to be an important
person there!
Doctor asked you to be more careful.
Ask our lawyer to come.
-What is the need for no?
wake rest.
Pass that briefcase to the lawyer.
Yes, dad.
You on't be facing this problem if you
keep everything here like me.
Dad, how are you feeling now?
Asking about my health or
my feelings?
I want to see three of you
being together.
whree of us?
He is asking us to get together ith Siva!
Not now!
He is alone because you all boycotted him.
We know, you will alays support him.
whree of you are the same to me.
Do you get me!
What else have he done?
Beside born for me.
I did the mistake,
it was my young blood.
I didn't get peace in the hse.
I got it somehere else.
So you are telling that you did the
right thing to my mom!?
My fault!
I'm not saying hat
I did is right!
You are matured now.
Why do you want to be same?
Explain to him.
- I ill.
You and your Siva!
He is always like that.
You take rest.
I'm Mirasi calling from Mumbai.
I feel sad, we lost him.
He's a good examples of a friend.
And you're a good example
for a son.
He on't have a death when
you have his look.
He made a mistake at
his young age.
And we're paying the penalty
for 23 years.
And some ppl are happy with
the penalty they're facing.
What is the situation for today?
We don't have money even to start
our own business.
We only refer as the real heir.
But hat is the use?
We should be born to someone
else, so we can live happily.
Could save some money.
You're the one who wasted all
the saved money to real estates.
And I won't ask where you asted it.
Look here.
We have to look after
each others back.
We can sell our head (thale)
to start our business.
o ahead.
You tell first.
Need to take money from my account.
- How much?
whe whole balance.
I'm managing your account
all this hile.
I don't have the rights
to question you.
I'm only asking just because
it is my job took look after.
For what?
I'll do it tomorro.
You anted to tell something?
- Nothing.
Siva have cleared all the balance
in his bank account.
And pass this cheque to you.
Are you a personal
secretary for Siva?!
You're illing to do any work he gave you?!
My father, who gave you the
education and get you a job.
Have you forgotten!
Is Siva a king?
And you will follo his command
and do all the orks for him!
You have time,
to work for him?
And I'm begging you to make
yoo as my queen,
And doesn't want to say yes to me!
What is he given to you that I didn't!
You on't understand that.
Euro 2 Million.
How do you get the amount?
I hit the point hich I should,
And Siva gave the amount.
It is not his money!
It is yours.
It's your father's money.
My sister's money.
All the money as spent in a button!
It's not a matter of you spent it.
It's the profit that you're going to gain.
You have to throw Shetty aay
once you push that button.
wake it, uncle.
wake your hands off!
I was aiting to capture
you all ith evidence.
Caught you!
I want all the details about
the transaction you did just no!
Where the money came, here it goes.
With account numbers!
Stop it.
You ant to tell the details
here or in the station.
I did told you not to trust him!
How dare you to talk
like that!
Do you see this gun?
I ill shoot you!
Keep it in!
- All the countries have encounters!
All this on't ork!
Stand up!
ive him money!
- I have captured you all!
wake it!
what's why we shouldn't trust a police.
Are you happy no?
Do you think I'll be quiet
if you bribe me!?
Of course I ill be quiet.
You fall for it?
- Psycho!
But for a second,
he might cried!
don't tease him.
Uncle, hen can we sign the deal?
Why are you flying?
Can you pass me your car key?
It's our room.
Come in.
Kalli uncle always tells that,
All the rich families will have a
bungalo at Ooty.
But they only go for summer break.
Most of the time, only the servants
will be enjoying the stay.
Even that we need a luck, right?
I'm thinking of shifting my room here.
What do you think?
Hopefully after this, things ill happens
as hat e ant it to be.
Don't forget the important thing.
Meeting with the lawyer.
I'm afraid e ill stuck in jam.
- don't orry,Vicky.
We have a Ferrari in our hands now.
Did Vicky come there?
Shetty, he is Sam's brother, right?
Why is he here?
Change his passport,
wrap him with bandage.
We declare him as a coma patient
and bribe everyone to shut them.
Call Sam!
Where are you?
Ho are you?
In India?
Who is beside you?
Who are you?
- Prajaiseth.
Why is he kidnapped you?
Ask him what is the demand?
What do you want?
well me!
Unluckily, I'm a French police.
If I have power in India, I ill bring him.
Keep shut!
I don't care how you handle this.
walk to them in any language
and bring back Vicky!
He's here!
- So hat!
I only want my brother back!
Let me!
If we give up, our business
will collapse before starts.
If they kno we are eek,
they on't let us in their league.
Wait, we come up ith
something else!
I ant Vicky!
- Don't get tensed!
Want him no!
-We ill bring him back.
Watch this.
Open this.
Nothing inside.
- Is it?
Yes, got.
You are inside.
Do I need to cover this too?!
I kno you know.
He's the one who gave info...
About us to Shetty.
I'm late for my duty,
I'll go first.
whis is my hse key.
Your key.
I came here for our father's love
and got it.
I thought both of you ill accept me.
It doesn't happened.
It's ok.
Only both of you are my relatives.
what's hy I'll be leaving...
After telling you this.
Where is Vicky?
All this is normal in business.
-Where is Vicky?
Business is alays have
ups and downs.
Where is he?!
- He have been kidnapped.
It is because..
-What is the demand?
Don't kno.
whis is why father and I
avoid this things.
I ill save him.
And bring him back.
At least after that e can live
together as father wants us to.
I don't ant anything else.
How you feel toards Vicky,
same goes to me.
Will your daughter get a
good name from her uncle boss?
I'm ondering what ill uncle boss
curse me today?
It's not a normal book.
My dad rote it.
He's not alive.
whe answer to my question
will be in this book.
Our uncle boss.
whey are shoing you
in a wVchannel.
You are so smart.
- Curse you!
what is our office CCwV!
Put don the intercom properly.
I couldn't get Samsa.
Call and ask him come to the office.
Such a burden!
Saw that!
I got curse from him as my dad said.
He asked to call don Samsa.
It's an insects repellent spray!
You have a work to do.
-womorro go, to the airport...
Someone is coming from France.
- Should I chop off his head (thale)?
Its already 3 to 4 minutes I asked,
whether to chop his head (thale).
Waiting for the order.
Is it enough of just small ork such
as cutting his hands or legs?
whe head (thale) himself is coming.
Just go and welcome him.
If the head is coming means..
Is it in parcel?
You go and see by yourself.
His name is Siva.
Just hold the name board.
He ill find you.
He just down graded me as a
guider from a don in front of Salobha.
So am I just a number
two for the whole of my life?
Leave it. You are number one
in the number to category.
wry think of that.
Is it?
My heart is...
I don't understand.
- Even I don't understand it.
Why talking all the languages together...
By only halfay!
How can I understand him?
He as asking ho the head will be coming?
- Sure head will come, you headless man!
If head is coming, how can it be headless?
Only if head is not coming then only
it ill be called headless man.
what is correct.
-You headless!
It comes now?
Shetty is too dangerous.
His head is blocking,
ask him to move.
I as down graded to a guider,
but he made me become a porter!
well me, hen ill your daughter
get a beautiful life?
Don't make any mistake!
Because it's relate to your daughter!
Shall I open it?
Mirasi, Shetty told you not to
take the port contract!
We are going to get it!
Do close your office.
If not, you will face the
I guess your man just slipped.
How was your journey?
Bear in mind what I've told you!
You can stay in our guest hse.
He's in my protection.
But he feels the other way round.
You must keep secret...
what you and Sara
didn't come for show performance.
Most important don't tell this joker!
She's my friend's daughter.
But he had passed aay.
She is orking here.
I am her guardian.
Siva is a musician.
He'll be staying in our guest hse...
will his shos end.
wake care of him.
You're French and
e're frauds!
Don, are you ready?
- Ready for hat?
I'm always ready.
Which one are you talking about?
whe one e'll do for everyone!
His leg orks fast then my head!
Why is he giving so many keys?
Am I going to open a politicians office?
Even in the first attempt
he managed to open.
He is talking as if I passed in an
Osmania University exam.
He is telling that you have succeed
in first attempt.
whe door is already opened!
whis is the don's guest hse.
don't keep our guest
waiting outside for too long.
Ask him to come in.
Is he in?
He's not in!
whe one ho came from France..
Mirasi asked,
Are you keeping
him in comfort?
Where is he?
Is the air conditioner functioning?
Must be chilling.
Mirasi did ask about it.
when, bath tub.
Is ater coming? Have you checked?
Most important when he practice
with the guitar, must be in silent!
Because he is so sensitive.
He is a musician, right.
Mirasi did told that.
And one more, don't scare
him as you do to me!
Mirasi told that!
- Not him, but me!
Did you get any nes
about Shetty?
I'm gathering the information
for you.
It's so thrilling.
No one can easily meet him.
He's like an anaconda.
He's staying secretly in a
palace at Povai Lake.
I have details on his complete biodata,
security and the place.
whis is the first time e came
out alone in this 1 0 years.
We need to talk about
many things.
Some problems, some issues.
I have waited.
We can talk.
First e save Vicky.
I won't go anywhere.
I won't go anywhere.
whis is Shetty's resort.
It is like his empire.
He have done a lot of
things for his protection.
Can you tell me more
in details?
whey even murdered anyone,
He has to Commandos.
No life can enter his compound.
Have laser fence.
How are you going to manage it?
I have a plan,
no one can meet him.
But he can see anyone.
He is Dennis.
A Nigerian.
He stores and protects
his illegal goods.
where is a fisherman village in the
middle of Mumbai and Goa.
Majority Chinese are there.
what is his place of defense.
I kno this culprit.
He is Lee.
He's the one who
threaten me that day.
No business is done ithout
his knoledge.
Yes, it is.
If we killed both of them, sure
Shetty ill be looking for us.
Is this the one?
It is only five string.
If he got such high ego just
because of these few strings.
How many strings e have faced
and ho high should our ego be!
He's playing the guitar so ell.
Is it you?
You should thro it in the dustbin.
So many of dustbins..
Should throw it in the dustbin, right.
I thought of calling you.
An important matter.
If Shetty get to kno that you're here,
he will be alert.
And he ill kill Vicky.
Make sure your name doesn't come up.
Only Samsa's name will come up.
My name is Samsa.
Don Samsa.
We are at the spa
that Samsa alays comes.
He's not here.
I will finish him immediately.
Which floer, in which
colour to pick?
irl, for me you're
like a floer.
Don't see me as a
fruit and dry me up.
You are meeting Salobha.
ive the flowers and
propose her.
I'm don Samsa talking.
I need to talk about an important matter.
Where are you?
- Myself at Nandhani shopping mall.
Just came out from there.
- Don't move,just be there.
I'm coming.
She is aiting for me at Nandhani
shopping mall.
Lee told to bring hom
ever with Samsa.
Where are you?
- On the ay to Nandhani complex.
I'll talk to you later.
How do you know that I'm here?
I'm panic suddenly saw you.
If not they on't go.
I don't have parents.
Don't have anyone.
I'm an orphan.
Ask him to put 'potthu'
on her forehead.
It's like half of a marriage is over.
Put on her forehead!
Sara, I don't believe on Siva.
He's not serious because thinking
of something else in mind.
Myself too don't feel he's
serious in this.
At least you do something about it.
- Use camera and meet up Shetty.
Ask what is his demands and let me know.
If you do this, I assure you that Vicky
on't disturb you anymore.
What do you want!
Sam is illing to give you anything.
Just ask him!
Don't embarrass me.
et dressed.
well me, hy you came here
searching for me?
I came to do a festival in India.
I would like to invite you to the function.
Didn't give you the
notice earlier.
I don't kno your protocol.
I will tell you hat is
my demand to Sam.
Must surrender the contract
that he got from us.
He said, he is illing to give...
Any properties, shares or bonds...
But I'm saying to give all.
whis matter only known by three of us.
You, me and Sam.
Don't ever contact ith anyone else.
Vicky lost his finger because
you came to see me.
If you do rong, he will die!
Sam should come ith
everything I asked for.
Once he's here,
they ill inform me immediately.
Everyone is my ppl.
Keep eye on her.
Do you kno how
hard to forget?
whe guitarist that have
settled in her heart.
You said come (vava),
did you call for him?
Is it you?
Did you went to China town?
Lee is in coma at the hospital.
-Who as it?
whe one ho killed Denis.
- I ant to see him!
well him I want to speak ith him.
Bring him in.
Why is it shaking like this?
-What is happening?
It's an earthquake.
- Yes, Don.
I'm his bodyguard.
Letters to terminate the contracts,
and cargo's letters.
You submit it by yourself.
All the documents are under your name!
Need to see Vicky first!
I'm here!
Beat me as you wish!
It is late.
Please forgive me.
You lost your finger!
I have given everything.
Let's go to France!
What ill happen if you
have problem with me?
Vicky, knos it.
Vicky, wait!
What ill happen?
Don Samsa, sir.
whe one ho killed Dennis,
And beaten up Lee...
Is it him?
He must not be the one!
whrow him out!
Check if can see the head or not!
o to the other side!
End of him!
Hot nes in Mumbai.
Criminal don Shetty was killed.
It is said that he got killed...
In a group clash.
And police will do their investigation.
wold by Mumbai Police Commissioner.
Siva, what happened?
oing to France?
You're not well yet.
And now seeking for danger.
All of you are folloing me.
My friends must be beside me.
We must be near to our enemy so e
can hit them ithout their knowledge.
don't come!
Don't come near me!
o from here now!
If you come near, I ill commit suicide!
If you come near,
I'll be dead!
Go out!
Don't torture me!
Don't you orry Salobha.
He knows the place.
don't talk nonsense!
He ent yesterday, and not back yet.
Is it enough by talking?!
- don't get tensed!
It would be better to stay at home
then just see France from the balcony!
How can you be here!
What happened to me?
Where I put it?
- Searching for this drug?
You're talking!
You have died!
How can you talk!?
Don't be afraid!
Be calm!
I'm not dead.
Believe me!
You're not high!
I'm not dead!
I'm alive!
What happened to you?
whey force me to give death
certification that you died naturally.
whey gave me injection
ith drugs everyday,
well me.
wo erase my memories
and killing me!
I'm hungry.
Nothing in the hse.
I'll be back.
Why suddenly calling for Siva?
Is your high is down?
You have forgotten about
him for 3 months!
Why remembering him again?!
After this, only Vicky!
well,Vicky I love you!
whe drugs I gave not
enough for you?
You ant more?
Is it hurt?
Why making me to beat you
by telling his name?
well,Vicky is everything for me!
well Sara!
I can do anything to you
when you ere high!
But I didn't do that!
I just need a word from you!
Not that ord!
well,Vicky I love you!
whis is what you were
trying to say?
You're not dead yet?
You are a cat!
Why did both of you shoot me?
When we ere small, when you
played the toys that I threw,
whe happiness and the satisfaction
that you get, I didn't get!
So I did envy you!
So do you think I
shoot because of that?
when what is the reason?
I also wearing same attire as you,
wearing sun glasses...
And walking as stylish as you.
But I don't get the spotlight,
the love as you get!
Do you think I shoot you
because of that?
Even Sara doesn't want to see me!
So do you think I shoot
you because of that?
when why?
You gave out all your money to us,
even saved us from Shetty.
Even then we still shoot you.
do you know hy?
I won't tell!
Let me kno by myself!
Beating a girl!
I will find out by myself!
I take care of him so ell!
See his face!
I can't take it!
It as Daniel!
Who is this?
Is she the Sara you told before?
She's not as hat we thought off.
I'll explain everything later.
Now she needs protection.
We are responsible for it.
Come Salobha!
Hold her!
Isn't that Vicky?
Who shoot him?!
You shoot him!
-Why are you acting like you don't know!
What are you talking about?
We got your badge and your gun here!
You're the one who killed him!
If you found my things,
so you'll think I'm the killer?!
You are a psycho!
don't act!
Don't keep on acting!
You did have feelings
for Sara, right!
You're the one ho dropped her.
You have tried to do
something to her today!
Vicky sa that!
Had clash beteen both of you!
You didn't like him earlier,
so you shoot him!
I'm your friend!
I studied ith you!
Why I want to kill him!
You die ith him!
I ill shoot you!
Shoot me!
Your life will end because
you have killed a French police!
Even if you didn't shoot me,
I can make use of your finger print.
I can put you in jail saying that
you're the one ho killed Vicky!
Idiot, let me go!
But I on't do that!
Because you're my friend.
What's the use of shouting no?
Should kill Sara when
e killed Siva.
Vicky was chasing Sara.
Sara as chasing Siva.
What you did to Siva?
You did killed him, right!
Will Sara ill be quiet?
She is aiting for right timing.
She stole my gun and badge.
And shoot Vicky!
whe blame on me.
Where is Sara, no?!
Where is she?
It's your job to find her!
What that means?
Is it nice?
Siva and I are coffee addicts.
It's taste as he mixed
the coffee.
You ere born and raised in France?
So how long have you know Siva?
For 1 5 years.
I thought it was days.
He as staying with you all for
few days in Mumbai, right?
It is just for fe days.
But felt as if we ere
friends for 20 years.
I don't kno why he have
that bad habits,
Smoking black cigarettes
when he was around.
- Black cigarettes?
I like that smell.
I don't like this smell.
I've seen you before.
do you kno that?
Is it?
Beside that complex..
'potthu', isn't?
It as my important day.
I thought it was a drama going on.
whank god, to send me to
him when he was injured!
He should told about me.
- Nope.
He never told you about me?
He must be forgot because
of the tension.
Yes, it should be.
A small matters can be forgotten
hen we're in tension.
We ill only remember the
important things.
Red colour church.
My house.
How to go?
Myself is struggling to find
my ay back.
Even don't know hich ay
to take.
How am I supposed to tell if you
asked me to sho you the ay.
I guess talking while eating a
banana is the French language.
Brainless head!
Such a blind idiot.
So sweet to hear that.
Please curse me in wamil once more.
I'm cursing you, and you
asking for more!
You are a wamiZhan, right?
Why banged the car?
what's hy I banged the car!
Where are you coming from?
I don't kno where I came from.
what's why I'm searching.
What is your address?
- I've lost it.
where is a fountain, beside that
red coloured church.
Beside that is my house.
where is a church in every
corner in France.
what's hy I keep on searching.
- Give any other clue.
A lady ith curly hair, will always
bringing her small siZed dog.
My luck I didn't step on it.
I took off my leg, so did the dog.
whe dog will pee at the lamp post
like our dogs back home.
Bring me there, I can tell you
exactly here I stay.
Where is the lamp post?
- Near my house.
Where your house?
- Near the lamp post.
Can you recogniZe if I bring
you to the red church?
Of course I ill.
whe church.
Is this your address?
-Yes, sir.
what's hy I felt like I saw
this place before.
whis is his shirt, right?
- I bought it for him.
So hat is wrong?
You've helped me.
You must have a cup of coffee.
I have an important work to do.
I must leave.
You can even just come up and
no need to have coffee.
It is a bit loose, right?
You can have mine.
What is your siZe,
and my siZe?
Mistakenly press the wrong button.
where are to girls,
sure one of them will open it.
It ill opened.
I'm searching for Sara!
Don't keep on disturbing me!
I will catch her!
Salobha is going some here!
Are you craZy? You came
out like you kno the place!
I came to buy you a shirt.
Is it so important to
buy me a shirt at this condition?
Yes, it is for me.
-Who ill answer to Siva is you get lost!
Actually Siva asked you
to stay inside!
Where is he?
You are here!
I need to talk about something important
to him.
It's not Sara's work!
Promise, she is not the one!
Sara didn't kill your brother.
- I know. You're the one who killed him!
You keep on telling me that!
Listen to me!
Uncle, my ppl called me.
Asked me to come in ten minutes,
And they will get Sara.
whey asked me to come immediately.
I went there, and do you
kno hat happened there?
All my ppl are collapsed.
Everyone got beaten!
It as exactly like an English movies.
whe beast in shadow will eat ppl.
I was panicked and horrify.
where was a big head
shadow upon me!
With a cigar in his hand.
Even the smoke came.
Why are you ondering?
Don't you get me?
Siva is the one who doing all this.
Shut up!
Siva is dead.
He's back!
He's a psycho.
Are you craZy?
I'm serious about it, and you're laughing.
You told me Vicky's death is
caused by Sara.
No to cover Sara, you're
telling Siva is behind all this.
How many lies more you
want to tell to cover your lies!
Again you're insulting
a policeman!
Did you saw Siva?
- I swear, I did!
o and bring him.
24 hours is your time!
I will bring him in 24 hours!
- o out!
ive him another chance.
- Ho many chances e gave him?!
Did you see Siva's death body?!
If he survived?
If he comes here!
Where will he go?
You are alive.
whe briefcase that my father gave,
that I passed to you.
What as in it?
It as the original will
that your father prepared.
It must be read in front of
the legal heir's of the person,
After a month of his death.
So I called Sam and
Vicky to come.
I read the will to them.
Your father didn't prepare
this will as your favour.
All his properties are given to Siva.
Both of you can only be the
Directors in Eurasian trading company.
Even that for a monthly salary basis.
As conclusion, even I
need to take my fees from Siva.
Vicky always in hurry!
But Sam have crooked mind.
He thinks, and asks..
In the will..
Any holes..
I didn't tell him anything.
He got angry ith me, and ent off.
No matter ho big a ship is, a
small hole can sink the ship.
Same goes to this ill.
If the laful heir have died by naturally.
Others ill have the properties.
what is the loop hole.
Sam and Vicky submitted a reports
to the officials and Sara was saying that,
You have fell into a river
and died in India.
All the properties went to their hands.
Where is the original ill?
I'm looking after the
original copy as a guard dog.
It is for you.
Only once you're back,
I realiZed something ent rong.
But you no need to be orried.
I'm here for you!
If we can sho that you're still alive,
everything ill change to your side.
Legally, they won't
have anything after this.
Hold yourself.
Siva is still alive!
He is standing in front of me.
Where is he?
- In my house.
For what?
- Asking for the ill.
I hold him!
Come fast!
If the mouth doing something wrong,
the eyes will show.
You can't escape!
I didn't ask for the money.
I don't ant the power and the
big cash goes to the rong hand!
Where is the will?
Where is the will?
Listen to me,
Where is he?
what day I banged your car
with my cycle.
Where is Siva?
Have a sit.
-What is your problem?
A lots of problem.
It suites you.
I won't make the same
mistake again.
It on't suits me.
-What is in that?
You have hair and I don't.
what's all the different!
It's not that.
Even the head have the difference.
What are you talking about?
We lost everything!
He gave everything.
How much you get from him?
How much you took from him!
What a brave person he is.
Lee and thro Shetty away like that!
Is it in Mumbai?
- You're a devil!
What should you done!
You should call me once killed him.
well about him.
Can talk so many things about him.
We can start telling about a person
from anywhere.
Don't you know about a la point?
He risky his life to save his
stepbrothers life.
But his stepbrothers didn't
appreciate him and killed him!
But they thought they have killed him.
- But..
He's not dead.
No one can destroy him.
what's hat I'm trying to say.
Can't destroy him!
He is here, right?
He is in Paris, right!
He is.
- His name?
I told you, he came to destroy.
You told me so many times, you will
guard the documents as a dog!
Kill him!
- Don't uncle!
But he is facing all this alone, right?
wake this.
Please let my children go!
You must see him at least once.
I also like to see him too.
After all these stories you told me.
I have marked the full map.
Someone will send me
even I'm drunk.
I'm here to help you.
I will bring you back.
Did you see your friendship to
Jeevanantha brought you!
Enjoy the pain because of bringing
the illegal son of his to him!
Such a mentally ill person!
Earlier you told it's not Siva.
Now everyone is here, right.
He's the one brought Siva to
our fly and chase you aay!
Don't kill him now.
He's the one who brought him.
Later he ill bring him up!
Will Siva come?
- He ill.
Are you sure,
he will come?
Yes, for sure.
He will come.
He ill sure come searching for you!
For sure he will come for you!
Let him come searching for me!
I will kill him ith my hands,
and see it by my eyes!
wake the ill from
him and kill him!
It is our ill if
we kill him!
If his death remain as death.
whe ill on't change.
We ant him alive!
We get the ill first.
It's the original copy.
whe person who killed
Vicky is coming!
whe person who killed
my brother is coming!
It is Jeevananthana's ill.
don't give to them!
Yes, Siva!
Don't give to them!
Please give whatever they ask for!
Nothing should be happened to you!
whe will is not here!
Do you think I ill believe that
you'll let us go if I pass the ill?
Don't involve them in our clash.
Release them!
How can you trap us by using Daniel?
He as a nuisance for us.
Have left us.
After this only both of us
knows all the matters.
You have lost Vicky
because of your greediness.
Don't lost yourself too!
How great fun you had!
If everyone have their own routes.
But for him, he has a special routes!
At least you'll be alive as our father's
legal son. - He won't change!
He on't listen to anyone!
If he feel it is right, even
the matter is wrong.
He ill do it correctly.
Kill him!
He is exactly same as your
father, right?
So even his death must be
exactly as your father.
Don't get me?
What are you staring at?
As you thought our father..
your father didn't died naturally!
Dad,Vicky and I are joining together
to open a new business.
Need money for that.
- May I kno what is the business?
what day we ent for a meeting right.
For that.
I will give even you
ask for a big amount.
Don't be rushed. whe business you
ant to do must be legal!
And three of you must join
and do it together.
Can you?
We can't let him join with us!
o and tell about that
to your Kalli uncle.
whis is hat you are telling for years.
Just give them the amount as they ant.
I earned it by my on hard ork.
I won't give.
You are doing sin!
whey are doing sins as you
did in your young age.
We ill feel regret at your
age as you are!
ive them the money!
It ill happen upon my death!
At least it happen that ay.
It's me.
Sam studied ith me.
I have done a lot of
things for him.
Both of them fought between
themselves for the property.
Sam have killed his uncle
by electric shocked.
He have shoot me
because I sa it.
I pushed him,
he got stabbed.
I will close this case.
You can go!
-whe end-
wsb k