Asha Jaoar Majhe (2014)

In the last week approximately
1,200 people lost their jobs
in West Bengal.
In a state of fear,
panic and rage
people are taking to the streets
to rally and protest.
The Chief Minister
has formed a committee
to investigate
the unprecedented recession.
A main thoroughfare
in the city of Calcutta
was blocked by a few hundred
workers for two hours yesterday.
An unexpected inflation
has increased the prices
of common goods and services.
The entire state seems to be in
a state of panic and disorder.
The fear of losing jobs has
affected every sphere of society
but the working class
has been hit the hardest.
Labour of Love
"...They chant only thy name"
"they seek only
thy auspicious blessings."
"They sing only the glory
of thy victory."
"The salvation of all people
waits in thy hands."
"Oh dispenser
of India's destiny"
"victory to thee,
victory to thee"
"victory to thee,
victory to thee.."
Come on, get in!
Dear friends.
Today is an extremely sad day.
Our friend Sanatan Mandal
has left us forever.
As you may have heard,
Sanatan took his own life.
His sick wife
and his 5-year-old daughter
are completely devastated.
The tragedy is caused
because of the unexpected
shutting down of the mill
by the administration.
There is no sense of
accountability for the mishap.
We workers are forced
to deal with it.
We have repeatedly placed
our requests
to the administration.
Let us continue working
for our daily bread.
But our attempts have
all gone in vain.
Now we have no choice
but to fight for our rights.
The company has taken advantage
of this so called recession
to make illegal profits.
We've been made helpless
our families are starving
and our children are forced
to drop out of schools.
Let us act before we lose
any more of our friends.
Let's fight for justice.
Let's kill recession.
Let's fight for ourselves.
We should stop this.
How long are we going to suffer?
What is our fault?
We won't spare the culprits.
"You're only mine."
"You're only mine."
"You're only mine."
"You're only mine."
"Just whisper to me
that you're mine."
"You're only mine."
"You're only mine."
"I'll come dressed"
"to hear you play the flute."
"I'll come dressed"
"to hear you play the flute."
"That's my pursuit."
"I don't want anything else."
"You're only mine."
"You're only mine."
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Let's fight for our right.
Long live the revolution!
Long live the revolution!
Long live the revolution!
We won't tolerate unemployment
in the name of recession.
We won't tolerate unemployment
in the name of recession.
The fight for our daily bread
will continue.
The fight for our daily bread
will continue.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Let's fight for our right.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Let's fight for our right.
Long live the revolution!
Long live the revolution!