Ashchorjyo Prodeep (2013)

Hey! Take it there.
Hey, careful. Be careful.
All of them are precious things
from the times of the English.
Hey! Hey, the color will go off. Wait.
Put this gunny bag on top of it.
Our sir, Avinash,
gets angry within moments.
Oh no, what is this?
My hands seem sticky.
Hey, Pochu. What is the matter? Yes?
Hey, loading will
cause a huge problem now.
You haven't been
able to complete it yet?
After this, there will be a no entry.
Come on. Make it fast. Make it fast.
I am going, sir.
What happened, Avinash?
- He is such an irritating man..
What is this activity
so early in the morning?
I am doing away with all the
past from my life. Didn't you get it?
I am selling off everything.
It seems there is a fast
food shop coming up here.
I see.
Life itself has become fast.
Everything is fast these days.
So the auction is closed as of now?
Going by the conditions, I have
to get myself auctioned. Understand?
I got it.
So there is no scope for
supply of materials for films.
What films?
Those days do not exist any longer.
Those old and social films.
There were such big actors.
That wooden thing there. - Yes.
It was put on the set of
the movie on top of everything.
Yes. The great acting
of the great actor!
Such passion.
Backside? Whose backside?
Not backside.
Passion. Passion.
Emotion. - Emotion?
There. That throne.
The great actor,
Uttam Kumar, sat on that.
What was the film he did? Raja.
Sanyasi Raja. He sat on that.
There can never be
another actor like that.
He was so natural. So natural.
These are the times
of mega serials. Got it?
Modern furniture.
The exterior is shining bright
and the insides of it are hollow.
There it is.
That is a fine work
of woodwork expertise.
Will someone give value
for that now? - Yes.
There is no value for
antique anymore. Got it?
The times have changed.
There is no option.
So what are you going
to do about work now?
His business is doing quite well.
He doesn't have interest in all this,
you know.
I see.
Even you are in the same situation.
Sons these days don't want to get into
the business of their forefathers.
They think the business
is uninteresting.
The cultured men think
it is against their prestige.
My younger son wants to get
into the business of computers.
Now what is that?
Cyber cafe or something?
I knew earlier that cafes
were meant only for eating.
I didn't ever imagine that.
"There would be something like
cyber cafe or video conference"
...or things like that.
- Everything is IT. Got it, brother?
There are bullies
of different kinds now.
Which one should I keep in mind..
...and which one should
I forget? Got it?
That is true.
In the year 1947, my father,
the late Bishwanath Bhattacharya..
"Lost his wealth and everything
else for the sake of his country.
And made this shop of iron and wood.
By way of joking,
he kept the name of the shop as Irony.
And now, look at this. Irony of fate.
The business of hardware has
become a business place for software.
Now let me see.
How much of work has been completed?
Panchu.- Panchu!
Hey, I am sure there are at least
20 trucks of stuff left to be loaded.
Hey, what are you doing?
Oh no, where is the vehicle puller?
I am here. - Where?
Hey, why are you here? Didn't
I ask you to park the tempo ahead?
I parked it ahead, sir.
Hey, brother,
by ahead I meant at the back.
What are you saying, sir?
I don't understand anything.
Sometimes, you are asking me
to park it ahead and sometimes behind.
Behind whose back
should I park it, sir?
Whose behind? Park it in my behind.
When Avinash creates a trouble for me,
will you take care of it?
What? The vehicle?
What is it, Panchu? Is it done?
- Yes, sir. It is done.
Hey.. - Hey, it will break now.
Hey, it will break.
Break" - Bhang(drink)?
Hey, all of that will happen later.
Hey, you!
Hey, don't do that. - I have
this business since a long time.
I have supplied to
over a thousand films.
Now from the genres of
mythological to melodrama.
There are so many items here.
- I know.
Stands, statues" - Sir, move.
Yes, yes. - And so many other things.
Some Chinese vases. The mace of Bheem.
I mean, if you try to find out..
...even the mysterious lamp of
Aladdin can be found here. Okay?
Yes. That is right.
Get it up. Come on.
"Come on, get up.
It is time to wake up."
"This is such a routine life.
I am bored."
"The tried and tested
formula isn't working."
"Now it is time to change everything."
"if you think that is possible."
"The mysterious lamp can be achieved."
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"The abuses of the boss.
The abuses of the wife."
"I don't like it anymore.
I am so frustrated."
"I feel like running
away from everything."
"if you feel like
changing everything."
"Do away with the boredom of life."
"Say bye to the old life."
"Make your lifestyle high flying."
"And you can defeat everyone."
"Ashcharyo Pradeep(Mysterious
lamp) can be achieved."
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"There are people everywhere.
Wherever I look."
"How can I change everything?"
"I am running at a quick
pace in the rat race."
"I keep on wondering
how to do better."
"When will I get a promotion
and a better salary?"
"Everything in life seems incomplete."
"How can I achieve? I don't know."
"There is no solution."
"Ashcharyo Pradeep(Mysterious
lamp) can be achieved."
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
"Ashcharyo Pradeep( Mysterious lamp)!"
Good morning, Mr. Gupta.
Hey, what is the need
to roam around so much?
Hey, what are they
laughing so much about?
Hey, Anil. - No, he has come again!
Young man. I was looking for you.
This is my last round.
I am getting late for the office.
Hey, the scriptures say that you must
always try to do beyond the capacity.
Hey, make another round.
The more the merrier.
I don't have time
for merry go round.
There is a lot of pressure
in the office.
Hey, wait now.
If you wait for another two minutes"
...I am sure the epic wouldn't change.
I see. I remembered now
that I mentioned the epic.
Where can I get Arjun's skin?
Arjun's skin? - Yes.
Sanyal. The joke about".
...a mythological character
in the morning isn't a good idea.
Hey, not that one.
Do something. Go to the
grounds of lPL(Cricket match).
There are Arjun as(players) galore.
As soon as a players gets out,
the people will skin them alive.
Hey, rubbish!
I am talking about the
bark of the tree called Arjun.
There is a lot of pain in my hands.
It is.. - Go to an Ayurvedic shop.
That isn't possible.
I need something original, brother.
Tell me.
Your wife was doing something.
I saw her in the
afternoon the other day.
She was wearing shades
and going somewhere.
I think she got conjunctivitis.
No. She was going for some work.
She has done a course
to become a beautician.
You understand everything.
One cannot run a house
on one person's income. - No, no.
I appreciate.
One cannot run a household
these days without double income.
Women are taking care
of home and outside as well.
Yes. You told me you will
tell me something about sugar.
Not me.
I think you had spoken to
medical representative Babu Bose.
It is medicines meant to ruin people.
It creates more problems than curing.
You know I have sugar
and urine problems.
I have diabetes.
Now my wife doesn't make
any curry without potatoes.
Now one cannot cook different
dishes for different people.
Hence, I have a problem
with the potatoes.
Problem? You mean that
you have a lot of them?
Who should l explain? Tell me.
So what does your health profile say?
Cholesterol is 139.
PP 300. Hence, I have to
come for a morning walk. - I see.
Early to rise and early to bed.
Hey, what was I telling you?
I think you are very late.
Meaning you told me that
you have to go somewhere..
"After buying something
from the market.
Thank you.
I had to buy edibles.
I had forgotten.
Hey, look,
he has made me late today as well.
I will have to listen
to rubbish today as well.
Hey, why do you create so much of
trouble while wearing clothes? Tell me.
You are standing right
in the middle of the road.
You don't even move.
You can see l am in a hurry.
Come on, hurry up.
Get up. Get up. Get up.
I have told you so many times that
call a mechanic to remove the system .
But he doesn't pay attention at all!
Worthless creature.
Getting a plumber for
a small job is very difficult.
They show a lot of attitude.
Yes. They are all big people! Useless.
Such lowly behavior!
And hey, don't use
those Bengali slangs, okay?
Ronty will pick it up.
Will English slangs do?
Bull crap?
Will you stop this nonsense?
Where is the hand?
- You started early in the morning.
In any case, I am late.
When can I talk to you
if not in the morning? Tell me.
You always keep on telling
me about office pressure.
Hey, Kalpana. - Yes, sister.
Did you boil the milk?
- I am doing it.
I didn't say it for no reason.
There is a lot of pressure
after the promotion.
Don't talk to me about the promotion.
I would have understood
if you would have bought a car.
Just wait and see.
I had gone and checked out
a second Alto just yesterday.
It is in mint condition.
That is true.
You can only think till that limit.
Second hand.
And you also need to take
my money at the end of the month.
There she is.
She has started taunting me again.
I was broke only
once after year ending.
Why do you always remain
irritable? Tell me.
I can understand your
pressure has gone off.
I mean taking care of
household chores and your job.
Let it be.
You don't need to show sympathy to me.
Yes.- That is enough.
Listen. Today.. - Hey, move.
Let us go for a night
show of Bhooter Bhabishyat.
Mr. Haldar said it is a great movie.
Father, I will have
popcorn and ice cream .
Quiet! Ice-cream indeed.
Bhooter Bhabishyat! Move.
Who has seen our future? He wants
to go and watch the future of ghosts!
I have work. Come here.
She hasn't served food yet.
- I want to go.
I want to have ice-cream and popcorn.
- Yes, we will have it.
Ice-cream. Popcorn.
We will have everything.
We will stay at elder
aunt's house tonight.
Okay? Elder aunt is making
your favorite grilled chicken.
Do you know?
And the next day,
we will go shopping at City Center.
Yes! - Okay? You must eat everything.
Have it properly.
And I will buy you a play station.
There she goes.
- And we will have ice-cream.
What is play station?
A toy rail station?
Oh no! So down market!
Father doesn't know anything.
Did you see that?
Video games. Open your mouth.
Oh no. It must be very expensive.
You spend a lot these days.
I am earning to spend, right?
Open your mouth.
Have you finished the morsel?
And what am I earning for? Oh no.
And you don't have to
worry about the expenses.
I will buy it with my money.
Last time, Ronty kept asking Bunty
to let him play with it the last time.
He didn't let him play even once.
I felt so bad.
Right? - Yes?
You are going to stay at Nupur's
tonight. You didn't tell me even once.
I would have told
you at the right time.
Monday is a holiday for him.
Open your mouth.
And apart from that, even Ronty
should have some recreation, right?
Who can he mix around
with at this place?
Why are you vomiting again? Yes?
As soon as you have to drink milk,
you want to vomit, right?
Kalpana. Serve food to brother.
Yes, I am serving the rice.
There is a bridal at Alipore.
Non Bengali. I have to
stay till the ceremony of music.
I will go to sister's
house from there.
Your father has taken the house
on rent in such a downtrodden place.
Bechu Dutta Lane.
Down market.
I feel embarrassed
to tell people about it.
Don't tell anyone.
- What happened to you? Have it.
Since my father took it on rent..
...we can still stay here for
such a less amount.
Useless snobbery!
- What?
What did you say? I am a snob!
Yes? - No..
I am a snob? And what are you? Yes?
I am Baishnab(Follower
of God). - What?
I am like myself.
You are like yourself.
- Brother, rice.
What? - Nothing.
- Sister, Ronty's Tiffin.
"When I see you, I.."
"I have learnt how to
make roundels of my rice."
Be as you want to be.
I am leaving at 6.
Return home early.
And Ronty.'
Go. It is done.
Go, go. Go to the washroom once. Go.
I will keep him with sister.
And then visit Dolly
and then go to Alipore.
Now she is a woman
with attitude. Dolly!
Because of that woman with attitude,
we earn money.
She told me to get the
course of beautician done.
The house visits that I
get on off days are her contacts.
Do you know how many connections
she has with the upper class?
The part time job at Mayati
clinic has been given by her.
Whatever it is,
the name is very rustic.
If everything depends
on Maya(attraction)..
"What is the point
of decking up so much?
Point is wearing branded clothes.
Going to eat at good restaurants.
Getting your son admitted
in a nice English medium school.
Not taking a bus or an auto
and taking the taxi and showing off.
Ronty. Are you done?
You looked sullen on
hearing the word taxi earlier.
Why.' Didn't I take a car on rent
to go to Konark when we went to Puri?
That is it. That is your limit.
Sit down.
Going out is Puri.
And eating out is having puffed rice.
Hey, put your foot into this.
Leave it.
Sister is going for a 6 weeks'
tour of Europe for the summer.
Is the criminal agency
case against Samar taken care of?
That one?
The sudden death of the employee?
You cannot think of anything
but this about brother-in-law, right?
Ronty, the bus is here.
Come on. Let us go.
Hey, listen.
The buying of a car
is a must before Ronty"
"takes admission
in the new school. Okay?
Not a second hand car. A new I10.
I am saving money.
Oh no.
What happened?
- Nothing!
What do you mean by nothing? Yes?
Your face shows you
are hiding something.
Oh no.. - What happened?
You saw this face
and fell in love with me.
Not at all. Not by seeing your face.
- So what was it?
I heard you sing. -I see.
I wonder about the inauspicious time"
...when I went to see the program
for veneration at Maddox square.
I was a fool.
I fell for you because you
had a voice like Kishor Kumar.
Mother and sister
explained so much to me.
Now the singing couldn't continue.
"From your world."
"I was compelled to leave."
Hey, Kalpana. Give me tea.
Cannot you watch it and walk?
I was watching.
Too much!
Girander Hall.
- I won't go.
Why did you take the taxi
out if you don't want to go?
I told you I won't go.
He is too much.
Uncle. The taxi is sitting there and
he refuses to go. Can you see that?
So what can I do?
- You can chew tobacco.
And take bribes as well. - What?
What is happening here?
Stand properly. - I do have.
What do you have?
- I have sisters and mother at home.
Oh no.
Oh no. - Brother. Hey, brother.
What is it?
- I am saying that my father told me.. stand on my
own legs when I grow up.
No, no, I was saying that.
...I think your father didn't
give you such instructions.
Hey, hey, wait. Wait.
Oh no. It is gone!
"Give me a lift."
Miss Pompa went ahead.
You missed it, right?
We always miss the bus.
You are looking at
revealing pictures"
...on the office computer
right in the morning?
Uncle. This is my wall paper.
And Mala is always revealing.
Give me a cup of tea. - Coming.
Earlier it was the thirst for Bipasha.
Now it is the game of Mala.
Yes. She will burn the screen on
Friday. She has a new film releasing.
Tanman(body and mind).
I saw an amazing poster of the film.
More than the mind,
she will be showing off her body.
There is an S missing
before the Tan(body), sir.
Oh no. Vulgar!
You can call me vulgar or lowly.
This girl has displayed her
assets and creating an uproar..
...from Calcutta film industry
to Mumbai Film industry.
She has been launching
everything from cell phone..
. .To our company's protection .
She is a super attractive model.
She is a super attractive model.
And this is super hot tea.
Tea for you.
- Her parents named her aptly.
Malamal(rich)! - Tea for you, sir.
She has become very rich.
- Here is your tea.
I have heard she is taking
50 to sign per picture.
Even our company decided
to give her 3 crores.
To make her the brand ambassador.
Ten crores. Malamal. 3 crores.
Company is a boneless chicken.
Tea for you, sir. - Didn't she become
size zero or something recently?
She was like a potato
hung on a wall post.
She had a nice body when she
won the Kallolini beauty contest.
She is a Bengali girl. She has
progressed so much, right? - Right.
Earlier, when people
heard about Bengalis..
...they knew Jagadish Chandra Bose.
Swami Vivekananda. - Oh God.
Rabindranath Tagore.
Now they know Malamal.
If you want to call it development.
- Okay, speaking of development.
"What about your treat for promotion?
Or do we have to make
do with the chicken pizza?
What is it, uncle?
Come on, let us go to Tangda
once and have Chinese one day.
Even I want to go to
Tangda and eat Chinese.
All of you can only the promotion.
None of you know the hard work
I had to put in for the promotion.
Got it.
Anil Das wants to
give us a scoop. - Scoop!
All of you were there on that day.
But you don't know the whole story.
Hey, come on.
Come on. - Yes, let us go.
Tell me. Tell me.. - Yes, yes.
What is the matter? - Yes. Come on.
It was a one day match
of India and Australia. - I see.
Everyone was ready to go home early.
What happened in the meanwhile?
The poster of Malamal
reached that day. - Really?
Everyone was excited.
- True, brother.
And in the meanwhile,
I got into a problem.
See. Malamal. Superstar.
Eating banana.
Yes. The brand ambassador
of Kama Shastru.
Kama Shastra?
She is not an ambassador.
She is completely attractive.
- Let me see. Let me see. Let me see.
Is it completely
natural or is it fake?
Fake? Meaning sand?
Hey, no.
These things that happen these days"
- He knows everything.
Silicon or something. - What?
What are you saying?
She is completely original.
36, 24 ,36.
Hey, boss is coming here.
Only talking about the vital statistics
of the model wouldn't do, Mr. Gupta.
You must also pay attention to..
...the growth
of the sales figure as well, right?
No, sir. Meaning it was..
What is it?
What is the excuse?
It was decided that
that in the Eastern region..
...there will be aggressive
sales marketing.
Sir, actually" - Don't try
to explain about real and fake to me.
I want results.
Hard copy of sales reports.
And that too, flavor wise.
vanilla, mixed fruit, strawberry.
Each one of it. Different reports.
I gather the sales report of
the chocolate flavor is disappointing.
I want to know why. - But the
sale of banana has been good, sir.
Rubbish. This wouldn't do at all,
Mr. Gupta.
Why doesn't the end user
favor this particular flavor?
I want to know the ground reality
and that too, I want to know it today.
Before you leave the office. Right?
Right, sir.
I had thought that I will
shirk work right in the morning..
"And watch the cricket match at home.
That is like silicon of Molasses.
No one knew when I would get free.
Everyone left but I was caught.
Hey, English.
Give me the invoice file.
I am leaving.
So how far have you reached?
It is vanilla dotted
going on at the moment.
Then it will be vanilla ripped.
Then it will be the
two reports of chocolate.
I don't think I will
be done before 6:30.
This new trend of flavors.
Wonder if it is protection
or ice-cream. God knows!
Take care of chocolate.
And since you are doing chocolate,
here you are.
Yes, yes, laugh.
Your time is running quite fine.
I am leaving.
We will meet tomorrow.
- lf l still have my job till then.
By the time all the accounts
were done, it was close to 7:30.
I ran to boss's room
with the total sales report.
And then..
'They still managed
to get the bat on the ball.'
'And that brings 200 for India.'
'It is 202 for 2.'
Hey! - What happened?
What is it, sir? - Crap.
Sorry, sir.
Sales report.
- He couldn't knock. Fool.
Should I come later? - Fool!
When I saw Mr. Pakrashi
holding Miss Pompa very tight.
...I got very scared. Oh no.
And then as soon as I was a little
better, there was an important message.
Big boss is calling you. Go quickly.
All of a sudden,
there was a plan in my head.
Come in.
I was saying that..
Do you want it? - Yes.
No.. I mean..
Here? - Smoking is
prohibited in the office.
There you go.
Hey, there is a saying.
Sit down. Rules"
Are meant to be broken.
Oh yes.
And there is a different kind of thrill
in doing things that are prohibited.
Now if you cannot find some
pleasures in the everyday work life.. becomes very dull.
I mean that old saying.
Old work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy.
Right? - Right, sir.
And you and I came to know..
"What happened behind
the closed doors of the room.
There shouldn't be
gossip outside, right?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Gupta. You gave me an application
for an increment last year.
Yes, sir. I mean the old
salary isn't working anymore.
I mean the prices of
commodities these days.
The bottle gourd is for 30 rupees.
Should I eat it or just stare at it?
It took some time to convince Mr.
Kumar. But..
But I have decided to
award you with a promotion.
Pompa is typing the letter.
You will get it tomorrow.
Thank you, sir.
You have a bright future, Mr. Gupta.
That I can assure you. But..
You have to be a little discreet.
Company secrets and confidentiality
have to be maintained..
"And that is necessary.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
I am giving my word to you, sir.
No one will be able to know anything.
Not even by mistake?
No, sir.
Sure? - Confident. It can be locked.
You may leave now.
Sir, our veneration committee
has made me the treasurer this year.
No, I was saying that if you could make
arrangements for an advertisement..
...on the back cover of the souvenir.
Or else,
prestige will be at stake, sir.
Mine, sir.
Yes. Okay. Keep it.
I will take a look at it.
Thank you, sir.
I am taking it.
That is the story.
He has made the entire story"
- You are too much!
Big boss calling. - Go, Anil.
This time, you will get
a double promotion for sure.
Did you call me, sir?
Come in.
Oh yes, come in, come in, come in.
Now I saying"
Yes, sit.
Now I was saying that you..
...are the authority
in terms of the veneration.
Yes, sir.
Meaning nothing special but yet..
Idol. The structure and all..
You have an idea about all this?
Sir, the veneration committee
of the Bechu Dutta lane..
...has got the first prize
in the social gatherings.
For the idol. It was my choice.
Our theme was Bonolata Sen.
Bonolata Sen.
Now sir, it is about the hair
that involved excellent artistry.
Excellent. You are the right person.
What is the matter, sir?
The brother-in-law has got
an urge to perform veneration.
Which fool, sir?
My brother-in-law.
My brother-in-law.
He stays in California.
Very good.
But wherever they are, Bengalis cannot
do without veneration and politics.
And hence, at the eleventh hour..
...I have to get an idol made
of fiber glass and send it to him.
All of these are such a bother.
At that time,
veneration of Goddess Durga?
It will be inauspicious thing
to do it at this unlikely hour, sir.
No, no, no.
Durga veneration has become
common in that country these days.
So in order to perform a veneration.. has decided to perform
veneration for Goddess Saraswati.
I see. Veneration of Saraswati?
No problem, sir. - Yes.
Don't worry about that at all.
Leave that to me.
Thanks. - My pleasure, sir.
Sir, I wanted to know the details.
Meaning the size of the idol, rate..
What was the name he mentioned?
Haridas Pal or something?
- I see. Haridas Pal?
Yes, Haridas Pal.
Didn't he get another name?
No, no, sir, he is the most
successful among all the pals.
You can call him the king of the Pals.
Okay, can you tell me something?
Almost all the idol makers of the
Kumurtuli have their surnames as Pal.
Why is it so?
- No.
I don't know, sir.
It seems that the cocktail
has gone wrong somewhere.
Kango Pal.
That is why Rabindranath
revolted and wrote.
"Pal. Pick it up.
Take it up, take it up, take it up."
Very well said. - Yes.
Everything is written
very clearly on this. Okay?
About the deadline. About
the date of the shipment to be sent.
And what are the special
details mentioned here?
Please go through it nicely.
Go out and you don't have
to come back to office today.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Oh wow. San Jose?
San Jose.
San Jose? - San Jose.
J has to be pronounced as H.
San Jose.
Oh wow, J has to be pronounced as H?
I was saying that because
of my hernia.. - What?
For journey.. - Oh yes, of course!
Here you are. Do something.
Go to Mr. Murty and take
this money for conveyance.
And go and look for the idol.
Go on. - Thank you, sir.
Welcome. All the best.
Where are you going, Anil?
Indian Idol for America.
I will tell you later.
The increase in taxi fare has
benefited you quite nicely, right?
No. You won't go by taxi.
You will go by tram or bus.
Did you see? - I saw that.
Too strange!
Indravan .
Hey, who is Haridas Pal?
Hey, he is there.
Uncle, come here.
There is a party.
Hey, Potla. - Yes?
Did they give the clay?
Did you inform them?
Buy my ware. - I forgot to inform.
"Hey, my life is..
" - I will go right now.
Buy drums.
"Mother, give me some.."
"Mother, give me some clay."
He is a man down to earth.
- And he can also create trouble.
I will be right back, uncle.
Tell me. My name is Haridas.
For the idol of Saraswati.
What is this? Saraswati is going
to foreign these days. Which country?
America? But it is quite late.
No, this is what happens
to Bengalis at the last moment.
Whatever it is.
The veneration should happen for sure.
Hey, it is the chants for the Goddess.
The more the merrier.
That is true.
- Both the venerations.
What do you say?
This is the idol of our Goddess Laxmi.
"Your worship gives us strength."
"Your worship gives us freedom."
"We venerate with all our devotion."
We will take charges in advance.
Let it be. It is a prestige issue.
It is about a brother-in-law.
He is a great fool!
Come with me. Come with me.
I want to know. Has you work been
sent to foreign countries earlier?
What are you saying? America, Germany.
Toronto. Tokyo.
My handiwork goes to many countries
like London and elsewhere as well.
Now this year,
I sent my idol to Berlin.
It's capital of Germany.
I see. Okay, okay.
Now I want to know the rate"
Hey, we need to know
the size and the weight first.
Smart businessman, right?
Wait. - Let me see.
Here you are.
Just five kilos.
Hey, she is Saraswati after all.
Her beauty has mesmerized
Brahma as well.
Do you know the chant?
"Hail Goddess Saraswati.
You are the giver of knowledge."
"Please give wisdom to the fools."
So this weight that you are
giving is equal to a small vessel.
I mean it is really small.
Her instrument has to
be made of an economy size.
And her torso has to be miniscule.
So you are giving me
the entire size? - Yes.
Come on, we will talk
about the rest in the office.
Listen. I got the president's
award at one point of time.
They do appreciate good work.
This is quite unclear. Even
the signboard has become hazy now.
Now look at this. Haridas Pal. The
recipient of President's award. - Yes.
In the meet of all of
all the castes of idol makers.
This was really good.
Hey, Nakul.
Come and give me two cups of tea.
Come on. Come on.
"I try to make an
idol of the Goddess."
Take this.
Take this CD and this has all the
details about the size and everything.
You can email it to the party quickly.
And give me an approval.
So what is the approximate cost?
By keeping 2% for me.
Now around 4 lakhs.
4 lakhs? - Yes.
The whole veneration
can take place for 4 lakhs.
Hey, it is the last
minute order, right?
And then, the cost of
materials have increased a lot.
So what is the amount
of advance needed?
You can give 60% of
it before the work starts.
And then, give the rest
when the stuff is delivered.
I see. Okay. - Tea?
I am leaving. - Okay.
I will let you know after
two or three days. - Yes.
Hey, I will forget later.
Before that, I will tell you.
Tell me.
Do they have some special demand?
Meaning some time back, the people
who wanted to get the idol made"
..wanted the demon's
face to look like the actor.
Now one party demanded for
this year Saraswati veneration"
"that mother's face
should be like Malamal.
Now look at this, brother. - Weird.
These are strange days.
Malamal's face on the idol?
- Why, yes!
Let me buy a bottle.
I swear, did you see the face
of Malamal on the bottle, uncle?
Yes, she is great. - Great.
Give me a pint of Hey Ham.
Pint of Hey Ham.
Here you are. Pint for Hey Ham.
Check the number.
You wasted money by buying
the ticket for lottery again?
Of course, you are not wrong.
The whole world is going
round the share market.
One of these days, I will get
a lottery for sure. Wait and watch.
The chance of you winning
and getting life on Mars is same.
Rather than that,
try for KBC or something.
There is a chance for outsiders.
Maybe you can win in that.
So what were counting
with so much of attention?
I was counting the number
and checking if it added up to 4.
My lucky number.
Numerology. - Numerology?
I can give you an interesting
knowledge on this.
But Pragyan Mukherjee doesn't
give knowledge for free.
I will charge you for this.
Lemon tea and breast cutlet.
Two breast cutlets .
Yes. it is not pronounced like that.
it is breast outlet.
But BRAISED cutlet.
Bengalis have made a lot of words in
their style according to their own wish.
Like Mounted police have
been changed to Mountain police.
Batter fry has become butter fry.
The aristocratic gossip mongers
of the old times have turned..
...a lot of English
words into funny versions.
Tell me. How?
They made a joke
of the word of military.
Ration card was Khyber(Food) pass.
Aesop's fables was turned
into lsabgol(Anti constipation).
- And what is the Bengali of fig leaf?
Coriander leaf.
Really, Pragyan,
you have lots of knowledge.
I mean outer knowledge.
Yes, you make fun of me by
calling me overtly knowledgeable.
Hey, why? Why would I make fun?
I have to know so much from you.
So? How is everything going?
It is the same. One type.
I am in a bit of pressure
because I have to buy a flat.
Your old house is good enough.
Why do you want to change it?
My son wouldn't get admission in a good
school if I stay in Bechu Dutta lane.
At least New Ballygunge or something.
New Ballygunge?
The U turn for Kasba.
Just because l am a cow,
I have been caught by that ailment.
The fool seems to be following me.
Hey, you seem to be affected
by the ailment of showing off.
Sages said in the
Upanishads that ones"
...who are free from worldly
pleasures are happiest.
And the modern thought is
that in lack of things..
"There is no happiness
or fun as well.
People want more and more.
It is hunger of the demons.
The whole world is going through this.
How can you be spared?
You told me that you will tell
me something about numerology. - Yes.
Have you heard of Kennedy?
- America's president?
He was. He is dead.
He was murdered.
Do you know the name of the killer?
Now he was Austin or something..
Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald.
And I am sure you have
heard of Abraham Lincoln as well.
Yes. Even he was American
president and he had beard.
I have seen in the pictures.
Even he was assassinated.
Do you know the name of the killer?
Do you want to quiz me about America?
John Wilkes Booth.
Now look at the similarity
between both the cases.
The number of letters in the name
of Kennedy is the same the Lincoln.
And the number of letters
in the name of..
...Lee Hervey Oswald is same
as John 'Wilkes Booth.
Same? - Yes. - Strange!
Not just that, Kennedy was born
just 100 years after Abraham Lincoln.
And Oswald was born 100
years after Wilkes Booth.
And Kennedy became president
right 100 years after Abraham Lincoln.
This is rather unimaginable.
Not just that. Both of them died
by getting shot behind their head.
And on both the occasions,
the day was a Friday.
Abraham Lincoln died in ford theatre.
And Kennedy was driving a car by the
Ford company at the time of his death.
Can you tell me the name of the model?
Hey, get lost. You are lying.
I don't lie.
If you don't believe me,
look up on the internet.
Or else, watch the series of Feluda.
Satyajit Ray wouldn't lie.
These are facts.
Actually a lot of co-incidences
like this".
...can be found in 1000 years
of the world's history.
Don't take these seriously.
Now recently, there was something
about 11th September as well. Whatever".
There is no meaning in taking
numerology and all seriously.
All of it is bogus.
This is bill for table 6.
Brother, bill.
So you are saying there is no chance
of my luck changing all of a sudden?
Meaning the life will go on like this?
In the same routine manner.
No.l didn't say that.
Now you gave me a treat.
You might get lucky
to serve food to a Brahmin.
Yes, your bill has come up to 76.
7+6 is equal to 13.
1+3 is equal to 4, your lucky number.
Go. - Go.
Uncle. Give me the ball.
Hey, uncle. Give me the ball.
Four! - Four!
Hey, keep quiet.
They will drive me mad.
He is here.
Where did you come from?
By winning over the world?
Couldn't you come a little earlier?
You started as soon as I entered.
What can I do when there
is so much of work pressure?
Work pressure.
Your office is so lowly.
Even the gate has
gone for a toss. Oh God.
Go and take care of the office once.
It is not the job to deck up a bride.
Oh no. Ronty, stop this noise.
Go and do your sums. Go.
Bechu lane's fool! You get things
which cannot be discussed with people.
Sure is a goods' manufacturer.
It is a famous company
of the times of the British.
There was infamy in between
because of the undertaking.
So in order to survive, they diversified
and are selling the protections.
Survival strategy.
And they have big names!
They have excuses for everything.
He is a territory sales manager!
Couldn't you call when
you were getting late?
I was on my way.
The phone had a problem.
What? - It fell down.
And hence, I didn't get signal.
It fell down? How did it fall down?
Cannot you be more careful?
That Mr. Kar of number 26.
Fool. - Who is it?
Abhishek's father.
Actually he has bought
a new car, right?
And since then,
he doesn't care about pedestrians.
All of a sudden..
...he came and pressed
the horn so suddenly..
...that l got scared and
the phone fell down.
Since then, it is not working
properly. What should I do?
The ones who don't have the
capacity to buy a car do say that.
Abhishek's father
is a government employee.
He has bought a car.
And you are such a fool?
These days, people have so many
facilities regarding the installments.
Yes, that is what I should do.
And if I fail to pay the installments,
the world should come.. our place and
make fun of us and leave.
They can even get goons to thrash us.
No. I cannot get into a problem
by failing to pay installments.
Forget everything else,
but you do know how to make excuses.
Right? Silly excuses.
After taking care of all my work,
Ronty's school".
"Tutorials, cricket coaching centre..
I have to take care of everything.
By giving the excuse of office,
you have given up on everything.
I was so unlucky to marry you.
And yet, look at sister. She
has memberships for such big clubs.
Kitty parties. Ladies circle.
She is living life with all this.
Samar is taking care of everything.
Don't talk of Samar.
A doctor who fleeces
everyone of their money.
He is a lowly fellow.
Even being lowly takes
a lot of courage. Got it?
Ones who don't have caliber
show the excuse of honesty.
Go. Go and check out their kitchen
once. It is completely modular.
Electric chimney. Double door fridge.
Latest food processor.
What doesn't it have?
One needs to really bend
to have a look at everything.
If you so wish, you can go and see it.
Yes. I am going.
I will shop with them tomorrow and take
Ronty from the coaching and come back.
He is such a small boy. Coaching.
He needs to be taught
at such a young age?
Oh no.
The condition of the bathroom!
I feel like l am staying in a slum.
Don't mind.
I told you. No.
Hey, Ronty will come here. Leave me.
He is watching T.V.
Why are you shouting?
Will you leave me? - Come on.
Hey, sister has dinner early. -Oh no.
So what is the need
to hit me with the elbow?
Dinner is just a farce!
When she buys something new,
she has to show it to you.
Especially you.
Flat, car,
AC, T.V, washing machine. - Right.
So you are getting jealous again?
Yes? You just cannot
tolerate others' well being.
You couldn't do anything on your own.
Now she has started again!
She has turned my life into hell!
Yes. Go to hell! Ronty.
Hey, there are pulses of potatoes and
cauliflower and egg curry in the fridge.
Hey.. - Heat them and have it.
Kalpana will come at night
and make flat bread for you.
Now I was saying that
do we have onions at home?
There are. Suddenly?
I was reading in the magazine
that having cucumber..
"And onions are good for the health.
Hey, I am becoming fat, right?
The English for
mosquitoes is Mosquito.
And the English for
cucumber is Sanskrit.
What is this, Ronty?
It means cucumber. Okay?
Yes, yes.
He is the farmer.
Cucumber is cucumber.
The madam of the Montessori has
told me repeatedly" talk to him in English at home.
Or else, how will Ronty get admission
in a good English medium school?
And even you will get a practice.
So in the parents' interview.
- Interview?
When they see my appearance
in the interview"
...they will know that
I don't know English at all.
Bengali medium. Pandemonium.
Rather than that, I would
sit here with a smile on my face.
And you are convent educated.
You can take care of the rest.
You cannot take anything
seriously, right?
That is why you couldn't
do anything in life.
At least find a good
house at a good place.
I have got a soft corner
for this house now.
I know that these sentiments
don't mean anything for you.
But I have been born
and brought up in this house.
In the year 1969.
My late father took
this house on rent.
From the father of Sadhan.
Yes. Talking about Sadhan,
the old man had come today.
Why.' I have given
the rent for this year.
No. he was saying that he has
to give the house to the promoter.
We have to leave the house.
As is he has the right to do so!
Didn't you tell him that
we wouldn't be evicted like that?
He has to give me compensation.
I want a package for rehabilitation.
Or else, I will tell sister.
Stop talking rubbish.
Old man will come again at eight.
Let him come. I will teach
him a lesson. He is acting too smart!
I know your capabilities.
Ronty. Come on.
Hey, listen. Don't forget to have the
Calipose before going off to sleep.
And get milk when you
go for the morning walk.
Hail Goddess. Hail Goddess. Bye, bye.
- Bye, bye, daddy.
Bye, bye. I should meet you again.
- Bye, bye. - Bye.
Here is your salad
of cucumber and onions.
He asks me to make everything
just before I have to leave.
He wants salad, this and that and..
- That is okay!
I get late everyday because of you.
Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I am sure it is Sadan
because it is eight.
You go and open the door
and tell him that I am not at home.
Here you are.
Even this train will be missed.
I cannot survive in this
messy house without you.
This is a big problem.
A weird looking man wearing
coat and pant was looking for you.
He was bald and fair.
He said his name was
Pradeep Dutta or something.
Hey, didn't you call him?
Wow. You told me to tell
people that you aren't back yet.
Okay, fine, fine. God knows
who had come so late at night.
The food is covered.
Yes, you can leave now.
Lock the gate.
Okay, should I put the
cashews and the nuts now?
Yes.- Miss.
- Let me stir it a little more.
Hey, what is this? What is this?
What is this? What is this?
Why are you creating a ruckus right in
front of my house? Why are you shouting?
"How do you know me?"
"lam not talking
and nor am I listening."
"lam listening to
whatever she is saying."
"I don't understand anything."
Earlier, I didn't understand
the lyrics of English songs.
These days, I don't understand
the lyrics of Bengali songs as well.
'In the government office today,
there were some workers..' - Get lost.
'The journey has become a
big obstacle in the capital Jam mu.'
'Everything has become free.'
"Hey, dance. Dance. Dance.
Dance. Dance. Hero with a heart."
"Hey, dance. Dance. Dance. Dance."
Hey, you are doing quite well!
With girls of half of your age.
Look at us also, guru.
'Withering heights.
A concept in contemporary living.'
'Hose Valley Resort.'
'Full of Sun, Sand and..'
Or else, the one
who knows his life is..
"Momentary can get into
the realms of God's domain.'
'Now the question is who is life?
Who is life?'
He is a villain of the Hindi movies.
'Life is strength .'
'Which power?'
Shakti Kapoor. He too is a villain.
This power is the power of love.
Which love?
Prem Chopra.
Love is life.
Wow. He is the father of Kiran Kumar.
Even he is a villain.
Life is uncertain.
In the game of the universe"
...king becomes a pauper.
And pauper becomes a king.
Wear this amulet given by Chunilal.
You will turn lucky.
If you wear it.
We don't have branches.
Hail Lord.
Hey, these rings of different
colors on your hand and the amulet?
Did they give any results? - No.
Meaning I have got some.
This is science and
has lot of calculations.
Those calculations are rubbish.
What science?
Now the positions of the planets and"
- All of this is rubbish!
Your horoscopes and all are all rubbish.
It is called Natal charts in English.
It was made a long time ago,
in very old times.
Way before Copernicus and Galileo.
People, at that time, used to
consider the universe as Geo centric.
Or the Sun moves around the Earth.
And these calculations
were based on that.
And your astrologers
consider Rahu, Ketu..
...which are nothing
but small elements. planets. It is too much.
Nakul's son wanted to sell sweets.
Even I..
Hey, guys. This is the
first look at the hot new number.
From hot, hot Mala from
her superhot movie Tanman.
Basically a little bit of Man(heart)
and lots and lots of Tan(body).
For your eyes only. Check it out.
"More. More. The heart wants more."
"More. More.
The heart wants lots more."
"More. More. The heart wants more."
"More. More.
The heart wants lots more."
"More. More.
The heart wants lots more."
"More. More.
The heart wants lots more."
"Give me more."
"Give me more."
"I want to live a great life."
"Slowly, ladies. Slowly."
"I want to love more."
"I want to laugh more."
"Pay a little price
to live life King size."
"I want to lead a good life.
I want to live."
"I want to love more."
"I want to laugh more."
"Pay a little price
to live life King size."
"I want to lead a good life."
"Give me more. Give me a little more."
"I want more."
"Give me more."
"I want to lead a good life."
"I don't know about anything else."
"I don't think much
about anything else."
"I don't have any shame or fear left."
"I don't agree with
any more obstacles."
"I don't know about anything else."
"I don't think much
about anything else."
"I don't have any shame or fear left."
"I don't agree with
any more obstacles."
"Life is just for once. So enjoy it."
"Nothing is more precious than life."
"She is too much!"
"Give me more."
"Give me more."
"I want more."
"I want more."
"I want to live a great life."
"Why do you want to
travel by bus or tram?"
"Why do you want to lead a slow life?"
"You can get this throne with me."
"if you can come and hold me nicely."
"Touch me."
"More. More. The heart wants more."
"More. More.
The heart wants lots more."
"More. More. The heart wants more."
"More. More.
The heart wants lots more."
Good morning.
Who are you? How did you come here?
Didn't I lock the door at night?
I am Pradeep Dutta.
I have been here
since I was brought in.
No, no. You can be Pradeep
Dutta or whoever else.
You have come inside someone
else's house without permission.
You can have a police case
against you. You know that?
Mister. You are getting
restless for no reason.
I am your servant Pradeep Dutta.
I have come in that lamp to serve you.
Pradeep(lamp) Daitya(Demon).
Meaning you are the demon that has come
out of the Aladdin's mysterious lamp?
Hey! Why are you teasing
me early in the morning?
I don't have any intention
of making fun of you.
I am just waiting for your order.
My God.
He speaks pure Bengali.
Look, I don't know you.
Tell me, is it about a
product launching or something?
Is it a publicity stunt?
No, you don't seem like a salesman.
Did you come last night?
I had come at eight last night. - Yes.
I was told by your
maid you were not at home.
Although you were at home.
Maid? Kalpana?
God. What language!
Anyway, what is your name?
Pradiper(lamp) Daitya(Demon).
I am here to follow the order
of the owner of the mysterious lamp.
I had come yesterday
for the same reason.
But because you didn't meet me,
I was waiting outside.
And then, when you became
unconscious because of drinking..
...I couldn't help but come in.
He is saying rubbish
right early in the morning!
Who has sent you? Kanchan?
Is it some T.V channel? Reality show?
I have got all the information on you.
Your name is Anilabh Gupta.
Your wife's name is Jhumur.
The name of your son is Somnath.
But affectionately,
he is called as Ronty.
You were born on Shukla
Panchami of Magh month.
You had a big ailment
when you were a kid.
At present,
you have acidity and blood sugar.
You cannot say all this and fool me.
All this information can be achieved
if one puts in a little bit of effort.
And apart from that, every Bengali has
a little bit of diabetes and acidity.
Hey, sit down here.
You were watching a popular movie star
on national television last night"
"and while watching her song and
dance, you broke a statue kept here.
How difficult was that to find out?
It has broken down and
the pieces are lying around.
In the final exams
of eighth standard" did cheat and
pass in some exams.
But you didn't pass
in all the subjects.
How could I pass?
Navkishor was the guard.
He was a strict man.
He was like the historic villain".
How did you know?
I haven't told anyone about this.
It is my job to collect information.
And this is what my information says.
Don't laugh like this.
I am in a problem anyway, you know.
Actually that laughing
Buddha of Feng Shui.
Jhumur paid a lot of money for that.
When she comes and finds out
that the laughing Buddha has broken..
"She will really be very upset.
She.. - You are getting
restless for no reason.
Why useless?
It is broken and scattered around.
Hey. P. C. Sarkar?
What do you want?
I just want to follow your order.
I am the genie of the lamp.
I have to start following
your orders from now on.
What? Why are you speaking
rubbish right in the morning?
I think your ears have gone for
a toss and you are mixing words up.
I am repeating it so that you know.
I am here to follow your orders.
You are saying that
you are the lamp's demon.
But you look like
a normal human being.
If I come in the get up of a demon,
people will get scared.
Because of a seeing me in the
get up of a demon, one of my owners..
...passed away because
the bypass instrument of..
"His heart had stopped working.
That is why, till the extent I can,
I try and look like human beings.
I got this contemporary form
because of help from a doctor.
But I know chants to
get any form I want to get.
His story is quite interesting.
- Keep those with you.
Oh thanks.
There is no need to thank me.
I am your servant.
I gave it to you when
I saw you were eager to smoke.
Although the consumption of
tobacco is really harmful for health.
I am giving you an advice
because I am older than you.
No. You are right.
Even I have almost quit.
Jhumur keeps on complaining.
Even my son has turned
out to be like that.
One day l was smoking on sly.
He saw me and went to complain
to his mother instantly.
Mother. Mother,
father is smoking cigarettes.
Now look at that.
Actually we don't have..
...the permission to use any language
but English in this house.
But my boss, Mr.
Pakrasi, has this brand.
I am here to carry out all your orders.
Tell me,
what is your wish at the moment?
Now the wishes are a lot and..
The first and foremost wish
at the moment should be a cup of tea.
Hey, you seem to know everything.
You don't have a brother-in-law.
You have only one
sister-in-law called Nupur.
They have a lot of brains.
Just because they stay in a good flat.
So you mean to say that
you need a very good residence.
South facing.
A decent sized flat.
One in Kasba will do as well.
If you so wish, I can arrange
for a flat anywhere in the world.
Mumbai, Dubai or Shanghai.
Or in the cities of New York or London.
Who wants London? London will
be established here after sometime.
But if it is London or something,
it isn't too bad.
I think it is good to go ahead slowly.
Or else, there can be an IT raid.
Yes. All the formalities that
they have will make me go to hell.
Income tax. Vigilance. CBI.
All the politicians,
leaders and their secretaries.
They take bribes and commit
frauds and move around with attitude.
After two days, even you will
move around as being one of them.
Let it be whenever it has to happen.
But the point is that a flat
in Kolkata will do at the moment.
I was saying that there is a building
called Withering Heights or something.
They give a lot of advertisements.
Can I get one in that?
Of course. - God.
I need a new cell phone.
The old set that I had
has gone for a toss. I mean..
What is this? This is a Blackberry.'
My boss has it.
This new form of black berries
is quite useful although it is modern.
This has a picture of the
mysterious lamp with a button on it.
If you press it,
I will come here in front of you.
You don't need to use
the old phone anymore.
Oh wow, he is a high technology demon.
Come with me right now.
- Where?
To go and find out
about your new residence.
Hey, this is such
an unbelievable miracle!
Let me get ready in a jiffy.
'Cigarette smoking is injurious
to health and causes cancer.'
'Cigarette smoking is injurious
to health and causes cancer.'
Okay, what are we traveling in?
By a taxi?
Because I don't have a lot of cash.
Actually I spent a lot of it yesterday.
Don't worry unnecessarily.
There is no reason for cash to travel.
The grand car that you
saw in the song yesterday.
The same car?
It will come here if you order.
Let me order for it.
If a big car enters such
a small lane like this..
"Wouldn't the people
around me have a doubt?
As soon as results of the
stroke of luck are announced" one will doubt your luck.
Stroke of luck?
In that, your number is..
One minute.
- 5713446201.
God. You know this too?
Speculation. Your hobby. - Yes.
You will be victorious in this.
Hey, will I win?
Now I will teach a lesson to Pragyan.
He is an atheist.
He doesn't believe in anything, you
know. In God, astrologer, numerology"
...or Homeopathy. None of these.
He can only claim tall words.
Hey, are you telling me the truth?
Will I win? Sanguine?
Of course. - Wow.
You will win the jackpot as well.
What is that?
What is that?
Oh lord, jackpot!
Hey, your language is
a little too pure. You know?
Please make it a little simple.
- You are my Lord.
I will speak in the
language you ask me to.
You can choose any language
you wish to in this.
Write this. Bengali Street language.
Don't worry, boss.
I will do as you ask me to do.
It will be great.
Hey, this is again a bit of an extreme.
Not that rough. A little less.
How is this?
Bengali Colloquial. - Colloquial.
What is the point of delaying?
Come on, let us leave.
That is right. Come on.
I cannot even imagine!
This demon seems to be genuine.
Let me check this car out!
Come in, sir.
Wow, this is quite huge and spacious.
We can spread the legs and sit here.
There are arrangements
for drinking as well?
Wow. Oh sorry.
Really, it isn't like
a car but an air plane.
Aishik's father will
be stunned to see this.
Fool. He has such a small
car and yet he is so proud.
Hot? Should I make the AC stronger, sir?
There he goes again.
Thank God. The Bengali
teacher had made corrections.
It is not the way we pronounce it.
Air conditioner.
Add air to conditioner.
Joint words. I remember that.
Or else, I wouldn't have been
able to understand your difficult words.
What I was saying that if you
use some English words in between..
...It will be easier
for me to understand.
Okay, sir. Sorry. I was saying,
should I make the AC stronger?
No, no. Okay.
Fulfill our demands.
- Wake up and rebel!
To get our demands fulfilled"
- Unite together and rebel against them .
Against the central government
and their rule.. - Come on.
Oh no. There is a
jam right at the start.
Such cars cannot run on such roads.
And then,
a march has been taken out again.
God knows what the march is for.
For the small business's problems.
What is the point of organizing
these meetings and revolutions?
In the meanwhile, the political parties
take money and make profits out of this.
Nothing will come out of this.
Whatever has to happen will happen.
I was saying that all the new
roads have been constructed, right?
Like the bypass and
the flyovers and all.
We can go from there. - Okay.
There are private hospitals
on both sides of the road.
This is where surgeries are
called as Bypass surgeries"
"and huge costs are charged.
That is why this road
is called as Bypass.
Okay. What should I call you as?
Pradeep Dutta?
Whatever you think is right, sir.
Hey, don't call me sir for
every small thing. Call me by my name.
How is that possible, sir?
You are my boss.
Call me Anilda. That is good.
Okay, if you write Anilda in English
and make a jumbled word out of it.. you know what comes out of it?
Meaning anagram?
I see. So that is the reason?
So that is what I was wondering.
Why did you choose me when
there are so many people around?
You turned me into a character
of the Arab world, mister.
After there was a sample
taken out in the world..
...some of the people were fixed.
There was a screening done again.
The end users have been spotted.
The project have been passed through
America and other Western countries.
It was passed through China and
has been brought to India at the moment.
And mostly,
all the people are middle class.
The ones with high disposable
income and high propensity to consume.
This is the biggest market of the world.
It is a bigger market than
Borobazar(big market of Kolkata).
Big Bazaar.
Hey, isn't that Mala?
I am sure there is music here.
- Of course, sir.
This is such a smooth ride.
It seems I am flying.
I feel like singing
at the top of my voice.
I mean I used to sing
at one point of time.
Do sing. -Should I sing?
Of course.
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
"I am the same one."
"Just as I was earlier."
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
"Bypass, bypass highway."
"There is no way to break rules."
"Come on, we will fly on these roads."
"We will cross in a jiffy."
"Everything has changed
in a matter of moments."
"There is a lot of development outside."
"We are changing."
"When I see it again today."
"My city seems new to me and unknown."
"When I see it again today."
"My city seems new to me and unknown."
"These days,there is a
huge trend of upcoming malls."
"There is a lot of buying
and selling going on."
"There are no more gossip
sessions or having lemon tea."
"There is an influx of
technology and modern gadgets."
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
"The more the number
of houses being built.."
"..the more the demand for those flats."
"There is no more pandemonium."
"There is a condominium."
"They are everywhere.
There is no space left."
"What kind of a change is this,
Actually l had a wish
to cut an album of my songs.
But in the time of band remix"
...those foolish music companies
didn't give me a chance.
Don't worry, sir.
Everything will be done.
Music. CD launch. Live shows.
All that you wish for.
"That is why l have
made a remix of this song."
"These days,
melody and rhythm make no sense."
"That is why I have
made a remix of this song."
"These days,
melody and rhythm make no sense."
"Forget everything
about melody and all."
"You have to give to the
public whatever they ask for."
"That is why, on my own."
"I will go and change
myself completely."
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
"I am the same one."
"Just as I was earlier."
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
"Everything has changed."
"Everything seems new."
I had thought l will become
a singer but I became a salesman.
And that too of a contraceptive.
But with my qualifications,
I couldn't get anything more.
But the wife attacks me everyday.
It is a prestige issue.
That is what I was thinking that..
If I had a capital amount or something"
...I would have started a business.
Now dealership or something.
Come on, Anilda.
Let us go to the office.
No, why should I go to office?
My boss is a big swine.
You are the boss in this office.
Come in.
Oh my God.
The office is good
but it is completely empty.
Isn't there work going on here?
Sir, it is a Sunday.
All the staff members have an off.
I see.
This great office!
Does the whole office belong to me?
Yes, sir.
What are you saying?
- I am telling the truth, sir.
"I am your servant."
"I am your alter ego."
"if people see that I have
become a millionaire overnight."
"..they will think I have committed a
crime or I have robbed a bank for sure."
Hey, sir. Don't think of all that.
Don't worry.
The businessmen of Shovabazaar
have become so rich..
...all of a sudden by merely
selling shoes.
I see. So that is
the reason Pragyan says.
One can work hard and have
the food earned by honesty. No problem.
Indian craftsmen have importance
among the richest people of the world.
Liberal economy.
Consumer boom.
Gems and stones.
Whether it is about
high GDP or development.
...or the development of the world.
Forget about the constant
flow of knowledge of Pragyan be.
Tell me. What is my
future going to be like?
It is bright. You have a bright future!
This is your office. At the moment.
Your reign will spread all over
the world as and how the days go by.
Mumbai, Dubai, New York, Shanghai.
You can open an office
wherever you wish to do so.
The headquarters will
be at "limes Squares.
Amidst the work pressure,
whenever you get a chance.
In order to relax,
you will go to South of France.
Wait, wait, boss.
Is this a dream or reality?
100% truth.
I am your servant.
I will create my
magic to make this true.
All night and day. 24 hours, boss.
I will carry out your order.
The board members sit here.
And this is your chamber.
You cannot only look at women. You
must pay attention to your performance.
There was a consensus on aggressive
campaigning in the Eastern region.
If you have to stay
in this organization" have to work really hard.
Yes. You have to work hardly.
Sir, I am really working hard,
sir. Really.
My foot.
Hard or hard on?
You cannot keep on checking
out Miss Pompa's figure all day.
Who will update sales figure?
Good morning, sir. - Good morning.
I want the reports by evening. Right?
Right, sir.
You may go now. - Okay, sir.
I have some other work.
There were some important mails.
Can I sit with you for some time?
Why do you want to sit with me?
lam moving the laptop.
You can sit on the top of my lap.
Oh no.
I am telling the truth.
When there is a female like you around,
I don't feel like sending an email.
The limbs have started aching.
Should I give a massage, sir?
The matter can be mutual too.
Take a break. You need to relax.
Go for an outing, sir.
I can go. But only if you go with me.
In my private beach resort.
There will be no one between us.
Sir. - Yes?
The office is ready.
Now let us go to the house?
Even that is as big?
Just as you told me.
That building called Withering Heights.
My house.
This is a high tower.
- Sir.
Good morning, sir.
Welcome to Withering heights.
A concept of contemporary living.
My boss, Mr. Anilabh Gupta.
He will buy the flat.
Of course, only if he likes it.
Sorry, sir.
Good morning, sir.
Welcome to Withering heights.
Come in.
You will like our
property for sure, sir.
But if you could let
me know about your budget.
Because the premium becomes
more for the higher floors.
The price is not the factor.
If sir likes it,
we will complete the deal today.
Okay, sir. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
What I wanted to say is that there
is a triplex house on the 19th floor.
That is the best - No, no.
Not the 19th floor as it will
create a problem with the number.
Isn't there anything
else on any other floor?
There is a duplex on the 13th floor.
Excellent. 3+1 is 4.
And it could be duplex,
triplex or foreplay.
It can be anything.
What is the meaning
of Duplex or Triplex?
Actually it is known
as Duplex or triplex.
Just like a multiplex.
There are two or three
floors in one flat.
What is the number of the house?
22, sir. - 2+2.
Come in, sir.
This way.
Oh my God.
Everything seems so
beautiful from a height.
That is the reason everyone
wants to achieve heights, Anilda.
Come in. - Sir.
Sir, come in.
Please come.
Sir, this is the
drawing and dining area.
The modular kitchen is
that side with a store room.
There are two bed rooms there
with attached toilets and veranda.
And this balcony overlooks
the swimming pool.
Sir, after seeing this floor,
we will see the upper level.
Sister was showing off so much.
Honestly speaking,
I was feeling a little jealous.
I was sad as well.
God knows when we will get freedom
from this one and a half roomed house.
I know that we cannot afford
such a big flat. But yet.
Hey, listen.
I was saying that please find out if
you can arrange for a loan or something.
I mean that even if we
had a small flat of our own".
...I would have decorated
it with all my heart.
Considering the auspicious
decoration system.
Okay, is this flat Vastu approved?
Of course, sir.
As if he knows a lot of Vastu.
Whatever you say,
the matter of Vastu is very important.
Why, sir?
There it is.
Someone told my wife about it once.
Since then, what should I say?
Chair, table" - Yes.
Bed and wardrobe.
Everything has been changed.
the bedroom is turned to a dining place.
Sometimes, the drawing room
is turned to a veneration room.
Thank God she didn't ask me
to shift the commode to the veranda.
Or else, it would be too much.
I see.
Sometimes, I used to come back from the
office and not recognize my own house.
That was so bad!
There is no unrest here, sir.
There is only peace.
Home. Peaceful Home.
There is a water body on the east.
And open space landscaping
on the Southern side.
This creates a positive field of force..
...which generate positive energy.
Positive vibes.
This leads to peace and prosperity.
Everything will be fine
if you adhere to Vastu.
There will be success in business
and also in the education of children.
And in the.. - Hey, one minute.
What did you say? Education? - Yes.
Hey, one minute. - Sure, sir.
Pradeep. - Anilda.
My son has to be well brought up.
He has to be admitted in
a good English medium school.
That is the wish of my wife.
It will be done.
He can get education from primary to
higher studies anywhere he feels like.
Wow. You have saved me.
What do you think, sir?
ls the flat good?
It is not just good. It is amazing.
So when we can shift?
Whenever you wish, sir.
Now I will show it to Jhumur's
sister and brother-in-law.
They get people from the roads and show
off the house as if it a big monument.
This is where the emperor used to sit.
Jodha used to dry her hair here.
That is Akbar's throne.
10th January.
Our anniversary is on 10th January.
I will give the housewarming
party on that day.
And the first two names on
the guest list will be Nupur and Samar.
Hey, what is the matter, Samar?
Why is your glass empty?
Now look at this. Hey, waiter.
What do you want to have?
Single malt. On the rocks.
Why single? Have a double. Right?
Hey, get him the drink.
I will go there now. The CM
of the big company wants to meet me.
Hello. How are you?
Listen to me. - Thanks for coming.
They have made such a nice kitchen!
It is four times the size of ours.
Size matters?
And all the gadgets that they have!
Hey, listen. I want that food processor.
Listen,I am having scotch peacefully.
Don't rant about the kitchen now.
Nouveau fiche. New money.
No class! Disgusting.
What is it, sister? Where were you?
Here l am.-Oh,hi.
I want to introduce you to Mrs. Birla.
Mrs. Bhimani.
Let me introduce you
to the ladies' circle.
Hey! When did you buy this?
- This one?
I saw this at Anjali
jewelers the other day.
I couldn't even imagine
that he has noticed it.
Isn't it beautiful?
He has given this to me as
a gift for this year's anniversary.
One minute. Wait.
I have to attend to the
industry minister's wife. Okay'?
Mother. Mother.
Ronty has a room full of toys.
I also want one room like that.
- Brother Bunty.
I will show you my room and
the cars with which I am playing.
What, Mrs. Sen? ls everything fine?
It is good. It is good. Very good.
So shall I call up Mr. Bhalotia?
Bhalotia? - He is the project manager.
Mr. P.K. Bhalotia.
P- K?
Sit down. Sit down. - Sit down.
Sit down.
- Did you like the property, sir?
Mr. Gupta is buying the flat.
He has liked it. - I see. Gupta?
Which state are you from, sir?
I am Bengali.
I see. You are Bengali?
Good, good. Very good.
Bengalis are also doing
very well these days.
Look, this has the highest value
among all the properties that I have.
The flat that you have
chosen is for 6 crores.
Is the agreement ready?
Yes, sir. It is ready.
Mr. Agarwal.
Send the papers of 103 quickly.
Mr. Agarwal.
He is managing the project completely.
This building wouldn't have
been completed if Agarwal wasn't there.
That is right.
If Walls wouldn't have been there..
...the building would have fallen down.
So tea, coffee or something else?
Sir has a packed schedule.
We are in a hurry.
Yes, yes. Go, go. - Yes, sir.
Go and call him quickly. - Yes, sir.
Bengalis are doing a
lot of business these days.
Earlier, you were busy
with culture and all.
Art, poetry,
Rabindranath Tagore's music.
Do you know?
The grandfather of Rabi Tagore..
...had a business in those times.
He had 6 ships of his own.
3? What was his business?
Of salt. - Salt?
Salt? Are you sure? - Yes.
The one who has told me knows a lot.
If you don't mind, sir.
What is your business?
Now.. - Our boss has an international
business. He has a lot of businesses.
Export, import, Chit fund,
hit fund, software, hardware, BPO, KPO.
I see. Good, good.
Very good. Very good. - Thank you.
Give me the account
number of your bank details.
The funds will be transferred.
- I see. Sure.
Hey, their questions
make one very angry.
How does it matter to
him if I am a Bengali, Oriya..
...or if I have a businessman
or something else?
He didn't pay attention to me at first.
After he heard you speak,
we managed to get his attention.
This is called salt.
Hey, that is my duty, Anilda.
Okay, do I have everything
that you mentioned?
If you so wish, it can be yours.
So what was the need to
ask me what was right and wrong?
Why wasn't he paying attention to me?
I am sure when someone
sees me or my appearance..
"They come to know that
lam a rustic middle class man.
You need a makeover, sir.
What is that?
I have heard of takeover but makeover..
There is someone who will..
...give a fine edge to your personality.
...and change your look.
- Oh God. Who is that?
Who is that?
Hi there.
Hello, I am KK.
Your image consultant.
Please come in. Come in.
Come in.
Come on.
Please make yourself comfortable.
Your eyes.
They are very expressive, you know.
Put it on your eyes.
They are a bit puffy.
And your eyelids? They are a bit droopy.
There is a mismatch in the alignment
in your lower lip and upper lip.
There is a problem with
the front tooth as well.
Anyway, we need to go
in for an orthodontic surgery.
Because the mouth is the
most important part of the face.
Isn't it?
That is true.
How will I eat without my mouth?
Total 6 sittings.
Everything will be taken care of.
We are in a hurry.
The surgery can be done later.
What can be done within 2 hours?
Do that.
Only 2 hours? In that case, you
would have to go for a party package.
Only 31 grand for consultancy.
And rest on actual.
3+1 is 4. Okay.
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"You want to change yourself."
"That is really good."
"It will be done if you have money."
"You want to change yourself."
"That is really good."
"It will be done if you have money."
"if you want people
to give attention to you."
"You must give a makeover to yourself."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Money can buy class these days."
"One can buy status in the society."
"There are exclusive
showrooms for fashion."
"It seems there are mushrooms
that have cropped everywhere."
"Make use of the designer
labels of brands."
"And cover yourself from head to toes."
"The country has changed and hence,
change your look."
"Change your profile."
"Change the look of your face."
"Change your hairstyle."
"Wear expensive sunglasses
on your eyes." - Hi, Shelly.
"Wear expensive
accessories on your wrist."
"The cell phone and the
IPOD have to be expensive."
"it could be the latest
model or the latest series."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Wear expensive suits and perfumes."
"Spray it as much as you want."
"Beautiful women will come and
get attracted to you because of that."
"They will get attracted."
"To know someone worthwhile,
showing off is necessary."
"This is a fact.
Know this rule, brother."
"Keep it in your mind all the time."
"Change your face. Change your face."
"You want to change yourself."
"That is really good."
"It will be done if you have money."
"if you want people
to give attention to you."
"You must give a makeover to yourself."
"You must give a makeover to yourself."
"You must give a makeover to yourself."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"It will change for sure."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
"Your life will change."
"Change the face."
Anilda. We need a trial run now.
Anilda. We need a trial run now.
I have given a trial. Everything fits.
Should I run and show you?
How are people reacting to
your make over? We must test it once.
No problem. I am game.
Where have we come?
This is the golf club.
Oh no, do I have to play golf?
Not now, but you must learn
how to play it in the future.
The biggest business deals either
happen in office boardrooms ..
...or these golf courses.
No, listen, since childhood,
I have played carom and the small games.
And on some occasions,
cricket in my colony lane.
That is not a problem.
The instructor will teach you.
As the sixes are hit in cricket,
you have to hit the ball in this game.
And the ball has to be aimed
like carom or the board games.
Okay. You just spoke about business
deals. DO I need to do that as well?
Yes, a collaboration.
We can have a trail of your new get up.
And it will increase
the confidence as well.
Oh God.l don't understand all this.
You will learn in due course.
I will take care of it in the meanwhile.
Okay. Do I need to speak
English here? I mean"
Hi. Are the men I am
going to deal with English?
No, Japanese.
What? - Business tycoon. Mr. Takahashi.
Japanese. Oh my God.
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni. He is Japanese.
What was the name?
Right. If one has Taka(money),
he will have Hashi(smile).
The names of the Japanese
are very logical.
Takiyona Muteashi(Don't look,
I want to urinate).
Nishirate hishipawa(One
feels like urinating at night).
But Pradeep,
I don't know Japanese at all.
Don't worry at all.
You can say whatever you want to say.
I will work as the interpreter.
This is a big oil company deal.
The Japanese will give you oil.
Japanese oil? That is great.
Japanese have everything
in a small size. Even cars.
Hello. - Hello.
Hello. - He is wishing you, Anilda.
Say something.
I see. You can wish
him on my behalf right now.
I will check if I can remember
some poem in the meanwhile.
Greetings. - Greetings.
Greetings. - Greetings.
They are giving you a proposal.
Have you decided what to say?
Father had fever again.
It was cured by medicines.
Say a line.
The landlord of the area is Santosh Pal.
Which year did he
distribute the blankets?
Very good. Say another line.
Another one?
One minute.
My line is over.
The old tree is dead.
Done. - Done.
Greetings. - Greetings.
Greetings. - Greetings.
Tell me. Do I need to deal
with Japanese people from now on?
They don't know any
language but their own.
No, not just Japanese.
American, European, Scandinavian.
Everyone will be there.
But the ones we need to interact
the most with are Chinese.
Listen, you gave me
a cup of tea in the morning.
That is all I have had since morning.
Now after having the peanuts
with the beer, the hunger has increased.
I am so sorry.
Come. - Yes.
The plate of the
Jhinga(vegetable) is for 1000.
Sorry, sir. That is not the vegetable.
It is Jhinga Lasooni.
"Tiger Prawns' preparation.
So it is 1000 for that?
Isn't it Chinese?
- Of course.
Of course, we do have Chinese, sir.
I mean, this is
a multi-cuisine restaurant.
You will get everything here.
North Indian, Continental"
"Thai, Sushi and whatever you wish for.
No, no, I want our food.
If China's chairman
becomes our chairman..
...why cannot we have
China's food as our own?
Right? -Right.
Sir, in that case,
what do you want to order for?
What is this? Drunken dragon?
That is.. - Is it a dish or a movie?
Actually sir,
it is a crispy crunchy lam b.
With pok choy.
Balsamic vinegar. Tossed
in mandarin sauce and sesame seeds.
That is the garnish.
This is too much.
Mixed fried rice. Chili chicken.
And Hakka noodles. Go.
Sure. Sir. Any drink for you?
What do you have?
Do you have officers' challenge?
I am so sorry, sir.
We serve only scotch here.
Glen Merlot, Glen Fetish, Glen Lee..
...Glen Eagle, Glen McGrath. So..
Any of the drink that is good.
Two large pegs with ice and soda.
Sure, sir.
What is it? Did I say it correctly?
Whatever you think is right, Anilda.
I don't have any
particular taste for this.
Ronty really likes chili chicken.
If you so wish, they can
get a home delivery done, Anilda.
No, let it be. I will get
him here one day and treat him.
If you so wish, you can even
take over the chain of restaurants.
What are you saying?
I can buy the hotel?
Of course.
I can fulfill all your wishes.
Money, wealth, car, house.
Business, property. Everything.
But some abstract wish.. love, affection,
attraction or feelings of deep passion.
They are not in my control.
Hey, no, no, if one has money,
it can come automatically.
I have seen a lot.
Money can buy everything.
Not really, Anilda.
It cannot cure a handicap.
It can buy a doctor
or expensive medicines.
But no one can give
the guarantee of life.
Not even me.
- Right.
Mr. Malik. The MD of our company.
He has millions of money but his son
got afflicted with such a bad ailment..
...that although he took him to America"
...he couldn't do anything.
Okay, sir? -Okay.
Spoons are better than chopsticks.
Don't worry. Don't worry, sir.
Sir. - Magician.
Sir, actually we had a workshop
on table management recently.
We had seen that
out of every seventeen"
"at least 2, just like you, have
their spoons falling off their hands.
Statistical survey.
And it has seen that to get new spoons.. hours are wasted and
the service efficiency is wasted.
Wow. High fundamentals.
I must learn these management
skills if I have to run a hotel.
Sir, there are a lot more.
Sir, if you don't mind,
can you cast a glance at my fly, sir?
No, no, can you have a look at my zip?
Zip? Pam's chain.
There is a thread outside. Why'?
"Lime management, sir.
Our consultant has suggested
or rather advised..
...that one doesn't have to
use the hands when we go to the toilet.
I mean that is hygienic
and it will save the time as well.
I see.
But.. - Yes, sir.
I understood the taking out.
How do you put it inside?
I use the spoon of my pocket.
Enjoy your food, sir.
Thank you for coming, sir.
- Thank you, sir.
Hey! Mala is in Kolkata today.
That means in a promotion.
lf l could see her once.. life would have been worthwhile.
Miss Mala will come
to you if you so wish, sir.
Aren't you going overboard now?
Not at all.
You can make her the brand
ambassador of your company.
Exclusive copyright.
Electronic print and
in other media forms".
...she will endorse only your company.
In fact, you can even
produce a movie with her.
Producer? You mean page 3?
Of course, sir.
If you say so,
I can talk to her agent today, Anilda.
There are such big producers
who have lined up outside her house.
And she has a packed schedule today.
It is written in the paper.
She has to cut the ribbon
for a showroom today.
Then she has to spend half
an hour with kids in an orphanage.
And then, promotion for Tanman.
And then, press meet.
And then, fashion show for Sonar Bangla.
I have never seen a fashion show.
I have seen it on FTV.
It is a great thing.
Actually what happened once was that.
"Ronty and Jhumur were
sleeping in the other room.
I was watching FTV on mute.
I didn't come to know when
Ronty woke up and came there.
All of a sudden, he saw
a semi nude model and said to me..
...that this aunt was nude.
That was too much!
I will fix an appointment
by talking to her secretary.
If I give him money, he will agree.
Money counts.
So do this as soon as possible.
Tell me. Where is the bathroom?
Restroom? Come on, I will show it.
Okay. Why is the bathroom
called as restroom?
Earlier, it was done
in English toilets.
Now it is done in other
style of toilets.
Urinating in such places
is also a big confusion.
No one comes to know the difference
between the urine and everything else.
I cannot even imagine.
Closed door with Malamal.
"You and I are locked inside the room."
"Today, we will exchange garlands."
I can get you to meet Malamal.
The rest of it is in your hands.
- In my hands?
You are right.
The matter is stuck in my hands.
I am telling you since it is you.
My wife,Jhumur,
doesn't let me come close to her.
We have turned into siblings.
If we don't have an intimacy
while we are still young".
We can arrange for whatever you
are wishing for right now. - Call girl?
Now they are called Escort.
They are high profile
and have a selective clientele.
Okay, the matter will
be confidential, right?
I mean if Jhumur comes to know,
she will not spare me.
Do not worry.
They are foreigners.
They don't speak much and
don't entertain anyone but VIPs.
There is total secrecy
maintained in the books.
Agent will come to the nightclub
and show you the picture.
Agent? Their seller?
Their operation is sophisticated
like the corporate executives.
Tell them the one you like.
The escort will come to the place of
your choice at the given point of time.
How sweet!
Sit here, Anilda.
What? - I will go and check that side.
He will come to meet you right now.
The real name can be anything.
But it cannot be revealed in this.
That is why..
I will go and call him.
Please have a drink.
Glen McGrath.
"Give me more."
"Give me more."
"Give me more."
"Give me more."
Hi, handsome. Are you free tonight?
- "Give me more."
"Give me more."
Let us spend the evening together,
shall we?
No excuses. I want you.
One mojito please.
Oh no. She likes him.
Hey, move. - Hi, honey.
Oh God. Who is that?
I am Raja. Rads for you.
What is your name?
It is Balaram. Ball for you.
Deb.- Hello.
Please talk. I will be back.
At your service, sir. Please.
Just tell me what you need.
And I will arrange for it.
And please be blatant.
I mean if I know
your exact requirement..
...I can give that to you.
Boys and girls.
Top class escorts, sir.
And the one you choose
will be your slave for the night.
Heady to do anything you fancy.
No, no, why are the faces made hazy?
Discretion, sir.
We haven't disclosed their identity.
Yes. How does the face matter anyway?
There is a saying.
A face, whether good
or ugly doesn't matter.
Right, sir. So who do you like?
Now this" How would this one be?
Very good, sir.
She is an absolute tigress in bed.
Hey, no, not Ivy. It reminds me of HIV.
Please cancel her.
As you please, sir. - Yes.
This one..
This one right here. How is she?
Paul. Wonderful, sir.
College girl, housewife,
teenager, North East, Punjabi"
"South Indian.
You can get whatever you wish for.
No, no. Caste creed, no bar.
This one is final.
Any special demands?
Meaning lingerie?
What is that?
Inner garments.
Lingerie. They show on FRI.
Yes, I mean color preference?
Frills or something? All of that.
Oh no. I want the real thing.
I don't care about all of that.
Okay, sir. I got it.
Go to hotel Sitara room number 400.
Within one hour,
Laila will come to your room.
"Laila. Laila.."
Hey, tell me,
are there hidden cam eras in the room?
They can take videos out and
sell it and I will be in a problem.
Please trust our goodwill, sir.
Don't worry. - Okay.
Anilda, please go to room number 400.
And take rest. - Yes.
If need be, press the
icon of the lamp of your phone.
I will be here. - Yes.
4+0+0 is equal to 4.
Please come in, sir.
This is the washroom. -Washroom?
Here is the television
and the remote is over there.
This is the Mini bar.
Call the room service
if you need anything, sir.
Bye. -Good night, sir.
Yes, what is it?
I see. So you are staying
over at Dolly's house?
That is good. That is good.
You will get late there.
Even I will get very late.
I mean"
Actually a lot has happened.
I will tell you when I return.
You will be stunned.
lam hanging up. Okay?
'This Friday, the most awaited film of
the year, Tanman is about to release.'
'For the same event, Bengali beauty,
Malamal, has come to promote it.'
'Okay, Mala. What is the importance
of the success of this film for you?'
'What? - Importance.'
I mean important.
I see. Important?
Yes. It is very important
because it is Bhatt(rubbish)
What do you mean?
No. I mean, Mr. Bhatt has directed
a movie after a long time. So..
I see. - I see.
Okay, what are you
expectation from the audience?
Bed acts?
No, no, not that. That is bound
to be there in your movies for sure.
I meant reaction.
Reaction. - Reaction?
Yes. The reaction should be very good.
Because it is an action packed film.
So reaction should be very good.
Yes. That is what we know.
As Newton said that.
Okay. You have come to the city
after a long time. How do you feel?
Oh, I just love Kolkata.
This was my home town.
And everything has become so fast
Everything has become developed.
Specially with the flyovers.
The malls, the nightclubs.
Right. - People here so culturally"
You know. - Yes.
And yes, I miss Mishti Doi(Sweet curd).
Sweets? - Oh yes. That too.
Although my personal trainer
has kept me on a strict organic diet..
"But once I come to Kolkata"
...I simply indulge.
Why don't you do Bengali films?
Well. All I can say is that
I am waiting for the right script.
And the right director?
Aren't you getting
anything of that sort?
I am talking to Riturang Bose. - I see.
You know, Ashley got the national award
by acting in his movie called Gumboot.
If you can say something
more for our audience.
Well, I cannot reveal too much.
But yes, I can say this much that it
based on the life story of Notibinodini.
Naughty.' You mean naughty?
Don't be naughty.
My Bengali is a bit.. - But I have heard
that you studied at Vidya Niketan"
Darling. That is history. The past
Let us talk about the future. - Okay.
If I do any Bengali movie,
it has to be meaningful cinema.
And that will ensure
your national award for sure.
Yes. - Okay, Mala.
Your title.. - You mean surname?
Yes. - The surname.
Your surname is a little unusual.
Okay, can you tell me something?
Why do most heroines of Bengali
cinema have surnames as Sen?
Suchitra Sen. Aparna Sen.
Moon Moon Sen.
Sushmita Sen. Riya Sen. Raima" - Now..
There are many nonsense(Non
sens) like me too.
You know what I mean.
I would have agreed"
...if you didn't need to touch
my money at the end of the month.
I am earning to spend, right?
What am I earning for?
And you don't have to
worry about the expenses.
I will buy it with my money.
Buying a car is a must. Okay? A new I10.
I am saving money.
I had thought I will surprise Jhumur.
But I got shocked in return.
I try my level best to
impress my bosses all the time.
But for some unknown reason" bosses aren't happy. There
is some problem or the other for sure.
Please take the car and ask him to go
and stand at the bank of river Ganges.
Don't come behind me.
I want to stay alone.
"Hey, the working of
fate and destiny is so cruel."
"It has made fun of
me and has cheated me."
"if you put me on a higher
plane and then take everything away."
"You hurt my heart.
And my prestige is gone."
"Hey, the working of
fate and destiny is so cruel."
"I was quite ignorant and blissful."
"My life was happy
with the hopes of future."
"Where did that fool come from?"
"He knew I am fool and hence.."
"..played around with
me and shattered me."
"I roamed around after him all day."
"I thought of him as a monkey
and gave him modern abuses."
"Lord, why did you
show such a dream to me?"
"I didn't commit such a grave mistake."
"I will do away with the roots
of the problem and do away with you."
"I will let you flow away
with the water and finish you off."
"This phone received from the
creature of the mysterious phone."
"I will do away with it."
"Let whatever has to happen."
"Whatever l am destined to have.."
Give it to me, fool.
Give everything that you have, fool.
Cell phone, purse.
Wrist watch. Make it quick.
Sorry, sir.
You were not paying attention.
And this man took advantage
of the situation..
Don't think he is from a good family.
His name is Basu Rabhi Ghosh.
He is 55. He is a resident of Bengal.
But he doesn't have a job or something.
I didn't even get the job of a watchman.
He had a stationery shop..
"But because a mall came up there,
the shop was broken down.
The whole shop was demolished
because of the mall.
He had a wife called Anima
who suffered from cancer..
...for a long time and died
because of lack of treatment.
For the sake of one
bottle of blood. Yes.
For the sake of one bottle
of blood my wife died.
He has one son and one daughter. His
daughter is an extra in the film world.
She isn't an extra.
She is a fallen woman. Fallen woman.
She is.. - His son is a motor mechanic.
Oh no.
He is an anti social element.
No one looks after their father.
They have their own full lives.
If I ask for money, they shun me.
Okay, dear. Who are you?
CID? Or police informer?
You know everything about me.
I don't know much but he hasn't
eaten for the last three days, sir.
Pragyan is right.
Till the time consumerism
and high standard..
...of living in the society exists"
The crime rate will
increase in the society.
Give some money to
the man and make him leave.
Do you have some cash
on you or is it electronic?
It will be done, sir. - That is good.
You have always sent
angels to the world.
In this cruel world.
They have asked people
to give forgiveness.
They have asked people to love each
other and give warmth to each other.
And kill the vices of the society.
I am helpless.
I am tolerating.
And yet, I am standing on the threshold
and greeting you with all my might.
Accept my prayers.
Accept my prayers.
Stop here.
So what should I do now, sir?
Go away with the car.
Whatever you ask me, sir.
But remember something.
It is difficult to
get the mysterious lamp..
"But it is more difficult
to get rid of it.
Not everything is told
in the fairy tales, sir.
Pradeep Dutta?
I think you are mistaken.
I am Deepak Das.
Deepak Das.
Deepak Das.
Meaning the servant of lamp?
Meaning the demon of the lamp?
"When I see you, I will be happy."
your Tuni doesn't listen to you."
"When I come to you,
you don't recognize me."
your Tuni doesn't listen to you."
"When I come to you.."
Hello? Yes. No, sir.
I am not in this.
This party and that party?
I am secular.
If there is a cement factory here,
what is the problem?
Let me tell you.
I am not in the politics like you.
If the cement factory comes up here, it
will be good. I will get a lot of money.
There is no profit in farming.
What is this?
I don't get any price for the harvest.
Tell me.
That man is a crook. No, no.
If need be, I will send the land.
Hey, I am hanging up. Yes.
What do you want, sir?
This side. This side.
Take that stick and come here. Come on.