Ask geliyorum demez (2009)

Here is Mahmutpaa.
Heart of business life in Istanbul.
There are people from
many different ethnic origins here.
Turk, Kurd, Armenian, Laz, Circassian...
...all after bread money.
In this place we earn our bread money.
Hamdi Market Place is like a
It has witnessed so many earthquakes,
financial crises and catastrophes...
...but still standing solid and
provides a business environment.
The businessmen here are good.
They concentrate on their business
however sarcasm never ends.
C'mon boys, lets finish the packing.
It is our only sale nowadays.
The financial crisis has fu...
found us already.
The shipment must be on time.
- Good morning, Nafiz.
- Good morning, son of a Laz.
By the way, my name is Nuri.
I run a tea shop in Hamdi Market Place.
In short, I serve tea.
As I very quickly go in and out of
the shops they call me Jet Nuri.
- Jet Nuri! Where are the teas?
- They are on the way.
He is demanding as if
he is the best customer.
- Nuri, bring me a tea!
- One minute, I am coming.
You share those. I don't
want to hear any objections.
They would be more than
enough for you, bullocks.
Have a good day.
Just give 2.
- Nafiz, can I cash the tokens now?
- How much?
You are 4 people and each of
you drink 2 teas every day.
You haven't paid me for 2 months.
- If you pay me 120 TL it is settled.
- What the hell are you...
I mean what are you saying, son?
We always drink light teas.
Light means half.
I have never served here half, Nafiz.
But we always drink light
teas and light means half.
- What do you mean by half?
- Halfmeans light.
I pay you half of 120, which is 60
and if we round it that makes 50.
You would get nothing from me
if the crisis had really hit us.
Nafiz, when it comes to the payment,
you always give me hard time.
What would have happened
if the crisis had really hit you?
You've just heard.
He wants to rob us.
There are no more teas fortoday.
- Good morning, uncle.
- Thanks, Nuri.
Look, there are 3 things that can not be
hidden son smoke, love and poverty.
- Rememberthat!
- You are the greatest Uncle Miran!
- May I tell you something?
- Tell me, son.
Let's say that yourteam has conceded...
...6 goals although played very well.
How can you hide that?
Get lost you ass! It has been so
many years and you still mention it?
We have scored 6 goals,
what a great team is Fenerbahce!
- Then you should not have given away.
- Shut up!
Atilla, isn't this
panties small forthat ass?
- Do you know the saying?
- What saying, Atilla?
A path is better if goes down hill,
an ass is better if looks like a big hill.
Is that so?
You are great, Atilla.
Have a nice day.
- Fenerbahce is the greatst!
- Get lost!
What's up, Cemal?
Thanks, bro.
One day we will all see the sun.
He has already had sun stroke.
He doesn't need more sunshine.
Common you athletic revolutionist.
The supporter of oppressed people.
Look! He has just seen the sun!
Give him a hand, don't laugh.
I can't help him. I have work to do.
You never pee on a wounded finger.
You, get up!
Are you still trying to
postpone the fucking payment?
Send my goods back.
Have a good day, Laz Dursun.
Isn't it hard to talk
on the phone like that?
What kind of a guy you are, Nuri?
But you are absolutely right.
As usual.
- Have a good day.
- Thanks.
Where have you been
you son of a gun?
Here I am, bro.
Name of a vegetable with 5 letters,
starts with b ends with s.
Fuck off, you bastard.
Neither balls nor brans.
I'm going.
It is beans.
- Good morning, principal.
- Good morning, Nuri.
I am leaving it here.
I have bought a pull out
couch forthe porters' room.
I'll take care of it, principal.
Hi pa.
- Ali bro. Where have you been?
- I am working on it, Nuri.
One day I'll work on you too.
I am going to bring to tea.
- Two sugars.
- I know.
I told you to come earlierto help.
Now it's already noon.
We are sending goods to our customers.
Why didn't you come sooner?
Don't be mad at me.
Here I am, ready to help.
You talk as if you don't
know traffic in stanbul.
Father, these are so nice.
It has got a butterfly, too.
Every home needs one of these.
Leave it! You don't need it.
Either help or leave.
Which shop belongs to Ali the inglorious?
That panties store overthere.
Poor guy is in trouble again.
Attention everybody! Movie is about
to start in Principal Ismail's store!
Don't do this.
- Lets go and have a look.
- Nevermind.
- Let's not miss it.
- OK. Please take care ofmy stand.
Oh, shi... Sebnem! Welcome to
our store Sebnem. I was expecting you.
- Don't touch me.
- OK, I wont. Tea or coffee, tea?
Nuri, bring us tea.
You are such a dishonest person!
You should be more polite
as my father is at present.
I am sorry sir...
...but your son is such a...
- Punk!
I've seen your photos with...
...Necla eker on Facebook. You have become
friends. Your photos have been tagged.
ebnem, look! Necla is my childhood friend.
We used to attend Quran lectures... a local mosque together. I swear.
- May God forgive our sins!
And she is the one who hits on me.
Is that why she has the same one?
Alex crossed the ball...
It is coming...
Yeah, goal!
You are not a human!
Bravo. Bravo.
Everybody, back to business.
What do you think you are doing.
Watching a movie?
Father, I swear I am innocent.
Son, this place is where
we earn our bread money.
Because of you, we are
falling short of the grace of God.
- Second half of the movie.
- C'mon everyone! Everything is OK.
What a bastard you are!
What a bastard you are!
Welcome Necla.
- ebnem is my friend from...
- Quran lectures.
No, she is one ofmy
mom's friends' daughter.
She has been hitting on me, I swear.
I'll kill you, I'll kill you!
I'll kill you with my own hands!
Look Necla, Michael Jackson!
What Michael? Come here,
I'll give you a lesson.
He has spent all of
his money on jewelry.
You bastard!
The construction must be done
without damaging the facade.
You are right, sir.
Nice, very nice.
- Send the notification.
- Aye sir!
- Tea man! Who is in charge of this place?
- Hello. Would you like something to drink?
I said who is in charge of this place.
- Abuzuttin?
- Who?
That's what I said.
The first store, sells panties.
Everyone knows it.
Have a sunny day, dear.
Small businesses, it is good
that we will tear here down.
I hate this kind of places.
Welcome sir, it is an honor.
May I offer you something to drink.
Erdoan Akbayrak is the
new landlord of this market place.
This place will be
turned into a shopping mall.
You have one month to evacuate.
What are you saying?
Read this, don't waste my time.
Now friends,
this Erdoan Akbayrak...
...the crook has fooled the
landlord and bought the place.
We have to evacuate
this place in one month.
There is law and justice. We can
apply to municipality, talk to governor.
I know, but we don't have any
contracts or any written documents.
What are we going to
say to the governor?
At that time promise
was enough for us.
Business was used to work that way.
One's word is one's bond.
That bastard, Erdoan must
have close relations...
...both with government and municipality.
Then we should make a protest.
He is right. Once people of
Bergama have blocked the roads.
What happened at the end?
They could not stop the
gold diggers in theirtown.
Then we should shoot or stab him.
What are you saying?
It is not like sacrificing a hen!
How can you shoot him? People say that
he has 500 armed men protecting him.
- 500?
- 600, 700. How should I know?
No one has come out with a solution.
I've just remembered the saying.
"Turks invent either while
shitting or running away".
As I am unable to run away
further with my lamed leg...
...I went to toilette
with a newspaper.
Gzde Akbayrak is organizing a charity
night forthe benefit of "Friends of Nature".
Eureka! Eureka!
Eureka! I swear I found a solution!
I swear I found a solution!
- What did you find?
- What's that?
We will conquerthe castle
from inside. Operation Troy Horse!
- What are you saying, son?
- Look at this.
The tycoon Erdoan Akbayrak's
daughter Gzde Akbayrak is...
...organizing a charity night for
the benefit of "Friends of Nature".
OK, I agree. Cool it. In the past
I have made some mistakes, darling.
We all learn from ourmistakes.
But now, I am not going to lie you.
Leave those old fashioned sentences.
- OK, my butterfly.
- Do not call me butterfly.
Alright, I won't. But listen...
...after I graduate next year
I will go to UK formasters degree.
Then I will go to my military service.
After all those I will find a
decent job and we will get married.
Boo! Am I going to wait for you for
- But my love...
- I said no masters!
Alright! No masters.
Military service, decent job
and then we will get married.
But, before all those
you will introduce me to yourfamily.
Make a vow! I said, make a vow.
I swearto God!
If not I am cursed!
Here is a piece of bread.
I swear on this piece
of bread and Quran.
If I don't I will die from swine flu.
...if you do not keep your promise
I will make this word hell for you!
Where are you ass, I've been
looking for you whole morning!
Yes, father?
Why do you want me to read it?
We are about to lose our business but
you are still not aware of the danger.
- You know, there are law and justice.
- Forget the law. Listen!
- I'm not just saying this...
- We live in a state of law.
The man has just managed to wangle in
some way and bought the market place.
We have been just left high and dry.
So where is that state of law?
Who's going to demand justice?
Anyway, what was I saying?
You are confusing me.
Listen, I'm not just saying
this because you are my son.
You are such a
handsome young blood.
You have the gift of the gab and
when it comes to women, you are the best.
Speaking of which, I'm
going to introduce you to Inci.
Who is nci?
If God allows, she will
be your daughter in law.
What are you talking about?
You don't earn your living yet.
How will you maintain a family?
You have been living
a life of ease until now.
Life is not that easy, young man.
You are always mad at me. I am going to
fix everything. No need to worry.
You are still not mature enough to
know how to speak to yourfather.
What does "I am going to fix
everything" mean? Am I a watch?
I've told you a thousand times to
come and learn this business ofmine.
Because of the financial crisis, educated
young people are unemployed out there.
At least after I'm gone... could survive
with this business.
Don't start all over
again for God's sake.
How many times have
we discussed about this?
I will not run this business. Listen
everybody, I will not run this business!
Ok, don't run it.
What was I saying?
- Move.
- When?
Now. Come with me!
- Where?
- Come with me!
- Is he going to accept, Nuri?
- I don't know, Uncle Miran.
But, it is possible...
- What happened?
- This bastard didn't let me talk.
Ali has come. Just sit down.
Get a cup of tea for him.
Everyone is here.
What a nice occasion!
What is it, father?
What the hell is going on here?
Listen Ali. You are aware of
the trouble we are dealing with.
We have thought over it again and
again, but could not find a way out.
Then I had this brilliant idea.
That bastard, Erdoan Akbayrak has a
beautiful daughter. Like a Turkish delight.
And you have this
handsome face as a gift of God.
Besides, you are an
expert at this stuff.
Cut it short, Nuri.
Get straight to the point.
We just think that if
you steal that girl's heart...
What are you saying, man?
Don't interrupt, just listen to me.
If you steal that girl's heart...
...she will convince that jerk
not to tearthis place down.
In the worst case, when he turns this
market place to a shopping mall... can arrange a
couple of shops for us.
What the hell are you talking about?
It is not possible.
I've just made a vow to my girlfriend
for not to flirt with anyone else.
No way!
Just look at this once.
You don't understand, do you?
I said I have made a vow.
Just look at this picture.
What do you have to lose?
OK, give it to me.
What happened?
You are frozen.
God forgive me. But this is
not a human, this is an angel.
That's what we are saying.
Uncle, will my oath
violated if I go for an angel?
It will not. It will not.
If it will be, I will die
because of swine flu.
I have decided to help my father.
I will go on a business trip to
Trabzon, Adana, Antep, Urfa...
- ebin Karahisar, emigezek, Siirt.
- Ali.
My butterfly, everything is
forthe sake of ourfuture.
To make a good father
and husband...
...and decent person ofme.
But if you don't behave yourself,
I'll gouge your eyes out!
Protection Organization".
Send Me To School" campaign.
With that money, I can buy
the whole damn forest...
...and build a shopping mall over it.
This girl will kill me!
This girl will kill me!
What do you think of
my new donations?
I am proud of you. You are
such a dutiful girl, just like me.
Did you get the receipt of the rent of the
hall I have paid forthe tomorrow's event?
What event, my darling?
The one we arranged forthe
benefit of Friends of Nature.
Are we to pay the rent?
We are organizing it.
Right. How much?
It's nothing really.
I've already paid it.
- 60.000 TL.
- 60.000 TL?
OK, my darling.
I don't know who you took after.
If your late mother could see you now...
...she would be proud of you.
And 60.000 forthe hall's rent.
Let's see how much we have here.
Total 160. That's all, 160.
- 500 for principal.
- To smail? What about Tahsin?
- 750 for Tahsin.
- He will have a heart attack.
Don't expect much from me.
How much did you write?
It is a kind of formality;
we know you are not going to pay.
Nuri, I can pay 200.
Anyone can give me a betting
advice fortoday's horse-racing?
You should bet on number 7.
What is it, son?
"The Association Of
Charming Contractor's Daughter".
We thought so much about it.
How did you find it?
C'mon bros. Lets raise some
money forthe benefit of our association.
you will get the rest later.
OK, give it to me.
I am getting 500 from Uncle Miran.
Nafiz, we want 900 from you.
There is an ache right here.
C'mon Nafiz, don't fake it.
Give me the money.
Don't count, give me all of them.
There is 400 here,
I will take 500 from you later.
I am putting ourmoney into the safe.
Oh boy, you look like an anchovy.
What do you think, Ali?
It looks OK, I guess.
But this trouser is too tight.
- And it should be.
- What do you mean "it should be"?
- Just make it a bit more comfortable.
- It should be a bit tight.
Why? How I am going to
talk to her like this?
It should grab and squeeze your balls.
What are you doing?
I can not go to the cocktail like this.
You should start from her hair.
First you will fond
her hair like this...
...then you will use
your fingers like a comb.
Therefore, she will get
into yourfrequency.
- Frequency?
- Frequency.
How is it?
- Old fashioned.
- This one?
I didn't like the colour.
What about this?
- It is like...
- Like what?
You don't appreciate my art.
You should touch
her waist just like this.
But, if you really
want to turn her on... must work on her neck.
- Neck?
- Neck.
What will you say this time?
- Nice.
- Try it on, then.
I will fix you something...
...just because it is for a mission.
And her hips, the most lustful...
Oops, don't enterthere.
We were about to enterthe best place.
Just leave it for now,
you will enter later.
By the way if I manage attract
herthat will be because of you.
You are my master.
You shine like a new penny, kid.
Drive it carefully, bro.
I borrowed it from my cousin.
Please take a good care of it.
OK, don't worry, Cemal.
Take this.
Let's see what you will do.
You look like an actor.
Don't forget the lectures!
Don't let us down.
- Don't drive so fast.
- Let's go.
Operation is on!
Dear guests, thank you for joining us...
...on this night organized for
the benefit of Friends of Nature.
I would like to present to you the
hostess of this beautiful evening...
...Ms. Gzde Akbayrak!
Welcome you all.
Dearfriends of nature, I know you
all are very sensitive about this issue... I'll cut it short, don't worry.
There is an Indian saying that goes...
"We do not want to harm trees.
Whenever we have to cut them down...
...we offerthem some tobacco in return.
We never waste any wood.
We take only what
we need and we use all of it.
If we don't considertheirfeelings
and not offerthem some tobacco in return...
...all the othertrees will weep forthem.
And that would hurt us."
We should give before we take.
I would like to thank in advance
all friends of nature who will donate.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...the most generous guest of the
night will be honored with a plaquette.
Now it's yourturn.
- 10.000.
- 10.000 TL from Mr. Faruk Baykara.
Write down 15.000 on me, sister.
I guess the highest
donation is 21.000 TL.
What a charitable, patriotic
person you are.
Have some, you will like it.
Thank you.
But dessert is not really my thing.
Then you try it, my hero.
Thank you, I have already tasted.
- Hello, my name is Gzde Akbayrak.
- Ali Tanriverdi.
It's a pleasure.
Let me congratulate you.
But why didn't you get
your plaquette on stage?
We could have a photograph taken together.
And you did not give any interview.
I don't donate forfame.
Besides I think charity
works should stay as a secret.
Rememberthe saying "a hand should
not see what the other hand gives".
What sector do you work in?
- Fire?
- Fire.
I mean, we produce
helicopters which put wildfires out.
- Interesting.
- Yes, it is.
Our latest model has the capacity of
putting 3 burning trees out in 1second.
We usually work in summer.
You know, the season of fire.
- Let me congratulate you one more time.
- Thanks.
I have to confess though...
...I have made some mistakes
as well at nature's cost.
But now, I feel like my soul purifies
itself as I watch my grandfather's...
...forest gets bigger and bigger.
- Forest?
- Yes, ourfamily owns a memorial forest.
- Near Polonezky.
- That's great!
I visit there once a week to
escape the...
...mayhem ofmodern life.
The smell of pine trees...
...singing birds, that light breeze...
You should see it.
It's like a Garden of Eden.
You should see it.
Would you like to see it?
Boo! What's this son? 21,000 TL!
Did you pay 21,000 TL
for a simple plaquette?
Hseyin sells one of these just for 5 TL.
What should I do? The girl is rich.
Some faggot donated 20,000 TL,
so I could not just stand there.
But, the good news is
bird is in the cage.
So all you needed was
just one night, my boy.
So you got the girl, well done.
I am his master, that's why.
I told her we have a
memorial forest in Polonezky.
What forest, son?
Everything is under control, father.
No need to worry.
Dursun, you should
get a big signboard done.
Write down my grandfather's name at
the top and "Memorial Forest" underthat.
OK, the name at the top
and memorial forest underthat.
Ok, I am leaving,
I am going to change.
Nuri! Set up a swing
under one of the trees.
- Consider it done.
- Have a good day.
C'mon boys, time for raising money.
Here we are.
"Dursun Tanriverdu Memorial Forest".
Are you from
Eastern Black Sea region?
My late grandfather...
...was a very playful man.
It is as beautiful as you told.
A forest is the
best thing to leave behind.
I wish everybody would think that way.
Sometimes I don't understand people.
They only think of
making more and more money.
They are so blind that they could
destroy this beauty in cold blood.
When my grandpa brought me
here forthe first time...
...all these trees were so little.
They grew up with me.
I have witnessed this miracle.
While my friends were having
fun in an amusement park...
...I was looking forward to
come here with my grandpa.
There is something
I'd like to show you.
Here we are.
This is one of the greatest
childhood memories ofmine.
A swing.
Has it been here all these years?
Ali, this is made of oak tree.
Do you know that lightning
mostly fall on oak trees?
Of course, I know.
Lightning mostly fall on oak trees.
Chestnut, beech, acorn...
...underneath leaves...
- Above clouds.
Do you know the song?
Of course I know...
- I was singing that song when I was here.
- Sing it, then.
- Now?
- Yes.
Chestnut, beech, acorn.
Underneath leave, above clouds.
That would be enough forme,
you have a great voice.
Just name it. I can make a best of
album of ourfavorite childhood songs.
I told you to come earlier, didn't I?
We are on time,
they are the early ones.
That's what I'm saying.
We should have come earlier.
What are you, a moron?
Don't you hearme?
We did not come early
enough, but they did.
Just shut up, use your brain.
Hey you, son of a Laz,
you made me stressed.
Stop talking, keep on holding.
Let's make a toast for a green world.
Do you work with yourfather?
No. My father sells pant...
Does yourfamily live in Istanbul?
Yes, in Mahmutpaa.
I mean, in Saryer.
Mahmutpaa Mansion in Saryer.
We have been living
there for 3 generations.
What about yourfamily?
My father is in
construction sector.
My mother died when
I was 5, in a traffic accident.
I am very sorry...
...for your loss.
- Thanks.
- A special one?
- Used to be.
Once upon a time.
But recently I figured out that she
was not any different than others.
It is a cliche, but I am
looking fortrue love.
I know what you are talking about.
They say "The rich is born lucky".
Maybe that's why we
start our lives one step back.
Let's make a toast for people
who think money is not everything.
You are a butterfly, you know?
- Butterfly?
- Me?
- Yes.
- What do you mean?
You are kind, beautiful, colourful.
If you hold too tight a butterfly it dies...
...and when you give a loose it flees.
That's why you are like a butterfly.
I assume I have heard these before.
Hell no! I have just made it up.
Interesting. I have read
all books of Krat Yaar.
That's where I know.
Come on, is it exactly the same?
- Yes.
- Great minds...
...think alike.
But, Gzde, you are the
most beautiful woman...
...I've evermet.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Very well, thank you. And you?
Fine, thanks.
I am the designer of the
new landlord, Mr. Erdoan.
My name is Berkcan Akta.
Here is my card.
We need to take some measurements?
Can we do it now?
It depends how you take it.
Take it, girl.
What do you do exactly?
I am the guy who brought
mannequin business to this country.
My workshop is upstairs.
I make the best of them.
- So you are an artist.
- Yes, I am.
I have a spirit of artist, myself.
What is your source of inspiration?
From hips, ass...
...kind of.
Very well.
If you finished, we should leave.
He came out to be Gandalf.
- Bonappetit, miss.
- Thanks.
What are doing today?
I reserved the day formyself.
I will pay a visit to a friend.
- Bon appetite sir.
- Welcome Bilal.
- Thank you. How are you, Ms. Gzde?
- Fine, thanks.
I am great! You deserve better, but I
did not want to come here empty-handed.
You look great, Mr. Erdoan.
You are full of energy at that age.
Thanks, Bilal.
If you excuse me, father.
Ms. Gozde, you forgot the flowers.
I like them uncut where
they are, Mr. Bilal.
How it is going?
Are they clearing the shops?
I was there before I came here, sir.
I did not see any changes.
- Time for plan B.
- Yes, sir.
I am scared of darkness.
Son of a gun!
- Please someone bring a light.
- What is that?
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello. My name is Berkcan.
I am Suleyman.
Mr. Sleyman, can I take this?
I have a darkness phobia.
You are the best thing that
I came across today. Black diamond.
Are you speak Turkish?
Can't you see that we are Turkish?
How should I know?
She looks more Slavish to me.
Look, sir. We are working for
Mr. Erdoan and we own here now.
Go and work, then.
We are supposed to take measurements.
Don't intervene.
Go and take it.
What kind of a place is this?
Su can stay here.
- You will see what I will do to you.
- Miss!
Arab, it is all because of you.
Fellas, do not feel depressed
just because we have no electricity.
We will take this issue in
hand as the board ofmanagement.
We will provide a generator...
...and distribute spotlights
to each and every shop.
We will get justice as we deserve.
The struggle is going on.
What's that? What could you
possibly eat that cost 500 TL?
Not this nonsense again, father! You
should not have got me involved in this.
She has millions, what
should we eat, a sandwich?
Exactly. Ali, as far as I see...
...this girl is not an easy
touch, she is a special person.
You should go to take away food
shops and then suddenly her life...
...becomes more colourful. Mingling freely
with the crowd will warm her heart.
For people like them, those
places are not lousy, but authentic.
Well said Uncle Miran!
May God give you a long life.
This is not enough, Uncle Miran.
Maybe it is all right forthe beginning.
But you cannot steal...
...her heart with this stuff.
Ali look, you need an
unusual event for attracting her.
- What are you saying?
- Now, look.
A victim who needs help...
...and a hero who saves him.
Principal, what do you
think about this idea?
I cannot say this is not possible.
Because there is no
such thing as impossible.
So, it is possible.
- Do you understand what I mean?
- You are absolutely right, principal.
What a cozy place, Gzde! Everything is
so spontaneous. People are warm or so.
There is no need to pretend
in a place like this.
It really is.
I feel like a little girl again.
It feels so good to get away from
all that dullness and insincerity.
Thank you.
Not at all.
I knew you would like it, but it is
so much betterto hear it from you.
Help! Help!
- The guy fell into water!
- Somebody help him! He will be drowned!
What's going on? Ali?
What a brave young man!
Did you see how brave he was?
You are very lucky to have him, miss.
Ali, I do not know how to swim.
Then, why did you throw
yourself into water?
Dursun told me
that you would save me.
Don't worry, he will save him.
What are you saying?
They will both get drowned.
- Don't worry, he will save him.
- Another guy jumped as well.
If you don't know how to swim,
why did you jump that far like an idiot?
Bless you.
If not forthat kid,
you would get us killed!
And I made a fool of
myself in front of her!
Please, don't get mad.
The currents took me away.
The currents should
take you away for ever.
- Principal, what do we do now?
- How should I know?
Ismail, no hard feelings,
but this is not the way to do it.
So enlighten us, Atilla.
To begin with, our plan
should be wise and result oriented.
- What do you mean?
- Tahtakale, Mahmutpaa, the Grand Bazaar...
Today I will show you the real stanbul.
But I go shopping there all the time.
How do I look?
Anything suits to a beautiful lady.
Thank you. I am not sure
about the colorthough.
I don't understand some people.
They lock themselves up to shopping malls...
...instead of walking around the streets.
So you don't go to shopping malls?
Nothing to attract me there.
Everything is the same.
Girls, outfits, accessories. Look at this
place, how dynamic and colourful. Very nice.
Yeah, it really is colourful.
There are all kinds of people.
Hey you, stop!
Why did you run
so fast like Usain Bolt?
What I should I do?
Get lost now, I'll see
you later in the market place.
Put your hands up,
lean against the wall.
- What's going on?
- Go get the Arab!
- Sir, there is a misunderstanding.
- Shut up!
- Don't move!
- What a chance!
You will see your chance at the citation.
Go get him!
What is it, bro?
We are fucked, Sleyman.
What are you yelling at me?
I did what you told me.
Please listen to me, officer.
I will not press charges against them.
Please calm down, miss. Take a seat.
I am calm. And my bag is here.
There is no problem.
There are some procedures.
If they do not have any
criminal record, no problem.
All right then.
Do you know them?
Not the black one. But Ali is my...
Your what?
Do you work as a team? What
are you up to? Are you laying a plot?
No sir, it is not what you think.
I swear.
I have seen with my own eyes.
You were sharing the booty.
Sir, I am going to tell everything.
But please,
keep this between you and me.
Are you fucking with me?
Why the hell should I keep it as a secret?
You misunderstood me, sir.
Yes, there was a plot
but not for purse snatching.
The girl upstairs is my chick.
All we wanted was showing off a little.
Sleyman, works as a
porter in ourmarket place.
I have a shop there too.
Whose son are you?
Ismail, the principal.
Which Ismail, the panties man? The one
who used to be a boxer in national team?
What kind of a man are you?
You turned the city upside down...
...just for attracting some girl.
- That's because of this idiot.
- Shut up!
Please sir, don't say anything to her.
I said OK.
No hard feelings,
but that's all from me.
What are you saying, Ali?
We have tried so hard,
why are you giving up now?
What the hell are you talking about?
Don't you understand?
I have made a fool ofmyself.
She has nothing
to do with me after all these.
Did you tell everything or what?
Give me a break, Nafiz!
I had to lick their boots
just to save my skin.
If that police officer did
not recognize my father...
...they would arrest us on
the charge of forming a gang.
Don't waste my youth, fellas.
That's all from me.
I've warned you that, this pimp
only lives for himself, haven't I?
I know him so damn well.
You traitor!
May God mercy us.
What will happen now, uncle Miran?
Son, do you remember
your circumcision feast?
The market place had been
just opened by that time.
Everybody was in debt, flat broke.
But we wanted you to
remember those days as happy ones.
So we all did our best and had
your circumcision feast done... the best place it could ever be.
Then you started to school.
Late Uncle Hac
bought your first schoolbag.
That Nafiz who never offers
anyone even a tea bought...
...the most expensive
school uniform for you.
When you were in high school, one day
you came here with blood all over yourface.
You were beaten up by those
who were running the parking lot.
Kurt Cemal was about
to get killed just...
...because you were hurt.
The yearthat you
failed the university exam...
...these people of the market
place sent you to private teaching.
And now are you turning
your back on these people?
Uncle Miran, I know all about these.
But believe me, I was disgraced before her.
Now, I am sure she thinks that I am a fool.
I don't have my dignity anymore.
Look what we got ourselves into!
They winded me up
and you did not stop them.
I can not believe myself, either.
I feel that there is no way out.
Son, if it is about bread money,
nothing else matters.
You listen to me and don't
give up yet. An advise from me.
You either seem as
you are or be as you seem.
You are right, uncle.
You have heart of a lion.
- You are kind of quiet today, Ali.
- Sometimes I am.
I think silence can be shared as well.
What do think ofme, Gzde?
Wait let me say.
You think, I am a fool, right?
Not at all.
I think you are fun.
Even now.
- Really?
- Yes.
I know you are doing some things just to
attract me. But you are a bit unlucky.
- Look, do you see what he is doing?
- Yes, I do.
- You wait here. I'll be right back.
- What are you doing?
- Hello, bro.
- Hello, bro.
Listen man, I will go
straight to the point.
I will pay you 50 TL and
these rabbits will be mine.
What are you saying?
I earn my bread money with them.
Are they your workers or what? Maybe
slave is the right word. You exploiter!
Are you crazy? Piss off!
Ali, please calm down.
I don't want to hurt you,
I give you 100 TL. Give me the rabbits.
So you are humiliating me
just to show off your girl.
All right, pay me 500 TL
and the rabbits are yours.
I pay you 500. I can not stand
any kind of exploitation, that's it.
I have neither been to a
zoo norto a circus since my childhood.
I'll make a nice packaging forthem.
Looks betterthis way.
Have a great day.
Why did you do that?
What a man.
Look at them. They are so cute.
Come to me.
Has Mr. Ali saved you?
Look how sweet they are.
They really are. But they
should be where they belong...
...not in some box.
Even if you have already
heard all my words before...
...and I feel like a fool
in front of you all the time... are the most special
person I have evermet.
The kindest, the most beautiful,
the most unapproachable.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Love is like summer rain. You get
wet, but never want it to stop.
That's what love is. Where do you
catch it? How does it capture you?
Nobody knows.
One day there you are,
with a foolish smile on yourface.
You are in love, my friend.
Son of a Laz, what are you doing?
- I am a gourmet now, principal.
- What gourmet, man?
Laz gourmet, principal.
- Have a nice day, fellas.
- Thanks.
It is a long story, father.
But guess what?
I kissed her.
I have forgotten all the words I
memorized when I faced your beauty.
I can only write down
I love you.
What is your job concern, Bilal? Isn't it
your duty to kick those guys out of there?
How many days have passed?
Why didn't they evacuate the market place?
Should we just pull the building
down on their heads, or what?
Go there now and do
whatever you need to do.
I want them to evacuate
the building right away!
It is my property.
I don't want to see these cars here again!
I am warning you too!
If you ignore them I will sue you.
Principal, those bastards
are pulling our cars off.
Please have a look,
I'll be right back.
What is going on here?
Wait a minute.
You are occupying a
property which is owned... someone else and use
illegal transportation.
- Who do you think you are?
- And who the hell are you?
Calm down! Do you have any idea
how many people make a living from here?
It is non ofmy business.
I am just doing my job.
You either evacuate your
shops peacefully or...
Or what?
What are you saying, punk?
Or we will pull this building down on your
head and lay the foundation upon you!
Uncle, Miran!
You will not manage to evacuate us!
Uncle, Miran! Uncle, Miran!
Jesus saved you, Uncle Miran!
Are you all right, now?
I am all right, son.
Thank God
I cheated the death again.
You don't take care of
yourself at all, uncle. Every night...
Nevermind me.
How are things going with her?
Uncle Miran, actually I intended
to talk to you about that...
...but this is not the right place.
You fell in love with her, didn't you?
I figured out this the moment I saw your
eyes, when you said you had kissed her.
There are not any
old romantics left here, son.
The best thing to do is to forget
about her. It is an impossible love.
If it is possible, then it is no love.
If I tell her everything, she will leave
me and never want to see me again.
Then what happens to the
tenants of the market place?
I will be discharged tomorrow.
You bring me the lady.
...we couldn't send out
any parcels since morning.
The authorities do not let
transportation vehicles...
...parked in front of the market place.
- Tell everyone to come to the roof!
- Aye, sir!
What are you doing in
the middle of the road?
Don't you see? I am painting.
All right, but why in
the middle of the road?
Art is made for people, officer.
This painting was made by
a Spanish artist called Goya.
And I will do the same fucking
thing in the middle of the road.
- Enjoy it!
- Thanks.
Where are we going, love?
I am dying to know.
I will introduce you to
a very special person.
What is this place, Ali?
Are you going to tell me?
Be more patient.
- This is Uncle, Miran.
- Welcome, Gzde.
- Thank you.
- C'mon in.
- Hi, uncle.
- My dearest.
You have prepared...
...a perfect dinner as usual.
Gzde, you deserve better, but...
Please don't say that Uncle Miran.
They all look delicious.
I wanted to play you music but
this antique does not sound again.
You have just discharged
from hospital, uncle.
You had better not to drink raki.
People who drink only
water are immortal, son?
My late grandfather Kevork drank
this till he was 92 years old.
I am still young, no need to worry.
How old are you, Uncle Miran?
My soul is 18, my body is 40,
my id card is 64 years old.
Let's drink to the ones who
won't come back, to bright future...
...and to your health, kids.
We were able to see the sun set today.
Let's hope the same fortomorrow.
Uncle Miran, why are you staring?
They say that if one is
staring there will be...
...either a visitor or a shooting star.
They say shooting starmeans sky...
...throws a stone to his lover's window.
Who do these words belong to?
I swear I found this on internet.
Kids, excuse me for a minute.
I'll be right back.
Where are you going, uncle?
- How is he?
- So sweet.
I haven't played this for a
long time but if you don't mind...
I would like to play it in
honor of this wonderful evening.
We would love to listen.
- Thank you, uncle.
- Thanks for listening, kids.
What we need is a
Turkish coffee afterthis song.
Let me do that, you stay.
- Things you will need are in the kitchen.
- OK.
Son, this girl really loves you...
...and she doesn't behave as she
is a tycoon's daughter at all.
You are right, uncle.
But I have told so many lies to her.
What am I supposed to do now?
After I save the market place...
...the best thing to do is going
away with my love in my heart.
Do you think it is so easy?
Listen to me carefully.
You find true love
just once in your life.
I did, too. Sultan.
I was Armenian and she was Turkish.
I did not admit herthat I was Armenian.
I was sure that herfamily
would not let us get married.
Then I couldn't continue lying to her...
...ran away with her love in my heart.
But what I think now is that...
...I wish I would be braver
and fight formy love.
If I did that, we would have
spent all those years together.
Listen to me carefully, just tell her
everything and see what happens next.
Here are the coffees.
- Thanks a lot.
- Bonappetit.
I have some things to confess.
- For instance...
- "Dursun Tanriverdu Memorial Forest"
I figured out the minute I saw it.
Gzde, don't tease me. I am
trying to confess some things.
All right, I am listening.
Rememberthe guy about
to drawn in the sea?
The one you couldn't save?
Just give me a break, Gzde.
I am trying to explain something.
But you don't need to do that.
I am smart enough to...
...understand that you have
organized tricks to impress me.
- But Gzde...
- Look...
I don't want to ruin this
beautiful moment by talking about this.
I trust you.
After all what you have
done were so much fun.
Gzde, you are really unbelievable.
And now I have a surprise for you.
- Nuri!
- Have you seen the newspaper?
Look at Ali.
Have you seen the newspaper?
Aren't we talking about the same thing?
I wander if Principal has seen it already?
- Let's go and visit principal.
- This guy will make me crazy.
What did I say now?
- Have you read the papers?
- Ali has become famous.
He is, he finally is.
And we are so fucked up.
What can go wrong?
Don't you understand?
Our plot will come out.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Do you know where Akbayrak's mansion is?
I knowma'am. It is in Zekeriyaky.
Take me there, now!
You piece of shit, I will make
this world hell for you!
- I beg your pardon, ma'am?
- You concentrate on driving.
Can I help you?
- Daddy...
- Tell me.
- I want to tell you something.
- Tell me, honey.
- What is going on? Who are you?
- I apologize. I could not stop her.
Look at the paper. Look!
Is Gzde Akbayrak Getting Married?
What is it to you?
Look, this dick, Ali has fooled me
just as he fooled you.
He was supposed to be
on a business trip...
...but apparently he was
here making out with you.
What the hell is she talking about?
He fooled you with
his old tricks, didn't he?
What a pity!
I was herfiance, what about you?
Have a sit.
Now tell me, who is this guy?
Where does he live,
what does he do for a living?
Who do you think you are,
you little brat?
Do you really think I raised
herfor a grabber like you?
It is a miracle how she ended up as
a dishonest man like you is around her.
Mind your language when
you talk to Mr. Erdogan!
Otherwise I'll cut your
tongue off and give it to dogs.
Sugar boy.
Come to Mahmutpaa
and we play backgammon.
- Kill the bastard!
- Wait!
I have seen so many dogs barking
like you, but I finished them all off!
That's why I am up here
and you are there.
And I have seen so many guys talking
big before swallowing their words.
You can not even come nearme
without your dogs and having me tied.
Break his all bones and
throw him to his father's trash... that they see who
they are dealing with.
- Ali!
- Bastards!
This is the best for a 16 year old.
We have all the colours.
- Principal, Ali is...
- What happened to Ali?
My son!
Who did this to you?
Get him water.
OK, don't try to talk.
Shall we take him inside?
Let's carry him in.
My girl, it is my fault.
I should have warned you.
No. It is my fault, father.
I believe everyone so easily.
These people could have fooled me as well.
They are like a real gang.
What gang, father?
What are you talking about?
I bought a market place in
Mahmutpaa last month.
I am going to turn the
building into a shopping mall.
That piece of shit...
- What is his name, again?
- Ali.
He is son of one of
the shopkeepers there.
Those morons expected him to
charm you to change my mind.
That's how these people are, Gzde.
Even if they talk about
honesty and morality...
...they are the ones who act
in the most dishonest way.
Listen, my girl...
...after you lost yourmother
I pampered you in every way I could.
I did whatever you wished for,
just to keep you happy.
But that wasn't the right way to do.
From now on you
will do whatever I say.
You are going to get married
with Bilal as soon as possible.
- What!
- You will do as I say!
You will get married with Bilal.
I want to talk to Mr. Erdoan.
Do you have an appointment?
Tell him that Ali's father smail
is here, he would understand.
OK sir.
Mr. Erdogan,
Mr. Ismail wants to see you.
Ali's father.
Ali's father.
Yes, sir.
You may go in.
Great businessman, charitable...
...multi billionaire
Mr. Erdoan Akbayrak.
How could you have a
young man beaten up like that?
You ruthless!
He made a mistake and learned
his lesson. It's that simple.
If you go too far,
I will finish you off, as well.
Listen Erdoan, we have been
living in honesty for all our lives.
We tried to cheat just once,
but we messed it up.
We did not kill or steal...
...just involved
ourselves in a childish deception.
It was not for earning more
and more money like you do...
...but not to lose what we already have.
If we wanted, we could kidnap
your daughter and threaten you.
But that's what we are.
Even ourmistake is in respect of love.
Are you done?
One more thing.
You won't be able to throw us
out from that place!
We'll see about that, smail!
We'll see who will win.
When yourmother was
feeding when you were a baby... would cry till she
gave you the next spoon.
That's why yourmother and
I had to feed you together... the same time
with spoon in our hands.
Father, what happened to your hand?
I've fixed out something.
- That's enough father, I am full.
- No.
One more.
- I swear I going to throw out.
- This is the last one.
Stop it father or
I am going to throw out.
Dearest Gzde...
Yourfather has bought our
market place a while ago.
He wants to tearthe place down where
hundreds of people earn their bread money.
We could not let this happen.
Then we dared to do something
we have never done in our lives before.
When we saw your picture in the newspaper
we decided to carry out this dirty trick.
How could we know that you will
turn out to be a wonderful person...
...who doesn't match with herfather.
Apart from you, we needed
another victim, Ali.
Maybe you are not going to forgive
us forthe rest of your life...
...but Ali loves you so much, my girl.
Do not lose each other!
I wanted to write this letter... I am going to die alone
just because...
...I couldn't tell the truth 50 years ago.
I have never spent a moment
without thinking about her...
...and I have learned just
one thing in this mortal world... comes with
no sign, but leaves with a sign.
Don't let it go away,
my beautiful girl.
C'mon in Gzde.
Sorry about that...
...this place is not
comfortable enough for you.
Are you alright, Uncle Miran?
Yes, I am alright.
- Shall I bring you water?
- No, I am OK.
Gzde, my girl,
can I ask a small favor?
Of course, Uncle Miran.
The market place is
about to be lost.
And I have one foot on the grave.
If something happens to me, would
you take care ofmy bird, Kevork?
I don't want to hear you talking
about this kind of things ever again.
And I will take care of Kevork
when ever you wish me to do.
- Have a good night.
- Thanks, you too.
Uncle Miran!
He is still sleeping.
Uncle Miran, breakfast is ready!
Uncle Miran!
Uncle Miran used to say...
"No matter what colour of our eyes are,
the colour of ourtears are the same."
I didn't understand what he meant
by then. But I understand him now.
But life is really short.
I don't want to delay
anything from now on.
I know this is not the
right time and place but...
...would you marry me?
Time is up.
Is everything ready?
Gzde, what are you doing
with these worthless people?
Shut up, you faggot.
I am not talking to you,
I am talking to Gzde!
Bilal, watch your words, OK.
I am on the side of these
so called worthless people...
Go and tell my father, you won't
able to tear down this place.
That's my girl!
What are you doing here, Gzde?
Get in the car right now!
I'll stay here, father.
What are you talking about?
What are you among these worthless people?
Watch your words, you thief!
My girl, they must have fooled you.
Get in this car, stop this nonsense.
No, I won't, father.
I am going to stay here with Ali.
Do you want to stay here
and starve to death?
How could you forget the days
you were sleeping on benches?
That you were eating
dry bread, sleeping hungry?
Now you are trying to
destroy these honest people.
I can not let this happen.
I am going to stay here
with the man I love.
Father, you can live without this place...
...but these people can not.
Start the operation!
Start the operation!
Abdullah, hold it tight!
Can't you se it is lopsided.
Have you given away your brain?
What are you doing, son?
C'mon, you wear it. Let's see if
you will be handsome with it too.
Look at me.
Let's see what
will come out from here?
A pony came out.
- What is that?
- Horse.
- A horse. What's his name?
- Pony.
Hi, welcome.
It is very unusual to see a very nice
shop like this one here in Mahmutpaa.
Thanks. By the way
everything here is organic.
How much is this baby?
Would it be OK for 10?
- 5 TL without a receipt?
- OK.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Gzde, no offence... are a perfect person but
don't know anything about this business.
Don't disturb.
Baki, Abdullah!
Come and give me a hand.
Look, who are here.
- Who is here son?
- Grandpa.
- Grandpa.
- Grandpa. Bravo.
Look what grandpa bought for you!
Your grandpa has bought it for you.
He has bought it forme. It is mine.
I am going to ride it.
Ali, don't make your son upset.
Let's go.
We will ride it in turns, then.
I used to love her very much.
I used to cry with her, laugh with her.
My one and only love, Mualla.
I am Turkish, she is Turkish.
I was poor, she was poor.
But still her family
didn't let us get married.
I am still in love with her
but how can I find her?
I swear I found a way.
I look for her in that site.
How many people with the same name
can be there? What was Mualla's surname?
Bro, can I cash the tokens?
- I have already paid you.
- Last month.
That's right, next month
you can get this month's pay.
But then I can't get
previous month's pay.
Don't get me confused.
Let me check my notes.
Where were you born, Nafiz?
Don't you know that it is Kayseri.
I have already collected some money.
If you'd like I can give them to you.
What are you saying?
It's nice to hear it.
Are you serious?
"It's nice to hear it"
I wish you a fruitful business by heart.
What are you doing up there.
Come here and help him.
I am leaving it here.
Atilla, isn't this bra
small forthese tits?
- Do you know the saying?
- What is it?
Balconies look better with flowers,
woman look better with big tits.
You are a great man.
Have a fruitful business.
Didn't I tell you that one day
you would see the sun.
I have a surprise for you Sleyman.
I have bought that mansion
I've mentioned you in Kenya.
We will have antelopes in our garden.
Can I take him for a minute?
I want to show it to you on the net.
Follow me my love.
Tell me the truth. Have you
ever eaten a human being?
He even has seen the sun.
What I am going to see?
Have you become a Metal,
son of a Laz?
Our appearances may change
but mind should be the same.
The weakest link of Akbayrak family.
In the old days I was just
paying for her charity work.
Now she has a shop.
The rent, the taxes, the insurance...
You have finished me off, my girl.