Ask Sana Benzer (2015)

Love like you
Burak Yozchivit
Fahriye Evcen
Selim Bayraktar
Yavuz Bingol
Kaya Acre
Birsa Dyuryulyu
Burchin Isik
Shalim Kafkas
Well, here's the fish, come on,
lash out. Enjoy your meal!
Pleasant appetite at all!
- Enjoy your meal!
All you have?
- Everything there.
Make a place for young people. Come here.
Oh, how delicious it is.
- Enjoy your meal!
And that I've prepared.
Fish is - lick your fingers!
Golden your hands.
Music: Fahir Atakoolu
Bedi Ceylan Gyuzeldzhe
TAFF Pictures & BRKs Production
A. Taner Elhan
Ali! Ah, my boy,
You did not have to worry.
Enjoy your meal!
- Thank you!
Rainbow and BaMblto
Ayyan brother!
Put me
in an awkward position.
Pleasant appetite, brother!
- Thank you, Ali!
Have you ever ice cream?
but I would like to learn.
And what ice cream
according to you?
What is it?
- Yes.
As ice is
but warms the hearts of men.
Well, what you love ice cream?
I do not know.
In fact, I love all.
You should love all kinds.
One should select one type
at most two.
Then walnut ...
And also lemon.
If you had not said lemon,
we'd quarreled.
You take me to work?
- I think we are done watermelon.
Now I will go to buy.
- All right, go.
Buy from the seller over there, right?
- No, no, go to the fish restaurant.
I realized immediately returned.
Enjoy your meal! Enjoy your meal!
Watermelon is over, run to take.
- Settled them, I would go for watermelon.
Could so. There is a small ...
- You, Yasar.
O God, O God! Ali ...
Welcome! How many people are there?
Three you? Welcome to this table!
Ilmar brother!
Ilmar brother, what are you doing?
Go behold here mines.
From the first day frightened girl.
Come on, I'll help.
Are you OK?
- I am fine.
Ilmar brother is such
nothing you will not do.
Screaming, but not for you.
- Why is it for me?
It was the morning of your head.
He suits you.
Wait a minute.
My name is Ali? And you?
Will not you tell me? Leylya?
Ayse? Bouquet? Defne?
What is your name?
Not at all! What do you want?
- Would not you be?
Deniz. Is it enough?
Have a good evening!
Ali? A watermelon?
Good for you!
But ...
Let me help you?
- No need, thanks!
And alone will handle.
- Put it on again.
Why not put it?
- Put her go you.
Are not you go?
- Yeah, but I forgot about the watermelon.
What a watermelon?
- The restaurant did a watermelon.
But it does not make sense to walk,
because I bought last watermelon.
So watermelons have done?
Then I'll help you.
- Do not.
Can so, give.
- No, give me the watermelon is mine. Let her go!
I can help.
You do not go, you can safely
take it myself in the pavilion.
In my first day because you ...
What I will say now Nebahat sister?
- Accept my apologies, Denise.
See what you say.
Get this and took half
I'll take this. Is that fine?
Come on, pleasant evening!
For the summer you come here?
- Ali!
Ali! Will not you come?
See, girls are calling.
If you want, go.
Well, stay with good go.
Good evening, Denise!
- Have a good evening!
And then we'll do it ...
And why are you so mysterious?
He remained slightly
to get together with my Sa'adat.
You already
love 10 years
live nearby, married,
what collection you talking about?
What? Oh my God! What do you know?
Dealing with your work.
Okay, okay, do not get mad.
Ali? Waiting for you tonight.
- We will see.
What think? Did he get the decision?
I took. They came, looked, liked them.
Will meet with partners.
Well you thought Ali?
This is a memory of your family.
Anyway. I go to the center.
- Okay.
Turn it over. Turn, turn.
It takes a little faster to turn it around.
- Okay.
Will become. Will become.
Now I will.
Will happen, and I think so,
keep going.
Do sister Nebahat
He not told you?
Once for 1 kg
He spent 60 eggs?
Sa'adat? Yours is the corner
thinking of you, dreaming ...
Brother Ali ... Well,
I will go see how it is.
Come on, go, see you.
Come on, I'm going to the center.
Will not you come?
- Many hurts a lot.
Now the drugs do not help me.
I do not know what to do.
Then I'll go.
- Okay. You can go with Denise.
It seems you have serious intentions?
- What, sorry?
I wonder if there's anything here
as a movie theater.
Or place
We can buy a movie?
In fact, there are cinema. There are, but ...
The refurbishment is.
Our Yasar will soon lift wedding
so watch them.
... You did not find what you want?
If I knew what I was looking ...
That's it?
This is whose?
- This house you?
To see how nice it made it.
- Yes really.
Can we go see it?
- Well, let's look.
What's this?
These are stone statues
so they call them.
Stone statues you?
For the first time I've heard.
You know how they do it?
No I do not know.
So how is it? You get used to these places?
I got used. Kaka Nebahat is very good.
And others too.
I fell in love with this region.
That's who came here,
never leave.
And you know it was so?
- What?
No, I've always been here.
Do you always?
- Always.
My father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather,
We have all lived here.
See just how lucky you ...
I do not know
whether chance or bad luck.
This is a piece of paradise.
I do not understand why the owner
rent this property.
There is such a place,
what else he needs.
Is not it like that?
- Probably so.
Who knows what wonderful
life had here.
Quiet, calm ...
It is beautiful.
It is beautiful, but ...
You must be crazy
to not want to live in this place.
If this place was mine,
nobody I gave it.
There is no way to know,
They must have a reason.
It is too late. Let's go there?
- Of course.
Paid accounts
and I bought everything on the list.
Why did you put this apron?
Now we will come out will be long robes,
will apply makeup.
Dressed would you?
- Honey, do not you see, we have a wedding.
I do not know...
Would it be right if I go?
If you do not come,
not correct.
Come on, hurry up.
Immediately we should go.
Come on, go!
Thank you, thank you very much!
- It's nice of you to come! Thanks!
Let everything be fine!
Thank you very much, brother Ali!
It should not have.
Come play!
Touch me! Touch me!
Bravo, Ali!
You quickly stopped sending letters.
Look at the tears in my eyes,
my love.
Lord, will he let parting ...
a flying bird in the sky,
my love.
a flying bird in the sky,
my love.
On the bird, my love.
Teach me to play, Yusuf.
Look, this reflects sound
our conversation.
But there is something
for which we are not talking.
Here, listen. Do you hear me?
How do I hear?
If you open your ears will hear.
But first you need to open your heart.
- Ok, but how?
Can you re-do
of this tree?
Okay, but the tree you
To do this, right?
So your heart is the tree.
And that is love.
Will take piece of yourself
will create the base.
Then take another person
and will add strings.
But then, when you take
this tool in your hands
you will not be able to hide
my skin on your hands,
the fire in your eyes
and the beating of his heart.
And not only me,
I will not hide from anyone.
There came a girl named Denise.
Works in kaka Nebahat.
So? It is good that it has come.
Yes, it is nothing.
Well it came.
Such beauty is ...
It's so good ...
He does not speak to me these things, boy.
Going to tell her.
What can I say?
Tell her that the village arrived
girl named Denise.
Just do not forget to tell her
Denise? What is it, are you okay?
I am fine.
- What happened?
Will not you tell me?
So are you here?
So escape without paying, eh?
No, listen to me, I ...
- A respectful please.
What means more respectful? So maybe
to live with me, but can not pay?
And, no, not so!
My friend, why do you
He will not pay? Would she stay here?
I've seen many.
Many people live free.
Look, speak more respectfully.
- Where next? She is owed!
Whom do you talk that way, huh?
- Do not!
It will not stay that way, okay?
- Hush! And still talking ...
So? What happens now?
I'll look elsewhere.
- But there is no other place.
Then ...
Actually, there is one place ...
Come with me.
Stay! Wait.
Why come here?
Because this is your new home.
But how so? I do not even know whose it was.
I can not stay, I do not.
Many you like,
when we came here.
You said:
"If only everyone has such a house!"
I told him, yes.
But how will I pay rent?
So do not worry.
You may confuse me with other girls ...
Get me out of here!
Denise! You did not understand me correctly.
No need to go.
Come on.
The house is pretty dirty.
Must be slightly revamped.
It's easy, but here ... I'll talk to you
owner for rent?
I will go to the center,
I'll buy some things to eat.
Like everything
What is needed for the house.
You want something?
Will you buy me some slippers?
- Slippers you?
Then I'll pay you back.
What's wrong? Do not you like it?
I like how yet.
Just do not expect it.
You probably thought
that I fancy.
Look what I bought.
Do not you like?
Like me, but I did not expect such
if I'm honest.
Can you take me by screwdriver
the first drawer?
Ali, how do you know ...
He talked with the owner
the house you?
She asked him for rent?
This is mine.
- But why did not you tell me earlier?
I do not know,
you say such things about the owner ...
Each hiding something.
Have you nothing to hide?
Why wished to rent
this house?
For quite some time I do not come here.
I have not even imagined
that someday I'll come again.
For a man sometimes there are places
who does not want to return.
But I still do not understand.
In such a heavenly place ... why?
Do you see this boat?
This is the boat of my father.
After my mother died,
he went to sea with this boat
and never returned.
We found the boat, but my father did not.
We could not find him.
I waited a long time,
but he did not return from the sea.
And how your mother died?
Mom ... Perhaps grief.
When I was at university
We quarreled with my father.
The village, in this house.
I left everything and went.
Until I received the news
the death of my mother.
And then you reconciled with your father?
We are reconciled?
He came and hugged me
the funeral of my mother.
But said nothing.
Just hugged me.
Apparently so she has forgiven me.
Taken is goodbye.
That is all.
And then this boat ...
Anyway it does not matter.
They say recent memories
They are the most important.
Always think so.
Come on. Come on.
If you remain,
You must steer a boat.
- Yes you.
Never handle.
- Come on, get up.
Let's go. You will see that happens.
When I was in university,
I realized something.
The heart of man remains there,
where his wounds.
My wounds are here
and my heart is also here.
I can never leave.
Then good care of your heart.
Because you needed us all.
How did he get here?
That's how life is!
- Can you? I told you everything.
Well then.
I lost my mother when I was little.
And my father years later.
His heart did not pass.
I am very sorry for them.
Of course, especially for Mom.
Yes, mothers are something special.
When I lost my father noticed
nothing connects me to those places.
I started to travel.
I headed for the road.
No plan, no route.
And the captain and cabin boy I was.
I wandered.
I worked familiar with good people.
I was always on the road.
And my path led me here.
And when will finish this time?
He probably already has been completed.
Who knows?
If I knew that this will upset
I would not ask.
Sorry I asked.
- Do not worry.
I remembered the song
that my mom sang.
So upset.
The only memory
that I have left of her is this song.
If so ...
Sing her and I'll listen.
a lock of your hair
touched my shoulder.
My soul is in love with you.
This slave fall in love with you.
Favorite embrace my neck.
<> Let this strand wrap my soul.
Favorite embrace his arm around my neck.
<> Let this strand wrap my soul.
Sleep, sleep, wake up, my love.
Hold me, lean on me.
lord my soul.
You are the meaning of my victories,
my love.
Sleep, sleep, wake up, my love.
Hold me, lean on me.
lord my soul.
You are the meaning of my victories,
my love.
You have a very beautiful voice.
Very beautiful.
Ali, what are you doing? What is that?
I'm not asking if you have a movie theater?
Then you really never listened to me?
- Of course, they listened.
Come here. Like this. We'll put it here.
Like this. So. Fine.
What is that?
Welcome to the theater "Dream"!
- Cinema "Dream"?
I will help you. Now lie down here.
All right. So, what shall we do?
- Lie down.
And now we have to close our eyes.
Well, I closed them. Now what?
Now ... Put on your dreams.
Not working.
I'm curious what you see?
In the restaurant I am. In the air
fly cups, chairs, tables.
Yasar running to and fro.
Fever, pike - that's it.
The usual stuff. Nothing special.
Let's see what I see.
Make dough baked cones.
I make ice cream.
Sister comes Nebahat.
We have done a watermelon.
Go away from me. Wafer
cones, ice cream, watermelon, then?
Here, you see, I told you?
Like a mullet.
Large mullet with a mustache.
Do not kephale mustache?
Much like a mullet.
Yes, there is a mustache.
The fish are similar to one another.
People also similar.
But like love only you.
Love like you.
I saw and fell in love
in your beautiful eyes.
nothing else I want.
My eyes see only you.
I saw and fell in love
in your beautiful eyes.
nothing else I want.
My eyes see only you.
Please do not love others.
I can not live without you.
My eyes see only you.
- Yes.
You constantly go out
sea fish, right?
Sometimes the weather is bad and dangerous?
- Yes.
Look, I brought you something.
She gave him my father.
I never said
not to part with him.
He said it would protect me.
I can not say,
I've had a quiet life, but ...
When I met you, I knew
here it really kept me.
That's why I want to give it.
Let you keep.
Let me keep the girl Denise.
Let us beware.
Come on, Denise,
tell us which way they brought you here?
I lost my mother when I was little.
When after a year and lost his father
in an accident, I was all alone.
No longer wanted
to stay in those places.
Actually ... it was not an accident.
My father had a heart attack.
Ali told me,
that play very well in the saz.
How did you learn? Do you take lessons?
Yes, I took lessons.
Taking lessons and working simultaneously.
Can you and me to learn sometime?
Of course, they will learn.
But on one condition.
Of course, what should I do?
I will do special strings Ali.
But remember that they will not issue
and sound, if you're not up to it.
But how do you do that?
- Devote his life.
Only thus can become. It's not easy
being a girl named Denise.
Ali said that you never
you're not leaving this place?
I wonder why?
The reason ...
Wait your mind.
Wait when he
will be back in my head.
Wait this land, this house
these trees ...
These olives on the table ...
Let's see you bring me
that any benefit ...
Come on, the fish is ready.
Like this...
So let's get started.
I loved you, girl Denise.
Come more often. Come and without this guy.
I will come, father Yusuf. Father Yusuf
It is unlike any of the locals.
He is not here, so.
It came later.
But why here?
- Because of its Leylya.
Although many have loved
her father is married to a local.
But what they mean distances ...
Father Yusuf came here for her.
A Leylya and could not stay
night with a man
whom he loves and
He threw the rock.
From that day onwards
He waits for it to return.
Actually wait all love.
Like a tree 1000 years.
Whatever it cost him,
one must be opposed
what is not desired.
Must, Denise. Must.
Henceforth I do not want to work.
Will keep the family hearth.
Come to the matinee, come on!
First broadcast today.
Why should this hour?
- Come on, let me help you?
Let's see.
- So. We bought tickets.
And it starts.
I'm here with you.
Live life for which I dreamed.
I'm here with you.
Live life for which I dreamed.
pear tree, pear tree ...
Crown of my head.
pear tree, pear tree ...
Crown of my head.
Let covenants vortices ...
Give her the ring.
The ring, give it.
And he'll go.
How to choose a ring?
Are there any good and ugly rings?
It is very simple.
You can ask the jeweler.
There are male and female fingers.
Determine the size.
And if it is small?
- In that case, forget the girl.
Then, Captain,
buy one size bigger
and from the ice cream man
can ponapalnee.
Here's the ice cream. Take Yasar.
Golden your hands, Denise.
- Enjoy your meal!
You too.
- Thank you!
Enjoy your meal!
Until you come here ...
I was like these stones.
Covered with sand,
and then mixed with the ground.
But once you come,
I remembered myself.
I found what I wanted.
I found peace of heart.
If you allow me, I would like
you wear like a crown on his head.
Let me everything I wear,
what it weighs.
Will you marry me?
No, Ali.
I'm not that
which will live this life with you.
It seemed to understand me correctly.
Perhaps you saw
one of those fantasies ...
You think it's easy for me there?
to stand before you,
you look in the eye and say "no"?
I did something
that you will never forgive me.
Because these hands
that touch you,
these eyes that they look ...
From the beginning, I do not deserve.
That's why
I can not tell you.
I also want
not afraid of anything.
Just like you.
To live without running away from anyone.
I'd like Ali,
but this is impossible.
It is impossible!
Do not go
his thoughts will stay with you.
At night I can not sleep.
his thoughts will stay with you.
At night I can not sleep.
You and I have never been apart.
Not for a year or day.
Do not go.
With you we've never been apart.
Not for a year or for the day.
Do not go.
<> Maybe nothing happened
but I'm afraid.
This is not in my power.
<> Maybe nothing happened
but I'm afraid.
This is not in my power.
You and I have never been apart.
Not for a year or for the day.
Do not go.
You and I have never been apart.
Not for a year or for the day.
Do not go.
You and I have never been apart.
Not for a year or for the day.
Do not go.
You and I have never been apart.
Not for a year or for the day.
Nothing will achieve
like hanging out all day.
You should be able to keep silent and wait.
She did not give me the opportunity
to say something.
I did what you told me.
I opened my eyes, heart ...
Everything just for her.
And see just how far I got ...
She lied to me.
Do not say that, son.
Sure, it has its reasons.
She said she could not live with me here.
What is our life here?
What reaches our lives?
I ran away from that place.
You all know.
I wanted to sell this house.
But just because she asked for it,
just because he said,
that would remain here forever ...
Because it despite
memories of Mom and Dad ...
I reconsidered and decided to
do not sell your home.
Just because it requests.
There are always advantages and disadvantages.
You will continue to wait, Ali.
As I wait, and you will wait.
What to wait father Yusuf, what?
She did not give me a chance
to say something.
Cut off all roads.
What can wait?
I ... What I'm done?
What I did,
except that I loved her so much ?!
Ali, come on, go.
Each has its pain medicine.
To leave here not escape.
I have no other way out, Dad Yusuf.
There is always a way out.
Sometimes just do not see it.
Look, I'll tell you a story.
Have you heard of wheat grains
which remain under the snow?
They lie days, nights
weeks and months under the snow.
Wait, wait, wait.
And then, one fine day,
when the snow melted,
grains again
virescent and grow.
Love is like the gap, Denise.
It is like a fire.
But you still
keep your head up.
It was clear that this storm will overtake,
but you will do it.
You must handle.
Ti not tell for pain.
Better was told,
we might find out.
Attention, let all passengers
to take their seats.
Ali! Ali!
- Dad!
What's happening? What happened?
Listen carefully.
- What's wrong?
She said she has to go.
- I do not understand.
I tried to stop her,
but could not.
Go and return, Ali!
- Girl Denise!
He sat on the bus and left.
He said he could no longer remain here.
But she can not go, Ali.
Go and bring her back.
My soul burns with grief on you.
I Burn, burn, and went out completely.
In the beginning was flying high my soul.
And then fell down.
From my eyes dripping tears of blood.
In the longing for your embrace
come winter.
Just for a moment. I came
to see your face in an instant.
To see love me or love me.
You want to be with me or not.
I came to catch the hand
and take you into our home.
I thought would never come.
I thought never again
I can not hug you.
But now I'm even worse.
How can I say goodbye to you, how?
But I am obliged to do it, Ali.
I'm afraid I.
between us are snowy mountains.
A cold anguish tormenting my heart.