Asmaa (2011)

This film is inspired from true events.
Today we have a new person among us.
Introduce yourself!
Respect among everyone.
Please, ma'am, here.
I am Asmaa.
Ma'am, please come here.
I 45.
I have a daughter, Habiba.
Is in high school.
Live with her and my father.
- Mrs. Asmaa?
Follow me.
I and my Father are in Banha,
but live in Cairo for a long time.
'S Better to Cairo.
- If asked something
Do not respond.
Do you understand? Pretend you do not understand.
I have a good service, respect, thank God!
No problems at work.
Excuse me,
'm a little overwhelmed.
I am for the first time here.
I'm glad I came.
It's the first time you meet people like me.
Here, Doctor.
Something wrong?
Bothering you?
Has only hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C is not a problem.
Why are you so frightened?
Do not be. It's just a prick.
Do not take any medicine.
My immunity is still good, I think.
But I have something to bile
O operation, as you know... would be difficult.
Do not be scared. Doctor
do ten interventions of this type one day.
...Yes... ready...
(Sura of the Koran speaks a)
Wait, doctor... We HIV.
Asma 2011
May be long?
No, Dad.
Right out.
Habiba, wake up, baby!
Bathroom's free, Dad.
Their bodies do not accept vaccines.
Their bodies do not accept vaccines?
Exactly, as I said, the vaccines are good,
either imported from Germany or Thailand...
Dad, breakfast is ready.
Problem is our children's bodies.
There are quite healthy.
I can not tolerate vaccines.
What?... This food is too salty!
Do not eat that.
Do you do anything else.
So kill the students, their bodies are... too low, right?
Pretend to be concerned about health,
but if coughing, going abroad for treatment.
Cheated the poor.
Dear viewers,
Our telephone number is on the screen.
Please call.
If you have been deceived, we will fix things for you.
We will be your advocates.
The phone number is on the screen.
If they just call in a million
I know that injustice deserves population...
How strange! That will not do.
Aiten, are you satisfied with that?
Mr. KFC You got mine as a guest.
(KFC = Kentucky)
This is not done. That will not do.
A clown would have been better.
Due to negligence of one million people suffering in hospitals
And another million die.
Do not sass. I'm tired!
Make the pants scared and every time you raise your voice at him
Next time you get a German shepherd.
Do not argue with me, Aiten!
Listen to what I say!
What we have today and tomorrow?
Today and tomorrow comes Simone talk about AIDS.
For God... Other topics depressants?
Okay, let's talk about AIDS, but without guests
masked his face and voice.
If I want them completely naked will be completely naked.
'S Impossible!...
Do not tell me, impossible. "Convince or be fired!
You already fired twice last week.
Asmaa, can we talk?
Well, Mr. Ragab.
waiting downstairs, Habiba.
What happened?'ll pay rent tonight.
God forbid!
'Ve never peeved that...
It's... Habiba.
= = Please be more careful with it.
I am like a father.
What's wrong with Habiba?
coming home late at night.
Habiba not going out at night.
The why I say it's better to take better care of it.
Kiss me, Uncle Muhammad!
Leave me alone, kid!
Asmaa! I am, Sabreen!
It is better for a man to be his
beat a nail into his head than
touch the other woman than his .
(Tip of the Prophet Muhamad)
Who was that woman?
What woman?
The woman who called you.
There's no woman around. Seat.
There are women around.
Do you want to go with me to grade! Go it alone.
Do not come home, late."
Do not come home, late".
No, delayed "but, later".
Chatter for a long time now...
A-way, Ramadan is here.
I know, waiting to go.
Well, I went
Please do not go, late 'home.
tenants on the third floor should climb sccri.
'S Best new product, Essam?
Yes, doctor.
For two weeks I was alone in the bathroom? I
I'm back at work.
We have food and drink.
I do not want to throw anything away.
Take with you what remains.
Asmaa, come to my office a minute.
This is Asmaa. enter.
What are you doing?
Good. yourself?
= = seat.
Asmaa, I'm Aiten and gentleman is Mr. Abdel Wahab.
From We show, hot sheets...
The doctor told us about your problem
and we want to be invited to our show
I told them what happened with the surgery.
Promised to help us until we find
a surgeon to do the operation.
Bless! but do not know what to say about the show.
I never thought of that.
Asmaa, all cases that we have dealt have been resolved.
The doctor says that no doctor wants to do surgery
and that your situation is critical.
You just have to hurry her appearance on the show...
Why have not you sued
surgeons who refused surgery?
It can wait sentence, but they ball.
If sues, her situation will be revealed,
Word spread and everyone will know.
Can not appear on television to tell my story.
Do not worry.
I will hide you will process the image and voice...
No you'll never recognize.
No, Doctor, here's the problem.
What problem?
Want someone to show their face.
Lord Mohssen not agree with hiding the face.
I have done so many times it no longer agrees.
No one told me that.
When silhouettes on TV just talking,
scare people.
Merely Ignition
matters further and increase stigma.
Do you?
No need to let everyone know I have.
Pleased to meet you.
Your case will make noise.
Imagine what would happen if it appears on TV
and say that you were kicked out of the operating room
and doctors, who should know better,
refused to do the job?
It's a great opportunity.
One alive.
I know you have a daughter to raise.
This is my card.
Contact me if you change your mind.
Thank you.
Thanks for visiting.
Do not listen.
It's just, sensationalist...
I contacted another issue.
My health is as bad as they say? Them?
Kidding?'re Okay.
Do worry., I said it just to scare
and to speed things up.
Asmaa, can we talk?
Please excuse me, Shafiq.'m late for work.
Another time.
= = Goodbye, Asmaa.
Better luck next time!
Cairo International Airport
Haja! Haja!
Haja = pilgrimage woman
Tell me so when I return from Mecca will be done Lord
have to take a flight to Jeddah?
No, to Hijaz.
Hijaz? miss your flight!
'S Okay, Haja. Almost there.
Almost there.
Thank God!
Plane must take off!
Generous God be with you!
May God fulfill your desires!
Pray the Lord my daughter to marry.
May God let this happen!
It's called Habiba, daughter Asmaa.
May God bring you all the best!
Ask him to meet my desires.
Ask him to meet my desires quickly.
Lord with you!
Thank God!
Ms. Afaf asked you.
Lord, protect me, please.
What's up, Asmaa?
Where is your medical record?
I take a whole day to go to hospital to get it.
Otherwise, I would have brought.
Well, Asmaa. You are suspended until I get medical records
If you check those in administration and I can not find the file,
'll be reprimanded.
Madam Afaf, I can not afford to miss work,
I need every pound that you can get.
Official currency, 1 pound = 0.5 lei
I gave this job on my own responsibility.
You promised sheet but stalling.
Do not come back without plug.
Madam Afaf, you can not wait until next month?
So I won the case, and six months later,
I discovered that the rapist was actually her father,
not wrongly convicted husband.
So what did you do?
Mohssen is here.
Good evening all.
Not want to interrupt dinner.
Show yesterday was amazing.
Good job, Mohssen.
Those people should be denounced because
use of sufferers in their own interest.
Everyone tried to win something...
Make our point in life.
If I had a beautiful voice,
I played Marina (private beach deluxe) in winter.
All have a mortgage to pay.
What, are you going on?
Yes. I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
Do not. Behave with them as you wish.
Do you need anything?
I need a check for 300,000 pounds.
For what?
'S Last rate for villa Marassi.
Is the last installment, believe me.
Good thing you reminded me.
I will complete and I'll send it.
Bye, honey.
What were we talking?
Do something or you become Goodwill Ambassador,
just to get diplomatic passport,
and to be exempted from visa?
I do not have diplomatic passport,
but nothing I have previously stated is not true.
But passport remains...
In conclusion, we hear little of the new song that will be released soon
I can.
I sing a little piece quite common.
We close the show with this song.
Can start.
(I do not need words of love,
insomnia, tears and groans...
Or a heart that tell stories, fairy tales and lip
People talking about me...
And I see the look or smile,
speechless without goodbye...
I need things... If you love me
What good is a heart tender and beautiful eyes?
If You're handsome, I'm gorgeous
If you come, I will banish...)
Asmaa! Asmaa!
Want to sleep until noon?
Your mother would wake up in the morning.
Asmaa, you want to ride?
It seems like I can not go?
My bad. You should know that what is good
not for you.
Thanks, Uncle "Fadl, you're a sweetheart.
Do you want to buy a carpet?
Best Price! News from Port Said!
Come and choose! Come and see!
Who wants? Who buys?
Come and buy Red Carpet!
Carpets brown!
The largest is 20 pounds, and the low is 10!
Prices lightning!
All handcrafted!
No screaming so. Do not sell tomatoes. Hello
Where, Uncle "Atef?
He sold me the place and its assets.
- How is the carpet?
The big-20-10 small ones.
"What are Persian?
Are better than Persian.
I I did. Here!
Where'd you get them?
I made at home. Look good stitch! Here!
'Il Take them all, each with 10 foot.
Ornamental carpets!
Brown carpets!
Girl, I'm talking to you!
Do not tell me, girl."
Be polite, girl!
Have you no respect?
Who cares?
Camp with me?
Leave it alone! It's naive!
Carpets brown...!
Red Carpet!
Brown rugs for sale!
Push soundly on the loom, not easy!
Line is crooked.
'Re Too hard on me, Dad.
No I'm not made at the factory so closely.
'Re So stubborn!
You know that boy, Mosaad?
Mosaad son of Hajj Awad!
Ala Army? What about him?
- You know?
Yes, I know. What about him?
You did what?
Here! Here!
Not crooked line.
Do not crooked, look!
Good shot, Mosaad!
I'll get MIGE!
No, wait! I get it.
Who is this girl?
E Asmaa.
Girl's Hosni.
Do not say, 'thank you'?
- No.
Come Mosaad.
I've done ogling
boy in front of everyone neruinato daughter dog!
Daughters dog, yes, shameless, no!
You poems with me, you idiot!
Swear he's madly in love with me.
I know.
Do not come near you after
gave him to understand that you love.
'Il Kill you!
Expected only!
- Yes?
- Good night, Uncle "Hosni.
- What?
I want to talk about something.
Can I come?
(Egyptian peasant wedding)
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Things good?
- No interesting news?
We got the one who killed his wife in Korba.
Has 5 minutes.
- And we we have Mr. Makram.
- Just 2 minutes.
I do not want the reporter weak voice.
Find someone strong voice.
Of course, you can do anything!
I asked them to show their faces, but they refused.
You could not convince them.
I have to do it alone!
Let them burn in hell.
Not enough that I get on TV, now have to
and begged?
Who's this?
Mrs. Asmaa Hosni.
E agreed to show his face on camera.
Dad bought a taxi... AND we went to get him.
I have said I have to pay a fee.
Refused? Asked why they have to pay.
Do not even get us to eat.
Almost got him beat up clerk.
People stopped him and asked him why he's angry.
Taxes go to the government, we returned to the payer.
The government helps you, teaches you, cure you.
Do not beg, sir Mohssen.
Excuse me, ma'am. I'm sorry.
Baig and always puts me in embarrassing situations.
Those who see this dialogue about AIDS
should learn how it is transmitted.
We Arabs are less unconscious.
This is in Algeria.
She is the first person who appeared
carrier to the TV without having to hide her face.
What happened to her?
- Nothing.
People do not scare.
Began to treat HIV bearers
patients as if they were normal
such as those with diabetes or hypertension.
You think it might be the same here?
Here's what it is ..
5 million people watch our show daily,
some have lost their jobs and came to prison after a show
others have been sued.
Some were about to die and were rescued
others have died because they have not reached us.
If we can not convince a doctor you operate,
then nobody can.
Asmaa, I want you to tell me everything.
What happened when you got the virus...
How did your parents react... What felt...
Who in your family does not know yet...
How do you feel, what you think?
And most importantly... I want to tell me how you got the virus.
I can tell you anything,
but not how I got the virus,
since it has nothing to do with the issue.
Why not?
Each viewer sees an AIDS carrier,
wants to know how the virus was.
People will empathize with you, making our task easier.
Subject, Mr. Mohssen,
A woman banished from the operating room
because he did not want to lie.
A suffered enough.
He has a ball.
It is a 15-minute operation.
However, no doctor and no hospital receives.
Fear it.
How graduate medicine?
Asmaa, take it easy.
Well, Asmaa. Tell about yourself just what you want.
- Let's sleep here.
- But that's not good home?
None. Give me that.
What should I give?
- Stone peaches. Give it to me.
I want to plant it.
And will grow to be a part of me and part of you.
Later, when we have the first child
will eat of it.
As we eat the harvest father and my grandfather.
- Now I know why it tastes so bad!
- Funny!
You know what? I want to have ten kids with you,
like to inherit this land.
Yassin, my brother can not have children.
If you do not have a boy, this land will disappear
God forbid! Pusch on your tongue!
But I can not do it alone.
And you have to make an effort.
This is it, sir. Thank you.
II counted.
- Good evening.
- Good night.
What's up, Yassin?
More tea?
I'll drink your health after you give birth.
- What time, Mosaad? Nearly 10
- .
O, it's pretty late.
I go home.
- Stay a while.
- Where are the curtains?
- I sold them all.
I tell you what...
Why did you stop selling carpets in the market
and stay home?
People can come here to buy them...
How do other women in the village.
You knew when you married me
'm not like other women in the village.
I'm going to hate when I get them.
- If I do not hate you, I do.
We do not need the extra money.
And, frankly, I'm worried about you.
If you really do not bury me alive.
If you stay home mean you're buried alive!
Yes, if we are forced to do something against my will.
To eat, to sleep, I'm afraid
rumors and do nothing?
Please, let me live.
For the sake of our son.
Listen to me!
You go to work and give them medical records.
I want to fire you and use it on the show.
Aiten, I want to call the following persons:
Magdy Bedair, from the Ministry,
Mohamed Hashim, owner of Al-Amal Hospital
and Sheikh Mohamed Othman.
AAA... It's legal to fire me?
Of course not. Therefore I want to do it.
Dressed well, but not too stylish.
I want people to empathize with you.
What happened, Asmaa?
Do you think there any hope?
If not stay without doing anything.
'Il See.
I'm sure when you show up,
will come begging you to get immediate surgery.
Is hope, Asmaa.
What are you doing, Asmaa?
Answer me.
My medical sheet.
- I go to work.
You crazy?
I will give out soon.
Either they will.
How to find?
I go on television to talk about my disease.
Wait! Speak!
Analgesics that you take your mind affected?
You will destroy you
and those around you!
What to do, Dad?
I'm here in front of you.
What do you do?
Dig my grave?
Prepare me a nice funeral?
What should I do?
I will die without surgery.
- You said that?
I do not need to tell me.
And Habiba?
Will you tell?
A second.
(Cairo Airport)
Come with me, Asmaa.
It's not legal to fire you.
But I want to ask your colleagues what they think.
Who agrees that Asmaa continue to work with us?
Raise your hand if it.
Asmaa Who thinks I should go?
Asmaa! Asmaa!
I collected this money for you.
By God help you...
Take them, please.
- Hello.
- Good afternoon.
- Analgesics?
- How many?
- For all this money.
Do you want something stronger?
Take this amounts. Be very careful!
If you take more, you risk to make a journey.
A journey? Where?
I'm just saying you should be very careful not to exceed the dose
. Yes?
'S Enough for a month.
I thank you.
I'm going to bring Moloch
(Egyptian food resembling spinach).
Leaves Asmaa. Stay with us and eat, please.
Get up and go and help her.
You might learn something.
Let me do it, Asmaa.
How old are you, Sabreen?
My mother did not know when I was born.
But I say that I get about 18.
- 18 Years?
I heard Yassin is married for 10 years.
- No. This is his first wife.
- I mean you're the second?
There are three.
Had to marry three times
up to realize that he's the problem.
Apparently it's the injections that make them.
What injections?
- Some medicine... I do not know how to call it.
Do you want to stop trouble?
Dismissed demon and stay home, serving your husband.
So it is! Then about God
that you will not make sense here, girl!
If you do not go, burn your carpets and you with them.
I never told you not to call me, girl "!
'M Six years since my wife died.
Her mother rings once a year
when commemorated.
Every time asks me if I want to remarry
and each time they say no.
This time I know it's possible.
This must congratulate you.
Do not worry!
Come! Come!
S something wrong, Shafiq?
Instead of greeting, it's rude...
I'm sorry, I feared that comes with bad news about a
Not all are good.
I just wanted to tell you something
so I asked Dr.
Hadi your address and came to talk to you.
Come! Come! Sit down!
- Seat, Shafiq!
Thank you.
Do you want a coffee?
- With lots of sugar, please.
- Be welcome!
Thank you.
Before finding an excuse to dodge you,
Let's have a coffee and go somewhere.
Consider a surprise and you will not regret.
S not right for you.
What would you tell me what you have to say after exiting it?
At least you say kind.
Where are we going?
Climb, please.
What would you like to hear?
Do you like Diva?
Khalsoum is regarded as the greatest singer in Arab music history,
dubbed, The Fourth Pyramid of Egypt ",
died 1975)
(Night of splendor...
Dor and passion...)
- Welcome.
- Good morning, doctor.
How are you?
- It must be Asmaa.
- Exactly.
Do not shake hands with women, but you'll be the exception.
Port gloves already. God be good to you!
- Rooms here at the hotel.
- Is obvious.
We have a restaurant and a caf for visitors.
- All is well.
- Thank God!
This is the seating area.
You still love football?
Yes, of course.
We Al Jazeera.
World Cup and all matches of the European Football League.
Why waste matches just because you're sick?
No, of course not.
Frankly, Dr. Amr, I do not believe it.
E for at least 5 stars.
Stars that God gives us
are more important.
Another hospital we fund on it.
- Really?
- Let me show you.
The other hospital is expensive, it's for rich people.
Our physicians
divide their weekly schedule between one here and another.
In other words, the other hospital it supports it.
Please leave me alone with Mrs. Asmaa,
for patient-physician discussion.
Maybe I cstoareasc convince them to me, not you
Well, excuse me, you look down.
Welcome, Asmaa.
I hear your problem.
Mr Shafiq told me everything.
What kind of doctors are there?
- I understand their situation.
- You are very kind and you're right.
Are the result of distorted education system.
Finally, good news.
Operation considered as made
How so?
I'll do it.
And who will pay?
V gave Mr. Shafiq any money?
I swear.
The operation will cost 5 pounds
and take them in advance, but I have a request.
Look, Miss Asmaa,
place is Charity.
And always want to be sure you receive this help at
This will not be an injustice to those who deserve.
Instinct not deceive me.
I know I deserve this gift,
but you have to ask you to be sure.
Do you think I'm rich and I can afford surgery?
This place also helps the rich and the poor,
And you deserve it more than anyone else.
But I want to hear from you.
Not understand.
No offense...
I already know the answer to the question.
How you contracted the virus?
'M Sure by
blood transfusion or husband.
But I want to hear from you, to be sure.
Can I ask you something?
Money I've used this hospital lift
are legal or illegal?
I do not understand this question.
- Of course not.
But do not you open your stomach?
I want to know if you are an honest man.
Why you not sure?
Are you an angel?
You are an angel from heaven?
And I want to know.
Expected, Asmaa. Wait.
Asmaa Asmaa, wait!
What happened?
Nobody has the right to ask me how I got this disease
. Nobody!
- Calm down!
No, I do not want to calm down.
Why will not you be reasonable?
Do you want to heal?
Do you want to raise your daughter?
Is nobody's business how I got the disease.
No need to ask me to prove my honesty
You could tell him anything and he would not be checked.
- Waiting.
- Let go of me.
What happened?
- Nothing.
You spit on the man in the face?
- You came to ask me that?
- I do not talk back!
I told you not to go to market.
I am guilty.
Merit because I let you go.
Mosaad! Where are you going?
- Go home, woman!
- Mosaad! Wait! Wait!
Hey, tiger.
Come get beat your wife, you coward!
Make me a coward?
Thank you.
But I know of a coward is the one who beats women... coward!
Stop it! No!
Mosaad! Leave him, Mosaad!
Leave him, Mosaad! No Mosaad!
Whoever this woman talking or taunting
kill him and I'm sorry.
Sayyed's dead!
The man killed him Sayyed!
What's up, Mosaad?
How's you? I brought food and cigarettes.
Feed you well?
Talk to me!
Say something!
Tell me that I'm guilty.
What's that cut on your face?
Do not come, Asmaa.
Do not come as you are in prison, you know?
Why burn carpet, Asmaa?
Mosaad not in prison because carpets.
In a few years will be free.
Received a light punishment.
Important thing you do after leaving.
What should I do?
Leave it empty if you love him.
Let him marry another woman.
A woman to give her son is dreaming,
And it makes you look.
Enough what you did.
I have news worth 1 million pounds.
A few days ago, I received 3 calls
hidden numbers
and I knew calling me abroad.
I took the phone with me everywhere
and check it every second.
I was moved with compassion on me.
I said, 'Mom, come over three weeks."
Since then I have done exceedingly shopping.
I know what I'll wear when it comes.
I'll wear new clothes every day.
I started a diet,
but I could not continue with it.
Simply, I love food.
I'm fat... What's wrong with that?
Not so fat.
Asmaa! Thank God you're here! Come in.
Tomorrow comes my son abroad.
I hope to come with his wife and child.
I tell you what...
Let's take in what I have prepared for him and eat both.
Madam Farida, you can ask something?
Yeah, sure.
I want a dress to you.
Go to a wedding or something?
Well, you borrow one,
but my dresses are a little too bold.
We'll arrange it.
wear something over the dress and underneath and everything will be fine.
When you makeup last?
No, Mrs. Farida. Enough!
My father will kill me.
Why? Are you a minor?
Look how beautiful you are!
Thank you.
've Always had good taste and were generous.
General? You do not beg.
Come daily to makeup.
A lot of men will want to marry you.
Going to get eyeliner.
I think I forgot the bag.
Thanks for your help, Mrs. Farida.
Madam Farida!
Madam Farida!
(Police Kafr Massoud)
Let's go home.
Up! Get up!
O shut up forever?
Sleep, Asmaa.
What can be better?
Shut up and sleep.
Divorce you, Asmaa.
Approximation of you is the most important part of therapy.
Only those who have the same problem
can understand the feelings.
If who feels
that because of his illness or other
be condemned,
they should go at this time.
...I started the car,
but did not want to move...
Children on the street
pointed to the low side of the car...
I looked... All tires were gone.
Car was on bricks. I was shocked.
I have not looked at the car before I get in it.
How are you, Farida?
Well, Doctor.
The doctor said I could go tomorrow.
What happened?
Pharmacist gave him another pill.
Was not even bothered to check.
She believes that God punishes.
Be quiet!
Doctor Hadi,
please talk to those producers from television.
I want to appear in front of the cameras as Asmaa.
Not. Do not do it. I'll do it.
I can not stand.
No one goes to the TV, okay?
What do you think?
If you appear on television half hour
people will enjoy and problems are solved?
Be reasonable, people.
Good show, Asmaa!
You go to a wedding?
Look great.
Where is Mr. Mohssen?
Media exposed him to the man.
Frankly, it's garbage.
I can not describe otherwise.
I am surprised by people's comments.
Some act as if they live in France
as if it was never the streets
do not know what is really happening.
Others behave like pagans.
They lifted that worship statues.
- Dr Hadi is here.
Who's Hadi?
- From the association.
- Which one?
- Okay, come.
How do you do, Mr. Hadi? Asmaa
Please talk while doing a walk.
I have to go now.
I have something important to say.
We will not let Asmaa to show his face on camera.
Find someone else.
Hear me?
Okay. All right. As you wish.
Thank you. -
I know it's more important than what I think people
operation needs.
Let it die. Let them all die.
How about this:
We have a special program,
we will collect donations and
construct tombs along the Nile.
Some tombs which encourage die.
Even better:
We collect donations,
we buy kerosene so much kerosene
we will throw them and they'll burn.
Let them die in hell.
Important is that you be happy.
When the shepherd knows that he can not feed
lead them in the desert
knowing that they will not find anything to eat and starve.
What the hell are you looking at?!
Kill you, Asmaa.
'Il Be ostracized.
Street kids will throw rocks at you.
Asmaa Gamal not kidding.
Make a mountain out of an anthill.
Bad things happen and people forget them.
Not long ago ntreceai
you to go on television.
You're different, Asmaa.
People are cruel.
Do not forget that the fear.
Really are different.
People are different.
I'm the only one who can show their face on camera
And why?
Just know I have nothing to lose.
And your daughter, Asmaa?
Everything I do is for her Habiba,
for my daughter.
Who will be there for her if I die?
Who will take care of it?
First have to marry,
to find a husband to protect her.
Are likely to operate on me if I show my face on TV.
Asmaa right.
Lead you somewhere?
Why I was afraid you were a kid?
Each of us had his fears as a child.
What were yours?
I was afraid of thieves.
So I put my brother to sleep next door
thief not see me when he comes.
- About you?
- I was afraid of the dark.
I could not sleep even if it was a little light.
Dad put his songs (Um Khalsoum) my bedside
He used to tell me:
, Fear not. You will not be when you grow big."
Now I'm afraid of light.
I can not sleep unless it's pitch dark.
A ray of light
I can snatch sleep until morning.
- Stop the car! Stop the car!
- Okay. All right.
Come with me!
Come with me!
If you go near it to pieces with his teeth
and bury you here where you live. Get it?
Get in the car! Enter!
Let's go, Shafiq.
- You hear me?
- Calm down!
Why embrace that man, Habiba?
You let him do that in the street in front of everyone?
And your reputation?
Are not you ashamed?
No matter what I do.
Why does not it matter? Why?
Embrace in public, Habiba!
What would you do if you were alone?
Relax, Asmaa. What happened?
It happened that my mother like daughter.
What about you?
I did you pray?
A man were in the car and seemed relaxed.
And nice outfit?
Do you have worn.
Do you want to live your life, and I'm not allowed?
Do not be ashamed, Habiba! Behave properly.
Go immediately to your room!
I live life, Habiba?
I take from the mouth for you to have to eat.
This is the life I live?
Yes, start with parental lectures...
Who is my father?
Why never talk about it?
When I ask how he died, changing the subject.
When you ask about my uncles, do not answer.
What is hidden in a drawer in the bathroom?
Why hide the key in the bra?
Why hide this picture for me?
Why is enclosed in your closet?
Why always cry when you pray?
E of faith or
a sin that God will never forgive you?
Shut up! Shut up and behave properly!
Be respectful when you talk to your mother!
You mean divorce me?
What is this?
Why did not you divorced when you were in prison?
Why did you wait?
Doing what I love. You are divorced.
Do not want to see you.
Fuck you!
I just want to understand.
Do you want to divorce me,
good, but tell me why.
Why Mosaad?
Because I wanted to feel like a man?
Because you killed a man defending me?
Please tell me why Mosaad,
and then divorcing if you want.
Otherwise, throw myself in front of the train.
And you will be guilty.
I love.
And I will die. I will die!
I got this disease when I was in prison.
I did a lot of tests
even realized Drs.
How did you get this disease?
No matter how I got it.
The important thing is not going.
There is no cure.
It will get worse until I die.
God forbid! God forbid!
Mosaad, please do not talk like that.
I can not stand.
Who will not die?
Do you want to give to you.
Why have something I do not?
'S Not enough that you were alone in jail?
Why carry the burden of disease without me?
Okay... All right.
Even if I live with you as a sister, I will not leave.
I do not understand anything, Asmaa.
I do not even want to know.
There is no end.
All I know is that I will not leave.
Even if someone put a knife to my throat,
still not leaving you.
Why, Dad?
Why did not you stop?
Why did not you fight?
Why did you let go of my stubbornness?
If I tried to stop you, you were
and stubborn.
Will you pray for me?
Always pray for you.
I just hope God is not mad at me.
Will you pray for me after I die?
'Il Live and I'll bury you.
And I will marry the girl... and then to your face.
'Il See.
Habiba should know. I have to say.
Daddy, please do not tell him.
Any just do not know. If you love me, do not tell
Good evening.
Good evening.
I want to talk to you.
Come, Shafiq.
This is Ramadan, Habib fiance.
Good evening.
Is Mr. Shafiq.
He will be like a father.
Today I met a pious woman.
I asked him to pray to the Lord.
It is clear that it did.
We will delay the meeting.
Fri. Immediately.
What will you do?
I will hide his face will go home.
- Leave destiny to choose.
- Are you sure?
Asmaa at first
not you wanted to marry me.
Do not know.
Maybe I liked that you picked
because we have the same disease.
Circumstances were you thinking about marrying me.
Otherwise you
think to marry a mere woman like me.
I have to tell you something before you go.
I contracted the disease through a blood transfusion.
I do not want to know.
- Please listen. Not anymore.
Secrecy upon me like a rock.
Have to tell someone.
I cheated on my wife with many women
no reason.
I transmitted disease, she died,
and I survived.
I tell you that, no matter how you got it,
100% sure that you are better
more honest than me or than ten men like me
even if you contracted it in a shameful
I've seen how you live and how you behave with your daughter
and what you do for others.
You do
faavoare if you marry me.
Do you want to know how I got it?
Not. I do not want to know. I do not care.
Come on. Let's get out of the car
do not be late.
You'll find me here, waiting for you, when you return
If you agree to marry me
first registration office that we find.
That's your problem both and ours!
Everyone expected savior,
Government expects to beat at the door
and to fulfill all wishes,
smoothly or without doing anything!
do not want to pay for what he wants to receive!
Why did you change your opinion, Asmaa?
- I was really scared. As everyone.
Each asks, Why would my business?
Why me?"
This is the problem of all the Egyptians.
No one wants to sit in front of a gun barrel.
The gun that is not afraid.
Knows he can not kill one day, but a thousand
Swear I'm not afraid for myself.
Need to defend yourself.
Convince us if you want to appear in the penumbra.
Not. I will not be convinced.
Find us two actors for the show.
We fabricate another story.
Go ahead and do it! Go!
If you think you can put pressure on
November just because I did a few promos,
you're wrong. Anyway
nobody looks at them.
Can appear on TV, little guy, tell some jokes
ridicule any two ministers and that's all.
You're the one that nobody will remember.
Viewers will say:
, we do not need her sad story.
Do we need it."
Thank you. Can I go, please!
No, Asmaa. There you go.
You appear on television face exposed.
I would be ready to appear completely naked...
U for me I'm afraid.
Why I fear for me?
Live with and for other people.
- Many do not know about my condition.
- That's your problem.
Asmaa, you have only one option:
unless you want to show your face, you have to tell me
how you contracted AIDS.
Let me go, please.
There you go, Asmaa.
I will stay here.
Convince me or convince you.
Why do not you tell me?
Drugs they use
ruined your brain.
If you sell a piece of land still our father
Kill and go back to prison.
Who to kill, boy?
Are you crazy?
Everyone knows you're dying.
Try to understand.
None of us can have children.
None of us will have
children to inherit the earth.
Or do you want to let your princess earth?
It you sick, and you speak
in prison to cover it.
Shut up!
Leave him alone, Yassin!
Go Home! Go there!
Off, Yassin! Fuck!
If you can not sell the land, that I will inherit.
Will be mine eventually.
From what you said about the disease?
Now know that I'll die.
Do not you die, Mosaad.
Look at me!
Do not you die!
Mosaad! Mosaad!
Not take it.
You have to go to the hospital
You will not be able to help.
You did a blood test?
Need. Necessary.
Suppose go live
defend myself and say how I contracted the disease,
how do you know that do not lie?
I am ready to believe you.
Okay. Ready.
Other people are not.
Suppose heal myself and people believed me,
means that each of my colleagues
should demonstrate honesty and virtuosity
get treatment?
Now it's about your colleagues?
So you will not talk for the sake of your colleagues?
What philosophy!
Philosophy! What is philosophy?
They are my family.
Collect money for me, even if
they have enough money for food.
These people support me.
They know my secret, while my daughter that I raised her
and lives with me does.
Asmaa, that's suicide, geared towards stupid and without reason.
You have asked to not show on TV?
Of course not. They do not... and I...
Then do not try to be a hero!
Mr. Mohssen, not a hero.
I never said that.
Fight for my rights.
But I also invented that I can not ask for these rights.
Do you know why?
For that nothing comes free,
and you're first in line.
Asmaa Hosni!
- Where were you?
- I took a blood test...
- Put it on the air.
- Face, hidden or revealed?
Do what you want.
Are you ready?
Are you okay?
One second, please.
I found the magazine says.
That's what I do.
What is this?
A sling.
Do not need any bandage.
You should talk to her and ask her to solve the problem.
Is too much.
We go.
(Hot plate)
Good evening and God bless you, dear viewers
Tonight we have a special program,
devoted to a topic due to its importance:
Wait before changing the channel.
Our guest this evening is not depressing, but fascinating
Is among the few in this society,
seeking their rights and it's a well-deserved right.
Commercial break and come back. Stay with us.
Let's make a baby, Mosaad.
To have a child die?
The doctor said that if we care child will have the disease.
Child will be an orphan.
If you want to die, Mosaad, I do not.
It's not about our desires.
Even if we both die, his uncle will increase.
And will inherit his land and yours.
Those kids never die.
I'm back, dear viewers.
Despite the promise, the show guest
not want to give his name or to reveal the image.
Why did you change your mind?
Thank God!
Once we promised viewers that
you will see the name and you will see...
Suddenly... nothing.
It happened a day or what?
Need to hide my identity because of my family.
I mean do not live alone.
Do you fear for your reputation?
Yes. My reputation could be affected.
All can be injured.
So you want to be healthy and alive...
Rather die, keeping your reputation intact.
How contracted AIDS?
Not. I can not tell.
No matter how I got it,
all patients are entitled to be treated medically.
Who do you memorize such arguments?
We may... You have to...
Who makes you memorize these words?
Do not make us memorize something.
There is an association.
We talk, and they help us.
They tell us what to do.
- They make you memorize arguments...
No, not them.
I know my rights, but I do not exercise them.
- So you're an AIDS carrier?
But you're not affected by the disease.
Not. However, my problem is not virus but bile.
You seen a doctor?
Yes, of course.
I need surgery.
I consulted many doctors.
They did the surgery?
Do not have wanted.
- S feared?
- They feared!
Why feared? Is not infected?
Do not know. Ask them.
Do not know why they were afraid.
Doctors graduates of the Faculty of Medicine...
Seven years of study and a lot of money to teach...
But are afraid to do surgery for bile
because the patient has AIDS.
Take a break and come back. Stay tuned.
How do you want to be called?
What difference can a name?
My name is Mosaad, the luck of God, "but does not fit
Let's call it Moheb, , lover."
As a whole life to love us.
Asmaa, my last wish is to not say anything.
Do you understand?
Just tell him that his father loved him,
even without seeing it.
I returned.
We are ready to receive your phone.
First phone:
- hana. Hi, Hanaa.
- Good evening, Mohssen.
In this case, I think the problem is complicated.
Even if he would show his face will file a lawsuit, nothing will happen
What would you say, Hanaa, if I say that all her colleagues
threatened to resign if it remains.
We have Mr. Abdel Aziz, from Helmyet Al Zaitoun.
Mohssen Sir, I appreciate that you're talking about health
Thank you very much.
But this is a minority.
How many AIDS patients have in Egypt?
How? Do you?
Since we are an Islamic country, we have traditions
number is limited.
It has nothing to do with religious customs and traditions.
Spread of disease in a country with a high rate of ignorance
is a million times faster than
a country without morals.
This is available only abroad
where homosexuality and morals are lost.
Can we say the same thing about our country.
Other phone: Fadi Al Haram. Tell.
Mohssen Sir, I am a poet.
I want people to hear my poetry.
Thank you. We have a phone?
Change the channel. Find a football game or a movie
, no mess.
Yes, change the channel.
That's all we need to hear about AIDS.
...We still have major issues.
Why is this not a priority?
I do not know.
I just think that the disease is transmitted through improper means
This means that it deserves?
Of course not.
But not deserve our sympathy.
Thank you.
Do you deserve this illness?
And dilemmas that you face?
In the name of God, the merciful...
No one wants to come. Fear.
'Il Stay here until you give birth.
If it's a boy, I'll leave...
If a girl with you.
World only talks to you.
Whom one knows who gave the virus.
I do not want my grandson to be high stained.
Go away, leaving the village, Asmaa.
Sheikh Othman. Welcome, dear sheik.
- Good evening.
- Good night.
Each person's right to receive medical treatment
whatever they are sins.
What would you say to those who believe that every patient with AIDS
is a sinner?
Even if it is, you must help him.
Yes, but just assume that's a shame.
But if not?
Mohssen Sir, if you were at war and you see the enemy,
just killed your brother, you can not kill
Need to get better first.
That needed to be said at the outset.
True, Dear Sheikh.
Well said.
Thank you.
What is the result, doctor?
You are positive, it is negative.
What is this?
Which of us is sick?
You're sick, it's healthy.
Thank God!
Thank God!
Minister of Health...
- Not here?
Good day, sir.
- Good afternoon. Hello
course, what happened to your invitation
See this woman?
Ill and could die if someone does not help.
I should make complaint to the ministry
and we will investigate.
- Formal mean to act?
- Exactly.
And we find out who will investigate them.
- You can do that?
No, I can not.
- If I send test results...
- Who is she?
...all will be.
Sir, I can not send documents
because he wants to protect his anonymity.
Who is she?
Asmaa Hosni.
'Re Not infected.
Doctor, if I had a child,
might be infected?
If Mosaad dies without having a child,
I will die with him.
Damn baby!
How do you help him?
He lives to be a father and
would do it for him.
Even with a small probability, there is a chance
I'm not important.
E virus may have child?
If you are careful enough, no.
I took a blood test.
Let's make a baby, Mosaad.
I lied.
Slept with him when the test result was negative.
He wanted to have you.
Deliberately took Disease
and I was born to suffer without a father,
to live in such conditions?
She struggled?
Get out of my face!
Let me look!
Now we talk about the law...
In the midst of the crisis, this woman die,
and he quotes the law.
Respect the law.
I am sure that you apply the law to all.
And if one of your friends
get sick, you will apply the letter of the law
And send it abroad to treatment with government money
respect the law.
Tell him to do the job.
E surgeon.
- You surgeon, right?
- Right.
Operate a you.
I have not operated for a long time.
Will not work.
Please enter the operating room.
Do surgery and save his life.
God, please
do the job, for my sake.
Not coming back.
Either had a heart attack or fell
We have another phone, someone who does not want to reveal his identity
. Tell.
- Good evening.
- Good night.
Who is this?
I am the daughter of the woman who stands before you.
Where have you been?
'S Daughter.
I want to say that this woman is a hero.
Is the best mother in the world.
I can not believe I have a mother like her.
What would you do if I told you that your mother
heroine, it's dying?
Fears for her reputation.
Your heroic mother
would die rather than
to show his face on TV.
You should make a claim, observe rules
to follow a series of procedures to save
and to get a job.
What would you like to say?
Please help her.
Do not know anyone to help us.
If you have one, get her.
And the world?
Do not know what we would do world.
World, world... reputation, reputation...
We'll take a break and come back soon.
What are you thinking, Asmaa?
Show my face, Mohssen.
Are you sure?
Do you know what happened to the woman in Algeria.
I do not care.
Someone has to face the barrel of a gun.
Stop. Stop.
Dear viewers,
we have a surprise.
Value our guest this evening
changed his mind.
He will reveal the face
E Asmaa the daughter of Hosni.
My name is Asmaa Hosni.
Asmaa the daughter of Hosni,
Mohssen He's on his show Seessy!
I work at the airport...
I was working at the airport.
Did as he took her head.
I have AIDS.
I have problems with bile.
I suffer a lot every time you have an attack
Hurts like hell.
Clench are about to crush.
Many nights I do not sleep at all.
As AIDS live with the disease.
Not kill me.
If I die,
will not be from the disease that I have.
If I die,
will be from the disease that you have.
That's all.
Thanks, Asmaa.
Thank you.
Nice people, I tell the cab that someone anonymously
donated 300,000 pounds to Asmaa.
What? Anonymous donor?
No one told him anything.
He said an anonymous donor.
...Asmaa and send abroad for treatment.
Could not have been a better ending to our show
See you tomorrow with Egypt which again will burn in
, hot plate."
On, hot plate."
I just hope fine sheet will not melt...
Thanks, Asmaa.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
My pleasure.
Good night all.
Do not be late tomorrow.
Our guest will be Ahmed Mekki.
(Known Egyptian actor)
Do you need someone to drive you home?
Whose are these gloves?
What you truly Asmaa?
What I want?
I'm not afraid.
I fear many things.
I'm not afraid of pain.
I'm not afraid that remain without drugs...
I'm not afraid of people...
People do not understand how these things...
I'm not afraid because they know...
I'm not afraid of how they would treat me if they knew.
If you do not fear me, or that I would be
attacks without drugs
or people... or Habiba...
Maybe when I feel...
I live.
Dedicated patient who inspired the film.
Rest in peace!
True patient showed his face on TV
not had problems with ball and died.
This film emerged AIDS patients.