Asphalte (2015)

So we all know the
focus of this meeting
Is to vote to decide whether
or not to repair the elevator
It's a disaster.
Everybody is so fast
Mr. Anberio waited for seven hours
Mrs. Ischio's finger
was burned with a button
Can not go on like this again
Since the administrator does
not want to be responsible
We will contact the manufacturers directly
to the construction as soon as possible
As for the part of the replacement fee
Apportioned down to
124 euros per quarter
The tenants pay a year
I would like to propose a vote here
Who is in favor of
replacing the elevator?
Do you not raise your hand?
Do not
Who is against?
What's wrong with you? Do not
want to change the new elevator?
After all, I live on the second floor
Never used the elevator
Come here for the first time here twenty one
You can not force me
you must
In short I do not pay
I propose to discuss
the matter for another
Make a good conclusion
Go to the bedroom
If you wish, I can leave
No we go to the bedroom to meet
We have reached a conclusion
You can not pay but can
not take the elevator
Do you accept?
Who is in favor of
Starkwitz without elevator?
(Your lunch fee)
(Automatic mode)
(Forward distance)
You can not see him today
But today is the day of sight
Yes but he is in the infirmary
Infirmary? Is he sick?
- Did he get out of last night?
Listen to me two days
later to see him again
Can you transfer these to him?
I can not take something to the torturer
It's nothing just
cigarettes, coffee and sugar
- that's it for you
- I can not get it
Give it to your colleagues,
they are very good
-Are you ok?
- Yes
Everything is good?
- soon see
- okay
Not here
(Forward distance: 100 km)
Do not you find it interesting?
I have to talk to you
what happened?
I do not know what to say to you
Say what?
good Morning
I'm sure I'm lost
Are not you supposed to be in Iowa?
Then you are not completely lost
I do not take pictures today.
Make a little bit ready
to shoot again tomorrow
- now the light is not good
- understand
I'll not mind that
I went down and looked at it here
Where are you going?
You can not go out so late
I can not live here I
am not a hospital patient
Sorry i see you in a wheelchair
This is the staff area
I'm lost
Are you a nurse?
Do you come to visit
I do not just look at it
See what?
Nothing i ...
I am a photographer
I am
Do you know the work of
International Geography Magazine?
But you did not bring the camera?
Right but ...
Because i just came over
Take a look at it
Looking at it?
That's right
I am looking at the scenery
You are physically disabled
people must be very convenient
I am not a disabled person
this is nothing
Is to take pictures when working hurt
Will soon be able to stand up and walk
Are you going to stay
here for a long time?
Until the photo shoot so far
- take a picture Just one
- yes one
Only shoot one?
I usually only shoot one
But it was very good
I have to go back
I wish you good luck have the
opportunity to see you again
Are you here every night?
I am here for a rest ...
Are you ok?
I have been in the door
has been kept non-stop
- hope no more problems
- if it happens again
Do not hand
Strength is not enough like this
You're welcome
(Mom's stuff)
what happened again?
I was locked in the door
Not at all funny
is it? Hard to say Oh
Want me to help you open the door?
I do not have to call the locksmith
Just you
come on
what do you want to drink?
I see if there is
To add ice
I only have this
- that locksmith?
- yeah yeah
Didi ...
My neighbor is locked out
He is coming soon
- Didi is a locksmith?
- he will open the door
same as you
Please sit down
What's your name?
- are you?
- Paul
Not James is not Charlie
I'm called Charlie
I called Jenny Leaf
-what happened?
- nothing
Why did you move here?
Are you so rude?
Your parents?
-You live by yourself?
Until other families adopt me so far
A family really want my people
I'm not kidding
- I live with my mother
- son of a bitch
- need to give you any thank you?
-no need
- help you pour a cup of drink?
- my shop is downstairs
Your home is good
- your friend shop?
- be it?
- what does he sell?
Do not my drink drink your vodka?
You are exaggerated
You do not seem to be good at decorating
I do not intend to live for a long time
no reason
-what is this?
- something like a poster
Movie poster
Do i have some of you in the collection?
There are no movies that I played
Are you an actor?
Are you red?
Be it
Jenny Leaf ...
What did you play?
You must have never seen
- you're not red
- i'm red just you do not know
Have you ever played a film?
There should be a box
I want to see
-why not?
- because i do not want to
And I do not know where to put it
I'm curious to help me find you
Do not touch me
Come back to me tomorrow
-After school?
-it is good
You are going home and I'm tired
- see you tomorrow
- okay
good night
good night
I started taking it
Is this your camera?
Looks very old
But I love to use it
Do not you have a digital camera?
Digital camera
Immediately after taking pictures
My family has one
very useful
I do not like that kind of thing
Do you often travel
Travel around the world?
Three quarters of the
I thought of walking somewhere else
go on holiday
Find a warm place
On a small island
Have you ever been to Greece?
- been there
- what is it like?
very beautiful
There is sea
Very hot locals are very kind
Have you heard it?
That sound
what is that?
I hear every night like a child's voice
There is a child crying
Do you work this nurse?
I work very quiet at night
Emergency room more hard
I am only responsible for taking
care of those who fall asleep
But suffer your husband
Are you married?
Do not want to answer it does not matter
I did not get married
Tonight is a bit weird
Did you shoot the sky?
Yeah the sky
Or other places
I have filmed a lot
is it?
can I see?
Other photos can also be
Other country where you worked
Will you show you tomorrow night?
So good night
good night
Where am I?
I'm called John McKinsey
Are you the witness of the LORD?
I do not know where this is
Can you borrow a call with you? phone
what! phone?
- can come in
- thank you
Please come in
follow me
I'm John McKinsey
Sorry you are?
I'm John McKinsey I'm
going to talk to the head
Please wait
Hello there
I'm McKinsey
McKinsey is my mother
McKinsey please cite the sign
Saturn is the wedding
ring of the universe
Please wait
McKinsey I'm the
commander of the Ravenson
I do not care who you are
I just want to know
what the situation is now
Where is McKinsey?
It was anxious to lose
contact with us an hour ago
I do not know where this is
People here speak French
what did you say?
Would you like to have coffee?
coffee? Do not have to thank you
Who is she in McKinsey?
-Who is she?
-Who is she?
She is ... I'm in her apartment
She is a ...
Arab woman
Are you kidnapped?
I was not kidnapped
I come over myself
Landed on this damn roof
Should be wrong place wrong
How is this ... how could that be?
We are learning the reason
We will go to you but
need to know your position
Do you want to see what
landmarks are in the window?
Do not you have a better way to locate?
But in space
I saw some tall buildings
- all look like
- understand
Everything looks like
a gray neighborhood
Warehouse and empty parking lot
Know it sounds like Pittsburgh
Neon is an industrial area
looks like
John let us talk to
the people around you
We find someone who speaks French
Do you want to talk to her?
Is the trouble for you
and many more
Want me to listen
Please indicate your identity
What's your name?
- Agatha Hamilton
- Which country is there?
I was born in the
Algerian Kabylian region
In 1967 came with the mother
and brother and sister together
My daddy he ...
Do you hate America?
No nasty
Would you please address in France?
Picasso Community No. 26
Wei Le Li Building, 12th Floor
The ladies around you
are called John McKinsey
- he is the NASA astronaut
- understand
He came back from the outer space
Will we pick him up first?
no problem
You can not reveal his identity
Can not tell anyone he is in your home
no problem
We'll call you again
Okay, bye
They will call again later
Thank you
Would you be hungry?
Do you eat something?
Eat something
Do not have to thank you
Eat it
Please say
Find you
(Kabyle dialogue)
There is a man of space
The United States
(Kabyle dialogue)
He is the person of NASA
You look good at me
She is a very good southwest people
very kind
She loves Patrick
That is, he sent Cui Ke she loved him
Patrick is also very good
But a little stupid fool
He loves Monica and she is bad and bad
I have seen this album
I have seen this episode of
the United States broadcast
That man is dead
The man is his
He died in a car accident and died
I do not understand
- dead
- dead
Dead this man
- no
- yes
Do not you tell me that he is dead?
I do not believe
What is it?
Patrick was married to Monica
Got married and put on the ring
- Patrick is married to Monica?
I can not believe it
Monica is so bad how could it be
The script is not the story I wrote
South West? What's up with her?
South West has psychological problems
She later committed suicide
She later hangs
Nancy died? Can not be true
how come? She should not end up
What about Harry?
- Harry
- did he die?
Harry killed his father
But in fact they are not
father and son he did not know
I do not see this album anymore
You see it very much
Come on the movie
You have a good deal
What parts do we want to see?
"Woman without hand"
-how? Is it a horror film?
It was not my film in 1982
Is black or TV or movie?
Movie friends
There are a lot of great
black and white movies
"Woman without hand"
You do not have to stay
- I do not care if you want to see
- I'm playing
John I'm Leu Sen of NASA
John you have to wait
How long?
Two days
Do not joke immediately sent people over
No way we all think you
are still in outer space
If you drop the problem will lose money
Now the funds have been short enough
How can the situation
improve after two days?
Send someone to pretend
to be on your back in space
You will quietly return
home to be treated as a hero
Who is a hero? I still he?
But he played you
of course
This is what the superiors
instruct you to understand
We want to talk to Ms. Hamilton
- she is not
- where is she
How can i know where she is?
We must ask her
to agree to shelve you
She seems to be a good man
Good news to tell you again
-did you sleep well?
The head office calls me
to stay here for two days
Can I sleep here?
This side? of course can
Can stay for two days?
Want to live this No problem
my son 's room is empty
- thank you
- I'm happy he never came to see me
Eat Cuscous tonight
I do the best to eat Couscous
My mother cook the best time to eat
Now the kids say I cook the best to eat
This is the case
Is the water pipe broken?
Do you say something that leaks?
I called the electrician
and we had to learn to swim
I should be able to fix it
I should wait for me
Do not leak it?
Should be no problem
Thank you
Eat Cuscous tonight
Cuscus ... I want to sleep
Are you tired and tired?
I want to sleep
No problem with me
Thank you
Here is the bedroom to sleep
My son's thing you can take it with
He is tall and strong like you
Your clothes look good
My son is called Markey
Is he your son?
where is he? Is he not here?
No he is not
Here is the toilet
I know what it means
We finally have a word that makes sense
very nice
-Do you like it?
Where did your last gun go?
I do not know
Is the husband in your film a good man?
He finished the film soon passed away
Why died?
I do not know
May be too sad
I want to see another
I'm not tired
- how are you tomorrow?
-it is good
Look at you in the movie
-do not know
As if you were another
person had another life
Everyone has a lot
of life you know later
Not everyone can use
the film to leave traces
When you watch a movie, do
you think the play is yourself?
I do not want anything
Just watch a movie
he is
-What is his name?
-he is
I like him
he is
I put the pictures together
This is Egypt
Who is she?
She is not an ordinary woman
finish watching
You are so lucky to
be able to do the job
Can know many people
Travel around to touch different things
I have to go back
good night
Can i take pictures of you?
I want to take pictures for you
Shoot up should be beautiful
I have never done such a thing
me too
You've got you so many people
Also are celebrities
But I did not shoot you
are you kidding me?
Have you seen me
Feel the night shift of
the nurses really poor
So want to take a
portrait of small people?
No such thing
- i think you're so ...
- what?
It did not
I do not know you
who are you?
Maybe ... I do not know if I know you?
- do not know
- so hello
When do you want to shoot?
Tomorrow night
Why do I want to work at night?
Not in the daytime
Where do you want to shoot?
You will not spend much
time while taking a break
talk later
Eat it
good to eat
Did you hear that?
What is this sound?
No one knows how the ghost
or demon may be howling
John I have to go out
- Zhu door?
- put here as your own home
Your own home
Do you want to go out?
Help me take it
Thank you
Will you come back?
Toni Cuscous
Right against Cuscous
Goodbye John
- Hello
- Hello
- Can not watch movies today
- it does not matter
- what happened
- what happened?
"Nero" to repeat the
-what is that?
- I play the stage play
- that's great
- that's fine
I want the producer to
let me play the same role
Popeo is the best role in the world
hope everything is fine
Wish me luck
good luck
Can you laugh one?
That's it
It's great
That's it
I helped you buy cigarettes and coffee
- Do you still have sugar?
Need something else?
I want orange soda
- canned
- no problem son
Remember to eat you see so thin
They hurt me all day vomiting
But this is for you
I talked with social workers
They will arrange for you to work
In the power company to work very bad?
They helped me to work for two weeks
With a group of crazy work
two weeks to learn what?
Go home after more than know
how to change the light bulb
Can everything be fine at home?
Very good Hedda
calls from Algiers to me
-what happened?
- nothing
What are you laughing at?
tell me
We have a man in space
There is an American
astronaut living in our house
Where did you come from?
Outer space
What is he doing in our house?
He was lost
NASA to pick him up before
I can not take him out of the care
And others are good though
I can not understand him
But he has double good eyes
Have you got Alzheimer's disease?
This can not tell someone
that it is the highest secret
I'm going to cook for him tonight
I borrowed your clothes for him
He was so thin that there
was only a space coat
What clothes?
Jeans and soccer clothes
My Marseille team suit
No way
Do not
Do not
Do not
what happened?
It is you
Give the key to me
I did not ask you to go away
Let me come on
-what are you doing?
- take you to the room
Do not take me to the toilet
What happened?
Did you see the producer?
I want to see him but ...
I'll get your towel to you
An end
An end
Who is the end?
My man
where is he?
Where is Anten?
where is he?
Where is the end?
I do not know that I do not know him
Is he dead
I want to sleep by him
I want to sleep by him
How can such a thing happen
Respect us
Eat it
really tasty
What is outer space?
Outer space
Like the sea
As if sneaking into the sea
Space is everywhere
Surround you
Do you know the Greeks?
Such as Zeus Ulysses
I know the Greeks
Yes the Greeks
The eyes of the Greeks,
stars, astronomy
No wonder the stars
The Greeks thought
the stars were holes
Small hole small circle
Circle cave
- yes
God is there only ...
God only?
- those gods only
- God only?
God I understand
- gods
- yes
They think that the gods observe
the earth from those holes
Gods from those holes
to observe the earth
Of course he kept looking at us
- do you understand what i mean?
God is everywhere
I like this concept
After a darkness
There is a strong light which
Your son
He is my son
Is he okay?
Okay? Is it okay?
he's not here
Maji is still small when my son Ma Ji
I'm holding him like this
Will he fall asleep?
I'm singing and hitting the horse to bed
I like you very much
- Hello
- Hello now?
Still very early
Yesterday I'm sorry
I'm in a bad situation
It's ok
Welcome you to play at any time
Fortunately, you did not
see the producer yesterday
- I read the script yesterday
- you can not play in Piazza
- what do you say?
She was only 15 years old
so what? Play this kind of thing ...
You can play Agrippina
what? Agrippina
Are you crazy? She was 90
years old and I was too young
so what? Play this kind of thing ...
What do i tell you about you? Goodbye
what's up?
That's my glasses
My glasses, life, work me me i ...
Take it Agrippina really fit me?
She is the villain is the best role
The other characters are
stupid and very interesting
Come and talk to the producer
I was messed up yesterday
and could not get the courage
Or I'll send you a tape for you
This is feasible
If i would do it abroad
- Do you have a camera?
- I can ask Didier
Will you shoot?
I am a genius
You go to a game to
play me to the camera
To do so
- soon see
- good
John has your phone
Thank you
Is the NASA called them ...
Come to pick me up home
I'm so good to cook coffee
Well, I was playing with me
- you play Nero
- okay
Where are I standing
it is good
let's start
Point it
- will not it be too
exaggerated? What does that mean?
Feel too hard to fight this role
Is this accidentally photographed?
Ok little like that
Good start
-All right
All right
Wait a little longer this time
This is no problem
Started by you?
Mom you want to see me
Give me lines
- what lines?
- I forgot my lines
Do not you remember?
Sorry it has been for 20 years
And before I was playing Popia
Come back at nine o'clock
it is good
what happened?
Have you heard that sound?
Often heard
Sounds like crying
Is the tiger in the call
I heard that there
was a circus came here
Throw the tiger
All right
Remake once
Mom you want to see me
Why is your son so cold?
Why does it seem so ruthless?
You can not do that
Son why do you seem so ruthless?
What is the problem?
Your tone is like reading
Sounds like that bastard Frank Mannan
Who is Frank Mannan?
I am a classmate in my class
However, Lili Pu Qiu
Her tone is poetic
As if she created the same
Do you like lily puppy?
Continue to record it
Why is your son so cold?
Why does it seem so ruthless?
much better
But the tone can be normal?
Like a conversation in life
But this is the classic
line of ancient drama
So just to play like this
What are you doing? I am very busy
I came to the emperor to repent
to ask for forgiveness to Caesar
Repentance Want me to forgive you?
You must have made a
big mistake so humble
Love his son is a sin?
Do I want to give him the best of this?
It is hard to say that
if he is poisoned for him
A mother wants to replace a child
Or to pay their own pay really
do not forgive forgiveness
But the mother loves her only son ...
I can not do it
-what happened?
-I have no idea
This does not work
I can not remember my lines
I'm afraid I'll screw up
Just have a good idea
I was not funny?
I do not think so
Did you know that?
In fact, there is no
need to send this tape
Anyway, nobody cares
I do not know you a week ago
You showed me the movies you played
I think you played well
You are a good actor
take it easy
But since it is necessary
to read lines to read well
Otherwise you will not be selected
At least for now
Mother loves her only child
In her eyes he has been
an infant in the baby
Need her caressing
Occasionally also need to be scolded
Mother was blinded by love
Can not see his son has grown up
Such a mother can be forgiven
Let us return to the past
Forget those disputes
You are just a lovely
child when you are young
Now you have grown
into handsome and strong
Quebec's man
Your muscles under the skin uplift
its mine
Your proud face
Strong eyes
It is mine
But I'm an old woman
I can only be a shadow
Hide my love
Hide my tenderness
No longer a woman
No longer your mother
- I can not wait for you last night
- sorry
Can you walk
Can you watch me?
Take off your coat
Can you laugh one?
I can not laugh at jokes
Let me laugh
I'm not a funny man
Nor is it a photographer
I live in the neighborhood
Take the elevator at night to go out
To the hospital to buy vending
machine potato chips to eat
And there's no film in my camera
Is it okay?
These Cuscouss give
you on the road to eat
Thank you
Give you a memorial
Thank you
Will you come back to see me?
(Lonely heart guest)