Assassin's Creed: Ascendance (2010)

Show yourself or she dies
You, find him!
Your cowardness marks you as an Italian.
Am i right?
Damn it!
The House of Valois, will hunt you for this!
Bla bla bla!
You have slain the wrong man. Assassin
My part was minor.
Compare to Cesare's ambition
What ambitions?
Rest in piece.
Assassin's Creed
I risk much meeting you here.
It will be brief. Just a name,
Cesare Borgia.
Ezio, he is the last man,
u will want to cross!
I intend to do far more.
I am here for his ambitions.
Some tyrans are made,
infected by greed and vanity.
But some men, are breed to be tyrans.
Cesare Borgia,
plotted his bloody ascendances.
The moment.
His brother is gain to papa's favour.
Cesare was mere cardinal.
Juan, the captain general of the church.
my imagination fill to capture this..
...expander of this district.
When u describe it.
Surely captain general is not afraid to,
get his boots dirty.
It's not my boots that worry me.
This whores...
Courtesans please.
They are clean.
Clean enough.
Come, i will introduce you to Fiora.
They fished Juan's body.
From bottom of the Tevere River.
Leaving Rodrigo without a captain.
As captain general. Cesare,
surround himself with likeminded despots.
Cruel an effective men.
Ramiro D'orco. Cesare's, sadist.
He sent nearly a sixth of his subjects
to the gallows.
Oliverotto da Fermo. Who once
invited Fermo's most influential citizens... a banquet.
And casually slaughtered them.
His own uncle was among the dead.
Vitellozzo Vitelli,
Cesare's syphilitic wild dog.
Unleashed when terrible examples
were to be made.
Together this men,
conquered Romania for their Borgia master.
But soon, their subjects begin to rebel.
Cesare's response?
First, he butchered D'orco.
A gift for the people of Cesena.
Cesare shifted, all blame to his generals.
He owned Romania.
He no longer require their brutality.
Or their lives.
D'orco's death must have panic the others.
It did. The remainly generals soonly
conspired against him.
They had their victories.
They even took some Cesare's land.
Cesare accepted their every demand.
They will return to his service.
All will be forgiven.
Months later,
Cesare throw a dinner on their honor.
Friends, i thank you for delivering Romania
in to my hands.
But now i must shed my bloody gloves.
I never wish to any harm Cesare.
It was entirely Vitellozzo's plan.
Your sacriface will prove invaluable to me.
Both Cesare's allies and enemys,
braced this brilliant move...
...against to conspirators.
His cunning has brought him,
more power then you can imagine Ezio.
Italy, is well withing in his grasp.
His influence mean nothing,
when he faces me alone!
I will stop him!
I nearly forgot, here.
Thank you my friend. You will see me soon.
He is expecting you. Go on.
Are the designs ready?
Mr. Da Vinci.
Corruption rains in Roma.
Here in tyrannous play there too long.
My brotherhood will shift to balance of
power. We will libarete her.
I am Ezio Auditore. And like my father
before me, i am an assassin
Go: 08:20
Assassin's Creed
Ascendance Making of
What we try to do with ascendance to bring,
something new to the franchise.
We had a great duology to develop more of a.
You know. A new media in a way.
Perfect for digital distrubution.
Which is animated short.
Doing an animated short, obviously allows
you to explore ascend more cinematicly.
You can tell a story more succinctly.
We position ourself writing between AC-2
AC Brotherhood.
In brotherhood Ezio will encounter,
his most dangerous adversary ever.
And he encounters him the high in his power.
When he has total control of Roma and.
He is kinda.
He is persecuting everyone in there.
So the question is, who is Cesare?
And ACA, answers it.
ACA basicly is the story of,
Ezio and Cesare Borgia's rise to power.
Ezio is the trying to find out about
the villain Cesare.
And he doesnt have very much info so,
he goes and talking to contact of his.
And so this informant, secret informant,
will tell him... a Cesare manage too
control almost all Italy.
There is a huge cliff hanger it the end,
that you have to play the game to resolve.
We are not telling the story of the game.
We are developing new storys and creating
new points of event.
For people to come in our universe.
We have animated short.
We have the game, we have a novel.
We have a comic book series.
And they all into relay.
And so is very important to us that.
Story of AC be told in pieces through each
of this media.
The main challange here is we have to do
something, we havent done yet.
Here at Ubisoft.
We wanna to make sure that.
The working version is not only buzz word.
We pushed a little bit further.
By making sure that.
Whatever is been developed in a game.
Can be used,in other media.
For the conception of AC- Ascendance,
we build a tour.
To extract eye resolution. shots from
AC Brotherhood.
In although to build all the backgrounds.
We are using, this the game engine.
Where extract to background...
...and we are painting on top of them.
So we are gonna have a really rich
The efficiency of this tour is bond from,
the corroboration of an artistic team.
And an engineering team.
We work and develop the story,
with the team.
We are taking the data from the game.
Similarly we share with the game,
sound engineering. Music, sound effects.
So even though we result,
the visual results from, the game and...
...from ACA are
quite different.
The gamer will have no problem recognizing.
Either or the characters or the enviroment.
Our goal is the bridge video game technology
and film production.
Toughest part here is the find the style
and artistic style.
Which was really satisfying for everyone.
The general direction is to create a look
a feel. That.
Reminds us very much the paintings of era.
The renaissance era,
were create an famous painters.
Da vinci, we can name Botticelli,
we can name a lot of them.
And we wanna to make sure,
the that painterly feel.
As if looking at a painting if you will.
But in three dimension with certain depths.
So we have a style,
definitely connected with its era.
The way 3D fits with the time period,
actually at the game.And-and the story.
Which is a complimentary to the game.
I am pretty sure. Its going to be,
succesfull one major element.
We are through to what,
ACU is.
I think that all the fans,
with like history and action will be served.
It is a Ubisoft product,
that will have the stamp of quality.
As any other product in the ACU.