Assassin's Creed (2016)

For centuries, the order of the Knights Templar
have searched for the mythical Apple of Eden.
They believe it contains not only
the seeds of man's first disobedience,
but the key to the free will itself.
If they find the relic
and decode its secrets,
they will have the power to
control all freedom of thought.
Only the brotherhood called the
Assassins stands in their way...
The Inquisition has finally
delivered Spain to the Templars.
Sultan Muhammad and his people
still hold out in Granada.
But if his son,
the prince, is captured,
he will surrender the
city and the Apple of Eden.
Do you, Aguilar de Nerha,
swear to honor our order
in the fight for freedom?
To defend mankind
against Templars' tyranny,
and preserve free will?
I swear.
If the Apple falls into their hands,
the Templars will destroy
everything that stands in their way.
Protest, dissent, our right
to think for ourselves.
Swear to me that you
will sacrifice your life
and lives of everyone
here to keep it from them.
Yes, Mentor.
Our lives are nothing.
The Apple is everything.
The spirit of the Eagle,
will watch over the future.
Where other men blindly
follow the truth,
remember, nothing is true.
Where other men are
limited by morality or law,
everything is permitted.
We work in the darkness
to serve the light.
We are Assassins.
Subtitle by Bambula
Baja California, Mexico 1986
Your blood is not your own, Cal.
They've found us.
Live in the shadows.
Go! Go now!
You're here to save my soul.
Something like that.
I understand it is your birthday.
The party is just getting started.
Sit down. You're making me nervous.
wash away my sin,
and I'll be clean...
Once again.
You're not much for
the Bible, are you?
Be it known that Callum Lynch
has been found guilty
of capital murder
and sentenced to die
on this day, October 21st 2016.
Does the prisoner wish
to make a final statement?
Tell my father that
I'll see him in hell.
My name is Dr. Sophia Rikkin.
At six pm yesterday evening, you
were executed and pronounced dead.
And so far, as anyone in
the world knows or cares,
you no longer exist.
It's better you to sit.
My eyes... -What are you feeling
right now is normal and uncomfortable.
I'm here to help you.
And you're here to help me.
Let him go.
Don't touch him.
Go ahead. Do it.
You're not a prisoner here, Cal.
I'm here to protect you.
If you listen to me, everything
is going to make sense.
And you need to trust me.
Where am I?
You're in a rehabilitation wing
of Abstergo Foundation in Madrid,
a private organization dedicated
to the perfection of human kind.
With your help, we can pioneer
new ways to eradicate violence.
I had this.
Your father wants him in.
-He's my patient.
This is my program.
Prepare the Animus.
Are the blades prepared?
-Right here.
And we confirmed their provenance?
-They belong to Aguilar.
We recovered them
from his burial site.
What are these?
Assume final preparations.
Our regression, Andaluca, 1492.
Record everything.
Arms ready.
What is this?
I'm sorry, Cal, this is not
the way I like to do things.
Then don't do it.
Insert epidural.
What do you want from me?
-Your past.
Listen to me carefully, Cal.
You're about to enter the Animus.
What you are about
to see, hear and feel,
are the memories of someone
who has been dead for 500 years.
Wait a minute.
You can't change what happens, Cal.
Engage scanner.
Scanning DNA chains.
Searching for time frame.
First memory match locked.
DNA match identified.
Stay with it, Cal.
Attempt synchronization.
We found him.
We found Aguilar.
Commence regression.
Our mission is the boy.
It's the prince.
Which household harbored the boy?
Only me.
Nobody else knew.
Hang his family and make him watch.
Burn the whole village.
With the prince of Granada as captive,
his father, sultan,
will surrender his rebellious city,
the last safe haven for the infidels.
God will punish his people's heresy.
Finally Spain will be
under one Templar rule.
Stay with the memory, Cal.
Aguilar! The boy, Aguilar!
The boy!
Aguilar, the boy!
Pull him!
Commence rehabilitation.
Run a system's check,
and log his condition.
You did well, Cal.
Looking back it's clear that a history
of the world is history a violence.
Last year the economic
impact of antisocial behavior
was 9 trillion dollars.
We believe that man today experiences
a measure of aggression which
he finds no acceptable outlets.
Now imagine if all these costs
could be channeled elsewhere...
So the regression went well?
Lynch is the one.
Direct descendent of Aguilar.
Everything was clear in there,
for the first time.
What do we all dream of?
A more peaceful world.
I see you stole my lines again.
-I only steal from the best.
And the artifact?
The Apple. It's within our grasp.
What happened in there?
Why did you pull him?
I had to.
We have to keep him healthy.
Earn his confidence.
And I know he'll lead us to it.
Push him.
-That's not how the Animus works.
Here you go.
Thank you.
1917 Rutherford splits the atom.
1953 Watson and Crick
find a double helix.
2016 my daughter
finds the cure for violence.
You've always been brighter than me.
I'm late.
I have to report to the Elders.
Francisco Rizi's Grand
Inquisition. 1492.
War, religious prosecution,
and the closest that Father
Torquemada or any of our Order
came to a finding the Apple of Eden.
How are you, my friend?
Your Excellency. -Next
week when the Elders meet,
we shall vote to discontinue
your Abstergo project.
We feel that giving
you 3 billion annually,
could be better spent elsewhere.
Tri billion is nothing compared to...
-We've won.
People are no longer care
about their civil liberties,
they care about their
standard of life.
The modern world has
outgrown notions like freedom.
They are content to follow.
The threat remains
while free will exists.
For centuries we try with religion,
with politics and now consumerism
to eliminate dissent.
Isn't it the time we
gave a science a try?
My daughter is closer
than we've ever been.
How is your beautiful daughter?
She has traced
protectors of the Apple.
Andaluca, 1492.
The descendents?
-All the blood lines have died out.
But one.
We've traced his back 500 years,
to the Assassin's Brotherhood.
Hallucinations are what we
call the "bleeding effect."
Images of your regression,
laying themselves over your
present day field of vision.
If you allow me, I can teach
you how to control them.
Stand down. I have this.
Let it be.
-What is it? The machine?
It's genetic memory.
By using the Animus,
we can relive lives of
those who made us who we are.
What I saw in there,
it felt real.
It was.
In a way.
-Don't mess with me!
I feel different now.
Why the aggression?
-I'm an aggressive person.
What kind of prison is this?
It's not a prison, Cal.
You'll learn more if you cooperate.
Let me go.
I'm hungry.
Come with me.
What is this?
I know everything about you, Cal.
Your medical data,
your psychological profile,
the mutations in your MAO-A gene.
I know about the foster homes.
The juvenile homes.
You are a living proof of the
link between heredity and crime.
How did you find me?
We found Aguilar.
When you were arrested,
your DNA matched his.
Who is Aguilar?
-Your ancestor.
His family were Assassins.
They were burnt at the
stake by the Templars,
Torquemada and the black night
you saw, Ojeda.
Aguilar took up the Assassins' cause.
Do you go out much?
More than you.
And the others in here?
Are they the lab rats too?
They are Assassins,
murderers like their ancestors.
Like you, Cal.
All born with
predisposition to violence.
You killed the man.
-A pimp.
Would you kill again?
Happy families.
She must be very proud.
I wouldn't know.
She was killed by an Assassin.
Like your mother.
My old man killed my mother.
And how does that make you feel?
Like killing him.
Either we let it to effect
us for the rest of our lives,
or we just do something about it.
You turn to violence,
I turn to science.
It's the Apple of Eden, Cal.
I believe it exists.
The Bible tells us it contained the
seed of man's first disobedience.
But there are those of us
who believe that
God or some ancient civilization
have left us a road map
to understand why people are violent.
Aguilar was the last person
known to have had it in his possession.
We need you to find
out where he hid it.
I thought I was here to be cured.
-Violence is a disease.
Like cancer.
And like cancer,
we hope to control it one day.
Violence is what kept me alive.
Well technically, you're dead.
I'm hungry.
What's in it for me?
Once my research is complete,
there is no reason to keep you here.
I get my life back?
Better. A new one.
You are hungry.
You don't know who he is, what he is.
He is a dangerous man.
Give him little more time, Emir.
Man may prove that has
some noble blood in him yet.
How about, sir?
It's an open menu,
but we do recommend a chicken.
What can I get you, Mr. Lynch?
It's an open menu,
but we do recommend a chicken.
I'll steak.
-Steak for the pioneer.
Who are you?
They call me Moussa.
But my name is Baptiste.
I'm dead 200 years now.
Voodoo poisoner.
I'm harmless.
They're watching you.
Waiting to see who you are, pioneer.
Have you met him yet?
Have you met him yet?
We are the last to protect the Apple,
my friend.
Pick the wrong choice,
you'll send us all to infinity.
belongs to you.
You're going to lead them right to it.
Ne, I'm going to eat it.
What the fuck is going on?
He has to go back in the Animus.
He needs more time
before he goes in again.
We don't have time.
I won't risk his life.
Then I'll have to find
someone else to do it.
You're up, slugger.
-I'm crazy.
I'm crazy.
Crazy for feeling so lonely.
They're getting him back in again.
We should stop him
before he betrays us.
Set the date for the six. If his
condition deteriorates, pull him out.
You father...
-I don't care what my father said.
What in the world did I do?
Cal, listen to me.
-I'm crazy for trying...
Listen to me. You have to stay
with Aguilar. -Crazy for crying...
Staying in synch-void
could be dangerous.
And I'm crazy for loving you...
Soon they will march on Granada.
Sultan Muhammad is weak.
He'll surrender the Apple
and betray the
Creed to save the prince.
The love makes us weak.
Gladly I'll sacrifice
my flesh and blood,
for survival of the Creed.
When I die today,
don't waste your tears for me.
The Lord spoke.
And he said:
"If a man abide not in me
he is cast into the fire
and he is burned!"
For decades,
you have lived in the world torn apart
by religious discord.
But soon, thanks to God
and Inquisition
we will purge this disease!
The sinners before you,
sought to defend the
heretic prince of Granada,
the last heathen stronghold
in our holy war.
So today,
before our king and queen
I swear we shall wash ourselves clean,
in the holy fire of God!
God's will!
You will watch your mentor burn
and then you will die the slowest.
Give glory to the future.
Not to us.
He is synchronizing.
Damned heretics!
Don't let them escape!
Complete desynch.
Get him down!
Call the medics!
Okay. It's okay.
Cal, stay with me. Cal.
Stay... It's okay.
Hurry up!
Okay. Okay.
Look at me.
Look at me.
I can't feel my legs.
Paralysis is temporal.
What's the bad news?
It caused a neurological split
but we got you through it.
This time.
I'm gonna die in here, aren't I?
Not if you go in there
on your own free will.
I can't do this.
Yes, you can.
The Apple. You're the only
one left who can find it.
We can put an end to pain, Cal.
For everyone.
Where did you get this? -My father recovered
it from the scene of your mother's murder.
And brought it here for safekeeping.
You stole it. -It's your mother's
necklace. I wanted you to have it.
Why was he there?
-To save her. -From whom?
Her own people. -What's
that got to do with you?
Assassins and Templars have
been at war for centuries.
I aim to change that.
That's right, I forgot.
We're here to combat aggression.
I don't think I like your methods.
I am a scientist.
I'm here to be cured of violence.
Who's gonna cure you?
We're feeding the beast.
We're making him stronger.
I am Dr Rikkin.
I look after things here in Abstergo.
You like to keep the things
in the family, huh? -Yes.
I'm sorry if we caused
you any discomfort.
Is there anything I can do?
-How about you let me out of here?
That's something I can't manage.
I'm here to make a deal.
We need the Apple.
And we need you to get it for us.
You've been desynching in the Animus.
We need you not to do that.
Sending me back to the machine?
No, you've already shown us
what we needed to see.
Will you let us free then?
What do you hope to gain
from the newcomer?
Something that'll benefit us all.
You too, Moussa.
What have you done to them?
It's what happens if you don't enter
in regression on your own volition.
Do you recognize this?
It's Assassin's blade.
This is the actual one...
your father used to
take your mother's life.
He's here, you know?
Mother's death, Cal.
Not something a boy
should ever be made to see.
This is wrong.
You left me no choice.
He has to go in on his own free will,
you said that.
I had to negotiate.
-You mean manipulate?
I assured the Elders
we would have the Apple for London.
That's in two days.
He doesn't want to know his past,
or his father.
He wants to destroy them, both.
We're not in the business
of creating monsters.
We neither created them
nor destroyed them.
We merely abandoned them
to their own inexorable faith.
You're your mother's son.
-What does that mean?
Blood that flows through you
is not your own.
Belongs to the Creed.
Your mother knew that.
She died so the Creed may live.
Remind me how, exactly!
What you saw, I did.
You murdered her.
I took her life rather than
have it stolen by that machine.
Man grows with the greatness
of his task.
I ought to have killed you.
I couldn't.
Well, here.
Take it.
Do what you couldn't do 30 years ago.
It's in your hands now, Cal.
This is what they want.
Spill my blood.
But do not go back in the Animus.
The Apple contains the
genetic code for free will.
They will use it to destroy us.
I'm gonna find it.
And watch them destroy
you and your Creed.
You can not kill the Creed.
It's in your blood.
The Apple is everything.
Your mother died to protect it.
She had no choice.
I do.
You're gonna kill the Creed!
Take me to the Animus.
Put me in.
Prepare the Animus.
Voluntary regression.
Do you know how the
Assassins came to be named?
From an Arabic word "Hashashin".
They were society's outcasts.
Those who stole,
who murdered in cold blood.
People ridiculed them...
Rebels, fools, drug addicts.
But they were wise.
They used this reputation to hide
the dedication to principles
beyond those of even
their strongest enemies.
And for that I admire them.
But you're not one of those men.
Are you?
Let's find out.
Commencing regression.
This is my life's work.
It's my life.
For the Creed.
Our own lives...
What matters is what we leave behind.
Surrender the Apple.
Your Assassin protectors are gone.
The Creed is finished.
My son.
Here lies the seed
of man's first disobedience,
of free will itself.
Thanks to the Apple of Eden,
the known world
shall be ushered into a new age.
One of peace,
in which all the warring
populations of mankind
shall bow in perfect obedience
to our one templar rule.
The Apple.
Give it to him.
For the Creed.
Forgive me.
It's over!
A leap of faith.
Where are we?
It looks like a military port.
Kadiz, Palos de la Frontera.
The Assassins died for it.
Protect it with your life.
I am a friend of the Creed.
Take it to your grave.
I swear.
What is it?
Following the light of the sun,
I shall leave this old world behind.
It's Christopher Columbus.
Where is he buried?
His remains were returned to Spain.
His tomb is in Seville Cathedral.
We found it.
Hey All Stars, come here.
Pick one.
Breach in common room.
-Seal the Animus.
Is it a memory?
Come on!
-Standing by.
Protect the Animus.
Purge the facility.
I need to get you out of here first.
-We have to leave, Sophia.
Pick it up!
You are not alone, Cal.
You never were.
-Come on.
Where other men blindly
follow the truth,
-Nothing is true.
Where other men are
limited by morality or law,
-Everything is permitted.
We work in the darkness
to serve the light.
We are Assassins.
What now, pioneer?
We fight.
Your Excellency.
The glory will go to your father.
But we both know who found it.
Your time will come, my child.
They'll give you a
Nobel peace prize for this.
You better start writing your speech.
I've read yours.
If we eradicate free will,
we eradicate the Assassins.
A cancer that has menaced
society for centuries.
It's not my best work,
but it gets the point across.
We've been looking for solutions.
You've eliminated the problem.
So my program...
Has brought order to
society for the first time.
I'm accountable for this.
You've already been accounted for.
Our work belongs to the Elders.
This is their finest hour.
You lied to me.
I've always known
that in your heart you're a
scientist first, templar second.
Your recent work has impressed as much
but it has confirmed our belief
that mankind
cannot be redeemed.
You've thought of everything.
Not quite. My speech. It could do
with one of your elegant openings.
Now I've become death,
the destroyer of worlds.
Not sure that I could make that work.
It is with great pleasure
tonight that I introduce
the architect of our
ancient order's future.
Please welcome the CEO
of Abstergo Foundation,
Dr. Alan Rikkin.
With the recovery of the Apple,
we are now in possession
of the complete genetic road map
to humanity's instincts.
Any impulse towards independence,
resistance or rebellion
will be crushed.
Any predisposition that might
oppose our march of progress
can now be eradicated.
All I have to do is shout.
I'm here to help you.
And you're here to help me.
I can't help you anymore.
What about all those great plans?
Cure violence, combat aggression.
That's not going to happen.
You've started this, Sophie.
You don't get to walk away.
We both know what happens next.
Not everything deserves to live.
I can't do this.
Yes, you can.
But it is not to ourselves,
but to the future,
that we must give glory.
A future purged of
the Assassin's Creed!
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Apple of Eden.
I did this.
I will retrieve the artifact for the Elders.
Lynch I want for me.
It is not to ourselves, but to the
future, that we must give glory.
Subtitle by Bambula