Assassins Run (2013)

You promise?
I promise.
- You promise?
- I promise.
I promise.
You promise?
I promise.
- You promise?
- I promise.
Yeah, three dead bodies.
At least two suspects
fleeing the scene.
It was Eli who called it in.
He heard gunshots.
Yeah, his farm's right next door
to that old warehouse.
We got to the scene right away.
No no, she hasn't talked yet.
Your name is...
"Maja Latin..."
- "La..."
- Maya Letinskaya.
- Here are the files.
- Thank you.
Why are you in America?
I came for Nina.
What do you do for a living?
I am a swan.
I'm gonna take this call
and when I get back, I don't wanna hear
any shit about birds, you got it?
Excuse me.
He wants to come over here?
I am a swan.
In an hour?
Well, that's fast.
I was a swan.
Ah, we're screwed!
Totally late.
Sasha, isn't there anything you can do?
It's hopeless, boss.
You know they say Russia is a country
of drunks, fools and bad roads.
Your country is a land
of opportunity, Sasha.
Anything is possible here.
She is so elegant and beautiful.
She is only there because
of her rich husband.
Maya was always the best dancer.
Long before she met Mr. Mason.
Hello, who's this?
It would be such a shame
if you were late
on the night your pretty wife
becomes a swan.
Who is this?
How'd you get this number?
I am only taking back
what you stole from Russia.
I stole nothing.
You have raped
our natural resources,
sucking our oil fields dry,
and taking the very best of our women
for your own wife, blyad.
I've got nothing to say to you.
If you want to find
what's at the end of this line,
follow the missing money.
What missing money?
Do you want me
to get rid of him, boss?
He fought for your country, Sasha.
It's not his fault it took more
than he had to give.
Mommy, Mommy!
Look out behind you!
See you later.
Mr. Mason, it's Usov.
Usov, I'm headed into the theater.
Um, I just got a call from our partners
and they haven't received
any payment yet from our oil refinery.
Well, the bank credit
was granted two weeks ago.
I know.
The contract has penalty clauses
and if we don't pay it now, we could
lose tens of millions of dollars.
Okay, I hear you.
I'll get to the bottom of it.
- Good evening, Mr. Mason.
- Hi.
- Nina.
- Hi.
- Shh. You're late.
- I know, I know.
I got stuck in traffic.
Look at your mom.
She's gorgeous.
That's fast, huh?
Nina, Nina, it is time.
Good luck.
- Enjoy. Okay.
- I'll talk to you soon.
Hello, ladies.
I'll see you inside.
- Roman! Hey.
- How are you, sir?
Excuse me.
Did you enjoy the show?
Maya was amazing, as always.
Well, I'll tell you,
it was a wonderful introduction.
To the greatest thing
you've ever done.
Except for make you rich, right?
Michael, let me talk to you for a
Somebody's buying up our debts.
- What? Who?
- I don't know yet.
But they're using front companies.
Those bonds are secured
against our shares,
and if we don't pay on time
we could lose a lot of money.
By the way, uh,
have you heard anything
from our oil refinery?
Well, they...
they received the bank credit,
but they're delaying payment.
- What?
- Yeah.
All right, I'll go up there tomorrow.
I'll take care of it.
I'll handle it myself.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- Now you are our swan.
- Thank you.
- Yes, oh!
- Daddy, Daddy!
- Sweetie!
- Daddy, Daddy!
Oh God, you're gorgeous.
Isn't your mommy amazing?
Gorgeous gorgeous!
Ah, now here's a man,
you definitely must meet.
A good friend of mine,
Richard Valentine.
Richard is very busy
turning Moscow into a giant casino.
I love you.
Richard, please behave yourself.
- I'm reinventing Russia in Sin City...
- Excuse me. an empty lot
between Paris, Venice,
New York and the Pyramids.
And I'm gonna kidnap you
and I'm gonna make you a star.
You'd still be a swan
in a mystical lake
over there in the neon sands.
Come and dance
in America, Maya.
Why would I need your fake
when I have this theater for real?
All right. Who's this?
- There you are!
- Oh honey.
Oh God.
You were spectacular.
- Thank you.
- I see our show as
Tchaikovsky meets "Pretty Woman."
Listen, we're going to have
Zhivago-style snow storms.
A... uh... it's kind of...
she's a pole-dancing waif
in a swan suit that she discards
feather by feather until
he comes along... the man she loves.
- Sounds kinda tired to me.
- Oh, I get it. Wait a minute.
How much for your trophy wife, pal?
- One, two, three...
- Oh ho ho.
One, two, three, four...
- What are we talking about?
- She's not for sale.
Come on.
Everyone's for sale.
We're just negotiating a price here.
How much?
Hey, Dick! Ha ha ha!
How are you, man?
- Hey hey hey!
- It's good to see you!
- Mikey!
- You still wearing that $10,000 watch,
- you Cartier commie?
- Oh yeah!
Still plundering the wild wild East, eh?
You casino capitalist.
Say hello to my daughter, huh?
Hello! An innocent...
from your loins?
This... show...
- Huh? Pretty good, huh?
- Pretty good, huh?
Wait, whoop, what's that?
Look at that.
Don't spend it all in one place now.
You know that Richard
is a strange guy.
Yeah, he is a little strange.
But we grew up together,
used to chase the same girls,
all that nonsense.
He called me, wanted me
to take a stake in his new casino,
but I kinda feel
like one Russia is plenty.
But for all his antics,
Richard is someone we can trust.
Should anything ever happen
to me, I want you to know that.
Darling, I've gotta go
to the oil refinery tomorrow.
Something is not right.
If you have any problems,
just call Roman as usual, okay?
I'm sorry.
Oh, I just had a fantastic idea.
Why don't we go for a little boat ride,
just the two of us?
I mean, White Nights
only come once a year, yeah?
Sasha will be more than happy
to take our little angel home.
Won't you, Sasha?
Step to the little boat.
It's nice.
We'll take a nice little trip.
Thank you.
Thank you, man.
Are you okay?
Yeah yeah.
Everything is...
it's perfect.
Don't worry.
But of course I worry.
You seem distracted.
Sometimes I feel scared
that I've been too lucky
and all this happiness
is just a dream.
Don't imagine things.
I'll keep you safe.
Now, then,
always and forever.
That's a pretty picture of you.
Where did you get that?
I may be a small-town sheriff,
but I know how to use the Internet.
We've been contacted
by the Russian State Department.
We're expecting
an agent within the hour.
Does that worry you?
Because if deportation worries you,
you have about an hour
to convince me
- not to hand you over.
- I'm cooperating.
You said your husband
was in the oil-refinery industry.
He must have been away
a lot on business.
All the time.
But I have my darling Nina.
She's everything to me.
Why do we bake cookies?
You never eat them anyways.
I bake them for Daddy.
And for you.
- Don't you like cookies?
- No, I love cookies.
but if I eat as many as you do,
I won't be allowed
to dance in the theater.
What else do you have to do
to be a dancer?
You have to practice
every day, eat little,
and work a lot.
Why did you pick ballet
if you can't eat cookies?
Oh, because I had to.
When I was eight,
my mom got very sick
and she couldn't take care of me.
That's why I went
to a ballet academy.
I remember she said,
"If you dance really well,
the academy will take care of you."
And I promised I would.
Our teachers were strict.
But I had to take it for my mom's sake.
When she died,
I had no one left but ballet...
and my promise.
So I jumped like a grasshopper
and walked on my tippy toes
and watched everyone else
eat their cookies.
You remember
what this oil refinery
was like when I bought it?
Like a tomb.
And now look.
So tell me, why don't you want
to modernize the plant now?
Of course I do.
Then why do you imagine that
the Americans will give you technology
- when you haven't paid them?
- What? Not pay?
I think maybe
you do not understand.
The bank credit was not granted
to the refinery itself.
We only offered our assets
as security.
Half a billion dollars
is a lot of money.
It doesn't just vanish
into thin air.
The bank credit was received
by an offshore company.
Please call your own office.
They handle all the contracts.
What are you doing here?
I thought I'd wait for you,
like the old days.
How are you, beautiful?
How did two Americans end up
in the Russian oil business?
When the Soviet Union collapsed,
all the rules went out the window.
If you had a little bit of money
and you were daring,
you could make millions
really quickly.
And Michael took a chance
at the right time.
But it's dangerous too.
Russian mafia is everywhere.
- Hello?
- Mr. Mason?
It's me, Usov.
We're... we don't have
a great signal here.
- I can't hear you.
- It's Usov.
Why aren't you calling me
from your usual company number?
I'm worried about my safety.
Some money has suddenly
appeared in the bank account
of one of your offshore companies.
A lot of money.
So you suspect someone is
siphoning off money
from our main business.
The company's controlled
by bearer shares.
Whoever holds
the company's shares has the money.
Per your instructions,
I've instituted confidential
emergency protocol Nikita.
There's still time
to access these shares.
- Whoever did this...
- Usov?
Protocol Nikita.
Mr. Mason,
what can we do for you?
Hello, I'd like to order some flowers...
for my wife.
Miss Maya Letinskaya?
Going up?
Top floor.
- Hello, it's Usov.
- Hello, it's Usov.
- Hello?
- Hello?
Mommy, Mommy!
- Hey.
- Mommy!
How come you're not sleeping?
I had a nightmare about daddy.
Come on.
Hello? Usov?
Usov is lying in a pool
of his own blood.
Don't worry, Michael.
You will soon be joining him.
I will make sure you leave
Maya and little Nina penniless.
- Do you hear that sound, Michael?
- What's going on?
I asked you before to find
the end of the line.
It is the end of the line, Michael.
Sasha, get us out of here.
What the hell are you doing?!
Don't kill him!
Your concern for your men is touching.
But you should rather
worry about yourself,
sitting inside a bomb on wheels.
Listen to me.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Listen, let's... let's meet.
Let's talk, all right?
Let's... let's talk about this!
I have a wife.
I have a family.
You don't need to do this.
I want your last thought
to be of Nina growing up an orphan
while your pretty wife is
stabbed to death in prison.
Bye-bye, Mikhail.
I'm so sorry.
What's wrong, Maya?
Is everything okay?
I don't know, I just...
this stupid dream last night.
- Get 'em out of here now.
- Let's just do it again.
- Okay, yeah.
- Excuse me, people.
Can everybody leave, please?
I'm sorry to tell you this, Maya.
Michael is dead.
A generous friend,
a selfless humanitarian,
a devoted father
and a beloved husband...
In sure and certain hope
of resurrection into eternal life
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
we commend to Almighty Lord God
our brother Michael Mason.
And the Lord said unto Adam,
"In the sweat of thy face
shall thou eat thy bread,"
till thou return unto the ground;
for out of it thou was taken:
for dust thou art,
and unto dust shall thou return."
Maya, I'll find out who did this.
Please do.
I promise.
Usov is dead.
- Murdered.
- What?
Yeah, they found
his body this morning.
What's going on?
There's some money missing.
A lot of money.
Did Michael ever mention
anything to you
about documents
or anything like that?
No, Michael never
brought business home.
Maya, let me see if I can
explain this to you.
They're the bearer shares
of an offshore account
controlled by a blind trust,
and they're missing.
Those shares are like cash.
A half a billion dollars in cash.
I've lost control of the oil refinery.
The banks...
have frozen all your assets.
You could lose this home.
You could lose everything.
I have no idea,
but I'll look everywhere.
Let me know.
Nina, please, let's not
stop speaking English.
What will happen to me
if you leave like Daddy?
Nina, I will never leave you.
You promise?
Of course I promise.
Let's go to the theater, hmm?
Hello, Nina.
Maya, can you give me a lift?
My mama is sick.
Yeah, I'll take you.
Do you want to come?
Can I go and play?
Yes, but don't disturb anybody.
And don't go outside
the theater, okay?
What a nice dress.
Did I do something wrong?
That's for you to confess
and us to find out.
You have the wrong person.
You are Maya Letinskaya.
You can call your
husband's friends later.
I'm seizing your phone
as evidence.
How original.
I don't know how it got there.
Get in our car.
I can't go.
My daughter is at the theater.
How convenient.
That's where we're going.
Are you lost?
That's right, I'm lost,
and I have lost something too.
Will you help me find it?
- What is it?
- Some papers
that are worth a lot
of money, just like you.
So drug possession is
part of this rap sheet.
I was set up. The drugs in the car
and the dressing room were planted.
What's going on?
- Nina!
- Mom!
Richard is someone we can trust.
I want you to know that.
- Richard! Richard!
- Mom!
- Take her to Michael's parents!
- I will.
- She will be safe there.
- I'll look after her.
Baby, I love you!
You gave your daughter
to an almost complete stranger.
Someone killed Michael
and now they got to me.
I had no choice.
If Richard could take her to Las Vegas
to Michael's parents,
she would be safe there.
I had to take Nina out of Russia.
Then what happened?
Things got worse.
Put your jewelry in here.
One minute.
- Hello?
- Roman?
- Maya.
- Where is Nina? Is she okay?
She's on a plane with Richard
right now to America.
They took off so quickly
I didn't even get a chance
to see them off.
Maya, I hope you know what you're doing
trusting Nina with this guy.
Roman, get me out
of this prison, please.
- Maya, it's not that easy.
- But I've been set up!
- I didn't do anything!
- I... I know. Just listen to me.
The police are at your house right now.
They claim they're looking for drugs,
but I think they're looking
for those documents.
But I've looked everywhere.
I don't know where they are.
Too good for our food?
What's your name?
Welcome to our little world.
Though you don't look like you like it.
There is no man to protect you here.
What do you do?
I'm a dancer.
Marsha here was a whore too.
What are you in for?
That's seven years.
But I'm innocent.
I'm innocent.
I'm innocent too.
In here we're all innocent
but proven guilty.
And guilty until proven rich.
The question
you should be asking is...
...who benefits by setting you up.
We searched
all the ballerina's assets.
I'm not lifting another finger
for some imaginary reward.
I need compensation now.
You don't say much
but you're well funded.
Get out of my house.
Look for the papers.
Hello, little girl.
Ah! Nyet!
What is it?
Bad news from America.
What is it?
Maya, Nina has been kidnapped.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, I don't...
- God!
Hey hey hey!
Please no! Not Nina!
Oh God!
Nina, I will never leave you.
You promise?
You promise?
I promise.
You promise?
I promise.
When I grow up,
- I wanna be a ballerina.
- Nina...
Just like you, Mommy.
It's your favorite thing in the world.
It's not my favorite.
You are.
I promise I will find you.
I will get out of here somehow.
Even if I have to break out
of this prison,
I will find you.
And I will get you back.
I promise.
- You promise?
- I promise.
Get up!
The ring.
Give it to me.
I ask you,
where are those papers?
Search them!
You're the ballerina.
You were told jewelry
is forbidden in here.
Now you know why.
Back to the isolation cell.
She can practice her dance there.
Don't be stupid.
It must look like suicide.
The boss is not gonna like this.
I don't care.
The bitch made me bleed.
That's her coffin.
Turn down that racket.
Is it the monitor or the whore?
I think it's the whore.
So do something about it!
Watch how you're driving!
Mommy, wake up.
Wake up.
Don't die, Mommy.
I love you, Mommy.
You totally fell on your ass.
Fell on my ass?!
I was trying to remove the bra.
You should have done that yourself.
The boy is shy.
He's never seen
a naked woman before.
Are you saying I'm a faggot?!
Only a homo would not
take advantage.
Usually these whores are ugly.
I'll do her right now!
Yeah, show us your dick!
That's right,
get your dick inside here!
Leave some for me!
Did he finish?
It's my turn now!
Dream on.
- Hello?
- Roman?
Maya, is that you?
Because the police
were searching for me,
Roman took me to a safe place.
Roman sounds like a good friend.
I knew Roman before I met Michael.
What exactly does that mean?
Whatever it was,
it was a long time ago.
It felt like weeks passed,
but later I realized
it was only a few days.
Now when I needed him,
Roman saved my life.
Shh, it's okay.
We contacted Richard Valentine
in Las Vegas.
He promised to help me
search for Nina.
Richard's gonna help you find Nina.
Then Roman went back to the city
so it didn't look so suspicious.
He said the police were watching him.
I'll see you in a couple days.
Staring down that clock
is not going to stop
the Russians from
taking custody of you.
So you haven't found the papers.
I was so sure
Michael had sent me a message.
I just didn't know how.
It had to be somewhere.
It had to be.
All dancers to the stage.
All dancers to the stage.
Maya, can you give me a lift?
My mama is sick.
Katya, if you're gonna
be prima ballerina...
get your ass to the stage.
God damn rush.
There's no toilet paper!
Katya, how nice of you
to finally join us.
I would replace you in a second.
"To my lovely swan,
Ladozhsky train station,
St. Petersburg,
clock chamber 35C.
The code is Nina's birthday.
Tell no one.
I love you now, then,
always, forever."
Hey, it's Roman.
- How're you doing? Is everything okay?
- Yeah.
Good good.
I was just worried about you.
Wrong place, idiots.
Go next door.
Give it to me!
Shit! Hello?
- Maya?
- Richard!
I have that flight for you.
The ticket is waiting for you
at the check-in counter.
I'll pick you up when you get here.
If you're a fugitive,
how did you get out of the country?
It's Russia, not the Soviet Union.
I flew through Latvia.
It took longer,
but I made it through.
Where are the bonds now?
All right then, let's talk about
this guy... Richard Valentine.
We can't get a hold of him
to corroborate your story.
His office doesn't
know where he is.
A guy like Valentine
doesn't just disappear.
I came to Las Vegas
so he can help me find Nina.
When I first met him,
I thought he was strange,
but Michael said I could trust him.
Thank you.
Where are we?
Where are we?
This is Richard Valentine.
Please leave me a message.
And viva Las Vegas.
Where is Richard?
I put him down in the desert.
- Nina?!
- Mama!
Watch out.
She can kick behind her own head.
Use the silencer.
Are we going to die now?
No, sweetie.
We're not going to die.
Only bad guys gonna die.
Can you really kick behind your head?
I told you to use the silencer.
You came back for me.
Of course I came back for you.
I promised I would.
Well, that's quite a story
you've got there.
But there's one thing
you haven't told me that I have to know.
Where are the bonds?
I have them.
Does that mean you're
not going to hand me over?
That must be
the Russian-embassy guy now.
This doesn't mean
that I'm going to let you go.
Thank you.
It just means that I trust
you're not gonna run out on me.
Mama, Mama.
The man from the theater
is lost again.
- Sheriff?
- Yeah.
- How did you know I was a fugitive?
- I didn't.
The Russian Consulate contacted me.
Please don't tell them
about the documents.
Because if they're really
from the embassy,
they would not know about them.
You trust me, don't you?
Ivanko, Russian State Department.
Jim Nash, glad to meet you.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience,
but we're gonna have to keep
Miss Letinskaya here
pending our homicide investigation.
I understand.
Perhaps I could trouble you
to keep us notified
of how the case proceeds.
The safety and well-being
of our citizens is our primary concern.
Did she have any documents
when you arrested her?
Give me the documents.
Your husband begged for his life.
But you won't beg, will you?
Jesus, it took you long enough.
Just tell me the bitch is dead.
The bitch is alive, Roman.
And she's coming for you.
I have only a question
Only one question and that's why
But I can't think of an answer
There isn't an answer
that won't make me cry
It has to be a lie
That the story ends
Without you by my side
Hope I gave you
Everything you wanted
Hope I gave you
Everything you needed
I'd give anything to anyone
Just to hold you one more day
I should have loved you more
Before you slipped away
If I had only a reason
Just give me a reason
So I understand
'Cause the silence
is louder than thunder
And dark as the night falls
on a lovers' dance
It has to be a lie
That this story ends
Without you by my side
Hope I gave you
Everything you wanted
Hope I gave you
Everything you needed
I'd give anything to anyone
Just to hold you one more day
I should have loved you more
Before you slipped away
I know that I'll see you again
I don't know where
I don't know when
'Cause forever has no end
Did I give you
Hope I gave you
Everything you wanted
Hope I gave you
Everything you needed
I'd give anything to anyone
Just to hold you one more day
I should have loved you more
Before you slipped away
I should have loved you more
Before you slipped away.