Assassins (1995)

Son of a bitch!
When I first saw you, I wasn't scared.
Just wondered why you wore those boots.
Now I know.
We've both played this game, Rath.
What kind of shoes will you be wearing...
...when your day comes?
I'll double the contract.
Say you couldn't find me.
Listen to me.
I'm talking like a mark!
Don't pull yet.
Not yet.
I've killed a few innocents in my time.
You're so high and mighty!
You and your principles!
Someone had to do
the jobs you wouldn't do.
I can't die like this!
I'm not a mark.
Not like a mark.
It's chambered.
Thanks, Rath.
Good-bye, old friend.
I don't care what you believe. I've had it.
I want out. I quit.
Go away, you son of a bitch.
You should be.
The attention is not for the man being
buried, but for one of the mourners,
Just arriving is reclusive
billionaire Alan Branch,,,
...attending the funeral of his brother,
who died in an auto accident.
Branch was last seen testifying
before the Senate 10 years ago...
...for his alleged financing of...
,,,right wing death squads throughout
South and Central America,
Branch was born in Queens,
New York, and, as you can see,,,
...from the wheelchair,
the victim of a hit man's bullet.
before the Senate and questioned...
...about his alleged involvement in
money-laundering, drug-trafficking...
...and death-squad financing.
Let us pray,
Lord Jesus Christ,,,
,,,by the 3 days you lay in the tomb,,,
,,,you made holy the graves
of all who believe in you,
Though their bodies lie in the earth,
they trust that they will rise again,
Bless this grave, Lord,
and give Samuel peaceful rest,,,,
My God!
He's been shot!
Come on, you little bastard, be brave.
Run for it.
Put it down!
Throw the gun away!
On the ground!
Face down!
Throw it away!
Don't move!
Hands behind your back!
What's he doing?
Check him for more weapons.
Where is it?
-Don't worry.
-I'm not worried.
The area's secure.
Nice to meet you.
Wait. Ambulance, let's go!
Hold it!
#1, move it out!
#2, come on!
Get out of here!
What is the disposition of your suspect?
We're proceeding to the precinct,,,
,,,suspect in custody,
Roger, I show you en route to
the precinct with one suspect,
Watch it.
Look out!
Don't fucking try it!
Officers down,
Victoria Ave, 2700 block,
,,,officers down,
Repeat, officers down,
All units, suspect in the four-officer-
down call is still at large,
Male Hispanic, thirty years,
armed and dangerous,
Monitor all bus stations and the airport,
Goddamn it!
You okay?
I just got this car!
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
What's it going to take?
I don't have insurance.
Take it.
I'm sorry.
Who's near Denny Way and 5th?
We have a couple going to Crown Hill,
Who's near Christina's?
We have a man going to the airport,
Come on. Be the right one.
I'm booked.
We saw it first!
You got it.
You got a cut on your head. You see that?
I had an accident at work.
What kind of work do you do?
I am, how do you say...
...dead tired.
So, save the chitchat for someone else.
I haven't heard that word for a long time.
What're you doing?
There was a turnoff.
I'm sorry.
You blew your tip.
Think I'm trying to run you up?
Just do your job.
I never ran up a fare in my life!
Do your job!
Get out.
You think I'm running you up?
Just get out.
You can't just....
The hell I can't.
Find another cab.
I don't believe this.
You can't shoot me through the glass.
So, I get out... got me.
So... what?
Who are you?
Robert Rath...
...wants to know me.
I don't believe this.
Miguel Bain.
Let me see. You rolled some cabbie...
...then waited for the right call.
That's genius.
Then you got the balls to bullshit with me.
No way I could have done that.
You stole my contract.
How'd you know of it?
A silenced...
You know, I switched...
...when I heard you used one.
Excuse this.
It was a long shot.
But a good one.
Wasn't it?
Who's your contractor?
Why don't you drive?
We can get acquainted.
Let's sit.
Number 13 looks tired.
Maybe she needs a rest.
Protect the innocent.
That's weak.
You could've had me at the cemetery
but you couldn't shoot the cops.
You are anticuado.
I had to try! Who knows?
Maybe it wasn't made in America!
They look pissed, huh?
They get that way when you kill 4 of them.
How do you like the cemetery?
Rome, 14 B.C.
They killed a general, Flavius,
at his brother's funeral.
I couldn't wait for Branch's brother to die,
so I killed him too.
Proud of me, Bobby?
It was nice meeting you.
Someday, I'll tell my little nios
about this wonderful encounter.
Who's your contractor, kid?
You blew it!
I am still alive!
Not for long.
What are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?
You'll get us killed!
Let's get them.
In pursuit, Request backup,
All units, Yellow Cab number 501,,,
,,,stolen near vicinity of officers down,
Regional Air has joined the pursuit,
Suspects considered
armed and dangerous,
Robert 2, received.
Turn here!
I know this area!
Hit it!
Don't give any more advice.
This is Regional Air, We're heading
over to the Michigan Viaduct,
All units, maintain your positions.
We'll box him in.
Don't lose him.
This is Regional Air, We copy,
I studied everything you ever did.
Goddamn it, you were good!
You and the Russian, Nicolai Talinkov.
You know,
they say he's living on some Greek island.
But I say, you were the best!
I say, Nicolai's dead as a doornail!
Am I right, Bob?
I heard you guys played chess coded
in the New York Times obituaries.
Ten fucking miles of microfilm!
But I found it! I found it!
The last game ends before anyone wins!
He thought you were his friend.
And now I know, that's how you took him.
You killed him to be number one.
...takes rook pawn.
All units, Regional Air has a visual,
Repeat, Regional Air has a visual,
Suspect headed east on Sycamore St.
-Regional Air, do you have a visual?
-We got him,
We don't got him.
What is he talking about,
"Bishop takes rook pawn"?
It's like yesterday.
I hate to admit it,
but you're the world's best.
Yeah, I remember that one.
Let's see what the kid knows.
Enter next move,
Bishop takes...
...rook pawn.
A mark.
I'm a goddamn mark.
Miguel Bain.
Don't play with me now.
Are you setting me up?
Is this how it went, Nicolai?
That's it. I'm gone.
Where're you going?
$2 million and I'm out of here.
I'm gone.
Surveillance expert.
The mark. Who's the mark?
Here you go, Pearl.
Here you go.
No, thanks. I won't have any.
I'm just going to have some coffee.
You know what? I forgot to tell you.
We got our pictures.
Let's see what we have here.
This is good. I like this one.
It's your good side. Look.
That's not so bad.
And you say you don't photograph well.
I don't have time
to talk about this right now,
- You never have time to talk about it!
- That is not true!
But now is not a good time!
I wanted to talk about this
last night and you didn't!
I had to get my sleep!
Hi, Mrs. Slattery. What you making?
Every time we start talking about this we--
Why'd you bring it up?
...what are you doing?
Don't walk away,
because we're going to have it out,
You're not helping matters here.
You're not.
Stop it!
You're so concerned about
what your mother thinks,
You want to slam doors?
Room 1 15,
I have the disk.
The buyers arrive at noon, Flight 1055,
I'll attempt contact at 12:30
and every 15 minutes after that.
Do you have hard copy images?
Yes. What do I call the principal?
-Call him Remy, How'll they know?
-They'll know.
Try and trace that one.
Poor baby.
Hi. Welcome. How are you today?
Keep the car handy.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Let me get your ticket here.
-Need help with your bags?
-No, I got it.
You need your ticket.
Here's your ticket. Thanks.
I hated that restaurant.
What a terrible place.
I didn't like anything about it.
All those foreigners.
What an awful, awful restaurant.
Don't make another reservation there.
You can certainly find a better spot.
Fourth floor,
You're welcome, baby. My pleasure.
Arriving passenger Remy,
please go to a white courtesy phone,
Passenger Remy,
please go to a white courtesy phone,
This is Remy.
Are you ready to go shopping on the
Home Network? Price is $40,000.
Where are you?
Are you ready? Yes or no.
The Marriott Hotel. There are pay
phones across from the elevators.
You've got 20 minutes,
give or take 1 0 seconds.
Cut your hair.
Good, you're early,
Get the Yellow Pages.
In town on business?
Check the escorts.
Got it.
Room 718, I smell a rat,,,
,,,the disk and I are gone,
We simpatico?
Simpatico, yes.
Hold the elevator, please.
Excuse me.
It's okay.
I'd like to report a problem on
the 1 2th floor. Electricity's out.
Fourth floor,
The 12th floor? What room?
I'll check the circuit breakers.
Seventh floor,
Excuse me. Sorry.
I'd like to make a reservation.
Buyers, seller,
let's see if they booked multiple rooms.
Come out, wherever you are.
Hey, fellas, slow down.
First, I'll need a $1 0,000 deposit.
That's wasn't the deal.
Then we have nothing to discuss.
Wait. Hang on.
Here's today's menu.
One second...
...I must put in a disk.
All right, it's in.
There's a screwdriver on the table,
Then you'll find a conveyance,
Chicago Bulls. Good team. Twenty rooms.
Katz. Two rooms: 71 8, 542.
Paid in cash.
Let's check out the room service.
Twin 9 millimeters.
Room 71 8, nothing. Room 542....
Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee...
...tuna fish.
Tuna fish?
Here it comes.
Look out, Pearl!
Pennies from heaven.
Baby, you keep this warm for me.
I'm going to format your disk,
orient it to receive the data,
You getting this, Hans Brinker?
It come from here.
This is not my beeper.
What's going on?
Hello? Can you hear me?
Hans Brinker, Mr. Dutchman, talk to me.
I'm not kidding.
Complete the transmission.
Who is this?
Who is this?
Please complete the transmission.
No, wait.
...I'll tear your heart out.
Holy Mary.
Let's get you your case.
Don't do this to me.
We must go. Come on.
Pearl, come on. Come on, please.
Don't do this.
Come on.
Don't what?
Rath... that you?
The disk.
It's you,
It's you,
You tried the move,
Bishop takes rook pawn,
It's a powerful move,
Would have been Nicolai's move,
Don't you think?
You got a move for me?
You know, it's like chess.
Is she alive?
Did you kill her?
Did you kill my mark?
Are you there?
Is she dead yet?
I took care of business on my end,
Did you?
A woman,
It's not the same as killing a man,
You have to pull the trigger a different way,
Is she beautiful?
Pull the trigger, Kill her,
Come on, Do it, Do it,
Pull the trigger,
Pull the trigger. Kill her. Be professional.
Kill her,
It's my beeper.
Go on.
-Where's your car?
-I don't remember where it's parked.
I got your car right here.
That's all right. I got it.
Who are you?
A government employee.
Just drive and don't speed.
You'll know when we get there.
Slow down.
I can't, I'm too nervous.
Slow down.
This other guy,
does he work for the government too?
It's between you and him, right?
Just leave me out of it.
We can't.
You're the mark.
Take it easy!
My cat!
Pearl, come out, don't be afraid.
Why are you here? How are you?
Where's her mama?
I was going to ask you that.
Thank you, pussycat,
So that's where you live.
I really love you,
I love you, too,
Where is he?
You sick bitch,
Do you want to live?
Give me your house keys.
Meet me at the pet shop.
Blank. Shit.
Jennifer, wait!
Come on! Move it!
I'm sorry!
Your gun is slow!
I'm not the one shooting at mirrors.
Who do you think--
The disk.
The disk!
Wait, wait!
I said to wait. Shut up!
Get out.
I got the buyers.
Now, I beat you to the mark.
I'm sorry...
...but I think I picked the
wrong guy to be my hero.
Macho. Macho.
You know...'s my birthday.
...I become number one.
And I got a present....
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Happy birthday.
Goddamn it.
The girl from downstairs,
I saw her come back here.
She's not in her apartment. She could
be here somewhere. I must find her.
She's dead.
Come here.
Get back here.
Come here, girl.
She likes me.
She likes dead fish too.
What's your name?
Robert Rath.
I'm Electra.
Are you one of them?
I don't believe you.
I told you...
...if I wanted to kill you...
...I would have already.
Look what she did.
It's not loaded?
It's loaded. It's silenced.
Just shoot.
I could.
I'd be 500 miles away
before they found you.
How's that?
Stop! She doesn't like it!
I say she's afraid she might hit you.
Sorry I have the gun?
You think it was a mistake?
You think I'm scared?
You don't know me!
Shut up!
Today was supposed to be a good day.
I was going to buy Pearl a boyfriend.
Now two people are dead.
I'm in way over my head.
I just want out.
You got the gun. The key's on the dresser.
I don't have a social security number,
or a driver's license.
I barely remember my real name.
I'm a ghost. I'm nobody.
I'll disappear.
I found you. So did he. You can't hide.
I just want my life back.
That's all.
I'm sorry.
I'll take that.
I need to be alone.
I haven't spent this much
time with someone in years.
Neither have l.
Well, the disk....
You'll get it.
Fuck you.
I don't care what you are.
Fuck you!
Then who the hell's Miguel Bain?
Who the hell is Miguel Bain?
What'd they say about the shooting?
I don't need details, just in general.
Not really. Not if....
If what?
The ClA or lnterpol....
What's on this?
It's encrypted.
Breaking the code on my lap top
could take 200 or 300 years.
Aren't you a genius?
I am.
I was the best,
If it was stored electronically, it was mine,
Yeah, I'm retiring too.
I wish I had an insight...
...but it was anonymous,
an intercepted satellite transmission.
Probably just industrial secrets.
There's one bed.
I guess you noticed that.
-It's yours.
-You want the couch?
No, thanks.
A trick so you don't get comfortable?
Tie a string from your toe to the doorknob.
It opens in.
You wouldn't feel it.
Yeah, I got it. I understand.
For what?
I don't know.
Saving my life, I guess.
How'd you like to make $1 million?
What do I have to do?
Nothing cheap, I hope.
What is it?
Tell you tomorrow.
I can't sleep.
Be patient.
What? Tell me.
Thanks for the chocolate.
Good night.
Forget something?
You be careful.
I'm right here.
What's going on?
I'll move!
I hate that music.
Let's go.
Got it? Is it all there?
What're you doing?
Drive, fast!
I mean, fast!
Get off this street!
Hit it!
No money, no disk.
What's so funny?
I wasn't sure you'd come back
so I switched the disks.
And all they have is file names.
-No, you didn't.
-Yes, I did.
And they got bubkes. Zero, zilch...
...zot, nix, nada, dry hump, squirt...
I read a slang dictionary once.
Keep reading.
Contractor tried to kill you.
That's not good.
I have caviar for you.
Come here.
Good girl.
"Caviar" is not a Russian word.
Ikra. I think the word is ikra.
How do you know?
I had a Russian friend. He told me.
Had a friend?
About 15 years ago he was taken.
He was killed?
Yes, I'm still alive, you bastard.
Not this time.
Let's see how valuable he thinks this is.
Three million?
$20 fucking million?
Where do you suppose this
person is right now?
A mile away?
Never thought about it till now.
You quit your job,
you have thoughts you never had before.
Sounds like a mid-life crisis.
You're right.
Twenty million dollars.
We're partners?
That's $10 million apiece.
I thought I was a thief.
To the bank.
What happened to the hotel?
They had a fire years ago.
Nobody had money to fix it.
Wait here.
Keep the air on and watch my cat.
You got it.
Is that our bank?
Where our money is?
What's up there?
He'll be.
Hug the wall.
Go light.
You okay?
Ten o'clock tomorrow morning,
I'm going in that bank.
He'll be in the plaza somewhere,
in the crowd.
When he sees me go in,
he'll make his move up here.
You'll be in the cafe over there.
You'll see him when he goes inside.
Then we wait.
We wait.
Tomorrow will be a long day for him.
He'll begin to doubt himself.
He'll think he missed me.
He'll want to see whether
I'm still in the bank.
Then it'll be sunset...
...closing time.
He'll get desperate...
...real desperate...
...but he must leave his rifle...
He's right-handed.
He won't take a pistol because
the doors have metal detectors...
...and he'll be nervous.
When he's out of sight... come get the rifle.
He'll shoot you before you go in.
He'll wait for the prime shot.
When I come out.
He'll want to see my eyes.
Why're you so sure?
He loves history. this room... this same window...
...I was here.
Oh, my God.
Your friend, Nicolai. He was taken.
You killed him.
It's fine.
Who is it?
Room service,
I didn't order room service.
I did.
You should tell me these things.
Where should I put the tray?
Over here's fine.
What's going on outside?
The Day of the Dead.
What're the flowers for?
The families make a path from
their homes to the cemetery...
...with the flower petals... the souls of the dead
can find their way home.
That's nice.
Call me anytime for the tray.
Sounds great, huh? Can we go?
No, he's here now. I know he is.
So we're staying in the hotel.
The enemy of fun.
I got you a beer.
I wish I could explain to you why...
...I killed Nicolai.
At the time it was
the right thing to do, but...
...I'm sorry I did it.
It's something I've had to
live with for 15 years.
I used to wish it would happen to me...
...and that'd be my way out.
But not any more.
Not since I met you.
Too bad you don't understand English.
I would like to tell you how wonderful
this cemetery is. It's gorgeous.
I love cemeteries. I really do. I really do.
You're here, the next day you're there.
I put a lot of people down there.
A lot of people down there.
It's all over the place.
I just killed your brother.
"Contract has been paid...
"...transferred to the specified account."
And her disk?
"You'll be advised. Good-bye, Robert."
Let's get ready.
Don't lose this.
They saw you coming.
This is a piece of junk.
Tell me when he leaves the hotel,
I'll tell you when he leaves the bank.
-What's this for?
-Just in case.
No. I can't shoot anybody.
I can't.
You almost shot me.
I aimed at the lamp.
Aim at him.
Ever play cowboys and lndians?
-Sure. Everybody did.
-And which were you?
An lndian.
-I was always an lndian.
-Always the lndian.
Just pretend he's a cowboy...
...and pull the trigger.
Then pretend he gets up after.
But you must pull the trigger.
You've got to.
I never depended on anyone in my life.
I'm depending on you.
I don't see him.
I'm looking all around the square.
I'm in the bank.
Where do I go for transfers?
Oh, my God!
He's here.
He's going to the hotel.
He's almost at the door,
He's going in. He's going in.
That's what we wanted.
Relax, try the decaf.
He must be upstairs now,
Should I stay or go in?
No. Stay? Wait, wait. I'll just wait.
It's hot.
Goddamn, it's hot,
I'd rather be out there than in here.
May I help you?
I'm expecting a transfer.
Seor, we have received your transfer.
I'd like to close the account.
Close it today?
Right now.
-How would you like the funds?
-American currency.
Would you please step right over there.
I'll be right back.
No problem.
Mr. Rath?
You're aware there may
be a withdrawal fee.
Yes, I am.
This will take some time.
I've got all day.
Take care of him.
Please, follow me. Right this way.
You may sit right here.
Relax. We'll get you some coffee.
What are you doing there?
Talk to me,
No sign of him.
He's just sitting up there, same as us.
I mean, talk to me.
Tell me some of that weird stuff you know.
Tell you weird stuff,
Like what?
Tell me a joke,
May l?
Tell me something to distract me.
I'm not getting paid.
Be generous,
Once upon a time...
...there was a little sparrow...
...who, while flying south for the winter,
froze solid...
,,,and fell to the ground,
To make matters worse,
a cow crapped on him,
But the manure was warm
and defrosted him.
So there he is, warm and happy to
be alive and he starts to sing.
A cat comes along...
...and he clears off the manure
and eats the little bird.
The moral of the story is this:
Everyone who craps on you is
not necessarily your enemy...
...and everyone who gets you out of crap...
,,,is not necessarily your friend,
And if you're warm and happy... matter where you are,
keep your big mouth shut.
You like that?
I think I'm running out of stories,
Keep your eye on that building,
He must be getting impatient,
He'll make his move soon,
Thanks for the stories.
Sorry I've been taking up the table.
Thank you. Thank you.
Fuck! Shit! Motherfucker!
Fuck! Shit!
We have deducted our fee and
are making a second count.
The funds will be available in a half hour.
I hope you are comfortable.
Oh, my God. He's coming.
He's coming,
He waited longer than I did.
Here he is.
-I have your property.
-Be right there.
Where are you?
I'm here in room 303.
The rifle should be on the right.
If so, the gun is going to be right here.
It's not.
What's happening?
It's not here.
Listen to me.
Get out now.
Damn it.
Forget the rifle. Get out.
Have you left?
Found it!
Damn hot day, isn't it?
I got it.
Tell me... did you know?
Who the hell taught you?
this bank just like you.
That makes you good...
...because I was the best.
Now you feel like a mark.
You think you were sold out.
Don't know who to trust.
And you, anticuado?
Who do you trust?
No one.
You're alone. Same as me.
I don't have it!
I don't have the gun.
Why the sunglasses, kid?
Afraid I'll see your eyes?
Just between you and me...
...I'm nervous.
I have $1 6 million in there.
This is where we can change history.
Our history.
I'm willing to give it to you...
...if you'll let me walk.
But... won't do that.
Excuse me, but... are...
You sound like a mark.
What happened to you?
Nothing. I know where you're going.
I tell you...
...that night in the taxi...
...I thought I was lucky just to be alive.
...I think differently.
You were the lucky one.
I'm a very, very lucky man.
No more chitchat.
Good luck.
Where are you? Talk to me.
Can you hear me?
Everything is in order.
Please, come with me.
This is awkward. It's not really my affair...
...but I was told you would
give us something in return.
Oh God, I'm fucked. I'm fucked.
...we are closed.
Step outside.
Step outside...
...and I'll set you free.
Excuse me, sir,
would you please sign this receipt?
I got the sword...
...right here.
There is no shame.
You won't feel a thing.
Thank you for your business.
You're welcome.
Here he is.
Here he is.
Thank you.
We've got it.
We did it.
Come on.
Step outside.
We're in.
You there?
Where are you?
You there?
Can you hear me?
Look up.
I want to see your eyes, motherfucker.
Look up.
You have something of mine.
I need it now.
We got something for you here!
What the fuck do I do with this?
Two against one!
Is that your edge, Rath?
You didn't take the mark!
You took the bribe!
Don't worry!
Don't worry, I'll take her!
He's serious, Rath!
Even the odds!
Are you scared, honey?
I'm going to find you!
I told you I was going to
tear your heart out!
And I will!
I will!
I promise you that!
Wait here.
I said, stay up there!
I'm not going to. The floor could give way!
Goddamn it, why don't you listen to me?
Don't move,
Throw it away,
Throw it away!
That was no way to talk to a lady.
It's been a long time.
The years have been good to you.
Never pictured him so young. A shame.
Second best, after all.
He killed you...
...15 years ago.
Yes, he did.
I don't understand.
Walking out of that bank was
the worst moment of my life.
He always went for the heart.
For 15 goddamn years... let me think I'd killed you.
You're forgetting you shot me.
You son-of-a-bitch.
Why did you set me up?
The Cold War was ending.
I needed to die... leave no past behind.
You delivered me.
You're the mark?
You must be the contractor.
I'm disappointed. You were to kill her.
You're a thief.
A good one.
I retired.
You were so good.
I had to use both my
best to track you down.
There's something on that disk
that would bring you to life?
Enough information to expose us all.
Especially me.
Can't you kiss and make up?
This is sad for me, Robert.
Sentimental, but...
...I did not want to find you alive.
First things first.
Don't do this.
She's right.
She always is.
Female intuition.
Where are you going?
To finish something... didn't finish years ago.
Just to make sure.
Take it.
Are you going to kill me?
I never wanted to kill you at all.
Help me up.
Will you?
Don't even breathe hard.
You want to die?
Help me up.
Thank you.
Now what?
I'm finished.
What do you mean?
The history stops here.
No more.
I'm gone.
I quit.
That would make me number one.
Number one.
I can live with that...
...can you?
Absolutamente, compaero,
Then live with it, Miguel.
Live with it.
It was very nice meeting you...
...Robert Rath.
It was very dangerous meeting you,
Miguel Bain.
You know... long as you're out there...
...I'll never be number one.
Say good-bye...
No good-byes.
Good-bye, Miguel.
Thank you.
Wait a minute.
You'd better keep the disk, Robert.
My real name is Joseph.
I'm Anna. Nice to meet you, Joseph.
So, Joseph, let's go get Pearl a boyfriend.
Sure. And after that, if you don't mind,
I'd like to go to the hospital.