Assault On Precinct 13 (2005)

Listen to me. What are we
talking about, really?
Getting high? No.
We're talking
about a journey, man.
A subconscious safari.
A mental expedition, okay?
A mind trek.
This planet has been raped,
pillaged and fucked,
all right?
And the mind is the only
uncharted territory...
and this shit is the ship.
lt's the Nia, the Pinta
and the Santa Maria,
and you are fucking Magellan.
Oh, fuck! l spilled some!
So, what do you say,
my Serbian
motherfucking friend?
Do you wanna take a trip
or do you wanna sit
on your ass?
Yeah, okay, Napoleon,
let's see what you got.
That dog is really
creeping me out, man.
lt's a big fucking dog.
lt makes my girl very uneasy.
l don't really like dogs.
The pooch was not invited.
You don't talk
about my fucking dog, okay?
l handle it.
Can you tie it up
or something?
He do what l say.
Once l show him who's boss,
with a few treats
and some smacks.
[Milos speaking Serbian]
[Dog whining]
Good boy. Here's treat.
He knows who's boss, yes?
Shit, man! Hey, hey,
l got a dog, too.
Yo, Tony! l love this guy.
He works his ass off for piss.
All right, once l show him
who's boss with some
few smacks and some treatsies.
You got that?
You got a smoke?
No, no, l'm fucking out.
l told you.
Are you giving me
some static?
You giving me
the hairy eyeball?
You lrish fucking pig!
Fuck! Huh? See?
[Jake whooping]
l got my dog, too.
[Speaking Serbian]
Here you go, dog.
[Speaking Serbian]
Are you guys in?
Are you in?
Fuck you!
[Speaking Serbian]
What's your
fucking lackey saying?
He say
that he knows your dog.
My dog?
He say that your dog testify
at his brother's trial
three years ago.
Oh, shit.
He also say that your dog
is not even a fucking dog.
He's a dirty, fucking pig!
And l believe him.
Oh, God!
Fuck! Call for backup!
Call for backup!
Unit 17 requesting backup.
TONY: You okay?
CORAL: Fourth floor,
one suspect.
Yeah, l'm all right. Come on!
Good dog. Good dog.
Shit! Shit!
All right, Coral, you take
that back stairwell there.
Got it.
Tony, come on.
Come on. Oh, shit. Okay.
You take this hallway
on the right.
All right.
l'll take the left.
Got you.
Can't believe
that cocksucker shot me.
Let's go.
[Gun firing]
Tony! Tony?
Oh, shit.
Officer down!
l repeat, officer down!
Suspect on north stairway!
l'm going after him!
And where the fuck
is my backup?
Shit. Shit. Shit. Help me!
l'm a police officer! Help me!
Call an ambulance!
Shit. Shit. Call an ambulance!
[Gun cocking]
[Phone ringing]
Yeah. Shit, yeah.
No, no, no. l'm up. l'm up.
l'll be right there.
All right. Bye.
Hi. Good morning, buddy.
Come here, shithead.
Come here.
Good morning.
lt's cold, people.
Detroit's gonna have a white
New Year's this year...
because we're getting hit
with yet another storm.
No shit.
Sports coming up.
This kind of sex...
is evolutionary instinct,
Example, Tiger Stadium.
Bleachers empty,
except me and a friend.
We always get it on
whenever and wherever we can.
No one saw us except for
the left fielder. Let's just
say he enjoyed the show...
and, well,
l didn't mind the audience.
lmpulsive sex is in our genes,
boys. Don't deny yourselves.
l gotta go jump in the snow
to cool my shit off.
Have a good New Year, l.
You, too, babe.
That animal is your type,
lris. Probably an ex-con.
You two should hook up.
Fuck off, Carlyle.
We were just talking
about acting on impulses
with no guilt.
Don't get angry, l.
You only bed criminals.
Everyone knows that.
Which is unfortunate for me,
because l am in love with you.
l don't bed criminals.
l fuck bad boys.
Big difference.
l just hope l don't have to
become a fucking ax murderer
to prove l'm worthy.
JAKE: What the hell is this?
Fun and games?
Buzz kill.
Does anybody work
around here anymore?
CARLYLE: Hey, Sarge,
you're late.
Happy New Year.
Hey, you're pissing me off.
Get out of here
before l give you
something to do.
l think you boys don't
wanna get stuck with us
here tonight.
Bye, boys.
l'll see you guys
at the new precinct.
Happy New Year, lris.
Later, lris.
That's not very nice, boss.
You're right. l apologize.
You're lovely and amazing...
and it's my honor to spend
New Year's Eve with you.
You're a sarcastic prick,
aren't you?
We are going to have
a good time tonight, boss.
We officially shut down
at midnight, but all calls
are being diverted...
so we might as well
be closed now.
We could start
getting fucked up real early!
All right, not too early,
all right? We still gotta
pack this shit up.
Not much.
All the computers are gone,
most of the gear.
Now, come on, Sarge.
lt's my favorite holiday.
l even put on my very special,
sexy holiday boots.
Even though we're here,
l wanna do it right.
How could you possibly
do it wrong?
PRIEST: Never take for granted
the greatest power of all.
The power to choose.
Consider the choices
you have made in the past.
And when they led you astray.
Faith, in times
of opposition...
will lead to your salvation,
for often the easy way...
will lead only to temptation.
Think of consequences...
and cherish your power
to choose the righteous path.
You figure l'd be more
liable to tell the truth
with God watching.
lf you believe in God,
Mr. Portnow.
You don't?
Never met a brother
who didn't have faith.
l've stood in front
of dozens of men...
who were all
staring death in the face.
Every single one of them
begged for God's help.
After seeing all those pleas
go unanswered...
l lost my faith.
PRIEST: ...and know
that promise lies ahead.
lf we believe His word.
So, what's the what?
My answer is this.
PRIEST: And in the day
of rebellion, l tell them,
"Go forth."
Hold your head high....
l guess we're done here.
This day is the first day....
What'd you think, l was gonna
let you walk out of here
with the crowd for protection?
Get the fuck up.
Walk in front of me.
[Organ playing]
[Congregation singing
Amazing Grace)
[Woman screaming]
[People screaming]
[Gun firing]
MAN: Police!
[Gun firing]
[Police sirens wailing]
Hold it right there!
Freeze, Bishop!
Drop your weapon!
Drop it now, motherfucker!
We're here
at the new Precinct 21 ...
where one of the city's
most powerful crime figures,
Marion Bishop...
is being held
in the alleged murder of
an undercover police officer.
Bishop, notorious for his
brutal execution methods...
earns untold millions from his
various criminal operations
in the Detroit area.
Bishop's crew.
Come on.
Now is not the time.
l'm Lieutenant Holloway.
Marcus Duvall,
Organized Crime
and Racketeering Squad.
This is my team.
l know who you are.
Sorry about your man.
Where is this
son of a bitch?
l don't spend one night,
not one night inside...
and we both know why.
You do whatever you have to do
to get me out of here.
Do you understand?
That guy's a cop killer.
Judge hands down bail...
l swear to Christ, l'll....
[Door opening]
No arraignment
'cause of the holiday.
Bishop spends two days inside
until he has a chance
to make bail.
Don't worry, Cap. We got him.
We ain't gonna
fucking let him go.
Happy New Year!
Come on, man,
there's only three of us here.
Yeah, well,
one of us is lrish.
My God, look at this thing.
That's gotta be older
than me. You'll never
take me alive, G-man!
Look at this room.
Boy, there's got to be
evidence in here...
from some of my first busts
back in the day.
They got rid of all
the Civil War stuff.
Hey, that's so funny.
Don't quit the day job,
all right?
Your Friday
appointment's here.
Are you kidding me?
Any feelings
of anxiety lately?
Two words. The Lions.
They give me
a lot of anxiety.
Please stop avoiding
my questions, Sergeant.
Are you still taking
the painkillers?
Come on, Doc.
l mean, even you have
got to be getting a little
bored of these conversations.
Why don't we talk
about the real reason...
that you would come down here
on New Year's Eve...
in the middle of this storm?
Okay. Let's see.
We had an appointment.
l think the real reason
is you're in love with me.
l can see it
in your eyes.
That's why you come
wearing these fancy clothes.
lt's very flattering,
but l think you should
stop denying it, you know?
l hear.... No, l hear you.
You're right. You're right.
You're right!
My face obviously betrays me.
l didn't get dressed up
like this...
because l'm going
to a New Year's Eve party
later tonight. Oh, no.
No, Sergeant.
This was all for you.
A form of seduction.
ls it working?
[Timer beeping]
l'm glad.
Okay, well, we'll have
to finish this conversation
another time.
What is this thing
you got?
Hey, hey, hey that's mine.
All right, relax.
l don't care about the file.
So, you got a desk job
at Precinct 21 , l see.
Oh, Jesus H. Christ.
You don't quit, do you?
How do you feel about it?
How do l feel about it?
lt's no big change.
So, l guess
the new year's not bringing
anything different for you.
How's your leg, by the way?
l noticed you weren't
limping anymore.
What's that
supposed to mean?
lt's just an observation.
Five years of undercover work
and now this. Wow!
You must be itching
to get back on the streets.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you.
l'll see you
at the new precinct.
God, you know, l cannot wait.
l'd walk you out, you know,
but l just have so much--
l know the way, thank you.
So much to do.
Jake, you should see this.
REPORTER: And now,
Lieutenant Marcus Duvall...
that's Oce Ray Portnow's
superior, is coming out of....
Hey, that's Duvall.
Good cop. Good man.
...notorious crime kingpin
Marion Bishop in custody.
That man is in hell right now.
...responsible for
the slaying, the fifth
in Motor City this year alone.
Hey, you okay, Jake?
We'll have more details
on this story
as they become available.
Everybody in the bus.
You know what a bus
looks like.
New Year's Eve in a house
with a thousand doors.
How about that?
You'll be sitting
in that cell of yours.
You're gonna want
some champagne
and you're not gonna get any.
No. No, no,
Dick Clark's Happy Rocking
New Year's Eve.
l ain't no loser, baby,
all right?
l'm just trying to exist
'cause my people
lack the power to consume...
what the media emphasizes
in society, so l'm forced
to take shit that ain't mine.
Simply how it is. What?
Beck, your eyes are red.
How come, you been snorting,
you been drinking?
l don't know, your eyes
are glazed. What,
you been eating doughnuts?
ls that what it is?
That's funny.
Pretty original, too.
ls it funny,
Where'd you read that?
ln a comic book?
Get in the fucking back....
Round them up.
[You're Nobody 'Til Somebody
Loves You playing on radio]
Well, we won't need
that anymore.
All right, boys and girls.
We must raise our glasses
in a toast.
A toast to this old shithole
before they tear it down.
l got a terrible feeling
l'm gonna miss this place.
Of course, not as much
as l'm gonna miss you two.
What are you
talking about?
l have news,
boys and girls.
Old school here is retiring.
You're kidding.
l'm packing it in.
Just like this place.
Congratulations, Jasper.
But why didn't you tell us?
l just got
the word officially.
Anyway, here's to this
old shithole. Here's to me
and here's to my new life.
And now, little lady,
may l have this dance...
to celebrate
my retirement, huh?
Come on.
Don't go away,
maybe you'll learn something.
One more. There you go.
We never should've left
in this shit.
Shit. What do you mean?
Their captain didn't want
these scumbags in there.
Wanted to give his men
more time off for the holiday.
You're Marion Bishop.
Marion Bishop.
Chief, head cheddar
and whatnot, baby.
You know, l heard
about you getting shot
five times, man.
Five fucking times.
What was it,
your left shoulder,
your stomach...
upper back, lower back,
right hip?
Ain't that a bitch?
You didn't wanna die though,
right, 'cause you're
a persistent motherfucker?
You're like the black Rasputin
and whatnot. l'm serious, man.
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Beck.
l'm an entrepreneurial
motherfucker like yourself,
slash lawyer, slash....
Got any openings, man?
Throw me a bone or something?
Hey, what the fuck's
going on, man?
Pump the brakes, God damn it!
Don't slam them!
Shut the fuck up!
Hey, Ray Charles,
slow this motherfucker
down, man!
Officer Balls
and Officer Cock.
[Beck beckoning softly]
Eye contact, man.
Eye contact.
Let me tell you something.
The Constitution
requires that the state
provide secure...
Sit down.
l'm just saying
that l'm feeling
pretty fucking unsafe.
Shut the fuck up.
MAN ON CB: Transport 1121,
this is Dispatch.
Transport 1 121 , Dispatch. Go.
We're gonna have to
reroute you to Precinct 13
until the storm breaks.
No problem.
What's going on, Dispatch?
There was an injury accident
on the Parkway 11.
We're getting everyone
off the road. You'll stay
at 13 until further orders.
They've already been advised.
l don't care.
Just glad to get out of this.
JASPER: Well, how about this
for a New Year's present?
That scumbag, Bishop,
is hand-delivered to us!
l'm gonna get some righteous
payback from that skel
for Ray Portnow.
What are you
doing here?
l've heard so much about this
Bishop guy over the years.
l wanna see him.
l thought
you gave up bad boys.
Get back inside.
lt's not the New Year
yet, Sarge.
[Wind howling]
You must be Roenick.
No offense, officer,
but l'm pretty fucking
perturbed about this.
We're closing down.
We're short-staffed.
Central said
we park here overnight
until the road's clear.
You got a problem with that,
call it in.
Yeah, l already tried.
All right, l'll give it
another shot.
Jake, come on. Jake,
you're not gonna send these
guys back out in that weather.
Now, look. We'll lock them up
and we'll let them be.
No problem.
All right, fine, fine,
but they're
your responsibility.
l don't wanna hearjack shit
about them or from them.
Let's go. lnside.
Bring them in.
Come on, bring them in!
lnteresting cast.
Yeah, we got
a female gangbanger...
who swears she never
committed a crime in her life.
This guy here specializes
in counterfeit merchandise.
Need a fake Rolex,
he's your man.
Some junkie who robbed a deli.
Allegedly. He's still riding
on a high right now.
And the star of the show.
He needs no intro.
You know his credits.
when it rains, it snows.
Got another freaking guest.
How's your car?
Won't move.
Must've walked two miles
in this damn weather.
l'm soaking. Look at me.
Well, thank God
you're not hurt.
So, how did you
enjoy your file?
Oh, yeah, yeah,
you dropped this....
Oh, really? l dropped it?
That's strange, because
l was sure that you took it.
Definitely dropped it.
That's disappointing.
lf you had stolen it,
it would've been
the first time...
you were taking a proactive
interest in your therapy.
And you know
it's a bunch of bullshit.
So, you read it?
Yeah, l fucking read it.
Did you steal it?
You know l stole it,
all right, you know.
And stop being so goddamn
happy about it, Dr. Sabian.
lt makes me sick.
"l think he's hiding
behind his injury.
He's not really hurt.
"Jake Roenick no longer
considers himself a cop."
What kind of bullshit
is that, huh?
You think l'm scared?
That's what it is, right?
You think l'm scared.
lf you've read further on,
you would see
that's not what l think.
All right, well, then tell me
what it is that you think,
Dr. Mrs. Mindfuck?
What is it that you think
l'm hiding from?
l'm not gonna explain myself
to you if you're gonna act
like a child, excuse me.
Run away.
We both know
you can't handle this shit
'cause you want to fuck me.
Sergeant, if l wanted
to fuck you,
it would've happened already.
Gotta learn
to control yourself, Doc.
lt's affecting your work,
you know?
lt's very unprofessional.
Don't try to discredit me
because you're afraid
l may be right.
About what? Come on.
Tell me what it is you think
l'm hiding from...
and then l'll tell you
whether l think you're right.
l believe that the prospect
of responsibility
has rendered you impotent!
And that's why you're working
at this old precinct
behind a desk.
Look, l'm injured, all right?
That's why l'm here.
Bullshit! You feel responsible
for the death of your team
eight months ago...
and that's why you're here!
l didn't do anything wrong.
A board of inquiry cleared me.
That's right.
You didn't do anything wrong.
But it was your decision
that sent them down the left
hallway and not the right...
out the front door
and not the back!
And you don't want to make
decisions like that again.
Yeah, so?
Yeah, maybe you're right.
What, you want a medal?
So, now you're hiding
behind that desk...
and behind that liquor
in your drawer...
and those pills in that
stupid little matchbox.
But there's still one life
you're responsible for, no
matter where you go, you know?
Oh, let me guess.
My own?
Yeah, your own.
And if you don't start
taking care of yourself...
you're never gonna be
the cop you used to be.
[Door opening]
[Door closing]
Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish!
All right.
Bish, Bish. Bish,
just check it out.
Check it out, man.
Puerto Rican guy
and a black guy in a car.
Who's driving?
The cops.
You're killing me, man.
You're killing me.
That was.... That was....
We had something.
Did you feel that?
This jail shit
ain't for Smiley.
This is definitely
out of Smiley's essence.
Who the fuck
lm Smiley. is Smiley?
Me, l'm Smiley.
Look, l'm facing
a lot of jail time here.
l didn't do shit
to be up in this bitch.
They looking for my sister
and they picked me up.
l ain't never
committed a crime
in my motherfucking life!
Right, right.
What, you still waiting
for that tow truck?
lt's not gonna come.
IRIS: Oh, shit.
lt's almost time, people.
[Beck scatting]
Bish, how you get
in the life, man?
For me it was.... l wanted
this bicycle. l was always
praying for it, right?
And God,
in all his wisdom, decided
not to give it to me...
so l stole it
and then l asked him
to forgive me after that...
but that was the beginning,
man. l could never stop
after that shit.
That was....
lt was over for me.
[Clearing throat]
All right.
[Clearing throat]
Okay. Okay. 20...
Listen to them
trying to demoralize us.
...6, 5, 4...
TV ANNOUNCER: Happy New Year!
You gonna do it?
l'm doing it.
[Men singing]
Look at him.
All jacked up and shit,
sweating out his fucking ass.
Looking like fucking
Mike Tyson in a spelling bee.
What, you two slandering me?
You slandering me?
l'll give you
some free advice. Don't.
Yo, why don't you leave her
alone, you fucking junkie?
Leave her the fuck alone.
Who's talking to you, man?
Yeah, but l'm talking to you.
So, what's the problem?
What was that?
You heard me.
Who the fuck are you pushing,
man? l'll smack
the smack out of you!
All right, man.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
[People chattering]
...motherfucker up.
That's it, you freaking
little bitch-ass punk!
SMILEY: l'll fuck you up!
Hey, you fucking animals!
What the hell?
SMILEY: Who the hell
you pushing on?
What the fuck?
Get off. Oh, shit!
What's that?
ROSEN: Won't you
fucking monkeys keep it down
for Christ's sake.
Hey, stop yelling,
you fucking animals!
lt's only New Year's....
Who the fuck are you?
GUARD: What's going on
down there?
Hey, Rosy!
l'm all right.
Are you all right?
Stay with him. Stay with him.
Get us out of here!
Get us out of here, man!
lris, get in here!
Get in here!
What the fuck is going on?
Son of a bitch!
Just keep breathing!
What the hell is going on?
Oh, man!
Come on.
JASPER: Come on. Come on.
Hang on. God damn it!
ROSEN: Look at that.
Rosy, yeah, that's right.
Talk to me, God damn it!
Talk to me!
Keep breathing,
God damn it! Rosy!
JAKE: lris!
How is he? ls he all right?
"ls he all right?"
He's dead for Christ's sake!
That's how all right he is!
God damn it! Fucking Bishop!
lt was his guys.
They're trying
to bust him out of here!
You son of a bitch!
BECK: Come on,
get us out of here!
Get us out of here, man.
Come on.
All right, relax!
All right, relax!
The threat is over!
Look, get us out of here!
Calm down! The threat is over.
You fucking kidding me,
Oh, l know. l know.
Take it easy, come on.
How's he doing, lris?
l'm sorry about your partner.
We just moved him
to an office.
Oh, shit.
He needs a doctor fast.
Why wasn't there an alarm
on your back door?
That alarm
hasn't worked in months.
They're still out there.
Some kind of a truck
out there in the forest.
lt's not moving.
Are you kidding me?
They must have assumed
we'd call for backup.
l'm having
a little problem here.
The phones aren't working.
Sure, they cut the wires.
IRIS: The storm
could've taken the phones out.
Bullshit. Those are
Bishop's guys out there.
They cut the wires.
Just try the radios!
Forget it.
Frequencies are blocked.
The frequencies are blocked?
That's not easy to do.
Well, they must've got
professional help then...
because all the frequencies
are blocked.
They probably screwed up
your cell phones, too.
l'm not getting a signal.
Neither am l.
What the hell is this?
l told you! They're
Bishop's guys out there!
They're gonna break him out
of here one way or another.
Maybe somebody heard
the gunshots and will come
check it out.
Nothing out there
but factories.
No, no.
l don't buy any of that.
They, whoever they are,
are gone.
And if they did hear
the gunshots, they're gonna
think they're fireworks.
They don't give a shit about
me and l'm going. Thank you!
[Gun firing]
ALEX: Oh, my God.
What the hell
is happening here?
This is a fucking police
precinct for God's sake!
Jesus Christ!
Sarge, if you're all right,
you better take
a look at this.
They're surrounding the place.
lt's a goddamn siege.
l am not supposed to be here.
Not supposed to be here.
l'm not supposed to be here.
Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease
fire! lt wasn't gunshots.
Bishop. l told you. Those
are Bishop's troops out there.
They're taking him out of here
tonight, no matter what!
This doesn't make any sense.
This is a police precinct!
Shut the fuck up, Doc.
You said that already.
All right, look.
Everybody just listen up.
Maybe they're trying to give
us a way out of this.
Let's just give them what
they want. Let them have
Bishop and it's all over.
Nobody else gets hurt!
Not a bad fucking idea.
No, we can't let that scumbag
gangster, a cop killer...
walk out of our precinct!
lt's not an option!
l'm trying
to defuse this situation.
You got a wounded cop
over there!
l already said no!
What in God's name are we
supposed to do then, Sergeant?
They're getting ready
to storm the fort here.
l don't think so, all right?
l think they're just
trying to scare us
into giving up Bishop.
They're doing a damn good job.
You see this blackout,
this is the kind of shit that
deflates human smugness...
about the government's
so-called miraculous
technologies, doesn't it?
Shove it up their lying,
corporate fucking asses.
This ain't no blackout,
junkie. Something suspect
is going on.
l wanna know
what the funk it is.
l know it hurts,
but we just got to get you
away from these windows.
All right. All right.
Hell of an attack scenario.
They've blinded us.
They can see 2020.
Jasper, you got
those flashlights?
l don't know
where the fuck they are!
Everything's been packed.
Get down! Get down!
Jasper, get the blinds!
All right. All right.
Yeah, we're
perfectly safe now.
These are just
scare tactics, all right?
They don't know how much
firepower we have
or don't have.
They're not gonna come in
here again. lt's too risky.
What about us
getting out there, Sergeant?
l need help real bad.
l need it.
Let's barricade up
these doors and windows...
and l'll figure out
how to get some help in here.
What are you doing
this for, Jake?
Nobody gives a shit anymore
about anything.
We can end this right now.
l can't let a murderer
walk out of here.
Can't do that.
l'll get us out of this,
Jasper, l will. l promise.
You got almost no chance
out there, buddy.
That cop in there dies
if l don't try.
You keep the place locked down
until l get some help.
All right.
l'd better cover from the
front windows. l can see
the truck better from there.
Keep your head down.
Oh, shit!
l found this
on our friend out there.
Fuck it. Fact or fiction?
You pulled a guy's spine
out once, didn't you?
You a surgeon?
l heard that bullet you took
in your belly is still lodged
in there rattling around.
l bet you it's causing you
a lot of intestinal issues.
Right? Right, man?
Bishop, l need to talk to you.
So, l just killed a man.
His name was Danny Barbero.
A cop. A cop who works
for Ray Portnow.
The man you killed.
So, tell me why cops
are risking their lives
to get to you, Bishop?
Why should l answer
that question?
Because l'm thinking
about sending you out
to the wolves...
and saving my own ass
if you don't.
l assume you know
who l am, Sergeant.
You're a scumbag gangster.
And one of my scumbag partners
in crime is your fellow
officer, Marcus Duvall.
Marcus Duvall
and his entire team.
We used to split things 50-50.
Marcus got greedy.
He wanted more.
So, you killed
Ray Portnow?
After he tried
to kill me.
They're here
to execute me because
if l make it to court...
every single one of them
goes to jail
for the rest of their days.
How many cops
are involved in this?
l can't say exactly, but
the blood money runs through
your entire department.
l bet they're all here now
and they can't allow me
to leave this precinct alive.
They can't allow any of us
to leave here alive.
Now that we all know
it's them out there.
Poor guy, he never had
a chance. Anyone know
if he had any family?
ALEX: Someone's coming!
Shit, someone's coming!
Someone's coming.
All right. Jasper.
Hit squad, Sergeant.
They're here
for all of us.
All of us. You especially.
Fuck you, dealer.
This is all your fault.
Those are your brethren
out there, old man, not mine.
Don't compare me
with your scumbag friends
out there.
lf it was up to me,
l'd kick your ass
out the door.
l'd like to see
you come try it.
Yeah, sure. You'd love
to kill another cop today,
wouldn't you?
Only you.
They'll be coming on
strong now.
Why? Why? Why are cops
coming to kill us?
They need to kill him...
before he fingers them
in court.
They need to kill us, too,
now that we know it's them.
Oh, my God.
So, here's
what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take positions
all around the precinct...
and we're gonna hold them off
until dawn.
lris, Alex, you know
how to use a firearm?
No. No.
Why don't you give me
one of them guns, Sergeant?
l'll help you fend off
the black hats.
Oh, shit.
Men are here.
What a fucking mess this is.
l know.
l'm looking at this
as a matter
of simple mathematics.
lf we walk and those
eight people survive...
then 33 lives are destroyed.
The lives of my men
and their families.
People l'm responsible for.
People l....
People l love.
l don't see
any other way, Marcus.
The blood trail
leads right back to us.
We have no choice.
We go through this...
we are gonna
have to live with this
for the rest of our lives.
But you know something, Mike?
l could live with that...
more than l could live
with a cellmate.
Once we step outside...
those people are no longer
civilians or cops.
We got to put them all down.
Without pause, without regard.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The complex problems
force me to concentrate...
any feelings of fear
l have at a given moment.
l hide behind its structure.
You're gonna be
all right, Doc.
No. You don't know that.
You don't know that.
You're so calm.
Thank you so much. Thanks.
You don't have
to do this.
Yes, l do. l do.
lf l'm gonna die,
at least
l should die gracefully.
How are you
keeping it together?
l just think about living.
l want to live
as opposed to
l don't want to die.
That, and l keep telling
myself, everybody's
gonna make it this time.
We both know
what could happen
here, Sergeant.
Safety off.
All right. Wake up.
Wake up. Wake up.
BECK: All right, already.
Come on. Get up.
Come on.
here's the deal.
Those men that came in here,
they're still outside.
And l have no idea
how many there are...
or what
they're prepared to do.
Don't sweat it, man.
There's nothing you can do.
You can't stop
Bishop's people.
Go ahead, Sergeant. Tell them.
They're not Bishop's people.
They are police officers.
Po-po popping each other?
That's the fuckingest
shit l ever seen.
This shit
ain't Smiley's fight, man.
Let Smiley go, man.
Let me go.
Shit, l totally
figured it out.
Assassination politics, right?
By your government-sanctioned
thugs abusing their authority
again, man?
Who's gonna save us
from your corrupt brethren,
Sarge? You?
l'm gonna do my best
to protect you.
All right? All of you.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
l feel real safe, man.
Oh, shit.
What the fuck is going on now?
Get down!
What happened
to the fucking window?
Cover the front.
All right.
l'll be right back!
BECK: The window,
Sergeant! The window!
SMILEY: Look out!
Look out! Shoot him.
Shoot him again, man!
Shoot him again.
Shoot him!
He's not dead!
Man down. Denied entry.
You gotta get us out of here,
man. Smiley feels
very fucking unsafe.
lt's scary.
l'm scared to death.
You can't leave us here
like fucking live bait,
man. Come on.
Think about it.
We're hostages.
Please, don't leave us here.
l know.
They could come
for us. Come on, man.
Come on.
You can't do that.
Think about it.
SMILEY: Can't leave us here,
man. Please. Come on, man.
BECK: You can't leave us
here as fucking animals
to fucking die. Come on.
Smiley's scared shitless, man.
Please. We're nothing. We're
sitting ducks here. Please.
BECK: Come on.
Don't leave us
like this, man.
All right, choose a weapon.
Anything you see.
Tell me again why
we should help your little,
skinny, white ass?
'Cause if you don't,
you'll die.
No resistance.
Advancing to the front door.
We're going in.
JAKE: Spread out
across the precinct.
Stop anything
that approaches.
We might make it
through this night.
Christ Almighty.
What are you doing?
You can't trust
these people.
What the hell are you doing?
You're supposed
to be covering the front.
God damn it!
Come on.
All right.
Just hold the front.
And don't move this time!
three hundred thirty...
five hundred and eight.
[Door slamming open]
You fucker!
l can't believe you
make me your defendant,
you son of a bitch!
Make me set bail.
[Alex screaming]
You all right?
l feel better. l'm better.
Shit, l got mine, baby.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Come on, you motherfuckers.
Come on. Run.
Come on.
Come on. Yeah.
There you go, secretary.
Jesus Christ.
All right.
They're pulling back!
You all right?
He saved me.
She's fine.
Yo, there is nobody out there
in the front. Them
motherfuckers running scared.
All right.
l drove them back, baby.
l drove them back.
We're gonna have a red-raw
revolution on our hands, man.
All right. Good job.
Good job. Good job.
Maybe they'll leave
for fucking good now.
They're not going anywhere.
Put that goddamn weapon down.
Old man, you do not wanna
point that weapon at me.
That is not
a bright thing to do.
Put that goddamn weapon
down slowly, then back
away from it, all of you.
Jake, get their weapons.
Take their weapons.
Ain't this a bitch.
We saved your asses.
Now you wanna turn on us?
Yeah, well, thank you
for that, sweet cheeks.
Now, put your weapon down.
The problem is outside,
not inside.
Put the gun down, Jasper.
No. You know what the problem
is? That we criminals
got rights, baby.
That's right. We got
rights to be protected...
against assault
under any circumstances.
That's right.
And if you can't provide that,
well, fuck you, we will.
You're a fucking psycho.
Jesus Christ, Jake.
What? Are you gonna
trust these freaks?
The first chance they get to
blow our brains out, they'll
try to make a break for it.
They need us
as much as we need them.
We all gotta start
trusting each other,
right now...
if we're gonna make it
through this night.
Put the gun down, Jasper.
Put the goddamn gun down.
Shit. l fucking knew it.
All right.
All right.
Now, let's
all introduce ourselves
to each other.
lt's New Year's Eve.
Let's turn over
a new leaf.
All right. Well,
let's not all fucking
speak at once.
The name's Smiley.
And l'm a Libra, and....
l'll handle these jokers...
you handle your people,
maybe we get out of here
He armed his prisoners.
lt's a smart play.
Must be at least eight guns
in there now.
Just a couple hours till
the sun's up. lf we can't
breach, what do we do?
Get the AV-5 here.
Are you sure about that?
Yep. l'm not
taking any more chances.
lt's gonna take a while
in this weather.
What the fuck do we do
if it doesn't arrive in time?
We'll have to think
of some other way
of ending this.
You either flirting with me
or clocking my game
'cause you don't trust me.
l don't like your beady little
eyes all over my goodies,
so turn the fuck away.
You're manipulative,
weak knees, and that
sexy copper complexion.
You're definitely
an Aries, baby.
You're pretty good.
Smiley thanks you.
You and me
got something in common,
you know that?
'Cause you coming down
off some shit, ain't you?
Don't be ashamed, man.
Don't be ashamed.
What's your poison?
Seconal to bring me down.
Adderall to bring me back up.
You gotta get up
to get down.
Oh, yeah, baby.
Oh, yeah.
All right. That's enough.
l mean, come on.
Let's pay attention.
l want a cigarette so bad.
Stupid New Year's resolutions.
Hey, gangster,
you make any resolutions?
What do you think, secretary?
Oh, my God. l can't
stop thinking about sex.
l mean, l usually
think about sex a lot,
but this is crazy.
Well, sex and death
are very closely related.
The Greeks called it
Eros and Thanatos,
love and death.
Or sex as a way
of nullifying
thoughts of dying.
What's your deal, gangster,
huh? You actually
been shot five times?
You really
pull a man's spine out?
lt was an Adam's apple.
You ever get
into a tussle, secretary...
you grab a man by his throat.
Dig it? And then you squeeze.
l guarantee you he will drop.
He will not get up
for quite some time.
Oh, God. lt's really quiet
out there now.
That's what worries me.
We're not gonna make it
till morning.
Marcus Duvall
will not allow it.
We've got eight people
covering six entry points.
lf we work together,
all right,
we will make it.
Look at it this way.
That's me out there.
You think
l'd let you survive
until the morning?
We don't have
a lot of options here.
Well, we got to figure
'Cause l'm not gonna
stay here all night,
waiting to get killed.
lf you use the situation
to try and escape,
it's about me and you...
'cause when this is over,
you're going back to jail.
Relax, Sergeant.
This ain't about me
and you. Not yet.
Our shit's
on pause, huh?
Yeah. Our shit's
on pause.
You saved my ass back there.
Everyone in here
is my responsibility.
lt's my job.
That's noble. Unfortunately,
l don't share the sentiment.
l see a cop in jeopardy,
he's on his own...
unless it benefits me
to jump in for the save.
Listen. l don't
try to be anything l'm not.
That ain't gonna change.
l don't care what day it is.
You remember that, Sergeant.
Hey. Someone's coming.
Oh, God. lt's Capra, Sarge!
BISHOP: You know this guy?
JAKE: He's a cop.
He works here.
They'll execute him.
Yeah. Drive. Drive!
IRIS: Oh, my God.
He's gonna make it.
BISHOP: He still has
to get by the sniper.
JAKE: Come on, Capra!
He's still moving.
They didn't get him yet.
What.... Where are you going?
Come on. Come on.
Come on!
Come on, Capra!
Come on!
What the fuck is going on?
Who's fucking shooting
at us, Sarge?
Who the fuck
are all these people?
What are you
doing here, Capra?
What are you doing here?
lt's New Year's Eve.
l knew you'd be here alone.
l came to have a drink
with lris.
Oh, God. You picked
the wrong night to make
your move, baby, believe me.
You know,
that's really sweet.
That's really sweet, but,
unfortunately, l don't believe
a fucking word of it.
Put that goddamn weapon down,
you psycho. He works here.
l don't care that
he fucking works here, man.
He could be a plant.
No, Jasper. Put the gun down,
all right? Let's not
start that again, all right?
He comes here in the guise
of courting that lady.
lt's a fucking ingenious plan.
They get one of their boys
in here...
and then take us out
one by one by one.
Come on. Tell them.
They shot at him.
Oh, yeah.
All right? They shot at him.
Oh, but they conveniently
fucking missed, didn't they?
The act is a fucking charade.
Come on. Tell them.
He's fucking right, Anna.
lsn't it
a fucking charade?
Do l have a gun?
Do l have a fucking gun?
l can't hurt you.
That's not fucking
good enough, rat-bitch.
Come on. Just lock him up,
man, so he doesn't
do any damage. Come on.
Come on, Roenick.
Listen to me, man.
We're not locking
this man up.
Not in my precinct, all right?
l vouch for him.
Okay, but l'm fucking sorry...
but your authority
has been super-fucking-seded.
You understand?
You're not in charge anymore.
Right, Bish? Bish, tell them.
He could be one of them, man,
and so fucking easily.
You don't think
we see right through you?
Can't fucking
believe that shit.
Comes in here
playing that game,
playing stupid.
You don't think we know?
Right, man? Let's do the math.
Come on. Let's put him away,
man, just play it safe,
you know?
Put it down.
No, no, no. Come on.
Come on, man. Come on.
Just do the math. Come on.
Motherfucker comes in
like that, playing--
[Beck wheezing]
Come here. Sergeant Roenick
is in charge. Understand?
Let's go.
Only because l respect you.
But l still say this shit
is fucking illogical bullshit,
all right?
He may not
be who he says he is.
Just mull that shit over.
Think it over.
Think it over, man.
lris, look after Capra.
Fill him in
on what's going on.
All right, Capra?
Just be cool, so no one else
here gets spooked.
Everybody else,
back to your positions.
Thank you.
Don't. That was
The more men we have,
the better chance we stand.
Are you sure
you vouch for this man?
l do.
Come with me.
You know, l hate to admit it,
but Smiley agrees with
what you said back there.
Smiley want a fucking medal?
Hear me out, man.
Look, we're out of our
shackles for what? The last
time in the next 15, 20 years?
All right, man.
Get to the point.
What do you want?
Listen to me, man.
Look out that window.
That's freedom, baby.
Get what l'm saying?
Look, maybe this New Year's
can bring something different
for us after all.
Beck like Smiley now.
Eight months ago
he loses his team
when a deal goes sour.
Problem with drugs
and alcohol
since the incident.
A burned-out cop.
Only a matter of time
before he drops his guard.
Watch the truck.
They'll eye it as a way out.
What's the word on the AV?
Storm's starting to let up,
so it shouldn't be long now.
Someone gets inside,
takes off, goes for help.
That's too obvious.
We'd need a distraction.
We also need the keys.
Your cop said
he dropped them in the snow.
ANNA: l could
hot-wire a car.
l thought
you never committed a crime
in your life?
l haven't.
Oh, yeah.
Just picked up some shit
along the way.
Hold on.
How do we know she's not just
gonna drive out of here
and leave us all here to die?
Who the fuck are you,
Miss Fucking Little Skirt?
Shake that skinny ass
in somebody else's face.
Okay, Anna. No offense,
but l'll feel better
if somebody goes with you.
Maybe l should go.
l promise l'll make her
get some help. Scout's honor.
lt's either me or Jasper.
Can't be.
We need your guns.
lt's gotta be--
Hey, l'll go. l'll do it.
What? lt's the only thing
that makes sense, right?
Whatever the fuck ever.
Let's just do this. Come on.
Me and the doc.
Fine. Okay.
lt's the right move,
Sergeant. l know that.
All right.
l'm the doctor, right?
Right. You can
handle that?
You can?
l don't know.
l don't know.
But l have
to try, okay?
No. No.
Please. l have to go.
l have to do it.
Those two skels
are bugging out, just like
l told you they would.
They torched the bus
for a diversion, l guess.
Come on!
Jesus. They're gonna
get themselves killed.
They're dead already.
We can use this.
Very smart.
They knew we'd expect them
to make for the car.
Freedom, baby. We did it.
Yeah. l told you.
Happy New Year.
Now, how are we gonna
get the fuck out of here?
Visual on two men. No shot.
Moving to a better vantage.
You sure you wanna do this?
All right.
They're fucking shooting!
Where'd they hit you, man?
On my shoulder.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's haul ass now.
Okay. Okay!
You go.
All right. Come on.
Come on, baby. Come on.
This was not the plan, man.
This was your idea.
Come on.
We're so fucking close.
Come on.
l think l can still make it.
Come on, man. You can do it.
On target.
Come on, man.
What am l gonna do?
What am l gonna do, man?
Don't make me
go at this alone.
Target two locked.
No shot. Have position,
but no shot.
What the fuck's up with
that multiplication table
shit, bitch?
Fuck you!
lt's freaking me out.
You couldn't hot-wire my ass!
You're a liar!
l will bite
your little white head
right the fuck off!
What is taking so long?
l'm gonna make it
for you, man!
l'm gonna do this for you!
Damn, motherfucker!
What did l tell y'all?
What'd l tell you?
You and your
sergeant boyfriend,
y'all ain't believe me.
Sergeant boy. That's
your boyfriend, right?
They made it. They're clear!
We made it! We made it!
The skels are dead.
We don't have
a goddamn chance, do we?
Sarge. Sarge!
God fucking damn it,
the five of us
can't hold them back.
They're gonna take out
each and every one of us.
What are we supposed
to do, Sarge?
What are we supposed to do?
What the fuck
are we supposed to do?
l don't know.
What do you wanna do, Marcus?
[Alex grunting]
How many inside?
A hundred.
Answer the question.
You're a brave woman.
What do you want to do
with the body, Marcus?
Bishop's men were responsible
for all this, remember?
Let's get this thing done.
Time's up, Sergeant.
Last stand.
Your gun would be appreciated.
Why did l let her go?
l know a lot
about dying, Sergeant.
There are two ways
you can handle it.
With the self-pity
or without it.
Fuck you.
Get out of my office.
l see you've made
your decision.
Sun's almost up.
Whatever Duvall's gonna do,
he's gonna do now.
We need to get ready,
or we'll be trapped.
Who the fuck asked you?
You know, l've had
all the shit l'm gonna
take from you, old man.
Hey, fuck you, dealer.
Fuck with me.
l should've
fucked with you--
Bishop's right.
Jasper, you just
watch the front here.
lris, the cell block.
Capra, you're on.
Take the back stairs.
Bishop and l'll roam,
covering all
the other entrances.
What were you doing
by the back door?
What were you doing?
What the fuck
are you talking about?
l saw you. What did you
tell them? Why didn't you
let them inside?
What's the plan?
What's going on?
You were wrong.
He's working for Duvall.
He removed the handcuffs
from the back door.
What's the plan? Answer me!
l'm a fucking police officer.
l don't have to
fucking answer you.
What's the plan, officer?
So it's about you and me now,
huh, Sergeant?
lt's not about me
and you. Not yet.
What were you doing
by the back door, Capra?
lt wasn't me, Jake.
What's the plan?
l wasn't there.
We let him live once.
He almost got us killed.
We let him live twice,
we deserve to die.
You and l are friends, Jake.
You gonna do this to me?
What is the plan?
There is no fucking plan!
[Helicopter whirring]
Don't make me
fucking kill you.
What the fuck
are you doing to him?
Listen. They're coming!
5 getting into position.
Ten seconds to target.
[Helicopter whirring]
What the fuck
are they doing up there?
What do you think?
Save your ammo.
We don't know where they are.
We need to make
a move outside.
That's what
they want us to do.
Yeah. They'll pick us off,
one by one.
Jake, l found a way out.
Down in the basement.
All right, lris, Capra.
All right. Go.
Bishop, l need you.
Come on.
lt's an old sewer tunnel.
Why didn't you
mention it before?
l didn't think of it.
We've been a little bit busy.
l don't even know
where it goes.
Of course, we can
always stay here.
JAKE: lt doesn't matter.
Good job, Jasper.
Okay. We need to move.
The fire department
will be here soon.
There it is.
All right. lt's all clear.
Everybody up.
Come on, Jasper.
Son of a bitch!
All right. Now...
me and the secretary are
going bye-bye. You don't
follow, she don't get hurt.
You lower your weapons,
gentlemen, we can
end this on a happy note.
My apologies, secretary.
Apology not fucking accepted.
Hold it right there.
Drop your fucking weapons
right now.
Down, motherfucker! Down!
Damn it!
Get down!
How the hell
did they find us?
Oh, my God. lt was Jasper
at the back door. You
set us up, you motherfucker!
You just killed us, Jasper.
No, fuck you, Jake!
God damn it! l told you...
"Just let them
have the son of a bitch.
Nobody else gets hurt."
'Cause l ain't dying
for that piece of shit.
Or for you either, Jake.
l thought you were a cop.
Go in the truck, Jas.
You don't need to see this.
Bishop, you
should've taken that deal.
These men aren't cops,
Sergeant. They're criminals.
They're killers, just like me.
Ain't that right, old man?
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
You're goddamn right,
you son of a bitch!
Not with your weapon.
Give me a clean piece.
God damn it!
Give me a clean piece!
Close your eyes.
Let him finish it.
Shit! Get down.
The truck! The truck!
The truck!
Get them.
You breathing? Good. Okay.
Oh, fuck. Just act
like you're dead, okay?
[Twig snapping]
Fuck you.
You fucking bitch!
Hello, Sergeant.
What the hell
are you still doing here?
Marcus Duvall still lives.
For me, this is unacceptable.
So our shit's back on pause.
ls that it?
We have a problem.
Duvall and his men can see us.
We can't see them.
l'll draw their fire.
Their muzzle flashes'll
give away their position.
Don't miss, Bishop.
Run fast, Sergeant.
Call Roenick.
Who's Roenick?
Hurts like a bitch,
doesn't it?
Call Roenick.
Tell him l'm dead.
You know me, Marcus.
l cannot tell a lie.
Look at you.
When l first approached you
look me in the eye.
One of them nervous,
God-fearing types.
Now you put a bullet in me,
no hesitation.
You're quite the changed man
this New Year's, Marcus.
Now, for the last
fucking time, call him.
He doesn't have to.
Drop your weapon.
What are you
waiting for?
Shut up!
Put the gun down, Duvall.
What are you gonna do?
Shoot me?
Arrest me?
You gonna kill a cop?
There's only one cop here.
Now put the goddamn gun down.
You're caught.
How many more people
are you gonna kill tonight?
As many as it takes.
You make me fucking sick.
[Jake groaning]
[Muttering disagreement]
So it's about that time, huh?
Looks that way, don't it?
Well, thanks.
For what?
You didn't call my name.
That was self-preservation,
Sergeant, and it worked.
l told you.
l'm not gonna change.
You try to follow me,
you'll find out
just how true that is.
You're not gonna get very far.
l'll manage.
you take care
of yourself, Sergeant.
l will find you.
No other cop. Just me.
IRIS: Sarge?
Sarge? Sergeant.
Yeah, lris.
Oh, Christ. Look at you.
lt's okay. l told
these firemen what's up.
They're not leaving us alone.
Not for a second. Okay?
All right. Help me up.
We have some questions
for you, Sergeant.
Yeah, well, l'd like
to get this wound
looked at first.
Anybody else out there?
No, man. There's nobody else.
Just me and them.
Let me get you
on a stretcher.
No. No, man. lt's all right.
l'm walking out of here.
[Ambulance sirens wailing]
So do you think
we have to show up
at the new precinct tomorrow?
Shit. This is
fucking tempting.
No. Don't break
your resolution, huh?
Give me one.
l didn't make that promise.
You know, Sarge, l didn't
even recognize you tonight.
You were like
a whole different bad ass,
motherfucker back there, huh?
You think so?
Well, get used to it.
Happy New Year, Sarge.