Assault on Wall Street (2013)

The truth is, on Wall Street
a lot of people just weren't
very good at their jobs.
It started out 16 months
ago as a mortgage crisis
and it slowly evolved
into a credit crisis.
We ask about the taxpayers
being on the hook,
guess what?
an unusual step for a lame duck
president, but the country...
Trying to be free
market advocate
when it's really an
"anything goes" mentality.
On Friday, Congress
finally passed
and President Bush
signed into law...
Begin to restore
strength and stability
will buy out Wall Street's
bad investments.
A full-blown
financial storm.
In just 6 months, 3 of the 5
biggest independent firms
on Wall Street have
now disappeared.
numbers are staggering
they don't begin to explain
the greed and incompetence
that created this mess.
No regulation, no
supervision, no discipline.
Terrible debt that was
gnified by reckless borrowing
and complex securities.
The idea that you could
lend money to someone
who could not pay it back is not
an inherently attractive idea.
I don't know why this
company's coming to Congress.
However it seemed to fly
with people who were making
$10 million a year.
They think they can take
that money
and do whatever
they wanna do.
They decide to punish
the country.
Neel Kashkari, the man
in charge of the bailout.
We're supposed to be with the
smartest investors in the
and they did it themselves.
I would call it criminal
neglect and incompetence.
They're certainly
not worth it.
Instead of helping consumers
with mortgages and loans.
People at the top of these
firms chose to look away,
to take more risk
to enrich themselves
and it is truly a crime.
What's our risk?
12 billion.
But we have a real
situation here,
our clients are
about to jump ship.
The problem is saving this
company, not the clients.
This company!
We shifted 4 billion
into deposits,
which leaves us with 8.
But that move only buys us
a few more weeks, at best.
I talked to Meryl, they said
they'd ensure the paper
for two weeks but they want
200 million to do it.
Two weeks is nothing, we need
two months at least.
No, it's time for triage.
It's time to dump the
certificates on the market,
all of them.
What about the pension
fund investors?
We're talking over
15 billion.
But if other houses
follow suit,
Our priority is saving this
house and fuck all the others!
Our responsibility begins
and ends with our partners
and our shareholders
and that's it.
Investors gamble, they lose,
that's the risk that
they agreed to take.
why should they complain when
they lose money on the market?
Shit happens, now dump it!
Dump it all
right fucking now!
Even after we dump the stocks
we're still far too exposed
and we've got
no parachute here.
I'm gonna take care of that.
with the secretary of treasury?
Will do.
Understood sir, today.
You heard Stancroft,
the entire company's
in jeopardy.
Yeah, with 51 million
in his pocket...
and you know as well as
I do, this is bullshit.
This is Stancroft and his
fucking pissing contest
with his goddamn pluggers.
but we don't really
have a choice, do we?
All right people, listen up!
All right, I've got some
great news for you guys.
In the next three days
we are gonna increase
your incentives by 3 percent.
But I need you to get on
the horn and get all
your top clients
and really push the real
estate growth superfund.
As well, you will be receiving
a memo
in the next couple minutes
detailing all the products
that we need you guys
to unload.
Whoever sells the most
gets the largest bonus.
All right, let's go people!
Move it!
Get those numbers!
Sell, sell!
Hey girl.
Hey boy.
The good news,
as we can see here,
is that the tumors
are completely gone.
That's the good news.
Not bad news, just simply
less than good news.
which is why we're seeing a
recurrence of your symptoms.
But you got everything,
Yes, we see this
on occasion.
Even though the tumors
are gone,
as it were as though
the tumor were still there.
Hormone injections once a
week, that's the first thing.
It's a tricky balancing act,
we'll have to monitor
your levels
until we find the right mix.
Also, your blood sugar level
has sky rocketed.
Again, as a result of the
gland's reaction to the tumor,
so we'll have to treat
you for diabetes.
But she's going to be
all right?
Oh yes, we just have a bit
more ways to get you there,
that's all.
What about, um... we were...
We were planning on
getting pregnant
before the diagnosis.
At this particular time, it
would be an extremely
high-risk pregnancy, both
for you and the baby.
but once we get you
to acceptable levels
with treatment,
which lowers the risk,
then by all means yes.
There's a new gene therapy
that certain patients
have responded well to,
which could get us
to normalcy faster.
It's a little on the
experimental side,
Sign us up, doc.
I know it's difficult but try
hard to relax and not to worry,
it only adds stress to
your system. Okay?
Thank you.
Thanks doc.
You're welcome.
It seems as if your coverage
cap limit has been reached.
Coverage cap limit,
what's that?
It's standard among
many insurers,
you really should call them.
But regarding today,
we'll need payment
Oh, okay... well we can
call in later to
reschedule, we'll talk.
No, no, no... fine, we'll
uh... we'll use the card.
I'm sure it's some
kind of mistake.
If I can get my wallet
out of my pocket...
there you go.
Are you sure you wanna use
the card?
Am I sure?
Not really.
Just call them.
So, should we keep
next Tuesday then?
Yeah, why don't you just
call in and we can...
Okay. Thank you!
Thank you!
Coverage cap?
This is the first time it's
ever been mentioned to me.
Now listen, I'm on the
phone to you guys
at least a hundred
times this year...
someone should've
said something.
Sir, it's clearly
stated in the...
I've been buried in a metric
ton of paperwork from you guys
Now, I can't be expected to
catch every line of fine print
from every letter.
I work 6, 7 days a week.
It's company policy, sir...
I get that it's
company policy
but that's got nothing to do...
I'm sorry, there's
nothing more we can do
for you at this point.
So what you're saying
is go fuck yourself,
have a nice day.
I sincerely doubt you're
at all apologetic.
You're not supposed to be,
Mr. Baxford, I'm very sorry.
Oh, baby...
Jim, it's just... it's useless.
Don't say that.
It is, I mean, I'm just...
I'm stuck here and I can't work
and I'm sick all the time, and
you've been working so hard...
I'm working for us.
Jim, I read the invoice
and hormone treatments,
they cost $300 a shot.
That's on top of all
the other medication
and then the gene therapy,
they could be anywhere from
50,000 to 70,000,
and if the insurance
doesn't cover it...
I'm not, I can't let you spend
our whole life savings.
Stop, stop! Stop.
Listen to me, we need
the treatments,
you need to get well.
Once we get well we
can have our baby
and live the life we
wanna live, okay?
Okay, good night.
Good night.
Hey girl.
Hey boy.
What's it look like
I'm doing?
Hey... we're not supposed
to get pregnant yet.
We can practice.
Jim, I love you so much.
Dude, that sucks!
There's an actual coverage cap
on the insurance,
that means that there's
really literally like,
a limit to how much you
can spend on Rosie
per month for her medical?
it says if you get too sick
and it's too expensive,
they stop fucking paying.
I was planning on having
by the time I was 60.
I guess if I get sick I'd
be better off swallowing
my own gun.
Rosie's worried out
of her fucking mind.
So what are you gonna do?
I got some money tucked away,
army disability,
stuff like that.
I'll call my broker.
I hear the market's
shit right now man,
what are you invested in?
Structured notes,
whatever's safest.
Fuck, I hope so bro.
I'll call in the lunch.
I'm not making enough.
What up you lazy bastards?
What'd you do,
just roll out of bed?
It's Jim Baxford.
No, no... second shift.
Lunch for you,
breakfast for us.
Just sit down and shut up,
we already ordered for you.
Tom gets the cheeseburger,
Jim... chili.
Cold chili, and he's always
surprised, you know?
But he always finishes.
Give me a couple of
days, call the office.
Oh uh, what's going on with
my funds?
Uh... Jim, look I
really gotta...
I'm in a... I'll talk to
you in a couple days...
That's what he meant, that's
what he was thinking about.
Fucking hell.
Hey man.
Fucking asshole.
My broker, phone
keeps dropping out.
Everybody's cheesed
about their broker these days.
Frank and me just learned
that we have lost 20 percent
of our pension.
Gone, like watery piss
in the wind.
I don't know, bad investments
on the part of idiots like us.
to some of those
administration meetings.
Those meetings are bullshit!
Our administrators only
do what's good for them,
no matter how many people go
to those goddamn meetings,
they should call it
collective ball scratching.
You know what me and Freddy
do with our day?
We bust homeless people for
sleeping in the park, or uh...
we bust some stupid
shmuck for jaywalking,
but the real fucking criminals,
they're downtown
on Wall Street,
wearing suits that cost more
than any of us make in a year.
And those mother fuckers steal
more money than any asshole
on Riker's Island
ever dreamed of stealing,
and if they get caught,
which they won't get caught,
but if they did they'd
get an ankle bracelet
and put under house arrest.
In their mansions where
the hookers come to you.
Yeah and they spend
the night.
Well the expensive
kind of hookers
that you want to
spend the night,
Wall Street hookers.
Wall Street... pow, pow!
Fuck those guys you know
what I mean, fuck them.
Yeah, you guys are doing a
real good job of cheering
my buddy up over here.
Oh, we're just talking shit,
I'm sure you'll be all right.
Hey fellas, the usual?
I didn't order fries,
that's his.
All around.
Beef for you.
Where's my chili?
It's coming!
My fucking chili.
Make sure it's warm.
It's freezing cold.
I don't know why we come here,
the food sucks.
But the site's good.
At least it's warm.
That's true.
How's Rosie doing, Jim?
She's hanging in there.
It's been a tough year,
you know?
She's a fighter.
Give her our best.
She's a trooper that one,
She's a good girl.
How's your wife?
She's cheating on me.
If you guys need anything else,
just give me a holler.
What happened?
I'm a cop, I got married,
it's inevitable.
It is.
How did you find out?
I read her text messages.
Erotic reading,
let me tell you.
Well what are you gonna do?
whoever he is, or to thank him
from the bottom of my heart
for keeping her occupied
and off my back.
It's a real conundrum here.
Now, can we just talk
about something else, huh?
Talk about his girlfriend.
Who, yours?
I heard on the news and
they were talking about
who you'd wanna have
sex with, right?
A., your wife or B., before
he could even answer,
she could... blah!
I fucked it up.
Husband and wife are
laying in bed...
the wife says to the husband,
"listen, when I die
would you get another
woman in my bed?"
He says, "uh... yeah."
She says "uh, well
will you marry her?",
he says "well, maybe".
She says, "will you let
her use my golf clubs?",
he says "no!
She's left handed".
You guys wonder why
you're divorced,
Hey, you know you
did it right Jim,
you didn't marry a cop's wife.
You married a girl
you actually love.
Yeah, I hear that.
She's a keeper that Rosie,
for sure.
Cheers to you guys.
Jim and Rosie.
Simon Johnson, could you
highlight for our viewers
the plutocratic capturing of
American politics?
Well there are several
examples... Robert Rubin,
co-chairman of Goldman Sachs
serves as treasury secretary
under Clinton, and when he
leaves he becomes chairman
Jon Corzine, governor of New
Jersey, head of NF Global...
John Snow, secretary of
treasury under Bush,
leaves to become chairman of
Cerberus Capital Management,
a very large private equity
firm that also has Dan Quayle
Allan Greenspan, head
of the Federal Reserve
leaves to become
a consultant...
Hey girl.
Hey boy.
How you feeling?
A little better.
Mostly responsible for
deregulating financial
and then proceeds to make
millions of dollars
in hedge funds that invest in
those very same derivatives
that he deregulated.
Henry Paulson, CEO
of Goldman Sachs
leaves Goldman Sachs to join
the Bush government
as secretary of treasury
with a 50 million dollar...
I have a treatment
tomorrow, can you make it?
And about the payment,
Babe, we gotta use
the cards
until we can get
this thing fixed.
Jim, they just raised the
interest rate on the cards
and I've already put some
bills on there, so...
Babe, it's all right.
Well it's just you've been
working so hard lately, and...
I know, I know... what
choice do we have?
I'm doing this for us.
You coming to bed?
In a minute.
All right.
Chris Dodd, chairman of
the banking committee in
the Senate,
collected 13 million
in campaign funds.
Ahh... ahh!
Ouch... All right,
see you next week.
Let's get outta here.
What the hell's going on?
but your note's been
d-listed from the exchange.
D-listed, what does
that mean?
There's an investigation
going on right now.
Into what?
An investigation into
some investment portfolios.
It looks like a significant
portion of your fund
was diverted into paper that
is, well... a little suspect.
Meaning, you don't know...
No, no I don't.
No one knows right now.
You're my broker,
it's what you do.
How could you put my money
into anything suspicious?
I only invest in clean
deals but it seems the firm
itself is behind all this.
Look, I can't really tell
you anything else.
This thing is a legal snowball.
Look, we'll just have to wait
until the investigation
is through but it...
I mean it seems that your
investment was good
and as it should be but then
everything lost its value.
The question is did
the firm have knowledge
that your original investment
was bad?
You just said you only deal
in clean deals.
I do.
I do but I'm the player
here, okay?
Not the whole game.
You're not the only one hurting
because of this.
the investments of a lot
of unfortunate people...
Unfortunate people?
You told me, you promised me
I'd make 8 to 10 percent of
my investment, guaranteed.
Yeah, and that is what
my firm told me.
Look, I... I searched it
out, I did my research,
my office manager told me to
put my clients into this.
What else did you put
the money in to?
Notes backed by
commercial real estate.
I mean look, these looked
like great buildings...
I checked the specs,
I did the research,
they looked like they'd
be at full capacity, okay?
Did you, did you inspect
these buildings?
Did you inspect these
The people that do all
the research told me
that this was the real deal.
So what do we do now?
We'll get some information
regarding the investigation
and... look, I'm telling you
it's gonna take a while though,
before this whole
thing is clear.
You're telling me I've lost
all my money.
No, not necessarily.
There's gonna be some
large lawsuits.
I just want my money back.
Jim, that's not how
investment works.
I mean, you gotta pay
to play.
This is not a fucking
game to me,
this is my fucking life
savings to me, you fuck.
Look, I understand.
Hey, I feel your pain,
I do.
I lost a lot of money too.
But that's how investment
works, man.
I'm sorry.
It gives and it takes away.
Yeah, how are we doing
with these sales?
We're at 20 percent.
I totally agree but the
price is falling.
Oh, Jesus.
The price is falling
to where, nothing?
but our clients are starting
to question our credibility.
Well that's good, some
things never change.
All right, you keep
me posted.
Sorry I'm late, I had to cover
for one of the guys at work.
Everything okay?
Yeah, it's fine.
You know you can tell me,
you know.
I know.
The bank called.
They did?
What'd they say?
I don't know, the machine
picked it up.
The message said they
needed you to call
or get down there
as soon as possible.
Our mortgage, our interest
rate, something like that.
I mean, I was gonna call...
I'll take care of the bank.
I'll call them tomorrow.
And there's this.
It's from my broker.
Jim... what's going on?
Baby, nothing's going on.
Please, you gotta
stop worrying.
Let me take care of the
small stuff, all right?
You need to get well.
Okay, I'm gonna go draw
a bath, play some music,
light some candles.
Light some candles?
Yeah, you should join me.
All right.
Jim, I don't know
what to tell you.
You're the one who said put my
money in bullshit real estate.
It says right here that I am now
liable for another 60 grand.
Are you out of your fucking
Jim, I told you, no one saw
this coming.
I'm gonna sue you.
Okay just calm down, we'll get
to the bottom of this.
I need you to cover me
for a couple days.
No worries, man.
More problems?
Yeah, something's come up.
No she's fine, I've gotta
take care of a few things.
Okay, take care buddy.
All right.
So you invested and you lost,
now they want more money
to cover expenses and losses.
I'll file a lawsuit, simple.
So I won't have to pay
the 60 grand?
I'll make sure you don't have
to pay the 60,000
or any of the interest they're
laying on top of that,
but... your original
you'll have to talk to
the ADA about that.
I think... your ma would
join that case.
Better fucking bet your life
I will.
Now then, I work on
a retainer basis
so I'll need 10 thousand
dollars in advance
to file a civil complaint.
10 grand, I ain't got
10 grand.
No problem, lots of lawyers
work for cheap.
Look Jim, I'm not dealing
with your investment.
It looks like there
has been a crime,
and the DA's office is
dealing with that.
Now if this is true, I'd
be happy to assist you
if you decide to
sue for damages.
But we have to start by
filing this complaint
for injunctive relief to protect
you from the 60,000 demand
and the interest it's going
to accumulate.
I'm sorry Jim, but I'm
looking at over 40 hours
of work on your case.
Come back when you've
got the 10 grand,
that's my minimum.
You can borrow the money
or get a credit card
but that's the best I can do.
Somewhat ironically
I'm like investing.
With attorneys, you
usually get what you pay for.
I'll see what I can do.
Call me!
Or not...
You all right?
Yeah, hanging in there.
Hey, is that back door supposed
to be open?
How you been man?
Hey, what's up man?
Any hold up today?
Same old shit, different day.
they expect you to
pay 60 grand now?
It's happening all over, I lost
18,000 in a mutual fund,
college money for my son.
Yeah, my folks lost
their nest egg.
I'm fucked.
Why, you don't have $60,000?
What do you fucking think?
You got family you
could borrow from?
Not an option.
but I could scratch
up a few bucks.
Yeah, we could take up a
collection with the guys.
Guys, guys...
I'm just gonna
refuse to pay it.
We gotta get to the job.
Lunch is on me, all right?
Allow me.
Thanks guys, I
appreciate it.
Look, hang in there.
It can only get better.
It's for you, sweetie.
Jim... I got uh... 10 grand
I can loan you.
Please Jim, listen to me
Sean, forget about it.
Look, I don't have a girlfriend,
I don't have a family,
I don't have anything...
Please, let me help you out,
it would mean a lot to me.
I might take you up on that,
pay this lawyer.
Just hang in there.
It's called an adjustable rate
for a reason,
when the housing
market changes...
so do the interest rates,
that's how that works.
Listen, uh... my premiums have
doubled in the blink of an eye,
I'm not gonna be able to
keep up at this rate.
Yeah, you got a favourable
deal when you signed.
The terms of which was that
a specified point in time
the interest rate would
reflect the market.
Can we refinance?
Well your net worth has
taken a significant hit
over the last few
days and your wife,
she hasn't worked for
a year or so, right?
Yeah, she got sick.
But in light of all of that,
refinancing wouldn't be prudent
for our bank at this time.
So you're shafting me?
No, no... it's not me,
it's the guidelines
handed down from above.
If it were up to me, I would
help you out.
Uh, you could always try to
sell your house.
I can't sell my house
is this market.
I'm sorry, I don't know
what else to tell you.
You could declare bankruptcy,
a lot of people do that.
Fuck you.
That's a fair response,
I suppose.
You at the bank?
Well what was it about?
Like I said, don't worry
about it.
All right?
Ahh... I knew you'd have no
problems coming up with this.
I got it from a friend.
It will and then I'll see if
I can find other investors
who got burned on this
and put together a
collective lawsuit.
Collective ball scratching.
What's that?
It's just a joke.
Not funny, I guess.
Don't underestimate the
power of a large group
when it comes to
asking for damages.
I hope so.
So what do I do about this
letter demanding 60 grand?
I'll contact the other party,
I will let them know
I am your attorney
and that you will
not be paying.
You know, there may be
another way out of this.
You take the fall on
this but it could end
all this drama for
you instantly.
Would you be willing to write
off your initial investment
and walk away if these guys
let you out of the 60,000?
It's something you
should consider.
It could be years before
the real estate market
bounces back.
If for some reason I can get
the court to grant
injunctive relief to
stop these guys,
years of interest on
this claim against you.
This motion, it's gonna
work right?
Most likely, but nothing
in law is for certain.
I'm just offering
this as an option
but if they're willing to let
you play ball and back off,
then you can put it
all behind you.
It'd be nice, huh?
Okay, don't think
about it for too long,
the time to act is now.
You just paid me, I can either
file the complaint as planned
or I can try and negotiate
directly with them
but I need to do one
or the other.
I need a day.
Half a day would be better.
All right, I uh...
I got a meeting
with the assistant
district attorney today.
Oh yeah, good.
I'll put that in the letter.
Let me know what happens.
I'm sure I double checked
the schedule when you called
doesn't have time in his
schedule for you today.
I'm sorry, I can leave him
a message if you'd like.
Well um, maybe you can answer
a few questions for me.
I'm afraid that I wouldn't
be any help with anything.
I'm not even a legal secretary,
I'm just an assistant.
Just the assistant,
that's your excuse?
Do you have any idea
what's going on here?
Have you heard of my name
at all?
No, I'm sorry sir.
No, I don't.
You haven't.
Myra, coffee please.
I need to speak to you.
Mr. Marwood!
Mr. Marwood is very busy.
Please, I'm gonna have
to ask you to leave.
I need to speak to him.
Don't make me have
to call security.
I am security,
you fucking bitch.
Get your fucking hands
off me.
So... how did it go today?
The bastard didn't have time
for me.
You had an appointment, man.
You gonna be okay?
You have reached the voicemail
of Patterson Law Group,
please leave a message
after the tone.
These bastards, they never
answer their fucking phones.
Hey uh... about the money,
don't even worry
about paying me back.
It ain't no thing but
a chicken wing, man.
I appreciate that.
I've done everything,
I went to the DA,
I went to the lawyer...
fucking banks.
The system's rigged
Come on, you know that shit.
Yeah it is.
Let's go get some alcohol,
make the pain go away.
Perhaps the best example
of how this all works
is in the AIG bailout.
When AIG went bankrupt...
Listen lady, I've left him
a ton of messages, a ton.
He's the guy in charge
of prosecuting
the brokerage houses,
Yes, that's one of
many cases.
Well I need to speak to him
urgently, like right now.
100 cents on the dollar was paid
to the Goldman Sachs debtors.
When a firm goes bankrupt
you don't expect
to get a hundred percent
of those dollars
because it's a bankrupt firm,
it can't pay its debts.
Thank you.
You can expect to get maybe 50
cents on the dollar, but no...
the American taxpayer
pays Goldman Sachs
100 cents on the dollar
and all those...
were also secretary
of the treasury.
The occupy Wall
Street protests,
a few thousand people,
I do not understand
why the American people are
not up in arms about this.
These are criminal acts,
this is blatant fraud
and conflict of interest.
There's no government
charges have been laid,
one's even looking into it!
And yet all the information
is there in the open to see.
These are criminals walking
in our midst.
And now the banks want
the same piece of faith
that we have in our government.
The banks have been
trading with ideas,
they just have derivatives and
swaps that move back and forth.
This has to stop,
this can't go on.
We have to underpin our
dealings with actual wealth,
not pieces of paper
that are simply ideas
from rich men.
Hey baby.
What are you doing here?
You got treatment this
morning, right?
I know, I cancelled it.
Our cards, they declined
last time and the...
the debt people, they've
been calling the house,
so I called the bank and...
I know what's going on.
We're broke, aren't we?
We had all of our money
in that fund and it's...
it's gone, isn't it?
Jim, it's okay.
I understand, you... you
were just protecting me.
It'll be okay.
I'm gonna get the money back,
I'm gonna fix this.
Oh God, this has been
so hard on you.
You're getting gray hair and
wrinkles all because of me.
It's gonna be all right,
you're gonna be all right.
No, I'm not.
But it's okay.
I just, I really... I wanted us
to have a baby.
You know I know that he
would look just like you
and I couldn't wish
for anything more.
Baby, don't say that.
We're gonna sell the house...
It'll be okay, it's...
I'm calling my lawyer.
Uh, Jim Baxford
for Mr. Patterson.
One moment please.
I uh, I got a letter here saying
they're gonna foreclose on us
and uh, the bank's
cutting us off
all because of this
bullshit real estate.
You offered to waive
my investment
if I knocked off the 60 grand.
but you didn't give me
an answer in time.
If I could've gotten
to them earlier...
I called you back
the same fucking day.
At the end of a long
Friday after 4 PM,
if I remember correctly.
That means I didn't get back to
them until Monday or Tuesday,
What about this motion
you filed, the relief thing?
The broker you invested
with went bankrupt
their assets were purchasd
by another company,
there's no one to file a
motion against right now
since the broker's in
bankruptcy you need to hire
a bankruptcy attorney to lift a
thing called an automatic stay,
which really is a pain
in the ass.
What about the real estate
company, what about that?
Well they're also under the
protection of bankruptcy court
It's part of the bankruptcy
law that says you can't take
any action against a
company in bankruptcy
without first hiring another
lawyer and getting permission
from the bankruptcy court.
It's complicated!
Why didn't you tell me
this before?
Why'd I fucking hire you?
I haven't heard from
you in 2 weeks
and certainly wasn't privy to
the inner financial workings
The bankruptcy filings were
just as much a surprise to me.
So let me give you
my best advice...
pay the 60 grand,
I'll file the same injunctive
relief motion we talked about
to try and prevent you
from having to pay
and I won't ask your for any
more money from you for me.
How's that sound?
I don't have 60 grand.
Jim, I'll get this one.
Call me later...
This is all my fault.
No, I got sick and I put
us in debt.
It's not your fault, it's
the banks, the CEO's,
Jim, I just... I hate what
this is doing to you.
I'm sorry.
I gotta go to work.
Jim... Jim...
Andy, you wanted to see me?
Yeah, come on in.
Close the door please.
Jim... we've been contacted
by a couple of lawyers
and collection agencies in
the last couple of days...
it seems that you have
a lot of debts...
It's not what you think.
They've got a judgment
against you,
a lien to garnish your
wages on a monthly basis.
How much?
You keep 800 per month.
Right, um... let me speak
to my lawyer
before you give these
guys anything.
Jim, I'm sorry but we're gonna
have to let you go.
We cannot have employees that
are having financial troubles
protecting our money.
You get what I mean?
We're a bonded firm,
we'll lose our insurance,
we'll lose our clients...
we just can't have
you working here,
not under these conditions.
Think of how it looks,
and it's not good.
What about my insurance?
You can do COBRA
on the insurance.
That's 600 a month, how
can I keep her alive on that?
The check is your
official severance,
but we owe you back pay,
you put in a lot of hours and
you've been a loyal employee,
so instead of a check I had
them issue it in cash.
It's a bit of a bump, 9,000.
Cash is better, I figure
banks and collections
will never know,
just between us.
I appreciate that.
And I'm gonna need your weapon
and employee ID too.
Jim... hey man, listen...
I'm sorry, I didn't know!
I can't answer the phone
right now,
just leave a message.
Have a good day.
Hey Jim what's up,
it's Sean.
Look, I didn't know it was
gonna happen, all right?
I'm really sorry.
I love you bro,
please give me a call.
Rosie... Baby...
Oh my God, baby...
Oh my God, oh no... Rosie?
Rosie, Rosie...
God visits us with
many mysteries in life,
unexpected death is
the most challenging.
when God leaves us speechless
in the face of death,
he reminds us all we have
is forgiveness.
We must set our anger aside
and look to those
whom we have lost,
to found a better life.
For who is God,
except the lord,
and who is a rock
besides our God?
The god who girdles
me with strength
and made my way safe.
He made my feet like
the feet of a deer
and set me secure
on the heights.
He trains my hands for war
so that my arms can
bend a bow of bronze,
you have given me the
shield of your salvation
and your right hand
has supported me.
Your help has made me great,
you gave me a wide place
for my steps under me
and my feet did not slip.
I pursued my enemies
and overtook them,
and did not turn back
until they were consumed.
I struck them down so that
they were not able to rise,
they fell under my feet
for you girdled me with
strength for the battle.
You made my assailants
sink under me,
you made my enemies
turn their backs to me
and those who hated me,
I destroyed.
Hey, you've got
Jim and Rosie.
We're not home right now
but leave a message
and we'll call you right back.
Hey Jim, it's Sean.
Uh, you're not answering
your cell,
are you all right?
I don't really know
what to say but uh,
I'm just thinking of you bro.
I hope you're okay,
I love you.
Please call.
Hey, you've got Jim and Rosie.
We're not home right now
but leave a message
and we'll call you right back.
Hey Jim, it's Fred
and Frank.
Listen bud, we'd love to get
together for lunch sometime.
We'll come over some
night, watch the game,
do some serious drinking.
We miss you, pal.
Well done, well done!
Thank you to my
lovely secretary
who's been working so hard.
I think after last week...
Mr. Marwood is
extremely busy!
It's lovely!
Well maybe it's time
for some of us
to stumble home.
Have a good weekend guys,
you deserve it!
John, what?
Come on John, it's too late
for that stuff.
No, I really don't wanna
talk about this right now,
can you just please call me
tomorrow morning?
All right, all right thank
Mr. Marwood, I'm Jim Baxford.
I left you a bunch of messages,
20 to be exact.
I, uh... I'm off the clock
you know, if you wanna talk...
I lost my life savings.
My house, my job, my wife...
Look Jim, it is not my fault
your wife left you, all right?
She didn't leave me,
she's dead.
Oh for fuck... come on man.
I'm telling you...
Just get off of me!
in the stability of the
American economy cuts across
the entire political spectrum.
For decades, America
has been enjoying
unprecedented economic
growth but unfortunately
that growth was fueled
by a mountain of debt
and now those bills are
starting to come due.
As the economic
collapse intensifies,
opinions vary on how to
stop the downward spiral.
Call this crisis by
any other name,
it's still the same
old game...
the rich still get richer
and the poor get poorer.
Thank you everyone
and good night,
from New York News 7.
Wow, Dan!
This is amazing!
How did you do that?
You know it was really easy
with the new mortgage
incentive rate...
So it looks great, we
got rid of everything.
That's great, fantastic.
And you think that's going
to be enough?
Absolutely, the bank
will look great
but our clients... not so much.
Okay, it's the only
play we had...
we took the shot and
it's looking good.
Am I right?
Yeah, you were right
all along.
Okay, well you know...
that's what I like
to hear, you know?
They can destroy companies
and even countries
with financial
rating downgrades.
They can effectively...
...The latest Wall Street firm
to receive federal money
The question them becomes...
Like many other
financial institutions,
Leman Brothers got caught
in this financial storm.
The real estate superfund,
which was one of the
hottest products...
7.7 trillion in undisclosed
funds from the Federal Reserve
for struggling financial
We will be watching
very carefully...
there are those that believe
the government does
have a role to play...
I want to be very clear,
I take full responsibility
for the decisions that I made
and for the actions
that I took.
JP Morgan Chase won
and will assume $31 billion
in won losses.
The loans came with virtually
no strings attached.
However, eventually the
bottom dropped out sharply
and suddenly, leaving
investors little...
The government stepped in
nd helped one of its own...
Continue to squander
millions of dollars...
to use these events to
negotiate more favourable...
We're not home right now
but leave a message
and we'll call you right back.
Mr. Baxford, it's Walt
from the bank calling...
uh, we've sent you letters and
left you numerous messages
about your mortgage default.
As per our conversation
the other day,
the bank has no choice
at this time
but to foreclose on your home.
If you've got any questions,
feel free to contact me.
We're not home right now
but leave a message
and we'll call you right back.
I'm not answering
the phone no more,
so stop fucking calling,
I don't wanna talk to you.
Mr. Baxford.
James Baxford.
Are you James Baxford?
Notice of eviction
due to foreclosure.
You like doing this,
kicking people out
on the street?
I'm sorry sir, but you're gonna
have to sign this document
and pack up your things.
You will have 48 hours
to vacate the premises.
Sir, if you and your belongings
are not out of here
in 48 hours, the sheriff will be
here to remove you forcibly,
so you should sign this.
Take this piece of paper
and shove it up your ass.
That's fine Mr. Baxford, but
you've been legally served.
And no loud music!
And that's not working,
take the stairs.
Speaking of work,
how's Jim?
I don't know...
I'll give him a call,
see how he's doing.
He's been on my mind lately.
Hey Jim, we've been thinking
about you!
Here I'm gonna put you
on speaker, okay?
Hey man, we miss you
at lunch.
Yeah, you should come
join us.
I need more time guys,
a little more time.
Well you take all
the time you need,
we just want you to know
we're all there for you.
Yeah, don't run away from us,
we're gonna help you
get back on your feet.
I really appreciate it guys,
I'll see you soon.
All right.
All right, man.
These are the 2 pieces
you were asking about,
did you bring the dollars?
Looks good.
So where'd you serve?
Keith Stack referred me.
Stack's a good soldier.
Don't forget your clips.
Hey, I gotta ask you...
Are you in any way,
shape or form
associated with
law enforcement?
I ain't no cop, I'm
just a private citizen
concerned about his personal
safety, all right?
Oh yeah, I got 2 left,
How much?
I'll sell you both for
a hunsky.
For personal protection?
For fun.
Grenades are fun!
You take it easy.
Hey asshole!
the vice president of a
well-known brokerage firm
was gunned down
while walking to his car.
The killing appears to
have been targeted,
our correspondent is on
the scene with an update.
Thank you, this is a
developing story, uh...
there are no suspects
at this time,
however it is believed the
victim may have been targeted
because of his involvement
in the financial sector.
Police are still looking for
clues and a spokesperson
for them released a statement
earlier today saying
they're treating this as...
A majority of American voters
now believe the United States
could experience a total
economic collapse.
Various types of loans
became available to consumer
who happily assumed
an unprecedented debt.
...The latest Wall Street firm
to receive federal money
It's about morality, we
can't let these guys win,
and also we want our money back
from the United
States government.
They gave the banks bailouts,
we want our bailouts.
The law firm Leman Brothers
currently in bankruptcy
billed over 850 million
in legal fees,
in addition for billing in
massage and lobster dinners.
Around 20 lawyers made
over 40 million each
before the people who actually
lost money got anything.
The really amazing thing here
is that the government
awarded them the contract
in the first place,
without making sure
they had the capital
to cover these costs.
The people are angry
and rightly so.
Find out in our full report
right after the break.
...This speculation drove
the value of the fund up...
Charlotte are you reading this?
Let's get some personal
security in this office
for me right now!
Of course.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Hey, look at this!
What up man?
How you doing man?
How you doing?
Good man.
Hey Jim, good to see you.
How you doing, all
Yeah, I'm good.
Pretty good.
Oh come on, you don't have
to do that.
I just fucking did,
I miss you guys.
Yeah, me too.
Lunch hasn't been the same.
So what's been going on?
Not a lot, not a lot..
you know just been hanging.
I ain't been working.
It's tough you know, with
Rosie gone and shit...
it's not good.
You know, it is what it is.
Anyway, so uh...
I'm moving.
Moving? Where to?
I don't know, different city,
different state.
Everywhere I go I keep seeing
It's driving me nuts.
You get it, right?
I get it.
Hell, I understand.
I feel like doing the same
thing sometimes.
No, I don't know why
the hell she won't go.
It's a mystery to me!
She fucking loves you.
Oh yeah, she loves me.
She loves you, she loves
everybody in the neighbourhood,
that's the problem!
She hasn't bailed
on him yet.
She loves me, right.
Well you gotta tell us
where you're going, all right?
with all these fucking
shootings, huh?
Yeah, it's a hell of a thing.
The whole city's on alert,
look at that.
Yeah, the brass is afraid
it's gonna escalate.
Really, they'll get him
soon enough.
They'd better, the brass
is screaming.
Whoever it is really fucking
hates rich bankers,
which only leaves
a million suspects.
You know whoever
catches this guy
is gonna get a big promotion,
my man.
Well in that case,
I'll save you the trouble.
What the fuck are you
talking about?
It's me.
Okay, you had me going for
a minute there, all right?
I'm serious.
You'll give me a heart attack,
what's wrong with you?
All right, who got the
Always with the fingers,
Don't want that, I'm gonna get
an STD from this sandwich.
You ruined it for me,
I'm serious.
I'm afraid to eat this sandwich,
I'm gonna get a herpe.
You should put a condom
on your finger,
that's what you should do.
I think she's been going to
the gym, you notice that?
My wife's ready to pop!
I got him a membership
to our country club,
it was like 90,000 plus.
That is crazy.
You're crazy.
I owe you too much money.
Hey, did you hear Stancroft...
Hey Robert!
It's Jim, Jim Baxford.
Jim Baxford!
Hey, it's good to see you.
from that little financial
disaster of ours.
Not quite, but
I'm getting there.
Well it was a tough time man,
we all took a loss.
I mean, when I told my wife we
couldn't vacation in Barbados,
she tore a strip off me
the size of Long Island.
But things get better,
Right, that's what everyone
keeps telling me.
Trust me, it's true.
Look, um... let me give
you my new business card,
There we go, I've got a couple
of uh, investment ideas
you might be interested in.
I'll take you for lunch
next week, huh?
I gotta run, it was good
to see you.
Hey you too.
Yeah, call me.
Next caller,
go ahead please.
I'm glad those bankers
got shot.
There's no effective laws
in this country anymore,
you get 5 years for
robbing a gas station,
you destroy America...
you get 20 trillion
dollars and you walk away?
Violence is not
the solution, Gus.
Isn't violence the official
solution of our government
in Iraq,
Thanks for your comments,
Next caller, who's on the
Why'd you cut Gus off?
I lost my house and Wall Street
is getting a free ride...
Okay, that's all
the time we have
on today's show for
call ins.
Let's look at today's market,
the US dollar is trading
at 1.31 against...
Robert here.
Robert, it's Jim.
Jim, how you doing?
but I won 50 G in
a poker tournament.
Fucking unbelievable.
Anyway, I need some
advice on what to put it in.
Oh great, well how
about we have a coffee?
The place near my office?
Yeah, same coffee shop.
See you tomorrow, 9 o'clock.
Sounds great.
All right, see you then.
Yeah but you see,
you see uh...
8-5-6, that's gotta jump
up to 9-2-5.
No, no... look at the, look
at the right screen.
No, we gotta sell those shares
right away.
drop off the other side, we
need more points on that side.
Shit... I'm not
the boss here...
You have absolutely no say
in this.
Please, my wife...
she's pregnant.
Maggie, get a hold of
security now!
Hey, what the fuck
is going on?
Get back to your wife and be
thankful, you prick.
Get the fuck outta here!
Hurry, hurry run!
Copy that, 38th floor!
38th floor!
Police are looking into whether
or not today's shooting spree
has anything to do
with the recent murders.
Now from what we know, all
of the victims were involved
in the brokerage scandal
but there was a question
whether or not the fraud
charges could be prosecuted.
We know that the shooter
is still in the building
at the moment.
Get outta here.
Get out!
Whatever it is you want,
this is not the way to get it.
Take a fucking seat,
right there.
Sit the fuck down.
Bet you've never seen your
desk from that angle before.
I don't know who you
think it is I am but...
this isn't gonna
accomplish anything.
Did I tell you to speak?
You wanna know the difference
between a banker
and a gangster?
A gangster always
has a getaway plan.
And by the way... I
know exactly who you are.
You are the guy who fucks
everyday people in the ass
when you're not sitting in your
fucking house in the Hamptons,
or booking tennis lessons
from your penthouse
overlooking Central Park.
How do you know all this?
I've been watching you.
The problem with guys like you
is you can't stop bragging.
you're making sure that every
magazine in the country
knows all about
your triumphs.
Well, you know there are people
that derive inspiration
from success stories.
You know maybe you'd do all
the same things I've done
given the opportunity.
No, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't sell bad
loans to people
with small amounts of money.
You make yourself
real cash based
on fabricated
nonexistent loans.
You cook the books to
get your bonuses,
that's what you fucks do.
But the question is,
why should I let you live?
You're a salesman, right?
Sell me.
Sell you...
You know that there's
not a person on this earth
that's worth over a
hundred million dollars
that came by
that money honestly?
The Vanderbilts, the Carnegies,
the Gettys,
the Morgans, the Hursts,
the Rockafellers...
They just annexed territories
and licenses and businesses
and killed the native
and imported slaves
and sold guns
to both the north and the
south during the Civil War
and they're heroes,
they're American heroes!
Take 5 on 38.
Coming down, proceeding
to locate target.
We teach our children, what...
honesty and hard work
are the keys to success?
My children... my children are
not gonna go off to some war,
they're gonna go to Yale,
they're gonna go to Harvard.
And it's gonna be the dumb,
stupid, white trash kids
and the black ghetto kids
that are gonna fight
America's senseless wars
and they're gonna protect
American security and business,
and it's gonna be my business.
richer and richer and
my bonuses are gonna
get bigger and bigger,
and it's the same old story.
It's the bankers and the owners
and the advisors that get rich!
And it's the little people,
who buy their stock
and always lose in the end.
To people like you!
Some people don't recover,
people like me.
It's a free trade system,
my friend.
That's capitalism.
That's competition in
a capitalist society,
that's how the cream
always rises to the top.
That's how the strong survive
and the weak die off.
Like her?
That's my wife
you're looking at,
she's dead because of you.
Come on... I don't give a fuck,
I have never seen you before
in my life.
But you do know about the real
estate growth superfund,
That's where you put
your money.
For the commissions,
for the commissions.
That's how it works.
You like competition?
I love competition.
You wanna play a little
free market competition,
just you and me?
You and me?
I can't wait.
One weapon, two guys.
Winner lives...
On the count of 3...
1... 2...
Well, lookie here!
I came out on top.
That's what you
don't understand,
What's important is that I won,
doesn't matter how I won,
and you're dead.
I cheated too.
Get him outta here!
Target located and eliminated.
I'm still alive and free
and I promise I
will keep killing.
They should all know
that I am out there,
a soldier of the people...
and if the government,
the prosecutors and the
judges fail on their duty,
I will not fail on mine.