Assignment to Kill (1968)

Are you all right?
May I help you?
Mr. Eversley, please.
Do you have an appointment?
Who should I say is calling?
His 11:00 appointment.
There's a gentlemen here who...
Yes, of course.
I'll show you to Mr. Eversley's office.
Thank you.
This way, please.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
May I take your hat and coat?
Thank you.
I'm Carlton Eversley.
How do you do?
This is the executive
vice president of our company,
Mr. Peter Bohlen.
Please sit down, Mr. Cutting.
I think it's fairly obvious.
That Mr. Bohlen disapproves.
Of your presence here.
I don't disapprove. I resent it.
I resent your calling him,
And I'm against any connection.
This man may have with our company.
I told you
I'd make it a condition
of his employment.
That he in no way infers
he's even retained by us.
Trust him?
Not completely.
All right, then. Why...
Because our men... your men.
Haven't turned up one
shred of evidence in a year.
Because there's nothing to turn up.
I don't believe it.
And I don't think you
really believe it either, Peter.
Have you ever heard of Curt Valayan?
I've heard the name.
He lives in Switzerland.
He deals in oil, tankers, munitions.
You name it.
ships were lost at sea.
Of which we are one,
Paid out a total of $15 million.
We all paid because we couldn't find.
A reason for not paying.
But none of us liked the situation.
The case was closed.
What's changed?
Just one thing.
We all felt that the
key... if there was a key...
Was a man by the name of Walter Green.
He worked for Valayan.
Last December, he was
flying up to see him,
And his plane was lost in a storm.
In the mountains. This morning,
Some skiers found the wreckage.
They'll start digging
it out tomorrow morning.
Now, when they find Green,
They may find other things...
Papers, records, I don't know.
You could be there tomorrow morning.
There's a plane for
Zurich at 9:00 tonight.
I'll read this and let you know.
Our investigators don't carry guns.
Do you carry a gun?
May I see it?
Why not?
I wouldn't be carrying it.
You would.
If you do decide to take this job,
Look out for one man in that setup:
Matt Wilson.
Have any of your own investigators.
Had any unusual experience on this?
One man did,
But it had nothing to do with the case.
I see.
How'd he die?
It was an automobile accident.
Police said it was his own fault.
Why should he have
asked a question like that?
I never said he
wasn't a good investigator.
I just don't like the way he works.
How are they doing?
They found the pilot and the copilot,
But there is a passenger, too.
What are the chances of finding him?
If he is there, they find him.
Thank you.
Well, then keep looking.
Of course we'll keep looking,
But I don't believe we'll find him.
Because we've covered the area.
In which the body should be.
Have you seen the wreck, Mr. Wilson?
The way the plane crashed, a passenger,
If he was in the back of the plane,
Might have survived and walked away.
If he did, what village
could he have reached on foot?
There's Riehen and there's Marville.
Marville is farther,
But a man running
away from a plane crash.
In a storm wouldn't know that.
But then what happened to him?
What happened if he's alive?
Maybe he's got amnesia.
I'd like to examine the
wreckage if you don't mind.
Oh, of course. You'll see what I mean.
About the possibility
of a man surviving.
Good morning.
I wonder if you could help me.
I'll try. Sit down.
Thank you.
Were you on duty last December 5?
I'm on duty every day of the year.
Except 3 weeks in August.
December 5.
Does it have to do with a man?
A man who said he had an accident...
An automobile accident.
He might have said that.
What's your question?
What happened to him?
First, he pointed out on the map.
Where the accident happened.
Then he gave me his
name and address in Zurich.
And then he hired Johan...
he owns the taxi here...
To take him to Zurich.
Why do you remember him so well?
There was no automobile accident.
The name was false,
And there was no such address in Zurich.
It's easy to remember.
Do you mind if I go in here for a while?
There are 2 men coming
in I'd rather not see.
Are they looking for you?
They don't know I'm here.
All right,
But close the door.
Maybe I don't want you to
hear what they are going to say.
Fair enough.
Good morning.
I wonder if you might
be able to help me.
I am interested in something
that happened last December.
Well, I am on duty
here every day of the year.
Except 3 weeks in August.
Did you see or hear
anything about an injured man.
In the area around December 5?
A man who might have been.
In an automobile accident?
I remember a man who
came in about that time.
In an automobile accident.
He didn't seem to be hurt.
I got him a taxi, and he left.
Does the taxi driver live here in town?
Mm-hmm. Just down the street.
There's a sign.
It says "taxi."
Thank you very much.
Excuse me.
Why are you interested in this man, too?
You sound as though somebody else.
Has been interested in him.
That's right.
There was a plane crash.
A passenger we assumed
was killed might not have been.
Oh, the crash on the glacier.
Of course. I should have
thought of that before.
Well, that explains everything.
Almost everything.
Thank you.
Thank you.
They didn't ask about you,
So I didn't say anything.
Do you know anything
else that I didn't ask you?
Johan dropped that fellow off.
At the railway station in Zurich.
It's a dead end,
But they have to wait
Because Johan just took some tourists.
Down the valley.
Thanks for the head start.
Tell me, how are you
going to find the man.
In a big city like Zurich?
I'll start with last
year's telephone directory.
That's so simple.
But if it was the same fellow,
Why didn't he say who he was?
Why didn't he talk about the air crash?
Why did he lie?
It's not so simple.
Mr. Green, may his soul rest in peace,
Had the front apartment upstairs.
And you say he never had any visitors?
Just the girl.
I see. Just the girl.
Uh-huh. Miss Laurant.
Miss Dominique Laurant.
Of course.
His secretary.
Part-time secretary.
You had her telephone number?
Her telephone number and her address.
It must still be in the little book.
I wonder if I could trouble you.
For her telephone number and address.
No trouble at all.
I have it right here.
Now let me see. Yt should be here.
Ah, here it is.
Ah, see?
Miss Dominique Laurant.
You will probably find
Miss Laurant at the King's Club.
She goes there a great deal.
Thank you very much.
Are you connected with the other man.
Who was asking for her?
You mean a tall fellow?
Sort of needs a haircut.
Yes, yes, that's the one.
When was he here?
Not more than 10 minutes ago.
Yes, I am connected with him.
Thank you very much.
Uh, excuse me, excuse me.
Are you Dominique Laurant?
I'd like to speak with you.
Sit down.
Could we go someplace else?
Does he bother you?
I said does he bother you?
He bothers everybody.
Excuse me.
Hi, Dominique.
Oh, hello, Victor.
Would you like a drink?
Just coffee.
I'll have a cognac, too.
Thank you.
I'm trying to get some information.
About a man you knew, Walter Green.
He's dead.
I know.
What's left?
He may not be dead.
You're good-looking.
I'm what?
Thank you.
Did you ever...
Are you married?
There was nothing.
Between Walter Green and me.
I did some typing for him now and then.
Just expense accounts.
You got my name.
From the landlady in his building,
And the landlady in my building.
Said that you'd probably find me here.
Did you ever hear Green
mention a man named Matt Wilson?
I met him with Walter about a year ago.
Have you seen him since?
Wilson or Green?
Yes, I saw Mr. Wilson
about 3 seconds ago.
Just before he died,
Walter told me that the only thing.
He was afraid of in the whole world.
Was a man named Matt Wilson.
And then he died.
And now, maybe he didn't die.
And here comes Mr. Wilson again.
You move fast. Is that brandy?
Make it another.
What did you find out?
That she met you once.
And that Green was afraid of you.
I know. Everybody who
works for me is afraid of me.
I don't know why.
Who are you?
My name is Matt Wilson.
I'll know who you
are in a couple of hours.
You can save me the trouble.
Take the trouble.
What was Green in your organization?
An investigator like you.
Why do you carry a gun?
It's more effective than a hammer.
Oh, skoal, skoal.
Can you answer the big question?
If Green did walk away from the crash,
Why did he disappear?
Why did he come back
here and go into hiding?
Why do you think he's hiding here?
If he wanted to hide,
Why wouldn't he go to Istanbul?
The only city a man
can hide in is his own.
He knows what clothes to wear,
What friends to contact.
He doesn't speak with a foreign accent.
He doesn't stand out.
Try to do that in Istanbul,
And they'll pick you up in 20 minutes.
I never thought of it that way.
Well, Green would. He worked for me.
I don't know what your angle is,
But I have a job to do,
And until it's finished,
I don't want you stumbling in my way.
Sounds like an order.
I know it goes against your grain,
But it's practical. Do it.
Do I have a choice?
Yes, but don't take it.
Hmm? Skoal.
Now, what are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go back to my hotel.
And wait for Walter Green to call me.
Call you?
I think he'll want to find me.
Before Wilson finds him.
And, um, how would Walter find you?
If he calls and asks,
Tell him I'm at the Hotel Storkin.
And whom should he ask for?
Room 236.
What makes you so sure.
That Walter would
even have heard of you?
I'm counting on him
being just that smart.
Because he worked for Wilson.
You're not only cute, you're clever.
Keep it.
I like your tie.
Do you want a taxi, sir?
No. Do you know a nice small hotel.
Where I can get a room tonight?
Yes. At the Hotel Conti.
Just go to the end of the street.
Turn right past the fountain.
Turn left, and right
in the middle of the block.
You'll find the hotel.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Sorry, sir.
May I have my key, please?
What's your room number?
Uh, 38.
Oh, and wake me at 8:00,
And coffee at 8:15.
Yes, sir, 38 at 8:00,
and coffee at 8:15.
Can I help you?
The man that just came in. I, uh...
The one in 38?
Yes. I want to know his name.
And where he came from.
I'd have to look on
the registration card.
I haven't seen the
gentlemen before, sir.
I don't know his name.
You know, they come and go so quickly,
And I only work at night,
So I don't know everyone.
I don't understand.
Nobody's registered in room 38.
The room is supposed to be empty.
It's only the key to room 38.
Stand up.
Now put your gun in your pants pocket.
Take your hand out.
I don't think you'll shoot.
No, I won't kill you,
But your leg will never be the same.
Now walk over to your car.
And drive over here and get your friend.
You know, I'll get you for this.
No excuses, Mr. Wilson.
I lost him.
I didn't think you'd hold on to him.
Cover the girl. She'll
lead us back to him.
Yes, sir.
Oh, Dominique.
That's all right. I wasn't sleeping.
You were right.
Walter Green did call.
He'd like to see you
at the railroad station,
Track 3, as soon as you can be there.
At the railroad station.
I'll be there in 20 minutes.
Ok. I'll see you there.
Oh, Dominique, wait a minute.
Did you say something?
Yes. They'll have somebody watching you.
Why would they want to...
Oh, I know what you mean.
Because I was seen speaking to you.
They'll have me covered.
Tailed wherever I go.
Don't worry. I'll shake 'em.
You will? How?
I'll go in and out of different places.
At 1:00 in the morning?
I'll go around corners,
things like that.
They won't want me to know.
That they're tailing me,
and that means I'll be...
Suppose they don't care.
If you know they're tailing you?
What did you say?
Suppose they don't care if you know?
That's not the way it's done.
Wait a minute. Let me think.
I don't have a fire escape.
There must be some
boat harbors on the lake.
Well, there's a little dock.
Just 50 steps from
the front of my house.
Fine. Be there in 45 minutes.
I can be there sooner.
I don't want you there sooner.
Yeah, well, if I'm
there, I can help you.
Dominique, I can meet Green alone.
You really don't need to be there.
I'll be there. 45 minutes.
Don't look down.
Why are you wearing those dark glasses?
I don't know.
You told me I was being followed.
I thought if I wore dark...
Yes, all right.
Just turn around.
Now start walking
slowly toward the steps.
When you hear me start the engine,
Run down the steps and jump on board.
Not that boat, this one.
They're both the same.
Take those damn glasses
off and get in here.
Yes? What happened?
Well, the girl did meet
him like you said, Mr. Wilson.
I followed her, and...
I know. He lost you again.
It was a freak. He was on a...
Don't worry about it.
You'll never hold on to
him if he wants to lose you.
Stay on the line.
What calls did Cutting get tonight?
Just one. To set up a meeting.
All right.
How far are you
from the railroad station?
That's where he's going.
If he's going to the railway station,
I can be there ahead of him.
Good. Move.
Yes, sir.
I believe it is important.
That no one take any
particular notice of us.
So if you don't
mind, don't raise your voice.
And don't look surprised
at anything I might tell you.
You understand?
Now... would you like me to talk,
Or would you prefer to ask questions?
Just a few questions first.
Do you know whether the ships that sank.
Were actually sabotaged?
They were sabotaged.
Can you prove it?
Yes. I did it.
Course, I should have realized that...
After I disposed of the ships,
They'd have to dispose of me.
Then the plane you
were on was also sabotaged?
Oh, yes. Mr. Wilson did that personally.
How many men were killed on those ships?
Why'd you contact me?
I don't want to die.
What do you got to offer?
There are 4 insurance companies
involved with these ships.
I expect you're working for one of them,
But just in case you aren't...
Here are the names of the companies.
And the men to contact.
I have documented my activities.
I can show them the sworn affidavits.
When they get here.
Think you can trust me?
I think so. Most people
are basically honest.
That's why Mr. Valayan
can be such a big man.
Almost everyone is basically honest,
And he's not.
What about the police?
You did kill 28 men.
The police? Of what country?
These explosions...
or crimes, if you prefer...
Occurred on the high seas.
These ships were registered
in comic-opera countries.
Legally, they're the only
ones who have jurisdiction.
You see, Mr. Valayan operates
outside the laws of any country.
He's between countries, so to speak.
And the insurance companies
will protect me and reward me.
It's standard, since
they'll get their money back.
My testimony will do that for them.
But it will also hang you.
And Wilson and Valayan.
In what country?
Well, what do you mean, what country?
There were 28 men murdered.
It'll take you a couple of
days to get these men over here.
I'll call you.
You forgot your suitcase.
It's not his. He stole
it off one of the racks.
So he'd look less conspicuous.
Please hurry.
How do you do that trick?
That trick... the standing there.
And swirling your coffee.
And discussing the murder of 28 men?
Aw, he and I are interested
in something else.
The 28 men don't matter.
They don't matter?
That's right.
You probably read
about it in the newspaper.
The time it happened and...
Forgot it because it
didn't interest you then.
It doesn't interest me now.
Well, it's a little different now.
Only because you know
the man who killed them.
Yes, that's right.
And because you've been helping him.
For the last 6 months.
Green didn't call you tonight.
You called him.
I said I expected him to contact me.
Well, not this fast.
Your hotel is just
a few blocks from here.
I live on the other side of town.
I can get home all right.
Well, let me pay for the taxi.
You don't have to do that.
I'd rather.
I would rather that you didn't.
Can you make a better cup of coffee.
Than the one we just had?
Anybody can make a better
cup of coffee than we just had.
I didn't ask anybody.
I'll try. You can
tell me if it's better.
The coffee's ready.
Well, that's what you said you wanted.
Oh, yeah.
Mr. Valayan isn't the only
dishonest man in the world.
Among us liars, he's the richest.
Yeah, but, um...
Can he get a good cup of coffee?
I'm just calling to tell you.
That I loathe and despise you.
And everything that you stand for,
And what time are you
taking me to dinner tonight?
What's your name,
Secret agent, room number 236?
I'll tell you when you pick me up.
You're a dirty son of a... thing.
Cutting? Yes.
Matt Wilson.
What time is it?
We're in the same hotel.
I'm in 428.
Come up. Have breakfast with me.
All right.
What should I order for you?
Uh, just, uh, toast and coffee.
Oh, come in, Cutting, come in.
You can leave us now.
Yes, sir.
Here's your coffee.
And eat the toast before it gets cold.
I hate cold toast.
You're still on New York
time. That's why you're tired.
Is that why I'm tired?
I hate jets.
With the old planes, you had dinner,
Couple of drinks, got into your berth,
Slept 8 hours, arrived
rested and ready to work.
Now it takes me 2-3 days
to adjust after a trip.
Where's the milk?
Hmm? Milk.
Oh, I've used yours.
- Want me to order some?
- No.
- Want to work for me?
- No.
I don't like the way you fire people.
How'd you find out who I am?
How would you have done it?
The only people interested in Green,
Besides you and Valayan,
Are the 4 insurance
companies you swindled.
With the right connections,
It shouldn't take more than a few hours.
To find out which one called me in.
You see? You and I think alike.
No, we don't. I just
know the way you think.
You've got a bad reputation.
Amongst other things,
you've killed 5 men.
In the line of duty and all that, but...
It's scares off the big companies.
Bad for their image to
have a man like you around,
Unless the stakes are big enough.
Then they call you in the back way.
I know about me. Tell me about you.
Was that a raw egg?
Mmm. Have one every morning.
Good for my virility.
Yeah, if you're a chicken.
Cutting, did you ever think about, uh...
How the big fortunes
of the world got started?
I think about it every
day, usually at breakfast.
Those men were rough.
Killers, most of them.
Not with their own
bare hands, of course.
They started their own
wars... railroad wars, oil wars.
They started real wars,
So they could sell to both sides.
They went in murderers,
Came out social figures
with fancy titles.
The only difference
is money, you know that.
Today, it's different.
Today, they call it a patriotic war...
Or an ideological war.
For the protection of
small nations and all that.
But what they are really fighting.
And murdering each other for.
Is the right to a gasoline station.
And a bulletproof limousine.
If there wasn't any money or
oil or minerals in those places,
Nobody would even remember
the name of the countries.
We are trying to, uh, protect.
Oh, you're a philosopher, Wilson,
A real homely philosopher.
Now, Curt Valayan, he's
the new breed, modern.
His ships are registered in countries.
Where you buy cabinet ministers.
For $1,000 apiece.
His oil leases are
in tax-free companies.
Munitions are bought and
sold through free-port cities...
No taxes, no risks, no rules.
You play it cool. I like that.
So do I.
When'd you kill Walter Green?
Why do you think he's dead?
Yesterday, you're telling
me to stay out of your way.
Today, you're not
worried about me anymore.
I wasn't worried about you yesterday.
You could make money working for me.
I'll think about it.
Thanks for the breakfast.
The coffee was cold.
What are you going to do now?
Well, like you said,
you and I think alike.
You tell me what I'm going to do now.
Uh, hello.
Yes. What time is it?
It's 10:00.
In the morning?
That's sweet.
You couldn't wait until
tonight to speak to me.
You're burning with love and passion.
And romance.
Shut up.
You are romantic, I know it.
What's Walter Green's address?
I thought you were
gonna wait for him to call you.
I don't think I've got
time. I think he's dead.
What? How?
I don't know.
Oh, uh, did you see him?
Who told you he's dead?
I don't understand.
I'll explain when I see you.
Do we meet at his place,
or will you pick me up?
Um, I'll pick you up
in 20, uh...25 minutes.
I'll be downstairs.
Would you please tell me your name,
So I can stop calling you "hey"?
Richard Cutting.
How do you do?
Now, why do you think Walter's dead?
My German's not very
good. What does this say?
It's about a man who was
found killed this morning.
At the railroad station.
The police can't tell.
Whether it was suicide or an accident.
Go on.
Uh, the body... the man
had no identification on him,
But the police hope to
establish it very shortly.
Yeah. That's what I thought it said.
You know where the city morgue is?
Ask him.
Well, what makes
you think it was Walter?
How many men do you know who walk around.
Without any identification
on them at all?
Excuse me. My name is Ruff.
Inspector Ruff of the Zurich police.
This is my identification.
How do you do, Inspector Ruff?
May I see your identification?
Of course.
Cutting, Richard Cutting.
You entered Switzerland on the fifth.
That was yesterday. Yes.
You entered Switzerland yesterday?
The fifth.
Thank you.
You're not related?
Uh, no, but I don't
have my passport with me.
Uh, I live in Zurich.
I see, but you're not
Swiss. You are English.
I see. You are interested
in the body of the man.
We found in the railway station.
I'm interested in finding my cousin.
Who disappeared about a month ago.
Disappeared in Switzerland?
The last picture
postcard we got from him.
Was from Switzerland.
I see.
Uh, his name was also Cutting?
John Cutting.
John Cutting. He was not
the man you saw just now?
It wasn't cousin John, no.
Then if it wasn't cousin John,
There is no reason
why you should know him.
Of course, why should you know him?
You don't know who
the man is, miss, uh...
Miss Laurant. That is a French name.
Oh, you know who the man is?
I mean, uh... uh... yes, French.
No, I don't know who the man was.
I see.
Uh, did you know cousin John?
You think he's dead.
I don't know.
You said "did." Past tense.
I'm sorry.
Do you know cousin John?
I never had the pleasure of his company.
Uh, would you like me to, uh...
Look for your cousin, Mr. Cutting?
Uh, if I don't find him myself,
I'll call, if you don't mind.
I don't mind.
Please call on me anytime.
You're very kind.
Not at all.
Perhaps if we work together,
We may be able to find your cousin.
I go back now,
But please, don't hesitate to call me.
Uh, Inspector Ruff.
F-f. 2 fs.
F-f. I'll remember.
Any time at all.
I didn't know you smoked.
I don't. I'm... I'm nervous.
He knows that we're lying.
Of course he does.
What's he gonna do now?
Check the police files,
Make certain that no cousin John.
Ever entered Switzerland,
Give me enough rope,
And hope I'll make a case for him.
What are you gonna do?
Go to Green's apartment.
Do you know how to get there?
You told the cab driver 48.
I don't have a key.
I'll manage.
You don't inhale.
I don't smoke much.
Are you going to pick the lock.
Or jimmy the door?
They must have found
what they were looking for.
There wasn't anything to find.
They just wanted to make sure...
And they made sure.
How about that paper
that Walter spoke of,
The affidavit?
They didn't find anything here.
What makes you say that?
Had to look in too many places.
You mean the affidavit
is still in existence?
If it ever existed.
He probably thought
he had time to write one.
Let's go.
Oh, wait a minute.
Go out this way.
Watch your head.
What are you gonna do?
What do you mean, nothing?
The story's over.
It's like everybody
thought 6 months ago.
Walter Green is dead.
But Walter wasn't dead 6 months ago.
Walter was murdered...
This morning.
I know.
Well, doesn't that make any difference?
To who?
Well, I don't know.
Well, neither do I.
But Walter was murdered.
And you know that Wilson did it,
Or at least, he ordered it done.
And you know Valayan's
behind the whole thing.
Will you stop humoring me?
I didn't say anything.
Well, say something.
What do you want me to say?
I don't know.
Or do?
I don't know.
Neither do I, neither does anybody.
What you're talking
about is for the police.
Inspector Ruff.
Will he do anything?
Well, why not?
Because he can't prove anything.
Like Green said,
Valayan can be a big man.
Because most people are honest
in this world, and he's not.
That's a big edge.
You're not honest.
You make that sound like a compliment.
Would you like a drink?
Yes, I would.
Concierge, please.
Uh, this is Mr. Cutting in room 236.
What flights do they have
going to New York today?
Yes, sir?
What'll you have?
Oh, I haven't had breakfast yet.
Well, have some.
Just coffee, please.
A Bloody Mary.
Yes, sir.
No, that's too soon.
What's the next one?
All right, that's good.
Get me a seat on that flight, will you?
Yes, yes. I have my ticket, thank you.
Why don't you fight Valayan?
Why should I?
Well, somebody paid you to come here.
Maybe they'd pay you to fight Valayan.
Somebody paid me to try
to save them a lot of money,
And if Wilson and Valayan
hang side by side.
For the murder of poor Walter,
Nobody's gonna be 10
cents richer or poorer,
And nobody's gonna care.
It's just a question of money?
It's always a question of money.
And the 28 men?
It's a detail.
I guess if there's enough money in it,
The lives of 28 men
can just be a detail.
Look, if you buy a stolen bicycle,
You're an accessory to a crime,
But if you pay $100 million.
To a degenerate who murdered his brother.
For the oil rights to a country,
That's a smart deal.
And nobody's gonna arrest you for it.
I don't believe you.
Good. You'll live happier that way.
Would you like the tray in here?
Just, uh, put it there, please.
Yes, sir.
Is it a Bloody Mary?
Yes, sir.
- Get me one.
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry you're leaving.
Ah, it'll be nice to be missed.
You could make a lot of money with me.
You two go so well together.
Why don't you take his offer?
Excuse me. He drinks
raw eggs for breakfast.
You pretend to be so ruthless,
But you have a conscience.
Haven't you?
Don't tell anybody to depend on it.
Excuse me.
You're going straight back to New York?
Even have my flight number.
I am beginning to understand.
What you were trying to explain to me.
You tell me if I'm right.
Walter wasn't murdered
because his testimony.
Would have actually
put someone in prison,
But his testimony would
have been very embarrassing.
I mean, it might even have affected.
Mr. Valayan's financial holdings.
Now, that's the important thing.
Shut up.
But Mr. Wilson knows
everything I'm saying.
I'm sure he knows
everything that we've done.
But what you don't know...
I mean, both of you don't know...
Is that Walter's affidavit does exist.
Now, I didn't know that's
what it was when he gave it to me,
But, of course, that's what it must be.
She's lying.
It wouldn't be legal
evidence, though, would it?
I mean, something that
Inspector Ruff could act on.
But it would be just as embarrassing.
As Walter's live testimony.
In fact, now that he's dead,
It'd probably be even more effective.
Little Dominique is shocked
because she's come in contact.
With death and violence,
and now she's pretending...
Little Dominique isn't
pretending anything.
Little Dominique knows perfectly well.
That whoever killed Walter.
Would kill... someone else,
If he had the same reasons.
Isn't that true, Mr. Wilson?
She's bluffing.
Of course I am.
There isn't a chance in a thousand
I'm telling the truth.
One chance in a whole thousand.
I just wonder if Mr.
Wilson can take that chance.
Ahem. Say, may I use your phone?
She's lying.
Sure, she is.
She hasn't got any
papers, because he didn't write any.
I think you're right.
Like she said, there
isn't a chance in a thousand.
Your drink, sir.
Thank you.
I want you to leave her alone.
I know.
What are you going to do?
You know, one of the
reasons I like you, Cutting,
Is that we are the same type of guy.
In our own way, we
think alike, you and I.
You tell me what I'm going to do.
Is this the concierge?
Yes. I'm calling for Mr. Cutting.
In room 236.
He'll not be taking that plane tonight.
Would you cancel that reservation?
That's right.
Thank you.
Do you think I owe it to
you to stay here and protect you.
Because I kissed
you good night last night?
That's sweet. "Kissed
me good night last night."
That's, um, delicate.
I'll be on that plane
tonight, Dominique.
You're a lot like Inspector Ruff.
He knows everything that's happened,
And he can't do anything about it.
And there isn't anything
you can do about it.
There isn't anything you can do anymore,
And there isn't anything
Mr. Wilson has to do.
That's right.
Well, I changed that now.
You picked a beautiful way to do it.
If Mr. Wilson doesn't believe me,
Then nothing will happen.
But if he does...
Then he has to make the next move.
And now...
If I have learned my lessons correctly,
I don't think you've got any choice.
Except to stay and see what happens.
You've been a very good pupil.
What do you get out of this,
Besides the thrill of it all?
All right.
You've shown me...
I was going to say a new world,
But I guess it's not.
I don't like what you've shown me.
I don't...
Like men who think like
Wilson and Green and Valayan...
Little men who make
their own little laws.
Their own big laws.
I don't like the way you think.
I don't like the things.
That you seem to be
right about all the time.
Maybe I can do something about that.
Ahem. Does that sound a
little melodramatic to you?
Did Green ever discuss
Valayan or Wilson with you?
Walter never discussed
his business with me.
He would mention them now and then,
But he never discussed them.
He must've told you.
Why he was hiding for 6 months.
Um, no,
Not hiding.
I knew there were people
he didn't want to see.
He didn't want them to know he was here.
In a way, I guess I
knew that he was hiding,
But I didn't think of it as real hiding,
Like hiding hiding...
For his life, I mean.
Now, Green was too
smart to sit in a hole.
For 6 months without some kind of plan.
How did he live?
Where'd he get money?
Well, he had a bank account.
How'd he draw money?
Walter Green was officially dead.
He couldn't just write a check.
Well, he had an account code number.
They are completely anonymous here.
Not completely. The
bank knows who it belongs to.
Well, I know that, but they never...
Do you know Green's number?
No, but I know Wilson's.
You know.
The secret code number.
To Matt Wilson's private account?
It happened in a funny way.
It was really very funny.
Make me laugh.
Walter bought me a twin sweater set.
For my birthday.
You know, it's 2 sweaters...
I know, I know.
And I'm born on March 10.
I'm a Pisces.
Fine. Now just tell me the number.
Walter wrote down on a card
In Europe, they do it.
The reverse of what we do. We usually...
I know about that. Just please go on.
He wrote down 10 and 3,
And then he started to tease me.
About the year that I was born.
Because he thought
I wouldn't want anyone to know my age,
But I don't care about that.
I really couldn't care less about that.
So I wrote down the year,
And then he began to laugh.
He said it was very funny,
Because he had spent almost 5 months.
Trying to get.
Mr. Wilson's secret bank code number,
And my birthday, written down like that,
Is Mr. Wilson's secret number.
Well, you see how funny it was.
I mean...
Well, all the while that he was looking,
I had the same number.
I mean, it was my birthday.
What's the number?
You'll know how old I am.
If you don't help me,
you may not get any older.
What bank?
It's the same as Walter's...
The Burger-Kantinel.
Investment and Trust bank.
That means incorporated.
In... in England, it's "limited,".
And in France...
Why did he want to
know Wilson's code number?
I don't know.
All right.
Let's go.
Where are we going?
To get you some life insurance.
I don't understand.
You told Wilson you
had Green's affidavit.
That makes you a threat to Wilson.
I know it.
If you have to, you
give up the affidavit,
And then you're no longer a threat,
And you're not in danger.
But I can't give it up. I don't have it.
I was lying. You knew that.
I'll get it.
But you can't just get
an affidavit just like that.
It has to be officially notarized...
Months ago. Witnessed.
I know.
Signed by Walter Green.
And sealed.
I know.
How can you get a
document like that now?
Like I've been telling you... buy it.
- Buy it?
- Buy it.
I would like to have a paper notarized.
What is it you want notarized?
It's just a statement.
That I agreed to represent.
One of the import-export
firms in your country.
I can read.
That'll be 10 francs.
What's the meaning of this?
Those are the right words,
But you shouldn't look around.
It spoils the effect.
What effect?
Righteous, honest indignation.
There is a little yacht club.
Behind the embassy
building on the river.
You know the one I mean?
Yes, I know the place.
I'd like you to meet me there.
To notarize another document.
Can you get away for a few minutes.
During office hours?
Sometimes I can't.
What time do you finish work?
I'll go there now and wait for you.
And don't forget the
red sticker and the seal.
I'll wait for you until
a few minutes past 6:00.
I don't think I'll
be able to bring the seal.
Don't bother to come without it.
I'm not paying you
$500 to hold hands with you.
You're not that pretty.
You're smoking again.
I am?
Yeah. Uh...
Is he going to meet you?
I think he will.
You sound pretty sure of yourself.
You say that as though you resent it.
I resent what you're sure about...
Bribing people,
Committing minor crimes.
Protecting your life.
I'm sorry.
I'm nervous...
And a little frightened.
And hungry.
You haven't eaten all day.
I know.
Want me to get a sandwich for you?
I'd rather save it
for a good dinner tonight.
That's a promise.
Well, I guess I shouldn't be here.
When your partner in crime arrives.
He's a pretty nervous fellow already.
I'll go back to my
place, and I'll change...
Uh, I'd rather you
wait for me at the hotel.
Because I said I was frightened.
Or because you are?
It's safer at the hotel.
If I hadn't talked you out
of taking that plane tonight,
Would you have gone
anyway and left me alone?
I think I could've talked you out of it.
Uh-huh. Now who's sure of herself?
Well, I am on more familiar ground.
I'm glad you reminded me.
I am hungry.
Sit down.
Did you, uh...
Did you, uh, bring the seal?
Have you got the document?
What kind of contract is this?
Don't look at it. It'll
only make you nervous.
Oh, but I am nervous.
You know, what I'm
doing is highly irregular...
Criminal, you know.
I've never done such
a thing before in my life.
No one ever asked you to before?
What happens if this
comes back on me, and...
Sign anybody's name. I don't care.
Whose signature is on the bottom.
You don't care?
Ah, then I can put
the name of my colleague.
Then they won't ask me
anything. They'll ask him.
Then if there's any
trouble, he'll be the one...
Stop enjoying it so
much. I'll cut the price.
But you said $500.
You showed me the
envelope with $500 in it.
A man must have his principles.
All right, all right,
$500. Just sign it.
Oh, Mr. Cutting.
Your key.
Miss Laurant is upstairs?
She was,
But then the telephone operator.
Gave her the message
from you, and she left.
Message from me?
What did I say?
You said to her to go to her apartment,
And you would meet her there.
When did she leave?
Oh, 15, 20 minutes ago.
You did give that message.
To the operator,
didn't you, Mr. Cutting?
Do you have a telephone I could use?
That one, please.
Thank you.
My name is Cutting, room 236.
Give me 27-4949.
Don't speak.
Mr. Cutting?
Good morning. I am the hotel manager.
How do you do?
I received a message
for you from Mr. Wilson.
From Mr. Valayan's chalet.
He said to tell you
he received your message,
And that he'll meet you.
At the top of the cable
cars station at 1:00.
Thank you.
Do you know where that is?
I'll find it.
I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
I hope so, too.
You do move fast.
Didn't you expect me to?
I didn't expect you to come up here.
You should've kept your men on me.
Until I got on the plane to New York.
You're right. It's one mistake I made.
You made more than one.
What do you want, Cutting?
Why did you come up here?
I want to talk to Valayan.
What about?
Him, not you.
Do you ski?
You should try it. It's a great sport.
Do you make the appointment,
Or I do it without you?
I don't think you can do it without me.
You said you made one
mistake with me already.
Are you getting anxious?
Can't quite figure
what you're playing for.
Sit in on the meeting with Valayan.
It'll explain everything.
I'll send a car for you.
The official decision is...
That she slipped in the bathtub,
Which caused her to strike her head,
And that death was instantaneous.
And accidental.
Of course, it would
have been very difficult.
For Walter Green to
have slipped accidentally.
Under the wheels of the train.
But again, of course,
he might possibly have chosen.
This method to commit suicide.
I said possibly.
Anything is possible.
Even in Switzerland,
Where everything is
so orderly and precise,
It is possible that a man might decide.
To take the law into his own hands,
Which would be disorderly and imprecise.
That's you.
On the other hand,
It might make it impossible,
Because of the precision
of the laws in our country,
To act as one might wish to act.
That's me.
So, me...
Uh, I, that is...
Will permit you to
carry on in your own way.
Up to a point.
There's an expression which I heard.
From your country.
Which is not flattering,
but it is amusing.
It goes...
"never trust a cop.
You never know when
he might go straight."
Follow me, please.
Mr. Cutting.
Mr. Valayan.
Good afternoon, Mr. Cutting.
This is my daughter Cynthia.
How do you do?
I'll leave you gentlemen
to your business.
I told Matt he ought
to have asked you to lunch,
But by the time I
knew of our appointment,
It was too late.
Another time, perhaps.
Thank you.
This is your first trip here?
It's quite beautiful, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
I never tire of it...
The change of light in the valleys...
And on the peaks.
Do they make you feel small?
Mmm, no.
They make me feel small sometimes.
I'm not trying to be
bigger than they are.
Oh, I see what you mean.
You mean that I'm competing with them,
And you're not.
Something like that.
Yes, that's quite interesting.
Can I offer you a drink?
No. No, thank you.
Oh, do sit down, please.
Thank you.
Matt told me you were
a very unusual man,
But he didn't seem to know.
What you really wanted
to speak to me about.
It's a very simple request.
I want Matt Wilson.
What do you mean by that?
I want to hang him for murder.
Because he committed murder...
A man who worked for you...
Walter Green.
I see.
Were there any witnesses?
Who saw the whole thing.
And who was that?
That's a lie.
You're right.
What do you want, Mr. Cutting?
Wilson... nothing else.
When did this murder take place?
Early yesterday morning.
Matt was here at that time.
He'd driven up from Zurich.
You don't want to say that.
Don't I?
The strength of your
empire is its secrecy...
No books, no rules,
No records...
Nothing to explain.
For the same reasons,
Very difficult to defend.
How would you defend
a rumor that... let's say...
Your oil leases are being confiscated?
How could you produce a contract,
And to whom would you show it?
A single rumor.
Might reduce your holdings by, say...
It might even crack.
Your whole interlocking
financial empire.
I don't know.
It's an interesting theory, Mr. Cutting.
You know, he's right, Matt.
Do you realize that? Absolutely right.
Up to a point.
If someone had the
time and money to invest,
It would be inconvenient for me.
But that's all, Mr. Cutting...
Just inconvenient.
And I can assure you.
That my interlocking financial empire.
Would remain intact.
It took Walter Green almost 5 months.
To get Matt Wilson's
personal account number.
I've written it down.
And the name of the bank.
It shouldn't take
you more than a few hours.
To learn all about that account.
Don't get up, Matt. I know the way out.
We all make mistakes, Mr. Cutting,
But I never made any big ones.
You couldn't bring yourself
to do those sort of things...
Hang a man on perjured testimony,
Release all those lies.
He could do it.
I could do it.
You can't do it.
This is our first meeting, Mr. Valayan.
I'd say we have one more to go.
How long you planning
to stay, Mr. Cutting?
Not very long, I'm afraid.
Pity. It can be very
nice here this time of year.
I hope to stay longer next time.
Good-bye, Miss Valayan.
Good day, sir.
Come on!
Let's go.
I'm sorry. You've made a mistake.
No, I haven't.
I know.
I don't know you, you don't know me,
But then...
Nobody knows anybody here.
And you're invited.
I... I'll be in later.
Now, you're lying to me.
Well, wait for me anyway.
Aw, listen. Come
on, we're short of men...
Your kind of man.
Uh, give me 5 minutes.
All right, but don't forget.
I'll look forward to it.
Please tell me why
you're so mean to me
so careless and mean
you mean so much to me
oh, please tell me why
don't just sit and sigh
I just got to know
'cause I love you so, baby
what makes you so mean?
So heartless and mean
so mean to me
Yt's just got to be known
your heart's made of stone
no, you don't let it be told
but you know you're so cold
I'm just an old plaything
sadly caught on your string
you're tied to my heart
but you're never caught
why are you so mean?
Please, please, don't be mean
so mean to me
should I tell you a lie?
When you know I'm the
book you wrote, baby.
Pick 'em up.
Don't you realize?
You've got me hypnotized
to your music I dance
I'm your love, your romance
what more can I do
to just be with you?
Where's your love for me
since you started to be
so mean to me?
Why, why, why?
Baby, baby
baby, baby
your magic touch
takes me on a trip
that I dig
a little too much
we're a pitiful pair
beginning to wear
you must get a thrill
stripping me of my will
since you started to be
so thoughtless with me
so mean to me
must we go on this way?
Misery for days
but it would be squared
if you don't care
yes, please tell me why.
Ive just gotta know
'cause I love you so
baby, what makes you so mean?
So cruel and mean
so mean.
This is Curt Valayan
speaking, Mr. Cutting.
Ah, I was expecting your
call. What time is it?
I wish to speak to you.
Good. Have Matt Wilson there.
I'd prefer to speak to you alone.
I'd rather he was there.
Very well. Come to
my chalet immediately.
First, I'm going to take a shower,
I'm going to have breakfast,
And then I'll come to
your chalet immediately.
Doesn't that seem
to make sense, Inspector?
I think that's
probably what happened,
And I would say there
was a party last night.
There's 2 or 3 parties
every night in the hotel.
Yes. The party must
have been in progress,
And this man,
Under the influence of alcohol,
Stepped off the balcony to take a walk.
Then it was an accident?
That is my decision.
It was an accident. Write it down.
Case closed.
I've never waited 2 hours
for any man in my life.
You also said you never misjudged a man.
What was Matt's explanation.
About what you learned?
I've not asked him for an explanation.
I'd prefer it be discussed now.
Between the 3 of us.
I prefer to discuss it privately...
Without him.
You told me you wanted Matt here.
I wanted him here because
I wanted him to know.
That we're talking about him.
Now I don't want him here.
You can't give orders
in my house, Mr. Cutting.
If I'm being rude, Mr. Valayan,
Ask me to leave.
I'm sure Matt could give you
Without my being here,
But any explanation.
Would leave some shadow of doubt.
In a strange way, I'm the only one.
Who can clear the air between you.
Now, if Matt has nothing to fear,
Then, uh...
There's no reason for him to fear.
Leaving us alone.
You're a strange man, Mr. Cutting.
Yesterday, you proposed
an attack upon me...
A lie which you knew wouldn't work.
Today, you demand that
I have Matt Wilson present,
And then you send him away.
You're not a fool...
Neither am I...
But I still don't understand
what it is you really want.
I told you yesterday.
I want Matt Wilson.
Don't be ridiculous.
That report you got on Wilson's account.
Showed an unusual
amount of money going in...
Or going out, or going in and out.
You mean to say you don't know?
It makes no difference.
It's only the strange
activity of the account.
That matters.
That lie we discussed yesterday.
About your oil leases
being confiscated...
The reason you were puzzled.
Was because I wasn't speaking to you.
I was telling Matt that I knew.
It's not a lie.
What are you talking about?
You're going to lose them.
In fact, the deal's already been made.
By whom?
The strange activity
of Matt Wilson's account.
Walter Green was also not a fool.
He was banking his
life on exposing Wilson.
He couldn't move fast enough.
He didn't have your connections.
Is this another lie?
Of course it is...
Like the lie Green's plane was sabotaged.
To keep him quiet about
the ships he'd blown up.
Green was murdered.
Because he was on his way up here.
To report to you about Wilson.
Where did you get these facts?
You've got the same facts.
You've always had them.
You just read them differently.
Green had to run when
he got out of that plane,
And Wilson had to find him and kill him.
I don't believe you.
You're a fool.
You've been running
an empire without laws.
For so long, you've begun to think.
You're king of a mythical empire.
I'm not asking you for anything.
I'm giving you the
only chance you've got.
To save your skin.
Now, you've made Matt Wilson.
A big man in your organization...
A man from whom, you've said yourself,
You had no secrets,
A man you said yesterday
was just like you...
A liar, a cheat, a murderer.
Can you afford that man, Mr. Valayan?
Even if I'm lying to you,
Can you afford Matt Wilson anymore?
How do I know that
you're telling me the truth?
This is Walter Green's affidavit.
Matt told me it didn't exist.
I know.
Did he also tell you
he had a girl killed.
Because he thought she had it?
It's not like Matt.
To bungle a situation twice...
Unless he's desperate.
Where did you get this?
What difference does it make?
It's in Green's own handwriting,
Notarized one week
after the plane crash.
It was to be delivered to you.
In the event of his death.
He's dead.
But I can't do anything.
Matt's the one who does things.
I'll swear that I saw Wilson kill Green.
After he's arrested,
You do nothing... absolutely nothing.
If Wilson's arrested, he'll talk.
Of course he will, but who'll listen?
Who'll take the word of a murderer.
Against Mr. Curt Valayan?
And even if someone does believe him,
What can they really do?
You're outside the law.
Which of us calls the police...
You or I?
Because you've begun to suspect him.
Of this terrible crime...
this cold-blooded murder.
Of your trusted employee Mr. Green.
Then I identify him.
You and I don't even
have to communicate.
We never have to see each other again.
You couldn't afford to
have him arrested, could you?
He knew too much about you.
He was going to kill you.
I know. You saved my life.
But you can't say
Wilson wanted to kill me.
You'll have to explain why...
And that'll hang you.
We remain with our original story.
Tell me.
I had been suspecting for some time.
That Matt Wilson
was sabotaging my ships,
Killing innocent seamen,
Destroying a plane.
That crashed with its pilot and copilot.
In order to murder a man
who could have exposed him.
I could do nothing
until I found an eyewitness.
Who had seen him brutally destroy
Walter Green.
I faced him with it,
threatened to call the police.
He reached for his gun,
And I shot him.
It's beautiful.
Who's the eyewitness?
You, of course.
I was with a girl called Dominique.
When it happened.
You were right.
I couldn't perjure a man's life away,
Not even his.
You tricked me.
You tricked me, didn't you?
Everything you said was a lie.
Green coming to see me,
Wilson plotting against me,
That affidavit.
It was all a lie.
It was all a lie.
I don't know, Mr. Valayan.
I really don't know.