Astenicheskiy sindrom (The Asthenic Syndrome) (1989)

Sindrome Astenica
subs mastered by sobsob
from a transcript by trep
two parts
It is well worth it for everybody
to read Lev Tolstoy.
So they will understand everything
and become goodhearted and intelligent.
I had a terrible obsession
I loved to eat a snack
here and there
I worked at the Postal
office for 15 years
Every time I would
deliver a telegram
I would enter in a canteen or a drugstore
And I would eat some snack
And so on for each delivery!
Or going on my road
I would eat bread and sausage by a fence
Good kitty!
Now let's say goodbye to him!
God, what will we do now?
Why did you leave us?
What will we do?
Why did you went away? God!
Natasha, pull yourself together.
Calm down.
Dear, why did you leave us?
What are you saying?
Me and Semjon Aleksandrovich too...
We will carry this pain for all our life!
What will we do?
You're joking!
Where are you going?
Close it.
Should we close it or not?
She went away! What shall we do?
We can't stay here a month!
We have no time to lose!
Now she'll be back. Wait!
- Don't touch her.
Leave her alone.
Go to hell everyone!
So she began telling me
about the snake
Living inside her.
I can't remember were it was exactly,
Somewhere near the breasts.
It was sucking her life energy.
It's a fixation.
A kind of obsession.
Yes, it's an obsession.
Just ignore it! Just ignore it!
What were you saying?
What are you doing here rather?
-I'm going to a doctor, my bones aches.
Fantastic, Vasilij Pavlovich!
Are you going now?
-Yes, I'm going to this healer.
He lives here, out of town.
I'm going there too.
It was indeed that bone-fixer
that healed her from her snake fixation.
How could he do it, if he only fix the bones?
He's very flexible, very good.
Fantastic, terrific!
Let's go down there,
to the bus stop.
What's all that chatting?
Here is the bus.
Again with these dry flowers!
You can't get in!
-This is the end of journey!
Where are you going?
You can't get off from this door!
Help me.
-Let me help you miss.
Here, get in.
Help me.
-Go on.
Do you want to go to bed with me?
-What! Stop that!
Bastard, worm!
-I'll kill you!
Leave me alone, you bastard!
She jumped on me, she's crazy!
What do you want from me?
-I hate you bastards!
She harassed me without a reason.
-You're alive, I hate you!
Why you scream? You started it!
You're bastard, you sick!
Look at you, you're sick,
go cure yourself.
You're a bitch, look at you!
You ruined my day.
Here she come!
Leave me alone.
I don't need you.
What happens to you?
-I don't need you, do you understand?
What did she say?
Where has she been?
-I don't know.
I know nothing.
Don't behave this way.
You're here too.
What do you want?
They're friends, but who are you?
People hurry, going to work,
it's 8 o'clock.
At a window, second floor...
They hurry, I hurry...
Good morning, doctor.
Natasha, where's Nikolaj Mikhajlovich?
My god!
Hello Natasha.
You have a bad breath
and your hairdo doesn't suit you.
Take an holiday, instead.
I don't need your advices.
I don't think I deserve this attitude.
Why do you speak to me in this tone?
I say what I feel.
What's my fault?
Why you despise me?
You're going to sign or not?
-First I'd like to understand.
What happens to you?
You just buried your husband but...
Don't you dare to talk to me about this!
You're not worth my husband's nail,
you're old, you...
Yes! Yes!
Why you decided to resign?
My business.
All passes, all is forgiven, you're young.
You're alive, my husband's not.
Nothing to understand, sign.
Good bye, Natalja Ivanovna.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
You wreck!
The road is not your own!
I hate you!
All of you!
Please forgive me if you can!
Miss, you...
-Go away.
-You're still here?
I'm really sorry!
May I help you?
Don't touch her, I've already tried!
Has some disgrace
happened to you?
Calm yourself.
-Leave her alone!
Let me go!
Well done!
They should be
taught some good manners!
They don't have any conscience.
I go to the repairs office
and say I'm a veteran.
They say they don't have pipes,
but where else I could get them?
Watch out!
-Look where you're going.
Miss, are you free?
Let's go.
Come on.
Get up.
I'll follow you. -Go in.
Go away!
Out of here!
Go away!
Here's all wet.
Look out, there's a woman.
Don't crush her.
-Don't crush my feet!
OK, we've done through it.
Is there a hoist?
But sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Miss, wait!
You have dirt on your shoulders, let me clean you.
There's a stain too.
Have patience.
Wait, I'm not over.
Just a moment, don't run away,
Now I'll clean it for you.
Now is just a small stain.
Just a little more... here, done,
You can go.
You're welcome.
Just a moment, don't run away,
Now I'll clean it for you.
Now is just a small stain.
Just a little more... here, done,
You can go.
You're welcome.
Hello, comrades!
I want to introduce you to the main
actress of the movie you've just seen,
Olga Serghejevna Antonova.
Please don't go away,
We have the chance
to talk about our impressions
And to ask questions.
It doesn't often happen
to see a movie engaged...
What are you doing?
Are you crazy?
-You have to take off your hat!
by directors like German,
Sokurov and Muratova.
We can talk, ask some questions.
Comrades, please!
Go back to your seats, please.
We have the chance to meet
a maestro of cinema
A person who participated...
Just a moment.
Mom, you promised me an ice-cream.
-We'll see.
Where do we go?
What's the use of movies like this?
I'm already tired, out of exercise
I'd like to have fun, listen to some music
instead of watching such movies.
I didn't want to see these people
carrying the coffin, burying...
What kind of topic!
-Aljosha, you're tired.
I love you so much!
Your smell!
I could die right now.
Your face.
You look like an angel!
Comrades, stop, please.
We can ask questions...
Let it go, I'm leaving.
Don't do that, don't go away.
What a shame!
It was Olga Serghjevna,
probably she'll be back.
I advise you not to miss
such a chance,
The movie we've just seen...
The cinema engaged today...
It's worth to be studied in depth.
Get up!
Get in two rows!
Help me.
Is he drunk?
No, he's just sleeping.
...have to right it down...
"He was middle-aged, or so he believed
The dark spotted by
some street light
Wrapped him in a veil
of musings on himself.
He thought of himself ironically,
with a touch of sadness.
His soul,
closed in the shell of life,
It was weighted down by the
wrinkles of his ancient feelings.
He tried to be good to everyone,
but it was impossible.
He tied new knots
before loosing the old one
the weight became heavier,
but he couldn't let it go.
He wanted something romantic!
A song would do it too.
He wanted "Sever" cigarettes
and curly hairs back in fashion,
That people would say
"I love you" with a slight stutter.
The blow of the wind,
of a laughter,
Of nebulous forebodings of love,
Or rather not,
love was too concrete.
The lowered sights,
the ambiguity of smiles...
Do I lie? No, but I can't
picture with words truth,
which is here, tangible,
like yolk in albumen,
Like yolk in albumen!
Girls, let's curtsy!
Boys, do a quick bow,
Stamp your heels and smile
with grace and rudeness!
Lower your discreet sights and fondle
your dream, the one about jungles,
the sweetest dancers,
mysterious princes...
Tear the murmuring silk
with your fingers,
only slightly brushing
the shivering skin.
Remember it!
And when they'll ask you what are you
thinking about, reply: 'Nothing'."
There's someone here!
-Is one of us.
I had noticed it.
-It was Ljuska, the gardener.
She always sent Mushka away,
I knew she was evil.
When I get there I asked that couple.
And they saw a little black dog
and they gave her a piece of bread.
They also proposed to catch her for us.
I think I saw her.
But she wouldn't come close to me.
We should have reached an agreement
with the driver and pay him.
I remember he talked
about that little town...
Yes, it's true!
We should have looked for her!
-But there's the swamp.
We just needed the right shoes.
What did we know?
-All right, I understood.
We have to pay 5 rubles to the driver,
So he waits while we search.
We should beat Ljuska
black and blue.
Once I even said to her:
"I hope you die!"
She shot the cats
along with her friend!
We should beat the hell out of her.
-We should ambush her.
Good morning Irina Pavlovna.
Nikolaj Aleksejevich,
you're late.
I got sick in the subway,
I couldn't breathe,
too many people.
Too many people?
Do we have to deliver the pupils to your house?
You can punish them, if they don't come.
Don't speak to me with that tone,
I'm not a student of yours.
And you shouldn't speak this way
even to your students.
You shouldn't use this tone.
-I shouldn't.
I've been working in
this school for 30 years,
Do you think you can tell me
what I should do?
Forget it!
You think you can do that because
you're a friend of the principal?
Forget it!
I'm the didactic director,
I'll made a report on your doings here!
Don't you dare to rebuke me,
I have the intention to stay
in this school for 30 years too.
Nikolaj Aleksejevich,
come back!
You shouldn't do this Alekseev.
Pick up that piece of paper.
Your underskirt peeps out.
Oh, it's nothing!
"I smell the
scream of the hay
Harvested in small yellow hills.
Above the hills
and the windows,
Below a weave of frames
and all kind of laces,
Proud stand the cats
on their throne.
Oh, cats with the mustaches and the sideburns
and the tails winded around their bodies!
The hears, looking like a chimney top,
extend themselves,
competing with the whiskers.
Oh, cats with your wonderful coats,
You are my forewarning vision!
I would have liked
to slide in their souls
While they are purring.
How many vision it waves
The gold of the river
ornated with silver sands!
Nobody likes!"
On the other hand the
father of my grandfather is from Riga,
Like his parents.
He graduated a gardening academy.
There were such academies.
He left his parents
and moved to north Ukraine.
Traveling through the lands
of the land-owners,
he became an important person.
If some land-owner
rebuked him about something,
He went to work
in another place.
They really valued him,
I still have the certificates of his merits.
Love, my dear!
Wonderful dog, my kittie!
What I would do without you?
We really had enough of
that bastard, haven't we?
What would I do without you?
We really had enough of
that bastard, haven't we?
Yesterday he came home drunk,
and he was sure he is okay.
Probably he went out philandering!
Life is not like that!
We've really had
enough, my dear.
What would I do without you?
We've really really really
had enough of that bastard.
Don't go too far!
They killed Kolja!
Fish at good prices!
They killed him,
Some bastards assaulted him
while he was taking home Ninka.
We should hang them all!
We have to do something!
Let's go to Misha,
he still doesn't know about it!
They killed Kolja,
do you understand?
Stop it!
-The bastards attacked him!
Let's go.
What can we do about it Serjoga?
It's all useless by now!
Stop it.
They killed Kolja!
They killed him,
do you understand?
Sorry, we're in a hurry.
Tonight I'll come to your place!
Look, they sell chickens.
Good afternoon.
"I want to tell you a secret.
I'm barely make a living,
I don't wait for any good from life.
While was Stalin,
life was wonderful,
He's made lighter
the workmen's burden!"
Is Misha at home?
I'm asking to you if Misha is at home!
First of all good afternoon.
Good afternoon! Good afternoon!
Is Misha at home?
Why are you so pale?
Is Misha at home?
He went to a birthday.
Misha told me Kolja is killed.
How did it happen?
So, does he know?
He told me, but I...
understood nothing of it!
You know Misha is not good
at telling stories.
How did it happen?
I don't agree with you!
Come in and take a look
at the conditions we live in.
Three of us have to use a
bucket for their needs.
It's all broken,
There's no kitchen,
neither with gas or whatever,
There's no water and the ceiling
is falling over our heads.
We asked for help,
but nobody is listening.
We were at the ninth place in the housings list,
then my mother died
and we are not counted as a family
of a victim of war any more.
Now we are at the 493rd place,
do we have to wait so long?
Mother died and still
has to pay for refrigerator,
So we have to shell out
Where's justice?
What have we to do?
You just come to harass us.
You come in, scribble some notes...
but how we are supposed to live?
Desire for universal love
Is innate in man.
Who sent you?
The city council?
What happens?
Human beings always dreamt
about happiness for all...
Where's your justice?
Where do we live?
I know I'm right,
I fought in war,
I've spilt my blood!
What is happening?
You don't wish bad luck
to anybody, do you?
Universal love will never exist,
There always will be someone I don't like
or who doesn't like me.
If someone offends me,
Why shouldn't I hit him?
But on a more general level,
there'll be people...
We should fight against
these very people!
So the universal love?
-We won't fight with your methods.
We won't educate man with fear,
cutting his hands, whipping him.
Human beings have a soul!
We will educate the soul.
But sometime you have
to cut some hands.
You have to educate the soul!
-And sometime cut some hands.
The soul will be educated.
-Sometime the hands will be cut.
We need to educate the soul.
-And cut some hands.
Don't push!
-Everyone's going crazy!
Stop pushing!
-It's enough for everyone!
Off your hands!
Give me the fish.
Give it to me!
Here's your change.
Me too!
Off your hands.
That one.
So, what's up?
Give me a good one.
Go away!
Don't push!
I have enough of you!
How much?
Don't give anything to him!
It wasn't his turn!
Move on!
This fish is dirty!
It's dirty indeed!
-You can wash it at home.
I don't have running water at home.
Don't push!
A trick.
The ball is here, and it isn't...
Where's the ball?
"Our school had a very
successful development."
You know what?
I love dogs.
One day it came to my ears
The dog of a friend of mine
is about to give birth
And I book for a pup.
She says:
"Sure, I'd love to give you a pup."
They were so cute!
One was all black.
So lovely!
I ask her for that,
she says: "He's yours."
In the meantime I brought
him some delicacies,
And also bought
him a feeding bottle.
And when the pup
is big enough,
She says: "You know I've been
offered 30 rubles for that pup?"
When she said that
I really felt bad.
I said: "No, thanks.
I don't have 30 rubles.
And I don't want your
little dog any more!"
High school in
our country is free,
and universal.
The idea that all men are brothers
is foreign to the bourgeois,
But this doesn't mean
he's against friendship.
He may be friendly
toward his neighbor,
If that doesn't compromise
his wellbeing and serenity.
The principal trait of the
bourgeois is indifference
to public interests,
towards his fellows...
Unfortunately this indifference
seeps also into the best hearts.
Even more than indifference,
the individual's habit to stay in the corner.
Often indeed we stay in the corner
Because to help someone
may result in personal harm.
That vile attitude has to be
definitely eradicated.
An individual should be like a sun,
keeping warm those around.
Ivnikov, what are you looking
that's so interesting?
I'm counting the bourgeoises.
-Get up!
Here are your mates too,
you should respect them.
Respect is a feeling,
not a duty.
Get up.
You already are.
Why do you always chew
something at the lesson?
Why don't you tell me
what you think about me?
Masha! I know your book is
more interesting than the lesson,
but the exam
will be on other topic.
Masha knows that this book is more
interesting than the lesson.
The teacher is not pleased
That they will ask about this topic.
But he couldn't run away.
But Masha knows it by heart.
"If, after completing the school,
the pupil will want...
Better to write it down,
It will be easier
To memorize.
"If, after completing the school,
the pupil will want to go on with the studies,
it would be better to try
a real job beforehand.
You have all the time to think
about your future!
if you enroll to university
you'll know life in a deeper way."
Good, but I can't let you out.
If the didactic director finds out,
it will be troubles for us all.
Let me read you something.
What do
I have to do?
I want to know what
you think about it.
Who will give me a hint?
I want your opinion.
"Studying is light, smoke is wreck,
doubts are delirium."
Anyone else? Ivnikov!
He snatched a girl's bag,
but he couldn't run away.
Why do you stay silent?
Why don't you write anything?
Do you think you already know it all?
Why don't you take notes?
-I don't feel like.
Why are you here so?
-None of your business.
Go away, you're interrupting
the lesson. -Leave me alone.
I don't like to mess with it!
What a horror!
The A B C of good manners!
"A, B... C, D, E..."
Do you want to say something, Masha?
-We want to dictate.
"Our school achieved great
success in its development.
High school in our country is free,
mandatory for all.
Those who graduate will be
able to do anything,
Enroll into professional or
technical schools or into university.
Those who graduate will be
able to do anything,
Enroll into professional or
technical schools or in university.
If after completing the school the pupil
will want to go on with the studies,
it would be better to..."
Don't make noise
the next 5 minutes.
You have all the time
to think about your future!
Comrades, you're watching
the TV program "This amazing reality."
Good morning comrades.
We've shown you the documentary
"The mystery of the egg and the chicken",
Which deeply moved our audience.
We've been flooded by letters...
Come here, please!
Come here you all.
Don't be afraid to come closer.
Eat, food is good.
Is very good.
Come and don't push.
What a bad aunt,
She cheats the little ones!
Give it back to me, auntie!
Good Misha.
Take it.
Go, take it.
You're evil!
Beautiful shoe!
You're dirt behind your knee.
It stinks.
Let's go!
-What are you doing?
I'm tired.
You're evil!
Leave him alone.
Stop, he's sick.
-You are!
Stop it!
Bad girls!
I'll kill you!
You filth!
Go away!
Stop it, shut up!
Shut up, you wretch!
Go away!
Let's play.
They went away,
It's all right.
Write, good boy.
You're a kind person.
-You need 100% of presences?
You misunderstood me!
He misunderstood.
"I cannot sit, I cannot stand,
I can but hang myself!"
Nobody understands me,
Can you tell me why?
I don't drink.
-Can you tell me why?
Put it in its place.
Here's my little ones!
Here's to you.
Thanks, daddy.
Lower the volume!
You filthy!
You wretch!
Dirty beast!
Where do you think you're going?
Come here.
You can't hide.
Stop it daddy!
Go away!
How dare you?
You're filth!
I hope you hurt yourself.
So maybe you'll finally fix that.
-Good afternoon, Galina Vladimirovna!
You just woke up?
And where did you sleep?
Good morning!
Good evening.
-As you like it.
Do you want to eat something?
-I don't feel like it.
Meatballs are ready,
you just have to fry them.
No, just a cup of coffee.
Sure, to fry meatballs
is a woman's chore.
Anechka is busier than you.
Why you neglect your man's chores?
Or it is our task to fix
the pavement too?
Why you're trying so hard
to be a typical mother-in-law?
I don't want to,
you make me do it.
I swear, in a week I'll bring
a squad of carpenters,
But please don't
annoy me these days,
I asked for a week off work,
without pay.
What are you saying?
Who will bring home the money?
These holidays of yours will be
on my and Anechka's pockets.
I just want to work
without disturbances.
I have never the time
to do anything.
How much is it
for a week of tranquility?
I'll pay it to you.
Otherwise I won't write a word.
This is not the meatballs.
-Hear this.
"I feel my limits,
I see where my goodness
stops and I become a beast,
Where I shut my eyes
so I won't see...
Where I don't want to understand,
where I shut my eyes not to see.
Money, rage and intolerance have
power on me as on the meanest of men.
They sat on the two
sides of a long table,
Eyes fixed on
the television's glittering.
She munched on nothing,
moving her jaw right to left
not knowing how she's sickening,
Like he who can't keep
his saliva in his mouth
Or who scratch off the dirt
between his feet's toes.
He didn't shave beard,
and it was as soft as jelly.
Mother and father.
You could touch their old age!
It has its smell, you felt it.
It was the most tangible
thing in that room.
I hated old age.
In them I saw just this.
I hated them for being my parents
And I hated myself for that hate.
I was sick to see that my
habits are my father's ones
And I hated him for it, because
I would have aged just like him,
Because of the shame
for these thoughts.
And it was infinitely multiplying itself,
like a reflection between two mirrors.
A neverending tunnel of hate.
Wall made of hate
and pavement made of hate.
Hate mixed with disgust, shame,
One way out led to cruelty,
the other to reserve,
that is lower your eyes
because you can't mask
their instinctive look.
It is the silence
similar to severed fingers
of the man clutching to the boat
trying not to drown..."
Do you like it?
Is it a novel?
-Or a short story.
Anyway, you have to hurry
if you want to make some money.
Like your friend Serjozha. He's
already member of Writers Guild.
I don't understand,
can you explain?
Your parents are good people,
Where this millioner's
craze came from?
And about your novel,
you still have to write it.
Writers lead a humble life,
they're not so rich.
To be rich you have to save.
Don't drink coffee 180 times
a days in such big cups.
I'll fry the meatballs,
take the pan.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Can I have some caviar?
-If you want to.
Open the third can.
Kolja, my love, you
finished all my mother's supply!
There's a lot of vitamins in caviar,
doctor says I need them.
What's up?
What's more important to you,
caviar or my health?
You still have not finished
the second can.
Open it, please.
Mom, we are hungry as wolves!
Kolja, did you eat all caviar?
Sorry, we have
reduced your supply.
She said I can eat.
-I thought you would eat just a little!
Anyway its "best before"
was two months ago.
I just want to be sure you
won't have to beg when I'm dead.
Let me die in peace!
Don't say so.
Don't worry,
When you're dead,
you won't care if we beg.
We will die too,
it's not your privilege.
It's trivial, but
it's not clear to me.
I should study, learn wisdom
Then just to accumulate
honours and wealth?
So I would be better off going
to sleep now, never to awake again.
Not even your daughter understands you.
-What's so difficult to understand in me?
Your incommunicability.
There's a joke about it.
communicability in common,
Not a common ability...
I have insomnia.
What a symmetry!
When you'll die, we'll be alive.
-I know.
Where's the box that was up there?
It's on its place, can't you see?
Are you blind?
I thought you asked days off
so you could write.
Why you're doing nothing?
Thanks your mother!
I can't work like that.
When talent is missing,
one worries about conditions.
Some people worked
in worse conditions!
My love, everything's
going to be alright.
We'll never quarrel again,
won't we?
I'm not asking too much, I think,
just some tenderness.
Call me Anechka.
Come on, call me Anechka!
Don't get angry with my mother,
she's such a good woman.
I'll do anything for you,
I'll cook and I'll iron your shirts,
while you'll be writing a long novel,
or a shorter one...
A poem,
a short story...
or something else.
Damned stinking cats!
At their leisure,
and they're not even ashamed of it!
I really don't know what
to do with these cats!
Stupid stinking cats!
Easy life, and they're
not even ashamed of it!
Stupid cats!
Are you at home?
Why so early?
If I had come later, you
would have said "Why so late?"
That you're smart,
I already knew that.
What did you say?
I know you're quite bright!
Are you hungry?
I'm going to warm up
something for you.
I don't feel like it!
I can't remember...
Where have I put down the bags?
Come on, dinner is ready.
Have something to eat.
-I don't feel like it.
Come on.
-I don't feel like it.
So who have I cooked for?
-I'm not hungry.
Why do you make a fool of me?
I don't feel like it.
Mom, who's Shakespeare?
Who's Shakespeare?
What does it matter?
We're not at school.
Once upon a time there was a woman
and all she needed in her life
was piece of bread.
She lived her life and then...
quick into the grave!
Hit me on my shoulders!
Do you love me?
-Yes, and so?
I'm happy.
Don't look at me!
-Why, do you feel like crying?
Go to hell!
-OK, I'm going.
Where are you going?
-To hell.
I was only joke.
-Me too, I'll take a stroll.
Don't get into fights
with anyone. -I won't.
I almost forgot,
I bought your mouthpiece.
Put this hat on.
-Pass it to me.
Look. How do I look?
Relax, take it easy.
Keep your head this way.
I can't see myself.
Relax and look at the mirror.
-This way?
All that matters is
if I can see you.
Don't look at me, look at her.
Here, perfect!
What are you doing here?
Where's my sister?
just wonderful.
Don't move the curtain!
-Who is it?
We're playing here,
close the curtain!
Show us your ID.
Will you play, little brother?
Pasha, tell him
the rules of the game.
We're creating a sculpture of love.
They are the raw materials.
You can use whatever materials,
and do whatever you like.
This material is already taken.
They're free,
you can use them as models.
Will we finish the scene today?
You're a bore!
Is it a fault of that witch of yours?
What did you think?
To marry the first one yo meet?
Can I give you an advice?
You'll give it to him later, my feet
are freezing. -Let me warm you up!
Get dressed.
Hurry up.
-Undress, get dressed again...
What a bore!
Lay with your bellies up,
your hands on your breasts.
Give them two candles.
They should be in the kitchen,
if Julia hasn't used them all.
What a happy sculpture!
Is he your brother?
-He's an aesthete, a decadent.
He's a teacher!
I would call it "the end of a love".
-This love can go to hell!
Take her place.
Get up.
He always wanted
to stand out of crowd.
If you could know for how long
I dreamed to lay down here,
On our parents' bed!
So soft, warm and quiet.
I had enough of this!
Let's go away.
-I think it's not bad.
Take my hand.
-Are we going away?
I'm playing too!
You're not funny.
-Go to hell!
You know the rules.
-Explain them to me again.
You have to make
a sculpture of love.
A celebration of the human body.
-I didn't know that!
Get naked.
The triumph of the senses!
And now?
-Sure, it will be a pleasure.
Here you are, such a little love.
Take my place,
if it matters so much to you.
Is he Nikolaj?
He is Julia's brother,
isn't him? -Yes, he is.
Don't spoil the game.
-It's my game!
What are you waiting for?
Go away!
And take Pasha with you!
I knew he would come to visit
his sister sooner or later.
Why won't we go to church
and get married?
I beg you!
The ball isn't here,
the ball is here...
They hate the school,
they hate it!
It's terrible.
They're always running away,
I see them from the windows.
Always running away!
We can shut the door
and the windows, to guard them...
So running away from school
will be like escaping from jail.
But you can escape
from jail nonetheless!
The schools are education
institutions, serving the State.
Formerly the State had the need
for the citizens to be slaves,
compliant and obedient.
Low productivity
used to turn useful,
and it was the fault
of the "emasculated" citizens.
The schools, at
the order of the State,
castrated the members
of our society,
giving birth to moral castrates!
Read Turgenev,
"Memories of an emasculator"!
- "Memories of an emasculator"
Since we are castrates,
we can only create other castrates.
What do you think of it?
-I don't understand.
What castrates are you talking
about? -We castrated...
I don't understand. -What
was first, the chicken or the egg?
Now have you understood?
What has this to do with castrates?
-Turgenev understood, we don't.
I'm not following you! -What
was first, the chicken or the egg?
What has this to do with
castrates? -Think about it.
You think about it!
Comrades, let me talk.
Don't do like that.
I participate in teachers
meeting all my life,
We have to stop quarreling
and insulting each other!
We have to respect
the hierarchy.
Wait for your turn.
-Don't interrupt the speakers!
Today the State needs
a different kind of citizen. Free.
Whose creative potential will not
bear the burden of old dogmas.
This brings a certain
unpredictability in the behaviour,
A certain incongruence.
Teachers' duty is very difficult,
But in this way the pupil
will grow intellectually...
I understood,
you want to send into retirement
the most experienced teachers!
Why do you think so?
Since I'm here, the principal
changed four times
and if a pupil was late
everyone blamed him.
But now?
-It's all our fault.
Nothing to tell.
-Really nothing to tell.
You are so rhetoric!
We have to find a solution,
not someone to blame.
Do something yourself! -Do not
talk to me in that tone.
It's like bafle. If it's not there,
the bike makes hell of noise but...
Now you no longer
need us! -Right!
You don't need our experience,
our Ph.D., you spit on them!
Nobody needs anything!
Are you trying to teach
the teachers?
Yes, I want to teach everyone,
demagogues and pedagogues!
Excuse me, how many
"m" in "tomorrow"?
I'm confused.
And just one "m" in "communism"!
It's unbelievable!
-Now this is too much!
The meeting shall go on.
Just ignore him.
Let him sleep, maybe he's sick.
Do you know he was
hit by a student?
He hit the student first.
In any case, they had a fight.
Don't wake him up.
-Maybe he's narcoleptic.
We should lay him off!
-But he's sick.
It's a passive way to protest!
It's a moderate protest,
inside the bounds of legality.
He shouldn't play
basketball with the boys.
This way he brings into
question the teacher's authority,
He destroys
the psychological barrier...
That game is all
about physical contact!
But he's so young
and full of energy!
And nobody else
was going to do that.
Stop it, please!
Irina Pavlovna, the school is not
an island where you have to survive,
It's all one with society.
Sure, but we have
to obey the certain rules.
School is like the military,
like prisons,
We're not at the zoo.
Accordingly to you every
teacher is bright, has a talent.
And the boys are all geniuses.
I'm sick of this silliness!
Let us in.
-Just a moment.
Just a little while.
We won't stay long.
-It's not possible.
We can see you're a good
person. -I know nothing.
It's not possible.
Just a moment!
-I know nothing.
Let me help you.
Where shall we go?
Will you take us there?
-Follow me.
Do you work here?
-No, I rest.
Don't you have to unload?
-I haven't caught any dog.
Is there a queue
at the counter? -Yes.
What's easier to catch,
a dog or a cat?
It's easier to catch
a venereal disease.
Here's the kennel,
that entrance over there.
Which one?
That one.
Cat and a dog, what's easier
to catch? A venereal disease!
My God!
"Sadness has scattered everywhere,
a bottle full of sadness has spilled.
Sadness soaked everything,
clouds, clothes,
rain, sounds,
dust, flowers,
bed sheets, thoughts, hairs,
smiles, drinks,
bread, sleep, dreams...
Night and day alternate lazily.
Soon these memories will disappear
We'd better not
to evoke them again,
they are like microbes,
they are asleep."
From fall '46 until '47,
right in the middle of summer...
It happened in the steppe.
Me and my father were shepherds.
I had taken his place that day,
I was with a comrade.
While we were taking the animals
to the drinking trough...
It was noon.
All of a sudden,
on the road
to the drinking trough,
the same road that led to my house,
I felt something moving inside of me.
More or less 30cm length.
I put my hands on
the stomach, like that.
That thing kept moving
for almost 6 hours.
I ran home, 15 kilometers,
Without saying a word to my
comrade, so he was scared.
I went home to my parents.
I can't remember if I was crying,
but it was clear I was distressed.
They asked me
what was the problem.
And I told them of that time,
between '46 and '47.
I saw myself...
With a girl.
She wanted me to visit
her every evening.
I didn't,
Only when I felt like.
So she decided
to make me food...
Minced snake skin.
And so she did.
Maybe she wanted to kill me
without having
to pay for her crime.
I remember that evening,
I asked her for a drink.
I was laying on the bed.
She stopped near the window
and she dropped in my glass
a piece of paper.
She was looking for something
outside of the window,
But it was dark.
When I felt that thing
for the first time,
I knew she gave me
a strange potion...
Go away, let me work!
Take a broom and
get to work too!
Leave me alone,
are you crazy?
You're ripping my buttons!
I'm going to scratch your
face, damn you!
Leave me alone, you stupid!
I'll tear off your hairs!
Go away, out of my way!
Leave me!
Don't pull me,
your tearing my clothes!
Stop it!
You tore everything open!
Look out!
Shouldn't you be at work?
Do you really
have nothing to do?
Quick, go back to work!
Now look at that!
Come on!
There was a young doctor,
and he was sick too.
He was a dentist, and he
often went philandering.
He did something wrong, and
they make him drink that stuff.
He was in pain a whole year,
and they couldn't find the reason.
X-rays showed nothing,
Because that thing has no bones.
The only way is to open
the person while it's still alive,
That's the only way to save him.
That dentist died.
When they opened him up,
he had his belly full of snakes.
He didn't make it.
Amongst all animals, snakes,
frogs, lizards and spiders
Have certain chemicals
on their skins...
Common closeness of colours,
complementary hues at your leisure...
Violet alongside yellow,
red alongside green,
But what a strong choice,
the blue close to the orange!
You can mingle blue-green
and red bordeaux too.
So you have a more complex range,
dissonant and yet harmonious.
The greatest painters know how to take
the beauty to the borders of ugliness
And here the perception lay,
because reaching harmony is difficult.
Even women know that, it's necessary
to combine the clothes in the right way,
Lay down only one color.
One can make up a new way to bring
two colors close to each others
A way that exists in nature and lasts
only for a few moments, like a rainbow.
The most incredible things are
close to those most common.
Why are you so yellow in the face?
Take off those glasses.
Your eyes are red.
Too much joints, isn't it?
So young and already junkies!
You is skinny, your eyes are red
and your faces is yellow...
You're just poor junkies!
Vladimir Gorbachev said:
"You should drink just enough."
I drink a couple of glasses
after the day's work
and I still have energy to work.
I drink, I can't say I don't.
But I deserved it.
Look at me, what a healthy
complexion I have!
There is a serpent
living in my stomach
and in my intestine.
You should drink a glass of wine.
You'll get back your rosy on the face.
It makes a strange noise
a couple of times a month
repeating it six times more or less.
Possibly it doesn't like tea,
or when I get drunk.
I hear everything...
Look at you.
You're hiding behind
those sunglasses...
I'm a drunkard,
but I'm old,
You have all your
life in front of you!
You take drugs,
I'm aware of it.
It makes a long noise.
I'm 42 years old and
I'm sentenced to this martyrdom.
I tell doctors about my pains,
and they make fun of me.
I'm sentenced to this suffering.
Nikolaj Aleksejevich.
Wake up!
Nikolaj, wake up!
Masha, what happened?
How did you get here?
You can't even call it marriage,
if you do it at the registry office.
What's the use, then? -Many people
live together without even marrying.
On the other hand religious
marriage lasts for life.
Amongst religious ceremonies, the only
one that belongs me is funeral mass.
You will get better!
-I'll explain you everything.
Do you know why you're always
sleepy? -I realized it only now.
Since you're sick,
I'm always sleepy too,
Without you my
life is sad and boring!
I swear...
I'll wake you up, I'll make up
something new each day.
Will be no more of everydayness.
Come with me, I beg you.
I don't like to speak the phone,
to listen to music,
to drink coffee and
to complain about life,
To smoke holding the cigarette
gracefully and all the rest!
We'll never do anything of that!
Come with me, I beg you.
Are you serious? But how...
Now we'll go away
together, won't we?
I took you some clothes.
Here they are.
I told him: "Fuck you!"
He says: "Fuck!"
I reply: "Fuck off you
and your mother,
your father, your grandfather...
Spineless bastard!"
And he says:
"You're bastard!"
You're just tired, Alyosha.
How much I love you!
Your smell, your jacket...
I could die right now!
Your face...
You look like an angel!
I say: "Fuck off you and your grandfather,
your grandmother, your father,
your mother and the cat too!"
I don't know what crosses my mind.
It's all right.
I don't know why it happens.
Look out!
Another one!
What are you doing?
And then I tell him...
Where are we going?
To my house. -What
will your parents say?
I live with my mother.
If she looks annoyed, just don't
mind her, she's very nice in reality.
I'll do anything for you. It will be
a joy to cook and wash for you
while you'll be writing a novel,
a short story, a poem...
The train won't go any farther,
Passengers please get off the train.
Wake up!
Come on, wake up!
Please, wake up!
Is he dead?
-No, he's only sleeping.