Asthma (2014)

Pretty hard to breathe, huh?
I mean, isn't there something
about the color white, like, uh..
You know, like an art thing
or something?
Oh, I forget.
Like, uh, like it's the only color
you can't undo or something?
Oh, man, I don't even know
why we have to fuckin' repaint
this fuckin' thing
in the first place.
I mean, it was already white.
They're paying us, that's why.
Stop fucking around, man.
Now, I have to repaint
this shit.
Alright, man, whatever.
Look, fix it.
Why don't you get out
of here, huh?
Get out of here, please,
I'll finish it.
Fine, man.
Lizard King.
My heroes are dead.
I was born in the wrong time.
Fuckin' Lizard King.
The same, the same, the same.
The same.
Fuckin' lamp is the same.
Fuckin' TV, basketball, books.
I don't hear.
I don't see.
Oh, fuck.
I shouldn't have done that.
Gussy, Gussy, Gussy.
I miss the old New York
in, like, the '70s and '80s.
CBGBs. The Ramones.
"Mean Streets."
SAMO doing graffiti
and Andy going to parties.
The birth of hip-hop.
Just look at Times Square.
Used to be cool..
...all cracked up.
And now it's like
fuckin' Disneyland.
What the fuck happened here?
That's a dope ride.
I have nothing to lose, man.
Alright, fuck it. Fuck it.
Hey, what are you doing?
Where are you going?
The front doorman was there. I just
fuckin' jumped into the car, you know?
But how did you start the car?
The keys were in the car.
Do you mean to tell me
this really happened?
Pretty nice, huh?
Well, nice, in a sort of
kind of "Catcher In The Rye" way
but... you didn't by any chance
bring the car here, did you?
Yeah, it's parked
right outside. Come on.
Come here.
- There.
- Oh, you asshole!
Did you forget
that I'm a fuckin' dope dealer?
And I'm not the kind of person
who wants attention paid to him.
Well, I mean,
you provide the community
with a valuable services.
Yes, I know and I adore you too
but it's time to leave.
Are you kickin' me out?
Yes, because anyway,
I don't think you can..
There it is.
There you go.
I don't count the money.
You must have robbed
a lot of people to get that.
- Are you alright?
- I'm okay.
Look, if this is okay?
Just, um, just give me a bindle
and we'll... call it even.
- How much?
- A bindle.
A bindle.
Uh, considering that you owe me $3000...
- 3 grand?
- Well, yes.
- Oh, come on.
- You owe me 600.
I gave you over 2 grand.
- Come on...
- 2400.
And that means
you owe me, uh, 600 more.
- Juan, please.
- $600.
Because I've been supporting
your habit for 4 months...
Oh, Juan, come on!
Please, look, I just need a
little bit of shit, that's all.
- Think about the interest.
- You'll get it.
Just a bit.
Oh, well, Pranc.
Prancy honey, give him a balloon.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
- Thanks, Prancy.
- Don't call me Prancy.
And now..'s time for you to leave.
Ah. That fuckin' kid.
It's more like
Catcher In The Rolls.
Hey! Hey, Ruby!
Hey, what's up?
I'll take..
You're gonna be like that, huh?
It's okay. It's okay.
You know, I'm not like some
crazy, psycho, weirdo
serial killer
who hears voices or anything,
- Good for you. It's good.
- Yeah, I..
My voices only tell me
to hurt myself
so... you're in the clear.
I, I was staring at you
because, uh
I think you're beautiful.
Stunning, actually. I mean..
Seriously, you're like
the fuckin' hottest thing
I've ever fuckin' seen.
Does this routine
work on everybody?
I don't know,
I've never tried before.
- Right.
- Yeah.
And judging by your reaction,
I'll never say it again.
I promise.
Uh-oh, there it is.
You laughed.
- I'm laughing at you.
- Doesn't matter.
A laugh is a laugh.
Now you have to meet me.
I'm Gus.
- Hi, I'm Ruby.
- Ruby?
Of course, that's your name.
Can I get,
can I get you a drink?
I buy my own drinks,
- Is it?
- Thank you, guys.
For this next song, I'd like you
to put all your technology away
and turn off your brains
for a second.
This song is very special.
It's actually about a girl
in the audience.
My girlfriend actually.
This song's called
"Nobody Knows Your Name."
But I know your name, Ruby.
Fuck. I should've known, huh?
Yo, Ruby!
- Gus? What the fuck!
- Sick, right?
Yeah, but I mean, like, how?
Oh, you let me
worry about that. Hop in.
I can't.
I'm going to the country.
Uh, what country?
I'm on my way to Grand Central.
Ah, fuck that. What, you'd rather
ride the train than ride with me?
No, of course not, but what,
are you gonna drive me to the country?
I'm going to Connecticut now,
What? You're gonna drive me
to Connecticut?
So are you really driving me
to Connecticut right now?
Yeah. I mean, you know,
I've never stolen a car before
and I feel like the open road
is good to, like
I don't know, get away,
you know?
Did you just say stolen a car?
I'm in a stolen fuckin' car
right now?
- Yeah.
- Gus, you're crazy.
- Oh, wait, stop, stop, stop.
- What, what, what?
Oh, no. Look.
- Aw!
- Oh, man.
Oh. I hate that.
A deer shouldn't have
to worry about cars.
How's she supposed to know?
Do you think it's bad
if I take a picture?
I don't think it'll mind.
No, I mean, like...
is it disrespectful?
So what do we do now?
You're such a freak.
- So how's your mom doing?
- So where are we going, huh?
Where are we going?
Oh, we're going to my friend
Logan's house.
Logan, Logan.
Do I know that guy?
Um, I don't know.
You might have met him.
He's a musician. He's Cool.
A little weird.
Of course, of course.
Yeah, you and your musicians.
I only play the kazoo, so..
- Well..
- I'm tattooing him.
Uh-oh. That's trouble.
Ah, it's this triangle
with all these treasures inside.
- Mm-hmm.
- So rad.
You're all about tattoos,
aren't you?
Yeah, it's my thing.
It's like your passion.
You're lucky you have a passion.
It's great you have a passion.
When are you gonna let me
do you?
No way, forever scares me
too much, you know?
Oh, God!
Typical male, commitment phobic.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, you still with that guy?
What's his name?
- We broke up.
- Really?
I'm sorry to hear that.
Well, whatever. I'm not.
He was a dick.
All men are dicks.
I'm gonna become a lesbian.
I'd like to see that.
Seriously, I'd like to. Yeah.
So Ruby is single.
Operation old maid
in full effect.
You know, I have to say
I'm a little upset
you didn't call to tell me.
Gus, we are friends, that's it.
Don't.. Stop!
- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm fine! I'm annoyed.
Are you alright?
Are you gonna die?
- Okay.
- Are you gonna die?
Yeah, I'm fine. Ah!
Fuck, Gus!
Now what are we gonna do?
- Should we call a tow truck?
- You fuckin' crazy?
We can't call in
a stolen car, it's a stolen car!
Did you not fuckin' hear me?
You can't call in a stolen car!
I'm calling Logan.
Maybe somebody could pick us up.
How many more miles
on the MapQuest?
Fuckin' awesome.
I don't have any service.
Roughly. I think you saw
it last. How many miles...
It's far, Gus!
Far, like 15 miles.
Fuck, okay.
I guess we're walking.
I am not walking 15 miles.
You know, you really
are an asshole, Gus.
You could do anything
and you don't.
Yeah, yeah. I know.
- That's my problem, okay?
- What?
Yeah, I don't do anything,
Okay, no, no, no.
Don't feel sorry for yourself.
I'm the one that's upset here.
I should have just
taken the train.
I never should have got
in your car.
So you think we should
see other people then?
You're such an asshole.
So I've been told.
Oh, Jesus, really?
Not again.
You know what..
Um... can you not die?
Because I don't really wanna be
alone in the wilderness.
You're afraid of being alone,
and I'm afraid of commitment.
Okay, just don't try
and talk. Just try and not die.
You alright?
Yeah, I'm okay,
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Since when do you have asthma?
Did you have it as a kid?
I don't know, I..
I hurt my neck recently.
Maybe that's why.
I don't know.
- How many more miles?
- Like 12. At least 12 miles.
Fuckin' 12 miles.
That's smart. That seems like a really
smart thing to do for your asthma.
Yeah, fuck off.
- What are you doing?
- What do you think I'm doing?
- Going for a swim.
- You're crazy!
- Yeah, so?
- You're not going for a swim.
Yeah, I am.
- You gonna come?
- Absolutely not.
I'm not going for a swim.
Oh, come on, it'll be romantic.
Oh, "It'll be romantic," he
says as he takes off his pants.
Yeah. Ha ha. Come on!
- No way.
- Are you sure?
I am not swimming.
Oh, my God.
Gus, you're crazy!
Oh, my God!
Oh! Come on! Come in!
It's too much romance for me.
Oh, my God.
You comin' in or what?
I told you I'm not swimming.
Okay, good,
it's fuckin' freezing.
Oh, my God!
Hey, at least get that
blood off your face.
You look like a maniac.
- Gone?
- It's gone, you're good.
- Alright, give me your jacket.
- No way!
- Give me your fuckin jacket.
- I'm not giving you my jacket!
Give me your fuckin' jacket.
Are you crazy?
Oh, I'm gonna need..
- Give me your fuckin jacket.
- No.
Come on. Yeah.
Now, come on.
- Gus?
- Oh, yeah.
Gus, what are you doing?
What the fuck, Gus?
Whatever happened to privacy,
What the fuck are you doing?
Is that heroin?
No, it's a turkey sandwich.
What are you gonna do with that?
I'm gonna eat it.
What do you think?
- You're on heroin, Gus?
- Yeah, from time to time.
You're gonna fuckin'
shoot heroin in front of me?
There's a whole
fuckin' forest around.
What... what do you
fuckin' care?
You put needles in your arm
all the time?
What's the fuckin' difference,
Come here.
Hey, hey, come here.
Come on.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- What's it feel like?
- You're fuckin' amazing.
That's a serious
fuckin' werewolf.
What does it mean?
I don't like talking about
the meaning or whatever.
- It's scary that werewolf.
- I like that.
- I like that it's scary to people.
- Yeah.
But for me,
it's like a guardian angel
or a guard dog or some shit.
You're too gangster for me, huh?
- Do you have a condom?
- What?
- Do you have a condom?
- Fuck no.
You... you thought I,
you thought I'd think
this would happen?
So what do we do then?
I know what I think
we should do.
Are you kidding me?
- Yeah!
- Hey, where are you?
Jesus Christ!
Where do you think I'd be?
I'm takin' a shit, okay?
So chill!
What about toilet paper?
- I'm using a fuckin' leaf!
- Ew!
Okay, how much longer, please.
- I don't know. My phone died.
- Oh, fuck!
You remember how to get there?
- Uh, let's fuckin' hope so.
- Well, do you know the way?
No, I don't know.
I've never been there by foot.
Okay. Shit.
Uh, how much longer, please?
- Mommy, are we there yet?
- Shut up!
- Just shut up.
- I don't know.
I don't know, like...
a couple of hours, 5 miles?
Couple of hours?
Hey, we did it last night,
Shut up!
Was I good?
Seriously, Gus,
that was a one time thing.
We're friends. Don't go
falling in love with me.
- Yeah, you wish.
- And don't tell anyone.
Who am I gonna tell?
But seriously though,
good, right?
- Which way? Left or right?
- I don't know.
- Left.
- Left?
Dude, can you wait up for me,
I've rocks in my shoes.
You've rocks
in your fuckin' head.
That was a really
funny joke, Gus.
Seriously, wait for me.
- Oh, you know what?
- What?
What, is this it?
It looks like
my friend's car. I think so.
Alright. Thank God.
I don't know if I believe in God
but probably, we made it here,
so yeah.
This was happening
literally during that time.
- I know that moment.
- You do know that moment?
I know that moment
in... in life, yeah.
- Oh, I love that you're capturing my wings.
- Yeah.
I always imagined myself
with wings.
You totally seem like
you could fly out of the tub.
I know.
What's this one all about?
That's from, uh, that's
from an old French movie.
- Parisian? That looks old.
- Yeah.
Do you know anyone
who can get us some drugs?
Yes, well, the closest guy,
oh, my God, you have to meet him
he lives in a tree house
that he built right by here.
- Yeah, I dropped out of high school at, like, 16.
- Nice.
- I did music full time.
- Wow!
I fuckin' know that guy.
- You d.. You know him?
- I mean, not personally.
He's the fuckin' lead singer
of The Other Days.
Why didn't you
say something to me?
I told you
that he was a musician.
- Are you gonna be alright?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's good.
Oh, my God. Is he coming?
- Logan!
- Ruby!
Hey! Oh, my God.
Thank you so much for coming.
- How are you?
- You have no idea.
We got in a car crash,
and we had to walk here.
You got in a car crash?
- Yeah.
- Are you okay?
- We literally had to walk 15 miles.
- No.
You walked for 15.. Why didn't you call me?
You should've called...
- I didn't have any cell phone service.
- The car was stolen, so..
Sorry, what, you stole a car?
- I didn't steal the car, just to be clear.
- I..
- I stole the car.
- I had nothing to do with it.
- Okay.
- Just to clarify.
Okay, that's okay. Hello.
Sorry, this is my friend Gus.
Hey, man, I have to say
I fuckin' love your music, man.
That was like..
When I was growing up.. was the soundtrack
to my life.
Thank you.
Thanks, man.
Wow, I feel so old now.
- Sorry.
- I'm freezing.
I'm gonna get back in,
but, um, yeah, help yourself.
There's food over there,
and there's drinks.
I'm really happy to see you.
- Yeah.
- And meet you.
You look like Mick Jagger.
I like you, man.
I like you.
You're her car thief.
It's like real life
"Grand Theft Auto" here.
- Peace. We'll catch you up in a bit.
- Amazing.
Alright, that was embarrassing.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing, man.
- You just acted like a super fan.
- I can't appreciate..
I can't appreciate music?
Just keep it together, alright?
I'm good.
Oh, yeah.
No, I, I lost my phone.
I told you,
dad's a fuckin' asshole.
That's not your problem.
You got enough
to worry about as it is.
Well, I'm... I'm,
I'm in Connecticut, yeah.
I don't know, just... just
a spur of the moment thing.
I'm at a friend's place.
No, you don't know her.
Her name's Ruby, ma.
She's just a friend.
No, I'll prob..
I'll probably stay here tonight.
Hey, ma, I, uh...
can't really talk right now..
Yeah, I love you too.
Alright, bye.
What a dick.
So what do you do?
If you don't mind my asking.
...I... I work at Taco Bell.
He's an actor.
No, I quit acting.
I quit acting.
He doesn't work at Taco Bell.
That's true, I don't
but, uh, but the tacos,
when you're fucked up
you know,
there ain't nothin' better.
Oh, my God, I love Taco Bell.
Then what the fuck
with all this tofu crap, man?
There's no need to be
so aggressive.
I'm sorry,
I apologize for my friend.
He's had kind of a rough
48 hours.
Oh, I really love that show.
"The First 48 Hours,"
you know... when they..
There's, like, a criminal
that they're trying
to track down for murders
and what not.
It's really good, they..
People always
kinda give up though, it's..
You know..
Thank you for sharing,
You come to a neighbor's house..
...and they're kind enough
to cook a fine meal for you
and what do you do?
You insult it.
You insult us.
You're probably thinkin' I'm
gonna come after you now, right?
Probably worried I'm gonna
jump across the fire pit
and stab you in the neck with
a... fork, right?
Well, wrong.
You know why?
You're just being a human being.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
It's normal.
Those emotions are normal.
Ever since I met Lilly..'s been a sort of
a spiritual awakening.
You know,
on a day-to-day level
like what you put in your body,
it's important.
- Yeah.
- But I really miss meat. I do.
So, um,
you and Lilly are together?
Is that, is that right?
- No. We're friends. Totally friends.
- Oh.
But, um, she's my yoga teacher.
And Ragen's my teacher.
No, he's all of our teacher.
And this delicious tofu
is part of his process.
I love the tofu.
I didn't think I would, but the texture
is different, not like food, but..
Nobody gets hurt from it either.
You can't choke on it.
What's your favorite animal?
My spirit animal or my,
just favorite animal in general?
I didn't really...
I know, but, Bottlecap,
that's your whole..
...job is to write it down,
and you didn't write it down.
What were you thinking?
I feel so relaxed right now.
Really? I'm not feeling
fuckin' anything.
- Hey, Bree!
- What the fuck?
Have you been here
this whole time?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God!
- I haven't seen you!
- I know.
I got super stoned
and passed out and..
Now I can't find my straw hat.
- Have you seen it?
- No, sorry.
My straw hat.
Have you seen my hat?
We'll let you know if we see it.
Have you seen my hat?
Has anyone seen my hat,
a straw hat?
Fuck, you know,
I left my keys in my hat
and I can't leave
if I don't find my hat.
- It's like..
- Oh!
I always do this.
His fuckin' hat.
Everyone just talks
and talks and talks.
No one's saying a fuckin' thing!
I wish I had some money,
so I can get a house like this
outside of the city.
There's too many bugs
out here. I hate it.
This whole property,
it's so unreal.
I guess I don't really care
that much about money.
I know about you and Logan.
He's my friend.
Last night was amazing,
and now you're just over it.
Can we just really
not do this right now?
I'm, like, rolling
and I'm having fun
and I wanna go swimming.
Alright, fine, go for a swim.
Gussy, Gussy, Gussy.
Too bad you can't sing.
You would've been
a real cool rock singer.
Fuck you, fuck you, okay?
And not that
it's any of your business.
Poor guy.
What a lost soul.
- What?
- Oh, man.
I think I might be
in love with you.
I don't know. Probably.
What's the fuckin' difference?
You're... fuckin' this guy.
- I didn't fuck him.
- Oh, come on. I..
Hey, guys, sorry...
to interrupt
but I'm gonna go
have a cigarette.
I feel a little uncomfortable.
Sorry, man, I... I didn't know
you guys were together.
Yeah, we're not.
What do you want from me?
Everything? Wow!
Well, at least you're honest.
Let's make babies.
Have a family and stuff
and little, like..
...cabbages running
around the city.
Mixtures of you and me.
That'd be pretty fuckin'..
Gus, you're so high.
Forget about it, don't worry.
You got too many tattoos
to be a mommy anyway.
I was... I was just joking.
Fuckin' kids would come out
with fuckin' tattoos anyway.
Happy New Year.
Gimme one of those?
- It's my last one.
- Ooh.
Thank you.
You got a lighter?
I am a lucky..
You are a waste.
What now?
What now?
I don't, I don't know.
I... I think
we're supposed to fight.
I mean, I don't wanna fight.
I... I just..
I don't wanna fight you, man.
It's just what men do
in these situations. They fight.
I'm not, I'm not
a good fighter though.
I don't, I don't think I..
...I'd probably
pull your hair or something.
- Don't pull, don't do that.
- Great.
Well... let's... let's agree
to not fight then.
It's... not a good way
to... end a party, you know?
- I don't wanna fight you.
- Okay, good.
I don't even know
why we would be fighting.
This girl.
Oh, yeah, the girl.
Ruby's very special.
Fighting for the girl.
She's tattooing me tomorrow.
No matter what happens
between us
it's, it's gonna last forever
or at least till I'm dead,
you know
and my body decomposes...
Gussy, Gussy, Gussy.
Are you thinking about her?
Yeah, I am now.
Or you thinking about yourself?
No lectures, please.
What do you think they're doing?
Huh? What do you think
they're doing in there?
Great, I can't get you
to shut up
and when I ask you a question..
Let me tell you a story, Gus.
Once upon a time,
there was a young punk
who thought he was invincible
who thought
nothing could hurt him.
And every day, he would go
to fight a dragon.
It's a fuckin' stupid
fairy tale.
You're talking
to a damn werewolf.
And as usual,
you missed the point.
Now shut up and listen.
Learn something for a change.
So this punk would go
into the dragon's lair
and he would yell,
"Hey, you fuckin' dragon
today is the day is the day."
And the dragon looked up
at him and said
"Just let the dragon sleep,
And pray.
You pray in silence.
Think of..
...something really beautiful.
And enjoy the moment.
Feel the ground..
...that you stand upon.
And take a breath in..
What is this?
Huh. Hey, Lou.
Hmm. Is it hard to do them
yourself, to yourself?
Um, I've done this one myself
but the others, I've gotten done
from friends.
Oh, really?
It's interesting to inflict pain
upon yourself.
- It's hard to do.
- Is it harder to do?
Am I hurting you?
I was talking to Logan.
Yeah, I know.
Almost done.
- Sick, huh?
- Yeah, I love it.
- It's all..
- Yeah, I love it.
It's all Ruby.
Good job.
I like how it's real
I, is it an eye here
and this is a triangle.
And I like how this is a hand.
Now, Shiva would approve.
- Yes.
- Who is Shiva?
Shiva is God.
- Ragen's an Aghori.
- Oh.
It's this really
weird form of Hinduism.
Uh, actually, I'm... I'm
kinda developing my own practice
you know, but the Aghoris are
a major influence, you know?
So we're doing
this ritual tonight
and I'm gonna take part in it.
Did you ever notice
that almost everything
that feels good is a sin
at least, according
to western religions?
Fuckin' amen to that, brother.
Aghoris believe in the opposite
that everything that... that,
that feels good, it is good.
Hey, um, Logan, can I..
Can I ask you a question?
Um, I gotta, I gotta go
visit a friend
and wondering if I could
borrow your car?
Are you serious?
Yeah, it's kind of
an emergency...
Gus! Are you asking
to borrow his car?
Yeah, my mom's sick, okay?
I gotta go visit her.
That's terrible, man,
I'm... I'm so sorry, I...
- It's okay.
- Is it okay if I drive him?
Um, where are we going?
You know, I really don't
need a babysitter.
Yeah, right.
I don't know where you live.
- Downtown Waterbury.
- Where?
Just take 84 to Highway 8, okay?
We call it the, uh,
The Dirty Water.
- Why The Dirty Water?
- Downtown Waterbury.
- Dirty water.
- I get it.
- What are we doing? We're at a pawn shop?
- Yeah.
Okay, look, I gotta get
my mom a present, alright?
You're gonna get your mom
a present at a pawn shop?
- Yeah.
- Real classy, Gus.
- Thank you.
- What is the matter with you?
You're gonna leave me here?
Is it safe?
Fuck no. Look around, huh?
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna kill you.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Hey, what's up?
Uh, I need,
I need to pawn some shit.
There you go.
Hey, that's a real Rolex, okay?
- 60.
- Sold. Sold.
How much for the cards?
- 2 bucks a piece.
- Are you nuts?
That's Larry Johnson,
Kevin McHale and Lew Alcindor.
What the fuck do I care about
Lew Alcindor?
That's Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's
rookie card.
What do you take me for?
- What the fuck?
- What?
Look at this bum.
Uh, I think homeless
is a nicer way to say it.
He has been staring at me
jerking off.
- Maybe he has an itch.
- I'm gonna throw up.
Oh, come on, it's a compliment.
- So what did you get for your mom?
- What?
What'd you get your mom?
In the pawn shop?
Uh, here.
- Baseball cards?
- Basketball cards.
My mom used to take me
to Knicks games as a kid.
That's Larry Johnson
and Lew Alcindor's rookie card
who would later
change his name to...
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
How the fuck did you know that?
Everybody knows that.
Um... where is, where's your
house? Where are we going?
Uh, just take a right here.
- Right.
- Okay.
Just pull up here a sec, okay?
- Right here. Right here. Just chill.
- Now what?
- Just wait here a sec, okay?
- You're not leaving me again.
Why? You in love
with me or something?
I just don't wanna get raped
or murdered, okay?
Can we just go to your mom's
house and get this over with?
Just chill for one sec, okay?
- Just wait.
- Oh, my God.
- Okay, Gus, we should go, Gus, we should go.
- Chill.
Yo, hair long, what's goin'
on? You lost or somethin'?
Oh, man, my fuckin' head's
killing me, bro.
You wanna get some medicine?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You a cop?
- Fuck, no, man.
Do I look like a fuckin' cop?
What you looking for?
Let's have
some China White, man.
Yo, fool, look around.
Ain't no motherfuckin'
China White up in this piece.
I got that brown shit though
if that's what you lookin' for?
- Yeah, man, that's perfect.
- Alright, how much do you want?
Uh, give me 40
and make it fat, alright?
- Alright. I'll be right back.
- Thank you.
- I'll get it.
- Cool, bro. Cheers.
- You're buying drugs?
- What do you want from me, huh?
You're gonna get loaded
before we go see your mom?
We're not going to see your mom,
are we?
Oh, my God.
I can't believe
I bought this shit.
- My man.
- Hey, thanks, man.
- Oh, motherfucker!
- Gus, wait!
- You motherfucker.
- No, Gus!
- Hey!
- Gus!
Oh, fuck!
Hey, you guys see... see
two people pass here?
Hey, man, you guys
got any shit to, to buy?
- I just, I just need a quick fix.
- You got money?
Yeah, I got, like, 20 bucks,
- Oh, thank you.
- You cookin' here?
No, man.
Alright, I gotta get home.
Must be nice.
Oh, fuck.
Thank God.
Why are you so sad?
You know, I'm enjoying my life
more than most people, okay?
Yeah, at everybody else's
Oh, what, like,
I'm the only one?
Everyone I know
is a fuckin' addict.
Cigarettes and alcohol kill
more people than, than drugs.
And not to mention
fuckin' pharmaceuticals.
Half of America's
a fuckin' addict!
I just don't pay taxes
on my shit.
That's all anyone fuckin'
cares about, it's fuckin' money!
What is this,
the silent treatment, huh?
You lied about
your mother being sick
so you could buy drugs, Gus.
- No!
- That is so wrong on so many levels.
You don't give a shit
about anybody or anything.
All you fuckin' care about
is your fuckin' smack.
Why don't you go and fuck
Mr. The Other Days,
the vegetarian rock star
and just leave me
the fuck alone.
- Okay.
- I'm so fuckin' stupid.
- Fine.
- I'm so fuckin' dumb!
You know, we made love, alright?
And I thought that was real.
And you skip off and give me
the fuckin' run around.
You fell asleep inside me.
- What?
- You fell asleep.
You nodded off in the middle
of having sex with me.
Do you have any idea
what that feels like for a girl?
- Listen...
- I don't fuckin' care.
- It's dope.
- I don't care.
Fuck it, whatever.
- Whatever, baby.
- Whatever.
You know what?
Fuckin' dig that gold.
Fuckin' keep digging
that fuckin' gold.
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, dig it.
- Fuck you.
- Dig gold, baby.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you.
I'm not gonna let
some fuckin' junkie judge me!
You're... sitting there
and shooting up in front of me?
Oh, I'm a fuckin' gold digger
because I'm not like,
"Hey, awesome, yippee!
"I've got no money and no job,
no ambition
"and I spend all my money
on smack.
What a catch!"
That makes me
a fuckin' gold digger?
- Whatever, baby.
- Fuck you.
Fuck you.
This has nothing to do
with Logan, I mean..
At least, he has
his fuckin' shit together.
I'm a grown up, Gus.
I'm a grown-ass woman.
I'm older than you.
What am I fuckin' doing
wasting my time with you?
What am I doing?
Gus, Gus!
Fuck. Gus.
Gus, are you alright?
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Jesus Christ.
- Gus, get out of the car.
- I'm fine.
Come on, get up.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Okay, okay.
If he's not in immediate danger
you need to fill out the forms
and wait your turn.
Look, lady,
you're not listening to me.
He is in immediate danger.
He practically
just OD'd in my car.
Okay, he definitely has problems
but he's not
in immediate danger.
So please, take a seat
and fill out the form.
Lady, I'm not an expert, but
he's the color green.
He just threw up
and it was a weird color
and if I hadn't been there
he probably would have
choked on it and died.
I think something is very wrong
with him and he needs help.
Can you please get a doctor?
This is a fuckin' hospital,
can you get a doctor?
First... please don't raise
your voice.
And where did he go?
Argh! Gus!
Um, excuse me, Flannel.
Uh, it'll be just a minute.
Hi, did somebody sick-looking
just went past here?
Yeah, it's a hospital.
Alright, smart ass,
thanks a lot.
- Gus!
- Sick people everywhere.
Gus, what the fuck?
Dude, you can't just leave me
like that.
I've been looking everywhere
for you. You need a doctor.
Look... I'm fine.
You're not fine.
You just threw up in the car.
That's my bad.
I... I'm... I'm fine.
Honestly, I'm fine.
How amazing is that?
Fucking amazing, huh?
It's like a day old, not even,
it's like an hour old.
It doesn't know anything yet.
It's completely pure.
Do you think that
we're born a certain way..
...or that life shapes us
into who we are?
That one's really ugly.
Well, you know, ugly babies,
they need love too.
Come on.
it's about fuckin' time.
So glad you could make it.
Yeah, sorry I'm late.
Apology accepted.
What's that?
Isn't that what you wanted?
I can't. I'm sorry.
I don't mean any disrespect,
but can I please go?
That's alright, Lilly.
Shiva insists on free will.
Yeah, but... this is too much.
Of course.
Would you rather be a lion
or a squirrel?
The ancient Aghori believed
that the best way to honor
Shiva and her principles
was to eat human flesh.
Shut up.
It's true.
Gussy, Gussy, Gussy.
Well, if she wants to hang out
with fucking cannibal freaks.. my fucking guest.
I'm sure that's good
for your asthma.
Fuck off.
Where we going?
As far away from
that low scene as possible.
Far far fucking away.
"Most men pursue pleasure
with such breathless haste
that they hurry past it."
Hey, leave Kierkegaard
out of this, okay?
He got nothing to do with it.
It means slow the fuck down.
That is not what I meant.
No, no, no.
I'm a fucking addict, okay?
Put your hands
where I can see them.
Put your hands
on the steering wheel.
They don't know the real truth.
They don't know the real truth.
Obama's in the White House.
I'm in jail.
Ugh, fucking jail!
Hey, you.. you know the real truth?
What's that, man?
Did you vote for Obama?
No, man, I didn't vote.
You know Obama's trying
to steal all the money
from the Native Americans?
Fuckin' a..
Really he is.
That's why I'm in here.
I had a website up
telling the truth.
We had to get the truth
out there.
And my website crashed again.
I'm in jail.
It's not a coincidence.
I'm an Arawak..
...and we are owed
2 billion dollars.
Do you think a black guy is
gonna give us
our 2 billion dollars?
You know, I hate to say it..
...but if somebody
doesn't pay us..
...somebody might make him..
...go away.
'Cause that's a lot of money.
Money, money, money.
You know, that's what it's all
about at the end of the day.
And that's a crazy part
about it.
We need the money..
...just so we can go
live someplace
where money doesn't matter.
You fuckin' hear me?
Do you fucking hear me
or am I talking to myself?
I asked you a question,
Three steps back, please.
Little bit more. There you go.
Where are we going?
The turn off is back there.
I'm not taking you
back into the city.
Not in the shape you're in.
Where are you taking me?
Your mother's.
I don't know, Gus.
You know..
You know, somewhere along
the line, you gotta take
a little bit of responsibility,
just a little bit.
Oh, put that thing out.
I'm an addict, dad, okay?
Yeah, but you've..
I bet you are.
- I bet you are.
- Get your hands off me.
- Let me see this.
- Get your fucking hands off me.
How'd.. What is that?
How'd you get those?
I got them playing hoops, dad.
Okay, you want to give me
an honest answer now?
No. Of course not.
'Cause you don't even
think that I just bailed you
out of county
for heroin possession
and driving a stolen car.
You know, you're lucky
he's not pressing charges. I..
Not... not every kid
whose parents get divorced
e... e... ends up
being a drug addict.
You... you decided to do that.
That was you.
- You're killing your mother.
- Oh, fuck you.
Since when do you
care about her?
I never stopped
caring about your mother...
Oh, cut the crap.
When was the last time
you went to see her?
Tell me, when was the last time
you went to see her?
When was the last time
you called her?
When was the last time you
checked to see if she was okay?
She's my ex-wife.
She's not my wife.
She's all alone,
and you don't even care.
Can I borrow some money?
Sure, sure.
I'll take it out of the damages
to the Rolls.
You know,
you just left it in the woods?
Gus, you didn't even, you didn't
even make a phone call.
You didn't even..
Were you gonna ever tell anybody?
W, what did... what did you
think was gonna happen to it?
- Coming in?
- No.
No, Gus, I'm not coming in.
Dad, I mean... she's sick.
And it could be the last time.
Let me ask you something.
Are you going in there to give
her love and support?
Or are you're just going in
to take her money?
Today's a good day.
She'll be happy to see you.
Well, I'm happy to see you.
- Well, I'll leave you alone.
- Okay.
Give me a shout
if you need anything.
Mm, my Gus. Mmm.
- Mwah.
- You smell like cigarettes.
Yeah, well, dad was smoking
in the car.
He didn't wanna come in, huh?
Uh, he wanted to, but I told
him to go fuck himself.
Good thinking.
I'm scared, Gus.
Mom, please,
just chill... alright?
Cindy says you're doing well.
She says your vitals are good.
So, just please, stop
stressing yourself out, okay?
What does Cindy know?
She doesn't know anything.
- Ma...
- I know myself.
I can't deal with this
right now, okay?
Hey, look... I got you a present.
Should I?
- Presents?
- Yeah.
Mmm, I like presents.
- Look, basketball cards.
- Oh..
- That's Larry Johnson.
- Oh, thanks.
And that's Lew Alcindor's
rookie card.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Karee..
- Kareem.
- Yeah, skyhook.
- Skyhook.
- Skyhook.
You remember when you used to take
me to Knicks games when I was a kid?
How could I forget? You made me take
you home after the first quarter.
Hey, ma, I was 5 years old.
What do you expect?
You're staying here, right?
- Yeah, of course, of course.
- Tonight?
- Good.
- We'll hang out later.
I was wondering if I could
borrow the car for a little bit?
I... I need the car here in case I
have to go back to the hospital.
You're gonna be fine, and look,
you can take the wagon.
- I sold the wagon.
- What do you mean you sold the wagon?
- Why did you sell the wagon?
- Why did I need two cars?
I used to go to school
in that car.
For me! Ma, for me.
Can I take the bike at least?
- That bike's too dangerous.
- You didn't sell that, did you?
No, I am selling it.
It's too dangerous.
Oh, my God, you used to
drive it all the time.
I looked good on that bike.
It's too dangerous.
Where are you going?
- I have a date with Destiny.
- Who?
This girl I met on
Craigslist. Her name's Destiny.
She's Dominican Republican,
you know.
She's got blue eyes,
got a slamming ass.
- You know, massive kabukas..
- Big tits?
- Hope you like big boobs.
- Yeah, I love big boobs.
Oh, she loves me.
Seriously though, ma..
...can I borrow some money
for dinner?
Is it really for dinner, Gus?
- Yes.
- Gus, really?
Ma, why is it so hard
to believe that I have a date?
Because you haven't
taken a shower.
- I can't believe you are going on a date.
- Oh, my God.
- Ma...
- Look me in the eye.
- Why? Why?
- Gus.
I wanna make sure
you are telling me the truth.
Look me in the eye, come on.
- Ma...
- Look me in the eye.
- Thank you.
- Is it? See? Just..
- Uh, take the wallet out.
- Okay.
- Bring it over here.
- Alright.
- Over here, Gus. Gus.
- Yeah.
- Bring it over he...
- Ma..
- Gus, bring it over here.
- Okay.
- Here.
- Take 40.
It's 20, 20, 10, okay?
- I'm putting the wallet back.
- Thank you.
There it goes.
Thank you.
What's this girl's name again?
It's that girl, Ruby
I told you about.
- Oh, yeah, Ruby.
- Hmm.
I thought you said
she was just your friend?
Yeah, she is though she..
Yeah, yeah.
But I love her now.
Hey, what's up?
Were you waiting here for me?
Don't flatter yourself.
Why? You're not happy to see me?
No, it's not that.
Uh-oh. Sounds like something.
Should we talk?
I think so.
Fuck that. That sounds
like a terrible idea.
I didn't come here
for a big talk.
What did you come here for?
Ruby... I might be
in love with you...
- Don't. Mnm-mnm.
- Oh, don't what?
Don't make this harder for me.
Is it about Logan?
No. It's not about Logan.
It's about me.
And I just told him
the same fucking thing.
I need to be alone.
I'm never alone.
I've never been alone.
And it's hard.
It's hard to break patterns.
And I need to be
with a grown up.
So that maybe he can
teach me what that means.
Wait, what are..
You-you're leaving?
What's the difference?
This is how you're leaving?
What am I supposed to do?
I don't know.
Come give me a hug.
Fuck. Alright, fine.
Hey, what if I cleaned up?
What if I cleaned up?
You know, I could, I could.
I'm just young.
I'm just... just experimenting.
I mean, I'm just a dick.
You know, I could,
I could, Ruby.
You know, you could help me.
For you... for you I could stop.
If you can stop,
yes, please, stop.
And I want to help you.
But I'm just trying
to help myself too.
I wanna be your friend, Gus.
Will you be my friend?
My fucking face
always betrays me.
I can give you a ride
to... to the city.
- I got a train ticket.
- What about to the station?
- Cab's on its way, so...
- Okay.
It would be more fun
to ride with me.
Yeah, no shit.
But I'd never get
where I'm going.
What are you looking for?
What am I looking for?