Astronaut Farmer, The (2006)

Liftoff. We have a liftoff.
That's one small step for man... giant leap for mankind.
Good morning, Sunshine.
- Is your sister awake?
- I don't know where she is.
You look like you had a wild night.
- Well, good morning, Your Majesty.
- Good morning.
This time, no circles on my pancakes.
Here we go.
You guys are loopy in the morning.
- Good morning, ladies.
- Good morning.
I don't know about
all this free-range stuff.
I had a calf headed for California.
- There's circles on my pancake.
- Eat your breakfast, please.
- I don't like Jupiter.
- I'm sorry, honey.
It started out as Venus, and it grew.
- I'm not gonna eat it.
- I'm not gonna eat it.
You see, the planets are just not aligned.
- Is Shepard up yet?
- No, I think he's still sleeping.
- Morning, sleepyhead.
- Dad.
You got an e-mail from
that weirdo at FuelFourU.
All right. I think we may have our fuel.
What do you think about this sweater
for my dad?
- I'd divorce you.
- Is it the color?
Why don't you buy him
a new arc welder?
You want me to wrap that up,
or should I just give it to you?
What makes you think your dad
would wear a pink turtleneck?
The color is salmon.
That's the color
on the inside of a salmon.
I don't even think a fish
would wear that color on the outside.
Arc welder.
Here we are.
So is my favorite customer coming in?
Well, you gonna loan me a cup of coffee?
Depends on how you're gonna
pay me back.
Oh, how's rocket man?
- He's fine, Frank. Fine.
- We're taking bets.
Really? What are the odds?
The bet is your husband
will never do it...
...or he's gonna blow himself up.
Yeah, we're all gonna become rich
on Farmer's failure.
What bet do you wanna cover?
Why don't you cover this, Frank?
This space suit will allow me to control...
...the climate and the pressure
that you need to be in space.
It's kind of like having your own
personal weather inside here.
Because in space, it's very, very cold.
Is there any questions?
Why don't you just put your hands down,
and we'll just kind of wing it here.
- Start here in the front. You.
- Did you buy it at Target?
No, I didn't buy it at Target.
Where did you get it?
Actually, someone was throwing it away,
and I just picked it up.
Have you been to space?
No, not yet.
Stanley has been telling everyone
about their daddy the astronaut.
We need more parents
willing to play dress-up... encourage the kids
to activate their imaginations.
Yes, ma'am.
So many parents just resort
to dressing up as clowns.
You've set a high standard
with this costume.
Well, I appreciate that.
You have a good day.
Apollo 13?
You never know
with these online screen names.
I really appreciate you coming out here.
Breakdown for you here.
Ten thousand pounds of fuel.
Is this correct?
- You planning on launching a rocket?
- Yeah.
- You're shitting me, right?
- No.
- Something the matter?
- Well...
...ten pounds, 20 pounds, maybe even
a hundred, that's not a problem.
Ten thousand pounds,
ten thousand problems.
- When do you need it?
- What's the damage?
Fifty grand.
You're delinquent
on six mortgage payments already?
I don't know if you understand
how close you are to a foreclosure.
I don't think you understand
how close I am to launching.
Do you know how many times
I've heard that?
Arnie, it's an emergency, okay?
Oh, do I know it's an emergen--
We probably have 15 emergencies
written down right here.
Twenty. Twenty credit extensions.
Who on earth gets 20?
I assumed more than half that debt
from my dad.
And the bank assumes
that you're gonna pay it back.
Can I give you some advice?
I have no money to pay
for that advice, Arnie.
I don't wanna tell you
how to run your business.
- Well, then don't.
- But I have to...
...because I'm your friend first
and a banker second, all right?
Now, folks around here,
they think you're crazy.
I happen to think you're a genius.
You got bad credit,
but you got great character...
...and that rocket ship of yours
is amazing.
But as a friend, I have to
look you in the eye and say that...
...I think it's time you give it a rest.
Bye, Arnold.
I need a payment, Farmer!
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention?
I'm going to the moon,
and I'm bringing a balloon.
I'm going to the moon,
and I'm bringing an oxygen tank.
- I believe you're going to the moon.
- I'm going to the moon...
- ...and I'm bringing Mr. Grump.
- No. But not on the table.
- You can't bring your hamster to the moon.
- Yes, I can.
Yes, she can.
I believe she's going to the moon.
I'm going to the moon,
and I'm gonna bring sugar.
Hey, sweetie, the objective is
to connect a common theme...
...based on what Daddy's bringing.
So I'm sorry, you can't go to the moon.
I never get to go.
Okay, my turn.
I'm going to the moon,
and I'm bringing Sunshine.
Well, since she holds air, I believe
we're all going to the moon.
- What is that button for, Daddy?
- Oh, that button?
You girls better hang on.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
We're taking off! We're taking off!
Oh, here we are. We're in space.
Isn't it beautiful out there?
Okay, what's that button for?
- That one?
- Yeah.
That's a very special button too.
That's the one that brings Daddy home.
We have to have that one,
because if Daddy didn't have that button...
...I'd be up there for a long, long time.
Stanley, Sunshine, time for bed.
- Give me a hug, my angels.
- Good night.
Good night. Good night, sweetheart.
See you in a little bit.
- Hey.
- Hey, honey.
- How's it going?
- Pretty good.
I just don't know if these gadgets
are gonna work until I launch, you know.
You don't believe I'm gonna launch it,
do you?
I always believe
you're gonna launch the rocket.
- Someday.
- Well, someday's coming fast.
- Charlie, it's so late.
- I've been working, baby.
Charles, you didn't even take a shower.
You smell like the rocket.
- You could've washed your hands.
- I did. I washed my hands.
Look at this.
Look at that.
Honey, where's your w--?
Where's your wedding ring?
It's in the capsule somewhere.
- Oh, man, in the capsule somewhere.
- Well, honey, I--
Well, it came off.
I'll get it. Don't worry about it.
No, that's not a star.
That's a shooting star.
How come you guys
only eat the marshmallows?
- You don't like the cereal?
- Tastes like wood.
Here, a whole spoonful of marshmallows.
Yeah, but one piece of a cereal.
One piece of a cereal.
Okay, we gotta get that. Oh, there we go.
You know what you guys started me on?
I don't put milk on my cereal anymore,
and it's your fault.
- I don't put milk on my cereal.
- Oh, hey, honey.
Hey. Look who's here.
Hey. Whoa, easy, easy.
Take it easy.
- I love you, Grandpa.
- Go ahead, sweetie.
- Go say hi.
- What are you feeding them?
- Hi, Grandpa.
- Girls. My little tiny people.
Hey, Hal. How you feeling?
I'm actually feeling fine.
- Come sit down, Hal. Come on.
- Here, Grandpa will walk you over, okay?
Boy, you've made real progress.
It's gonna take a hell of a lot
more than gunpowder... get this particular aircraft in the air.
I never knew it was this big.
Well, you got yourself
some mighty pricey metal here, bud.
Yeah, well, you gotta
have the good stuff.
I'd have more than a carpet burn on my ass
if I didn't protect it.
Hey, Karl. How you doing, man?
I'm gonna need your autograph
for this letter.
Goddamn, it certainly gets my attention.
- Appreciate it. I'll see you later, buddy.
- See you.
- Farmer!
- You want my house...
- ...I'll give it to you brick by brick.
- It was procedure, Farmer.
I didn't have a choice.
The bank wouldn't stand for it
a day longer, and neither would I.
You're way too overextended.
You're just a banker.
A friend wouldn't do what you did.
If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't
have sent it in. You got 30 days.
Open your eyes. Look at this as
a wake-up call, because the dream is over.
It's gotta stop now,
before you lose everything.
What's up, Chopper? How's your daddy?
Waiting for you. Want a ride?
No, it's all right. Follow me.
What'd you do, Arnie?
How much does he owe the bank,
- Over 600,000 dollars.
- 600,000 dollars?
He's dangerous. He threw a brick at me.
That's enough, Arnold. That's enough.
Will the bank take an apology?
- Well?
- I guess...
Farmer, give the bank an apology.
Say you're sorry.
- Arnold, I'm sorry.
- Great.
Now, Arnold, I'm going to administer
Farmer's spanking in private.
Chopper, could you
see Arnold out for me?
Assume the position.
You're not really gonna whack me
with that thing, are you?
Come on. I've known you all your life.
But I do see you putting your family
and yourself at serious risk.
One day it's a brick,
the next day it's a bullet.
Men have been known
to do desperate things...
...when they're losing their ranches.
I'm gonna ask you to get...
...a psychiatric evaluation.
Before Arnold and me are comfortable
with you in society, you gotta see a shrink.
Go over to the school, see Nurse Goode
over there, and talk to her.
Bring it back to me.
What'd they get you for?
Sleeping in class.
How about you?
I broke a window.
So, what do you wanna be
when you get out of here?
I don't know.
- What do you mean, you don't know?
- I don't know.
Well, let me tell you something... better know what you wanna do
before somebody knows it for you.
Trust me.
Farmer. Nurse Goode can see you now.
Well, good luck.
Charlie Farmer.
Hey, Beth. I was supposed to
give you this, the judge said.
Thank you. Okay.
Don't you think that they're a little late
in labeling you crazy?
Jumping off a bridge is crazy.
- Oh, and building a rocket isn't.
- I threw a brick through a window.
That's why I'm here.
Well, how would you like it if we discussed
your desire to leave the planet?
- Not particularly.
- Oh, Charlie.
I don't expect you to open up
and start talking in our very first session.
Session? There's sessions?
We're all onions, Charlie.
We have many, many,
many layers to get through.
See what I'm saying? And, just like...
...well, when you peel an onion,
there may be tears as we come--
Beth, please stop it, okay?
Listen, my daddy never told me
that he loved me.
And, you know, I'm pretty sure
that your daddy never did either.
The resentment that you feel
towards your parents... not going to fuel your rocket.
- Are you done?
- Well, you're not getting it.
The rocket is not going to bring you
a happy childhood.
We all just have to grow up
and just take responsibility.
Remember during our high school prom,
I asked you go to the moon with me?
Well, shoot, Charlie,
that was just about getting laid.
Well, I'm still going.
We're not done, Charlie.
Is this considered another session?
Have you ever thought
of going into teaching?
What the hell would I teach?
What not to do?
No. Charlie, you could inspire
some young kid to do what you can't.
But I can, and I will, Beth.
I hate to be the one breaking it to you,
but you are not an astronaut.
It didn't happen, and that's okay.
You know,
the military's not for everyone...
...but we all just still love you,
and you didn't fail...
- ...and don't look at it that way.
- Oh, I don't.
- Oh, my God, do you need help.
- Yes, you're right, I do need help.
I need to find Shepard
because I gotta launch in 30 days.
You have to find a way
to channel your anger...
...or else it will manifest itself
into something..., you know, a rocket ship.
Charlie Farmer.
Ms. Graham, I'm here to inspire a kid.
I could use an engineer
such as yourself at the house.
Why don't you get your things,
and let's go.
Excuse me, but we're in the middle
of a history lesson.
I apologize, Ms. Graham, but you're
teaching him how to read history...
...and I'm gonna show him how to make it.
You have a good day, hon.
- Where are we going?
- Home.
Home? Do we see the--?
Where's the house?
I don't see it anywhere.
Well, it's a long ways to home.
Every one of you is now part
of the Farmer space program.
If anyone feels that he or she is not fit
to be in the Farmer space program...
...then you should say your piece now.
Does that mean we don't
have to go to school?
But every morning,
we're gonna hold class...
...and study your regular subjects... when you return to school,
you won't be behind.
- Yes, sir.
- Any questions?
- Is that all?
- No, honey, not yet.
How big is it?
- It's big.
- Big?
- So you've seen it?
- Of course I have.
And you think that he'll let me see it?
- Depends.
- Depends? On what?
It's not like I'm gonna go
running all over town, "I've seen it."
I'm telling. You told.
Hey. You and Phyllis been out playing?
What's going on?
Why aren't the children in school?
I'll address your issues after the briefing.
We're not quite finished.
Charles, you need to answer my question.
What's going on?
Oh, hey, Hal. You wanna
be part of the program?
- Sir?
- The space program.
- Charles. Bye, Phyllis.
- You guys are released, okay?
I want you here tomorrow morning
at 0500 sharp, okay?
Now, go back to the house. All right.
They're going back to school tomorrow.
It's five weeks maximum,
and they're back at school, I promise you.
You know that they're never gonna
get the kind of education at school...
...that they can get here.
They don't even teach science
in these schools anymore.
You know what Shepard's science teacher
said to him? I mean, get this.
She said, "Science isn't sexy."
I mean, do you want your girls to grow up
only knowing when Mercury's in retrograde?
- You know?
- What the hell happened to you?
It's five weeks maximum, and then
they're back in school, I promise. Okay?
Unit 4-0 to Central.
Do we know how many entrances
there are to this property?
I believe there are four entrances
to the property. Four entrances.
I don't know if they're gated or not.
Suspect has been trying
to secure rocket fuel, over.
Roger, we copy.
Miller is about 100 yards out.
You should be able to see him.
He's coming down the hill, over.
Be aware there are seven suspects. We have
on visual suspect, one Jesus Garcia.
We copy that.
Killbourne, Mathis,
currently securing the barn.
Can I help you?
- Charles Farmer?
- Yeah.
We're with the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.
Sir, we have been made aware,
through electronic documents...
...that you have been searching
for a high-grade fuel commonly used... launch rockets.
Are you aware that you have an illegal
alien working on your premises?
Pepe Garcia. Jesus Garcia.
If you cooperate, we could see to it...
...that Mr. Garcia
could stay here with your family.
We're going to the moon.
- That's really rotten.
- It's rather generous of us.
And where is that man going?
It's very simple, Mr. Farmer...'s illegal to try to obtain
such a high-grade fuel for private use.
Anyone trying to acquire this kind of fuel
has to be considered a threat.
This is the real deal.
- Well, I'm no threat.
- Well, how do we know...
-'re not building a warhead?
- Because I'm not at war.
We just wanna let you know
your little rocket ain't gonna fly... long as we're doing
this investigation.
I filled out the FAA application,
sent it in over six months ago.
Sent all my flight plans,
illustrations of the vessel...
...never heard anything back
saying I couldn't launch.
They didn't think you were serious.
- Well, how can they stop me now?
- Jeez, Farmer.
With this Patriot Act, the way
they've twisted the laws up so much...
...they can do whatever
they please... long as they feel you're a threat
to homeland security.
What do you want me to do?
Well, twist it some more.
Isn't that what lawyers are good at?
All right. Did they say they were
gonna press any charges?
Well, no, not exactly.
They said I'm under investigation.
That means they're gonna
be watching your every move.
I got a buddy in Manhattan.
He's a partner in one of these big firms
that specializes in cases like this.
- Give it a try.
- Maybe he can...
...shed some light on the situation.
He owes me a favor.
It won't cost you a nickel.
Set it up. Grab the boom.
Going into space
doesn't take NASA anymore.
Friends, we are here at the entrance
of the space cowboy's ranch.
We are told that behind me,
in this barn, is a rocket...
...a rocket that Charles Farmer
wants to launch into outer space.
After graduating
from Meriwether Lewis High School...
...he continued his education
at the University of Texas...
...where he received a degree
in aerospace engineering.
Soon after, Charles Farmer
enlisted in the Air Force...
...where he developed his skills as a pilot,
flying such planes as the F-4 Phantom.
The rocketeer Charles Farmer
was in fact training to be an astronaut...
...before he was discharged
from the military.
- Hello.
- Hey, what's up?
Holy cow, Munchak.
You didn't tell me your friend was CNN.
This is what he said.
He said embrace the media, Farmer.
Invite them in.
They're for your protection.
You want them on your side, Farmer.
All right.
He built the rocket.
I'm sure he built a retractable roof.
- Really?
- I don't think he'd build a rocket...
...and forget about the roof.
- Unless he never plans on launching it.
- Then why are we here?
Because if we aren't here,
and he launches...
...we're gonna look like asses.
And if he does, and we are here?
We still look like asses.
- There he is!
- Mr. Farmer!
Mr. Farmer, quick question.
Listen, if you guys settle down
and ask your questions one at a time...
...I'll answer them
to the best of my ability.
Is it important to you that people know
the importance of space travel?
I'll put it to you this way.
There are a lot of people in this world...
...that think Michael Jackson
had the first moonwalk.
Mr. Farmer, when do you plan
on launching your rocket?
- Soon.
- Mr. Farmer, why are you doing this?
It's always been my dream.
The rocket is huge. It's really big.
He's more of an astro-nut.
- Who was it?
- My wife.
She wants an autograph.
You hear about this? There's a guy in Texas
building his own rocket in his back yard.
This guy is planning
on launching himself into orbit.
Here's my question.
Wouldn't it be easier just to say:
"Honey, I want a divorce"?
Okay, wouldn't that be--?
That's not very funny.
Looks like a really beautiful day today.
Afternoon high of 65,
down to 35 tonight.
- Morning, Hal.
- And if you're launching a rocket...
...the weather looks really good
over most of the country.
This is what's known
as the rocket graveyard.
Farmer gathered most of what he needed
from places like this.
If you're looking to build a rocket,
this is the place to start.
Farmer's rocket is housed
in the barn that you're seeing below.
Due to the overwhelming interest,
he has opened his barn to the public...
...allowing them
to view the rocket themselves...
...only hoping to alleviate
some of this congestion.
Can he do it? Well, sure he can.
Now, will he do it? That's to be seen.
There are lots of FAA regulations...
...that keep people from turning
the sky into a playground.
But the astronaut's plans
for space travel...
...first have to be approved by the FAA.
A hearing has been scheduled.
How long will the government
not allow you to launch your rocket?
- They're not stopping me.
- Is it true...
...Elton John plans to re-release
"Rocket Man" to help raise money?
This is exactly
what we didn't want to happen.
Let's get what we can on this guy.
Find something.
We gotta get this space cowboy's
head out of the clouds.
Pack up, boys. We're going to Texas.
Well, the man deserves a second chance.
All right, more presents.
That's the last of it.
Hey, Stanley.
Why don't you change your hamster cage?
Use paper--
Now, wait a minute. I'd like to see that.
Come on, let me have a look.
Don't believe everything you read,
honey. It just...
- I wanna read it.
- I wish she had your paper, Pepe.
She can't read Spanish.
Your dad's right.
- Change your hamster cage.
- Okay.
They called us a cult. They said we were
like a branch of the Moonies or something.
They think our family's
a bunch of space cadets.
I know. I know.
- How can they do that?
- Because they can.
We are a normal family. We need
to go tell everyone that it isn't true.
Well, honey, we just need
to show them, okay?
We got a winner here. It's a winner!
Hey, here you go, bud.
That's what I get?
Don't you worry about them.
Just forget about them, Charles.
- Thank you.
- For what, baby?
For this.
Excuse me. I wanna talk to you
about the ride.
Two tickets.
No, sir. I mean, if I wanted to buy this ride
from you, how much would it cost me?
Well, you can rent it for 500 a week.
- Can we talk some business?
- Sure.
- Yeah?
- Absolutely. You gonna be around?
Yeah, I'll be here.
Colonel Masterson.
Up there in space, you get
a totally different perspective.
Different every time.
Different perspective of the Earth.
Different perspective of yourself.
Every time's completely different.
It's just...
It's just beautiful, is what it is.
You see the world, and you realize
how small we all are.
Definitely life-changing.
This is good chicken, Audrey.
- Thank you.
- You're about to make me start crying.
My last mission was on the Endeavor.
I don't know who they are.
It's the name of the space shuttle
Colonel Masterson flew on.
We don't have a name for our rocket.
You don't?
You don't have a name
for your rocket, Farmer?
Well, we just hadn't got to that part yet.
We're gonna have to think of some
names, aren't we?
- Licorice.
- Licorice?
Okay, who's for Licorice?
Now, Stanley submitted the name
of the Rockin' Rocket.
- Who wants Rockin' Rocket?
- I like that.
Uncle Eddie has voted
for everything we've said so far.
- I'm taking this as seriously as you are.
- Okay.
Now, Shepard has decided,
as you told me before...
- wanna change your name?
- Yeah, I'm changing my name.
I'll think about it more.
I'm not sure what I want.
Okay. Pepe.
What does that mean?
It ain't gonna be the name of the rocket,
so don't worry.
What does it mean, though?
Because if we're all going to vote on it--
It means "the other woman," honey.
No. You are not voting for that name.
I think we should go out
and see the other woman.
Son of a bitch, Farmer.
- You built this thing?
- Bolt by bolt.
That is some serious engineering.
You don't think they'd have
brought you down here...
...if it was a bottle rocket, do you?
Good grief.
- You're serious about this.
- Absolutely.
Lookie here, you.
What happens...
...if the rocket doesn't launch?
I know it's not the company line here.
I know.
But I'm a dad, baby.
Well, that's why he needs our support
regardless of the outcome.
It's not mandatory.
No, it's love.
What do you think?
I think that it is gonna be one sad-ass day
up here in Farmerville...
...when they haul all your hard work
off to the junkyard.
I think that. What do you think?
You think they're gonna let you
go up into outer space?
A civilian?
They don't let civilians
go up into outer space.
Astronauts go into outer space.
Professional astronauts
who have been trained... withstand the pressures
and the strain...
...and the emotional stress
of leaving your family behind.
Ed, you know my dad died.
That's why I left.
- Of course I know your dad--
- My family needed me.
But if that was a test, you failed.
What do you think NASA was thinking?
This boy's gonna go into outer space.
His dad dies, and he wants to go home.
I thought there's one person on this earth
that might understand, and that's you.
I really-- I really didn't expect this.
What if I told you I could get you
a seat on the shuttle?
I'd say I don't wanna
hitch a ride on the bus.
Forget that. Forget about
hitching a ride on the bus, okay?
Forget the rocket. You forget the rocket
that you put a lot of hard work into.
You get these people off your back,
get these idiots with cameras out of here...
...then you go up into outer space
the right way.
The safe way.
- You don't think I can do it, do you?
- Forget that.
This is about money.
Not even millions of dollars anymore...
...billions of dollars. 16.2 billion dollars
in this year's budget alone.
- For what?
- Who cares for what.
For whatever they want.
They're not gonna let you go up
in your John Deere riding lawnmower...
...into outer space
and try and come back down...
...and make them look stupid.
Do you think that's really gonna happen?
Don't answer me now.
I don't want your answer right now.
But I want you to think about it.
Nice rocket, though.
Will Charles Farmer be allowed
to launch his rocket?
That's why we're here today.
The FAA, FBI, CIA, the Department
of Energy, and members of the military.
- They're all here.
- What do you think about all this?
Looks like we got home-field advantage,
don't it?
They're not allowing cameras
or the media inside during the hearing.
We are assembled here
to review an application...
...for the launching of a spacecraft.
We'll be asking a series of questions.
Answer to the best of your knowledge.
Yes, sir.
Let's begin with your flight plan
that you've submitted.
Your plan is to do one complete orbit
of the Earth.
Once completed, the capsule
will re-enter the atmosphere.
Sounds easy. Simple.
- Yes, sir.
- Well, it's not.
I would submit that's the gentleman's
opinion, not a statement of fact.
You are aware this is not a court of law.
I am, but I'm not gonna sit here
like a potted plant.
I hope not.
As head of the FAA, my opinion
might have some credence...
- ...on the subject of space flight.
- Yes, sir.
You based your design
on the Atlas rocket, yes?
- Yes, sir.
- Were you aware that the Atlas...
...comes from the design
of a ballistic missile?
- Yes, sir.
- So basically...
-'ve built a missile in your barn.
- That's incorrect.
Will Beacon, Central Intelligence Agency.
How do we know
that you're not constructing a WMD?
Well, because if I was building
a weapon of mass destruction... wouldn't be able to find it.
- Very funny, Mr. Farmer.
- That's just the truth.
Here we are. Thanks for waiting.
Hi, thanks for waiting.
Can I take your order?
- Audie Farmer? The astronaut's wife?
- Yes, ma'am. What can I get for you?
Gretchen Boyd
from Child Protective Services.
Would you please sit down?
- No, thank you.
- Mrs. Farmer... has come to our attention...
...that your children, as well as yourself,
may be in harm's way.
How so?
Your husband has literally brainwashed
you and your children.
He's taken them out of school...
...and he has isolated his entire family
from any other outside influence.
It's time you took control of your family
before someone else does it for you.
- Who's your personnel at Mission Control?
- Shepard Farmer, my son.
- Does he have any experience?
- Sure does. Fifteen years.
Is this a joke to you, Mr. Farmer?
A 15-year-old will be the head
of your mission control?
He's perfectly capable
of launching his dad into space.
- Don't underestimate what my child can do.
- Come on. He's 15 years old.
We also have an evaluation that was
done recently by a Dr. Beth Goode.
Nurse Goode?
These are alarming comments
made by the doctor.
She said that Mr. Farmer is angry...
...and that his overall mental health
is in question.
Charlie, your father took his own life,
is that correct?
Don't go there, colonel.
I can tell you right now,
what you have built here... a one-way ticket to the afterlife.
A facility in which Mr. Farmer
could get himself into space.
The U.S. government
has a space program, Mr. Farmer.
Why don't you just leave this
to the professionals?
In 1960 they started a space race.
By 1969 we were on the moon.
Now, in that short period of time,
look what we accomplished.
And in my opinion,
I believe that if some other country...
...wanted to go to the moon
and live there...
...we'd get in a war with them
because we think the moon is ours.
Well, it's not.
Just like it's not your right to tell me
whether or not I can launch into space.
Mr. Farmer, we have laws.
I know we have laws.
We got all kind of laws.
We got more laws to tell us
what we can't do than anything else.
We got laws to protect us
from other laws.
- Comments like that do not help.
- Listen, you've been talking all morning.
Let me talk for a minute.
I won't take long.
When I was a kid, they used to tell me
that I could be anything I wanted to be.
No matter what.
And maybe I am insane, I don't know,
but I still believe that.
I believe it with all my heart.
Somewhere along the line...
...we stopped believing
that we could do anything.
And if we don't have our dreams,
we have nothing.
You'll be informed of our decision.
I'm gonna save your life.
I'm gonna tell you something
that no one else in there will tell you.
The U.S. military has enough firepower
pointed at your ranch...
...that if you decide to launch...
...within seconds, your remains
will be spread over five states.
- Is that a threat?
- No.
You're the threat.
Don't believe a word he says, Farmer.
Nobody's gonna fire any missiles at you.
They have no law to stop you,
so they're just trying to intimidate you.
I don't know.
Actually, I think they're pretty good
at assassinating people who have dreams.
Where's your helmet?
Now, I think that's it, Mrs. Farmer.
Thank you.
- So is it true?
- What?
Got a million dollars for your story?
No, Vanessa, it's not true.
I won't tell anyone. I read about it in--
Vanessa, it's not true.
Your total is 86.05.
Sorry. Here.
Watch your fingers.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Farmer,
but your card was declined.
Would you like to try another one?
Can you just keep all this here...
...and we'll come back
in a little while, okay?
Come on, girls. Come on.
I'm going to the moon...
...and I'm bringing this brick.
Kids, your mom and I
need a private moment.
No. This has been private long enough.
Now, you can lie to me as much as you
want, Charles, but don't lie to them.
Tell them.
Tell them we might not have a house
in a few weeks.
- Knock it off, Audie, okay, please?
- No, you knock it off.
- Please, knock it off.
- And what was your plan?
Blasting off this Earth...
...and leaving us here to deal with
the consequences? With no money...
- ...nothing, no money for food?
- Oh, really? Is that right?
I'm sorry.
So we don't have any food?
Is that what you think?
Kids, you don't have anything
to worry about...
...because we got plenty of food, okay?
Here's food.
You want macaroni and cheese?
You want salmon in white sauce?
- You want rice pilaf?
- Stop it!
- We got all kinds of food!
- Shepard, take the children out of here.
What, do you wanna throw that?
You gonna throw something at me, Audie?
- Is that what you wanna do? Go ahead!
- You wanna see flying saucers?
Don't you ever accuse me of that again
in front of the kids. You understand me?
You're not taking care of us
when we don't have a home!
You have to keep us safe!
And this dream that we all share
feeds one person, and that's you!
You're gonna lose everything, Charles,
including your family.
Now, I need to clean up this kitchen.
I'm sorry I did this.
I love you and those kids
more than anything in this world.
But if I don't do what I believe in...
...then I haven't done them
any good at all.
I have always believed.
I just don't know anymore.
Okay. Here we go.
- Hold Mommy's purse.
- Audie?
Audie, honey, you don't have to leave.
It's Sunday. We're going to church.
I'm hoping they'll learn something about
forgiveness, because they'll need it.
- Come on, Audie, don't do that.
- No, Charles. They worship you.
And so that I don't get bitter...
...and call you an ass for lying to us...
...I'm gonna have to figure out
a way to forgive you.
And so will they.
You know, I tell you one thing.
You are one fabulous father.
And you know why, Farmer?
This man couldn't even get his family
to eat dinner together.
But you have got your family...
...dreaming together.
That is big stuff, sir.
Really big stuff.
Boy, they gotta burn a lot of fuel
to run them cars, you know it?
Gotta wonder if all them cars would
be going around in circles like that...
...if they didn't have all that advertising.
The fact of the matter is, Doug,
if you advertise on my rocket...'s gonna raise your sales.
It just stands to reason.
Plus, you'll be getting attention...
...that you normally wouldn't get
from conventional methods.
Now, I've got a letter out
to the CEO of Coca-Cola.
I expect to hear back from them soon.
If they come onboard,
they'll be right here.
But before they come on and paint
the whole thing red, you got your choice.
I mean, look at this.
Can you imagine?
Dunkin' Donuts blasting off into space.
What if your mission's aborted...
...or your success doesn't measure
to this final statement?
- What are you implying?
- The risk factor is high, Farmer.
But it's an educated risk.
Did you read the case study on Tang?
The profits they made off putting
that orange dust up onboard.
I've made a graph. Did you look at it?
Oh, yeah, Tang.
I raised three kids on that stuff.
Well, it's full of vitamins.
What's that little old cheesy deal
y'all got now?
I mean, tell me what happens
if your whole mission goes to shit.
- I mean, I can't deal with much more of it.
- You mean, like, if I die?
If something were
to happen to you, Farmer...
...candy sprinkles, M&M's,
Oreo cookies...
...there's no amount of topping...
...that would cover the amount
of guilt that I would have.
Look, if you die...
...the book deal, Good Morning America,
that TV movie, Jay Leno...
...all that vanishes.
Without a successful mission, I don't
see the profits breaking into the red.
I might as well go put my money
in Kleenex stock...
...because all you're gonna be producing
is a ton of tears.
But if you circle the world... land back over in your back yard
like your mission plan says...'re a man-made American hero.
Now if I could only launch a rocket
with jelly doughnuts.
Sunshine, why don't you go
give your grandpa one, okay?
He loves the sprinkles.
Take Grandpa a doughnut. There you go.
- Take Grandpa a doughnut.
- Just have two, okay?
Just two.
- Do you want one?
- No, honey, I've already had three or four.
With, like, seven cups of coffee and...
Grandpa, here's a doughnut.
Grandpa, here's a doughnut.
- Grandpa no wake up.
- What, sweetie?
Grandpa no wake up.
Oh, Dad.
There are no stop signs up there.
There is no defining space.
We have always defined our space.
A wall here, a room there.
A hallway, a road.
We have this way of dividing our space
until it equals a direction.
We even created a space for the dead.
Space is a difficult thing to grasp.
Man, Farmer... have the most abstract thoughts.
They don't make any sense at all.
I'm just waiting for the other thoughts
to string all this mess together.
Hey, who's that out there?
Maybe one of Hal's long-lost friends.
How you doing?
How many head of cattle
do you run out here?
Enough to suit me.
You are the property owner?
- Charles Farmer.
- Correct.
I'm appraising your land
for First National Bank...
...who's actively seeking a foreclosure.
What was your name?
- What was your name again?
- Robert Wilson.
Robert, nice to meet you.
You know, I own 352 acres.
Did you ever try to find a body
on that much land?
I'm not the bad guy here, mister.
Well, you're not the good guy either.
Shep, look here. I think I've figured out
another way to make our fuel.
We combine kerosene with hydrazine.
Are you sure, Dad?
Son, I don't know another way to do it
unless we completely modify the engine.
Plus, we got all the stuff
right here in the barn.
The fuel will still be pumped in
at a high pressure...
...and it'll burn in the chamber...
...create the same exhaust gases
as the high-grade rocket fuel.
That should provide enough thrust
to send me into orbit.
Make sense?
Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm down here in the engine room.
- Hey.
- They made a ruling yet?
- Why do you think I'm here?
The committee wants 60 days
to make a ruling.
But I don't have 60 days.
The bank's gonna foreclose in a week.
I'm aware of that.
- I just don't have that kind of time.
- That's their plan.
Do you think they want you
to launch this?
They'll stall, stall, stall.
And then there'll be appeals.
This'll go on forever.
- Yeah.
- Are you ready for that?
I'm sorry about the ruling, Farmer.
You know, my father loved ranching.
He loved it with all his heart.
It was his dream.
Then when it got tough...
...and he knew they were gonna
try to take it away from him...
...he put a gun to his head...
...before they could.
And that bullet's still traveling.
It just keeps on going.
And now it's headed
straight for my dream.
Just promise me
you're not gonna do something stupid.
- Like what? Build a rocket?
- No.
You know better than that.
I've walked away before...
...and I can't walk away again.
I can't just keep failing.
I hope you understand that.
I promise you everything will be okay.
Come on.
Charlie, can you hear me?
No, don't move. Don't move your body.
Don't move it, sweetie.
Oh, my God.
Don't you dare leave this family.
You stay with me!
Six broken ribs. Broken left wrist.
Compound fracture to the fibula.
Severe head trauma.
Multiple lacerations to the face.
Is there any good news?
He's alive.
Hang on, hang on, hang on.
You gotta be strong
for your daddy, now, okay?
Now, he wants to hear how much
we love him, okay? It's really important.
You okay?
Yeah? How about you?
You all right, sweetheart?
Come here, sweetheart.
Why don't we go get
something to drink.
Will you stay with him, honey?
Stanley? Stanley. Honey.
It's Shep, Dad.
I was looking in the barn today...
...and we can build another one
just like it. I swear we can.
We have everything
right in there in the barn.
We could build everything.
I swear, we can build another one
just like it. We just need you back.
You can't give up. You can't give up.
And, children, when they say,
"Don't try this at home," they mean it.
Okay. Go ahead. Yeah. What? Okay.
Ask them how long they want us
to stay here. Ask them.
Okay. Yeah. All right.
They told us to hang tight.
Grab a couple of these mugs.
They make good souvenirs.
There's no logo on them.
The blending of high-test rocket fuel
is clearly not a project for amateurs.
This is why we have such strict rules
and regulations in place.
Space flight is a serious endeavor,
not to be taken lightly.
We can only hope
that through this near-fatal tragedy...
...other space enthusiasts
get the real message...
...displayed by Mr. Farmer here,
and not the one hyped up by the media.
No further questions.
How stupid I am.
This a lecture
that you want me to hear?
You're alive, stupid.
They gotta get me some cereal.
I'm going to the moon,
and I'm bringing--
Oh, sweetie, let's not
play that game tonight, okay?
But why?
Because she said so.
Please, honey.
It's okay.
Shepard, you gotta give him some time.
Daddy's real tired, you know?
He needs to-- He needs to get some rest.
Albeit handwritten, your dad's will
is pretty straightforward.
Three trust funds for the kids.
After that, 200,000 in assets.
Another 100,000 in cash.
Some stocks and bonds.
It's all yours.
Troubles with the bank are over, anyway.
Thank you.
- Look, I found one!
- Look, I found one!
That's good, baby.
- Look, I found one again!
- Look, I found one again!
Have them come get that rocket
and take it to the junkyard.
- Charles.
- Audie, it's already hurt them enough.
I don't want it
to hurt this family anymore.
Well, everything is now current
and up-to-date.
I have stopped the foreclosure.
No worries.
Thanks, Arnie.
You did the right thing.
Oh, boy.
Did Farmer have us all believing
he was going off into outer space.
How stupid do we look?
When we took our vows...
...we promised to love each other
in sickness and in health.
Did that mean mental health?
Because you are crazy.
I mean, when you first said you wanted
to go into space, I thought:
"Well, what man doesn't say
he wants his space?"
The difference is, now...
...we have a family.
A beautiful family.
And I see how the girls look at you.
They adore you.
They love their daddy
who wants to go into space.
I don't wanna be responsible
for killing that hope in their eyes.
And what kind of message
would you be sending to Shepard?
I want his dad to show him
how it's done.
Now, look.
There's enough money in there
for you to do whatever you need to do.
Without the rocket...
...we're just a dysfunctional family.
We'll rebuild the rocket
to the exact specifications as the original.
I've inventoried all materials on hand.
Awaiting delivery on...
Three spherical oxygen bottles.
- Three thousand linear feet of 20-gauge...
- Unlike the first launch...
...this fuel will burn evenly... us the right amount of thrust
needed to launch...
- Twenty MCM submodule components.
- Lithium hydroxide canisters...
- There are plenty of alternative fuels.
- We have to find them legitimately.
The altitude would be 100 miles
and the speed would be 25,000...
Fire-protective fabric.
- Test.
- Testing.
The rocket will be launched from the barn,
heading 72.51 degrees...
Five thousand linear feet 30-gauge...
Two hundred linear feet...
Oxygen could last
three times longer than needed...
...but let's not put that to the test.
You know, when you're a kid,
you wanna be just like your dad.
Then when you're a teenager... don't wanna have
anything to do with him.
Then when you grow up,
you end up just like him.
My dad showed me one thing
when he died.
He wasn't dying, he was giving up.
No matter what happens to me today,
my children will see that I didn't give up.
And I can die knowing that.
We have been out here way too long.
Okay. Yeah, okay. Okay.
- What?
- Headquarters. Rocket Man's buying fuel.
Suspect Charles Farmer. Male Caucasian.
Approximately 5'10", 170 pounds.
Last seen in a brown Ford pickup
bearing east on Route 9.
Now, this launch is gonna take
all the strength...
...and all the focus this family has.
You're my crew, my teammates.
Well, thank you, honey.
I can use these, you know.
- Is Daddy gonna come back?
- Yeah, I'm coming back.
Don't you worry.
- I love you, honey.
- I love you too.
It'll be okay. Don't you worry.
I love you guys.
Now, Shepard.
If anything's gonna go wrong,
it'll go wrong in the first 10 minutes.
- After that, I'll be airborne.
- Dad--
It's okay. I'm not worried about you.
- You can do it.
- All right.
Audie...'s gonna be okay.
Please don't break my heart.
I won't.
Step away from the vehicle!
Show me your hands!
Put your hands up! Let me see them!
- Right there, right there.
- Let me see those hands.
Turn around slowly.
I expect you home for dinner.
Dad, do you copy?
Now we look like asses.
Control Booth.
Preparation for launch underway.
Local temperature, 65 degrees.
Wind speed, four knots.
Opening canopy doors.
Cabin pressure holding 5.8.
Fuel and oxygen are steady.
Power still looks good.
Status is good.
Canopy doors cleared for launch.
All remaining units
report to the Farmer residence.
- Ready for system check.
- Roger.
Hydraulics okay. Fuel pressure's okay.
All systems go.
- Roger.
- Vessel restraints unlocked.
Ignition system on.
Abort system on standby.
Cleared for launch at zero hour, 9 a.m.
...eight..., six...
...five, four...
...two, one.
It's okay. It's okay.
Fuel is go.
- Go, Dad, go!
- Go, Dad!
That is so huge.
Charlie Farmer.
Oxygen in the cabin is good.
Pressure's holding.
The isolated battery's okay.
Everything's okay. Son of a bitch.
It's getting a little smoother.
A little smoother.
Cut off, tower. Jettison green. Disarm.
Charles Farmer launched!
No, he didn't.
Capsule separation, green, okay.
We did it, Shepard!
We did it!
We made it, Mom.
This is where the dreams live.
I'm up here.
- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, Daddy.
God, I wish you were with me.
I wish you guys were here so bad.
Have you heard about this guy,
Charlie Farmer, who built his own rocket?
Shepard, can you hear me?
- Shepard?
- Dad.
Shepard, can you hear me?
Come on.
- Where is he?
- Dad, please come in.
- Dad, are you there? Dad?
- It's okay.
Control Booth to Dreamer.
Control Booth to Dreamer. Are you there?
It's okay.
As you no doubt have heard,
there have been unsubstantiated rumors...
...of an alleged launch
from somewhere in Texas.
And for whatever reason, this seems to be
attributed to our old friend Mr. Farmer.
We here at the FAA categorically deny
the existence of any launch.
As far as we know,
Mr. Farmer is resting comfortably...
...probably watching
this press conference on television.
Once again, no launch has taken place.
Your daddy's gonna come home soon.
So Dad launched at 0922.
So right now he's been in orbit
for eight hours, 56 minutes and 15 seconds.
Distance traveled so far
is 152,042 miles.
Well, when will he come back?
He may do 12 or 13 orbits
before he re-enters the Earth's atmosphere.
And if you figure that, then it...
Well, he could end up
running out of oxygen.
I still can't locate him, Mom.
Why don't you get some rest?
- I can't, Mom. Dad needs me.
- That's an order.
I'm proud of you.
Say something, Farmer.
Come in, Shepard.
Shepard! Can you hear me?
Come on.
Come on.
Hello? Hello?
This is the Astronaut Farmer.
- Come in, Mission Control.
- Dad, it's Shep!
Daddy! Daddy!
I think I'm gonna miss the back yard.
Don't worry. I'm setting up coordinates
for orbit nine to 10.
You don't wanna miss
this window for re-entry.
If readings are correct,
you're off by 20 percent.
- Preparing for re-entry.
- Re-entry is go.
Good luck.
We'll be watching for you, Dad.
Where can we take you?
- Hey, Dad.
- I made it! I made it!
Good job, son.
- I love you.
- My helmet.
I want that.
- And I want the rocket.
- I want that.
Let's go to a restaurant to have pizza.
Okay. We could go there too.
My next guest has an amazing story.
He's the only private citizen
ever to build his own rocket...
...orbit the Earth, and return safely.
As you know, he orbited nine times.
Please welcome Charlie Farmer.
Charlie, come on out here.
How are you, pal? Good to see you.
Have a seat.
Let me ask you something.
How does this go over
with the wife and kids?
Most guys I know can't
get a Harley out of the wife.
You know what I'm saying?
How do you get the rocket?
I know it might sound like baloney...
...but my wife and kids were real supportive
of the whole thing all the way around.
How do you know you were
physically up to this? It's been a while--
I did some tests on myself.
I know they have that big--
What is that? The cyclotron?
What do you do, run around a tree
with a rope? What do you do?
See what I'm saying?
I didn't really have the equipment
that NASA might require.
So I just had to make up
my own tests, but...
You think they will clamp down on people?
Will people be allowed to do this after you?
You know, I was fine
when I was building the rocket.
It's when I ordered the 10,000 pounds
of rocket fuel...
- ...that the FBI--
- Well, yeah, that'd do it.
- The FBI came around to say hello to me.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know all the government people,
the NASA people, were against you.
Once this looked like
it was gonna happen...
...were they pulling for you
or feeling resistance?
Well, I'll put it this way.
To be up there
and look back down here at us...
- makes it all worth it.
- Well, you did it.
Godspeed to you, Charlie. Great job.
Charlie Farmer will be right back,
right after this.