Asura (2012)

Turbulent times.
The grass under ones feet burns,
And many lives vanish as darkness falls.
Surviving on this land, where there is nothing left but ruins.
Even though the answer was nowhere in sight, I was wondering the land fulfilling my duty.
Till I met that thing.
The land that we have built since times past, crumbles under it's own bad karma.
Our own ignorance has brought upon us, this unfortunate situation.
Rebuilding what has been lost, at the cost of ones life.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
I'm going to give birth.
OK, it's alright.
Drink properly, grow up healthy.
I found it first!
Outta the way!
Something to eat...
Something to eat...
Something... to eat...
to eat...
Something to eat...
Something to eat...
Something to eat...
Something to eat...
Nubles Presents
This is the very last, eat it properly.
If only I wasn't like this, sorry.
With the drought that's going on, everywhere is the same.
Who on earth...
Who could have done such!
It's so horrible!
People are dead!
Someone killed them!
Their throats were cut open!
It's rain!
It's all thanks to the God of rain!
You've eaten people, haven't you?
So you intend on eating me too.
I see.
So you don't know how to talk.
I want to see your heart!
Namu Amida Butsu!
Namu Amida Butsu!
It must have some sort of relation to this...
So you're awake?
To you, everything that's alive is an enemy huh...
I won't kill and eat you.
Well whatever.
I'll leave it here.
You are a human, but yet you are not.
You're just a sad creature, who can't live without fighting.
Isn't it delicious?
You kill to protect yourself.
If not, then you wouldn't have been able to live, would you?
But you know, humans are beings that live by helping each other out.
Namu Amida Butsu.
Say it now.
Namu Amida Butsu.
OK, nicely done even though it's your first time.
Anger, grief, hurt and kill.
You have the burden of suffering on you.
That will be your name from now on.
It doesn't matter if he can't understand it now.
Just keep chanting that,
and become human.
This is of no use.
Someone drop this one off In the valley.
Wait lord, This one is just weak...
If we give it food...
Don't get ahead of yourself.
We don't have much for weaklings.
Just make sure you deliver this to its designated place before sunset.
This guy tried to eat Saoru.
What's with this guy!
It still wants to eat...
Here, eat this!
It's like a dog.
Why is that kid following us?
It wants to eat Saburo?
Nothing to eat anymore, shoo!
This isn't a place where you can
freely walk without permission.
Go back to your village already!
You scum.
You're in the way.
Don't get in the way.
I won't be able to feed them, If we don't take this log to the other side.
Please let us pass.
Don't answer back.
Know your place.
What's with that look, you got a problem!?
What are you going to do?
Kotaro is the landlord's...
This is bad!
Kotaro was killed?
My only son!
Who is it? Who did this!?
Who is it, speak up!
It's him!
He did it!
Why you! I'll kill you!
You brat!
Don't think you can run away from me.
Why you!
Now what will you do?
Why don't you try taking me on once more!
I wonder if he was killed.
Of course, he was against Jitou-sama.
He sure was one heck of boy.
Sorry, it was hot wasn't it.
It's alright.
Nothing to be afraid of.
Nothing to be afraid of.
There there, be a good boy.
It'll be over soon, let's stop the bleeding, OK?
You sure held up well.
Good boy.
I know.
You must be hungry.
I got it.
I'll call you that.
Morning, Asura.
Come here.
You can say sutras?
My name is Wakasa.
Nice to meet you.
Asura, this is an eye.
Say it.
This is an ear...
Then try saying it,
Wa - ka - sa!
Wa - ka - sa!
That's it!
I hope the rice comes out fine this year.
It should be alright.
Yea, I guess you're right.
Asura, you can't stay here, you must hide in the basket.
You're hungry aren't you.
Honestly, you shouldn't over do it,
It'd be bad if the villagers found you.
It's pretty bad for that family, they didn't only sell their daughter, but their babies died too.
That's it for today.
We can come back later,
after we've had our meals.
Thanks dad.
Jeez, It can't be helped.
What a beautiful sunset, It feels so nice.
Thanks for bringing me here, Asura.
I don't think the villagers have ever come here.
We found a nice place.
This Is the safest place for you.
Come here Asura.
They say that the city is beyond that mountain.
I'd like to go there one day.
With that person.
If you want someone who can
work, then how about that person?
Don't talk about things like that, right Wakasa?
Men really should be the ones to work.
This year sure looks like it's gonna be tough on taxes.
Yeah, whether we have food
or not Is none of their concern.
It's amazing you knew I was here.
Look at these, they're mushrooms.
They're delicious if you bake or make soup with them.
I'll bring you dinner tonight.
Now then, lend me a hand.
We're gonna pull that big one out.
Mushrooms grow under the shade of trees.
They grow well in enclosed places.
Asura, you try searching for some too.
Don't hold that dangerous thing.
Give it back.
Say Asura, you killed Kotaro-sama didn't you.
In doing so, you almost died.
I don't want to see anything sad anymore.
Wakasa, sad?
You mustn't kill anymore.
Thank you.
Good boy.
So Asura, does it taste good?
We have plenty more.
I'm going to head back now, OK?
Lets go and pick mushrooms again.
Don't eat this all at once.
I wanted to meet you.
Me too.
I want to stay like this forever.
I don't know when it will be.
But one day I'll leave this place,
And i will come to take you away with me.
I really want to leave this
place, and be with you forever.
Lets run away to the city.
I'm alright.
Stop it.
What did you do to him!
You demon!
I don't know you anymore.
Get out!
It would've been better if I hadn't been born.
It would've been better if I hadn't been born.
The one who gave birth to you in this world!
I hate you!
To have been born in a place like this.
What is this.
This creature, which is human but
also not human, regrets being born.
It would've been better... It would've
been better if I hadn't been born.
We meet again Asura.
Is it hurting you?
It seems that you've learnt a lot of words.
You've become more human like than before.
I'm not a human.
I'm not a human, just a beast.
Then let us close our hearts by chanting sutras.
I told you before.
Fight with the beast inside you, and become human.
I'm not a human.
Everyone... Everyone's the same.
They kill each other if there is nothing to eat.
There are even people
who devour their children.
Everyone is an enemy.
It's always eat or get eaten.
That's why I have fangs.
Asura listen up.
It is true that everyone has a beastly nature.
Yet, there is something different
about you, from other beasts.
You have a heart.
People have a heart.
As someone walks on a beastly
path, they become more dejected.
You were saying that you were
suffering, that's a sign of being human.
I haven't said.
But you were just saying it a moment ago.
I don't have a heart.
That is why I have no choice but to eat.
I am a beast.
Do you want to be a beast that much?
I got it.
Then give that to me.
I will give this arm up to Buddha.
Now eat!
Try eating my arm.
I am the same.
No one wants to eat human flesh.
As people have reasoning.
Yet, there are times when things
are so tough that people lose their reasoning.
So you have to fight with the beast inside you.
Don't hate people or hate yourself.
Hate that beast inside you.
This is to celebrate that
you have become human.
Seems its useless this year.
You sure have it tough, Gisuke.
Hey is that alright?
There are guys who buy people at Sakuji's place.
You can sell Wakasa for a high price.
You want me to call them?
Don't be a fool!
I won't sell my daughter!
Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
I'll remember this.
Go away!
Actually there is less to eat here too.
The Lord is rationing the food these days.
So, Um...
It's alright.
I was relying on you too much.
I will do something myself.
Even if you say that...
We don't have any we can share.
It's alright, sorry for bothering you.
Of course we don't have any.
I want some on the contrary.
I will bring more the next time.
When is the next time?
Don't move to much.
You'll get hungry.
I'll come again tomorrow.
It's ours!
Why are you acting like it's yours?
This is ours.
What are you doing?
This isn't what it looks like!
That's ours...
Where do you plan on taking them?
Sorry, I can't leave Wakasa dying.
You want to starve us for some girl?
It's our food, give it back!
I beg you, this much!
It's the horse thief!
The horse thief is here!
It's the brat that killed Kotaro-sama.
Come out, where are you!
It went to the back of the store house.
What, that brat was alive!
Yes, I saw it with my own eyes.
You brat, I won't forgive you.
Gather the everyone from the village.
I will make sure you die this time.
We screwed up.
What is it father.
I think I should have just
listened to what he said at that time.
Before you become like that.
Well, it might not be to late.
What do you think Wakasa?
If you don't want to then it's OK.
I was just putting the idea out there.
It's just...
We need food.
Gisuke, Jitou-sama is calling everyone.
At such a time!
Any at rate just hurry.
Can't be helped.
Guess I'll go and have a look.
I won't forgive anyone if they show mercy.
Listen, don't wait for me.
Just kill it when you find it.
One years worth of rice to the one who kills it.
One years worth of rice!
Father went out in the middle of night.
OK I'll go as well then.
When you find that brat,
you need to tell Jitou-sama.
It's that brat who killed his son.
If you catch him, you get one years worth of rice.
I see...
Don't put a hand on my Wakasa.
You killed people again?
This is horse meat.
I dont need it.
Then I will.
That is human meat.
Like I care.
I can't take this hunger anymore.
Those who eat human meat will
fall into the depth of damnation!
Weren't you saying that all the time.
Can't help it, it's for living on.
Eat already.
But, if you don't eat, you will die.
I won't eat it, I'd rather die.
I brought it for you.
Cheer up.
We can play like we used to.
You do things that hurt me?
We can't ever play like we used to.
Wakasa, this is horse meat!
So eat it.
There's no point in trying to trick me.
Eat it!
This is horse meat.
Stop it Asura.
Stop it.
Please eat it.
Say Asura.
If I eat that...
I feel like I won't be able
to live properly anymore.
I don't want to live while
holding onto that feeling.
You are suffering so much right now.
You will suffer more if you don't eat.
I want you to live.
I don't want you to die.
So you must live!
Why don't you listen to what I say.
You idiot!
Asura, don't!
Catch it!
After it!
Hunt down that beast.
There it is.
Capture it.
How was your end.
Wasn't there too.
There it is!
After it!
There it is!
Surround it!
Where is it?
Where did it go?
You brat!
There it is!
Its over there.
Found it!
This way.
Okay we've cornered it.
Kill it!
Kill it!
Kill it!
I must have only passed
beside you, among the 6 way life cycle.
But, I want to thank that affinity.
The thing that you taught me was,
That people can even live on,
no matter what troubles they face.
Taking away life that was born,
And taking away life after life.
People still keep on living.
Burdened with crime.
Even so, trying to live as much as there is life.
That is why,
this world is beautiful.