Asylum Blackout (2011)

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Independent
Republic of Tajikistan's civil war began.
Russian border guards were left to guard
Tajik-Afghan border...
Tajik-Afghan border
And 90-years of the twentieth century.
Salaam Alaikum!
- Good day!
Come on, faster!
Good is your tea on the border commander,
It smells good.
How you sipam Zakir-aga,
out of respect or full?
Out of respect, but how fitting!
So full!
Today was a beautiful day, sunny.
On this day is always the case.
And why is this day special,
You're in our new,
You only half a year here...
...Respect you...
...people you respect.
Thanks Zakir Aga.
For this I am a new watchtower,
but this is my first year in Tajikistan.
That is why I ask for today.
Today is the Day of Remembrance for my friend,
first commander of the watchtower.
Alexei Orlov Mihajlovic.
We fought together.
That's his record player.
On this day I always come to the watchtower
listen to our music.
Comrade Captain, a helicopter.
I hear.
Sorry Zakir-aga...
I certainly have a surprise from
detachment sent! Quickly I will.
Cjar for me.
Guys, take hold!
a novel by Valerie Povoljajeva
It seems to have passed,
somewhere in her house here.
Comrade sergeants, you yourself have said
you know where it is located.
I can not even step further.
No kukaj ranks Darin!
Get used to your starting in the mountains,
after you on the flat as a foal to jump.
The guys say hello Abdul
where we live teacher?
Hello, hello.
Brother, what are you going barefoot?
And how would they?
Come with us on the watchtower,
sergeant will be great shoes that you do.
Hello Olga Nikolajevna!
Drug captain after us
to bring you the corn.
Thank you deco,
upload thanks captain.
And where is Pankov?
Hi Julie, our captain sent
We brought some corn and flour.
What we had to we done!
So what do you stand? You enter the house,
to drink tea!
With pleasure!
No! Sorry!
It appears to be a teacher crush
at our command.
Have noticed that the asking!
Where is Pankov, where Pankov?
The captain was as cold as stone.
I would not let go for nothing in the world!
So that is another border guards needed
to learn the local customs...
...In order to avoid conflict in the country
in which we serve.
At this point in Tajikistan is being
war between the so-called Vovika and Jurika,
and our goal is that in the circumstances
guard the state border.
Comrade Captain, who were with us in Kilanju?
Voviki or Juriki?
Even they themselves do not know,
can be both.
Everything depends on circumstances.
Comrade Captain, and what is happening with Russia?
We do not forget?
No, no.
Disintegration of Russia comrade Captain.
What is the state tuguje?
Limit the USSR and the world and inviolable
Comrade Commander, one question?
Why is with us still standing red
Flag? We need to change it.
When Moscow sent a new,
then we will change it.
Now is our tricolor flag.
It is called the "tricolor".
And everything you know!
Come on, you go to target, and you farbaj!
I understand!
Up at the top know best.
They will take care.
Pat the thicker, the color of the state!
- I understand!
Comrade Commander, whether the girls
with you in Ukraine beautiful?
The girls are beautiful here!
You, are nicer than in Moscow?
I do not know, I was in Mosk.
And I was with a pen!
She lives in Moscow,
in Red Square watching from the window!
Come on!
Oh do not lie, honest word!
I even sent her a picture!
And she promised me!
It says that I resemble the actors - Belmondo!
Come, come to work Belmondo!
Says "Eye". In the fifth part
Signal mines not removed.
How do you hear me? Reception?
I understand: the signal does not move away from mine!
Excellent job, guys!
Already zapuavata hole, eh?
Will we have the opening ceremony?
How could I not?
Of course there will be a ceremony!
Preseiemo band music and musicians!
Only Trask to purchase discs.
Catch! Mail!
Hello! Hello comrades!
As used here without me?
Border quiet!
Comrade Zastavnice let me turn!
They sent us to move.
Prihvatajte gifts.
I lay and I did not count.
- Good!
Where did you get this?
The color I won!
At ease!
I will make a sauna!
What a circus! Bring in a row!
Disbanded you!
I understand!
Watch brothers what I bought shoes
when you get off!
Looks like the Persian chess!
Ali Baba! Sinbad!
With whom you have them removed?
With a terrorist?
What kind of terrorists, brother?
Our guys have made me.
They love me! Almost going to take off!
Salaam Alaikum
Olga Nikolajevna.
Selam phase.
Go into the house.
Dear Olga Nicholaievna
give me your grandson for his wife?
Phase, and have you Julia
For us it is customary to talk about
senior decision-makers.
And here is their custom.
My beauty, my beauty!
Quieter Quieter, what did you razvikao!
What, is commander of the women did not write again?
It is not.
She left him a bitch.
Enough, you do not watchtower
I'm sorry our captain,
Today will turn to sing.
To sing, no chance.
To log in two cigarettes?
Well, well, come on!
So show your beauty!
Come on! Shows!
You are asking?
What is, is not beauty?
That beauty.
Barbara Brilska rights.
Well, I've got a bet.
On the right ravnjaj with!
Comrade Colonel, on the border situation regularly!
The Commander Captain Pankov watchtower!
At ease!
Kapetene Hello!
I brought you kontraobavetajce.
Group Babrovskog.
Babrovski, he personally?
- On himself.
Comrade potpukovne!
Terrorists are ucenili his head on
a million dollars!
I barely made friends with the locals!
If you find that Babrovski here...
What will we the problem?
Enough Comrade Captain.
Otvoriehis limits when you said it.
Obezbediehis transition.
Rest and are not concerned! Understand?
I understand!
- Discharged.
Unloaded, quick!
Listen, sir, there ims three
boxes of ammunition, two boxes shells...
...Corn, but the rest will see.
And cans of meat?
- So what is missing, no!
And why only three boxes of ammunition?
How-to, so they gave me.
Does the mujahedin around?
Until recently we were called bandits,
and now midahedini.
Well democracy has arrived!
Remains me healthy!
Lieutenant Babrovski.
Captain-Commander of the watchtower Pankov.
Hm. At ease Captain. Give my people
to eat. It is necessary to sleep.
For me.
So what is a sauna Comrade Captain?
- Excellent, and from there will not blow.
Such were our masters, will repair.
Only thus do not have to host guests.
Maybe that Nedjo a boar tomorrow
Send to inspect approached watchtower.
Open the four eyes.
Well postviemo and signaling business.
Let us turn away.
Well specialists, it is I long you stay with us?
Let us know.
I am a sergeant Durov, call me Trasak.
Sergeant Durov, our snipers,
Ranker Darin, he is new.
And this is Azamat, our Kazakh.
Salaam Alaikum!
Lieutenant Nazarin.
Sorry Comrade Lieutenant.
It is nice to here with you, peacefully.
- My watchtower and call - quiet.
Go Captain...
Now I will.
Sapjorov, Durov and Karjanov for me!
- Border, battles readiness!
Comrade Captain, set a mine.
Destroy it! Other back!
At your place I'd searched all the houses
in the village.
To terrorists and wants.
We are fighting not with the peaceful population.
We gathered what we could
for our dear teacher.
You need to extend the school.
We need to live on.
Why is it so with us Zakir grandfather?
Therefore, sro dad Russian officer,
a mom Tadjikistanka?
Well, they love each other.
They all loved each other.
Listen to me daughter,
It is my duty to you to say.
Go here.
And my grandmother?
Do not worry babu,
we'll take care of it.
Do not go!
Stage and will not leave you alone.
Best kill me now!
Kill as
slaughtered my parents,
downtown at the station.
Get in the car!
Wait, I said!
Let her go!
All right, calm down.
Everything will be fine.
Kirjanov, Azamat, was escorted to the house.
- I understand!
Who is this man?
Earlier it in KiIjaku I saw.
It is called the phase.
Coming from the mountain, with Pamir.
I know and respect your traditions,
but I am not able to act otherwise.
Proper're done.
What you know about him?
A lot. Olga Nikolajevna
He was a teacher.
He came to school on a donkey.
Later he went to Dushanbe,
where he studied veterinary medicine.
Well, yesterday by a veterinarian, and today...
I can not claim anything.
That we not publish the jihad?
Tonight we set a
mine the watchtower.
It is already bad.
Many bad.
None of us would have done it.
Comrade Captain,
how to correctly writes:
"Njilski" or "hippo"?
Comrade Captain,
There is some,
but I do not know who.
Eh, that's Cara here.
It can not.
Cara is required
on the border, it can not be without a dog.
And why did the soldiers go in boots,
and civilians in the shoe?
Do not get dirty feet?
- Do not hang Captain!
They go around the country...
- Quiet!
There lives poksok.
How do you know if the cobra or viper?
In the army I learned to distinguish between them.
Hop is much
worse than cobras.
Cobra never attack from ambush.
A viper attack without warning.
A jeTitik told me...
as the overcoat sleeves ekli
and dressed them as leg,
to protect themselves from snakes.
Comrade Captain!
There it is.
He went on me!
And I shoot - boom, boom!
He continued to attack me,
nakostreene hair.
I am in the very last moment-boom!
Right in the heart!
I shot him kovin place.
So I killed him!
Come on, enough with these inventions,
I killed him!
Ma can not hang Captain!
I've seen how it kills my bullet!
Echo-and-a-while. Vepric!
Well brother, you're killing him, run away...
Stop! Allow him to the ground!
Azam, holding a coffee!
What will be the only picture that! Come on guys!
Slowly! Do you know what
I once happened?
We have already killed the boar
and began to surimi.
He suddenly jumps!
I killed eight people!
- Come on!
Hey, head up!
Come here! Come over here, motherfucker!
What happens on the border, the stage?
Everything is business as usual, sir Dzur.
Yesterday came the amplification of
seven people.
Border guards have been totally neglected.
In Moscow, have their own problems.
They are not up to us.
Seven people say...
Continue to follow the watchtower!
Phase One, what happened with your girlfriend?
Will there be a wedding?
There will be bridal, sir Dzur, but later!
As just smells. What aroma.
If presoliwill kill you!
It's over. Let's go!
Is everything OK sir?
Corridor is open.
To bring to you something?
Without actually makes it easier.
Some other help?
You keep the border,
in my work has not interfered.
Do not be angry, Comrade Captain!
His soul is suffering.
Two years ago his wife disappeared.
It is said to have been stolen.
How do I steal? Who?
It is said that the Dzur-
leader of the mujahedin.
And what terrorists are doing
with Russian women, you know...
They do not stay long in life with them.
Now I understand.
So so. Write: "Nataice"
- Lepotice mine,
I love you, love, love...
Do not be so repetitive.
Understand - can not!
You write! I know what I feel!
And you know, what kind of girl
like our captain.
Oh, right on!
Oh I'd loved the military and after.
- What would work?
For it would have gone to taiga
and killed the biggest bear.
I threw the skin of her legs.
And after what?
Like what?
Love and many children...
So go ahead.
- Come What?
Genuine them.
- What it right?
Ma enough!
And what would YOU do?
- Is I I?
And I would not do anything.
Because I already have a girlfriend.
- Come on, Trasak! Come on, write!
Dear Natasha!
- Okay.
Today I have...
...Military and my dog ...
...Caught... two?
- Three!
Trt commandos at the border!
- That's right!
Turn around, you need to get dressed.
Well dressed up.
Are you married?
Yes, I'm married.
They tell me that your wife ran away?
Not run away, is simply gone.
Women just like they do not go.
Here is a war.
And for you it is better to go.
Stop! Zalegnite!
Lying on the ground, to hell!
Are you completely insane? Run like a flock!
What a machine!
Comrade Captain, are scared for you!
- Otstupaj!
Deviates towards the watchtower!
Do you know me?
I'm Babrovski.
How many people keep dzura?
Dzur has a lot of people.
This is his country.
You will not get to it.
Where Dzur keeps Russian women?
Dzur is a warrior, he does not keep a woman.
Or selling them or killing them.
Cara, bring it!
Comrade Captain, we have a guest.
Oh, hello Abdul!
- Hello Commander!
At the place!
Do not be afraid! Cara is a smart, do not bite.
We promised him that he will
make slippers. Permitting?
What we promised
we need to do.
It is important guest.
- Hey, boy!
Gricuk to come with me.
- I understand!
Well, boy, go I?
All of these go hand
Vladimir Ivanovich.
Even as I run everything I made.
Mother taught me.
Is I tugujefor the homeland?
Do not pull the homeland?
Pulling me sir. Funny how she pulls.
Brother for a long time not seen...
She is the youngest of them all.
And why not penzionie?
To go back to Ukraine...
Oh no I can not service.
All my life I spent in the army.
A man takes an oath only once.
Have you eaten Abdul?
- Yes.
Come on!
Take, try them.
It's over. Let's go.
Do not shoot!
Commanders, there is a woman!
He asked sma loves.
Commander, here is a child.
The child was in Kolma.
Commander, forgive me.
Fired at you, I...
Why do you feel, commander!
I can not live with that.
Calm down, Ljoha.
I'd also done.
Welcome home.
The child should be fed.
Zastavnice, take it!
- I understand!
Now we are going to organize everything?
We all have...
Nacic the bottle and pacifier,
and milk powder...
Captain, we need to talk.
Have collected a lot of people,
have a technique.
Public speaking about the attack.
I do not know with how many people have,
but in my opinion, with two of the three thousand.
What do you think you will attack?
Almost certainly will not.
How do you know?
We dzura liquidated.
Long will be discussed,
until we elect a new leader.
I understand.
Should inform the squad.
We should not lose time.
Everything is done.
We need to act.
Phase Two is right to attack.
Phase One does not have enough experience
to carry out such action.
To wait for our brothers from Eviada.
If you do not take a Dushanbe,
jobs will be tardy.
Phase Two is right, I support it.
I agree.
Phase is finished good military training
in Pakistan.
If so distinguished a man as Said-chess
have confidence in the phase
I join.
Ranker Dienko.
- I.
Ranker Wednesday.
- I.
Ranker Gluko.
- I.
Ranker Polosatkin.
- I.
Ranker Hmeljov.
- I.
Ranker Kamolov.
- I.
Ranker Prjaninikov.
- I.
Ranker Rudakov.
- I.
I Afanasijev corporal.
- I.
Three steps forward. Forward march!
Border Guards Comrades!
With the effort of soldiers,
under the direction of officers
the watchtower is made sauna.
The first row on the right.
In a sauna, forward march!
And you, after me.
On the other side of the border
are preparing to attack Dushanbe.
In the morning will give us the detachment
send reinforcements.
And if you attack us tonight...
should be evacuated civilians from KiIjaka
and organized deviates,
under fire protectress.
A stay in protecting me.
For the evacuation of civilians
corresponds Babrovski.
Comrade Captain, Border Patrol...
- Is everything OK?
- There?
- Stay in place.
Some think that we can relax.
Well, in the pool?
Why did not you leave the protectors?
I can not leave my boys alone.
Alexandre Nikolayevich understand!
One of the two of us must
to go with civilma.
There will in vain to pogine,
and there will surely protect civilians.
Andrjuha, you're an excellent officer.
Why are you cast in this hole?
They promised that after the watchtower
send me the Akadamiju.
What do you think... Alexandre Nikolayevich
I go to the Academy,
back home...
And after what?
To what?
Epaulets, medals - you will be a hero!
Honor, respect...
Women will throw you around the neck...
As in a fairy tale...
On the border of the sauna is most important.
If you were a little higher,
I would, and took to the sauna.
Border guards go in the sauna.
- And after sauna Russians drink vodka!
Great, we will kill them drunk!
You are going to KiIjaku?
Only to attack,
Now will you join us.
Tonight we prepare
and tomorrow attack!
Where is Juliet?
're Late, there is. She ran away.
Check everything.
Who has learned to stage!
You could have to be a doctor.
Is there the USSR, would have been a doctor.
And now I'm Colonel!
So now you bandit, but the colonel.
Matora witch!
We will go into the trenches.
Weapons and all you need carry with us.
...Here and there...
We will set up an ambush.
These will go to undermine.
L was all clear?
Clearly, Comrade Captain.
Today they will not attack you.
Let's positions.
As you say, Commander.
That's all, Ivanic.
Turn off the lights and let the turntable.
- I understand.
Salaam Alaikum, Zakir-aga!
Leave the village and leads his people.
We do not want war.
You're going to shoot at the Russians,
and they will shoot to the village.
We are going to fight for our homeland.
In the name of Allah!
Every Muslim dreams
to die for Allah!
I am old that I think solis!
I know well that war is just,
who do not.
Where are your sons, old man?
Why not me?
I know you go to the watchtower
and that these Russians are coming as guests.
You have betrayed my people!
I'm for my people and my fatherland,
four years prolivao blood.
I have never been a robber!
By you I am a robber?
Otsecite his head!
Soon it will be to dawn,
attack for twenty minutes.
Approaches watchtower are blown.
I know, I have set mine signaling.
Sapjor is checked, set the battles.
Solution acquisition is time to dismantle them.
Phase Two, the girls nowhere.
Bring a teacher and
Zakir-age family.
Relax, Uncle Valodja.
Guys are so many mines set,
that the two of us we can and get some sleep.
We should beware.
So we taught them yourself
how to fight.
Where are the others?
Zakir has a large family.
I brought everything that I found.
Others fled.
Move! Move, when I say!
They seem to have gone mad,
go right to mine?
Kapetene Bravo!
My instinct was I wrong.
Battles readiness.
What is it?
Abdula, here.
Drop it! Drop it!
I go to my.
We have a relationship with detachment.
"Lady," here "Oka", the reception!
Our press down there.
Will soon be with us to be severe.
We have a relationship with detachment, Comrade Captain!
"First" on the line.
Shooting at us from the mortars.
Ready to respond to the attack.
Clearly. I understand.
Let's go to plan "two".
Shooting at us from the village.
For half an hour we get to them.
Navigate to another department.
We'll cover you.
Will meet in the village.
- I understand!
Prepare for a barrage of mortars.
Throw flares.
The commander is calling. Endure.
Bear, just do not die.
For me!
Pick up the wounded. Remove dead.
Skloniemo them, when we return.
Attacks in the direction of the village.
It's over. Deviates.
Live dog.
Comrade Captain, for now, we reject them,
but it will quickly regain her composure.
And where are Gricuk and Lieutenant?
- I do not know. Nothing I have not heard of the shootings.
Download komadovanje.
Bring people from the village.
I'm going for a sergeant.
- Durov, Trasak, Azamat - for me!
Tana, take a circular defense.
On the border has fallen.
The Russians fled.
Reach them!
That no dog, no escape!
What about them?
- Live as they burned.
Go to column, I'm staying.
Come on! Let's go!
I'll wait for you. Back to live.
Go, sisters.
Pankov, I love you!
Thank you.
Charm, keep it!
For me.
The plan is this: is divided into two groups.
Durov, Trask and Azamat stay here.
We will be attacking them with special forces
and doterati here.
Do not shoot until they come to you.
Is clearly I?
Clearly, Comrade Captain.
- For me.
Guys, how is your name?
Max. Ilja. Kiril. Nikolai. Alexei.
Well, we met. I will let them come close.
First, shoot and throw grenades.
And then - so be it.
Deviates at my command.
Keep moving.
There are crumbling.
- If you shoot, it should.
Take it, take care of it.
Who is it?
- My son. Keep moving.
That's it, sir
Deviates to the position.
Do not shoot.
My Captain!
Faster, Comrade Captain!
Comrade Captain, you have succeeded..
- Yes.
Goodbye guys
I can no longer help you.
Durov, let the bomb.
Dedicated to the Russian border guards...