At Sword's Point (1952)

GUNSHO The year 1648
was a grim one for France.
With the death of the Cardinal
Richelieu, the hand holding
the country together was gone.
Terror and violence ruled as
the nobles plotted to gain control.
GUNSHO No papers, as usual.
What is the use of this
constant prying, monsieur?
I'm dying and we both know it.
The Duke de Lavalle knows it too.
The sight of him is more bitter
than medicine but
I dare not refuse him.
Such is the state of France today.
Her majesty
has the loyalty of her subjects.
Which pleases me,
but their loyalty is powerless
against Lavalle's soldiers.
The Duke de Lavalle.
How is Your Majesty's health today?
I regret to disappoint you
but I feel stronger.
Nothing gives me more happiness.
No, unless it were to be my death.
Well, what do you conceal there?
So, another of my men
has been waylaid.
A gang of outlaws. My soldiers
found him and brought me this.
Your soldiers killed him!
Your suspicions grieve me.
My first concern
is the welfare of the Queen.
Let us not continue this hypocrisy.
Understand, our ambition is
the same - the security of France.
There is suspicion
because your son is hidden.
What do you propose? Bring him to
Paris, let me marry your daughter -
the royal house will be strong
until Louis can reign. Never!
I may be feeble in body
but not in mind.
You wouldn't let Louis live
long enough to come of age.
You talk of security for France,
but you plan security for yourself.
I swear to you upon my honour...
Honour, the word is spoken easily
by one who is without it.
If I had not feared my son's life
would I have sent him away?
God will save him
and us all from you.
Your Majesty's faith is touching.
It is all I have left.
Now go, please.
Your Highness. Countess.
I trust you enjoyed your ride?
Exceedingly, Your Grace. It is one
of the pleasures that's permitted.
How lovely you look. I've not seen a
gown your beauty could not enhance.
My hand, if you please.
A thousand pardons.
A touch of your hand is worth
all the treasures in the world.
I look forward to the day when Her
Majesty gives consent to our union.
I cannot share your feelings.
Madame, what has happened?
Our last hope has gone.
Murdered, by Lavalle's troops.
The fifth messenger I've sent to
the King of Spain, the fifth to die.
Is there no-one else to trust?
No-one. Lavalle's ears as well
as his troops are everywhere.
It's hopeless. Hopeless.
I have so little time.
Henriette, what will become of you
and your brother when I am dead?
I do not know, madame.
This is my kingdom now -
all that is left
of my power and glory.
Lavalle has taken everything else.
Your father and I dreamed of France
as prosperous and at peace.
We were safe then
from such as Lavalle.
The King's Musketeers
were our guardians.
Lavalle disbanded them,
that is why I'm so helpless now.
There were nobles once
who sought our lives.
My four Musketeers saved us.
I remember how gay they were
the day they fought -
Athos, the giant Porthos, Aramis -
no woman was safe with him,
or wanted to be -
D'Artagnan, his sword
had no equal in Europe.
Bring me my jewel casket.
Yes, madame.
That day, I gave them each a ring
and kept four others like them.
I said, "Messieurs, if one day
a messenger brings you a ring,
"a ring...
"like this, you will know
that I'm in danger."
Today, the throne of France
is in danger.
Master D'Artagnan!
Master D'Artagnan!
You're wanted at the house.
You sent for me, Mother.
A messenger brought this, my son.
The Queen's ring? She must be
in danger, to have sent that.
Then I must go at once, for father.
Saddle my horse!
My father's sword!
I have a legend to live up to.
Use it well and wisely.
I will use it as father
would have - with honour
and in the Queen's name.
Goodbye, Mother. Goodbye, my son.
A moment, messieurs.
Why do you follow me?
We do not. Let me put it this way,
why am I always just ahead of you?
Perhaps, we're just going your way.
Which way? Bordeaux.
The road to Bordeaux is half
a league back. The Regent's Guards
are not used to being called liars.
The Queen's Musketeers
are not used to being followed.
A Musketeer - you?
He thinks he is his father!
That's why you follow me?
You follow me no further.
Shall we try the other arm?
Now the odds are more even.
I hope I'm not intruding.
Your husband? No, monsieur.
What do you want?
I'm looking for Monsieur Aramis.
I'm Aramis. Who are you?
D'Artagnan, at your service.
D'Artagnan! I ride for my father.
And I for mine.
This will be an interesting journey.
First, kiss
then to Paris.
The Queen's business can't wait
upon a kiss especially one from you.
Hmmm, pity. Well, be true to me
until I return, my sweet.
Remember the Queen's business.
It's a pity the Queen's business
cannot wait.
Au revoir, mademoiselle.
You come like ghosts
out of the past.
So, you were their sons?
Yes, Monsieur Porthos.
Yes, father. This is my son.
This is Aramis... Aramis.
..and D'Artagnan... D'Artagnan.
..sons of the noblest comrades.
Bring me my sword,
Her Majesty needs me.
It is useless. I had hoped
to ride with you...but I cannot.
Devil take this gout.
Yet D'Artagnan and Aramis ride
in their father's stead.
I shall ride for you.
One for all.
ALL: One for all and all for one.
Ride hard and fast, my lads.
What about Athos?
His estate lies far to the north.
I've not seen him since his wedding.
Wait at the sign of the Golden
Cockerel. That was our rendezvous.
Touche! A beautiful hit.
There's nothing more I can teach you.
Monsieur's too kind.
I have seen the best swordsmen
fight and you are their equal,
with the exception of D'Artagnan.
I am flattered, monsieur,
but you exaggerate.
No, mademoiselle, there are not...
Claire, a messenger from the Queen.
The Queen?
He expected to find father.
Remember, you will be the man
of the house while I'm away.
I am the son of Athos. I should go.
Not now, dear,
when you're a little older.
Shades of Pluto!
Have you returned from the grave?
D'Artagnan, Aramis, Porthos. Your
fathers have begotten themselves.
Where is Athos? We are waiting here.
Are we welcome?
Welcome. It's like the return of
my youth! You've never passed it.
Exactly like your father.
Corporal. Corporal, come here.
Would you not know them anywhere?
I fought with their fathers.
It's good to see old friends.
Corporal, take them inside.
Give them food and drink.
We'll drink a toast to your fathers
and my father.
Madame, I understand this was
the rendezvous of the Musketeers.
Which Musketeers?
D'Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis.
Oh, the OLD Musketeers.
Are they very old?
I have not seen them in many years.
Monsieur, not so loud. One of
the Regent's men might hear you.
I'll see if there's any sign
of the men.
Messieurs, a stranger
is asking for you.
ARAMIS: No time for strangers,
unless they're girls and beautiful!
A beautiful girl may not have time.
My, my, what a pretty boy!
And what a sharp tongue.
Did you feel the sting?
On your way, lad! Monsieur!
I said, "On your way."
He'll cut you to ribbons.
I think not.
Hold! That ring! Who are you?
I am Athos.
Athos! Welcome, lad, I'm Aramis.
I am Porthos.
I am D'Artagnan, with apologies.
This occasion must be drowned.
More wine!
Why didn't you say you were Athos?
I tried to but was unlucky
to cross swords with D'Artagnan.
You could have beaten Porthos?
Perhaps. And me?
Of course.
Presumptuous, pretty boy.
I don't like those words.
I withdraw them. No fighting.
Our motto is...
I know, one for all and all for one.
To Athos. ALL: To Athos.
I'm accepted? The fourth Musketeer.
Athos fights like a tiger
but drinks like a hummingbird.
I'm drunk with the excitement
of this meeting. Follow me,
I'll show you to your quarters.
I could sleep for a week.
You ate enough for a week!
I have a bed big enough
for the four of you. Four!
Go on! In one bed? It's all I have
but I'm sure you'll be comfortable.
Oh! But, I...
I couldn't, I'd overcrowd you.
No more than we'd crowd you. Go on!
Never seen a lad so fastidious
about a bed.
Surely there must be a couch?
We're comrades! The bed is for all
of us. One for all and all for one!
Perhaps Athos has never slept
four in a bed.
I'm accustomed to sleeping alone.
Which we'll rectify tonight.
That's the largest bed I ever saw.
Oh, no.
Oh! On the bed!
Let me go!
I'd rather sleep in the stables.
With the animals?
Athos, we'll cure you
of this shyness.
Enough of this nonsense,
we've got to get to bed. Oh! Oh, no!
I am Claire,
the daughter of Athos.
Now you've had your sport,
messieurs, leave my room.
Our room? My room, since
we will not sleep four in a bed.
Out you go, messieurs.
Sweet Musketeer. Charming Musketeer.
Beautiful Musketeer, let us in.
Go to bed. Where?
Oh, in the stable for all I care.
Well, shall we join the horses?
The question is
what do we do with the wench?
I make love to her.
I make love to her.
BOTH: WE make love to her.
She wanted to be one of us,
she wouldn't betray herself.
Until it came to
sleeping arrangements.
A miserable night!
What's that peculiar odour?
Horses... We're not complaining.
It's an improvement. Ah!
Good morning, messieurs.
Madame. Good morning, mademoiselle.
MEN: Good morning, Claire.
I trust you slept well.
My sleep was troubled
with thoughts of you.
I had the same thoughts
but they didn't trouble me.
We're looking for grey-beards
who may be riding this way.
They're searching for our fathers.
I'll give them a taste
of my father's sword.
It's time for strategy. You are
my wife the Countess de la Frere.
Why can't I be the husband?
You are Viscount Patagrille.
You are Viscount Gargantuan.
Tell Pierre to saddle the horses.
Let's sit down and act normal.
Pardon, I have orders to search
here. Identify yourselves, please.
This is the Countess de la Frere
and this is... Her husband,
the Count de la Frere.
And you? I am
the Viscount Patagrille.
The horses are ready,
Count de la Frere.
You said you were the husband.
I am... He is my second husband
and he was my first husband.
You travel together?
Why not? We're all broad-minded!
Which one is the Count de la Frere?
BOTH: I am.
When I relinquished my wife
I relinquished my title.
A very generous deed.
You're lying.
I want your true identity.
In that case...
Aramis. Porthos.
And Claire the daughter of Athos.
Seize them. Claire.
I will not fight with a lady.
I'm no lady when I fight.
Are there any left?
Two. Where? I put them to sleep.
The Corporal's locked them in
the cellar. Then, on to Paris.
Put him in the cellar
with the others.
That will do.
I'm fatigued and wish to rest.
As Her Majesty wishes.
Tell the Chamberlain I'll see
no-one else today. Yes, madame.
Dismiss these people. The Queen
is too tired to see anyone.
Mesdames and messieurs, you heard.
COUNTESS: Your Grace.
Any news of the Musketeers? No.
My men are scouring the country.
We're expected!
It is impossible to see her today.
Leave, or I shall call the guards.
Beware of Her Majesty's anger
when she knows how you treated us.
Mademoiselle, how delighted I am to
see you and how enchanting you look.
Monsieur, I do not recall
that we have met.
You don't?
You don't recall that night...?
Oh, fickle is the heart of a woman.
For me, each moment is a diamond
enshrined in my heart. Monsieur,
I have never seen you before.
You haven't? No.
All I can say is
I regret it was not you.
Your medicine, Your Majesty.
I will not take it.
You must, Mama.
The Musketeers! Send them in.
Her Majesty will see you now.
Please go in.
Your fathers could not come?
The son of D'Artagnan, Your Majesty.
And you?
Claire, the daughter of Athos.
We have prayed for your coming.
You are our last hope.
My children must be saved
from Lavalle. It is dangerous.
We'd be disappointed if it wasn't.
If I close my eyes,
I'd swear it was his father.
When I die the Council of Nobles
will make my daughter marry Lavalle.
This must not happen.
I despise him.
Your Highness has excellent taste.
If I could get the Princess to
Spain, the King will protect her.
Under the threat of war
we'll compel the Council to
reject Lavalle and recognise my son.
From now on our lives and our
swords will be devoted to that end.
You don't know Lavalle, he is cruel
and inhuman. I'm guarded constantly.
Have you ever passed the gates?
Only for my carriage ride.
Six soldiers ride with me.
Six against three.
An unequal contest.
Do you forget me, Porthos?
Six against four. My apologies,
Claire. So much the worse for them.
When's your next carriage ride?
Tomorrow you'll be abducted.
Take care.
Five of my messengers have gone
to Spain and paid the penalty
with their...lives...
D'ARTAGNAN: Your Majesty!
Mama! Summon Dr Fernand at once.
Please call the doctor.
Yes, Countess.
Come closer.
I do not know
how many attacks I'll survive.
If I die, my son is in
the monastery at Les Foss.
This is known only to ourselves.
Guard this secret with your lives.
Your secret is safe with us.
Thank you for coming,
I can't risk your life.
Please, Your Majesty.
Her sword is the equal of ours.
Nevertheless, she must go home.
It is my command.
You should be resting.
Please be good enough
to leave her.
Thank you for coming.
God ride with you.
I've been searching
for four old men!
They intend to abduct her to Spain?
But now we know...
You'll stop them.
No, I must be careful. Their names
are still a legend in France.
So, I'll permit them
to abduct the Princess...
but not to Spain.
Good morning. Good morning, Claire.
When do you start?
We're awaiting word from Porthos.
Is this where we say farewell?
No, au revoir.
I'll see you again...if I live.
If you live? Whether I live or die
matters? This is what I'd hoped for.
You leap to conclusions.
You do not care.
I didn't say that. You care! Say it.
I'll build an altar to every word.
Careful, your husband is listening.
I thought I could trust you.
I shall have to divorce you.
There's relays of horses for 30
leagues, then... We'll improvise.
Goodbye, my sweet,
you'll always be one of us.
Farewell, sweet Claire. Goodbye.
Please, guard yourself well.
Then you do care.
I didn't say it because I couldn't.
The words are in my heart.
Let this speak for both of us.
Goodbye, Pierre.
GUNSHO Rest easy,
we're on our way to Spain.
Look behind you.
Come on!
Are you all right, Your Highness?
Cover the coach.
Monsieur D'Artagnan.
Lay down your arms. It's useless.
If Your Highness commands. We yield.
I am sorry, monsieur.
We came in good time,
to save you from these abductors.
An act of treason
for which the penalty is death.
Are you ready
to answer my questions?
Yes. That's better.
What would you like me to talk
about? It's no time for flippancy.
Where is the boy King?
Still the same old question.
And the answer?
Still the same - I don't know.
Porthos, behind you.
Porthos, look out!
Bring in mademoiselle.
see what the irons have done.
Perhaps mademoiselle would like
to spare you further torture.
No, I won't tell.
Very well, garcon!
Hold her, you fool!
Come on.
You stood pain well.
Let's see you face death.
Each morning one of you will die.
Tomorrow three will watch.
The next morning two and then one.
Perhaps someone will speak
before then.
You'll get a better view over there.
You are the first?
We rolled the dice.
He won. Magnificent.
Never have I seen such luck(!)
A moment, Captain, if you please.
Au revoir my friends.
We shall meet again.
You are the bravest of all
and the prettiest by far.
Those brave young men.
The law must take its course
Unless? It's in your hands to say
whether they live or die.
Your terms? Your consent to my
immediate marriage to Her Highness.
I see. You want the people to
believe that it has my approval.
Your Majesty is most intelligent
as always.
You only have a moment, madame.
If I agree to the marriage,
my Musketeers shall go free?
You have my word.
For what it is worth.
I accept.
I couldn't let you go, messieurs,
without expressing my gratitude
and to you, mademoiselle, thank you
for risking your life for me.
We shall regret unto our dying day
that we were not
of service to you.
I hope you did not intend to leave
without saying goodbye to me.
Why, no and we wish to extend
felicitations upon your marriage.
Before you go, Her Majesty and I
have gifts for you.
Please come this way.
Your Majesty.
Will the bride remove her veil?
Madame. D'Artagnan, welcome,
I wondered what... Oh, Your Highness.
Corporal, admit no-one
until after we leave.
And we'll need boy's apparel
for Her Highness.
I'll find something. Good.
Why boy's apparel?
My father said, "Who hunts the
eagle doesn't notice the sparrow."
Follow me. Corporal, some of your
good wine for a bad thirst.
Please, sit down, monsieur.
I know what is
in your thoughts, monsieur.
You were thinking of
your lovely mademoiselle.
Yes, I cannot help
but fear for her fate.
Yet you were willing
to sacrifice her for me.
We pledged to save you.
There was no other way.
Even so, I envy her.
It's not been my fortune
to share such devotion.
The church bells only ring
for celebrations or deaths.
The Regent's Guards!
No, I can keep them from entering.
Stand away from the door.
Oh, idiot! Why did you let those
people go without paying?
If I left it to you we'd starve.
Imbecile! Oh, Captain,
my husband sits on his brains.
Three men and a woman and he...
Did you say three men and a woman?
Yes. Such a lady, one would have
thought she was a princess.
And then to run off without paying!
Only a minute ago. They said
they were the Queen's messengers.
How can they be
when there is no Queen?
What do you say? No Queen?
Hear those bells -
the Queen is dead.
Your Highness, you heard?
Pierre, bring the horses.
We would mourn
but there's no time.
Her Majesty said, "If I die, my son
is at the monastery at Les Foss."
Now, we dare not leave him behind.
We must take him to Spain,
without a moment's delay.
You are right, monsieur.
This is not the time for weeping.
I am ready.
Quick, put this on.
Here, use this if you have to.
Where are we going? There's a place
in the country where you can hide.
You have risked a lot for me,
Countess. I am very grateful.
The Queen would have asked it of me,
had she lived.
What news?
The Musketeers and Her Highness
have been captured.
Then I'm the only one
who can save the King.
You know where
His Majesty is hidden?
Yes. The Queen confided it to us,
when we pledged to aid her. What
chance have you got against Lavalle?
You can't reach him alone.
Perhaps not, but nothing
is going to stop me from trying.
If my father were in my place
he would not hesitate.
He would go to the King at once,
even if it meant his death.
As his daughter
I must act as he would.
Perhaps together we might succeed.
No, Claudine, it's too dangerous.
You've risked your life for me once,
I cannot let you do it again. It
isn't for you that I make this offer
but for the Queen,
whose memory I hold dear.
We must go,
before Lavalle compels the Princess
to reveal the King's hiding place.
Do we go far? I must inform my
coachmen and make arrangements.
We travel the length of France
to the monastery at Les Foss.
Monastery at Les Foss.
At last!
They were hiding behind
the skirts of the Church.
Alert the border,
no-one is to enter Spain.
The monastery must be surrounded.
No-one must enter or leave.
Yes, my lord.
We ride day and night.
A toast to the master of all France.
Aren't you a bit premature?
As you say, but only a bit.
Permit me.
It's a woman's work.
Ah, I'm an expert. If he cooks
like he eats we'll have a feast.
A feast! I swear I chased
this rabbit when I was a boy.
Respect his old age. I respect age,
but not in cooked meat!
Quick! The fire!
Well, they've gone.
So has our dinner.
We must cross that bridge. I'll
hold them off whilst you cross it.
I'll hold them off,
whilst you ride across.
The suggestion was mine.
I'll tell them.
Aramis spoke first,
let him be the one.
At last! I can't believe we're here.
It's been two years
since I saw my brother.
Can we go, monsieur?
Guard the road, let no-one pass.
Princess Henriette's
come for the King.
Her Highness? Take me to
Father Leuvois. Gladly, you will
find your brother happy and well.
Put up your hands.
It's a trap, save yourself.
This is without my permission.
I don't need anyone's permission.
I promised the Queen.
Take him away.
Monsieur, I don't wish to go with
you. Your place is in Paris, sire.
I'd rather stay here.
Come, we must go.
Very well, but I won't sit by him.
I must ask you to wait, monsieur.
Porthos! Claire!
I'm so glad to see you.
Where are the others?
At the monastery.
How did you escape prison?
Claudine said...
Go on!
We were trapped at the monastery.
I know. The answer is here.
Claire and the Countess!
how did you escape Lavalle?
The Countess helped me
but it was a trick.
YOU revealed the hiding place!
She said you were captured. I
thought only I could save the King.
I should have died in prison!
No, darling, even the Queen trusted
her. At least we're together.
If she tries further tricks, use it.
Such a pretty mouth
wasn't made for words!
No, monsieur.
My friends!
And my wife -
in name only, confound it.
We weren't sure we'd see you again.
I nearly drowned!
the tears I've wasted over you.
You've already embraced her. Yes.
Ah, Countess Claudine.
The Countess is a traitor.
She helped me escape, so I revealed
the King's hiding place.
Lavalle has the King? As prisoner.
We will find him and when we do...
What can you do against
Lavalle and his troops?
That remains to be seen.
Bravely said.
Your gallantry is wasted.
The King won't live to reach Paris.
Lavalle wouldn't dare!
With the Queen dead,
Lavalle will dare anything.
Corporal! Corporal!
Is there a place to hide this lady?
There's a room in the cellar.
Take her there.
This way please.
Why didn't you kill the witch?
She may be of use.
Hold her hostage and Lavalle...
We must find Lavalle before
it's too late to save the King.
No, I won't sign.
You are feverish,
or you'd understand the need.
I ask for the good of your people.
France is near to revolution
and you're in danger.
This will make us a strong nation.
I will not sign.
Very well. I will leave Your
Majesty to consider further.
Please don't leave me in the dark.
Please, I'm afraid!
Your Majesty will have to choose.
Such a simple thing to do, sire.
Sign and you'll have
a dozen candles.
Your Majesty is wise.
Now you must get well so you may
dance at your sister's wedding.
My lord looks pleased.
Is it done? The signature is shaky,
but it is the royal hand.
This waiting will soon be over?
In a few days.
We must appear to have observed
the necessary proprieties.
That will convince
the people of France
that you did everything to aid
the King to regain his health?
I found His Majesty
ill from neglect.
He was unable to journey to Paris
so I stopped at Laverne
to wait for him to regain strength.
But, alas, he was seized
with a sudden attack
from which he never recovered.
Simple, artful and masterly.
You'll have me weeping, the way
you'll have all of France weeping.
And Her Highness?
Her Highness will be amenable.
She fears contracting the same
illness that befell her brother.
More wine! More wine, madame!
Yes, monsieur.
These girls, they hide
whenever there is work to be done.
Pssst! Pssst, Corporal.
Paulette! You would not believe
Claire is in the cellar. Warn her.
GUARD: The pretty one. The pretty
ones are always tired.
Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle!
Regent's guards.
GUARD: To the Duke's health.
To the Duke!
More wine, madame, more wine.
Patience, monsieur.
Coming, madame. Coming.
Jacques drinks each glass
as though it were his last.
It may be my last.
I'm taking no chances.
Jacques was raised on a grapevine!
More wine!
Paulette! Where is that girl?
Coming. Where have you been?
Take this wine to those gentlemen...
With pleasure, madame.
How do you do, messieurs?
Well, what have we here?
You're too pretty
to be a tavern maid.
You are too kind, monsieur.
Oh, how strange!
Huh? What's the matter?
Forgive me, monsieur, I thought
you were my sweetheart.
The resemblance is remarkable.
Well, in that case, mademoiselle,
let me act like your sweetheart.
Does your sweetheart kiss like that,
Oh, if my sweetheart
kissed like that...
I would never leave him
out of my sight.
Come on, time to leave. What?
With a pretty wench in my lap
and a glass of wine? Nevertheless.
It's a long time since a wench has
liked him. He can join us later.
Very well, but you have
to go on duty by midnight.
By midnight she'll believe I AM
her sweetheart! Oh, you frighten me.
Come along.
So, no sooner is my back turned and
I find you in the arms of another.
Who's he? My husband.
Husband! Why didn't you say you
were married? You didn't ask me.
I find you in the arms of another!
Who's that?
My sweetheart.
I turn my back and...
Find me in the arms of another.
Who's that? My fiance.
Husband, sweetheart, fiance -
what is this?
You'll find out. Walk to the rear.
Did he talk?
We couldn't stop him!
The King is at the castle of
Laverne. That's ten leagues away.
He'll draw a map of the castle.
Good. Not so good,
the castle is impregnable.
You go in and out - how?
I was a guard to the courier.
Courier? He goes to Paris
each night. He has two guards.
Lock him up.
Courier and two guards, hey?
We can get three men inside the
castle but what good will that do?
It would take 1,000 men
to rescue the King.
If there were 1,000 like you!
1,000! Yes, why not? Yes.
There must be other sons of the
Musketeers. How will we find them?
There's Lafevre and Voisin.
And Dufrey.
They must know five or six others.
Henri Lamont, er, Georges du Clau.
Charles Vien, Alexandre Vierpot,
Emile Gaudier.
Porthos brought five.
I've already lost count!
Good, we're ready.
Inform these men of their duties.
We have a rendezvous in one hour.
There's one more thing to be done.
In the attack
the King will be in danger.
Some of us must go into
the castle and guard him.
How? By using the Countess
as she used you.
Sons of the Musketeers, this is
what we've been waiting for - the
future of France is in our hands.
The honour of saving the King -
and therefore France -
has been bestowed upon us.
To achieve this
we have pledged our lives.
I know you won't fail your fathers
or your King.
You know what is to be done - do it.
God be with you.
Goodbye, my darling. Good luck.
Now to pick up our bait.
So, monsieur,
you've come to your senses.
We have no alternative but to
accept defeat and trust your word.
In return for your freedom,
Lavalle will grant us ours?
Have no fear,
he will grant this favour.
They're coming!
Get the courier's outfit for me.
The Countess Claudine for the Duke.
GUARD: Open the gates!
How is the King?
Better than he'll be tomorrow.
He is too excited
and has sent for his sister.
He thinks we are leaving for Paris?
Aren't we? Of course, WE are.
GUARD: My Lord. Yes.
The Countess is here.
The Countess Claudine!
Accompanied by D'Artagnan,
Aramis and Porthos. What the devil?
How did they find us?
They'd never walk into our hands!
Search them and arrange an escort.
Yes, my lord.
Have they been searched? Yes.
Paul. Claudine.
Courier from Paris, open the gates.
Keep our horses here,
we ride back at once.
Pretty trick.
These men have plagued me.
Take them out and hang them.
The courier.
Dispatches are urgent tonight.
What is this? Resistance is useless.
Guards! Palace is full of my men.
We've kept them out of the palace.
The boy.
We must get our men
inside the palace.
Pierre! Up here, Pierre.
Guards, to the Duke at once.
If you want your King alive,
stand back.
Let them pass.
Your Majesty!
Now, Your Grace,
hide behind your sword.
I'll have to dispose of you myself.
Your Grace. The horses are ready.
Claire. Aramis.
Your Majesty.
Your Highness.
Long live the King!
ALL: Long live the King!