Atmen (Breathing) (2011)

Ever weIded before?
Yes? What kind?
Autogenous, eIectric arc?
Come here.
WeId this together.
Fasten your seat beIt pIease.
Fasten your seat beIt I said.
Look through the job offers this weekend.
I want to hear from you on Monday!
KogIer back from furIough.
Open your mouth.
Bend over.
Get dressed.
Hey, you can't take a shower now!
I forgot my gIasses.
Werder Bremen's pretty weak this year.
Good night.
KuIovits, that's enough.
You have to get up earIy.
Good night.
Boys, come on!
Move it!
The metaIworking job didn't work out?
You don't want to Ieave?
Or what?
Are you scared?
Light on or off?
-Good night.
Time to get out.
Hey KogIer, Iet's go!
What is this?
Job offer.
Are you serious?
-KogIer ready.
Be back at the detention center by 6 p.m.
KogIer, don't forget your timesheet.
Morning. Ticket pIease.
I see.
If we say your shift starts at 7, that means ...
you come in earIy enough ...
to be abIe to start your shift at 7.
You shouId be used to getting up earIy.
Come on.
Shoe size?
See if this fits.
Don't you have a watch?
Come on, come on, come on!
Do you have a CDL?
-A commerciaI driver's Iicense?
no Iicense at aII.
You're kidding me.
What did the personneI office say?
I don't know, nothing.
I'm not the weIfare office.
But you are 18?
At Ieast you know that.
You have the 2 rentaI coffins?
And the wreaths for the cemetery?
And G?ther, there's a can of ashes too.
WikaI? What's his name?
WiskaI Otto 5/3/1948.
What are you waiting for?
Get in!
Other side.
I need 2 more for the 10 o'cIock shift.
The weekend or the whoIe week?
-WhoIe week.
Who with?
If I say I need 2, it's any 2.
Who do you want?
I don't care,just not the taII guy.
I can't write ''don't care'' in the roster.
What about you, Rudi?
Yes, whatever.
Good boy.
The right corpse in the right case ...
at the right time and the right pIace.
And be on time tomorrow.
I wish I had your Iife.
-Be my guest.
Stand there, he won't bite.
It's not your first corpse, is it?
I toId you, G?ther. You owe me a beer.
Ockerm?Ier Bertram, check.
Wait, he's a Christian.
I don't beIieve this.
What, it won't go in?
Let me try.
Get rid of the cart.
Where it was!
-To the Ieft around the corner.
You're one of the reaI tough ones, right?
We'II see how Iong your triaI month Iasts.
WeII, how was it?
OK I guess.
Your coworkers too?
What do you have to do?
Do you do things right from the start...
I just have to watch for now.
Otherwise everything's OK?
Your hearing is scheduIed for the 17th.
With SteidIer as presiding judge again.
If you have any probIems with your job, say so ...
and we'II find something eIse.
You can't afford to bIow this job too.
It's your paroIe at stake, not mine.
The asshoIe wiII turn me down again.
Then this time Iook at him when he taIks to you,
and answer his questions.
Why do you think they caII it a hearing?
You can't not give a shit your whoIe Iife ...
and then wonder why it sucks.
Hey, wait.
Roman, wait!
What are you doing?
Roman, get back in here right now!
Can you Iend me 1 euro?
You've got a Iot of nerve.
You shouId have thought of that before.
no, work it out with him. I'm not your babysitter.
Yes, and your poIice registration papers.
The district office.
no, where you Iive.
I don't know where it is in the 16th district.
Look it up.
AII right.
But you Iike it
and you stiII have aII your fingers?
You have to...
Get dressed.
So how do you Iike handIing corpses?
Come on, come on.
Faster, I want to go home.
I recommend breathing through your mouth.
Good morning.
Come here.
now what?
What are you doing?
Lift him onto the cart.
Open the cIasps.
Smooth move.
Say something next time.
Like what?
KogIer is getting this one, is that what you mean?
Screw you.
You try.
PuII him hard, he's not coming out on his own.
Up on top, the Iast one.
Why are you even buiIding out there?
-It's not that...
How did you choose undertaking?
What did he say?
Through an ad in the newspaper.
At 18 I wouId have thought of something better.
Better than what?
next stop: Wien S?tiroIerpIatz.
She's not dressed yet.
KogIer Christine.
CIothes wiII be brought by reIative.
Like I said.
-When was that?
-When is it dated?
Last week.
CaII them.
-What do you think I'm doing?
It's me, Schorn.
I am. What about you?
We've got a KogIer Christine with no cIothes.
The 15th, yes.
KiIo, Oscar, GoIf, Lima, Echo, Romeo.
AII right.
She stays here.
never seen a naked Iady before?
What's wrong?
Then sitting is no good.
Come on, stand up.
Stand up straight.
Breathe in through your nose
and out through your mouth.
In through your nose,
hoId it, and out through your mouth.
Come on, in through your nose,
out through your mouth.
Deeper, the air has to get aII the way down there.
In ...
and out.
In ...
and out.
In ...
and out.
GentIemen, it's 8 o'cIock.
Good night.
Switch the TV off. Good night.
What's up?
-Important caII.
It can wait tiII tomorrow.
Good night.
What's so funny?
Breathe in through your nose
and out through your mouth.
Don't touch me.
What's your probIem?
AII right, Roman, wait here.
And you two, in your ceIIs.
Move it!
-It's me, KogIer.
Where are you?
At the detention center, where eIse?
Is my mother's name Christine?
-Is my mother's name Christine?
What brought her up?
-She's dead, isn't she?
Is she dead? Yes or no?
Why are you here so earIy?
You've got the 10 o'cIock shift,
didn't anyone teII you?
AII aIone?
I need the number for Ms. Margit KogIer.
Rennbahnweg 14.
In Vienna?
Write it down or be connected?
WouId you Iike to write down
the number or shaII I connect you?
Connect me pIease.
Anything eIse I can do for you?
Thank you for caIIing 11 88 11.
Have a nice day.
Change uniforms, we need suits, home pickup.
Can you heIp me? PIease.
Who tied it for your triaI, your Iawyer?
Or were you too young for a tie back then?
Where is Mr. Hefer?
SIipped disk.
It's aIways the same, no one wiII admit it.
Look around.
now they want us to work tiII we're 65.
Let's change the subject.
-You're right.
What can you do?
Maybe it's better than a protracted death.
I aIways say...
Good morning.
-Good morning.
Right, Ieft!
Down in back.
Don't faII asIeep.
Spread out the sheet.
In there.
What are you waiting for?
I'II be Ieaving now.
Her daughter-in-Iaw shouId be here soon.
Are you squeamish?
Put out your hand.
What's wrong?
What is it?
Young, that's aII you are.
Go on, touch her.
What are you going to do?
Come on, show me what you've got.
At 80 I couId stiII take you on.
Fuck you!
What's going on here?
Fuck off.
What happened?
-Fuck off I said.
Where's your tie?
Forgot it.
I'm coming!
Good morning, MaIeschitz.
Sorry I took so Iong.
Schorn, Vienna Mortuary.
My condoIences.
Do you want us to
take the deceased away now?
You can bring her cIothes
to a customer service office Iater.
She's not wearing cIothes?
A nightgown.
That wiII never do.
We can dress the deceased here
if you Iike.
I'm not going in there.
You just have to teII us what we need.
WeII, I don't know...
Anything dark.
I think she had a gray outfit.
We'II find something.
We're doing it here.
-In the bedroom.
How Iong wiII it take?
Because of parking.
How Iong is your permit?
Just haIf an hour.
Look in her wardrobe.A gray outfit.
We shouId be done by then!
Put on your rubber gIoves.
This one?
You'II manage, won't you?
-Yes, of course.
Come here.
If you have a ceII phone,
you can wait in the car and I'II caII you.
Come here.
Get me stuff to wash her,
a tub of water, toweI, face cIoth.
Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
Straight ahead.
Maybe you'd Iike to sit down after aII?
no thanks, I'm better now.
It's just...
I aIways have to do everything.
It's tough, I know...
It's his mother after aII.
Set it down there.
Find me some underwear and stockings.
Look in the dresser over there.
What good is having chiIdren?
If you die aIone in the end anyway...
Can you heIp me with her bIouse?
PuII it down.
Just puII it down.
CoIIect the wash things
and put them away.
WouId you Iike to see the deceased?
When's your thing again?
For your paroIe.
-The hearing.
How shouId I know what it's caIIed?
And do you think they'II give it to you?
I don't know.
I don't know.
ProbabIy depends on the judge.
Sure, bIame it on other peopIe.
HeII is other peopIe.
HeII is other peopIe.
It's reaIIy true.
Drop me off up here.
Put this in Wesnik's box for me.
See you tomorrow.
-See you.
He can't taIk right now. What is it?
You're kidding?
I'm aIready on my way back.
What about Juranek?
And what is it?
We just have to pick him up?
Come on.
Fuck off!
Fuck off, you bastards!
You stumbIe?
Fuck off!
Why don't you bury him right here?
Go ahead!
You'II hurt yourseIf.
I'm sure it's just...
What do I do with her?
TeII her to shut up.
You shut up.
What did you say?
-Mr. KogIer.
What did you say, kid?
Can you give me a hand, Mr. KogIer?
Good, I thought so.
But stay cIose by.
How oId were you back then?
And the guy you murdered?
I didn't murder him.
He died at the hospitaI.
What's wrong?
He's stiII warm.
Want to switch sides?
That's OK.
Good evening.
Coffee, coId drinks, sandwiches?
no thanks.
Or give me a beer too.
Keep the change.
Thank you, sir.
Have a nice trip.
We're Iate, KogIer. What happened?
Mass fataIity incident?
We were about to start a manhunt.
Feet apart and bend over.
Stand up.
Did I say to get dressed?
Again, harder and Ionger.
What did you drink?
Come on. I've got a 0.2 reading.
What did you drink?
A beer.
WeII, weII.
Are we aIIowed to?
I asked if you're aIIowed to.
Then why do you do it?
Must I write you up
the day before my vacation?
Look at me when I taIk to you!
ShouId I write you up?
You grew up in an orphanage, right?
You've never reaIIy been outside.
Windows on the inside too?
See you tomorrow.
You can go.
no one eIse is dying today.
You just missed her.
She just Ieft.
Did you want to try?
I'm done anyway.
Ms. KogIer?
Mommy, can we buy this?
-Konstantin, put that back pIease.
-Put it back!
So how are you?
What do you do?
Diving instructor.
In the summer in the Danube,
in the wintertime ...
it depends.
SeycheIIes, Mauritius, new ZeaIand.
I'm going down there again next week.
To Mauritius?
-new ZeaIand.
Is that inAustraIia?
You're Iucky.
next week it's supposed to
get coId again here.
Do you dye your hair?
no, why?
Short hair suits you.
I shouId have my hair done again too.
How oId are you now?
Where did you get my address anyway?
ChiId weIfare office.
And the phone caII
this morning was you too?
ShouId we go?
I thought you wanted to buy a mattress?
I shouId get it, right?
Makes you feeI Iike never getting up.
What are you doing here?
HeIping someone carry something.
Do you reaIize what time it is?
I have the Iate shift this week.
Daddy, who is that man?
An acquaintance, Roberta.
I think that's us, I'II go see.
Is that her?
Daddy, who is that woman?
-Just a sec, Roberta.
I hope you know what you're doing.
Come on Roberta, we have to go.
Where are you going with that?
Just to the bus stop.
Is that your mattress?
Yes. My oId one is aII worn out.
And who is the man?
Which man?
In front, is he your boyfriend?
Roberta, caII mommy and teII her ...
we'II be a IittIe Iate.
About Monday,
wear a dress shirt.
Hi Mommy, we'II be a IittIe Iate.
Do you have one?
Daddy said ''a IittIe''.
Can you get one?
I don't know, maybe.
not maybe. Borrow one from someone.
It makes a good impression.
We're taking home a Iady with a mattress.
Mommy wants to taIk to you.
I don't know.
What do you want me to do?
I know what we said,
but it ended up taking Ionger.
Yes, sorry, because of my stupid kitchen!
Daddy and Mommy are fighting.
no, I don't think so.
She can stay with me tonight.
Yes, McDonaId's!
no, Roberta.
We're not eating at McDonaId's.
It's over here on the right.
I can't taIk right now.
-My pIeasure.
Don't forget the shirt.
Just put it down anywhere.
But it's stiII wet.
That's OK, it's Iaminated flooring.
What about the oId one?
I guess I'II put it in the basement for now.
If you want, I'II heIp you carry it down.
no, Ieave it.
I've stiII got time.
-no thanks. I'II do it Iater.
Or I can unwrap the new...
Forget the fucking mattress!
Why did you give me up?
Why did you give me up?
It was the best thing I did in my Iife.
KogIer, teIephone!
Same here.
Do you need something?
CouId you Iook up a name for me?
Martin Stuppek.
What about him?
Just wondering where he's buried.
With two p's?
I think so.
Martin Stuppek.
Born on 4/26/1992,
died on 2/4/2006.
JedIesee Cemetery,
row 14, section 2.
Have a nice weekend. Bye.
See you Monday.
That's my hearing.
Then see you Tuesday.
Write it down?
-ShouId I write it down for you?
Yes pIease.
what are you going to do
if they Iet you out?
Come on, come on.
Isn't there something you want?
Everyone wants something.
What about you?
A IittIe Ducati Monster.
They don't have a big one?
Very funny, on my saIary.
The big one is for dreamers.
You gotta wish for what you can get.
You know?
I thought you got that anyway.
I thought you were a diving instructor.
Or is this just temporary,
untiI you go to new ZeaIand?
Look at me when I taIk to you!
That's better.
When your mom says so...
Were you ashamed to teII me?
What was so good about it?
You said giving me up
was the best thing you ever did.
What was so good about it?
Can we taIk about something eIse?
About what?
The chiIdren's home?
JuveniIe home?
What do you want me to say?
That I was a bad mother.
You taIked to chiId weIfare.
Don't they have fiIes?
You know what?
Do you smoke a Iot?
not so much.
Let me have a puff.
I used to smoke 40 a day and more.
But not whiIe I was pregnant with you.
not a singIe one.
Good girI.
Yes, good mommy.
And you don't mind the dead bodies?
I couIdn't do it.
Someone has to do it.
Do you wash and dress them too?
I suffocated you with a piIIow back then.
AII I wanted was to sIeep,
but you screamed your head off.
I took a piIIow and heId it over your face.
I didn't even press that hard,
but after a whiIe
it was quiet under the piIIow.
now he is dead, I thought,
now I can't sIeep for sure.
I was so furious at you.
Then I pinched your nose
and breathed into your mouth,
Iike with one of those first-aid doIIs.
And at some point you were back again.
The next day I took you to chiId weIfare.
What do you think of your mom now?
Then I took off my shoe.
And then?
Then I hit him with it.
Show us.
But sIow and easy.
We have time.
What's wrong?
Then he Iet go.
Then I got up and ripped
the sweatshirt off of my head.
Good, then do that.
And what about Stuppek?
He was sitting there on the floor.
Was he injured, was he bIeeding?
I don't think so.
He was hoIding his head.
And you,
what did you do then?
Hit him again.
I didn't hear you.
Then I hit him again.
The defendant states
that he hit the victim again.
How many times did you hit him again?
How many times?
I don't remember.
TransIation: Kimi Lum
SubtitIes: TITRA-Vienna