Atomic City, The (1952)

The atomic age begins.
On a 7,000-foot plateau
in a remote section of New Mexico,
American and allied
scientists and technicians
had worked and struggled
for more than four years
to the end that the horror of World War II
be quickly concluded.
They succeeded.
Since then, these same people
and others like them
have continued to work--
to invent, to improvise--
to improve the old weapons
and develop new ones
because the spirit of aggression
is not yet dead in the world.
But the atom is not all
death and destruction.
This, too, is a product of the atomic age.
Isotopes and other atomic techniques
are saving lives all over the world.
And the people-- the men and women
who man the laboratories
and factories of Los Alamos--
what of them?
Their work is almost
unbelievably dangerous.
Every move, carefully checked
and double-checked.
The slightest misstep is serious.
Anything more--disaster.
Outside the laboratories,
the same checking goes on...
Their daily comings and goings
scrutinized minutely.
And everywhere, the barbed wire...
the gates, the signs...
the guards.
But they know it is necessary.
Absolute security is vital
if the free world is to survive
and if the atomic age
is to at last free man
from his long bondage to power.
This, then, is Los Alamos...
the atomic city.
I got a television set delivery
for dr. Addison--Frank Addison.
Get your clearance in the office.
Anything wrong?
Just a routine search.
Say, what do these sets sell for?
$173. 50, installed.
Hmm. Guess I'll wait
till they come down some.
That's the trouble with business.
Everybody's waiting.
I got a television set delivery
for a dr. Frank Addison, 1118 Rose Street.
What's your name?
John Pattiz. That's with a double T.
Where were you born, mr. Pattiz?
New York. Bronx.
I'll see if we have a pass
in the file for you.
I'm congressman Davenport.
The manager's expecting me.
Yes, sir. May I see
your identification, sir?
Sign this, please.
Surrender that pass
when you're leaving.
Sure thing. Thanks.
I'm commander Wright.
Do you have some identification
with you, commander?
Oh, hi.
Lunch, Tommy! In a minute, mom!
This is the newest new model, isn't it?
What are these two wires,
the ones running into the condenser?
Oh, those are, uh...
Let's see...
They look like lead-in connections.
Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.
That's the latest thing.
Don't handle them.
They kick up a lot of voltage.
Between 15,000and 20,000 volts...
if they're connected.
That's enough to kill a man twice over.
No, sir. 20,000 volts won't kill you.
It'll just knock you
against the wall or someplace.
Who says so? My father.
Yeah? Your father an electrician?
No, sir. A physicist. Nuclear physics.
Aw, sure.
Say... He one of them bomb makers?
That's classified information.
Nobody's allowed to give
classified information.
Tommy. The gentleman will
excuse you while you have lunch.
I won't have time to help you.
I'm going to the fiesta with my teacher.
My son doesn't care about anything today
except the Santa Fe fiesta prizes.
My boss had to donate one of them.
He's giving them
one of those 17.95 portable radios.
The two-wheel bike's the best prize.
Come on, Tommy.
I've got three chances to win something.
Boy! I hope it's a bike!
Hey, doc, if you don't win the bike,
just build one of your own.
That's a swell idea.
Chew your food, Tommy.
I am.
How much do bicycle parts cost?
Better ask dad. He'll know.
Mom? Mm-hmm?
If I grow up, know what I'm going to do?
It's when you grow up, dear, not if.
I'm going to build bicycles...
millions and millions of them.
[doorbell chimes]
Finish up. Peggy will let herself in.
My mother says we're going to wait and see
if your television set
works before we buy one.
After my father and I
look it over, it'll work fine.
You know what, Peggy? If I grow up,
I'm going to build bicycles--
millions and millions
and millions of two-wheelers.
Maybe I'll even build a few for girls.
Hey, what was that?
Oh, just a routine morning test.
What a way to live.
Bye, mom.
Don't forget your jacket.
Remember, only one cotton
candy and nothing else.
I promise.
Bye, mom. Routine.
Bye, mrs. Addison. Routine.
Hey, doc... Hey, was that some of that,
uh, nooclee--uh, n--uh, nooclee--
uh, the whatchamacallit?
Nuclear physics? Yeah.
No, it's--
that's classified information!
[door closes]
Hi, kids!
Hi. Hi, Russ.
Well, how's the future newspaperman?
I've given it up.
I'm going to be a manufacturer.
He says he's going to build bikes.
Millions and millions
of two-wheelers... For boys.
Hey, that sounds big.
Oh, there's your teacher.
Hello, miss Haskell.
Hi, miss Haskell. Peggy.
Hi, Ellen. Hello, Russ.
You're a hero to take
this battalion to Santa Fe.
I like it. Will you beat the dance tonight?
Sure. I've got to write
a story on it for the paper.
Maybe I'll squeeze in enough time
to let you dance with me.
Oh, thanks.
[kids cheer]
You should see our new television set.
Nice, huh? Yeah.
Tommy, there's your father!
Hi, dad! Hi, dad!
Hi, Tommy! Be a good boy!
Good morning, doctor.
Good morning, fellas.
Good morning, doctor.
Good morning.
Dr. Schambach get here?
Yes, sir.
[Geiger counter clicks]
There's that radium dial
of yours again, doctor.
Good morning, doctor. Hiya, mike.
How's Tommy?
Fine, thanks.
The square dance comes directly
from the Hungarian char dash.
No, no, no. From the English folk dance.
No, from the char dash.
Almost step for step, it is the same. Huh?
Completely different. Not the same.
All right, but it takes a man
and a woman to demonstrate properly.
Mrs. Schambach and I
will show you tonight at the dance.
Gus, I'm looking forward to it.
[bell rings]
Hello, doctor.
The neutron monitors
have been checked, dr. Addison.
Adjust the synchroscope, please.
Let me have the neutron level up to 3r.
All side checks, doctor.
Dr. Schambach. Yes?
We're going to ease out the control rods.
[music playing]
All right, children, this way.
Almost time for the puppet show and prizes.
Come on, we'll all sit together. Come on.
Come on.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Ah, ah... Ah!
[children laugh]
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Well... Are we all ready
for the big drawing?
Yeah! Yes! Yes! Yeah!
All right, all right.
Now our very good friend mrs. Ostrich
will pick the first winner.
Now, the very first little lucky
boy or girl is going to win
this handsome, chrome-finished,
ultramodern bicycle,
so kindly donated by the acme
bicycle sales and rental shop,
28 San Pueblo Avenue.
You may pick the first winner,
mrs. Ostrich.
Thomas Addison.
Oh! Gol!
Thomas Addison?
Thomas Addison?
If Tommy Addison's not here,
we'll hold his prize till next Saturday.
One week from today
is the final day to claim the prizes.
Peggy, where's Tommy?
I don't know, miss Haskell.
Wasn't he sitting next to you?
When did he leave? Didn't you see him go?
No. I was watching the puppets.
All right, now, wait a minute.
Now, pick the next card, mrs. Ostrich.
[carrousel music plays]
You're home early.
Little bit.
Everything all right?
Sure, fine.
It's here, huh?
I didn't know where you wanted to put it.
There's a long cord. We can decide later.
There's nothing on till 5:00.
Darling, there is something wrong.
Gus Schambach was burned...
Overexposed to radiation.
Oh, I'm sorry.
How bad is it?
They can't tell yet. Not for a few days.
Frank... Yeah?
Why do we stay here?
Now, wait a minute, honey.
I'm not that upset.
Gus will be back in the lab
in a week or two.
Don't you ever get tired
of the barbed wire...
having an FBI man on your heels
every time you step out of the main gate?
And the signs...
"Contaminated area. Restricted area.
"Don't give classified information.
Don't talk to strangers."
Don't do this, don't do that.
I diagnose this as a mild case of jitters
brought on by one inattentive husband
who ought to know
how to say hello to his wife.
What time we due at the dance?
You want to go?
I think it's what we both need.
I'll call for a sitter.
You usually phone before this.
Hey. What's boiling up inside you, honey?
If we're going to the dance,
I'll need a sitter.
It'll keep. First,
let's find out about you.
This is the first hint I've had
that you didn't like living here.
Oh, I didn't mean it to sound like that.
You know I love our home, our friends.
I'm proud of you, getting to the top,
all the recognition you've won.
It's been wonderful for all of us.
But what, honey?
Can't be the barbed wire and the signs...
Not after six years.
What is it?
Nothing that makes sense.
Well, then...
Talk nonsense, but tell me.
Maybe we've been forgetting Tommy.
He's spent all but one year
of his life in Los Alamos.
You make it sound like Siberia.
What's wrong with living here?
Good schools, good climate...
Good companionship.
Everything a normal kid wants and needs.
Are you sure, Frank?
I've been wondering
whether living in this atmosphere
is normal life for a child.
There are 4,000 kids living in town.
They look normal to me.
I don't know. When I was a child,
I'd say to my mother,
"When I grow up, I'll be a nurse,"
or "When I grow up, I'll be a doctor."
It was always, "when I grow up."
All kids talk like that.
Tommy doesn't.
Tommy doesn't say "when."
Today at lunch, he said, "if I grow up."
If he grows up... How normal is that?
Darling, you're magnifying a slip of
the tongue into something gigantic.
No, it wasn't a slip of the tongue.
Tommy doesn't talk about the future.
Children in normal surroundings do.
You did. I did.
[doorbell chimes]
I'll get it.
Sign here, please.
Thank you.
[speaking Spanish]
Excuse me, please.
Where's the nearest telephone?
Across the patio, seorita.
Thank you.
[speaking Spanish]
Yes. Yes.
I'm very sorry, miss Haskell.
Tommy should've told you
he was going to leave early.
I picked him up outside the hotel.
But, dr. Addison,
you had no right to do that.
I ran all over the fiesta
looking for him. It was horrible.
Tommy deserves a paddling
for not telling me.
I'm sorry. I'm to blame.
You certainly are. It was completely
thoughtless of you.
I'm sorry.
Tommy's ticket won the bicycle.
Oh, h-he'll be very happy he won.
Tell him he has
one week to claim the bicycle.
No, I... Can't tell him now. He...
He--he went to the store with his mother.
He'll have to present the ticket
in the lobby of the La Fonda.
They're keeping the unclaimed prizes there.
He must appear in person by next Saturday.
Yes. I'll tell Tommy.
Now promenade 'em two by two
Just get 'em on home, as you always do
You honor your partners, corners all
And that's it, boys,
that's it, that's all
Frank, I heard your Tommy
won the big prize this afternoon.
Yeah, that's right.
Lucky kid.
You're talking about
one of the country's top physicists.
And you're talking to a schoolteacher
who almost stopped breathing
this afternoon because of him.
Excuse me if I look a little confused.
It happened at the puppet show.
Tommy just upped and left
to meet his father outside the hotel.
At least your top physicist
might have found out
if I knew Tommy had gone.
No, no esta.
[speaking Spanish]
Say, Charlie, if Elmer comes in,
tell him to call his mother.
May I, Martha?
You know you can't
monopolize your wife, Frank.
Excuse us.
Look, Gregson, I'm just getting some air.
Sure. Alone.
Doctor, we're outside Los Alamos.
I'm tired of having a policeman at my heels
every time I step outside the gate.
You been aggravating the doctor?
Looks like it. All of a sudden, too...
After going steady for so long.
He's probably upset about Gus Schambach.
Yeah. You running a story on him?
Just that he's been hurt.
Nothing on how it happened.
Like the newspaper business?
I'm getting pretty good.
I worked undercover
as a dishwasher one time--
Watch it.
My mistake.
Did Frank get to see
doc Schambach in the hospital?
Yeah. He was there most of the afternoon.
Hiya, Frank. Enjoying yourself?
How's Tommy? Why?
I heard you had to paddle him
this afternoon.
[telephone rings]
No, I didn't.
Excuse me.
Please, hello--
Hung up. They just asked
my name and hung up.
I hope nothing's wrong at home.
No, no. Everything's fine.
When me and the missis are out,
we always worry
something's wrong with the kids.
Telephone rings, and we're scared.
Watch it, darling.
People are looking at us.
Let's go home.
Good night, mrs. Addison, doctor.
Good night, Gregson.
They haven't hurt him.
I have to call the police.
You know what they want.
I can't do it. You know--
Don't! I won't let you!
There isn't any choice!
There must be some other way!
There has to be.
Maybe they'll take money.
I wish they would.
We'd raise it someway, somehow.
But it isn't money, Martha.
How can you be so sure? You don't know.
Let me talk to them first. Please, Frank!
All right, darling.
All right.
We'll wait and see what they ask.
We'll wait and see.
[bells ringing]
[telephone rings]
Just a minute.
Excuse me, lady, are you mrs. Addison?
Yes. Yes, I am.
Someone wants you on the telephone.
Is this mrs. Frank Addison?
Yes, this is mrs. Addison.
You know why I'm calling.
You want your son back safely, don't you?
I do, I do.
Then tell your husband
to play ball with us.
Tell him he doesn't have to worry
that we'll ever tell what he did.
He'll do whatever you say.
Now, tell me, is Tommy all right?
He's fine. We won't hurt him,
not if your husband follows instructions.
Here, Tommy, talk to your mother.
Hello, mama. I'm all right, mama.
Tommy, darling,
mother will have you home soon, darling.
You mustn't be afraid, dearest.
I'm not afraid, mama.
I've been treated very good.
I can come home after daddy
does what they want.
He will, darling. He will.
Tell them he will.
You heard your son, mrs. Addison.
Can't I speak to him
another minute, one more minute?
There's no time for that.
You better listen closely.
I won't repeat this.
Get it right the first time.
[horns honk]
Yes. Please tell me what to do.
Frank! Frank, he's safe. I spoke to him.
You spoke to Tommy? On the phone.
The man wanted to prove
he hadn't been hurt.
They'll let him come home.
Tommy said, "I can come home
as soon as daddy does what they want."
Frank, the man promised
no one will ever know.
No, no one would...
not until they've wrecked
half the world.
I only know that Tommy is our world, Frank,
our whole world.
All right, Martha.
I'll see what I can do.
What were the instructions?
[monitor buzzes]
Hello, doctor. I didn't think
you'd be in on Sunday.
Bring me the mark 3-b file, all of it.
It's in your office vault, doctor.
Thank you.
I'll take that, doctor.
I'm inspector Mann,
federal bureau of investigation.
What's he doing here, a newspaperman?
I stopped playing newspaperman this morning
when I found out Tommy was missing.
That's the only file
he mentioned to the clerk.
Was this going to be the ransom payment?
The blind alley experiments
we tried a year ago--
useless to anyone.
Your son is kidnapped,
and you come to your lab
just to pick up useless experiments.
I was searching for some way
to delay the threat to my son.
I have only 48 hours to deliver the bomb.
These are intricate equations.
If I sent them, it would
give me time to think,
to act, to know what to do.
It would take very competent mathematicians
several days to check these equations
to discover they're useless.
Well, if you're telling the truth--
and that's a big "if"
we're going to check--
then sending these useless equations
may be the way we'll flush them out.
Martha, this is inspector Mann
of the federal bureau of investigation.
Mrs. Addison. Who called them?
You--you called them.
No. They found out
I didn't go to Santa Fe for Tommy.
No one will know why we came here, Martha.
Russ is a federal agent,
not a newspaperman.
Get them out.
Your husband said
the kidnappers contacted you this morning.
I won't answer their questions.
It has to be done their way.
Their way!
Give him time to calm her.
I'm in a peculiar spot, inspector.
The Addisons have been
close friends of mine
for the past couple of years.
That might help us.
Is this a recent picture of the boy?
Yes, very.
Frank was telling the truth
about that file. I'd bet on it.
He wouldn't sell out,
not even for his own kid.
You're not a father, Russ.
I have two, two little girls.
I wouldn't like to have to decide
between my kids and my country.
How would you decide, inspector?
I don't know. That's why I don't know
if you told the truth about this file.
I don't know which way you decided.
Pardon me. Is this the letter?
They contacted your wife
through a pay station phone?
Yes, she spoke to a man and then to Tommy.
I'd like to get the details
from mrs. Addison.
She'll answer your questions
if you give her a little time.
Your coming here was quite a shock to her.
Yes, of course.
It's entirely possible mrs. Addison
didn't talk to your son.
That could have been a recording.
Don't mention that to my wife.
No. Did she say
what instructions they gave her?
Everything we have on the h-bomb
is to be delivered to a William Masters
care of the will-call desk,
hotel Belfort, Hollywood.
After they check,
they promise to turn Tommy loose.
They probably would, rather than
have it known they had the data.
Turn you into a traitor,
and they have a pipeline into Los Alamos.
They'd own the top scientist here.
They won't get that chance.
I guess I'm to be placed in custody.
We can't put you in deep freeze
without attracting attention.
We can't afford that.
You'll be regarded as a calculated risk.
You've got to try to see our job, Frank.
The bomb means more than just one life.
They said those same words to Martha,
but to her, Tommy counts
more than the millions.
They're just numbers.
Tommy's very real.
Maybe I won't be
a very good risk, inspector.
It might be wiser to place me in custody.
If we have to, we will.
Even you can't be permitted
to get in the way
of what has to be done.
Our job is to keep the bomb at home,
to apprehend the kidnappers,
and to bring your son back safely.
That's the order
of their importance, isn't it?
1, 2, 3.
Tommy's number 3.
Yes, doctor, I'm afraid so.
I want to emphasize one thing.
We're dealing with top espionage agents,
who have resorted to kidnapping,
and we want them,
and I mean every last one of them.
That's a must.
You're probably asking yourselves,
"What about the boy?
Isn't getting Tommy Addison
back safely more important?"
I'm giving you my answer
to that officially.
No. No matter
how callous that may seem,
your first job is to locate
and apprehend the spies.
Russ Farley will give you your assignments.
Connors, Weinberg, Summerton,
check the route to Santa Fe.
Maybe someone noticed
the school bus being followed.
Davis, you stick around the hotel lobby.
Talk to the chamber of commerce people,
the secretary, people around the hotel.
We want to know who they are,
what they eat for breakfast,
everything about them,
their families and friends.
Remember, don't panic people.
They talk to friends when they're scared.
By Tuesday morning,
the phony formula on the bomb
will arrive at the hotel Belfort,
We'll be needing some of you there.
It's here. O.K. to go ahead now?
This is position Harding.
We're all set here.
Position Melrose. Everything O.K.
Position Sunset. O.K.
This is Junction.
Position Harding again.
Now, keep those cameras ready.
Let's have a routine check on all positions
every half-hour.
Now, if anyone looks
even vaguely familiar--
Yes, I know. You've told us a dozen times.
I remember.
When I see somebody from the puppet show,
I tap you on the shoulder.
That's the idea.
I'm sorry I snapped, Russ.
It's just that I can't help
feeling responsible
for Tommy being kidnapped.
You had nothing to do with it.
This wasn't planned overnight.
If it hadn't happened Saturday,
it would have happened some other time.
The people we're dealing with
know how to be patient and wait.
Stop worrying about it.
We'll get Tommy back.
But first things first.
Getting the spies is the important thing.
It has to be that way.
This is position Harding.
It's 1:30. Let's have another check.
O.K. at sunset.
May I have 72-cent stamps, please?
Yes, indeed.
There you are. Thank you.
Are you holding a letter here for me,
William Masters?
[buzz buzz]
Let's see, when would it have arrived?
Yesterday, a few days ago?
No, today. This morning's mail.
Oh, this morning.
Let's see, Masters, Masters.
All positions, this is the pickup--
man of medium build, about 25,
a black and white check suit, no hat.
I'll be right behind him to identify.
[car starts]
[car starts]
Oh, yes, here we are.
William Masters.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
There he is. Know him?
He's headed your way, Melrose.
We have him.
Pick Junction up in front of the hotel.
Take care of miss Haskell and Peggy, Larry.
This is Harding to Sunset.
Check this license number.
California. 1, "N" for Nora, 58064.
1, "N" for Nora, 58064.
Checking immediately.
We're on Beverly Boulevard due west now.
We're leaving him. Take over, Junction.
Junction to Harding. We're with him.
License plates were issued to David Rogers.
Police headquarters says he has a record--
petty larceny arrests.
Their description fits this man.
Messenger boy.
He could be heading for the ball park.
That's where he's going.
We're staying close.
This is White.
Inspector Mann will beat
the television booth.
Cushions a dime! 10 cents only.
Be comfortable for a dime.
Get your cushions here!
Come on, be comfortable during the game.
Get your cushions, everybody.
Be comfortable during the game.
Are you in charge here?
Yes. Can this be kinescoped?
It can, but it's just a local show.
How many cameras have you?
Two others and this with a zoom AR lens.
This is the one we'll want.
Can it be kinescoped
without being broadcast?
Sure. I don't have the authority--
Who has? The station manager.
This is a government emergency.
The man with the check suit
going to the box behind third base.
Get the man in the check suit
going into the third base box.
Come and get 'em.
Get 'em while they're hot. Hot dogs!
You got him?
Yes, sir.
Get me the boss, quick.
His car's been searched.
He still has the letter on him.
Popcorn and soda pop.
Federal bureau of investigation.
Any seats available in this section?
I'm not allowed to give out free box seats.
Cops usually go down to the front office
if they want free seats.
This uniform ought to fit you, Smitty.
Hot dogs! Get your red hots!
How about down over there?
Get 'em while they're hot.
Enjoy the game
with an ice-cold bottle of beer.
Go! Go!
He's safe! He's safe by a mile.
Safe! Safe!
Get your red hots.
Walk him! He's a danger!
One. Plenty of mustard.
He's a danger!
Pitch to him, you bum!
Pitch to him, you bum!
He made it! He made it!
That a boy.
Got it!
Got it!
Junction to all positions.
Junction to all positions.
He's ready to leave.
It isn't on him.
He passed it. He had to.
That's why they got rid of him.
Maybe the movies we took will--
Yeah. Smitty, take over.
We'll get a plane for Washington.
How long does it take them
to get a projection room ready?
It's almost four days
since they took Tommy.
Well, it will still take them some time
to break down that formula we sent them.
I hope so. We all do.
Wishful thinking is even
part of our business.
[knock on door]
Sorry about the delay, gentlemen.
They're about ready now.
How many will look at the film?
Every undercover party member
we could reach. 30 or so.
No bright lights are to go on
in the projection room.
It's set up so the identities
of our undercover agents
will remain unknown
even to each other.
That you, Harold?
Yes. Farley's with me.
Over here at the light.
Watch yourselves coming across.
Now, those of you
who haven't attended one
of these sessions before,
listen to these instructions, please.
Just at your right in each booth
is a panel with a switch and three buttons.
These buttons permit each of you
to start or stop the film,
to back it up, or get it
going forward again.
If any of you recognize
someone even vaguely familiar,
press the stop button.
Are there any questions?
Then let's start.
This is the man used for the pickup.
Watch the hands and faces
of people he meets or passes.
Don't hesitate,
even at the slightest doubt,
to stop the machine or run it backwards.
This is the ball park now,
and you will have to try to pick out faces
from among hundreds.
Notice that he had a reserved seat.
Our check shows it was bought
at the main box office
on the same day the boy was kidnapped.
How much of it have we seen?
Roughly 6,000 feet,
about half of what we shot.
What is it?
I thought I saw something.
I'm backing it up.
That vendor, we were party members
together in Illinois.
[woman] That's right. I knew him in Detroit.
Well, what have you got on him now?
Nothing. Lost track of him
in Chicago two years ago.
He called himself Manfred Reinerton then.
Uh, used the name
Charles Morgan before that.
He was Pete Rumson in Detroit.
You got those names? Yeah.
What's that badge number?
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes]
I'll get it, Martha.
Oh. Come in, Greg.
We've got a good lead, doctor.
There's a plane waiting
to take us to Los Angeles.
They picked up a man who may
know where Tommy was taken.
I'll get mrs. Addison right away.
No, doctor. I'm only supposed to bring you.
[Martha] What is it Frank?
I'll be right there, dear.
I'll just take a minute to tell her.
Doc, do yourself and
your wife a favor, will you?
Don't build this up too high.
It's better to wait and see
how good it cooks.
You're right.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'll be right with you.
So I sold hot dogs for one day.
Why don't you cut a record on this?
I wouldn't have to repeat so often.
My name is Donald Clark.
Arrested twice--
Ann Arbor, inciting a riot.
Served 10 days--
in here, gentlemen.
Hello, Frank. Have you found out?
Not yet. We've been at him for hours.
He's a very definite lead, though.
Take a look at him.
This is one-way glass.
He can't see or hear you.
Ever see him before?
I'll tell the inspector you're here.
Donald Clark, age 33.
You the night shift?
Somebody might lose his temper and slap
you into the middle of next Monday.
Easy, Russ.
Yeah, that's not very democratic talk.
You remember what they taught you
in Washington?
Your book of regulations
says--and I quote--
"no prisoner shall be subjected
to physical punishment
by any member of the bureau
or in the presence of any
member of the bureau."
When you're walking that last mile,
you can recite the whole
book of regulations.
Dr. Addison's outside.
Dr. Addison?
Doesn't know him.
How is Martha?
It's over five days since they took Tommy.
They haven't hurt him, not while they
think you've done business with them.
They still need time to break down
that phony data, don't they?
Another day or two, more or less.
I don't know. I'm not sure.
Nobody can be.
How about a break
for a sandwich and coffee?
I'll stand by with Frank.
All right. And if you change your mind,
just tell the hall guard
you're joining us downstairs.
Does that man in there know where Tommy is?
Probably. At least he knows
where the letter went.
Then make him tell.
We'll keep at him,
but he knows the ropes too well.
We can't beat it out of him.
You can't either. I can't let you, Frank.
I didn't write the bureau's book of rules.
Rules! Who cares about your rules?
I care about Tommy!
So do I. We can't do it.
It's against everything we stand for.
He'll talk, Frank. It's a question of time.
How much time do you think Tommy has?
[operator] Yes?
Get me long distance.
I want to call Los Alamos.
Who's speaking, please? Frank Addison.
I'm sorry, sir. This line's restricted.
You can't call long distance.
Why can't I? I'll pay for it.
I'm sorry, sir.
It's a government regulation.
You'll have to get official permission.
[telephone rings] Farley.
Russ, can you come
to the tech lab right away?
We need a check.
O.K., I'll be right there.
I'm Frank Addison.
Where is he?
N-now, look, doctor--
Where is he?
No! Wait!
Where's dr. Addison?
Inside. Alone?
The letter went to Santa Fe.
Frank, you shouldn't have.
Russ, did you have
anything to do with this?
I'm responsible.
You haven't any right to--
More right than he had to take my son.
I'd have beaten him to death if I'd had to.
I'll have to report this.
The letter went to Santa Fe.
Where in Santa Fe?
19 Elevado Street.
Robert Kalnick, a physicist.
You know anything about Kalnick?
By reputation. He's well-known abroad.
How soon can we get to Santa Fe?
By day break. Inspector--
Just a minute. Get me the airport.
I couldn't tell my wife much.
George, get him patched up.
Could she meet us in Santa Fe?
It would give her something
to cling to--hope.
Russ, O.K. the doctor
for a long-distance call.
Have your wife meet us at the airport.
[telephone rings]
Inspector Mann. O.K., put him on.
Where is it?
Second house around the corner.
A street construction man's standing by.
Riordan, Jones, take three men,
cover the front and the back.
The rest of you come with me.
Check the window.
Not yet, doctor.
Wait till they have things under control.
[glass breaks]
They proved the formula was fake.
No! No! Tommy!
No, please!
Come on, honey.
Oh, good morning, officer.
Morning, folks.
This gentleman's a forest ranger, Marion.
Are we trespassing, officer?
No, but the ruins are closed to the public.
I just wanted to look at some caves,
see how folks used to live.
Sorry, but it's not safe.
Too many cave-ins and slides.
We wouldn't want you folks to get hurt.
You're absolutely right, officer.
Come on, Morty.
If we hurry, we can have lunch in Santa Fe.
Anything happen this morning?
Just tourists, all the way
from Pennsylvania.
They kept on calling me mr. Forest ranger.
Very unhappy they couldn't
see the Puye ruins.
This eating out of cans is killing me.
Yeah, I know. It gives you indigestion.
Been a good boy?
Yes, sir.
Arnie take care of your lunch?
Yes, sir.
You'll be going home soon,
maybe in a day or two.
Yes, sir.
What are you going to tell your parents?
I was treated very good.
What else?
You will keep in touch with my father.
What are you doing?
Nothing, sir.
You know better than to try
digging your way out.
Yes, sir.
You know what would happen
if we caught you outside?
Yes, sir.
Would you like that?
No, sir.
Just keep thinking about that.
Want a drink?
No, thank you.
[car horn]
[honk honk honk]
You behave yourself now.
What's wrong?
The letter was a plant. They were stalling.
Who? We're not waiting to see.
Dr. Rassett and myself
needn't climb any further.
Remove everything traceable
after you've finished with him.
Want him left inside the pueblo?
It's immaterial. It'll save time.
We can seal up the entrance with rocks.
All right. We'll wait below.
They've outlived their usefulness.
I don't think they would talk.
That's a rather theoretical conclusion.
Perhaps they won't talk,
but I prefer to make certain.
Hey, Ernie! The kid's gone!
Where? How?
Never mind that. Get Kalnick!
[blows whistle]
Something's wrong.
He got out through the chimney.
All right. We'll find him.
We've got to find him. He can identify us.
There he goes.
Let's not behave like chickens
with their heads off.
He's the headless chicken, not us.
There's no other way off the mesa.
Dr. Rassett will stay here.
We'll flush him out.
Please help!
Please help!
I can't get through.
We'll have to burn him out.
And have the smoke
bring the forest rangers?
Go outside and see if there's another exit.
Give me that light.
Listen to me, Tommy. You better come out.
Come on out.
Well, we're going to wait right here
until you change your mind.
You might die of thirst.
You better come out.
There are snakes in there.
They live in those rocks.
Come on out.
I won't.
You can't make me.
We can close the opening
with rocks. It won't take long.
All right. Get started.
Oh, boy!
Oh, boy! I won the bike! I won the bike!
Pop, pop, I won the bike!
What are you talking about?
I found this ticket.
It has the winning number.
Let me see that ticket.
Just a minute. My son found that.
We're certainly entitled
to find out if he won--oh.
Where did you find this ticket, sonny?
It's mine.
Sydney, tell the man where you found it.
I found it back at the caves.
Caves? The Puye ruins.
We were there an hour or so ago.
You and your son wait here a moment.
Inspector Mann, please. Come in.
This is Mann. Over.
Wilson speaking.
Davis picked up some people
with the Tommy Addison contest ticket stub.
They found it an hour ago
at the Puye cliff dwellings.
Repeat: Puye cliff dwellings.
Puye cliff dwellings, and hurry.
There might be an exit,
but it wouldn't help him.
It's a sheer drop all the way
down to the road.
Got some rocks out of
the mouth of the cave.
Give me a hand.
[rocks rattling]
This is the boy that found the ticket.
Search the caves--all of them.
Here's the air search unit.
This is helicopter.
I've spotted a man on the mesa.
Hold him till we get up there,
but don't shoot him. We need him.
All men to the top of the mesa!
All men to the top of the mesa!
Farley to helicopter.
This is helicopter. Over.
Take the wooded area, Bowen.
Look for three men,
two dressed as rangers,
the other wearing civvies.
They went after the boy.
We're starting into the woods now.
You better wait here, mrs. Addison,
close to the radio.
Russ! Inspector.
Check Bowen.
Farley to helicopter. Anything in sight?
Nothing. You'll be coming out
soon on the edge of the mesa.
Nothing yet.
Farley, I've spotted your two rangers.
They've run into a cave right below me.
I'll circle back and point it out to you.
Got it, Bowen. Go ahead.
The helicopter, I think it spotted us.
Come on, men, follow me and hurry!
You inside!
This is the federal bureau
of investigation!
Come out this way slowly
with your hands up!
You have 30 seconds!
No. They want us alive
only to answer questions,
questions we can't answer.
I want to stay alive every minute I can.
Me, too.
We're coming out!
Don't shoot!
[gun clicking]
Where's the boy?
In there. Take him out.
We'll need something to break through.
I'll put in a call.
Tommy! Tommy!
Bowen, this is Farley.
We'll need pickaxes and crowbars
to open up a side cave.
How long will it take you
to make the round trip?
About 20 minutes.
Wilson, have everything
ready for the helicopter.
The boy's buried in one of the side caves.
We can't tell if he's alive.
He hasn't answered our call.
Helicopter to mesa. Hurry. Come in.
Go ahead, Bowen.
The boy's out on a ledge below the mesa.
I'm right above him. Get there fast.
He can't hang on very long.
Stay with him, Bowen. We'll be right there.
We can drive around there.
Inspector, Bowen sees the boy!
All right, Davis, attach it to that tree.
All right.
Sorry, doctor. We can't risk losing you.
I can't let you.
Even if I have to use force,
you're not going over.
Farley will get the boy.
Tommy! Don't.
Give me some slack.
Tommy, this is dad!
Tommy, this is dad!
Tommy, this is dad!
No, don't look up, son.
Just stay there quietly--
very quietly.
Hang on, Tommy!
Hang on!
Don't let go, Tommy!
Russ will get you!
I'll be right over there
in a minute, Tommy. Hang on.
Just a few seconds more, Tommy.
Hang on. Don't slip. Hang on.
They're going to make it.
They're going to make it.
Tommy baby.
Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Aw, mom, I wasn't scared.
We were, Tommy. We were, Tommy.