Atrocious (2010)

The mind is like a labyrinth...
Where anyone can be lost.
Quiet, quiet, quiet!
Quiet, quiet.
Our friend David kindly
lent us his camera.
- How long do the batteries run?
- For 3 to 4 hours.
Well, jeez!
Give me that.
I don't want my dad
to take it again.
Hello, I'm Cristian.
This is my sister July
and this is my friend David.
As you know,
we investigate urban legends.
But this time, we decided...
We had no choice.
Our parents forced us
to spend the holy week...
in a house
we have in Sitges.
This is the photo of the house.
It's been abandoned for 10 years.
It will be very boring
As we can not do
The story of Girl Curve...
I've been investigating an interesting
legend in Sitges El Garraf.
This legend says
that on October 2, 1940...
a girl in red dress got
lost in the woods El Garraf.
And the legend says that if you get
lost in Garraf woods at night...
the girl appears and
shows you the way out.
Go home, man.
- What is the name of the girl.
- Her name is Melinda.
When does the story
get scary?
This guy is an idiot.
Now we can not use it.
- No.
- Wow...
You think it's normal?
No? It is not normal?
This was the last time.
Is that clear?
- Are you sure?
- July!
30 MARCH 2010
Daddy is taking.
All right there, buddy?
Let's hear
good music.
- Cristian, lower it.
- Okay.
Tasty, no?
Already I can smell the sea.
You are worthless.
And you're an idiot.
Only three curves.
- There it is.
- Finally.
Thank God, were here!
We arrived, Robin, arrived.
Come on.
I'll take it.
It is hard to open the door.
What do you think?
It has a fireplace.
Now I remember.
Yes, this is the kitchen.
The medieval era.
- You like it?
- Not bad.
I will climb.
And that?
- Photo by God-knows-who.
- This is your real grandfather.
- Come on.
- Suba.
This is kind of gloomy.
Watch your head.
Here is where we slept.
- See this?
- This design is horrible.
Your girl.
Joseph, let's see
much you've grown.
Come here.
Stay here.
He is taller than I was
at 6 years old.
That's what I said.
It's scary.
This is also our own?
I do not know.
My turn?
- The sandwiches.
- Cristian, do not put there.
Sorry. Careful,
I'm going through.
Thank you.
- Say.
- Where are my old toys?
The toys are...
in the basement.
- It's the left door in the kitchen?
- Yes, that is.
- July.
- Yes, wait.
And who has the key?
Who is that?
A friend of mine.
He packed the whole house.
- Okay, Cristian tomorrow.
- Do not get it.
Cristian, take the dog outside.
I bet her boyfriend elf
would love this house.
No, but seriously.
Bring David's camera tomorrow.
- Why?
- To shoot the gate.
Bring it.
- Right?
- Yes
I did not bring my blue bag?
I think it's there.
Good night, mum.
31 MARCH 2010
You talking to me?
Because I am the only one here.
You're dead.
It's dead, Tarantino.
Look at the girl
looking in the mirror!
- Got the camera?
- Yes
Let's start shooting.
What is this?
I feel dizzy.
July! July!
- Where are you going?
- Here on the side.
- Do not get lost.
- Stay calm.
It will break it.
This is a maze.
- Pretty cool, huh?
- Incredible.
Hey! Where are you going?
Do not follow me. Go there.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
This should be scary at night.
My goodness!
What a mess.
My goodness! How is this.
I bet she's lost.
July! How do I find it?
July, where are you?
Not here either.
Cristian! Cristian!
Drugs. Cristian!
You idiot!
Come! Cristian!
Dammit! Dammit!
How did I get this bamboo?
This skyscraper.
Drugs. Does not
to come by.
How this drug scratch!
- This is tricky.
- Cristian...
Damn, girl.
- What are you doing?
- Are you lost, right?
What a mess.
Let's do something.
Let us together.
- Come on.
- In front of you.
Drug branches.
- Who is it?
- How boring. It's Mom.
Yes, mother?
We're not lost.
Send her off.
We are filming
and we are not lost, right?
We're going. Goodbye.
- Come on.
- What a pain in the ass!
- Check this out.
- What?
- It looks like a kiosk.
- It's a dome.
A kiosk with a dome.
It has an altar as well.
You could marry her boyfriend there.
July, do you accept elf
as your lawful husband?
Yes, I agree.
accepted July as his wife?
"Yes, I accept. "
You can kiss her leg...
and live happily ever after.
Father, the maze is huge.
His mother knew him well
as a child.
Did not know that.
I do not want to stay
walking around.
I'll shoot?
Trees and flowers?
I said I do not want you there.
Right. Calm down. If you want
to we shot the home...
- We shoot.
- They can shoot at home. Right?
Look, look.
Come on, boy.
Take it away.
Cristian, cutting firewood.
- Cut.
- I'll cut.
- Very well.
- What about now?
Wake up, sleepyhead.
I'm exhausted.
It has nothing to do here.
A car is coming.
It must be the friend of Dad.
Look at the big car!
Hey, kids!
Hi, how are you?
You must be a friend of my father.
- Do not you remember me?
- No.
I remember.
Are you Cristian?
And you are July.
See, camera and all.
- Are your parents home?
- Yes, they are both.
Come on, Santiago.
Show these kids
what we know.
Take it.
Check this out.
Look, look.
Take it!
Cristian, see if we know how to play.
Hugo Sanchez!
My God!
Drugs. Hurt.
- Do it again.
- You can not.
- Substitution.
- Look.
We want to ask you something.
Know the legend of the girl
has been lost here?
The story of Melinda?
Everyone knows.
This same.
- You know, right?
- No.
- Of course they know.
- Tell us. Please.
Your father must have told you.
No. Please give us details.
July, one question.
- Go sit there?
- Yes
Should I talk to him
or look for you?
Do not worry,
we're professionals.
Film it.
Is it a scar of war.
I was fixing
the roof and got hurt.
Look here, Charles.
Yes, now is good.
Hello, Carlos.
First, thanks for your time.
Tell us a little about
the legend of the girl.
The story of the girl, right?
And very old.
Passed from father to son.
My father told me.
She was named Melinda.
They say it's the spirit
a girl.
A girl who was lost
or fell into a well.
His body has never appeared.
They also say that the devil is
deceiving us, finally...
if you get lost alone at night
she appears and shows the path.
But you never saw?
No. This story
has many versions.
Some say they never
guided back to it.
They also say that it was
search for the mother and she got lost.
And when you hear
the murmurs...
it is behind you.
People who saw it...
say they never
forget the sound.
So she is evil?
I thought it was good,
because it shows us the path.
Like I said, there are many
versions of this story.
I do not think that is a spirit.
I do not believe in ghosts.
Just know that my father made me swear
that never enter the woods... Garraf
and I fulfill my promise.
So thank you, Carlos.
I'm leaving now.
- What?
- Do not worry.
Wait a minute here.
- Where are you going?
- Agree July.
- Why?
- To hear the noise.
- What noise?
- How they sound? By God!
- July?
- What is it?
Wake up.
- What is it?
- Do you hear the noise?
- What noise?
- That noise.
Wake up.
Come here.
Or I will think I'm crazy.
- You're crazy.
- Look out the window.
- I hear nothing.
- It has to be quiet.
I hear nothing.
- July...
- What?
And if it's the girl?
Cristian, do you believe
everything you hear.
Leave me alone.
1 APRIL 2010
- Mother...
- Yes?
- Where is Daddy?
- In the office.
- In Madrid?
- Yes
I thought the office was on vacation.
Yes, but they needed
to do something.
- I think it will tomorrow.
- Right.
The key to the basement.
We go to the basement.
Wait. It is this key.
- Mom will see us.
- Wait.
It's very hard.
My goodness! The Virgin.
I do not believe this place.
It's scary.
Drugs. It has light here.
What we have here?
A telephone. And what is that?
A dog bone.
My old skateboard.
- It was his?
- Yes
- Be careful, do not go...
- I will not.
See a TV.
We can watch later.
- What is it?
- Bizarre.
- This is your baby?
- No.
It gives me chills.
Mom as a child,
had these dolls.
What is this?
I do not know, but it's scary.
A sofa.
- Look!
- What?
A picture of us.
Where was it taken?
It's cool.
We should keep it.
- What is it?
- A lot of mirrors.
I think it does not break.
Let's see what's in these boxes.
Check this out.
- Let me see. What is this?
- It's Mom.
"When my light... "
Do not read, it's boring.
What is this?
- Has movies there.
- Movies?
Want to see? Put the light.
It is pretty old, huh?
Bruce Lee
Separate this.
This is amazing, no?
Let's see if the Tv works.
Gross! This stinks.
Got it?
I put out after
to see if it works.
I think we just need the cable.
Stay away.
See, a VCR. Incredible.
Let's find the cable TV.
This is broken.
- Did you hear that?
- Yes
- It was on TV?
- No, up there.
Jose has broken glass.
Stay away.
No, Cristian, do not want to go.
So why did you
bring the camera?
Because you wanted it.
Stay here if you want,
but I go to the maze.
Do not have to shoot...
Keep it down or you'll wake her.
I'll take the camera.
Do what you want.
- July, wait.
- What?
Joseph, do not follow us.
Why not play with Robin?
You heard me. Go.
This kid sucks.
- What does he want?
- Want to come with us.
Wait. Cristian...
- Today we're together.
- Yes
What are you doing?
Leaving marks
not to get ourselves lost.
What are you doing?
- I broke.
- What? What?
- I broke the camera.
- Broke? What did you do?
- Just kidding.
- Dirty Little Secret.
Why not tie it and let it films?
I shoot the trees?
How so? I shoot everything
and you do not shoot anything?
As the bald monk.
In the end, we had nothing.
That monk?
And the battery is low.
What? I have 400 batteries.
Why don't you shoot,
the trees you are so fond of?
- Okay, I'll shoot.
- Then go.
Then will not say,
"Cristian... ".
Wait, wait. See.
Check this out.
Want to get there?
If we do not go here
what do we do? It's pretty cool.
- I'll go first.
- You can go.
Very well.
I hold the branches for you.
Very cool.
This way.
Wow! See.
It seems a well. It is a well.
That too! It's super old.
Let's look.
Wow! See.
Maybe it's the pit of Melinda.
That's cool!
Hold the camera a bit.
Let's try something.
Melinda... Melinda...
- Melinda, no!
- Cristian! Stop!
Why does you always plays the fool?
You're an idiot.
This does not. My glasses.
- Well done.
- Drugs.
Do not leave the camera on the floor.
Where are the marks
you left?
If you don't see the mark
do not pass through there.
See here. What is this?
- A mark.
- And now?
Let's go there.
You think you know everything.
Maybe the girl appears.
You got us lost on purpose
just to see the girl?
Quiet. See.
- See?
- Yes
- What is it?
- I don't know. It seems to be one person.
- Could be Mom.
- No, not Mom.
Damn! Then who is it?
I do not know.
What do we do?
Look at the outlet. See that?
That's it. I think it's a person
with their back to us.
Look again.
It is not a person.
It seems to be shrinking
like a ball.
I do not know.
- I do not know.
- Right. But...
Let's see if there's something more.
What are you doing now?
I connected the camera cable
the laptop.
I shoot the entire evening to see
what makes this noise.
In the forest animals may
make that noise.
No matter.
I know who does this.
2 APRIL 2010
- Robin!
- Robin!
Did you see him there?
No, not here.
I see there.
Joseph? Jose, come here.
But mother, he's lost.
Do not worry.
Let's go and wait there.
Soon he returns. Come on.
Joseph, do not worry.
Robin knows the way back.
Mother, let's go get it.
No, I said no.
You can get lost.
We went to the woods yesterday.
Mother, it is very easy.
It will be super fast.
I said no.
Robin! Robin!
- Robin!
- Robin!
Robin! Robin!
- Robin!
- Robin!
Damn dog!
Where's he been?
This is not normal.
He should have barked.
Beware of the branch.
This is very strange.
Perhaps he
chased an animal.
Yes, but he can not
have gone too far.
This is not so great.
You're right.
I see no marks here.
Do you think something happened?
Maybe. I do not know.
- July?
- What?
See this.
- Okay.
- My God!
Wait here.
My God, no.
I don't believe it.
My God! My God!
I'll check.
No. Damn!
It's Robin?
Yes, it's Robin.
I do not believe.
I do not believe.
Forget it.
We can not leave him there.
What do you do?
We need to bury him.
How will you get down the shaft?
I do not know.
Come on.
Give me the bag.
I wonder who killed him?
I do not know.
I think there was a mark here.
See, there it is.
- Where?
- There.
What we say to them?
I do not know,
but do not tell Joseph
Have you seen Robin?
No, but tomorrow we
will look for him again.
Joseph, do not worry.
What happened here?
It has nothing recorded.
It's nothing.
- Do not move the cable, move?
- No.
I do not understand.
It cut before.
- And you did not move this cable?
- No.
It unplugged itself?
- Yes, I did.
- Idiot! And now?
We have nothing recorded
of the dog.
Why move the cable?
What do you care if I film?
Damn! You're silly.
Let's tell Mom?
Not now, she will be as
hysterical as we are.
Sorry I cut
off the camera.
No matter now.
What happened to the dog?
I do not know.
I do not know.
- Joseph?
- What happened, Mom?
- Have you seen Joseph?
- No. Why?
I looked everywhere,
but he isn't here.
You think he's out there?
Please help me find him!
July, grab the camera.
Joseph must be out there.
July, fast!
- Mother!
- Joseph!
July, fast!
- Mother!
- Joseph!
- Cristian!
- Mother!
Wait, Cristian!
- Cristian!
- Mother!
Mom, wait!
- Joseph!
- Cristian!
Cristian! Cristian!
I do not know.
Give me your hand.
All because we do not tell
them the dog is dead.
What are you doing?
- The camera does not work.
- Are you kidding?
Leave it there. Let's find them.
- I can not see anything.
- Hold on to me.
I put on night vision.
And if they returned home?
- Come back for us?
- You do not know where we are.
Of course I know,
sometimes at night it's different.
Take this.
Why are you giving me this?
I'm holding the camera.
You hold it.
Ready. Come on.
It's Mom.
- No. Wait, is not Mom.
- Yes. Mother!
- No. Wait.
- Trust me. Mother!
- Mother!
- No. Wait, Cristian!
- Run, run!
- Wait, please!
- It's Mom!
- No, Cristian!
- Mother!
- Please!
- Mother!
- Please, Cristian!
Drugs. Drugs.
What is this?
What the hell?
July! July!
I am, I am.
Quiet. I am. Stay quiet.
What did they do to you?
Stay quiet.
See, see, I am.
July, July, I am.
Calm. July, please.
I, July.
Stop moving. Stay quiet.
Take a moment.
Stay quiet.
Stop, please.
I am. July, look, I am.
July, I am.
Stop, stop. Stay quiet.
Stay quiet.
Hold on to me.
I'll take it.
Do not yell, July.
Come on. Come on.
Are you okay?
What? What?
What? A nail?
Dammit! Damn!
Hold on to me. Come on.
Fast. Come on.
A mark. Come on.
Hold it.
I'll get a cloth.
What is this? What is this?
Quiet, quiet, quiet!
Quiet, quiet.
Quick, quick.
Fast. Get up!
Do not make a sound. Stay here.
3 APRIL 2010
No. Damn!
The symptoms are fluctuating...
Varying between day and night...
The patient clearly worsens
at night and in the dark.
Episodes of schizophrenia
Collapse, violence...
The biggest trend...
the condition...
- What is this?
- These disorders...
Emergency, good morning.
- My God! No.
- Be calm.
I do not know what happened.
They are all dead.
You need to tell us where you are
and what happened.
They are all dead.
Please help me!
Do something, for God's sake!
The children are dead!
- Dead?
- My God!
Get out now
and find a safe place.
Do not touch anything.
Wait a minute.
You're in Sitges?
Yes, in Sitges.
I am in Sitges.
They are covered in blood.
Help me! My God!
Stay safe and talk to me.
Do not disconnect.
Try to describe what he saw.
The children are dead.
Someone killed them.
- Tell me your name please
- My name is Carlos.
- All right, Carlos.
- I came to visit them.
Come quick!
Is he alone there?
Do you know if someone else is in the house?
I do not know if someone else is in the house.
Help me. They're all dead!
Four members of one family
were found dead this afternoon...
although the circumstances of their deaths
are still unknown.
More details from Silvia Mauri.
Police were investigating at the moment
the deaths of three children...
who were murdered
last night at this home...
on the outskirts of Sitges
in the region of Garraf.
According to police sources, the victims
may belong to one family...
and being underage.
It is unclear how they died
nor the motive.
But police say it will be
considered all possible cases.
Police are still investigating
the murders of three children...
in a house near Sitges...
say sources
linked to the investigation.
The bodies were discovered
Sunday afternoon.
Police investigators continue
collecting evidence in the house in Sitges...
where the bodies appeared this afternoon
three children aged 8 to 18 years...
all Spanish, and a man
who probably called
the Emergency services.
The victims' bodies were cut
apart in their own home.
New revelations about the case
of the Quintanilla family.
Researchers believe
that the appearance of a video camera...
that belonged to the young
Cristian Quintanilla clarify the case.
Police analyzes
the more than 37 hours of recording.
No. Damn!
The symptoms are fluctuating...
and vary between day and night.
The patient clearly worsens
at night and in the dark.
Women who have had episodes
of schizophrenia in adolescence...
are nervous breakdowns,
irrational behavior or violence...
have a tendency
to lie in this situation...
What is this?
These disorders we call
of postpartum psychosis.
The patient suffered from severe depression
after the first and second births...
- What is it?
- Of her children Cristian and Julia.
But it was only after birth of
the daughter, Michelle...
that psychosis became apparent.
In the case of Deborah, the symptoms
were not detected early enough...
and it is likely that she was
hallucinating when she killed the newborn.
Deborah has always maintained that there
is a woman named Elvira.
She says she hears her at night
and that she sometimes visits.
And is also to blame for
the death of her daughter.
Deborah, now I will ask
some questions.
I know you aren't
sleeping lately.
Tell us about this woman.
Who is Elvira?
Who is Elvira?