Barrens, The (2012)
( birds chirping )
( crows cawing ) ( woodpecker pecking ) So teII me again why we're awake. Come on. Where are you gonna see this in the city? Uh, nowhere. That's why I choose to Iive in the city and not in the middIe of the woods. - l need a coffee. - I think there's a Starbucks up here, - so we're going to be good. - Starbucks? Are you serious? - You got to admit this is amazing. - No. I have to admit that we're Iost - and we shouIdn't be awake. - Okay. We are not lost. Do you hear that? - Nope. Nothing. - Yeah, exactIy. Where are aII the birds? lt's really quiet. I don't know, babe. Maybe they're stiII sIeeping. Like we shouId be. Come on, Iet's take a nap. - No. We're not taking a nap. Come on. - Just a teeny tiny one. Just a IittIe further, okay? - l need a minute. Nature calls. - AII right. Just hurry up, babe. - We got to keep moving. - You have somepIace to be? ( fIies buzzing ) Oh, my God. - Hey, Dale-- - Erica, stop! Don't come down here. - What? Why? - Just stop! Erica: DaIe, you're scaring me. What's going on? DaIe, what the heII is aII this? DaIe: Yeah, there's been some sort of accident. No, I don't know. We're about a miIe off the Camp Nash Line. - ( Iow squeaI ) - DaIe? ( Iow growI ) Erica, quickIy and quietIy back up. Come on. DaIe, what is it? - ( growling ) - Run! Go! Go! DaIe, what is it?! DaIe, what is it?! - ( grunting ) - Erica: What is it?! - Jesus, DaIe! - Go! - ( grunting ) - Dale! Erica, get up! Come on! Come on, wake up! Come on, get up! Come on! Shh. Okay. Okay. Okay. Stay here. ( crow cawing ) ( wings fIapping ) Thought I saw the Jersey DeviI Up the road and around the bend Thought I saw the Jersey DeviI Dancing in his moccasins Won't Ieave my home, Mister 13th chiId of Mother Leeds He's come back and he's hunting for something Wonder what the Jersey DeviI needs Hey, hey, Mama, better cIose your window Take that peach pie off of the siII Well, that Jersey Devil has got a sweet tooth on him Never been known to get his fiII WeII, I thought I saw the Jersey Devil Up the road and around the bend Thought I saw the Jersey DeviI Dancing in his moccasins Every man and woman, every chiId on Sunday Looks up to the preacher man Waits for him to teII them something They can finaIIy understand WeII, I thought I saw the Jersey Devil Up the road and around the bend I thought I saw the Jersey DeviI Dancing in his moccasins. Boy: Oscar! Oscar! Ready to go, kiddo? We taIked about this, Danny boy. He's been gone for over a week. He's coming home. He was oId. l don't want to go, not without Oscar. ( heavy metaI music pIaying ) Hold me I find it hard to bear... l can't believe you're missing Ben's party. I know. This camping thing is cruel and unusual. Well, l'm taking myseIf out again Won't Iet your god frown on me... Hey. The car's packed and we're ready to go. - Hi, Mrs. Vineyard. - Hey. - Sadie, Iet's-- - Okay. You can teII my dad l'll be right down. - You're such a bitch. - I am a princess compared to her. ( sighs ) ( gasps ) - Sorry. - Car's packed. She isn't. Why are you making her go when she doesn't wanna come? She's being a teenager. But do you think making her go on this trip is going to fix things? We need this. I need this. Okay. What? - Hi, Dad. - You ready? - Two minutes? - Go easy on her this weekend. She's trying. PIease? - For me? - Okay. Your dad is pretty hot for an oId dude. Shut up. - I'd do him. - Gross! Did Daddy heIp you put up the posters for Oscar? - Yeah. - Yeah? What happens if he comes back when we're gone? I don't think Mr. Peterson wiII mind taking him in for a couple days. - What if he's hungry? - You know, baby, dogs survived for thousands of years in the wild before they became pets. I think he'II be fine. Danny? Where is he going? I don't know. Hey. You don't Iook so good. You had a coId Iast week and Sadie had a coId the week before. WiII you knock off the nurse act? I'm fine. - Okay. - Save it for the hospitaI. What do you think reaIIy happened to Oscar? I don't know. - Hey, buddy boy. - Come on. Sadie: Oh, my God. Can you beIieve her attitude? It's fine. It wiII be fine. Don't worry. - I'm going to miss you so much. - I'm going to miss you, too. - Okay, have fun. - I'II caII you as soon as I get back. Okay. See you, Mr. Vineyard. ( giggles ) - ( Danny Iaughing ) - Leave me aIone. Leave me aIone, you IittIe-- "WeIcome to New Jersey." That's very good. LittIe man, what does that say? "Guide to the... Pine Barrens." That's very good. So who's Iooking forward to going fishing? Seriously, Dad? Who goes camping? l do. And now we aII do. - ( phone camera clicks ) - Richard: When I was young and we came over from EngIand, Grandpa used to take us to the Pine Barrens every summer for our summer hoIidays. It's a form of abuse that I haven't brought you here already. Why couIdn't he have just made it an annual trip back to London? ( ceII phone beeps ) PIease teII me there are no bears. Nope. Deer. Lots of deer, Iots of birds, but no bears. Great. ( crows cawing, birds chirping ) Sadie: "The Jersey DeviI. For hundreds of years, the Lenni-Lenape tribes inhabited what is today the Wharton State Forest. The tribes fought bitterly and united onIy in their fear of 'Sic ay Mahtantu'-- - the evil spirit of the Pine Barrens." - Richard: It's just a myth, Danny boy. lt's make-believe. You know, it's made up. It's Iike the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot. - lt's just pretend. - ( ceII phone beeps ) You don't have to worry about it. AII right, aII right. ( heavy metaI music pIaying ) From now on, we have no iPods, no PSPs, and no phones. - AII right, Sadie? - What? - You can't be serious. - lt's just four days. If I can go without taIking to the bank, then you can go without talking to your friends. - Daddy, watch out! - ( screams ) Sadie: What the heII was that? - Dad? - Stay in the car. Stay in the car. ( crow cawing ) ( branch snaps ) ( rustIing ) - Oh, my God. - Get back in the car. - HoIy shit. - Get back in the car. Okay. Jesus. - ( car door cIoses ) - ( low growling ) What just happened? Dad, what the heII was that? A bIoody animaI just coIIapsed in front of the car and we're not going to taIk about it? - It's probabIy hunters, darIing. - Sadie: What? Is that IegaI? - Richard: At the right time of year. - ls it the right time of the year? No. Ranger: Hey there. - Can l help you? - Taking the famiIy camping. - Oh, yeah? What's the name? - Vineyard. Here we go. All right, you're in zone three, campsite F. Just sign here for me. I'd appreciate it. Yeah. ExceIIent. Just up ahead, through the trees there. - ( music playing ) - ( voices overIapping ) This is fantastic. AII right. Watch your head. ( grunts ) Take that for me. ( groans ) AII right. This one is a IittIe bit Iighter. Mr. Vineyard. l forgot to give you this permit. Could you put that on your dashboard, pIease? - Yes, of course. - WeII, hey there, buddy boy. So you been to the Barrens before? I came here with my dad quite a Iot when I was IittIe, but it's the first time I've brought my wife and kids. That's great. Then I'm going to spare you the routine then, okay? Just stay in your designated spot here and you know the driII. - We saw a dead deer. - Really? Hey, can you take this to Mom for me, champ? - Good boy. - Dead deer, huh? - Dying deer. - Where? It was down on the Leeds HaIIow Road about eight miles back. It stumbIed out in front of us and then just-- it just dropped down in front of the car. Entrails ripped out, his antIers were gone. I'II bet aII the money in my waIIet those antIers - are attached to Wyatt Barren's fence. - Who's that? Wyatt Barrens. He's the piney wacko. He Iives not too far from here. He put up this barbed-wire fence a coupIe years ago. Deer have been known to get themseIves caught up in it. The more determined ones, weII, they'II do whatever they can to free themseIves. I'm going to go check for that deer, okay? - You and your famiIy have a great time. - Thank you. - Zach. - Hi. - Oh, reaIIy? - I'm Ryan. - Hey. - These are my buddies. - You here with your famiIy? - Yeah. Oh, by the way, you're going to want to lock up your food at night. Tie it up to a tree branch, not in your tent. Is that reaIIy necessary? WeII, we had an incident a couple weeks back. - What kind of incident? - It was a bear attack. A coupIe campers stumbIed across a bear feeding and the bear got defensive. You know how it goes. I thought bears were not indigenous to the Pine Barrens. There's only a handful of them and usuaIIy they do keep to themseIves, but, Iisten, just stick to the traiIs and you'll be fine. - You have a great time. - Thanks. - It's so freaking Iame. - It's pretty Iame, eh? Yeah, totaIIy. ( Iaughing ) Richard: Who's your new friend, Sade? - Just some guy. - Yeah? How oId is "just some guy"? - Ow. Can you heIp me? - Oh, are you okay? - It stiII hurts. - Still? ( heavy metaI music pIaying ) SeriousIy? - Say cheese, buddy. - ( laughing ) ( ceII phones ringing ) It's hot. Yeah. It is hot. The sun's setting, so it wiII cooI down in a few minutes. Take a Iook at what I'm doing, Danny boy. You're going to have to know how to set up your own tent someday. Hey, wiII you do me a favor? In the top of my backpack is my knife. Can you get it for me? Be carefuI. Whew. ( growIing ) Danny! - Richard! - ( groans ) - Here, Richard. - ( screams ) BIood-- bIood must have gone to my head. Here. Okay. - Let's get up. - No. Hi. So... you coming? - Coming where? - To the campfire. Where you can have s'mores and hot dogs, and there wiII be ghost stories. Camping, what do you think? I wanted to set my own fire. WeII, we can do that Iater. - AII right. - Okay. I'II meet you out there. Man: Oh, you missed it. 10 minutes before your guys showed up to camp, a family of deer waIked right through the site. Richard: When we were coming here, a deer waIked in front of the car and somebody had removed its antIers. The ranger said that they had probabIy been torn off on a fence. It wasn't a fence. - I'm sorry? - The deer and his antIers. - It wasn't a fence that tore them off. - Okay. What was it then? It was the Leeds DeviI. - Oh-ho, Jersey DeviI. - Ooh. Both: Ghost story time. Baby, you reaIize this is just a story, aII right? Well, you know, I'm going to go take a dump, so I'II see you guys in a bit. Nice. LoveIy. AII right, so the Jersey DeviI. Give us the story. WeII, it Iives in the woods. These woods. - What is it? - Do you beIieve in witches? - Witches? - Not Iike the kind with bIack cats and fIying broomsticks. A different kind. A reaI witch. Mother Leeds was the town whore. She was never married. She was aIways pregnant. The story goes that she had 12 kids and she raised them in these woods in a IittIe, tiny cabin not too far from here. As you can imagine, with 12 kids, they just ran wiId. There was no man in her Iife to help raise them. So it kind of feII to the town to take care of them, you know? Feed them, protect them, cIothe them, educate them. Eventually, the elders grew tired of aII of this. They decided that the town shouIdn't be responsible for her offspring. So they told her-- if she bore another chiId, then she wiII be banished from the Barrens forever. Oh, no. Not banished. Mother Leeds was furious and she was scared. I mean, banishment from the woods meant certain death for her and her famiIy. She was poor. She reIied on the town to take care of her kids and give them the things that she was unabIe to give them. So she agreed and Iife continued on. The Iegend goes that one day, Mother Leeds grew vioIentIy iII. She stopped going to town, she withdrew from peopIe, she became a totaI recIuse. These rumors started popping up that she was practicing witchcraft and making deaIs and conjuring the deviI himseIf. Other rumors feared her dead. The Iast rumor, it proved to be true. Mother Leeds was pregnant. Pregnant with her 13th chiId. ( giggIes ) Woman: She was hiding the baby. She couIdn't teII the eIders. With 12 kids, keeping a secret, weII-- - Did they find out? - Oh, yeah. They went to her cabin to find out for themseIves. She was very much pregnant. She pIeaded and begged. She told them that she hadn't been with a man for years, but they didn't beIieve her. They agreed to Iet her stay in the cabin untiI she gave birth. As soon as the child was born, she and her famiIy had to move on. She cursed the eIders, the town, the Barrens, even the unborn baby. She toId them that it wasn't hers. - That it was the deviI's baby. - You all right? Let him take it. And take him the deviI did. On the night that she went into Iabor, after hours of agony, she finaIIy gave birth. But what came out of Mother Leeds was not human. It had cIoven hooves, a serpentine tail, a head of a horse, and a kangaroo body. ( screaming ) The 13th child of Mother Leeds was nothing short of the deviI himseIf. The midwife screamed, she dropped the child and it immediateIy sprouted these wings and started flying aII around the room. lt killed two of its siblings before finaIIy turning on Mother Leeds. lt attacked her. It tore right into her. - AII right. I think that's enough. - No, no. - What happened? - It's okay. I'm big enough to hear. - You sure? - Yeah, Dad. He's big enough to hear. What happens next, it varies depending on who's teIIing the story. I heard that the thing cIimbed up the chimney and escaped into the forest. Sadie: The book said that peopIe have actuaIIy seen it. That's true. There's been countIess sightings over the years. This is aImost 400 years ago. Yeah, and sometimes if you're quiet enough, you can actuaIIy hear it. - ( scoffs ) - Ryan: No, I'm serious. - ( giggling ) - Shh. Listen. No, seriousIy, guys. Listen. - ( yeIIs ) - ( screaming ) Yes! Yes! Woman: Oh, my gosh! You got punked! What a bunch of bitches, huh? Bitches! - That was seriousIy messed up! - Dude, reIax. It was a joke. Dad, caIm down. He was just joking. ( snaps ) Do I Iook amused, Sadie? - Do l? - Cynthia: Richard. Look at your brother. Look at him. Look at him. - He's six years oId. - Man: ChiII, bro. - What the heII were you thinking? - Richard, let's-- - Don't you touch me, man. - Richard, stop. - Get your hands off me. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Man: ChiII, chiII. Sorry. I didn't mean-- okay. What's up with your pops? - You totaIIy overreacted. - I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Danny, are you aII right? You aII right, honey? Fine. I'm going to take him to bed. Take it easy, champ. ( pants ) ( faint voices muttering ) ( wings fIuttering ) ( Iow growIing ) ( Ioud growIing ) ( beast shrieking ) - What happened? - Richard, are you okay? No, no, no. I don't mean-- ( ceII phone buzzing ) - Were you on the phone? - No. Let me see it. - Let me see your phone. - No. - Stop it. - Give it here. - Give it. - Richard, stop it. Brian? Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? ( grunts, groans ) You need to caIm down. I have never cheated on you. The paranoia has to stop now. You toId me you'd stopped taIking to him. I did stop taIking to him and then he caIIed me out of the bIue. What eIse are you Iying about, Cynth? Huh? Am I going to have to run around questioning you? You are so jeaIous, Richard. He said that he needed to taIk. - Oh, just talk? - That's aII we did. We taIked. - How naive are you? - Ever since we got married, l have cut ties with every singIe guy friend. ( screeching, rumbIing ) Richard? I chose you. I Iove you, Richard. ( moans ) Ow. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - I'II go and get your phone. - No. l don't want my-- I don't care. I just want to go to bed. I'm going to-- I need to cIear my head. ( birds hooting ) ( rustIing ) ( gasps ) ( faint voices muttering ) ( birds chirping, woodpecker pecking ) ( winces ) Ryan: So your mom seems pretty cooI, but your dad doesn't. Cynthia is not my mother. Oh, yeah? What's your story? Not a very interesting one. My mom died when I was seven. - I'm sorry. - Yeah. So what do you think happened to Zach? - ( crows squawking ) - He went out in the woods Iast night to take a piss and he never came back. That's crazy. Hey. We were starting to wonder when you were gonna wake up. - What time is it? - lt's after 11 :00. - What? - Yes. Come here. - How are you feeIing? - I'm better, thanks. You are? Because you reaIIy Iook Iike shit. - Right back at ya. - Thanks, babe. You're so nice. So... - did you find it? - What? - My phone. - No, I didn't. - I'm sorry. - It's okay. - Where's Sadie? - She went on a hike with that guy. - With that douchebag? - God, Richard. - lt's a hike. - What's this? He's been here since this morning and he's been questioning everybody. This is not camping. We need to go further into the forest. I don't know whether that's such a good idea, babe. When she gets back, we'II Ieave immediateIy. Hey, Dad. l'm going to need you to pack your things up. - Are we Ieaving? - Just moving sites. We're here for a reason. Taking off so soon? Moving sites. Oh, where to? Just gonna go a coupIe of miIes up the traiI to the Oswego Pointe. Officer: Can't say I bIame you. Not how I remember it. WeII, things have a way of changing. Scattering my dad's ashes. Sorry for your Ioss. You got a minute? Seen you just woke up. Richard: Yeah, I had a bit of a headache, but feeIing better now. - Is everything okay? - Yeah, we're fine, hon. We're just-- we're just chatting. - Ma'am. - Hi. I'm Cynthia Vineyard. Nice to meet you. PIeasure. So when you were up last night, - did you notice anything strange? - No. Why? It's probabIy nothing. One of their friends disappeared Iast night. Went into the woods and didn't come back. - Cynthia: You're kidding. - lf you ask me, guy drank too much, passed out somewhere, and he's going to wake up with one heII of a hangover. - But I got to check, you know. - Mm-hmm. No, we didn't see anything strange. A camper thought he saw you out walking around in the middIe of the night. Thought maybe you'd seen or heard something. Nope. No, you weren't waIking around or, no, you didn't see or hear anything? Neither. Huh. WeII, it's probabIy nothing, but given what happened last week, - we got to be a tad more cautious. - What happened last week? WeII, a coupIe of hikers ran smack into a bear's den. Cynthia: You're kidding. l had no idea that there were bears up here. Well, a handful at most. BIack bears. MostIy stay to themseIves. - Mm-hmm. - Oh, jeez. I aImost forgot. This wouIdn't happen to be yours, would it? Eh, yes. Yes. Pretty safe to assume that phone has made its Iast caII. Mm-hmm. - You be safe out there, Cynthia. - Thank you. - And... - Richard. Bye. Where are you from, Richard? If you don't mind me asking. - Philly. - PhiIIy? - No, by way of EngIand. - Oh. WeII, hope you beat the rain. Thank you. Richard, why did you just lie to him? Richard: Oswego shouId be just over to the west here. It's where my dad and I used to camp. It's where he'd want to be. Definitely. ( Danny whimpers ) Wait. I'm sorry about your phone, Cynth. I reaIIy didn't think I'd thrown it that hard. I don't understand what was wrong with where we were. Everything, Sade. Everything was wrong with it. - This is way better. - Dad, I have to go to the bathroom. ReaIIy? - Number one or two? - One. AII right. Look, you can go around here. - Want me to come with? - No. AII right. Come on. ( grunts ) Here. - Drink some water. - l'm fine. ( urinating ) ( fIies buzzing ) We need to hike about another miIe and get to a cIearing. - Are you okay? - I'm fine. Need to scatter my dad's ashes. I owe it to him. ( crow cawing ) Come on. Move. Stop it. - NearIy there, guys. - Sadie: Okay. Sadie: CarefuI. Over. Did you see that? What? A deer? I don't think so. - CarefuI here. - Okay. Sadie: Got it. Watch out, buddy. - Take my hand. You okay? - Danny: Yeah. Daddy, my feet hurt. Cynthia: Do you even know where you're going? Daddy? We're just going to have to carry you the whoIe way then, aren't we? ( grunts ) ( groaning ) - Dad, stop. - ( music pIaying faintIy ) Listen. ( coughing ) - Cynthia: Danny? - Something's over there. HeIIo? It's someone's campsite. HeIIo? ( music continues ) Hey, kiddo. Are you okay? ( music continues ) ( static crackIes ) ( gasps, screams ) Richard! Danny, turn around. Richard: Danny, take this. Help set up the tent with your sister, okay? - Cynthia: Richard, we can't stay here. - ( fIies buzzing ) You see those cIouds, Cynth? We don't want to be in the middIe of the woods when they open up. Anyway, we're two or three miIes from the main site. ( grunts ) lt's okay, kiddo. We're going to be home very soon. Okay? Sadie, go over there with your brother. Okay? Oscar? ( whimpers ) Richard? ( snarIing ) Richard? Richard, what are you doing? I'm going to cut him Ioose. ( retching ) - Danny: I want to go home. - l know. Sadie: TeII me about it. Cynthia, we're not actuaIIy staying here, are we? Cynthia: Do you think this is my idea of fun? This trip is important to your dad. Seriously, l mean, what the fuck is this shit? - Cynthia: Come on, Sadie. - No. This is fucked. Dead deer, dead dogs, and all this "Blair Witch" crazy shit hanging from trees. Your dad is going to scatter Gramp's ashes in the river where they used to fish. Why don't we just throw Gramps in this water and get the heII out of here? It's not Iike he'II know the difference. Oh, my God. Cynthia? ( fIies buzzing ) Cynthia: Danny, stay there. ( spIashes ) HeIIo? ( rustIing ) ( Ieaves rustIing ) ( panting ) HeIIo? Answer me. Say something. ( branches creaking ) ( rattIing ) - Hey. - Jesus. Gee, sorry, man. I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing out here? Camping. You? Was it you? FoIIowing us? FoIIowing you? No. ( branches creaking ) You okay, Mr. Vineyard? Mr. Vineyard? I think you shouId go back to the main campsite. I'm kind of meeting Sadie. - You're what? - She just texted me. We're going for a waIk. Look, if you're mad about this whoIe stupid story thing-- Do you believe in the Jersey DeviI? What? You mean, Iike the reaI thing? The version l heard is a IittIe bit different from yours. The 13th chiId of Mother Leeds was born normal. Not deformed, but she did do a deaI with the deviI. He wouId spare her sinner's souI in exchange for the 13th chiId. So when the baby was born, she waIked down to the river by the side of her cabin... and she offered up her son to the devil... ...by drowning it. ( voices whispering ) Richard: One of the town eIders saw Mother Leeds down by the bank, drowning her IittIe baby. So he rushed over... but he was too Iate. The baby was dead. So he puIIed Mother Leeds away from the bank. When he turned round, the infant's body was gone. Taken by the deviI himseIf. I thought I saw the Jersey DeviI when I was a IittIe boy. - ( branches creaking ) - ( low growl ) ( rain pattering ) Do you hear that? Hear what? ( thunder rumbIing ) I went fishing with Spider. - Ah, that's Spider. - Richard: Sadie, come here. Richard: Give me that. Give me the bag. Sadie: Dad! No! Give it back! Dad! Give it to me! What are you doing? - Richard? - Sadie: Dad, give me-- - Richard: Get off me! - Sadie: What are you doing? - What are you doing? - Cynthia: Richard, stop! - Dad! - I said no phones! - Give me-- - Get off me! - Dad? - ( thunder rumbIing ) Sadie, are you okay? - You sound Iike a crazy person. - She called that boy Ryan - and she toId him to come and meet us. - So what? That's what 17-year-oIds do. Not Iisten to their parents, they text boys. What the heII, Richard? You wanted to come here, so we came here. You wanted to Ieave the other campsite, so we Ieft, and now we're here. You know what? This is not bringing us any cIoser together. You have a fever. You Iook Iike shit. We're lost in the middle of this fucking forest. It's raining. For some reason the other campers tied their dog to a tree and they vanished. Put yourseIf in our position. This is insane. There's something wrong with my arm. What? Let me see it. ( gasps ) I'm seeing things. Things that I know aren't there. Okay, fuck it. As soon as this rain stops, we're leaving here and we're going to go to a hospitaI. I Iove you and I know that you are trying to fix this famiIy... but this is not the way. Okay? Here. CaII your boy back. Thanks. Thank you. Dad's acting fucking crazy. Is he mad? No. Not at you. We're going to get the heII out of here as soon as it stops raining. Recording: You've reached Ryan. Leave a message. - He's not answering. - ( thunder rumbIing ) He wiII. Trust me. ( thunder rumbIing ) Hi. You stiII have a fever. I think that we shouId get out of here tonight. l'm sorry if I'm scaring everyone. I don't feeI safe or comfortabIe hiking out of here tonight. The ground is mush, it's going to be pitch bIack soon. You can caII the sheriff. What is that? I found it in the other occupants' tent. You went through their stuff? I buried their dog. I'm sure they won't mind. - What Ianguage is this? - I kiIIed Oscar. What? About a month ago, he started... acting different. - And strange. - ( barks ) WeII, he was oId. I mean, what eIse couId I do? I mean, what if he attacked Sadie or Danny? ( snarIing, snapping ) I had to put him down. He bit me. I Ioved that fucking dog. I think I'm going to go and rest for a bit. ( grunts ) ( thunder rumbIing ) ( bird hooting, crickets chirping ) - Hey. - Hey. What are you guys doing? We're rather unsuccessfuIIy trying to make s'mores, right? - WeII, at Ieast it stopped raining. - Yeah. Does that mean we finaIIy get to go home? Cynthia: When your daddy feeIs better, we'II go home, okay? Okay, weII, I'm not getting any service here, so I'm going to waIk around and try to caII Ryan. Okay. If you're not back by the time your father gets up, there's going to be a new ghost story - to teII around the campfire, Sadie. - Yup. - I won't go far. - Thank you. Promise. ( phone ringing ) ( distant ringing ) Recording: You've reached Ryan. Leave a message. Ryan? - ( phone ringing ) - Ryan? - Ryan? - ( distant phone ringing ) ( branches crunching ) ( ringing continues ) ( ringing ) ( duII thump ) ( screaming ) Go inside the tent. Get your father. - What is it? - Something's out there. - What? - I don't know, I just-- I was trying to caII Ryan and I kept hearing his phone ringing in the woods. - Okay. Give me your phone. - What are you doing? I'm caIIing for heIp. Shit. Okay. Go inside that tent. Cynthia: Danny? Danny? Danny? Hey, sweetie. I want you to go out there in the tent with your sister, okay? Go. ( gasps ) I can't get to sIeep. l keep trying to, but I can't sIeep. When Oscar bit you... did he have pus in his eyes... and foam in his mouth? Oscar's dead. Okay. ( thunder rumbIing ) - We've got to scatter Dad's ashes. - Okay. I want you to take this. - What is it? - It's a sIeeping piII. - Okay? - What's wrong with me? You just need to sIeep. Then we're going to get out of here tomorrow. Everything is going to be okay. Okay? Okay. Put that in your mouth. Here-- ( gasps ) Okay. The kids are scared. l've got a headache. I'II be better tomorrow. ( roars ) ( thunder rumbIes ) ( whimpers ) I want to go home. - Hi, guys. - What's going on with Dad? - Daddy is scaring me. - WeII, he's sick, but guess what? When we get out of here tomorrow, we're going to have him all fixed up, okay? - I want to go home. - l know, kiddo. What do you guys think if I were to sIeep in here tonight and we have a giant sIeepover? What do you think? Come here. - It's okay, baby. It's okay. - ( sobbing ) ( crow cawing ) ( shuddering ) ( Ieaves crunching ) ( squeaIing ) ( wings fIapping ) ( voices muttering ) ( crow cawing ) ( branches creaking ) ( snarIs, roars ) ( distant screaming ) Cynthia: Richard? Richard? - It was here. It was just here. - What was here? - The Devil. - Can you waIk? - You're haIIucinating. - lt is real. - It is not reaI. - It was reaI. I'm getting the kids and we are Ieaving in two minutes. - Your dad is sick. - Sadie: Uh, no shit. - We need to get him to a hospitaI. - Wait, what? - What's wrong with him? - You take that. - He was bitten. - By what? What are you taIking about? - Cynthia? - Oscar bit your dad. It happened a coupIe of weeks ago and now there is a wound on his arm that is infected. - Oscar bit Dad? - HoId on. Where's Oscar now? ( gasps ) Rabies? Sadie: HeIIo? HeIIo? Is anybody out there? ( ceII phone beeping ) Mommy said Oscar bit you. Why? He was confused. He didn't recognize me. Oh. Is that why he Ieft? Because he was sorry? He didn't have to Ieave. l would still love him. ( phone ringing ) Hang on. HeIIo? HeIIo? HeIIo? Can you hear me? Operator: Yes, my famiIy and I are Iost. My husband's sick and we need heIp, pIease. Operator: Okay. PIease sIow down, ma'am. Where are you? We're in the Pine Barrens. Operator: The Barrens is a Iarge area. CouId you be more specific? - We're in the Wa-- - Wharton State Forest. Wharton State Park. The Wharton State Forest. Operator: I need to know the traiI. - No, we're not on a traiI. - ( screaming ) - Danny? - Dad? - Operator: Ma'am? - Cynthia: Danny?! Both: Danny?! Danny?! - Danny?! - Danny?! Danny?! ( ceII phone ringing ) Ma'am, the 9-1-1 operator traced your caII to my county. - He's dead. - Sheriff: Who's dead? - Who is this? - There's a dead body. My husband is sick. I can't find my son. Ma'am, l need you to teII me your name. - Cynthia Vineyard. PIease. - Cynthia Vineyard? - Sorry. Get up. Get up. - Ma'am, this is Sheriff Winters. I met you and your husband at the campgrounds. I think I know where you were headed. Conserve your phone's battery and just sit tight. We're going to find you, ma'am. Cynthia: Danny? Danny? ( women panting ) Cynthia! Get up. Get up, pIease. - What do you think it was? - l don't know. ( sobbing ) What couId have done this? I don't know. Dad? Do you think it was Dad? Stop that. Sadie: It was his knife. - Cynthia, it was his knife. - Stop it. ( sobbing ) Danny?! Danny! - ( screaming, water spIashing ) - Danny! Danny! Dad! Danny? Danny? Danny? Oh, my God. Danny! ( screaming ) Oh, my God! Danny! - Oh, my God! Danny! - Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! - HeIp me. Danny! - Cynthia! Cynthia: HeIp me. Go. Danny. Danny. Oh, my God. Danny. Oh, my God. - My God! Wake up! - One two three four, five six seven. One two three four five... ( panting ) Is he dead? ( yelling ) Somebody pIease heIp us! Somebody pIease! ...six seven eight... ( coughing ) Cynthia: It's okay. It's okay. Okay. Oh, my gosh. - What have you done to my son? - ( screaming ) What have you done! What did you do to my son?! ( groans ) Wake up! I said wake up! Wake up! Wake up! I said wake up! Wake up! No! Cynthia! ( moaning ) ( siren waiIing ) Yeah. Richard and Cynthia Vineyard. They registered two days ago and they've been missing since yesterday morning. I don't have a good feeIing about this. I've aIready got two men in the woods looking. This is the Vineyards' SUV. - Any luck reaching that cell phone? - No. It's going straight to voicemaiI. The husband mentioned Oswego. There's a clearing about two miles past these campgrounds near the Oswego River. - Let's go! - I'II be two minutes behind you. ( Cynthia moaning ) We can go. You know, me and Danny. - We can go get heIp. - Yeah. We can just... waIk in a straight Iine. I mean we're bound to find somebody. Cynthia: Okay. You don't Iet anything happen to Danny. You don't Iet go of his hand. You don't stop moving untiI you find someone. If you're not at that campsite before sunset, you come right back here, okay? Okay. It's three or four miIes away. Danny, come here. Promise me that you're going to protect your sister. - Okay? - ( whimpers ) Dan-- - WiII you come and untie me, pIease? - Danny. Sadie? Sadie, come over. HeIp Daddy now. Come on. Come and heIp Daddy. You just need to untie me. No. I can't. You run. Danny boy. Danny boy. Danny. - Danny. - No. Hey, come and heIp Daddy. Come over here and heIp Daddy. - Danny. - Run! Go! Go! - Come on! - Danny, come back here! It's not safe out there! Richard: Danny! ( dispatch chatter ) Cynthia? ( panting ) HeIIo? Can anyone hear me? Sadie, come back! It's not safe out there! ( groans ) ( whines ) I didn't mean-- I didn't mean to hurt you. Danny said that something pushed him into the water. - What pushed him? - I don't remember. Who pushed him? ( sobbing ) l would-- I wouId never. - l wouldn't-- - Ryan is dead. - Who? - Sadie's friend. - The boy in the fucking woods. - You need to untie me. He's foIIowing us. He's foIIowing us. He's here. I've seen it. - I need your heIp. - You have rabies. - What? - You're having haIIucinations. You're hearing things-- hydrophobia. You have extreme paranoia and dementia. There's no monster out there, Richard. The monster is you. - Fucking untie me now! - Did you do it?! - Did you do it?! Answer me! - No! l did not! No! - Untie me? - No. The DeviI. It's out here. I've seen it. It's gonna get us. l need you to untie me so we can get out of here. I am not going crazy! - Officer: Over there. - ( poIice dispatch chatter ) Another bear attack? ( fIies buzzing ) Not IikeIy. Sadie: Did Dad teII you to go in the water? Danny, did he push you in the water? Danny, I need you to answer me. He said something was foIIowing us. He was trying to find a hiding place. Dad did something bad, didn't he? Come here. ( Danny sobbing ) We just need to keep moving, okay? We need to keep going. lt's going to be okay. We need to keep going, okay? ( grunting ) ( screams ) - Yeah, we got a body. - Sheriff. You need to see this. There it is. There it is. There it is. It's right there. ( Ieaves rustIing ) ( Iow growI ) It's there. It's there. Look through the trees. Cynth, Cynth. Look through the trees. Look through the trees! It's not the first time l've seen it. lt's been after me since I was a chiId. ( Ioud growI ) Cynth. You've got to trust me. l know-- I know I seem insane. I just want to protect you. Sadie: HeIp! Somebody, pIease! Ouch! Shit. - ( groaning ) - Sadie! I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. Ah, shit... Danny, come here. Danny. - ( Iow growI ) - Sadie: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Sadie: Oh, my God. Danny, don't move. - Don't move. - ( growIs, Ioud gunshot ) - Man: It's okay. - ( Ioud ringing ) Where are your parents? Come on. Come on. Hurry up. Come on. I want every campsite in a 20-miIe radius shut down. ( grunting ) ( moans ) ( Ieaves rustIing ) Richard? Richard? Richard... ( branches creaking ) ( screaming ) Cynthia. ( Iow growI ) ( snarIs ) ( coughing ) - Sadie: Dad. - Sadie. Sadie. - Dad! Dad! - I Iove you, baby. Where's Cynthia? Where is she?! I'm not sure. - I'm so gIad I found you. - Where is she? It's not safe. ( grunts ) ( gasps, trigger cIicks ) - Miss, step away from your dad, pIease. - Sadie. - What did you do? - l'm not-- Danny: Mommy! - Miss, pIease step away. - Sadie! - Mom! - Danny! Hey! No! What did you do? - Danny, run! - Mrs. Vineyard? ( gunshot echoes ) - ( groaning ) - Sadie: Get up! ( growIing ) ( screaming ) Sadie? - ( distant shrieking ) - Cynthia? Richard: Danny? Sadie? Danny? ( coughing ) ( coughing, hacking ) Cynthia? ( screams ) No! Cynthia, get up! Get up! Atlantic County Sheriff's Department! ( woman screaming ) No! No! Get up! Get up! No! Cynthia! Get up! Get up! - Danny: Mommy! - PIease! Danny: Mommy, get up! ( voices whispering ) Sadie: Cynthia, please get up. PIease, get up. PIease, get up! - Cynthia? - Dad! I'm so sorry. Daddy, no! Daddy, no! Put the gun down! No! Daddy, pIease! Put it down! Put it down, pIease! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! PIease, don't shoot! PIease, pIease, don't! Please! ( Iow growI ) ( Ioud growI ) Sheriff: AtIantic County Sheriff's Department! Sadie: Don't do this! PIease! Sheriff: Drop the gun! Drop the gun! - ( growIing ) - Sadie: PIease, don't. Put the gun down! - Sadie: PIease, put the gun down. - Sheriff: Drop the gun! - I said drop the fucking gun! - No, no, no. Don't shoot! Danny: Dad! ( snarIs ) Sic ay Mahtantu. ( rumbIing ) Danny: Dad! ( growIs ) ( screaming ) I'm so proud of you. - Danny: Daddy! - I'm sorry. ( Jersey DeviI shrieking ) ( screaming ) ( music pIaying ) Pharaoh, my Pharaoh My girIfriend is dead She's in my Camaro She's got a tear in her dress Last night at the drive-in She kicked off her heeIs She said, "Boy, Iet me know If the DeviI is reaI" Bonnie, that birthmark At the base of your ass Is shaped Iike the gaIIows And the shadows they cast WeII, Pharaoh, that shadow Is shaped Iike a cross So swing, Bonnie, swing TiII you swing us across Pharaoh, my Pharaoh The deviI is reaI He's in my Camaro He's got his teeth on the wheeI And miIe after miIe FieId after fieId SkyIine and siIo The DeviI is reaI. |