Bellbird (2019)

The pipiwharauroa
the shining cuckoo.
Radio New Zealand National.
How are you, Violet?
How are you, my darling?
Maria left a message
this morning.
Judy's had to pull out
of the performance.
So it looks like I've got
another solo to learn.
Said her arthritis
is playing up.
Not sure what stiff hips have
to do with singing,
but there you go.
Lovely song, though.
Then the bellbird
Sitting in the tree
La, la, la, la
I could be a spring morning
La, la, la, la, la
I believe
- Chasing air
Weekend coming
up for the shearing circuit?
That's the one.
The reigning Golden Shears
and New Zealand shearing
champion Roland Smith,
he's bounced back from
a rare defeat to successfully..
-Tea's up!
Ask Bruce if he wants
to pop over,
when you drop the rubbish off.
Don't ask for
that staff discount again.
It makes him uncomfortable.
Needs to sort out
that leave the motel
owes him, though.
They're taking advantage.
I said if it all
gets a bit tight,
he could have his room back.
He wasn't so keen on that.
Call the cops
if it bothers you so much.
Where's the phone?
You know where the phone is.
You don't even eat watercress.
It's a weed.
So he's doing us a favor, then.
Grumpy shit.
Oh fuck!
How's it going, Dad?
Hey, your mum asked if
you wanna come over for a feed.
Okay, sounds good.
You well, Ross?
The discount?
Dad reckons there's
a family discount.
Is that right?
Yeah. I'll see you
at nine tomorrow.
-Okay. See ya.
-See ya.
You are my...
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
my sunshine
- Away
The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you
In my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head
And cried
You are my sunshine...
Here he is,
the host with the most.
You make me happy...
How long you gonna be?
Oh, as long as it takes to knock
off that bottle of sherry.
You're welcome to join us,
if you're missing me.
Please don't take
my sunshine away...
Shall we have another
crack at Bellbird?
I might need the words
this time.
This bellbird
Sitting in a tree
The piwakawaka, the fantail.
What does she see?
Radio New Zealand news.
- Could be a spring morning
Or a winter's eve
I believe
She sees the sun rise up
And she sees the fall
Of night is calling
-Anything major?
-Nah, nah, nah.
And you've sorted out
who's picking up for you?
-Bruce can cover it.
The Bruce I said
was working today.
You really don't
quite understand, do you?
It's his job. He can't just up
and leave when he wants.
I'll make a call when
I get to the auditorium.
-Might have someone who's keen.
Good luck.
For the show.
Your day was long
But now it's done
Goodnight, goodnight
My darling one
To sleep, to sleep
To dream, and then
When morning comes
We'll meet again
I've got some hay to put away.
How's it?
Mum said you started without me.
Need a hand?
Amateur stacking there, Horse.
You throw. I'll sort this out.
Yeah, come on.
Might need you to, uh,...
stay on a bit longer.
I'll hook the water back up
to the sleep-out.
You can take the ute down
tomorrow and, uh,...
pick up your bits and pieces.
Okay, Dad.
See you in the morning.
Get one of those,
uh, global dairy traders.
What's been happening?
The average price
is down 0.6% since 2004.
See you at about four, Dad.
You can sort that fence out
when you get back, then.
I need to take you through
ordering semen for spring
at some point too.
All right.
See ya.
Yeah, anyway, I said to
this fulla, "Fuck that, son."
"You wanted one slab,
right there in black and white.
"No one said anything about this
fucking reinforcing steel shit."
Like, you sign up with AW,
read your fucking fine print.
-Sorry I'm late.
-All good.
Hey. Hey, that's... Hey, Bruce!
It is you. Brucie.
How are you, mate?
Remember in college?
Hey, last I heard,
you were, uh,
cleaning motel rooms
up Paihia way.
-Maintenance man.
-Oh, maintenance man.
Moving up in
the world, then, eh, Brucie?
Yeah, been back
a few months now.
Okay. Well, that's nice.
So, you got him
working here now?
You suss him out with
a pretty mean work vehicle.
Hey, Bruce!
All the bells and whistles, eh?
Leave him alone, Anthony.
I think your missus just told
you to fuck up, Anthony.
Oh, Bruce.
-I'll see you later, Connie.
Oh, uh, and tell Graeme
"howzit" from me.
Laters, Brucie!
-Did you fix my toaster?
What was wrong with it?
I just plugged it into the wall
and turned it on.
Did you try
all the power sockets?
I plug it into the wall
and I go backwards from there.
Yeah, righto, MacGyver.
No one likes a show-off.
-See ya.
Still going?
-Getting there.
You know, I gotta move
the cows in here
before the end of the day.
Oh yeah.
-You want me to keep going?
-No, you can do the next one.
Keep that tight.
Thought about a headstone
for Mum at all?
No. Not much time to
do anything right now.
-You shut the gates?
You turn that water on?
I'll sort it out
when I get back.
I'm getting picked up soon.
Connie is gonna run me through
a few recipes for us, so...
I thought...
So, Bruce and I had a chat
at the supermarket.
He's been late
pretty much every day
for the last couple of weeks.
Well, he's got work here.
I know. He's been riding around
on a lady's bike
he found at the dump
trying to fit it all in.
I'm happy to cover his weekdays
until the end of milking season,
but I need him to work weekends.
My mum, um,
needs full-time care,
and those are the days
the caregiver has off.
I mean, I would've got
the other guy we had,
but he got locked
up in February, so...
Either we wait six to 12 months
until he gets out
or I sort out a plan with Bruce.
Well, you must be able
to find someone else.
Until Bruce resigns,
I'm not looking for anyone else.
Yep. Cows can't milk themselves.
Well, can't they?
I thought they just walked in,
put their tits into the cups,
got them sucked,
and walked out again.
For the weekend, I think we've
got someone that can help.
Radio New Zealand National.
This radio station's shit.
-The radio station,
it sucks.
I can change it if you want.
Just bring my own songs
next time.
Hello. Can I help?
Connie here?
She doesn't work weekends.
Can I take a message?
You work here or are you
just scavenging through
other people's shit?
It's all good, mate.
Hey. I was watching that.
See you in the morning, Dad.
-You off?
So, what did she teach you?
What did she teach you
at school?
Beth? Reading.
Her and some other old ladies
would come in,
listen to me and these other
dumb fullas read.
That it?
Pretty much.
I'd choose a book,
then we'd go somewhere outside.
Then I'd read my book to her.
She'd just sit there
and smile, mostly.
Doesn't sound like
she taught you anything.
Must have done something.
I was real shit at reading.
Now I'm only a little bit shit.
And at the end, we always
did this to each other.
She was useless at it.
Kind of, like...
All wrong, man.
Funny as, though.
You can go drink your tea
or something. I can do this.
-How are you, Bruce?
The old man in?
No. No, he had to shoot off.
Bugger. He's a hard man
to pin down.
Do you know when he'll be back?
Not sure.
How's he doing?
-Doing okay.
-Good, good.
Uh, and how's
milk production been?
Milk production? Very good.
Lots of milk coming out of them.
Right, have you, uh...?
Have you herd tested lately?
Uh, not-- not sure.
Uh, it's okay.
I mean, it's just that, uh...
Nothing's come up
on the database
in the last couple of months,
so, yeah.
Look, I know that was
your mum's department, and...
I just thought I'd pop along
and lend a hand when needed.
You know, keep you pointed
in the right direction.
Actually, are you the guys
we get the semen off?
Uh, no, no. No, that's...
-That's LIC.
Yeah. I'm-- I'm in more
of a farm-advisory role.
That's something we can organize
if you want it.
What are you looking for, Dad?
Hey, Ross.
I'm Ana.
I'm Marley's mum.
I just come to see that my boy's
not causing too much fuss.
No, no. He's, uh...
He's a good worker.
Oh cool. Hey,
I was just wondering if
you've got any other mahi on
during the week,
like, after school and that,
he'd be pretty keen to help out.
If that's cool.
It sounds like
he should be reading.
Hard out.
You try getting him
to sit still for five minutes
and get back to me on that.
Bloody ants in his pants,
my boy.
It's just me and his
little sister at home,
and, you know, Mars is a boy,
he likes boy stuff, so...
Oh, right, right...
Cheers for this,
but you don't need to pay him.
We live in the wops,
we've got nothing
to spend it on.
You know, I can't be
a dad or anything.
Whoa, no,
you can chill out.
I don't want you
to be his dad.
I just want the little shit
out of the house
before one of us strangles him.
I was thinking maybe I could
sort through all this lot.
-Is, uh...?
-Is stuff like that okay?
-Yep, fine.
You sure? We're allowed?
Probably not, but do it anyway.
-You sure?
-Oh, bloody hell, Bruce.
Yes, I'm sure.
Sell what you want.
Can I go back to bed now?
So, have you sorted through
all this pile of weird shit?
Yeah, I got some
good things here.
All this came through yesterday,
so I'm just working through it.
What's this?
-How's Mum?
-Oh, she's good.
Yeah. Body gave up on her
a long time ago,
but the mind's still sharp.
So, you know, the tongue's
still pretty sharp too.
Swears like it's going
out of fucking fashion.
How's your dad?
He's okay.
You two must have some
scintillating conversations.
Mum used to do
the talking for both of us.
So I guess we just got used
to leaving it to her.
Well, get practicing, then.
I wouldn't know where
to start with Dad.
Start anywhere.
I mean, what do farmers
talk about?
Milk prices or... grass?
Shit, I don't know, just...
Pick a fight. Sing him
a bloody song if you want.
It's brand new.
I wonder why they got chucked.
Keep them.
And second to last,
we have this vacuum cleaner,
which you can't really
get any more, this make.
It's really good.
But we'll have to get parts,
won't we?
No, no, it's got all the parts.
You know,
-it fits a lot of really good--
-Is it a bag-less vacuum?
-Bag-less, bag-less.
-We'll do this, which is $10.
How much
do you want for this, then?
Um, maybe...
-Forty, forty bucks.
-Forty bucks?
-Save on gas.
-Yeah, nah. Yeah, nah.
Do you wanna feel
the weight of that?
Yeah, well, yeah,
for an old fulla,
well, I think I could handle it.
You'd be surprised
what people throw away.
-This one guy threw away
a kauri clock.
How much do you think
I should sell that for, Clem?
-Dunno, mate.
He's a cunning bugger, eh.
Passing on all the shit jobs
to you so he can skive off.
He wants me to learn all
about this for calving season.
It's just I'm not too good
with blood and slime.
Yeah, good idea that. Good idea.
Sensible thing to spread
the knowledge around.
The more you know
about what goes on down here,
the less chance there is
of things going to shit
when the heat comes on.
-Do you wanna buy some socks?
-Brand-new red ones.
-What do you want for them?
I dunno.
Three pairs for five bucks?
-Done. I'll take nine.
Yeah, mate. You had me at red.
It's a fascinating piece
of equipment, actually.
So, you've got your arse here,
fanny directly below.
Here's a funny thing: You got a
problem in your vagina, Bruce,
you'll find the answer
in the rectum.
Yeah. Rightio.
First things first,
you wanna make
a puppet hand, like that.
Fingers together,
not splayed out,
for easy insertion, eh?
Then you want to lock
your wrist, flex your elbow.
You wanna approach
the rectal opening,
-give it a bit of Weet-Bix.
So, every number, one to nine,
across and down...
and in each of these boxes.
-See that?
-What don't you get?
-All of it.
Well, you need to bloody listen.
How can I, look, when this guy's
got his arm up the cow's arse?
Funny as.
You just wanna do
a sweep of the pelvis.
Find the cervix.
A little bit further,
there's the uterus.
Right, all going well,
you should be feeling
a healthy fetus.
At this stage, it's about
the size of a large cat.
There you go, girl.
Any questions?
Well, that's us, Ross.
We're all good to go, mate.
-Are you a vet?
-That's right.
Clem. Ooh, good on ya.
Looks like a mean job.
Yeah, it has its perks.
So, what's the story tonight?
Last milk of the season.
You must be doing something.
-Come on, Ross.
-It's tradition.
-Not round here.
Dad, we could have
a barbecue at our house.
A good way to thank Marley.
I like free food.
There's a hidden side to cows
that a lot of people
just don't appreciate.
I mean, they have
this stoic, placid exterior
which suggests there's not a lot
going on, but emotionally,
they're actually
incredibly deep.
I mean, they show humor, anger.
Sadness, confusion, shyness.
They love, they laugh...
I mean, they form friendships
which last their entire lives,
unbreakable bonds.
They've got better memories
than elephants.
Nah, I don't reckon.
Well, they do. I've studied it.
Then why does everyone say,
"I've got a memory
like an elephant?"
No one says,
"I've got a memory like a cow."
It'd be more accurate.
Hey, Ross.
-Hey, Connie.
-Thanks for coming.
-Oh, all good.
I brought something
other than meat.
-Kia ora.
Kia ora.
-How's Mum?
- Good.
She's got a new job.
Oh, yeah, I heard.
Shutdown at the refinery, eh?
- Yeah.
-Kia ora.
-Kia ora.
-Ooh. Ooh.
-Kia ora. I'm Connie.
-That's right.
So, where's the fairy bread?
I'm having flashbacks
to my fourth birthday party.
This is nice.
Plates, I should get
from inside.
Yeah, yeah.
Do you got any spare pants
that I can borrow?
It's freezing.
Do you want my undies
while you're at it?
Never mind, stink fulla.
Here we go.
You, uh, fall into a rubbish bin
or something?
Oh, yeah. Something like that.
Uh, distal radius, is it?
-Issue with your distal radius.
Uh, I dunno. They just said
my wrist was shot.
It's been like that
for years, so...
Yeah, I'd say it's
probably the radius.
Far and away the most injured
bone in the human arm, actually.
-You a doctor?
-Close. I'm a veterinarian.
So not that close.
Closer than you'd think.
So if I collapse with
a heart attack right now,
you'd be able to save me?
Only if the answer
can be found up your rectum.
That's what Clem told me.
Yeah, I did, but we were
discussing matters
of the vagina, Bruce,
not the heart.
Two pretty different organs.
All right, you go pick her up.
I'll go check on the mum.
Just go and bring the cows in.
You sure?
You said on the phone that, uh,
you had something you wanted
to discuss, Ross.
Yeah, um...
I was just wondering,
um, what the chances are
of taking on an extra worker.
Oh right.
You don't think you and Bruce
can handle the workload?
Actually, I'm looking at handing
over the reins after winter.
Are you retiring?
Oh, you've got a few more years
left in you, haven't you?
It's just there's, um,
a way to go before Bruce
can call himself a farmer,
and, uh, I may not be
around all that much.
You got your holidays
planned already.
well, at this stage...
I wouldn't recommend it.
Sorry, Ross.
Look, you're lucky, really.
A farm this size, oh,
as long as you're organized,
got your systems in place,
one person should
be able to run it.
And for you,
I've got no worries.
But your plan is to
hand over to Bruce?
Yeah, yep.
Well, uh,...
with his inexperience,
we're just starting
a bit further back, eh?
Getting him to be able
to run the farm effectively
by September...
it's not impossible,
just a big ask.
So the long
and the short of it, I...
If hand-over's
your plan, then...
from now until September,
your priority's gotta be Bruce.
Oh. Need to give him
a bit of a hurry up, then.
How's it?
Just the two today?
Ninety-Five had hers yet?
Guys coming up to
the shed for a kai?
Should be fine
just me and Bruce today.
Oh yeah. Sweet as.
Nah, we got it covered.
I'll let you know
if we need a hand.
Oh, yeah. All good.
I've got my rugby career
to think about anyways.
You got my cell
phone number, eh?
-I know, cos I don't have one.
Trick question.
-You all right?
You need to get in there.
Just get your arms under her
and lift her up.
You can't lift her up like that.
You need to get under her.
Arms under, hoist her up.
Arms under, hoist her up.
What's the matter?
Just trying to work out
the right way to do it, Dad.
There's only one way.
You get your arms under.
-Get your bloody arms under.
-Okay, Dad.
I just need a second.
A mask?
It's Dad's old beekeeping one.
That's weird.
Hey, can you just
put it by the door,
and we'll get some light on it.
Maybe with you not holding it.
Just put it on the ground.
Okay, nah, it looks like shit.
Can you please put it back up?
So, why did he want you
to wear it?
Oh, um,...
I don't like blood and slime, so
he thought that would help out.
Help you look like a tool?
What reserve you
gonna put on it?
Well, I mean, it's hard to say.
Not your best work.
But don't worry,
I'll put 'retro' in the ad
and some wanker will snap it up.
I like it.
You should put
a bid on it, then.
-Fuck's sake.
Hey, um, can you get started
on that second bin?
It'd be good if you
got it done, Bruce.
Thought I'd find you here.
At my place of work?
No shit, Sherlock.
-How'd you figure that out?
The fuck
you staring at, kid?
-Okay, okay...
Let's go for a drive.
We need to talk.
We are, we have, and I've
got nothing left to say.
Yeah, well, I have, so...
-get in the car.
-Or what?
Why don't you get in the car
and fuck off?
Yeah, she just said
that you should go.
Hey, Bruce, thank you.
I've got this.
Leave him.
What's that, Chief?
She said just leave her alone.
You're a dick, Graeme!
-She said you should go!
Get off, all right? Just go!
Just go!
-That was fucking ridiculous,
-Sorry, I'll sort dinner out.
No, no, just...
just look after yourself.
I need you to sign off
on some bank things.
-When you get a chance.
-What's it for?
-I just need to...
...sort out the signing rights
on the checkbook.
There's no rush.
Eat your sandwich first.
Come on.
Good to see you, and take care.
Okay. See ya.
Thank you.
A few of Mum's choir
were wondering
if we wanted to head
down to the cemetery today.
-What, today?
-Yeah, at about 10:30.
Oh. We've got all
those trees to cut down, yeah.
There's a ton of rain coming,
and I don't wanna be cutting
in that.
Plus those last couple of
heifers are ready to drop, so...
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Beth
Happy birthday to you
You can do that with a fork.
Hopefully it tastes all right.
No, it's good.
Mum's were crunchier.
I'll get it.
Hi, Connie.
Nah. No, I haven't.
I don't wanna...
She wants to talk to you.
- Hey, Ross.
Hey, um,
I just wanted to check...
Did you know about the song
that Bruce was learning
to play for Beth's birthday?
-Well, going down there today
and playing "Bellbird" for her.
Was, you know, important to hi,
and he wanted you there too.
Just thought
that you should know.
-You wanna...?
-Oh, yeah, yeah. Yep.
I'm sorry for today.
It's okay, Dad.
your mum started teaching
up this way.
My first season running the farm
by myself.
I met her in May, asked her
to marry me in June.
She said no.
She said she wouldn't
marry someone who couldn't
even look her in the eye.
She said yes in November.
So roughly half a year
without eye contact.
I made up for it
after that, though.
That last drought,
I moved all the cows
up into the top paddock,
away from the house.
No good reason except I couldn't
stand them crying out for a feed
when I had nothing to give them.
Your mum knew what I was up to.
She didn't say anything.
Which must have been difficult.
She liked giving me stick.
Went both ways, I suppose.
I'm just a bit...
Comes and goes...
most days now.
I'm just sore.
Dad, um,...
I sold a few things
over the last few months,
and, um...
there's a little bit
over a grand there.
I know headstones are
really expensive, so...
maybe that's, um...
-He'll be fine.
-You leave your number?
-Sitting by the phone.
Kia ora!
Remember me?
Morning, team.
-How are you, lads?
-You guys know Keith?
-Gidday, Keith.
-Ross, been a while.
-How's work going?
-Not bad.
How's Connie?
She's pretty good.
Good. Good.
Pink shirt?
Yeah. Turns out I got
a couple pairs of socks
that run in the wash.
WOThere he is.
Hello, stranger.
Hey. Hey.
Right, away you go there.
Who's got that?
I got $170 there. $160.
Give me $150 on the pig.
$140? I've had a go.
Give me $120 on the pig.
$120? $100 I've got on the pig,
and away you go at $100...
All in at $100.
$105 there. $105.
$110. There it goes at $110.
$115. $115.
$115. Going $120.
Thank you.
$120 I've got.
There it goes at $120.
$120 once.
Two. $120...
-Where'd you get to?
-Just here.
I thought you were
having a chat.
Keep moving.
Bidding away! $295 is here.
$290! $300! It's $305!
and out he goes at 3-5!
Come on, she wants it! 3-5?
They all look the same to me.
Oh, give it a year or two,
you get to pick the difference.
Just a matter of time.
You're gonna need
to know eventually, though,
if you wanna run
the farm properly.
I don't think that's
a sensible idea.
Oh, you're ready.
I've made an appointment with
the lawyer for Tuesday week.
We'll go through the paperwork,
bring you on as another owner.
Can we talk about
this later, Dad?
It's just... I mean,
I'm gonna be here...
I don't think I can be
a farmer all my life.
You can't work at a bloody
dump all your life either.
Why not?
-Cos it's not enough.
It's Bruce, eh?
Cow shat in your square first.
So congratulations.
Oh, thanks.
Sit down, guys. Sit down, guys!
Sit down, guys.
Sit down, guys. Sit down, guys.
Are you okay, Ross?
Yeah. Yeah, all good. All good.
You sure?
Get in. Sit down, guys.
In you go. Get in.
-Get in. That'll do, guys.
Sit down, guys.
Been looking for you, Dad.
We need to get back.
- I'm sorry, Ross.
-I didn't notice the
blood until later.
-Gloves are in the dairy.
Is she gonna be all right?
-You got those gloves?
Is she gonna be all right?
-What's wrong with her?
-Not sure yet.
-Uterus could be ruptured.
-What's that?
Can you fix her?
Go and get the rest of the kit.
- Can you save her?
-Sorry, girl.
Shall we call Clem?
Get him home.
Come on, mate.
Tell Ross I'll buy
him a new one.
I could save up
and buy him a new one.
Come on.
I can do it, Dad.
Where's the key?
I can do it.
Where's the key, Bruce?
Get me the fucking key.
Yeah, yeah,
shed's a herringbone.
Yep. Okay, mate.
-You build the shed yourself?
-Nah, my father.
And the house?
Grandparents built it.
Okay. So, we'll head down
to your shed and take a look at
your paddock rotations soon,
but I'm reasonably confident
there'll be some interest
from the company that bought
the neighboring farm
last year.
Good chance for them to increase
their herd and acreage.
Rip out the shed
and the old house,
open up space for another couple
of hectares of grazing land.
Oh, hey. How'd you go?
He looked like a cock.
-Thanks for covering.
-No worries.
I won't be doing it again.
Got a second?
I don't want you to sell,
not to that guy.
I'm gonna give Connie my notice,
if the offer to be a co-owner
is still there.
And I can focus on the farm,
do a proper job of it.
I know you miss Mum.
I miss her every day too.
But I think, I mean...
I don't think that's something
that can be fixed.
But I reckon...
if we miss her together,
it feels a little bit easier
than doing it by ourselves.
So yeah, Dad,
I'm in.
Hang on!
Hi. Um, just give me
a couple of minutes,
and I'll see you
in the cowsheds.
-Morning, Ross.
-A bit chilly this morning.
No, I was just gonna let
you know I should be all right.
-Yeah, yeah,
today's pretty straightforward.
Um, I might...
need you a bit later on, uh,...
about half-five.
Yeah. Yeah, no worries.
You too, Connie,
if you can make it.
I'll check my diary, Ross.
Did you, uh, give your notice?
Not yet.
Good. Good.
You can't even talk.
I can't even talk?
Can I put that on my nose?
-Um, yeah.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Ooh, that's not gonna stay.
Let's... Can you stay?
-I think you got mail.
-Okay, on three.
-One, two, three.
-It looks good, Dad.
Yeah, it looks good, Ross.
There good, Dad?
Yeah, that's good.
I thought you said
this was an unveiling,
not a bloody working bee.
- So we're into it?
-Yeah, we're into it.
-What are we doing?
-Putting these blocks around.
Looking good.
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