Beneath Still Waters (2005)

Come on, let's go.
Luis, come on.
I'm going for it
Come on, Captain Lightning.
You're not scared, are you?
Shut up. L'm not scared.
Just do it.
Come on. Let's go!
Wow! Look at that!
Come on.
Look at this!
- Hey, what are you doing?
- Who cares?
This whole town will
be under water in a week.
Look at that!
Come on.
Listen. There are people in there.
No way. There can't be.
Well, there fucking are.
You hear that?
Let's go.
No. Someone might be trapped.
Come on.
Come on!
Teo, wait! Teo!
Luis! They're down here!
Teo! Teo, what's going on?
They're going to drown.
We've got to help them.
Over here.
Don't bother with them.
Untie my hands.
Teo, no!
Come back!
Come back!
Help! Help! Help me!
Help! Help! Help me!
Help, someone!
Clara. Clara.
He's coming.
Clara, are you okay?
Yes. It's nothing. It's just...
It's just that I fell asleep.
Another bad dream?
Is this some kind of ghost book?
Honey, let it out.
Or, hell, you'II end up
as crazy as...
As what? My grandfather?
Susana, what do you think
happens when we die?
Don't be so morbid.
Sometimes I just...
I lie in bed in the dark,
and I think that...
before I was born, I didn't exist.
After I die, I won't exist.
And it makes me feel terrible.
Don't you think
we have a soul?
Do you think this is all there is?
Maybe the soul
is like a drop of water...
and when we die,
we join all of our loved ones.
I just feel like something really bad
is going to happen.
Oh, come on.
What you need
is to have a little fun.
Let's get wet.
It's cold.
Come on, Clara.
No, no, no.
Oh, yeah, let's go.
Come on.
Oh, it's cold. It's so cold.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
- Did you feel that?
- What?
Something down there.
Speaking of fun.
Want a beer? Here!
Let's go for a ride
on my jet ski.
- L'm freezing.
- Come on, girl.
Have a little fun.
Clara. Go for it.
Antonio? Antonio.
Where are you?
Come out, come out,
wherever you are!
Antonio, don't you dare.
My God!
My God! Antonio! Susana!
Wait! Susana!
What's wrong?
What's that? Oh, my God!
I don't know, like somebody
was grabbing me.
It's okay. It's okay.
Guess I just got stuck.
Huh? Huh? Oh, fuck.
Oh, help! Help!
Getting in my pants!
Woof! Woof woof!
- Stop it!
- Dick.
Stop that, you naughty thing!
What the...
What the fuck?
Oh, God!
Oh, God.
Oh, no.
L'd just like
a little advance, yeah?
Yeah, yeah.
Will I get some pictures?
Marcia, come on.
Of course you'II get pictures.
You'II get great stuff.
These towns are built
on dirty politics.
Listen, I want some really
good stuff this time, okay?
Yeah, look, I understand.
You want pictures,
and that's what you'II get.
The cool underwater stuff.
Of course
I've got permission.
L've got all the permits I need.
- Shit.
- Dan!
No, not you.
Marcia. Marcia.
Marcia, hello?
- Dan!
- Marcia? Marcia?
This is Teresa Borgia reporting
from the Debaria Dam
on the occasion
of the 40th anniversary
of the flooding of this dry valley.
Now there is a new air
of optimism in the area.
Local people look
for an economic boom
with an increase in tourism and
return revenue for local business.
Hey, you!
Get out of the shot!
Oh. Sorry.
Now, 40 years later,
Debaria celebrates
the building of the dam
that brought prosperity
to the dry valley.
Okay, and cut.
That was a good take?
Yeah, sure.
Okay. How are we
doing for time?
Oh, got to wrap it
up now, Teresa.
Okay. But I need at least
one more shot from the water.
CNN won't buy a piece
without more angles.
CNN, huh?
Well, it's a spec piece.
You're not from
around here, are you?
What, you're a photographer?
Doing a piece on the town
that drowned.
And the celebration.
Maria. Oops.
Hello, baby.
Mom, something horrible's
happened to Antonio.
He was in the water.
I think he just drowned.
Oh, my God.
We're in Los Olmos Cove.
Okay, listen,
I'II be right over. Okay?
Guys, you might want
to come along on this.
- Los Olmos Cove.
- Okay.
See you.
Engineer's office.
Get Porquillo to the phone.
He needs to hear this.
Putting you through.
Please hold.
we've got a problem.
- Hello?
- Julio.
- Hello!
- Julio.
Rosa? Rosa.
You're spineless, Julio.
In trouble again, are you...
now that I'm not around
to bail you out?
Not around? You're dead!
I blame you, Julio.
That's negligence.
Then bye-bye, job.
Bye-bye, pension.
Who'II look after you then?
You can keep a secret,
can't you?
Oh, excuse me. L'm sorry.
Julio, what's the problem?
Oh, no, no, no.
Everything's fine.
Nothing's wrong.
Nothing at all.
Nothing at all.
Mom, it wasn't normal,
what happened.
I think it's the lake.
It was an accident, Clara.
Just a terrible
and tragic accident.
I don't like this place.
Granddad's dead,
so why are we still here?
I want to go back to London.
Give it a chance, honey.
I was born here.
And I've got a job.
Why don't you ever listen to me?
I do, honey. I do.
Guys! It's time to work.
Come on.
Mayor Luca.
Do you have any comments
about this unfortunate event?
God damn it, Teresa.
Shut it off.
- Just stop it. Later, Teresa. Later.
- But...
I'II talk to you later, okay?
Okay. Cut.
Please. Take this.
Find anything yet?
So far, nothing.
It... The body, I mean...
will pop up eventually, right?
The body'II probably
surface sometime tomorrow.
No problem, then.
Bodies tend
to pop up quickly, Luca.
Gasses build up and... they float.
That is, unless something else
happens to them.
If they're punctured,
they get soggy.
Just find it.
I don't want anything getting
in the way of the celebration.
I don't think they'II get in the way
of the celebration, Mayor.
- They?
- The police dive team.
They're coming in
from Madrid. Tomorrow.
Dive team?
There's no reason to make
a big thing about this.
Excuse me, sir.
The show must go on.
Please, Teresa.
If you want, shoot.
Okay. Line it up.
Our primary concern
is to do everything
in our power to find your son.
Hey! You got something?
No, Captain.
Just a funny wave.
Captain! Wait a minute!
What are you doing?
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
- Get that rig over here.
- Hell of a current down there.
Who are you?
Dan Quarry.
You know, I saw something
really strange down there.
Like a crack
in the wall of the dam.
What are you,
some kind of engineer?
Nah. L'm a photojournalist.
L'm working on the story
of the sunken town.
Got swept away by a current.
And a boy disappeared
where you showed up.
Hey! I didn't have
anything to do with that.
Officer Gonzales,
take him into custody.
No, he's right.
I saw him at the dam
right before my daughter called.
He'd just arrived,
so he couldn't have had
anything to do
with Antonio's drowning.
- You sure about that.
- Yeah.
So you won't be needing this?
You can have it back
when I see your diving permit.
So, no permits, huh?
It's a spec piece.
L've got a deadline.
And there's a story here.
Really need
to get my camera back.
Listen... thanks for the ride.
And being my alibi.
Any time.
I owe you one.
Sorry about what
happened to your friend.
I know what it's like
to lose someone.
Who is that?
Ah. That's Gambine,
the supervisor.
He never leaves.
This is Mr. Quarry.
He's a reporter.
What do you want?
L'd like to go down
into the dam, if I could.
It's not a good time.
Julio, please.
This is the main wall.
of reinforced concrete...
which supports the pressure
of 18 kilograms of water
- per cubic centimeter.
- This place feels like a tomb.
Watch your step.
This happen often?
Every few years...
there's a small quake.
That wasn't so small.
There's a fault line
about 3 kilometers from here.
Great place to build a dam.
Bet there's more than one body
buried in these walls, huh?
It was a rush job, yeah?
Workers... actors...
Rush, rush, rush. Big hurry.
Better move everybody
out of town...
make a reservoir
for all the big developments
right now, can't wait.
Even flooded
the cemetery, didn't they?
Uh. No time to move the dead.
L've got family down there.
Go back 500 years.
Why? Why they're
in such a hurry
to bury muddy mud
under a million tons of water?
They needed water
for the valley, to modernize.
It's all about money.
Sleazy politicians.
This town's as dirty
as they come.
No! You can't go down there.
Why not?
- What are you looking for?
- What are you hiding?
You don't know anything
about this town.
My father was an honest man.
- Dan?
- Yeah.
- You sound like shit.
- Oh, Marcia.
- Hi.
- Did I wake you up?
Yeah. No, no, no, no.
Been awake for hours.
What's going on?
It's all set up. No problem.
L've already met
the chief of police.
Very cooperative.
The clock's ticking, Dan.
Yeah, I know we got a deadline.
L'II e-mail the photos to you
by the end of the day.
Don't let me down.
- Yeah. Sure.
- Bye.
Inat genesis semen mortis est.
No! Leave me alone!
Clara! He's coming!
He's coming.
Look at you now,
living with the worms.
While the maggots feed on you,
I will take everything you created...
your town, your people,
even your own family.
After 40 years of waiting,
it will all happen
in just one day,
and all that was yours
will now be mine.
Most of them are nuts.
Absolutely nuts.
Come back! Come back!
This for diver 1. For both...
What do you think happens
to you when we die?
You just don't exist.
You just don't care.
You don't care about anything.
What's the matter, honey?
- Where have you been?
- What?
And where were you
this morning?
You're always gone.
Honey, I have to work.
You know that.
You don't care about me,
and I don't care!
Dreams and Mysteries.
Pretty heavy stuff.
Inat genesis, semen mortis est.
That which created you...
Holds the seeds
to your destruction.
My Latin's a bit rusty.
It's something
my grandfather taught me.
I have to go baby-sit.
There you go.
- Be careful, yeah?
- Yeah.
She's been upset
since her grandfather died.
Her grandfather, yeah?
He was the mayor.
Remember? That sleazy politician
that built the dam?
Hey, I didn't mean
to insult your family.
That's okay. Just forget it.
Listen. Help me
with this police chief.
- What?
- I need to get my camera back.
Yeah, that's no problem.
Teresa, what are you doing here?
Captain Keller, I think we got off
on the wrong foot.
Mr. Quarry's writing a story
about the anniversary.
It'II be good for the town.
L'm still waiting to see
your permits, Mr. Quarry.
Then you can have
your camera back.
All due respect, sir, but your man
doesn't know a buoy from a diving belt,
and I definitely don't have time
to teach him how to use
the P.R.C. Radio.
I can operate a P.R.C.
L'm a trained diver,
and I know these waters.
I can help.
We're in luck, Lieutenant.
This guy can do it.
All right. You can go.
But this is against
my better judgment, Quarry.
Fucking woman.
Fucking woman.
No! No, no! Rosa, no! No!
No, Rosa.
Oh, no! Get away!
Listen up.
Be careful down there.
Caught some really mean
currents last night.
Pulled me right across the lake.
Here is the dive plan.
One: Nice and slow.
We have plenty of air.
Two: Don't lose sight
of each other's ass.
- Not that I like his ass at all.
- So fucking immature.
And three is for you, Devil Dan:
Don't fall asleep.
You are our guide.
Listen. Do you feel it?
It's damned cold down here.
No! No!
Come with me!
How we doin', fellas?
There's the town of Marienbad.
I don't see any sign of the body.
The currents tend
to pull things down
into the buildings.
Look. The cemetery.
Dan, we are heading
across the plaza.
You'II feel a strange current there.
It will pull you.
Just roll with it.
How we doin', fellas?
Thank God you are here.
My little monsters await you.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Don't go, Mommy.
But I have to, darling.
It will be fun with Clara.
- You'II see.
- Come, David.
- We'II make popcorn. Right, Clara?
- Sure.
I don't want popcorn.
Hey! How about
a ton of popcorn,
till you got popcorn
popping out of your ears
like a pop, pop,
popcorn machine?
Don't go, Mommy.
They are all yours, Clara.
L'II be back around dark.
I hate you!
Hey! Come on.
- David. David...
- No! Let go of me!
Can you see a house?
We see it.
Okay. With the strange glow?
You feel that current?
Look at that glow.
Must be geothermal.
L've never seen one
that bright before.
L'm going to check it out.
Look out for me.
Okay. Got it.
L'm going in.
Ruso, Eduardo, come in.
Can you hear me?
- Come in, boys.
- I copy you, Dan.
We're checking out that old house
you told us about.
What the hell is that?
Ruso? Ruso? Come in.
Eduardo, Ruso, come in.
Are you receiving me?
Is there a problem?
Lieutenant? Can you hear me?
Can you hear me, Ruso?
Come in!
Eduardo, are you
receiving me?
Ruso, come in!
Eduardo, get out of here!
Eduardo, come in.
Look! Get the camera
and come on.
What happened down there?
You all right?
What is...
It's the guy from the dam.
Gambine. Where'd you find it?
It just came up.
It was like a black cloud
covering everything,
and you could feel it
sticking to your body.
- L've never felt anything like it.
- Where?
- Hey!
- Hey!
Hey, Ruso!
- Hurry up. Go after him.
- Sit down.
Over there.
No! No!
Deep incisions... well as powerful ripping.
Some kind of animal?
Or a propeller?
That's it.
He got caught up in the propeller.
A terrible accident.
He was nowhere
near the propeller.
We felt nothing.
What the hell do you know?
You're just a fucking cop.
It was an accident.
He got caught up
in the boat's propeller.
Let's not file this until tomorrow
after the celebration. Okay?
Wrap those things up
and take it to forensics.
Okay, let's finish up the statements
and move everybody out of here.
Okay. You heard the captain.
Let's move on out.
What did this is no animal.
And it's no goddamn propeller.
Some very powerful
currents down there.
Nobody makes a fool out of me.
And the next time
I see you in this town,
I'm gonna lock you up and
make sure you stay locked up.
Not a problem. L'm out of here.
I just need my camera back.
Ah, yes. Your camera.
You want your camera.
Here's your fucking camera!
Now, get the hell out of here.
What was that all about?
He's lost the plot.
Thinks I'm the bad guy.
He thinks you had
something to do with it?
I just think it's time
to get out of Dodge.
What about your story?
I was never really
close to a story.
Listen, when they flooded the town,
two boys were there.
One of them never came back.
So, what happened to the other kid?
He doesn't live
too far away from here.
Samantha, where's David?
He's playing.
Oh, God.
Okay. Yes.
Well, where have you gone?
Don't hide from me.
There you are.
- Wait, please.
- Oh, David.
What are you doing?
Why are you...
Okay. Come on.
Let's go. Let's go.
Okay. Okay.
But, Clara, we were going to play.
Who? Wh-Who were you
playing with, David?
We... We have to go now, honey.
- I want Mommy.
- Hey, you've got me now, okay?
- And I'II never leave you.
- You promise?
I promise. I promise.
Come on, sweetheart.
When you dive,
you usually see fish,
algae, or something.
But down there in the old town,
there was nothing
but that black muck...
a feeling of the total
absence of life.
L've felt it before...
in a frozen lake,
when I lost my son.
L'm so sorry.
One crack, and he fell
under the ice.
When I got to him down there,
there was only death.
Nothing else.
I handed his lifeless body
to his mother.
And our marriage...
what was left of it anyway... was over.
L'm sure you did
what you could.
You think your lungs
are gonna burst.
Your body's startin' to pass out.
So you go up for air.
I know. L'm a trained diver.
I know.
You got 30 seconds
before your body passes out.
Long enough to save
your son's life.
Is anything wrong?
Yeah. Just through there.
Why? What is it?
Oh, my God.
Did anything happen to him?
L'II be there as soon as I can, okay?
Okay. Bye. Bye-bye.
She's a little scared.
Do you want to go?
No, no.
Let's do this first.
It's just that
I've never been able to...
to give her a real family.
Maybe because I never
knew one myself.
You know, when I was 12,
my mother dragged me
off to London.
She said she couldn't live
with my father in this town anymore,
so... when she died...
I was so alone and scared.
Oh, God.
We will all die.
When the dam breaks,
it will wash us all away...
all the way to hell.
What are you doing here?
Whoa, soldier. Calm down.
Luis, I'm Teresa Borgia.
- Mayor Borgia's daughter?
- Yeah.
You came to help me?
To vanquish him?
Luis, we want to talk
to you about... about Teo.
Oh. Teo. No.
No, no, no.
No Teo. No Teo. No.
If I tell you, you'II help me?
What the hell?
There's something I'd like you
to do for me, Captain.
Who are you?
It's all here.
L've kept everything.
Forty years ago,
there was a huge scandal.
He didn't do it.
He was my father.
He didn't do it.
Oh, he did it, all right.
But not for the reasons they say.
So it wasn't
a corrupt deal, was it?
Borgia and his gang
owned the land below the dam,
all the land that
the barrier is built on.
So it was a real estate scam.
That's how he did it.
But why he did it,
that's a different story.
Borgia spent his whole life
fighting them.
And he's probably still fighting
from beyond the grave.
Come to me.
When I die, he'II come for you.
Clara, don't submit.
You have the power to resist.
Inat genesis, semen mortis est...
Granddad, don't die.
Granddad. Granddad.
Somebody's at the door.
Oh, God.
What do you do
when you never got the chance
to say 'I love you'?
What's the matter, Susana?
How can I let him know I care?
L'm sure he knew it.
Poor, cold Clara.
It's me and Teo.
L've spent my whole life
trying to understand it.
It's in front of your nose,
if you want to look.
Times were bad in Marienbad
except for a privileged few,
like Mordecai Salas and his club.
Salas met a disciple
of Aleister Crowley
who initiated him
in the practices of dark magic.
During one of these rituals,
the disciple died.
No one knows what happened.
But when Salas came back,
he brought a book with him,
and he seemed like
a different person.
He wrote the spell in blood
and sealed it in the book.
It gave him a power.
An occult power.
The power to call forth
the hideous flame.
After that, the club
prospered even more.
They owned the town.
First, they helped many people.
But then things went sour.
For every benefit,
there was the devil to pay.
No! No!
A black slime started to spread
that infected the townspeople.
They stopped going to church
to join the new cult.
Lust, madness, and murder
took over the town.
The atrocities multiplied.
Even the dead crawled
out of their graves.
Cannibalism and self-mutilation
had become common practices.
Come on, little girl.
The crimes of the club
were inhuman.
Come on. L'm not
going to hurt you.
No one was spared
by the evil flame.
L'm home!
Hey, sweetie.
Clara! Where is he?
I don't know.
We fell asleep and...
I told him not to go out.
You stay right there
with Samantha!
Don't leave the house.
And don't let her out of your sight.
What? What is it?
Help! Help!
Where is Mommy?
David, where have you been?
Oh, God.
Mrs. Martin!
Mom! Mom!
It was a purely evil entity
that Mordecai Salas
called up from the beyond
that infected the whole town.
That's why your father built the dam:
To drown the evil town
in the water
in order to extinguish
the flame forever.
Get out!
No! No!
Borgia did what he had to do
in order to save
the people of the town.
Get thee behind me, Satan!
He trapped the members
of the club and chained them.
Borgia buried the book
in holy ground
to weaken Salas
and the power of the flame.
If only Teo and I
hadn't gone that day,
the running water would have
sealed it, stopped it.
Salas got away.
All my life, I hid and lay in fear,
looking for signs
to protect myself!
To keep him away!
I knew Salas would come back
as soon as your father died.
And the dam will break...
and Marienbad will rise again
and consume us all...
unless we stop him!
- We have to be going.
- Yeah, we have to go.
But you said you'd help me.
L'm sorry.
No, Luis. Luis...
Teo was my best friend.
Wherever you are...
...I hope you have
all the beer you want!
We didn't even have
the chance to say good-bye.
Maybe this can be
our last swim together.
Today we celebrate
the 40th anniversary
of the Marienbad Dam!
And the birth of our
fair town of Debaria!
Let the festivities begin!
Where are we going?
My favorite comic
was Captain Lightning.
He had justice on his side
and a sword in his hand.
Good always won...
- in the comics.
- Go!
It's him! Salas!
Luis, my odd friend.
How can I repay you
for what you and your little chum
did for me way back then?
You son of a bitch!
You... killed... Teo!
You let Teo die, Luis,
and for that,
you must be punished.
You do know that there is
a dance tonight:
The 40th anniversary
of our time together.
But I'm afraid your
dancing days are over.
We can kill this big worm!
Inat genesis...
semen mortis est.
The book! The book!
The book...
Just forget about this.
It's none of your business.
You've got things
to do elsewhere.
You're a pathetic, drunk coward.
You let your own son drown.
And you, Teresa Borgia...
a cheap whore
who neglects her own daughter
while she chases men.
Your father was ashamed of you.
All that remains
is your daughter,
and she will be mine.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Take the car
and go and find Clara.
What about you?
Inat genesis semen mortis est.
That which created us holds
the seeds to our destruction.
I think I know how to stop him.
Okay. Okay.
Let's go to the VIP tent.
To Marienbad!
To Debaria!
To her!
Where are you going?
L'm going to go find your mom.
Go back inside.
Don't leave me.
L'm scared.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Are you okay?
I didn't see you.
Oh, God.
Mrs. Martin?
Mrs. Martin?
Mrs. Martin?
Mrs. Martin!
Mrs. Martin?
Where are you?
Mrs. Martin?
- David.
- Mom!
- David.
- Mom!
David! You okay?
You okay?
Let me see. What?
I heard Mommy.
Where? Where did
you hear Mommy?
- Let's go!
- David!
What are you kids
doing out here?
Their mother,
she went out looking for David,
and she didn't come back, and...
What are you doing
out here after dark?
- Run!
- Come back here!
I kneel before you, Sister!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
That will be all, Captain.
So young and so strong.
You've inherited
your grandfather's spirit.
You were the one I wanted, Clara.
Unit 2-5, can you
hear me? Over.
Is anyone there?
Anybody listening?
You're under arrest!
It's your choice, Clara.
Nothingness... or survival.
True life.
Do you want to know
what death is
and what comes after?
Everything goes dark
and silent.
No taste, no smell...
no feeling.
All your senses fade.
You will still be aware.
You will still think, but only briefly,
until even that fades away.
Till even that fades away,
and you are no more.
You just don't exist...
...don't exist.
Open the book!
Summon the dark.
But you are special, Clara.
Not like the rest of them.
You can choose to survive.
Accept the living flame.
Love and adore it.
Love and adore it.
I don't want to die.
Then you must leave them behind.
Don't go!
Samantha! David!
Where's Clara?
She's there. There!
Leave her alone!
Take me instead!
Come, Clara.
Only death is your enemy.
Just a few moments more,
and a fire from beyond
will be released.
The dam will break,
and Marienbad will rise again,
bringing a world
of lust and violence.
And we will never die.
- Turn over! Turn over!
- No!
My baby boy.
Move out of the way, Clara!
Leave me alone.
Please don't burn
the book, Daddy.
Please don't burn
the book, Daddy.
Don't burn the book.
Don't burn the book.
So young, so strong.
Clara, don't you submit.
You have the power to resist.
And so dead.
Don't burn it, Daddy.
Don't, Daddy.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Daddy, please.
Help me! Help me!
Is Clara coming back?
I don't know.
What am I doing?
I feel so bad.
Oh, my head.
Oh, my head.
Tell me she's not dead.
Baby, come on.
Oh, my God.
Come on, Clara.
Come on, baby.
Thank you. Oh, thank you.
I hate them.
Subtitled By J.R. Media Services, Inc.
Burbank, CA