Beneath the Darkness (2011)

Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Pick a spot.
Take a dump.
Let's go.
Who's that?
Hey, Vaughn.
Hey, Jack.
I see he's got you
well trained.
Who's walking who, right?
How you, uh...
how you holding up?
It's day by day, you know.
But I'm gonna be all right.
Yeah, these things take time.
Well, exercise helps.
I've been running a lot.
And I've been lifting weights.
Can you tell?
I got two tickets
to the gun show.
You're a funny son
of a bitch, Vaughn.
No, I mean I got two
tickets to the gun show.
Now look, I've got my van
parked right down the street.
You and I are going
to take a little jog.
What's this about, man?
I think you know
what this is about.
No, I don't know
what this is about!
I think you do... know...
what... this... is... about!
Turn your ass around...
and we're gonna
run up the road.
All right, Vaughn.
Come on.
Turn around.
Turn around!
Let's go.
Damn it, Vaughn!
Turn around.
Let's go.
Go home, Max.
All right!
Come on, let's go come on...
We're gonna jog.
We're gonna jog.
What are you doin'?
Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Almost done.
You dug that pretty quick.
But then again,
it is fresh dirt.
All right. One more.
One more.
All done.
Put the shovel right over here.
Right there.
Come on...
Open it.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
No, man.
Open it.
Don't make me do this, friend.
Open it.
What the fuck?
Vaughn, don% do this, man.
Look... I swear to God...
no one's going to know
anything about this.
I'll never tell anybody.
I'll never tell a soul.
Oh. Oh, please.
Please. Oh, no.
Please don't do this.
Vaughn! Look, man,
we go way back!
What, it's gonna be
our little secret?
Yes, it is.
I don't think so.
Come on.
I'll tell you what,
I'll leave the light
on for you.
I don't have air!
So someone give me an impression
of The Telltale Heart.
Who wants to start?
I thought the blue
eye was kinda cool.
Anything else?
He really loves
exclamation points.
All right.
Hey, Travis.
What about you?
What is Poe really telling
us about this murderer?
Hmm. I don't know.
Oh, come on, Travis...
we don't have optional
participation in this class.
Say you were encouraging a friend to read it.
What would you tell him?
I'd say... you're inside
this killer's head.
The longer you're in it,
the scarier it gets.
Why is it scary?
Because he's crazy.
Are you sure?
Well, he keeps
telling us that he's not.
Abby, what do you think?
I would have
to agree with Travis.
He's definitely crazy.
Anyone that would kill somebody
just because they had a funny eye.
Damn right. And he
slab-chops the dude.
So, Brian, you're saying he
cuts him into little pieces.
Right. Then he hides it
all underneath the floor.
So why would he go to all that
trouble to hide the body...
if he's gonna confess?
I guess because he knew
the cops could hear it.
You know?
The heart beating and all?
But Miss Moore, I don't
think it was beating.
I think he just thought it was
beating because he was mental.
Yeah, he was nuts,
so he was hearing shit.
Okay. Okay.
So what would make somebody
keep hearing something...
a sound, if it's
all in his head...
that would drive
him to confess?
Uh, it was, uh...
Don't forget, we continue
with Macbeth next week.
I want you to review
Act Ill this weekend.
To get us in the mood, Travis
and Abby will do a scene...
as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
Maybe you can come by for
pizza, like sevenish?
Sure. We should
really go that way.
Okay, Brian.
Hold on.
Ooh. "Never shake thy
gory locks at me."
Sit worthy, my friends.
My lord often thus.
No one has any idea what
you two are talking about.
Isn't that where
he sees the ghost?
You won't have any trouble
nailing that scene.
What do you mean?
Uh, does anyone else
getting tired of pizza?
Danny, you can get wings.
Abby, we should go.
What are you talking about?
It should come easy...
since I saw something strange
the night my sister died.
Like a... like
a ghost?
I don't know what it was.
But I saw something.
No, no, please,
we're all friends here.
Why don't you share with us?
No, I'm just curious.
Let me guess.
You called your
ghost Richard Headen...
you know, in
Dickhead for short.
Kinda like what they call you.
Mm. You're funny.
Aren't I?
I'm a funny guy.
Brian, it's his sister.
Oh, fine, he brought it up.
It's not my fault.
Nice, Brian.
Mr. Sovic.
You were supposed
to come see me.
Travis, you've never come out for
track or baseball, have you?
All you do is P.E.
Yeah, just P.E.
Track tryouts are next week.
I'd like to see you out there.
I gotta go...
Listen a second.
You know what's
neat about track?
There's always a goal.
You're always running
towards something.
Now, you see...
I think you'd be good at that.
Just not interested.
Not interested, huh?
I see.
I guess I've been
wasting my time.
What was all that crap?
The hell if I know.
Let's go.
Sovic's a creep.
Is he even married?
It wouldn't surprise
me if he wasn't.
Probably not, man.
Ahh, I think he's got
a thing for Miss Moore.
Ohhh, that'd be interesting.
Gotta mow Ely's lawn tomorrow?
Doesn't it ever creep you
out being around him?
Not really.
Dude. With
those dead bodies?
I'm pretty sure Ely
keeps them in the funeral home.
Mr. Ely?
- Boo!
- I'm all done.
Travis, you didn't set
the mower low enough.
I thought I did it
the way you wanted.
What I said
on the last cutting...
is that I wanted
it really low...
so that it looks
good until spring.
Now, wasn't that clear?
I guess.
Well, you just have to do
it over again, that's...
Yes, sir.
You know, uh...
my dear wife, Rosemary...
taught your sister...
um, what was
her... Ellen?
Erin. Taught her
in the sixth grade.
Hm. Yeah.
Here you go, just put
it right in here.
Said she was a really
smart young lady.
Very special.
Now they're both gone.
Here, back to work.
Hey, Travis.
So, Danny said that you
weren't gonna go tonight.
Yeah, got some homework to do.
Travis, you can do homework
whenever you want.
So what?
It's just... that you
promised that...
you would tell me about
the whole ghost thing.
I just... don't want this
getting around school.
I'm not gonna tell anyone.
I promise.
[Travis, off? One night,
when I was seven years old.
Some strange noises woke me up.
They were coming
from my sister's room.
Leave my sister alone!
My mom called 9-1-1.
I knew there was
nothing they could do.
Don't go, Erin.
Please don't go.
I knew she was gone
I'm sorry, Travis.
I just stood there.
I'm sure you couldn't have
changed anything if you tried...
She'd be 21 now.
Our minister came
over that night...
to try to comfort my mom...
try to make her
not feel guilty...
that this was meant to be.
What kind of crap is that?
Did you try and tell
your mom what happened?
First she believed me,
then, um...
it was just to calm me down.
I wonder if my mom
would even believe me...
if I told her I saw
something like that.
Probably not.
But I'm glad you told me.
Hear it not, Duncan,
is a knell...
or for hell.
Something like that.
Thou hath made me drunk,
hath made me bold.
Well, at least it seems like we
have the majority of it down.
You do, anyway.
Oh, El Camino!
God, I'm awesome.
Your car is not that nice.
My car is amazing.
That will take you any day.
No. No, it will not.
El Camino is king.
Yo, it's the Macbeth's.
Ha, ha, how are you guys?
You guys are really into
this acting thing, huh?
I am too.
The ghost, in... in the play...
he gets stabbed
by Macbeth, right?
Well, Macbeth had him killed.
Perfect. I'll
play the ghost.
You want to play the ghost?
Yeah. Sure,
why not?
Right? No, I can come on with
the ketchup on my head...
and then at the end,
I will lick the blood.
Oh, sort of like a Buffy
Macbeth kind of thing.
Hell, yes.
Okay, all right.
That sounds great. Can we go?
I want to get to Chestnut
Square before it gets late.
Abby? Back
by ten.
Leave your cell phone on.
Yes, Mom.
Thank you.
One passenger at a time with that
new license of yours, please.
Of course, Mrs. Harwood.
And I always take good
care of my passenger.
Thank you, Brian.
I love that sweater,
Mrs. Harwood.
Okay, Danny.
Your mom's so hot, I'm sorry.
Really? That's
my mother.
Come on.
She's hot. What's with the
be back by ten shit, though?
Don't get me started.
That's early.
Come on, Abby.
You got one more strike.
Let's see if you can do it.
Don't you listen to
him, Abby, all right?
He's just trying
to psych you out.
Watch and learn, Brian.
You get it, girl.
Go, go! go!
I'm pretty sure I just won.
Just saying.
Travis, did the bowling ghost
knock the pins over?
That's not really funny.
It's just a joke.
Calm down.
Just get out of my face.
Whoa, hey dude.
Calm down.
No, no, I'm the
victim here, okay?
It's his fault.
We're just bowling here.
We are just bowling.
All right, I'll stop, I'll stop.
Sit down.
I don't wanna sit down.
You sit down.
Have you seen them?
No, no.
Real ghosts? Like
just dancing around?
Colin saw them
when he was walking by.
He said they
were all shimmering.
Can you guys lay off already?
My God!
We're not talking about Travis.
Jesus. Okay, so where did
Colin see these things?
Outside, in the front lawn.
He said they drifted
in through a wall...
and he could see them
through the window.
That is complete horse shit.
I know. It's what he said.
Who's house is this at?
Vaughn Ely's.
Travis mows his lawn.
I've never seen
anything like that.
You mow his lawn
during the day.
Ghosts come out at night.
It's probably
Ely walking around...
with a sheet on top
of his head.
So wanna go check it out?
No, no, no.
You are not driving this car.
Brian. Give
me the keys.
All right, let's go!
Oh, it's so dark tonight.
S0 what's Ely's deal?
He's all right.
He's a freakin' weirdo, man.
You gotta be if you're...
one of those,
uh, "morticianers?"
Yeah, yeah, morticianer.
Yeah, that...
that guy.
Sticking those tubes in people
and sucking all that snot out.
That's gross, Brian.
Oh, you're welcome.
Was he married to
the mayor's sister?
Yeah, but she died
a couple years back.
What does he pay
you to mow his lawn?
Twenty bucks.
Twenty... twenty bucks,
that's it?
Yeah, I mean, I
only mow the front.
He never lets me
in the back yard.
I figure he does it himself.
That's weird.
I would completely believe
this house is haunted.
It gives off such a weird vibe.
I think you just like
to be scared, Abby.
No, seriously.
No, Brian, look.
See? I
told you.
He lives alone, right?
Yeah, so who is that?
This house is so haunted.
Nobody's gonna believe this.
I'm still not convinced.
Brian, we all saw it.
Maybe one was Ely, but
the other one was...
How do we know it
was a freakin' ghost?
Then what was it, Brian?
I don't know, maybe
Ely had a hot date.
You know, he was
dancing with her...
before he mixed the milkshake.
It was not a hot date.
It was just...
something wrong.
Well, maybe if
she was a ghost...
she'll show up
in class in a second.
Give that Macbeth
ghost some company.
Are you a man?
Aye. And
a bold one...
that dare look on that which
might appall the devil.
A shame itself.
Why do you make such faces?
When all's done, you
look but on a stool.
Prithee, see there!
Behold! Look! Look!
How say you?
If charnel houses and graves
send those that we bury back
then our monuments shall
be the maws of kites.
You know I don't like that.
I know that grade's
shit, but who cares?
I do.
Travis, wait.
Why aren't you trying?
Honestly? Cause
I don't give a shit.
Well, wh... what
do you care about?
Maybe if Erin were...
No, no, just say it! Say it!
If Erin was still alive...
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have.
You know, Mom, people
die every day.
You can't change it.
And you sure as hell
can't change me.
What's up?
It's Vaughn Ely,
what's the word on my van?
Vaughn, I hate to tell you.
It's the torque converter.
Well, how much
is it gonna cost?
It'll be close to 1500...
How come anytime anything goes wrong
with the car, it's 1500 dollars?
Now look, man,
it is what it is.
You want me to fix it or not?
It's gotta be
ready by Saturday.
How long on that van?
It's gonna be at least a week.
Vaughn, it's gonna be tough...
Alright, just have it done.
You all did a great
job with the sonnets today.
We have come a long
way with Shakespeare.
By the way, I won't
be here this afternoon...
so if you need anything, please
check with me after class.
Wait, where's she going?
You know, her old man's
been missing for two years.
She's gonna get a divorce.
Hey, Travis?
Can I speak with you for a moment?
It's about your
Macbeth exam paper.
I thought I got an A on that.
Actually you got a hundred.
The highest grade in the class.
Well, then what?
Well, that test proves
what you can do...
when you apply yourself.
But so far this semester
your grade is a D.
You didn't even turn in
that book report last week.
Guess what grade I had
to give you on that?
Travis, here's the deal.
You wanna work on getting
your grade up...
I'll help you.
But that's gotta
be your decision.
Can I go now?
Go ahead.
Miss Moore...
I'm sorry about your husband.
Thank you, Travis.
Go, Orange!
Go, Black!
Hey, sweetie.
Hi, Vaughn.
How nice to see you.
Enjoying the game?
Oh, yes.
I always enjoy it.
Down! Set!
Go, Tigers!
Go, Tigers!
You know, I think we
have our quarterback...
for this year and the next.
That Williams kid is good.
Yeah. He can
fire the ball.
And he makes good decisions.
He's smart.
Sorta like you when you won
that state title back in, uh...
Don't go there.
Too long ago.
Yeah, listen, Vaughn, I
wanted to tell you...
I really appreciate all your
work on the Booster Club...
especially after
you lost Rosemary.
Yeah, my Rosemary.
She loved coming to the games.
We're just, I mean,
I'm glad to do it.
I tell you, it makes a big difference
when there's a lot of fans out here.
Tigers up by
seven as we head info halftime.
Hey, look, there's Travis.
You guys are looking
good out there.
Why don't you come down?
So, Travis, you don't normally
go to football games.
Not usually.
Is there a reason
you're at this one?
Well, I heard there was this
really good cheer leading team.
I thought' I'd check them out.
Cute, Travis.
Real cute.
Gotta say, man,
it was a beautiful throw.
You are an amazing man.
Aw, well, thanks.
I still can't believe
we saw a ghost.
We didn't see shit.
No, we didn't.
What's it gonna
take to convince you?
Okay, first of all, we gotta
make sure Ely is not home...
and second of all,
we gotta go back.
Okay, I've got an idea.
He only has one car, right?
Yeah, a funeral van.
Okay, so if the van's not
there, then Ely's not home.
Dude, isn't his garage in back?
No, he has another carport.
You can see if it's there.
- That'll work.
- But it's a bad idea.
No, that's a great idea.
I mow his lawn.
He trusts me.
We can't spy on him.
Screw him.
Let's go.
Alright, so the
van isn't there...
which means he's not home.
Guess what?
The show started.
I'll say.
Now you're convinced?
I am convinced
that something...
really freakin'
weird is going on.
Gotta be ghosts.
I wanna go see 'em.
You are seeing them.
No, Danny, I mean I wanna
go see them up close.
Come on.
Let's go, guys.
Abby, are you...
are you kidding?
Danny's right, guys.
Ely could come home at any minute.
Are you scared, Travis?
Brian, don't.
No, I'm just curious.
He's our ghost expert
yet he's pussing out.
I just don't think it's right.
Oh, okay, that's cute.
Brian! Brian,
just stop.
I need somebody to
stand guard anyways.
Travis, if you see
him pull up...
just come run and get us.
Alright, let's go.
We're doing it!
Come on!
Let's go
around the side.
Hey, genius.
Window's open.
What about the screen?
I got it, I got it.
Got a criminal past that I
don't know about, Brian?
There's a lot you do
not know about me.
Okay, just go inside.
is wrong with you?
Did you hear that?
I don't hear anything.
That's the point.
It stopped.
Maybe we better haul ass.
No, I wanna go upstairs.
Yeah, come on, let's go.
Hey, wait.
Oh my God.
She's dead.
It's okay, it's fine.
It's not fine!
This is crazy!
I know it is, but
it's not my fault!
You're freakin' crazy!
Everyone was in on this!
Jesus Christ!
Come on, let's go!
What are you
doing in my house?
This is bad.
It's bad.
Get out.
Run, you little shits!
Your friends left you.
Are you scared?
Travis, we gotta go!
No, wait.
Where's Danny?
Ely caught him!
Travis, come on!
No! I'm not
leaving him!
Travis! Travis!
Please, stop!
Mr. Ely, please.
Just let him go, please.
He didn't mean any harm.
You want
me to let him go?
Say please.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Stairs can be very dangerous.
Most accidents
happen in the home.
There, you little shit!
Is that clear enough for you?
What's going on?
Come on. Let's go.
Where's Danny?
Let's go! Come on!
Let's go! Run!
Where's Danny?
9-1-1. State
your emergency.
This is Vaughn Ely.
I need an ambulance and
the police right away.
There's... been
a terrible accident.
I'll wait for them outside.
Come on, sweetheart.
Let's go.
Now in a minute I'm gonna
let your folks in.
You're gonna be released
to their custody.
Wait, so we're
not going to jail.
Well, you'll have to go before
a judge in the morning.
A lot depends
on Mr. Ely.
He's the one who should
be going to jail.
Yeah, we have
been through this.
Why don't you believe us?
Brian and I
both saw that thing.
Young lady, we
searched that house.
There was no dead body.
But we saw it and it was there.
It was up there on the bed.
Alright, kids, listen...
What about what
happened to Danny?
Why don't you
arrest Ely for that?
You have Travis as a witness.
In our investigation,
we determined...
that Danny fell
down those stairs.
He did not fall
down the stairs, okay?
Ely pushed him and then
he stomped on his head.
Alright, listen.
Travis, I know you're scared.
But lying's gonna make it worse.
Well, I'm not lying.
And I'm not scared.
Come in.
Sarge, here it is.
Thank you.
All right, these are the
pictures we took in the bedroom.
You see a mannequin.
The closet door open...
and some sewing stuff in there.
That's not it.
That's not what we saw.
And you were nosing around...
you opened the closet door...
We didn't touch the door!
This is bullshit!
Watch your language.
Sargeant, that
was the hospital.
I'm afraid your friend is dead.
These kids, when they do things,
they don't realize the consequences.
Phil, I... I know
what goes on.
Kids make up stories
about morticians.
I work with dead bodies.
It's all a big joke, until
somebody gets hurt.
I'm sure sad it had to happen.
It's tragic for everybody.
That boy's family...
I can't imagine what
they're going through.
It's beyond me.
Vaughn, like I said...
you don't need to come on down there
if you're not pressing any charges.
Everybody's suffered enough.
You're a good man, Vaughn.
There you are.
See, Rose?
I told you they wouldn't
find you up here, huh?
No. No, honey.
We have to stay here
a few more days.
Just in case.
Safety first.
All right? Hm?
And then we're gonna
party like rock stars.
Nighty night.
I'd like to
talk for a second.
There's nothing
to talk about, Mom.
Police don't believe me,
you don't believe me, so...
tell me, what do you
want to talk about?
I believe you.
Oh, bullshit.
No, this is the same
like when Erin died.
You don't believe Ely broke
Danny's neck, do you?
Okay? For once in your life, tell
me the fucking truth! Please!
I love you so much.
I couldn't bear for
something to happen to you.
Please promise you'll never
go near Vaughn Ely again.
And you know why I want
you to promise me?
Because I'm afraid.
I'm afraid what that
man may do to you.
Now does that sound
like the truth?
Sorry I yelled.
So you promise me?
Danny was my best friend.
Oh, Travis.
I know, honey.
We all loved him.
But please promise me.
I promise.
I do believe...
we have you looking better...
than when you broke
into my house.
May there be abundant
peace from heaven...
and light upon us
and upon all Israel.
And say Amen.
May God comfort you...
along with the mourners
of Zion, Jerusalem.
Travis, I'm so sorry.
Did you get a chance to
talk to Danny's parents?
I went over there yesterday
and talked to them.
Have you guys noticed the way
everyone was staring at us?
It's like it's our fault.
They know how
much we loved him.
Yeah, well,
it's pissin' me off.
I mean, I know we weren't
supposed to be there, but...
we had some fun
and then this accident...
No, I told you what happened.
He killed Danny.
I told you.
Will you GUYS just stop.
Nothing's ever
your fault, is it?
I mean, it's always
somebody else's.
I mean, don't you
think we're all...
partially to blame
for Danny's death?
To blame, yeah, okay, we...
No, no, we did enough.
We never should've gone in.
I thought this
would be different.
I really did.
That maybe I could count on you.
Yeah? For what?
What do you think?
Help me prove he killed Danny.
I didn't kill anyone.
And I don't appreciate you spreading
gossip and rumors about me...
to make yourself look good.
Oh, yeah? What the hell do
you think you're doing here?
It's my job.
I'm still on the clock.
We know what you did, Ely.
Abby? Careful.
Man, that guy creeps me out.
The guy's more
than just a creep.
You can count on me.
Mr. Harwood.
Travis, she's grounded.
I'm just wondering if I
could maybe talk to her.
Travis, it's late.
I think she still has some
homework she needs to finish.
Dad, I finished
all my home work.
We'll just be on the porch.
Alright. For
a little while.
Well, I'm not your
dad's favorite person.
I'll bet your mom's not
terribly fond of me.
Well, Abby, um...
I know. We broke
into the house.
We didn't do anything
to cause Danny's death.
We shouldn't feel guilty
for what Ely did to him.
It's not our fault.
You're right.
It's not your fault.
But it's different for me
because I was there.
I saw it.
And I didn't do a
damn thing about it.
Just like Erin.
I mean, if I'd
done something...
You went in there.
You tried to help Danny.
And he's dead.
Travis, did
you have any idea...
what Ely would do
when he re-ache-d..
The bottom of the stairs?
What do you mean?
Did you know he was gonna
break Danny's neck?
Well, I mean,
it happened so fast.
See? That's
what I'm saying.
You didn't have
a chance to react.
The guts to go in
when nobody else did.
And I'm proud of you for that.
Thank you.
Abby. It's
getting late.
Good night, Travis.
Pile just
keeps growing.
Looks like
everybody brought something.
It's not gonna bring him back.
Abby, they all believe Ely.
But if we can prove
he's crazy or...
He's a total psychopath, and
we're the only ones who know it.
What if we had
a photo of that body?
Then they'd have to believe
us or at least ask questions.
She's definitely
not a mannequin.
But where is she?
I bet she's
back in the bedroom.
Why would he put her back?
Who knows?
He's weirder than shit.
For some reason, he likes
her in that bedroom.
I'm going in tonight.
You're not going in without me.
Yeah, I am.
Travis, don't be all macho...
and try to tell me what
I can and can't do.
I know you want to help but
it's not gonna happen.
I'm not...
Travis! Just
shut up.
You can be my lookout.
Okay, we've been here
over an hour, Travis.
I don't think he's going
anywhere tonight.
Give it a few more minutes.
How'd you get
out of your house?
I told my mom I'm at Karen's.
She's having this like
slumber party thing.
I thought you were grounded.
I am but I convinced
her to let me out.
I'm kind of on parole.
Anyway, I left
my phone at Karen's.
So I told her that
if anybody calls...
just to tell them
I'm in the shower.
I guess now's our chance.
Come on.
No, you can't do that.
It's padlocked, come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
You can do it.
Can you make it
over the fence...
if we have to get out fast?
Yeah. I can.
This house is so creepy.
No shit.
We just need to get in
and get out before...
You okay?
What was that?
I don't know.
You're kidding me.
You know, I'll bet...
Alright, come on.
Oh, God.
stick to the plan.
Get in and get out
and take a picture.
Look, just stay here, okay?
If you see anything
or hear anything...
you get out. Don't wait for me.
What if we get separated?
I'll find you.
Thanks for being you.
Just hurry, Travis.
Come on, Travis.
Damn it.
Where is she?
Well, that depends.
If you're talking
about Rosemary...
don't worry about her.
She's safe.
But if you're
talking about Abby.
Uh, I don't know.
What did you do to her? Tell me!
Travis, you're in no position
to be making demands.
You are a burglar...
and this is Texas.
And in Texas, we
can shoot burglars.
You killed my best friend.
You're fucking crazy.
Are you scared now?
I chased him
out through here...
and I took a shot at him as
he was going over the fence.
Is that his flashlight?
No, that's mine
I dropped it when I... Thank you.
Came out.
Don't worry, Vaughn. We'll find him.
He won't get far.
You were a great wide receiver.
You caught everything
I threw to you.
Yeah, well man,
we were a good pair.
Broke a lot of records.
So you took one more shot...
as he ran for the fence.
Yeah, I probably shouldn't
have done that.
I mean, that was
twice in one week.
Yeah, yeah.
Shooting them in the
house is one thing...
but you don't shoot a
burglar in the back.
Especially outside.
You're lucky you didn't
hit the neighbors.
I was upset.
I was scared, really.
It's enough to
get you frazzled.
Hey, Vaughn...
what are you doing
with this tarp?
I'm putting in a tomato patch.
It helps, uh, kill the grass.
Tomato patch, hm.
You're going green.
Let me ask you something.
Does this work pretty quickly?
Yeah. You just
spread out the tarp...
and in a couple of days,
everything's dead.
I'm definitely gonna have
to get me one of these.
You wanna see where
he went over the fence?
Uh, yeah.
No, no, no!
In my haste, I forgot
to lock the box.
Totally my fault.
Gets dark in there, doesn't it?
You want a night light?
Take it.
Don't be rude.
Take it.
See you later.
What happened to you, son?
I fell on one of those...
those things that stick out of the
cement that are really sharp on...
Yeah, those steel rods,
they call them rebar.
Oh. Yeah.
Travis, this is
a local anesthetic.
I need to get you numb
so I can close the wound.
Don't worry.
You won't feel a thing
when he sews you up.
Dr. Walker...
It's not you
fault, you know.
What did you say?
I said
it's not your fault.
They leave rebar sticking
up all over the place.
Travis, are you all right?
It's not your fault,
It's her time.
Well, it's not Abby's time.
What's that?
Are you okay?
It wasn't the minister
talking to my mother.
He was trying to tell me.
Travis, when your mother gets here,
you're gonna tell her the truth.
I know a gunshot
wound when I see one.
That lie you told...
don't you feel a little guilty?
I used to.
Well, I will be right back.
Uh, actually, can I
borrow your phone?
Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
I could really use
your help right now.
Abby's in trouble.
Thank God you weren't killed.
Travis, listen to me.
You don't realize how serious this is.
Yes. I do.
Even if you don't believe me, you
have to tell them Ely has Abby.
Travis, what are you gonna do?
She may still be alive.
If I'm gonna save her,
I need to go now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Not so fast, Travis. Not so fast.
Don't let him out
of your sight.
Miss Penny, they're
gonna keep him overnight.
The doctor's like to check
him out in the morning.
The DA is gonna charge
him with burglary.
Later on they may certify
him as an adult.
Oh, dear God.
Be a good idea
to get a good lawyer.
What about what Travis said
about the Harwood girl?
Yeah, don't you worry.
I'm gonna check that out personally.
Thank you.
Hey, Russell.
Ls-is Elaine in?
Yes. Elaine?
Has there been an accident?
Oh, no, no.
There's not an accident.
There's just a boy.
A juvenile got arrested tonight...
and he said that
Abby was with him.
I don't put much stock
in what this kid says...
but I need to make
sure that Abby's safe.
Yes, she's at her friend's
spending the night.
I'll call and make sure
she's over there. Okay?
Thank you.
Sorry to disturb you so late.
Hi. This is Abby's mom. Is she...
No, no, no, that's okay...
Don't get her
out of the shower.
Okay. Yeah.
She's there. I... everything's fine.
I talked to her friend.
Good, good. You know, like I said, I
didn't think there was much to it.
So, y'all have a nice evening.
You, too.
Thank you.
Officer Alvarez. Hey.
Brian. I know he's your
friend but you can't go in.
I just wanted
to see how he's doing.
He's okay.
Yeah? Did you see him?
Yeah, the wound is on the side.
It's not bad at all.
Hey, uh, did you hear we're...
we're undefeated this year?
Yeah. Angie
told me that.
Yeah. You know,
she's at every game.
She told me you've thrown a
touchdown in every game.
I don't know how I
do it, but yeah.
Well, tell Angie
I said hey, okay?
Sure- I'll tell him.
You know, I know
it's a lot to ask...
but is there any way that I can go
in there for like half a second?
Absolutely not, Brian. Positive.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Have a good one.
You have one minute.
- Hi. So what happened?
- Ely got her.
- Are you shitting me?
- No one believes me.
It's gonna be morning till
they find out she's missing.
Great. So, we gotta
bust out of here.
Got any ideas to get past him?
Yeah, I got a couple.
Travis, look, what
you said about me...
No, no, you were right.
I pushed everyone to go in
there and I screwed up.
We screwed up.
Hey there.
He says it's starting to hurt.
I guess they numbed it when they stitched
him up, but I think it's wearing off.
Could be, yeah.
You think the nurse'll
give him something?
I bet they already have.
Yeah, that's right.
It's down here, right?
Dammit, kid.
Three-oh-four in dispatch.
I got a run.
He got to
the stairs before...
- I could grab him
- What?
He got' to the stairs
before I could grab him.
Who, Alvarez?
I'm sorry, Sarge.
We're a couple blocks away.
We'll cut him off and we'll come around the back.
All right, Jesse, check it out.
Travis, you come here.
Get in!
He's going left.
He's going left.
I'll take it around
the block. I got it.
The game's over, Travis.
Don't move, kid.
You hear me?
Yeah, I hear you.
Woo, you guys totally
saved my butt.
Son of a bitch.
Dammit, Brian.
Ls Charlie working
the parade tonight?
Get on the horn. Tell him to look for
a kid who has a bloody T-shirt on.
All right, Brian.
What were you and Travis up to?
He's gotta fake left
two sweep right.
Usually a good gainer
if I can sell the fake.
Wha... Take him to the station.
We're looking for a kid
in a bloody T-shirt.
At the parade.
Hey, hey. Hey, you.
Please be all right.
She's not in there.
Where is she?
You're a caution.
You know what a caution is?
It's a troublemaker.
So, you and I...
we're gonna do a little job.
Put your hands
behind your back.
You wanna help me on a little
job, don't you, Travis?
What freaking job?
You're just a typical teenager, aren't you?
Just mention work...
Where the hell is Abby?
What are you, in love
with her or something?
I think you have
a crush on her.
Stand up.
Come on.
About face.
Let's go.
Phil, you don't really think he's
gonna come back here again, do you?
What if he did?
Vaughn might be just a tab
bit upset, don't you think?
It's Phil Nickerson.
I don't know.
Maybe he went out with someone.
Yeah. Lights are on.
Nobody's home.
I don't like this.
I'm gonna check
around the back.
Vaughn, its Nickerson.
Everything looks okay.
Let's go.
You set up the town, son.
Come on.
I got a surprise for you.
You can see now.
Both of our girls.
Get in.
Get in.
There you go.
Everyone nice and cozy.
Brace yourself.
I'm scared.
Me, too.
Where are we going?
I don't know.
He's not gonna
let us go, is he?
I don't think
he lets people go, Abby.
I'm sorry.
You came back for me.
You're gonna get out of here.
Look at me.
Look at me.
You're gonna get out of here.
Bite the duct tape.
Bite it.
Now, when you get out of here,
I want you to run for help...
but he might come after you, so
stay off the main roads, okay?
You hear me? Yes, you are.
Yes, you are.
I'll find you.
I'm not leaving you, Travis.
Yes, you are.
Now bite it. Go.
Come on, Travis.
We got a little job to do.
Let's go.
You're gonna need this.
Come on.
You girls sit tight.
Right over here.
Come on.
Ah, man.
I've done that up tight.
Here you go.
All right.
Right here.
Dig faster.
Keep digging...
Thank you for your
patience, sweetheart.
Almost done.
All right', that's enough.
Put the shovel on the side.
Open it.
I'm a mortician and
that makes me gag.
Who is this?
That's Jack, Travis.
The two of you are gonna be great
friends. You're gonna be roomies...
Who is this?
Oh, would... Yeah,
you're a junior, right?
Si! via Moore is
your English teacher.
That's Silvia's long
lost husband, Jack.
Why did you put him in there?
You're young, stupid...
so you don't know
these things, okay?
When another man
fucks your wife...
there's gotta be some payback.
You have to punish him.
I had to punish
my Rosemary, too...
and that broke my heart.
But she asked
for forgiveness...
and I have a soft spot
for those that I love...
so I told her that she
could stay home with me.
But she's dead.
Oh, we had a funeral.
I put a casket in the ground
but she wasn't in it.
Jack there, Jack was
at the funeral.
He just sat there the whole
time looking at me...
like I had no idea that
he was screwing my wife.
Joke's on you.
Rose, she and I
are doing fine...
Never better.
Until you came along...
causing all that trouble.
You're a psycho.
You know that?
I'm love sick is what I am.
Because of you, I had to put
Rose into the ground...
until the shit storm that
you caused blows over.
Now, get his maggot eating
ass out of there. Now.
Don't you make me do it or I'll
put a bullet in your head first.
Ashes to ashes.
Shit to shit.
Dirty work, huh?
You know, don't you worry.
I got a nice old spot'
picked out for you...
and Jackie here and
your little girlfriend.
Rosemary wouldn't like it.
She knows what' you did to her.
What are you talking about?
When you put her in and
you shut that lid...
and throw that dirt on her,
she's gonna hear it.
And you think she's
gonna like it?
No. She's gonna
be pissed.
Rosemary understands
it's only temporary.
Oh, does she?
Might be forever 'cause she
knows you don't mean it.
Shut up!
She hates you.
Shut up!
Shut up...
or I'll put a bullet in your
sorry little ass right now.
How about you go
ask her for yourself?
She's right behind you.
Oh, you think I'm joking? Look.
Vaughn, you don't
know what it was like...
to die alone.
How do you live with yourself?
Don't be hateful.
You're disgusting.
I hate you.
No. Don't be hateful.
I hate you.
I hate you.
You're not my Rosemary.
Go to hell.
Get in!
Help me!
Like I said on the phone...
you're gonna be mighty proud.
We are proud...
of both of them.
The kids did a really
smart thing out there.
They came right here
after it happened.
By the time we dug him up...
old Vaughn had been in
there over two hours.
What are they gonna
do with him now?
You know...
you came back for me.
I guess that makes us even.
Come here.
Woo-hoo. Hey!
I'm feeling better now.
God. First chance I get,
I'm so out of here.
Ah. Huh?
Love sucks.
All right.
Ah ah Ah ah