Bent (1997)

Unfortunate he's just so cute.
Hello, stranger.
-There you are.
lt's nice.
-Who's that?
-lt's Max.
How are we doing, then, girls?
Give me that.
Let her die.
-He's your man.
-That's my boy.
Streets of Berlin
I must leave you soon
Oh, will you
forget me?
Was I ever really here?
Find me a bar
on the cobble-stoned streets
where the boys are pretty
I cannot love
for more than one day
But one day is enough
in this city
Find me a boy
with two ocean-blue eyes
And show no pity
Take out his eyes
He never need see
how they eat you alive
in this city
Streets of Berlin
will you miss me?
Streets of Berlin
do you care?
Streets of Berlin
will you cry out
if I vanish
into thin air?
What's the problem?
Watch it!
You, too.
Come on.
l'm a rotten person.
Why am l so rotten?
Why do l do these things?
He's gorgeous, though, isn't he?
l don't remember anything.
Did we have a threesome?
Maybe the two of you had a threesome.
l look silly.
Not now.
This place....
lt's really....
The country will be nice.
-What's the country?
-The house.
Your country house.
How do we get to the country?
-A car.
Our landlord. We owe a lot of rent.
Rent? l thought you were rich.
You told me you were rich.
l was joking. Listen....
You don't happen
to have any extra cash, do you?
Don't make jokes. l don't like jokes.
You don't want me with you. ls that it?
Maybe l'm not good enough for you.
Not rich enough.
My father made watches.
That's not so wonderful.
ls it, ''Baron''?
Hold him.
Still alive?
l'm impressed.
Love your street-wear.
Over, now.
ls it safe?
For us to go home.
You fucking queers.
Don't you have any brains at all?
-lt's not safe.
-Who was he?
-Who was who?
-The blonde boy.
Wolfgang Granz.
Guess who his boyfriend was?
You're not guessing.
Karl Ernst.
Who's Karl Ernst?
What kind of world do you live in?
Aren't you girls ever curious
about what's going on?
Don't lecture. Who's Karl Ernst?
George, actually.
l'm George, now.
Karl Ernst was von Helldorf's deputy.
l suppose you have no idea
who von Helldorf is.
Second-in-command of the Storm Troopers,
immediately under Ernst Rohm.
Ernst Rohm, l know him.
He's that fat queen.
Friend of Hitler's.
Runs around with many beautiful boys.
Goes to all the clubs.
Rudy, shut up.
-Just shut up.
Mein Fhrer had Rohm murdered last night.
And all of his friends.
And their friends.
And their tricks.
And whoever happened by.
So queer is out.
Queer is dead.
You just pulled the wrong guy.
We can explain it to someone.
lt's not as if we knew him.
Hello, darling.
-So how about you?
Everyone knows l'm not queer.
l've got a wife and kids.
l've had every whore on this street.
l'm just an average kind of guy.
-Bye-bye now.
-Where are you going?
-How much?
-How much, what?
How much did they give you?
What a desperate thing to say.
Here, take this.
-We don't want it.
-Shut up, Rudy.
-Stop telling me to shut--
-Shut up.
lt's not enough.
lf they catch us, l'll name names.
A threat. l'm utterly terrified.
l'm a true Christian.
l won't say a word to the Gestapo
until the service is over.
l'm not leaving Berlin.
-We have to.
-We don't have to.
l've paid up for dance class
for the next two weeks. l can't leave.
Why did you have to take him home?
You've ruined everything.
Go back to your fucking dance class.
They can shoot you
in the middle of an arabesque.
Move out of the way.
Where will we go?
What is it?
Do you love him?
-The dancer.
l just feel responsible.
Fluffs can't afford
that kind of responsibility.
-Why are you laughing?
-That word.
We aren't allowed to be fluffs, anymore.
We aren't even allowed to kiss or embrace...
or fantasize.
They can arrest you
for having fluff thoughts.
Uncle Freddie!
lt's not funny.
l think geraniums are best.
The family takes care of me.
But you...
throwing it in everyone's face.
No wonder they don't want
anything to do with you.
-take the ticket.
-l need two.
But l haven't the right dress for the dance.
Over there.
l suppose.
Think he's a fluff?
Don't care.
Except the baritone.
You've been on the run since '34...
over a year with that dancer.
The family knows all about it.
You can't live like that.
-l need two tickets.
-l can't get two.
-''l can't get two.''
Nothing really works, does it?
Get out.
How about a deal?
Two tickets to Amsterdam,
two new identity cards.
Once we get to Amsterdam, l'll ditch him.
The family can have me back.
Maybe they don't want you back.
lt's been 10 years.
They want me.
lt's good business.
l'm an only son.
Remember that marriage
that Father wanted to arrange?
Her father had button factories, too.
She's a widow now, lives in Brussels.
Make the arrangements again.
Our button factories
can sleep with her button factories.
And eventually when all this blows over,
you can get me back to Germany.
lf l want a boy...
l'll rent him...
like you.
l'll be a discreet, quiet...
Just get us both out alive.
l can't do things on my own.
Not now.
l'll have to ask your father.
Walk away.
Be careful.
You should sign on.
They don't check your papers.
lt's good exercise, too, for the shoulders.
l'm getting nice shoulders.
-What did you do today?
l went to town.
-l'm working on something.
A deal.
A deal. Wonderful.
l might get us new papers,
and tickets to Amsterdam.
-You said that in Hamburg.
-lt didn't work out, in Hamburg.
-You said that in Stuttgart.
-You gonna recite the list?
Why not? l'm tired of your deals.
You know what? This cheese stinks.
Why don't we just cross it?
The border.
This guy on the job today
was telling me it's easy.
He said he knew spots.
Spots to get through.
l told him to come talk to you.
Rudy, l told you, we don't want anyone
to know that we're here...
or that we're trying to cross the border.
Are you that stupid?
-l'm not stupid!
-He could tell the police.
Okay, so l am stupid.
Why don't we just try it anyway?
Because l am working on a deal.
Who with?
l can't tell you.
This is crazy.
We're in the middle of the jungle.
l'm a dancer, not Mowgli.
l can't dance anymore.
l've walked my feet away.
But you don't mind.
You're working on a deal.
You worked on a deal in Berlin,
and now in the jungle.
l want to get out of here.
l could have.
But you're right.
l'm stupid.
Now you're just hanging around,
waiting for me to die.
l think you've poisoned the cheese.
lt's your cheese.
Choke on it.
l can't tell you how much
l want you to choke on it.
Remember cocaine?
l'd like some cocaine.
What would you like?
New glasses.
My eyes have changed.
l need a new prescription.
-l'd like new glasses.
-ln Amsterdam.
-ln Amsterdam.
Cocaine and new glasses.
You'll have plants.
Wonderful Dutch plants.
And dance classes.
And do you know what?
We can buy a Dutch dog.
Everyone should have a dog.
l really love you.
lf they hear us....
They won't hear us.
Streets of Berlin
I must leave you soon
Will you forget me?
Was I ever really
Give me your glasses.
Stand up.
Step on your glasses.
Step on them.
Take him.
Don't move. You can't help him.
This isn't happening.
lt's happening.
Where are they taking us?
A detention camp.
-Probably Dachau.
-How do you know?
l've been through transport.
They took me to Cologne
for a propaganda film.
-Pink Triangle in Good Health.
-''Pink triangle,'' what's that?
Queer. lf you're queer, that's what you wear.
Like Jews, a yellow star.
Political, a red triangle. Criminal, green.
Pink is as low as you can get.
This isn't happening.
This can't be happening.
lf you survive the train, you stand a chance.
Here's where they break you.
You can do nothing for your friend.
lf you try to help him, they will kill you.
lf you try to care for his wounds,
they will kill you.
lf you want to stay alive, he cannot exist.
This can't be happening.
He hasn't a chance. He wore glasses.
lt isn't happening.
lt is happening.
Who is this man?
l don't know.
Your friend?
Look at him.
-Your friend?
Your friend?
-Your friend?
Stand up.
Hit him.
Like this.
-Hit him. lt's your friend.
Open your eyes.
That's enough.
Your friend?
Stand up.
Take him.
-Yellow star?
l wouldn't have thought it.
How did you get that?
-Your pink triangle.
l signed a petition.
-What kind?
-For Magnus Hirschfeld.
-He wanted to make queers--
But the Nazis got him.
l was a nurse.
They said a queer couldn't be a nurse.
Suppose l had to touch a patient's penis?
They said rather than be a nurse,
l should be a prisoner.
that's how l got my pink triangle.
How'd you get the yellow star?
l'm Jewish.
You're not Jewish, you're queer.
Maybe l'm both.
-Then you'd wear both.
-l didn't want one.
-Didn't want one?
-You told me it was the lowest.
But so is a yellow star.
l didn't want to be a queer...
so l worked a deal.
-With the Gestapo?
You're full of shit.
l'm going to work a lot of deals in the camp.
Sooner or later, they'll release us.
l'm only under protective custody.
That's what they told me.
l'm going to stay alive.
Friendship lasts about 1 2 hours
in this place.
We had ours on the train.
You didn't think l'd make it, did you?
Off the train.
-l wasn't sure.
-l'm going to stay alive.
-Because of you.
You told me how.
l did.
l'm sorry.
About what?
l don't know.
Your friend.
He wasn't my friend.
l made a deal.
A deal.
Leave me alone, please.
They said...
if l could....
They said....
l think, maybe....
-l made....
They took me...
into that room on the train.
And they said, ''Prove that you're....''
And l did.
Did what?
l made love.
-Who to?
maybe only 13.
She was dead.
Bullet in her.
They said, ''Prove that you're....''
And l did.
Lots of them...
laughing, drinking.
''He's a bit bent,'' they said. ''He can't.''
l don't know.
l wanted....
To stay alive.
-And there was something.
Oh, God!
l killed him.
Sweet lips.
-She was.
She was like an angel to save my life.
Don't do that.
You mustn't do that.
For your own sake, you mustn't touch me.
l'm a rotten person.
Get up.
Jew bastard.
Get up!
l'm going to stay alive.
-You will work here.
-Yes, sir.
-He'll explain.
-Yes, sir.
-l'm watching.
-Yes, sir.
-l see everything.
-Yes, sir.
-No slacking.
-No, sir.
-l see everything.
-Yes, sir.
Yes, sir?
-Tell him what to do.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir?
-Every two hours there is a rest period.
-Yes, sir.
-For three minutes.
-Yes, sir.
-Stand at attention.
-Yes, sir.
-Don't move.
-No, sir.
-The bell rings.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir?
-Explain it to him.
-Yes, sir.
You're responsible.
Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir?
l see everything.
Yes, sir.
We had a boy like that in school.
Used to lead us in Simon Says.
-l'll explain.
-We have to move rocks.
-Yes, sir.
-You take one rock at a time.
-Yes, sir.
-Move it over there.
-Yes, sir.
When the entire pile is over there,
you take one rock at a time...
and you move it back.
-And move it back?
We move rocks from there to there,
and then back from there to there?
-Yes, sir.
Start moving. He's watching.
lt's supposed to drive us mad.
-These are heavy.
-You get used to it.
-What do you mean, drive us mad?
-Just that.
Makes no sense, serves no purpose.
They do it to drive us mad.
-They probably know what they're doing.
-No, they don't.
l worked it out.
lt's the best job to have.
That's why l got you here.
-Don't stop. Keep moving.
You two.
Over here.
You were at the stones.
-Was it harder than this?
-l suppose so.
So it was dangerous.
-This isn't?
Don't you think you should have asked me?
-Asked you what?
-lf l wanted to move rocks.
lf l wanted to talk to you....
l couldn't ask you.
We're in different barracks.
Thank heaven.
l spent money getting you here.
-Yes. l bribed a guard.
-Where did you get money?
-My uncle sent me some.
-And you bribed a guard?
-For me?
-You are mad.
-l thought you'd be grateful.
l like cutting stones.
This is insane.
Twelve hours of this a day.
l'll be crazy in a week.
Like you.
-l'm sorry l did it.
-You're sorry.
-You don't know what's good for you.
This is the best job to have.
Moving rocks back and forth, for no reason?
The best job to have?
-Why don't you understand?
-l don't want to understand.
-l don't want to talk to you.
-You have to.
-l got you here to talk.
-Hard luck.
-l don't want to talk.
Move your rocks and l'll move mine.
Just don't speak to me.
l thought you'd be grateful.
lt's so hot.
-Burning hot.
-You talked to me.
Weather talk, that's all.
After three days.
Everyone talks about the weather.
Heard a rumor.
-Sardines tonight.
Don't like sardines.
Only a rumor.
Suppose, after all of this...
we have nothing to talk about.
Was l awful to bring you here?
Come on, don't get depressed.
You're not smiling.
You can't see me.
l can feel you.
l wish we could look at each other.
l've been looking at you all morning.
You look sexy.
-Without your shirt.
Come off it. You know you're sexy.
Of course l'm a liar.
Your body's nice, too.
lt's okay, not great.
No, it's nice.
Not as nice as yours.
but it's okay.
-How do you know?
-l've been looking, too.
-All day.
Listen. Do you...
You know.
No, l don't.
Everyone misses it.
-Everyone in the camp.
Come on, no one can hear us.
You're not a yellow star with me, remember?
l don't want....
To miss it.
But do you?
Me, too.
We don't have to.
Miss it.
We're here together.
We don't have to miss it.
We can't look at each other, we can't touch.
We can feel.
-Feel what?
-Each other.
l can feel you right now...
next to me.
-Can you feel me?
Come on, don't be afraid.
No one can hear us.
Can you feel me?
Feel me.
lt's so hot.
l'm touching you.
lt's burning.
l'm kissing you.
Kissing your eyes.
-Kissing your lips.
-lnside your mouth.
Chest to my tongue.
-Your chest.
-Your mouth.
-l'm kissing your chest.
-Your cock.
-Do you feel my mouth?
-Yes. Do you feel my cock?
-Do you feel?
-Do you feel?
-Do you feel my cock?
-Do you feel my mouth?
Do you....
Do you know what l'm doing?
-Can you taste what l'm doing?
-Yes, feel.
-Do you feel me?
-l feel you.
-l see you.
-l feel you.
-l have you.
-l want you.
Do you feel me, inside you?
l want you inside me.
l have you inside me.
-lnside you.
Do you feel me thrust?
l'm going to....
Do you feel l'm going to?
-l feel us both.
-Do you?
Yes, strong.
Now, more.
Oh, my God!
Did you?
Yes, you?
You're a good fuck.
So are you.
We did it.
Fucking guards, fucking camp, we did it.
They're not going to kill us.
We made love.
We were real, we were human.
We made love.
They're not going to kill us.
l never...
thought we'd...
do it without touching.
l dream about rocks.
l close my eyes and l'm moving rocks.
never end.
-l'm going insane.
-Think of something else.
l've been up all night.
Someone in our barracks killed himself.
They hate that.
lt's an act of free will.
Heard a rumor.
l hate sardines. l hate all food.
Scraps, sardine scraps...
that's all we get, anyhow.
Not worth eating.
Didn't know you could have sardine scraps.
-l'm going insane.
-All right, it's my fault.
This job's the worst.
l got it wrong, l'm sorry.
l'm glad to be here.
How can you be?
That's my secret.
Maybe if l closed my eyes....
Heard a rumor.
We may get potatoes.
-l don't believe it.
-They said so in my barracks.
-Who is ''they''?
-Some blokes.
-Are they sexy?
-Shut up.
-You should be with us, where you belong.
-No, but you shouldn't be here.
l want to be here.
Because l love rocks...
because l love you.
l do.
l love you.
lsn't that silly?
What are you doing?
Arranging these neatly.
We've become sloppy.
They can beat you for it.
Don't love me.
lt's my secret.
Don't love me.
lt makes me happy.
And l have a signal.
When l rub my left eyebrow at you,
like this...
it means l love you.
l bet you didn't know that.
Don't love me.
l can't help it.
-l don't want anybody to love me.
-Too bad.
-l can't love anybody back.
-Who's asking you to?
Queers aren't meant to love.
They don't want us to.
You know who loved me?
Do you know who loved me?
That boy.
That dancer.
l don't remember his name, but l killed him.
Queers aren't meant to love.
l'll kill you, too.
Hate me.
That's better.
Hate me...
don't love me.
l'll do what l want to do.
lt isn't any of your business, anyhow.
l don't believe we're doing this.
Rocks make sense, but not snow.
My hands are....
lt makes a change.
You have a barracks leader.
-He can get you medicine.
-lt doesn't matter.
-lf you're nice to the Capo.
-lt doesn't matter.
-You're losing weight.
-l don't like sardines.
-lt's getting worse.
-And it's getting colder.
-You need medicine.
-Stop nagging me.
l thought you loved yourself.
lt's too cold.
l'm scared.
Who isn't?
l want you to care.
l would, if l was warm.
l'll warm you.
You can't.
l'm next to you.
Don't start.
l'll make love to you.
-Not now.
-Yes, now.
-l have a headache. l can't.
-Don't joke.
l'll make love to you.
l'll make you warm.
You can't.
You'll feel warm.
-l can't.
-You'll feel it.
ln my fingers.
All over.
l can't.
l'm kissing your fingers.
They're numb.
My mouth is on fire.
-My fingers....
-Are getting warm.
Are they?
They're getting warm.
My mouth is on fire.
-Your fingers are on fire...
your body's on fire.
My mouth is all over you.
My mouth is on your chest,
kissing your chest...
biting your nipple.
-Biting into it.
Stop it! That hurts.
-Stop it! l'm serious. You're hurting me.
You pulled away.
l did.
lt was exciting.
For you, maybe.
l don't try to hurt you.
l like being hurt, it's exciting.
lt's not.
Not when you're rough.
l'm not being rough.
Why did you have to spoil it?
You were making me warm.
Why can't you be gentle?
-l am.
-You're not.
You tried to hurt me.
You make me warm and then you hurt me.
l hurt enough.
l don't want to feel more pain.
Why can't you be gentle?
-l am.
-No, you're like them.
You're like the guards.
You're like the Gestapo.
We stopped being gentle.
l watched it...
when we were on the outside.
People made pain and called it love.
l don't want to be like that.
l can't do anything right.
l don't understand you.
l used to do things right.
You still can.
l want to make you happy.
Then be gentle with me.
l don't know how.
-Just hold me.
-l'm afraid to hold you.
-Don't be.
-l'm afraid.
-l'm going to drown.
-Hold me, please.
Hold me.
l'm holding you.
-Are you?
-You're here in my arms, l promise.
l promise, l'm holding you. You're here.
Touch me.
-Are you?
Warm me.
Warm me, gently.
l'm touching you softly.
You're safe.
l'll keep you safe and warm.
You're with me now.
You'll never be cold again.
l'm holding you now...
and warm.
As long as you're here...
as long as you're with me...
as long as l'm holding you...
you're safe.
-lt sounds better.
-lt does?
-Loosening up.
-lt is?
-Medicine's helping?
How did you get it?
l told you...
l spoke to my barracks leader.
He took me to an officer.
Which one?
Some captain, the new one.
Why don't you tell me?
-You're never going to let up, are you?
-Probably not.
-Suppose you don't like the answer?
-l'll chance it.
l went down on him.
-You heard.
-l didn't.
-You wanted to know.
l told you you wouldn't like it.
That SS Captain?
-He's the worst bastard in the--
-l know.
-You went down on him?
-l had to, l didn't have any money.
-You touched him?
-No, l just went down on him.
That's what he wanted.
l needed the medicine.
-l'd rather cough.
-You wouldn't.
That bastard.
-ls he queer?
-Who knows?
Just felt like it, maybe.
He could be queer,
but you don't like to think about that.
-You don't want them to be queer.
-l don't.
That's silly.
For once you're right. lt is silly.
There are queer Nazis...
and queer saints, and queer geniuses...
and queer nobodies...
just people.
That's why l'm wearing this triangle.
That's why you should be wearing it.
Do you think the Captain
would let a queer go down on him?
Somebody straight, yeah, even a Jew.
He would kill me if he knew l was a queer.
My yellow star got your medicine.
-Who needs it?
-Then give it back.
Throw it away, why don't you? And die.
l am tired of being told
l should have a pink triangle.
Ever go to the Silhouette?
l never saw you there.
You weren't looking.
-Greta's Club?
Good, you had taste.
The White Mouse?
l'm surprised you never saw me there.
Did you sunbathe?
l loved to sunbathe.
-ln the nude?
-Of course.
-By the river.
-That's right.
And you never saw me?
Actually, l did.
l saw you by the river.
You were making a fool of yourself...
and l said, ''Some day l'll be at Dachau
with that man, moving rocks.''
l didn't like Berlin.
l mean, l wasn't happy.
But l like it now. l miss it.
We'll go back someday.
-When we get out of here?
We will, won't we?
We have to, don't we?
We could go back together.
You. Jew.
Yes, sir?
Are you feeling better?
Your cold?
Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Carry on.
-Yes, sir?
Are you ill?
No, sir.
You have a cough.
No, sir.
Something caught in your throat?
-Yes, sir.
-From breakfast?
Yes, sir.
Carry on.
-You. Pervert.
-Yes, sir?
-You coughed.
-Yes, sir.
-You're not well.
-l am, sir.
l see.
You. Jew.
-Yes, sir?
-Watch, sir?
-Yes. Watch.
-Yes, sir?
-Put down that rock.
Good. Now go for a walk.
A walk, sir?
Yes, a walk.
And you. Jew.
Up here.
Now take off your hat.
My hat, sir?
Your hat.
Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir?
-Yes, sir.
-And watch.
Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir?
Throw your hat away.
Not there.
-Not there, sir?
Pick it up.
Yes, sir.
Throw it on the fence.
The fence, sir?
The fence.
That's all right.
We'll wait.
Are you better?
Yes, sir.
Nasty cough.
Yes, sir.
On the fence, now!
On the fence. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir?
Are you watching?
Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir?
Get your hat.
-Now, sir?
Are you sure, sir?
Could l do without my hat, sir?
Yes, sir.
He scratched me.
Yes, sir?
l hope the medicine helped.
Get rid of the body.
Yes, sir.
No, it's okay. l won't drop you. l'll hold you.
lf l stand at attention, l can hold you.
They'll let me hold you.
l won't let you down.
l never held you before.
l won't let you drop.
You know what?
You know what?
l think....
l think l love you.
Don't tell anyone.
Don't worry about the rocks.
l won't drop you, l promise.
l think l loved....
Can't remember his name.
A dancer.
l think l loved him, too.
Don't be jealous.
You're safe.
l won't drop you.
l love you.
What's wrong with that?
Oh, my God!