Beoning (2018)

Thank you for your support until now.
Today is our last day of business
and we will close at 8pm.
After 8pm, you won't be able
to exchange or purchases items.
Last call is 8pm...
Hello, welcome!
Welcome, welcome!
Huge sale!
We have high-end items from
deparment stores for you,
quality product for cheap.
Hello, welcome.
We're giving out various
gifts just for visiting,
Based on "Barn Burning" by Haruki Murakami
so check it out inside and get your gifts.
In just ten minutes we're
hosting a lucky draw.
Thank you, take care!
In ten minutes we're hosting a lucky draw.
Come on inside!
Find high-end items from
department stores here
and grab your gifts as well.
Hello, welcome!
Inside we're selling items
from department stores...
Get your gift later!
For a very cheap price for you.
Come in and take a look!
In just ten minutes we're giving away
highest quality prizes in our lucky draw...
Directed by Lee Chang-Dong
so come inside!
This time the prize is a yoga mat.
The winning number is in my hand,
it's number 49!
Do we have a number 49?
Congratulations sir, take care!
We'll start the next draw!
The next prize is a high-end sports watch.
Let's meet the lucky winner...
Make your pick!
The lucky number is 85!
Who has number 85?
Number 85?
We have our number 85 here!
Congratulations, thank you!
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, I don't have one...
What should I do? This is a ladies' watch.
I guess you need to look for one now.
Lee Jong-su!
Lucky draw right now...
Don't you remember me?
We lived in the same
town when we were young.
Paju-si, Tanhyeon-myeon, Manwoo-ri.
It's me, Shin Hae-mi!
I got plastic surgery.
I look prettier, right?
Are you free to hang out?
I'm on break soon.
What about military?
I finished my service.
Anything else?
What else?
I finished school,
working part-time at the store.
Actually there is something
I'm doing on the side.
What do you do?
Can I ask?
I'm writing.
Writing? About what?
A novel.
Oooh. Are you a writer then?
Not officially a writer yet,
but I'm trying to become one.
That's cool.
Lee Jong-su, writer.
Is your job okay?
It's fun.
I like this kind of work,
where you use your body.
And I only need to go in
when they call me for work
so I have some freedom.
I like that.
Now I recognize you as Hae-mi,
having seen you for a while.
Oh, do you want this?
The thing I got earlier.
This is my first time wearing a watch.
Gah, it looks tacky.
Hey, do you want to drink
together later tonight?
Hey, I'm going to Africa soon.
Africa? Why?
I've been saving up for a while to travel.
Why Africa?
This is a pantomime.
I'm learning pantomime nowadays.
Why are you learning such thing?
To be an actress?
not everyone can be an actress.
I'm just learning it for fun.
I can eat an orange whenever I want to.
You're good, you have talent.
This isn't about talent.
In fact...
don't imagine that the orange is here,
but forget that the orange is not here.
That's all there is.
The important thing is to really
think that you want to eat it.
Then your mouth will salivate,
and it will be delicious.
Do you know?
About the Bushmen in
Africa's Kalahari Desert?
They say that Bushmen have
two types of hungry people.
Hungry person, "hunger" in English.
Little Hunger and Great Hunger.
Little Hunger is someone
who is physically hungry,
and Great Hunger is someone who
is hungry for the meaning of life.
Why we live,
what the meaning of life is,
someone looking for that kind of stuff.
A person like that is
the really hungry one,
which is why they call him Great Hunger.
So you're going to Africa
to meet Great Hunger?
Isn't it cool?
Great Hunger.
Jong-su, Lee Jong-su,
can you do me a favor?
I have a cat I'm taking care of,
can you feed him while
I'm traveling in Africa?
Do I need to bring the cat to my place?
No, you can come to my place,
because you shouldn't
change where cats live.
Thank you.
This stop is, Hooam-dong.
What's all this luggage?
Ah, I'm moving back to Paju.
Who lives in Paju?
No one.
My mom left home when I was a child,
my sister got married a few years ago,
my dad was living there
alone raising cattle,
but there's been a problem.
I need to move back there.
You're not asking what the problem is.
There's always a problem.
It's this house.
This is pretty nice.
The place I used to live
had a toilet next to the kitchen sink.
This house faces north so
it's always cold and dark,
but once a day the sunshine comes in.
The sunlight reflected off of Namsan
Observatory Tower comes all the way in here.
But it's only for a short time,
so you can only see it if you're lucky.
Boil, come out!
The cat's name is Boil?
Yes, Boil.
He was abandoned in the boiler room
as a kitten when I brought him here.
But Boil hides somewhere and never
comes out when there's a stranger.
He has severe autism.
Are you sure Boil doesn't exist
in your imagination only?
While you're away,
would I have to come here
to feed an imaginary cat?
Are you saying I had you come all
the way here to feed a nonexistent cat?
That's funny.
Do I just need to forget
that a cat doesn't exist?
Do you remember?
You said in the past that I was ugly.
I said that?
One day I was going home from school,
you suddenly crossed the road and said.
"You're really ugly."
That was the only thing you said
to me during middle school.
Tell me the truth now.
Why aren't you talking?
One moment.
Put it on.
What's up, moo!
(TV) If your boyfriend does that to you,
you know that feeling, the feeling...
So good, so good, so good.
If you use this when you sleep...
While unemployment among young
adults has been a persistent issue,
now there is numerical data to prove this.
Unemployment among young adults
in Korea is increasing most rapidly
among members of the OECD.
Reported by Park Sung-ho.
Data shows that the
unemployment rate in Korea
is increasing at the fastest
rate among OECD countries.
President Trump claims he has provided
a new vision for the United States.
According to surveys from the
Washington Post and ABC,
94% of voters who voted
for President Trump...
- indicated they still support him after almost a year.
- Hello?
They are giving good marks on his
implementation of his platform,
such as deporting immigrants, building
the Mexican wall, and repealing Obamacare.
Boil, where are you?
Ready or not, here I come!
There's something over here.
Guess what it is, Boil!
If you're going to hide your body,
you should hide your poop, too.
Are you introducing me to your poop first?
Before introducing yourself to me?
You're here.
I don't understand anything.
The defendant will not be penalized
for refusing to make a statement.
But in the case that the defendant
decides to make a statement,
it may be used unfavorably
as evidence of guilt.
Do you understand?
Okay, the prosecuters may now make
a statement according to the indictment.
The defendant, who is involved
in the livestock industry,
on July 20, 2017,
wielded a chair at a public
official of Paju City Hall,
thereby impeding the proper
execution of official duties
and causing injury to the victim,
including a fracture on the right hand,
which requires six weeks
of treatment and recovery.
Did you receive an indictment
stating what you just heard?
Okay. Then do you admit to
everything in the indictment,
and is there anything
else you'd like to say?
The defendant admits to all
facts in the indictment.
Okay. Mr. Lee Yong-seok,
is your lawyer's statement correct?
Mr. Lee Yong-seok?
Have you finished school?
But you haven't found a job yet?
What was your major?
I majored in creative writing.
Creative writing. So you write!
What kind of writing will you create?
I'm going to write a novel.
A novel. Wow.
What kind of novel do you want to write?
How about writing about your father?
I think your father is exactly
like a protagonist in some novel.
His life had ups and downs.
He was absolutely crazy.
You know how madmen are the
protagonist in a novel.
He was valedictorian of
Paju Jaeil High School.
Not his scores, but his self-esteem.
When he came back after slaving away
in the Middle East, I told him
to take that money and buy
an apartment in Gangnam.
That he won't ever regret it.
But he said no, because
of that self-esteem.
Then he said he'll go back
home to breed livestock,
now all that money's gone
and look where he is.
Look at this case too.
He should beg to the victim,
write a letter of apology,
and petition to the judge.
That way he can hope for a probation.
But he says no, with his stubbornness.
Doesn't even listen to his lawyer.
That's why I asked to meet with you.
Go see your father and convince him
to contain his temper and
write a letter of apology.
As soon as possible, even tomorrow.
Got it?
Hello, I'm back.
You won't show up today either?
After half a month?
It's working. Hello?
It's me, Hae-mi!
I went out of my way to call you.
It might get cut off.
I am at the Nairobi Airport
in Kenya right now,
and near the airport,
a bomb exploded, so I was trapped
in the airport for three days.
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
It seems like these
things happen often here.
Anyway, I'm finally getting on the plane.
I'm arriving tomorrow at 4pm,
want to come to the airport then?
Sure, I'll be there.
I should be there.
Hey, Lee Jong-su!
You're here!
I'll take that.
This is my one and only
friend, Lee Jong-su.
My name is Ben.
We are comrades of Nairobi
who spent an anxious three days
together in Nairobi Airport.
We were the only two Koreans.
I'm hungry.
I couldn't eat anything on the
plane because I was asleep.
I really want to go eat Korean food,
like beef tripe hot pot.
Does it have to be beef tripe hot pot?
I've had a strange craving for
beef tripe hot pot for a while.
I know the best beef tripe place in Seoul.
Jong-su, let's go eat beef tripe hot pot.
There he is.
Mhmm, I'm on my way.
On a friend's car.
A friend came to pick me up.
Yeah, I'm healthy.
I was born healthy.
Because of good DNAs.
That's crazy.
Why are you so innocent?
You're not so young, lady.
You should keep a record of that.
It's important for your personal history.
I miss you too.
I'll stop by this week.
Yes mom.
On the way to the Kalahari Desert,
there's this thing called a Sunset Tour.
They show you the sunset on the desert.
So I went,
and it just looked liked a parking lot.
Nothing there,
only a pile of trash from tourists.
Everyone else came there
as a group except me.
Being at that place made me feel so alone.
Why did I come, alone, all the way here?
But then the sun goes down.
On the endless sandy horizon
there's a sunset.
It started out orange,
and then blood red,
and purple, to navy blue...
Meanwhile it's getting darker
and the sunset is disappearing
and suddenly tears start to fall.
'Ah, it seems like I have reached
the end of the world.'
This thought came to my mind,
and I also wanted to
disappear like that sunset.
Dying is too scary,
so I wished I could disappear
like I never existed.
I'm so intrigued by people's tears.
Because I have never been in tears.
Maybe when I was very young,
but I have no memory of shedding tears.
That's really interesting.
But you must feel the emotion of sadness.
but since there's no tear as proof,
you wouldn't know if it is sadness.
Can I ask what you do for a living?
Just, this and that.
You probably wouldn't
know even if I tell you.
Simply put, it's playing.
Nowadays there's no distinction
between playing and working for me.
Can I ask which writer you like, Jong-su?
William Faulkner.
Ah, Faulkner.
When I read Faulkner's novels,
occasionally it feels like my own story.
Since I'm told you write novels,
I want to have a chat with you some time.
I want to tell you my story.
Isn't she cute?
When she's sleepy, she
falls asleep anywhere.
Doesn't even take 10 seconds.
Oh, you're here.
I parked the car in front of here.
Thank you.
One moment.
Did you get the car washed?
I've just followed you
straight from the airport.
Keep accelerating and braking
and accelerating and braking...
I'll go ahead.
Hae-mi, Hae-mi, wake up. Let's go home.
Should I take you back?
Go ahead, I have a long way to go.
Jong-su, it was nice to meet you.
Yes, me too.
Say something.
When you call, you should speak.
Who are you, why aren't
you saying anything, huh?
Defendant Name: Lee Yong-seok Address: 202-1, Manwoo-ri,
Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do ID number: 580621-1043418.
Dear Respected Judge, First I'd like to express my trust
and respect for your efforts towards judicial justice.
We are writing this petition to request the judge
shows mercy for the defendant Lee Yong-seok,
who was arrested and tried for obstruction of
official business, battery, and property damage.
Defendant Lee Yong-seok has been a
simple farmer and an amicable neighbor.
Excuse me.
No one's here, what's the matter?
What's the matter?
Is the mister not here?
What's the matter?
I'm here to get a signature
on the petition.
Not here.
Okay, I'll come later.
I actually don't know your father well.
He hasn't interacted much with us,
and he was a guy who always
did things on his own.
Mr. Mayor, this is just a petition.
There won't be any penalties.
See, here it says: "Lee Yong-seok
has been a simple farmer..."
and an amicable neighbor."
Honestly, he wasn't that amicable.
You write very well.
Mr. Mayor, there's a calf at my house,
is there someone who would buy it?
A cow?
Male or female?
Hmm, I'll look into it.
"This stop is Dongjak,
Seoul National Cemetery."
Is someone else here?
Jong-su, good to see you.
Hae-mi kept wanting to see you, Jong-su.
He was the one who wanted you to join.
Wasn't it hard finding this place?
No, I got here fine using my phone.
This is the area that he lives in.
Ah. It's pretty around here.
It's quiet.
Keep going.
He was reading my palm.
Hae-mi has something that's
different from others.
Like what?
Mmm... there's something in your heart.
A stone in your heart.
That stone is giving Hae-mi a hard time.
Because of that, you can't
enjoy anything you do 100%.
Because of that, you don't
find a tasty dish tasty.
You can't tell a guy you like
that you like him.
Then what should I do?
You have to take it out.
Want me to do that?
Can you take it out?
Just trust me.
Hold my hand.
Close your eyes.
Now open up your hand.
What is this?
What do you think, it's a stone!
I took it out of your heart.
Where did you get this stone?
I picked it up from that
flower bed earlier.
- To do this?
- Yeah.
- You brought it from there intentionally?
- Yeah.
It's fun.
I do anything as long as it's fun.
do you like pasta?
He says he'll cook us some
delicious pasta at home.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- How was your trip to the countryside?
- It was good.
Wow, you've got some skills!
I envy people who can cook well.
Jong-su, do you cook well too?
Well, I lived alone.
Only a few dishes though.
The reason I like to cook...
is because I can make whatever
I want and have in mind.
And even better, I get to eat it myself.
Like how humans offer sacrifice to God.
I create a sacrifice for myself and eat it.
A sacrifice?
The sacrifice is a metaphor, so to speak.
What is a metaphor?
You can ask Jong-su about metaphors.
do you know where the restroom is?
Ben, where's the restroom?
Towards the end of the hallway.
How much older is that guy than I am?
6 years? 7 years?
How does one live this way at that age?
Travel leisurely,
drive a Porsche,
cook pasta in the kitchen.
Maybe he's rich even though he's young.
He's the Great Gatsby.
What does that mean?
Don't know what he does, but he's rich...
Those mysterious young people.
There are too many Gatsbys in Korea.
Why do you think he's seeing you?
Have you thought about it?
He said he likes people like me.
Said it's interesting.
- Hello.
- Hello.
This is my new friend, Lee Jong-su.
He writes novels.
Oh, you're a writer.
I haven't published anything yet,
just practicing.
You're a writer if you write.
"Writer," a person who writes.
I was just asking.
I'll go ahead inside.
Me too.
I remember it clearly.
Bushmen make a bonfire in the
evening and dance around in a circle.
They've danced like that
since a long time ago.
The oldest and wisest
matriarch plays the drum,
and they dance to the rhythm.
In the beginning, the arms face the ground,
like this.
This is the dance of Little Hunger.
The dance of a hungry person.
And as you dance, the arms are raised up
towards the sky.
This is the dance of Great Hunger.
The dance seeking the meaning of life.
They continue this dance from early
evening to the middle of the night
where Little Hunger gradually
becomes Great Hunger.
This can't be expressed in words.
You have to see it with your own eyes.
Then you should show it to us yourself.
Try it, it looks fun.
Then I'll give it a try.
But I need a rhythm.
Everyone please clap.
Like this.
You're gradually becoming Great Hunger.
Little calf sitting on the stove
crying and crying
Aaaah-ha! Aaaah-ha!
My ass is too hot
Little calf sits on ice
crying and crying
Jong-su, where are you?
Are you home?
Yeah, I'm home.
- Right on!
- Why?
I thought you would be home.
You know, I'm going there
with Ben right now.
Here? Why?
We were driving past nearby,
I told him this is where I used to live
and he said he wants to visit.
We're on our way.
We'll arrive soon!
What is this sound?
Ah, this is North Korea's
broadcast for South Korea.
Over there it's North Korea.
Ah, interesting.
It's a pity that my old house is gone.
It was way over there.
There's no trace of it.
Also saw that the well isn't
there anymore either.
There used to be a well next to my house.
I fell into it when I was young.
Do you remember?
You fell into the well?
How old were you?
Seven years old maybe?
I was playing alone when I fell in there,
so I cried for hours looking up
from the bottom of the well.
I was so scared, thinking I would
die if no one finds me,
but just then I saw your face.
Jong-su found me at the
time and I was rescued.
But you don't even remember it.
We bought some food.
It feels just like coming to my house.
My old house.
The atmosphere isn't bad.
Other than a bit of cow dung smell.
It's nice.
Today might be the best day.
I feel like smoking weed, want to join?
I keep laughing when I smoke that.
I hate my dad.
My dad has anger issues.
He always has anger in his heart
that explodes like a bomb.
Once it explodes, everything breaks apart.
That was also why my mom left us siblings
and ran away from home.
The day mom left home,
I burned my mom's clothes.
Made a fire in the yard.
My dad made me do it.
To burn them with my own hands.
I still dream about what happened then.
I sometimes burn greenhouses.
What did you say?
I said I sometimes burn greenhouses.
My hobby is to burn greenhouses.
I pick an old greenhouse abandoned
in the fields and burn it.
Once about every two months?
I think that's the best pace.
For me.
So you burn someone else's greenhouse?
Of course it belongs to someone else.
It's technically a crime.
Just like how you and I
are smoking marijuana.
An evident crime.
But it's really simple.
Pour some gasoline and toss in a match -
It takes less than ten minutes
to burn down completely.
As if it had never existed
in the first place.
You can make it disappear.
What if you get caught?
You will never get caught.
Korean police don't care
about those things.
In Korea, there are so many greenhouses.
Useless and dirty eyesores of greenhouses.
It feels like they're just
waiting for me to burn them.
And I look at the burning greenhouse
and feel euphoria.
When it happens, I feel right here,
a pulse right here.
A pulse that resonates deep down my bones.
Are you the one who decides
if it's useless and unnecessary?
No, I don't make judgments.
I just accept it,
the fact that they're waiting to be burned.
It's something like rain.
It rains.
The river rises,
it floods,
people get swept away.
Does the rain judge?
There's no right or wrong there,
only the morality of nature.
The morality of nature...
is like simultaneous existence.
Simultaneous existence?
I'm here, and I'm there.
I'm in Paju, and I'm in Banpo.
I'm in Seoul, and I'm in Africa.
Something like that.
That kind of balance.
When was the last time you burned?
Let's see, it was right
before going to Africa...
So about two months.
Which means it's time to burn.
Presumably the next greenhouse to be
burned has already been selected.
Yes, it's been selected.
A very good one to burn.
It should be fun burning,
it's been a while.
Actually, I came here today
as a preliminary visit.
Preliminary visit...
So it's nearby?
It's close to here.
Very, very close.
I love Hae-mi.
Fuck, I said I love Hae-mi!
This tree has grown a lot.
Why do you take your clothes
off so easily in front of men?
Only prostitutes take off
their clothes like that.
I'll have to pay attention
to greenhouses from now on.
One that's very close.
"The number cannot be reached. You will be connected to
voicemail after the tone. Calling rates will apply."
let's talk.
Come in.
Here, come this way.
Count from left to right.
- One.
- Two.
- Three. - Four. - Five.
- Six. - Seven. End of count.
Number one, where do you live?
In Paju City. Five minutes from here.
- Can you work night shifts or overtime?
- Yes I can.
Number two, where do you live?
I live in Bucheon.
How will you commute
between here and Bucheon?
Wouldn't it take two hours?
No, it's possible -
Number three, where do you live?
Number three, where do you live?
- Well, number four.
- Yessir.
Where do you live?
I live in Munsan.
- Can you work night shifts or overtime?
- Yes I can.
'Goyang-Paju Map'
'Shin Hae-mi'
"The number cannot be reached. You will be connected to
voicemail after the tone. Calling rates will apply."
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm just looking.
"The power is off. You will be connected to voicemail
after the tone. Calling rates will apply."
Hae-mi, Hae-mi? Shin Hae-mi!
What's wrong?
I can't get in touch with Hae-mi.
I have to go inside.
I need to feed the cat.
He might starve to death.
What cat?
You're not allowed to have cats here.
Nah, there is a cat.
I fed it a few times and everything.
You have a masterkey, don't you?
Still, you can't just ask
me to unlock the door.
Nowadays you can get in big
trouble if you're not careful.
Where's the cat?
Looks like she's away for
traveling or something.
The room is all neat and tidy.
Hae-mi isn't one to clean up...
I don't think she's traveling.
Hello, welcome everyone.
Welcome to Yeoju Grain Festival.
Even though they look
that way on the outside,
you never know what they're dealing with.
Many of them have credit card debt,
and because of the debt they just run away.
Shin Hae-mi too, one day her phone is off.
Actually, women have so many
things to spend money on.
It's hard being a woman.
You put on make-up, they criticize
you for having make-up.
You don't put on make-up,
they criticize you for not doing it.
If your clothes are a bit
revealing, they criticize you.
If you dress down,
they criticize you for dressing down.
Have you heard of the phrase?
"No country for women"?
Yeoju Grain Festival!
Come in quickly and hope you
enjoy the festival more than ever.
If you come now, we have a variety
of activities ready for you!
Excuse me.
Her name is Shin Hae-mi.
She doesn't show up nowadays.
I can't contact her either.
What brought you here?
I was passing by because of work
and spotted your car.
I wanted to check, and it's you indeed.
Is that right?
Sit down for a moment.
Why not?
Should I order something?
No, it's fine.
I have to go back soon.
Are you still writing that novel?
I do try to write it.
You told me before that you like Faulkner,
So I also wanted to read it.
By the way, I was wondering
about something.
What happened to the greenhouse?
You still remember that.
I burned it, of course.
Burned it clean.
I told you I will burn it.
Was it near my house?
Of course.
Very close to your house.
'Collected Stories of William Faulkner'
That day... after I went there...
a day or two later.
That's odd.
After you visited, I checked every morning.
I checked every single
greenhouse around my house.
You checked the greenhouses every day?
Every single one.
If one really did get burned
I couldn't have missed it.
Yet you still missed it.
It can happen.
Probably because it was too close.
That's really odd.
If it's too close, you might not see it.
I'm sorry.
I'm late.
Something suddenly came up in the shop.
It drove me crazy!
It's okay.
But I'm afraid I don't have time
for coffee since it's late.
Are you able to reach Hae-mi by any chance?
I can't get in touch with her for a month.
Right? I can't reach her either.
Hae-mi just... disappeared like smoke.
Is there anything Hae-mi told you?
Like what?
Like, that she wants to go traveling, or...
I don't know, but she probably
hasn't gone traveling.
She doesn't have the money to travel.
As far as I know, Hae-mi
is completely broke.
She isn't in touch with her
family, and she has no friends.
Hae-mi is a lonelier girl than she appears.
But Jong-su, do you know?
Hae-mi thought of you in a special way.
She told me.
That you're the only person
she trusts in this world.
That you'll always be on her side.
As I was listening to her saying that,
I was suddenly getting jealous.
When I've never been jealous my whole life.
Aren't you Jong-su?
You're right!
You look exactly the same
as when you were young.
Hope you've been well.
How did you come here?
Did Hae-mi send you?
With Hae-mi...
I'm sure you didn't come
here by coincidence.
Go ahead and eat.
Su-jin must be married by now.
Yes, she has a child too.
Do you keep in touch with your mother?
I feel like Hae-mi sent you here,
but please tell Hae-mi
she can't come back home before
paying off her credit card debt.
By any chance...
do you remember Hae-mi falling
into the well when she was young?
The well?
That happened?
When Hae-mi was seven,
she fell into the well.
She cried for hours at
the bottom of the well.
She only looked up while she was crying,
hoping someone would show up.
Only looking at the round sky.
I was imagining how Hae-mi
might have felt at that time.
That never happened.
If it did, how would we not know?
Did Hae-mi say that?
She's good at making up stories.
There was no well next to our house.
Hello Mr. Mayor!
Hi there.
- I have something to ask you.
- Sure.
Was there a well in the
past here by any chance?
A well?
A well deep enough for
a person to fall into.
I'm not sure.
I don't seem to recall a well like that.
Through Him, with Him, and in Him
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all honor and glory is yours,
Almighty Father, for ever and ever.
Amen, Amen, Amen
Why do you say those things to cousins?
- They look alike.
- He shouldn't look like me.
- The two look alike.
- They really do.
They say you can't deceive blood.
He should look like his
father, not his uncle.
What are you watching?
- Dinosaurs!
- Dinosaurs? Whoa!
You're Jong-su, right?
It's mom.
Came to my house, called me so many times.
Even came to the department store
restroom I'm working at right now,
in pitch black clothes!
Just like a Grim Reaper.
All that for 5,000,000 wons.
If I was just a little younger,
I would have sold an organ or something.
If it wasn't this bad,
why would I tell all this
seeing my son after 16 years?
I'll do it for you.
I said I'll resolve the issue for you.
Don't worry.
Do you have money?
What money would you have?
You know how Hae-mi's house used
to be around the center of the village.
Was there a well at their house?
A well?
a dry well without water.
Hae-mi said she fell into the well once.
I don't know about that,
but there was a well indeed.
What's the matter?
Jong-su, where are you?
In Gangnam.
Where in Gangnam?
Let's see...
I thought this car looked familiar.
It indeed is you, Jong-su.
What brings you here?
To see me?
I have something to tell you, about Hae-mi.
You should have called me then.
Let's go inside.
You're here anyway, let's talk inside.
Park the car in my parking lot.
"Going up."
My friends and I are having dinner
and drinks later at my place.
You can join, Jong-su.
They're the ones you met
last time, it's fine.
"4th floor."
Is it like a party?
Less of a party,
more of a gathering.
A comfortable gathering.
If there's going to be a lot of guests
you must have a lot to prepare.
It's like a potluck party,
so each person will bring food.
I only have to prepare drinks
and simple appetizers.
Someone was supposed to
come earlier to help out
but they're late.
What is this sound?
Ah, there's a cat.
There wasn't one last time.
Yeah, I brought in a stray cat recently.
Looked so cute.
He does look very cute.
Do you like cats?
What's his name?
Not yet.
It's surprisingly hard
to come up with a name.
What kind of novel do you write, Jong-su?
May I ask?
I still don't know what kind
of novel I should write.
To me...
the world is an enigma.
I need to use the bathroom...
I'm sorry!
I wanted to come early.
Why did you bring so many things?
Well I was buying this and that...
You need to close the door,
the cat will go out.
Oh my god, the cat went out, I'm sorry!
Oh my god, what should I do?
What do you mean, go get him quickly.
Where did you go?
Where did you go kitty?
Stay still.
Come here.
Hey kitty.
Wow, caught the cat!
That's amazing.
How did you catch him so easily?
He's very swift.
Can I hold it just once?
Hey, what made you come greet us?
I decided to come out.
With the cat.
- Hello.
- Oh, you're here?
- Hello.
- Hello.
- You changed your car.
- Yeah.
When the Chinese give you
money, they throw it at you.
Like this.
Why so?
To them, money is dirty.
You know how we cherish money.
But they treat money more recklessly.
Maybe it's because of strong self-esteem.
Chinese people have really
strong self-esteem.
They crumple up bills
and give it like, "One, two,
three, four, whatever, take this."
The Chinese are similar to Americans.
We mistakenly think we'd be alike
because of the Confucian culture.
In what way?
They're a continent.
That's right.
They always focus on themselves.
We always worry about
what others are thinking.
You're talking about yourself.
They demand for samples and
whatnot so confidently.
You know how street shops
just give them out.
But at our duty-free store we only
give them if you buy an expensive product.
Even if I clearly say "No," "No samples,"
they always stand in front
of me and say "Yes," "Yes."
'You have it, give it to
me since you have it!'
But honestly, I'd like
to date a Chinese guy.
Go for it then.
Chinese guys take good care of women.
They cherish women.
So Chinese people cherish
women, rather than money.
Yes, they throw money...
- Hope they throw money.
- Throw that money my way.
Hey, what's cash, they
should throw credit cards.
And then cherish women.
Korean men don't even enter the kitchen.
So true, so true.
What kitchen?
Oh yeah, he will enter the kitchen.
What do you do in the kitchen?
In the kitchen, I mainly... eat.
I like to eat.
You eat too much, watch your weight.
Does it show?
No, you're fine.
Jong-su, why are you leaving?
Why don't you chat and hang out longer?
Didn't you say you came here
to say something about Hae-mi?
I don't think I need to
talk about it anymore.
Jong-su, I think you're too serious.
It's no fun if you're serious.
Have fun.
You should feel the pulse... from here.
It resonates from deep down your bones.
That's what being alive is.
This case concerns the defendant who committed violence against
a public official who imposed administrative sanctions
and the nature of the crime is very poor.
Special obstruction of
official business, battery,
property damage, all ruled guilty.
Regarding the victim's thumb fracture
which requires 6 weeks of recovery,
although the defendant claims
that battery was unintentional,
since he wielded a chair
resulting in property damage
and causing injury in the process,
there is no doubt in ruling it as battery.
The defendant has not
settled with the victim,
the victim wishes punishment
upon the defendant,
and there has been previous
punishment for a similar case.
Considering these points,
the court deems a corresponding
punishment to be necessary,
and will sentence the defendant
according to the conclusion.
The court sentences the defendant to
one year and six months in prison.
This ends the sentence.
Go in!
Oh, good girl.
She's saying something.
There are a lot of greenhouses around here.
Where's Hae-mi?
You said you wanted to see me with Hae-mi.
You didn't come with Hae-mi?