Beowulf (2007)

I come for peace
Give me peace my reyna
My beautiful reyna
The is called Mr. of the death
It will be accepted as the only God
My fans, my beautiful fans
One year ago they made me
their king
We take place tonight
and a new home
Majestic and beautiful
We will share the gold
and the treasure
And this it should be a place
of happiness and fornication
Until the end of the time
I name him...
A place full with virgins
And this to make honors
Where demons these
bastard's piece
here my king
They come here
The king is not a king
Not it is of the reyna type
The king of many battles
These stealing
these stealing?
As you dare to make me that
A sword!
Give me a sword!
Fight with me!
Fight with me!
It fights with me damned
That that was?
That you have made?
Man... destination
He/she has left many
good boy
Men... there is another fire
This but there of everything
And he/she burns until the death
Seal all the doors and windows
For the king's order... there won't be
any sin
He/she comes to see me
It looked for me until the place
but deep of the island
To the one that discovers it I will give him/her
half of my reyno and 20 men
The king knows that people
it would be sacrificed but
he/she knows, for their pleasure...
... he/she will live in big
Jesus Christ perhaps can
to cure our afflictions
The God won't make anything
we are us alone
What we need is a hero
Do they come it to come?
As soon as they see it they shoot
I don't see anything but that
the wind in the rain
We are lost
They will see my friends
They can take me until the moon
The storm this worse one my Lord
I was never so sure
These demons didn't leave us
If we win we will eat
Who are?
They are dressed as warriors
He/she speaks or I will cross you
We are navigating...
I am Beowulf
Son of...
We come to see your king
for friendship
He/she said that they have a mounstro here
They said that their lands
they are damned
Who says it?
I have seen the king in lands ejanas
-Not hy shame for those demons
-I Am Beowulf
And I came to kill to your mounstro
We have already had silly many heroes
that they come and they die for gold
If we die...
it will be for glory
not for gold
There are warriors out... thieves
-One of them calls you Beowulf and he/she said...
Where these?
You are welcome, son
How this your partner?
I thought that it would have been different
It was a very valiant man
I can ask for that
veniste to us?
I came to kill their mounstro
He/she said that he/she was a friend
of you
You should be a man very
brave to come
Many have attempted it
but in the morning
Not there is anything but that
bleed that to clean of the floor
And in the things...
and in the walls
I come of...
... anything
But I will kill their mounstro
He will kill our mounstro
do laud scucharon?
Grendel will die
-The mounstro calls herself Grendel
Then I will kill their Grendel
Me Beowulf, I will cure those
wounded of their peace
I will cross the skulls of
their suffering
And never but there will be bad
A hero! Wise that would need
a hero
You will go to their cave and you will kill
to the mounstro?
I have 14 people with me
We come from the distant sea
And it is a difficult moment
Powerful Hrothgar
Liberate them to all and
give them their food
And the beast and their legendary myths
that myth has been sealed
for their own hand
Many have called
to the devil Grendel
Open the warehouse and let us drink
Not cause but problems
Allow me to assist this
-I have been 5 days waiting this
-5 days?
In the name of my Lord
I am afire
Beowulf, there these
He/she spoke of your friend
You killed them when they were
in their beds
I have painted something for your father
This sword belonged me
I see that that already the wise ones hey
Great Oh Bewulf comes to survive
We are very grateful,
powerful Beowulf
... tonight we have one
great question
There was another Beowulf, they told me
That I challenge to the powerful one
in open sea
Were you your?
I swimed in that moment
Because I thought that he/she would have
that to be a different Beowulf
somebody but of the same age
Truth, Beowulf of the one that
I have heard
You swimed against Luckart
and you lost
He/she takes a risk their life and courage
to serve their own one
vanity and pride
Peel for food
And it lost, so...
... I thought that taenia that
to be somebody but
Swim against Braveckard
But the victory was not yours
A powerful warrior
that nisiquiera can win...
... a swimmer
I speak alone for myself
Alone to have the doubt
Against Grendel, I doubt that you can
hardly to stay the whole night in their burrow
Difficult encounter to argue
with a drunkard
But it is true
Not I won the career
We swim per days
Certainly my force you finishes
When marine mounstros came
Time and again, attack
to the mounstro
I cut...
.. that beast with my sword
I spread it for the ocean
Then he/she saw me as
one of his
And it submerged me
Kill to the mounstro with
my own sword and...
... among until their heart
And those marine mounstros
And you killed the... that it was?
But, if you make me the honor
of telling me your name
I am Unferth son of Wiglaf
Unferth... son of Wiglof
You who you are?
They say that you killed your siblings
and until to your mother
I have another truth that to tell you
If you were so strong
as you say
Grendel would not dare
to enter with your people
And to put an end to your lineage
Tonight, we will be different
Tonight we will fight
Not comoe ste
As your
It is the spirit of Beowulf
It is the spirit that we need
Then you killed my Grendel
Let us drink
Let us take place
For the murders that you/they will come
They come with me, I want to show you something
It is... beautiful
It is the best in my treasure
I brought it of my battle
with the dragon
Me cost almost the life
It is here where conquered
the throat
With a sword
It is the only way
of killing a dragon
I wonder how many men they have
died by the love to the beauty
Can you make it?
If you destroy my Grendel
She will be forever yours
And forever
You make me a great honor
Single wait the honor
It is alone a wolf,
he/she doesn't know neither of where he/she comes
No, we will be here
I promise it
We go, it will be a transport
to the paradise
Where nobody but it rots to satisfy you
-I sit down it
-We go
-Certainly I don't want
-for that not?
Not we can sleep, the mounstro
it arrived in any moment
That you find something quick?
Your partner
This old one
He/she needs to sleep
They come my beautiful one
In a moment
They come, we have to leave
Don't play me
It is the spirit, lover
My Lord
Maybe their majesty wanted
to stay a moment but
before retiring
It is it less than I can make
Beowulf, not you,
I will see you in the morning
And aegurate that your
I equip it assures the doors
good night
I have seen the mounstro, I am sure
that their imagination should be flying
That fu... beautiful
-It will be a long night, their majesty
The demon is the shame
of my husband
Not it is a shame... it is
a madicin
No... shame
My husband knows it
Without children
And you don't have anything but
that to speak
There he/she comes, I saw it
That they make?
It is said that without swords neither armor
and I have a weapon that
it is the but important
We will fight like equal
Closed the ten
we will be prepared
Too many here
This is the moment
The warriors should be clever
Good night Wiglaf
-That we should make while?
-Sing... high
They already listened to it
It should be my candy...
My Lord
Patience, my lord
I am the thief of the darkness
The tiranod and the night
The force, the power
I am Beowulf
The beast has left
Beowulf has won
My Lord, Beowulf has killed
to the demon
He/she hears my prayers
That he/she expands the word
Today will be a day of glory
The nightmare has finished
They come to the bed
I am the king and I need a son
They come to fulfill your duty
As he/she could live with you
knowing that you live for her
God willing he/she had never told it to you
My poor son
They paid it
Who was?
They were warring valiant
-Until they found their death
-They were conquered by a ferocious creature
Of the prisons of the hell
They will always have their glory
They come
Abrazemos their memory
I want that your you make it first
Not I have humor for that
I have finished here as warrior
We will even live tomorrow
Or not?
This has been an entire sadness
In front of us it has been patient
hugging the death
But today...
The mounstro reyno
it has finished
I kill to the mounstro with
their own hands
-I wonder like it will be to be among those hands
-And their legs also
I am sure that you can discover it
Me? Not I am me, my reyna
zQuiero that you make the honors
For you my Lord
He/she would want them to have me
seen last night
when I conquered to the mounstro
He/she was sleeping when it arrived
And I said... I am Beowulf!
Valiant thief
My reyna
I love you
I want you to be my king
Alone your, my hero
Not I understand
Where this your husband
This is a dream
This is alone a dream
am I a dream?
Give me a boy
Take as your...
Your you brought them the death
It is your blame
-Not it was Grendel
-Was grendel not?
Then who?
Their mother
Grendel that killed
And their mother, they have been in
the Earth a long time ago
How many mounstros should I kill?
The mother of Grendel, the father?
The uncle of Grendel
Maybe this the whole family tree
of demons?
Until half night, the demon
he/she sleeps in that cave
And the mother's couple...
... where the father is
of Grendel?
The Father of Grendel is not
but that a man
I made a mistake when doubting
of you before
and I won't make it another time
The value is yours
I request you you forgive me
He/she takes my sword, it belonged
to my father's father
He/she calls himself Grantin
That sword is not anything
against the magic of the demons
Lament to have doubted
Lament to have mentioned
to your siblings
They were dirty words
... he/she can that he/she doesn't return
Your ancestral sword you anger with me
Whenever this with you
It will never be lost
And your... powerful Wiglaf
Do you even continue with me?
Until the end
he/she looks
It is the demon's earth
-don't come closer too there
-him you
while this with you... well
allow me
I see that you brought me a treasure
Show you
Are you the call Beowulf?
Beowulf... barbarian
You are a very strong man
With the force of a king
The king in the one that one day
you will become
Your that you know about my?
Him you, this under
of your gamour
You are so mounstro, as my son
My glamour!
My nephew Grendel
He/she would transform into king
A man like your
He/she could have the adult
treasure never seen
Your history will always live
With all those that
they met you I live
Be powder
A lot of time has passed
Since they came to see me
I need my sword paa to kill you
Undoubtedly you know me
You removed me a son
Give me a son
Stay with me
Love me
Love me
And I will show you something
but there of the imagination
I will make you the but big king
That he/she has never lived
Provided me abrazes
with your art
With this golden Horn
Be immaculate
You will always be a king
For always strong
And all powerful one
I promise it to you
I swear him to you
My lord
This dead one
When it finishes with the
mother mounstro of Grendel
I said that he/she would make it
The curse has been lit
The curse has been lit
The curse has been lit
remove it of my view
Bury him in the sea
Insert my weapon...
In the mother's chest
of Grendel
And with my sword him
liberate of the curse
The creature requested me for her life
and I crossed my sword for their chest
And it perished
Now our people will be
grateful with you
He/she came, my Lord
-The Golden Horn... do you have it?
Wise that taenia that to leave it
It was this way like it happened
The same as the majestic sword
They have left
Then another hero will come
my love
first, we should speak
the hero and me
You brought the head of Grendel...
... and the mother's head?
With her nobody survived
Not it is enough with returning
with the head of a mountro?
Did you kill her?
Does he/she want to listen my history?
That mounstro suffered
She is not this way, Beouwlf
both we know it
But respond me... the matste?
Would he/she have been able to escape?
If he/she had not made it?
Grendel is dead
it is what I care
It didn't bother me but
The mother... it is not my curse
no longer
no longer
Listen to me
listen to me
Because that my Lord Beoulf
it is a magestuoso hero
Because the one killed the demon Grendel
And I leave their mother in the hell
Because I don't have...
... I don't have descending
I declare that all my power
all that I possess
my reyno
my home
Without sadness neither shame
Even my adorable reyna
My Wealthow
I leave it to this our hero
-But my Lord
-I have spoken
I have spoken
I declare that Beoulf, be a king!
He/she should have fallen
It releases Life to the king Beowulf
Oh grandiose king Beouwlf
Not it is a battle of glory
It is an insult
The destination doesn't favor
to the heroes, my Lord
-Neither we can get rid
-It should have something but
as you can accuse yourself
Your you don't have mounstros
He/she can that now we don't have mounstros
The time of the heroes
this dead
The humanity is not even anything but that...
... we have been martyrs
The fear, the verguenza
You believe that you are better than the other ones
Get up quick
Kill me yourself
The king won't enter in problems
-Already you angers, quick
My Lord, the king doesn't should
to be in direct battle
That he/she gets up
As you call yourself and for that
you call me Beowulf
You believe that it would owe marte
That there is freedom
and freedom with your name
My king
and my name will always be ecordadopor
alone if you kill me
The gods cannot die
for the sword
the God don't rot to be cursed
Put your axe here
Nobody kills me... Kill me!
don't rot to kill me my friend
I died many years ago
when it was young
Envuenlo to house, has
a history that to count
you know, when I was young
he/she thought that the being king
it was not but that to fight
to savor the skin of the women
in the night
anything is as good as
it should be
does nisiquiera swim a beautiful woman?
-He/she will come tomorrow
-Your angers?
that if it gave up the darkness
for an Earth
Originalmentre you them erporta
to the sea
my husband
celebreraremos the glory of their reyno
I have something for the tree
-that it is?
-I said, I bring something for the king
I bring something that the king
necesuta verar
my Lord, this he/she is the slave
that he/she found it
In the forest
I swear him
you look at yourself
you are not anything
come closer and show you
to who you want that it kills first?
to your beautiful wife.
that you are?
he/she has many but
they come but followed
the king has maybe lost
the conscience?
Or if?
I believe that he/she even has
it thrills in their body
that it passed us?
to my secrets
Or God, help us
-do tell me that this made?
-he/she made it a dragon
-I saw it their majesty, vomiting guego
-damned it is
your you dressed the demon
the golden horn has returned to you
The agreement has finished
Who that said?
I saw it while my family
it was burnt alive!
the father's sins
do you want him to go with you?
a lot of time has passed
He/she leaves alone my earth
It is too much afternoon, my Lord
I told you that it had happened a lot
time without heroes
Not this time, friend
Your you are Beowulf
this it is not the end of your life
do you listen?
Not I listen anything
The mother of Grendel...
the mother's son
You killed their mother
When young eras
It is too much afternoon for lies
Wiglaf... very late
It was... the but brave of all
He/she was a prince
Their glories
Their name... he/she will live forever
Their song will be sung forever